HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-12-29, Page 3With WHERE NATURE i 1ilE t�lOF pti tGCae
:ti eel i Ciassttteei
PLA eelet PLANO I Oii Shirfolz..
Order in Rare Cases Does Back- 1). 14, 1'EAXER elIANO IN GOOD.
Kidney Trouble.music roils, for sale at. a bargain.
L. Costello, 7B West Adelaide Street,
N . Fvery muscle of the body needs con_ • Toronto,
condition, with a large neraber of
--- bobs Mean Ki
DU I stoutly a supply of rich, red blood in
$' 1 proportion to the woe* it does. The
=melee of tbe beck are under a heavy i a KiNDSb'NDIV AND USED.'
A short time ago the Rotarians of strain and have but little rest. then belting. pulleys. saws, cable,ilose,paeiking.
n,.,e„ Solute ;,to„o a f„ fin,, address r .�. n r 'ccr� rr+_- _ .. ete-. shipped subieet to a proval at lowest
at ote of their wed to meetings, de ". •,...� S.pri..g" "-'•. -"^ ._T_ __� h .-._, _.,_--.-_...- - prices in Canada, YORI BJi LTING CP.
mead, and tale result is a .sensation of tea YORK, STRE T. TORONTO,
livered by liar. Frank G, Irwin, assists HOle$ iiia VOLcsanee Area. 'pain in those muscles. some people
ant provincial HELP tvANprovincial commissioner of 1 thin.; pain in the back mesas kidney °
Take Place of Goal:* _ _ . ..� ...
Boy Scouts Assoeiation. Mr, Irwin and
I trouble, but the best medical walled. Avik;s VA:;=*1 - O DO I! . XN
a number of the local Scout leaders Italy and its geographical neighbor- ° and iieht sewing at borne, whole .or
= ties agree that backache seldom or spare time; good pay•wgrk sent any
were the gitesta of alae. club. Follow hood comprise a eeleaule area within., never liar an tlixu to do with the kid- dibtarcel enars s katd: Send bti,5Y1xY or
ing tire address a number of Rotarians welch plutonic manifestatioias are by ; y g ' Corticulars, l`etcona
volunteered to become interested in no means restricted to Versuvrus, M1 hays. Organic kidney disease may : C., Montreal
have progressed to a critical point `
the Boy Scout movement in their 10- Stromboli and Etna—the three "burn- without developing a pain in the back.
caftty and the club itself, will give the tug mountains so conspicuously as- This being the case, Dalai in the back When R comes
erovenieut hearty support, sociated with the history- of the Medi- ^ sliouid a1 aye lead the sufferer to look Im s to a cluestaon of trust
Medi -
In his address Mr. Irvin reviewed terranean, ' to the condition of his blood. It will Yourself
the splendid work accomplished by therth of _ to the visile of the road,
Boy Scouts and told of some of their' thereThus
in vnallley, , outhuscany oof the ec eut Dr. be f Wiliame' Pink ound in wog sPills tes that obuildup when the thing is the sharing of bur,
war -time activities, He referred es- Etruscan city of V 1terra, where for the blood will stop the sensation ai deur, at
peetally to the flue results obtained in a distance of thirty miles the land -q pain in the ill -nourished muscles or; the The hour
tpe it of trial, a load,
Pentane. where the Scouts lead a coarct sc:ipe derive, picturestxueness items ; back. Hon much better it is, to fay In the hour or peri. or ttial,
munaty hall and where the movementn tiae T e1 you meet as you can
many- balling springs and "pulling , Tia: Williams'' reek Pills for tate blood You may safely depend on the wisdom
had resulted In a much better feeling litotes" that emit steam. thait to give way to unreasonable
=D g the Protestants acid Catholics: ae i , 1stsayt a ;And .hilt of the average mom.
a t'gi s h _t tiieaze pairing ; alarm about your kisn,eys. If you sass -
A Soft Answer.
New office boy: A man craned here
to thrash you a few minutes ago.
Editor: What did you say to Wm?
New officeboy: 1 told him 1 was
sorry you weren't in.
