HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-12-29, Page 2Canada From Coast to Coast
F'redericte N.B.—A. total of 28 028 investment •af $1,000.000. Among theta
acres were planted to spring wheat inl were factories for the manufacture of
t'i province during 1921, producing' linen, garden implements, cabinets,
441,440 bushels according to the Pro- eleetrie appitarn els, lamps, chemical
vineiai . Department i Agriculture., products, radiators, wood carving,
Other agri'ultural statistics Nie^e:! brooms; cigars and caps.
Oats, 284,728 acres, yield 6,905,000 The Pas, Mau.-- Speckled trout,
hteshe1 ; berley, 8,898, 1155.700; buelc-a identical with those found in the Nipi.-
wheat 49,312; /way and elover, 625,- goat River, have been (taught in the
875; 16,1922.000; lay and clover. 6n'25, `Kettle rapids on the Nelson River.
000 tons from 094,497 ;acres; andiThis, it is expected, will have the ef-
t -unripe, 17,745
f-turnips,1:',745 atires, 6,202.000 brsshele.4 feet of diverting s me tourist to affie
Halifax, N.S.—The B1ueiie e, new-AW.rom Ontario to Northern Manitoba.
Scotia% c ta:rpie•n of the international The fish are eeld to be plentiful and
eehoeaner =zee Deft last week figs of a geed .fee
Pollee. Porto Rieo, en ber first trip; Regina, Sas'c.—It is reported that
to a„ foreign market. with a ee go ..f a wheat re.eipts of the Saskatchewan
fel=t. in leer ailed were fee mete, egen3-"Ca-operative! E'erater CO. for the past
silent to 1,800 barrels of fish.! season total 22,000.000 bushels. This
Sy clriey,N.S.—It,>a reported t? : t a i is 3.000,000 bee -hes more than het
xew sed in Vierra inaehiee seep is to ' year at this thla''e.
be, erected In sy .a ey oil,i,n t' -y by the' Regina, Sask.---..The area soman to
Demi-aim Steel Corp r^t:et. The ne est .,€a Eye in i antt<laa, Sa..,.atehew ear
up-to-date meentiE:ery is to be lista"e',a ar'ti A.peels This year is Salyut 100 xler
adequate to atter;?;zg to ail re?a » cent. greater than the area sown lase
requireel it tt:ea t coal sill mines or
Year' rile figures far 1920 suet 1921
railway. s' a wra nty,n, a -fit c-a?..l , are 39.155 and 5-1' , S i re,eleeetiwely.
'ns act7v'its and c si-;e',, Iprcno meed (Useability ldisclos ng itselfVel rules Of emp!sTatert.
. ae e e /tr.- )le -eget mares from th@
+f ue°�e ,+Te.---Thvi e p r a urtic-n hac Smoky River e4* attr5: mores the line "cilia
3rtir:esy ria .lie L�*-aa -n. t*e e f Quer cY the Ee;nitzna.xvra Dtia.k e�ln aiati Brat
Wtare than eitetel-eei 1'.t the egvezt
years', Fri' 1.5% 0 kitt0 gaunes gn 1314, the roti bad ceeselesi trouble le
ech antral in' at );;t lT S ^gad w s ti* 3 ,SiX1'11i maintainiEal the a. re i °
ti99 or °.:s is 19:;1- Trere were in pP is to the trai 1
p anM cif the river .owing to the cantinu3l
-lite first year of the' war slily 3,299 r eliding of the elay5'of which the banks:
farmers interested ext the p:•eduetkel. are eon-awed.ha n(+y avhiiat iso ' Now it aPFeare:
-tibfeharatatiGx, that these .
class, of
prailtters iG 9.399, ta�.or�lin tit tile'whim there is an eeternnoaas (quantity,'
clue» +ee the HaluT Prt'3uwticn $carte°, are valuable fox the manufacture of
Provincial Department r er t o£ Agr ieultere brick and tut, drain, and rimy in time
is4r l'ta'untlaite Railway. Engineer's of;
i1Ioettretal, Qere; -I ,ie total velums' g _ )'
� ry ,,,�e.aart'lt to :ea industry, that traffic)
of grain into Meetrea� part from cosy, of 1vlaacb should eompersate the rail-:
ist to 1';'eeen ber let, the ra l: route . road for some of the trouble it has
exceeded the water nate by eleven' , experienced.
minket bashes in the b° •e grainCale:arr A!ta,---get e reeiaeee
. , ,fit',
seat" the Pax% Lls ere, ex-periere edl. have &neer strrtee that the pessiniis-
A'ceteeKn to the '? entE 1 Beer of, ti; rropl::ets of twerty years ago were
Trade 64.559,e60 t'us7 e?a of grain a'- laehirre in vision in resu,et to certain
rIveri by le.ke bots as ceras rel sigh P -!were. s b a;o Hila":is•a.a. Th first,
75,157,fae9 bueIae s by :aZ in the eeme:cinlele. show lete Suet been held in tae',
y.•ee2tel- i pxara t.3tii3 a ,."'cilia 7931C't4 %li;<? E:','aryl 2,00 beemus were,,
l sat er:i rn3 reaci:ei wbe all ens:. t>s r e.atere i. Sallie, of these were from six `�
lag to cf 14i'),tr3t,445 bushels of `tea elle nt irtiege in diameter and the
ell `ilial: Y . 4 't'i a.a•Stte QTienes
ether .; item e ;eerie eznatarel freest 1.