"What .do ,you thinkV said a littl(
1 lttanufactur1ng • boy to his mother""my teacher has
The Average Man,
et that torvai. The boy, had taken au! h i
go down to great depots in' Pect your kidueys. any
i s s granite strata. where excee ng y g.
celebration n there last .ununer
volcanic temperatures prevail. The° set your rears at rest, ar toll rota 'the
The members or the Rotary Club are °worst. But In any event to be per-
right behind' the movement, as boy
1°riltt;s of boiling water, from the ip
v;c.:arlt i, one of the Most important a ltir source, contain much bobs acid, ° Leetly healthy you must keep file
4, blooda a this
in good ca ditto ud for Zeas
ditties of ,_. ,114 Boy and for ;a century past floe}' have yield-,
s a. n,a
aei is ehhentiadylbtlyh'a orad Scuuti ed commercial supplies of that .pro -e Purpose no other medicine can equal
k + • s * duet in such quantity that a great dens i De. Williams Pink k'lile.
The following editorial le clipped has been available for export An; You can get these Pills through any
Mean engineer named Glossal coni dealer in medielne, or by mail at 6.0
trent the ll::lifax Herald; « cams a boa: or six boxes for $2.54 from.
Thio happened in a Barrington "'yeti. the idea of drilling deep hoist i x
Street. rt•.taatrant yesterday. A little In the vicinity of the springs, and The .. D x. Williams'
]Medicine Co,, Brock-
gi.utlercau of about twelve years of thereby developing new Dues, It was a rifle, Out,
age wa+s noticed Balding a swinging
Barnett out very successfully: but 1t 1
door t.ireu for an cid lady, When she cost the unfortunate man his life. He
Lea e r se;l out to the sidewar;;, leer , fell into one of his artificial aipi Zngss
'•t tee vatic to it that sail: wise guided and waspar-boiled before lie Could be
important art in the Tercentenary i a es dactar :41111
am 'Tis the average man a:a4 uo other
P i' di I high make tests in ten xninute� float will
Suspended Ferry Carries
Trade Across River.
serent beat,+s and into an automobile) dragged out, A novel hied of bridge for trans,
r: :elle.; :.t the eerie Profitable Industry, I Porting pedestrians and vehicles
One did Rat need to be told that the The scheme was treveloped by his' anross y river, without ie erierinla In
ittio> 1 1'ot. w;i:; at Boy Scout., Ile .did' sltceessor5, and very profitable. gre.'tt"any way with the passage of hat rfg-
a t :tve any di-titil;u •laiaag badge' quantities of the bone acid being sold " fied ocean-going shipping;,, is In opera.
"aa,, ia'l he hattl left hi, "•ls.tdeu-i to the Prowl* glass factorit:.. It was tion at the town of Newport, Eng.. on
m its
P,. llll'" a snails ,- bat he bud Bey! then a inuela scarcer ane more costly uuettoe vn wither kthe Severn,, tour eQn c oaxut
S, s rt urh1 - ail over Win. product then it is to -day. The simple,. of the steepness at tlxe hanks, the
1 .a^,4• „ a °e nowt in the nataicing, ,Weans adopted for obtaining it was tai great rise and fall of the tides. the
tee; i- r. , tl, t t►o;;� 18. And if for no, evaporate the water In huge caldrons,: leaglh of the scan, and the height of
Oils': re-.,, a..l thins t ti, ressi u supplied weed providing the requisite fuel.
flea t.a=la twat delae,htfai little lecladeut, increasing scareity at wood made! headway needed, any ordinary hind of
r tete-toile' tliaatld . hack the lloy that process too expensive, and in 1527 - bridge was impracticable. and there-
to, 1;1 : t. „- w nt with evtv'y meatn; iu a Freneliman, Comte Francois ole /Are fore this special kind, called a trans-
tlerel, bit upon the clever notion of :paster bridge was erected.
using the steam frons the puffing boles . The stationary members of the
<'112 i,A.-is ,;. ,wt n ,•er amain' the or-- to furnish heat, dispensing with fuel bridge conbank sist of a pair of supporting
fi t.a.,:;etc er lacy St e'al :11141 V elf Cub alt:ogcther, Tae water required for ` totters, 242 ft, high, an each of
(Juei:.t „esnt.1 I°at'ke can be local upon evaporation was drawn from the the river. These carry two trussed
fL3p hese +,a: 10 the Plied Department of springs into immense pal.., of lead, be girders, 16 It deep and 3f ft. twin
the ley Set leve; Nest e:;ttlot, ltetiagitar- neath which the steam was coneucted ce.atre to centre, across the span of
te.a. Item and. Sllerbourne Streets, , , foo ft. The total clearance from
It pipes. Production n 0,0 tliatons f. high-water level to the underside of
'l.,li,.i.t r. jumped to more than 8,000 ton of
- baric acid a year
. Th
e industry the span is 177 it. The horizontal
-, abraudet into being a number of towns trussed girders are tied together and
. hence Cones the Oceans and villages in a region which a few braced as iu any ordinary bridge span,
Salt? years earlier bad been uninhabited.' anti their 15.tbottom chortle forma Haack,
Among the most important centre of in each case, for 115 wheels on either
it at the present time are the towns of side or its web. These wheels are car-
Larderello, Serrazano and Lustignano, ried on :steel brackets, white, aro part
A few years ago it occurred to the of a large travelling frame, 104 ft.
long, which forms the means 0f trans -
tine leitete
It Wie lose teen an ne opted theory.
that the ocean derived its salt from
the reeks of the land. Rivers carry
saltsalt to the sea, together with other
gals, and there it has aevumulated engll:eers an charge: at this picture, qu.: tortating a suspended platform or car-
tlt,a.o l. 'Pili.. mere the ag'rt: may to . ent(litri: e that steamfrown Umpuffing 1 tier. The travelling frame is propele-
th amen ,lilt, gis eediu n cidoride, holes night he turned to profitable ac- ed by a continuous cable driven by a
an element so far essential to the, count for power purposes. Engines drum in connection with two 35 -hp.
were insttllled, and thane svgs such electric motors in the power house
disappointment when it was found near Dna end of the bridge.
that the mineral salts contained in the
vapor attacked the metal or the ma-
chinery so injuriously that it soon re-
fused to operate.
heath of the human body that we
c,auld not survive without it. It is
table salt, lacking which most of our
footle 'would taste fiat and insipid.
Sea water contains ether salts, not-
ably those of magnesium and potas-
sium, boor of which, like sodium, are
nlctalh. It is a fluid of very complex This difficulty, however, was event-
itemi e,al make-up, containing even ually overcome by the adoption of
Replaceable . percentages of gold and means whereby the vapor was put
silver. Which, of course, is what might through a preliminary process of puri-
be expected in view of the contribu flcatian, the salts being removed from
tions of land -detritus by the rivers. it, Turbine engines were installed,
But now a new theory is being put and now a first-class electrical plant
forward, based -upon the alleged fact is supplying Volterra and other towns
that the salts of the sea do not corres- -with current, the power being derived
pond quantitatively to the salts of the wholly from steam of subterranean
land. That is to say, their relative origin.
quantities do not correspond. For one The steam being supplied to the tur-
item there is an enormous excess of blues free of cost, the electric power,
chlorides. The backers of this theory usd for lighting and other purposes,
are disposed to contend that the salts is very cheap. . In a country where
of the ocean are largely of volcanic coal is so scarce and dear as it is in
.origin, taken up in solution from ma- Italy, such a source of inexpensive
terials vomited up from the sea bot• energy is highly appreciated.
tom at a period when the terrestrial To augment the supply of available
globe was as yet in the making; its"
crust being in process of formation.
To support this idea, they say that
the crater of Vesuvius after each
eruption is found covered with a white
crust that is in composition exactly
like sea salt! It is estimated by geo-
logists that the common salt in the
ocean would make 4,800,000 cubes each
one mile in size, which if spread over
Canada would form a layer one and
six -tenths .miles high.
Boon to Coalless Italy.