lia7herne ter Pailatieeelia wp art 1
ireeetele t»:e port of Now i n ^ 1t.';
Ott awe, Ont. nr d:a's p t .o w r. to
pia rt rax ant -meted te 110.
chQtt1:.t,4ne tzee TInq re to the 1eD.).',
ntriou Prnit i"eat er: -° a er;r's Novo;+,3-e
ber Tee torte 'nu! total �valueof the:
not.^.�e",'rop to farmer; as we5Jimates
at teS5,07+,004). Its the yield per acre''.
Ont.:.rle avers et 1031; bushels, as
ng. ince• 152 la';tebe.e last year; Quebec.
026 ,, 185x': Nova Scotia 14„MA,'
0i, B u�:sZi14 iC #, An
Manitoba, 1G6i , 92%. Alberta and
axleatchenan also Arm ir.4reateee
Ottawa, Ont.—With an average
'et env g; roe nese rf ervopu! tion'
i t;3o aecir.ity of $170, C'ar,.:l?a is grain
to 1e;nt the uvea•'•. i;t this reepe:t. At
list' sail <'f Oebher 31, 1931, savings
t' its wee` ?alta to $1.67,1129,274.
Winnipeg, 'taut.' --Within the past
year 71 different enterprises were
started in Winnipeg, aggregating au
bee. were parte eliei y leg i;1 end per+1'
ge nee
l ar..w•.ver, Bee. ---Twelve liens of,
orik i -:<,w p slat, dictaegee
a te,
the l'at...n.. a Canal ai.
regaa�lg. m€aar}tn„
1:.....a Ca..aaYn';t . ler.".u4.c to the ;'At-
° rr94, ?ii'a a,i sill the :1-:' er'.0 a .are to
the I r:t a�l I:':4't.:rant are! European':
•porta. Two -feints of the prairie gr•,iin
aerie -Ina a the ('re ry c'ev ater; der -
ire the past week were fee shipment
vie the part of Vancouver. Darings
the whe's of het egetan's grain ship-'
pir o i, oral 18,000 tons of a;rnin
Teasel through this eine. Already'
this season ;MOOR tor:s have been m-
e -elver) thiretel from here
Vttn.'euve;•r, Il.(•,= nA tine -or limit at,
f'hilliweeps is rt-pairte.l sole for eet(10,-
000 by Abet. MeLaren, of Birthing -
ham, (ue4'ec, t o Weetmila:-tc'r Mills.
The property lens been he i by the
'la-Larert family fee 82 yt. erre.'McLaren
stili has extent:, :ye hello:r:t- On Van-
couver eche.. Thee deal is one of the
3l reest cf the year.
h h ishher
Ilongi;org and`ga) so far and no farther. The navies
Howdst(ait areas of dCfeiwe. "' of to -morrow wile be defensive navies;
The hold outlines eaf the Hughes!" thea sea beees of to -morrow will be
pian emerge inteet from the grir:d email `defensive Petits. The stroaag band of
hammering of the conference. The 5-G world opinion has mate tse'f felt and
5-3 retie is unshaken, although ..13si1 •1•aas halted the weetan ni>.vies 'where
sires her sentiment-iin:;need Mutsu,p they stood, will scrap sixty-eight eapi-
bau'1t from the yen ,au'd sen sereeedatal ships and wipe from the ocean a
from the pogket~ ttf her peer. Ther total of 1,861,643 teens of fighting
United SU tes beep the North 1akota craft,
and the Delaware; and England, to) This is the world's greatest achieve -
keep the three -Power balenee true,+ anent for peace in all ital long .and
hears* barilee two (super-Hoeds of a de•ierowde(1 history. Let the pessimists
finitely liraited. tonnaage. croak and the prophets of evil find
The erre place where the Hughes, such eor.so ation os they can. This
pled was dented and bent is in the thing has been dine. The Conference
provisio that eor as many as three,,; lags just rte'.! the great hopes and met
and I sib y for six years, Ergl acid's the great ie see that summoned it into
nevy* yards may weer. upuir the two;; being.
new "Heard,." The Il S. yards may
work for 4 ante mends' yet ups elle French Doctors Sever Tie
90 per cent. eannpieted North Dakota ' in Siamese Twins
and Delaware. Then the here wi,l
dee st l2ed. As for Jaen, it canna a
1 Ia ,�
pear that she has b.dlt the leet c:i:pl:ai
.11ig, ire may bin d. lanae: than nee
a reee yeplevemente.