The winter season is a hard cne ,on.
the'baby. He is more or less confined'
to " stuffy, badly ventilated rooms: It
is • so often stormy that the mother
does not get him out in the fresh air
as often as she should: He catches
colds which rack his little system; his
stomach and bowels get out of order
and he becomes peevish and cross. To
guard against this the mother should.
keep a box of Baby's Own Tablets in
the "house, They regulate the stem
itch and bowels and break up colds.
They are sold by medicine dealers or
by mail at 25 cents a box from The
Dr. 'Williams?' Medicine Co:, Brock-
ville, Ont. ,
Canada needs more people and capi-
baa to develop her fertile rands and
natural ro5ources, and presents oppor
.'tunities' unsurpassed by any country
in the world;
.Minard's Liniment for Garget in Cows.
Who does Itis plain duty each day.
The small thing his wage Is for doing,
On the commonplace bit of the way.
'Tis the average yuan, may Ood bless'.
Who pilots us, still in the van,
Over land, over sea, as we travel—
dust the plain, lardy, average man.
So on through the days of existence,
All xningling in shadow and shine.
We may couut can the every -day hero,
Whom haply the gods may divine.
But who wears the swarth grime of Bis
And labors and earns as he can,
.baud stands at the last with the
noblest ---
The coxttnionplace, average mau,
Energy Required in Sewing by
Hand and With Machines,
That there is a great difference in
the expenditure of energy required with
different ways of sewing, was demon-
strated recently by scientists. Little
variation was found In band hemming
on fine handkerchiefs cotton sheets,
8 -oz. cotton duck. or army blankets,
but 'when the speed of sowing was in-
creased, the expenditure of energy
increased in proportion. Hemming
sheets on a foot -driven naacliine. which
was discovered to be about six time
as fast as doing the same work by
hand, required six tunes as tench en-
ergy, but the energy, per yard of MY.
Ing, was hardly onc•haif as great.
When an electrically driven machin
was used, the energy required per
hour was not quite twice that used for
hand sewing, and about one-fourth of
that used for the foot•driven machine.
Canada has most extensive fishing
grounds -5,000 miles en the Atlantic,
7,000 miles on the Pacific and 220,000
square miles fresh water.
The postoffice pensions and labor
ministry departments in Great Britain
employ 8,000 women.
For Sore Throat,
A Rhinoceros Horse.
The beast referred to in the Bible as
a "unicorn" is 'almost undoubtedly the
single -horned rhinoceros of Southern
Asia, which, needless to say, is a very
formidable beast.
At Calcutta there is a famous Zoo,
which, specializing in Asiatic animals,
keeps on exhibition a number of rhin-
os of this species.
The other day a native, who had
never before seen a rhinoceros, visited
the Zoo and, overcome with amaze-
ment was suddenly inspired with an.
ambition to ride the biggest one,
which at the moment lay peacefully
dozing in his pen. He proceeded there-
upon to climb the iron fence, despite
the protests of other persons who
sought to restrain him and who -looked
in vain for a guard or keeper to pre-
vent the crazy action.
steam, many deep borings have been Once over the fence, he boldly strad-
made, thus creating artificial puffing died the huge animal, and looked.
around• him for admiration. But the
rhinoceros, amazed and indignant,
leaped up with surprising agility,
threw the man off, impaled him with
his horn, cast him thirty feet into the
air and then lay down upon him.
Guards, summoned to the scene, killed
the beast with explosive bullets. The
man was dragged out of the pen, still
breathing; but he died a few hours
holes. Eleven average borings yield
power equal to that derivable from the
burning of ten tons of coal per hour,
Apparently the borings do not affect
the pressure at which the steam is de-
livered from the depths of the earth;
and the quantity of steam, at an un-
varying pressure, is not diminished as
time goes on.
A Roaring Game.
When the term of a certain gaver-
nor-general of Canada expired and he
was about to retire to India, the de-:
votees of the sport of curling mase
elm a farewell address. According to
Lord Frederic Hamilton in his book,
"Days Before Yesterday," the govern- !
or -general --the present Lord, Lams-4�
downe--made"a very happy reply.
Speaking of the regret - he felt at
leaving Ottawa and :.evering the •ties
that bound him to Canada, he remark -1
ed that, bearing in mind the, climate of
India, he. did not anticipate much curl-
ing there, and that he should miss the !
"roaring game." In fact, he .thought
that the only roaring game that he
was likely to come in contact with
would probably be a Bengal tiger.
"Let us hope," he concluded, "that
your ex -governor-general will be found
pursuing the roaring 'game, not being
pursued by it."
horses, giraffes and osiricies have
the largest eyes of band' creatures.
and cuttlefish of those in the sea.
A. True Home.
May, blessings be upon your house,
I'3ur roof and hearth and walls!
May there be lights to welcome you
Whenevening's shadow falls!
The love that like a guiding star
Still signals wbile you roam; ..-
A book, a friend -these be the'thiaigsITTLE aches grow into big pains
That make a house ';a home. L unless warded, off ,by an applica
' --Myrtle deco, tion of Sloan's. Rheumatism,
neuralgia, stiffjoints, lame back won't
MONEY ORDERS. fight long against Sloan's Liniment.
For years
It is always safe to send' prion Linimentmore lrasthhelanpfedorty thousands,Slaan.th'es
Express Money Hider. Fivee dollars
costs three cents. world over. You wont be'an excep-
tion. It certainly doesproduce•results.
:e- It penetrates without rubbing. Deep
Canaaa has the only two coal he- this old family friend always handy
gions on the seacoast .of North Am- for instant use. .Ask yoult; neighbor.
erica, and controls one-fifth of the At all druggists -35c, 70c, $1.40.
world's coal resources. 1 1 made
"Know thy work and do it," says
Carlyle, "and work at it like a Tier- I° •
cubes. One monster t'here is in the Au/nen
world: an 'lidly; man."
Minard's Liniment for Distemper. ` ISSUE No. 52—'21.•
Cold in the Chest, Etc.,
been praising me to -day."
"What did he say to you, Charlie?"
"Well, be said nothing to me, .but
he said to the next boy: `You're the
most good-for-nothing boy in the class
—even Charlie behaves better than
A Scottish Mother.
"Now tell me,,• said. the inspector, .
"Rho was the mother of our great
Scottish hero, Robert Bruce?"
He pointed to the top bay and then
around the class. There was no ans.
wer. Then at. last the heart of the
tetaciiar leaped with jay. The boy wale
was standing at the very foot had held
up Iris hand.
"Well, my boy," said the inspector
eneouraging ly, "wiao was she?""
"Please, a
se sir, elm.
I lfri Brace."
Lucky lleetrice,
Dolly was telling the next door Tittle
girl all about it.
„11i" sister Beatrice is awfully
"She went to a party last night
where they played a game in which the
men either had to kiss a girl or pay
forfeit of .a box of chocolates."
""Well, how was Beatrice lucky?"
«She came atone with thirteen boxes
more you leave things
ehan de, the less astute there is
Feels It Duty to Tell Others
How Tanlac Brought Happi.
ness to Her Home.
"My two daugilters have been so '
wonderfully built up and mode so
strong and healthy by tatting Tanlao
I just feel it is my duty to let other
mothers know about my experience,"
said Mrs. Arthur Sellsuan, 184 Fer-
guson Ave., etorth Hamilton, Ont.
"My oldest daughter, Axay, was in >t
ruuelown condition for three years.
She had a very poor appetite and
what little she did eat seemed to do
her more harm than good. She was
pale, weak and easily tired- Three
bottles of Tanlac made ber well and
strong. Her appetite returned. het'
sleep became restful and ber cheep
got rosy. In fact, she Is the very pia+
ture of health.
"My slaughter Ida's ease was Almost
identical, except her condition wasn't
quite ase bus, u two bottles put
kar'i Jet
her in the best of health. Every time
I look at my 'girls now and see titeui,
enjoying such splendid Health, I real-
ize what a blessing Tanlac bas been
to our home, and 1 feel it my duty to
talk out and kt people know about
this grand medicine,"
Tanlac is sold by leading druggists
In tale
hut *nee,
le the ward "girl" occuz'a1
Reada:t<hy, Bilious
or Stolach is Bad,
Take t`Cascarets'R
a liecent box anis,
e4 Tongue, Bad feeds, Intliges-
on, Sallow Skin tied nl;erable Head-
aches come from a to:pita Iiver and -
clogged bowels, 'weich cause your
stomach to becsme filled with undi-
gested food, which seare rind` temente
like garbage in a barrel. That's the
Stops Hair Coming Out; Hirst step to untold nth cry — ndiges-
tio, foul gases, bad breath, yellow
Thickens, Beautifies. n srin, everytllil:g that : l.l:cring. A
(,.ccaret to -night will giro your con-
stipated bowels a 'tlior,-ug'l cleansing
and straighten you out by morning.
; They work while yen oioop. :\platens
of men and women tie si Casearet
1 now and then to keep their stomach, •
1 liver and bowels ray ;u'otc;1, and never
luiow a miserable m re .t. Dort for-
get the children—their little insides
need a good. gentle clt'uu ing, too.
3.5 -cents bur .., battle of "Dan;lerino"
at any drug sure. After one applica- i
tion you can not find a particle of
dandruff or a falling hair. Besides,
every hair shows new life, vigor•,
brightness, more color and abundance,
America's Pioneer Dog $emetlles
Rook on
and How to Feed
Mailed Free to any Ad-
dress by the .author.
B. Clay Glover Go., Tao,
118 West 31st Street
New York, U.S.A.
Mother! • Open
Child's Bowels With
California Fig Syrup
Your little one will love the "fruity"
taste of "California Fig Syrup" even if
constipated, bilious, irritable, feverish,
or full of cold. A teaspoonful never
fails to cleanse the liver and bowels.
In a few hours you can see for your-
self how thoroughly it works all the
sour bile, and undigested food out of
the bowels and you have'a well, play-
ful child again.
Millions of mothers keep ''California
Fig Syrup" handy. They know a tea-
spoonful to -day saves a sick child to-
morrow. Ask your druggist forgenu-
ine "California Fig Syrup" which has
directions for -babies and children of
all ages printed; on bottle. Mother!
you must say "California" or you may-
ayget an incitation fig syrup.
Bulk Carlots
ItchedandiBurnedi Scarce-
ly Slept, Cuticura Healst
"Pimples affected my face. They
were large and always festered, and
theywere sesttered all over
.)• my face. They afterwards
turned into scales and
when they fc1 off they
left big r.r'ms until my
face was dish„' -cared. They
itched and burned so that
T sca:xly sl pt at all.
"I had been bc_::ercd kr nearly
two months before --T started using
Cnticura, and after I i _1 rood three
boxes of Cuticura Ointment with the
Cuticura Soap I was completely
healed." (Signed) lyrics L, Burns,
St. Basile, Que., June6, 1V10.
Use Cuticura Soap, Ointment and
Talcum for all toilet purposes.
Soap 25e, Ointment 25 and SOc. Sold
throughouttheDominion. CanadianDepot:.
Lrolana. Limited, St. Paul St., MontreaL
CuticuraSoap shaves without muff.
Never say "Aspirin''' ,without saying "Bayer."
WARNING!' Unless you see name "Bayer" on tablets,
you are not getting Aspirin at all. Why take chances?,
getting p .�
Accept only an "Unbroken package" of ."Bayer Tablets of
Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by
physicians during 21 years and proved safe by millions for
Colds Headache Rheumatism
Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis
Earache. Lumbago Pail, Pain
Handy till boxes of 12 tablets—.Bottles of 24• and 100—A11 Drugt;is'te.
Aspirin is the trade =ark.(registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of -'Toho
aeetieatidester of Saiicl'lleaeld: While it Is Welt known that Aspirin theansTtayer
manufacture,:to•.asslet the public againet imitations, the Tablets of Bayer Cenjann
will be stamped. -with dear general tirade mark,, the "Bayer 'Cron.'°