The race Inas *tenni. Belches ; eon
e Search for 011 o kai eozie District
"The open season of 1921 in the renranns the tidy one yet brought in,
Macke:tale River oil fields he.; come and in pr .c•e vf being a prolific gusher,
erre gone," writes Mr. F. H. Kitto of is a rather insignificant little pro -
it a Natural Resources Inteiingen' a dacv1. However, it aetua1iy does pre.,-
Braneh of the Department of the In -,dura lanai t very high grade of ell at
terior who has spent the Feat two ; that, tlemegh in limited q,laatities. It
seasons in the Meekenzie District.; is repartee. that the Imperial Oil are
With the eg satiean oZ .activities, thatinstalline, at this well flee storage
were pushed wit'. feverish l;:este cur- tacks 'af 4,500 gallons eapaolty each,
inn the s11ert summer marten' cf eon- s ncd z gar line distillation plant with
t nuous daylight, comes an opporten- z eapocity of fr •ni 150 to 200 gallons
ity to review the progress reel de per day awl are disti?:tng gaaoltne fe •
ye'opment that has been aceonnpliehetl,; the local river trade. These figures
and to weigh the situation in tee light, niay be exatggeratel. True, the Im-
ef additional knowledge gained. . peri':el Oil Lave a small plant and
On the whale, in general terms. an Fame tangs, hut perteate net of this.
atrnctentero sof disappointment u: -.caps t e There is yetneither the
dent. To the casual observer the tine V"a ' > ,: .z• c' 1 to pre -xre the quantity*
has proved bee= par end therefore a, of g^s'rl r.e mentioned rase the #ectal
failure., Such 2nao verdicts are to be r,:t lir arty sar:.4 a ^:t.
ep:tri—in fact they e xtntrt he
This co many r4 r. ter ''ruling on the
avoided Tho ter Iercy to plea-e,ti.: oppo-site shore freers Die -cowry Wel?,
mate and "boom” that va s so r inpa3a nn Be^; Ts?:tae', in sr" - tre un, on a
last winter at 1 spring scald enol. flail Tine between three p..:tats. and at a
to produce a reaction. Whether or pots t ;:eat 11ear rale, a fesv nukes
the field will ultimately prove:
C3ovv I+iorinic^an, A crew orf dr�'.eas
froiitf4tl, the fasts ttlrat its ke nation is will winter there P'ei eantiroue opera,
far distant frim annicets and that„ tv , s .^s long s S 41.-edr
s� ;Items of train 'rert:atio;a well be def. The Imperial zI vti�t•e illing algia
It and expensive to establish, pro- last year ,at Wharf} 1 melt, on the
in > . t h of Great t Sd, Lake,
The centirezetion of this weld proved
Felt an immediate return from any i ort r e� sore ren ave ace
capital invested, d e , ipointirig r?ficin ; t.3aa= Irest summer.The usual Army of cheap adventur
been eiiinent;ht'der ,Anisu ora ly oetinsenasre,a; sha
o 'i Salgtralliatoerfwaay^ ;eo�vritFs rredes eabntdi e .
.ers that
yowl this rierth the proseects were
ed veterans or aecruits with eufeetient,
stamina And ilnatreiel backiaa remain.''' therefore wort ores ca{t:l rho i (1.11 av5a
therefore rbarelor e l
The action of the Caraadinta Govern- The '1N)rt Norman toil elle cf the
rr,trt in framing new regeal.ntiorc Haat newer iortierns, showed a, remarkable
an(i real .. airlifts to slree<i up work. and on a
will insure the developerent,
the "Slid-catting," of this resoerc(a' location in the vicinity of Uiseovere
and in SluthoriHin tbo Royal Canadian; We#I diril',ed a bile t4) n airrl)th of up-
eneedrtrte 1 Police to refuse yitabt of " sax1s 611,504? feet A.rt 'ennsuspe^te(i
catty to pai'tieta without maternal dip in the formation hair been prove!
means of eombatini the severe ele-'' here, les mea)rery is kis tla sat fleet
scents and living conditions of the die- ; feet deep, Iiia#i at:wns ( lar"srrling fie
tact, or of others rxf questionable ar..• the wen were reparte t vett Fret, +nv
teniion:, though raising a storm of int; to lack of caeita;; e.,^aerai:ione, hal
protest at the time,as proving et,eee to be sicca tied fc r aarother : eason.
tt e. t cf z;auaal
' legatees evident LG the Thn't. is i,�t,311t the e'.'';tn^
It in,e a pules eve e. t ware:.chore, theuelt a few minor at•
thilli:iug navies, that the re±rn'ns fronttertret veil ht at, rt:,,ee!' e 1. t` :- ,lert
this ecurce, if any, will be slaw in an- elee et eeina wee .lc e e rennet the
end that the wane of ores- mlac':e"3774' lt:''i'e•i• ala tee . ae.Tiid.]l.. f-' i,
k era °.e..‘"? -!'"rig r4E � ,.
Yr E:•d
' w'A . (A" (p s
e; .. tiseh frills. 'Paris sa,•y :...:'\\ With Pet roc sb 4r+?"1 sac 'Qac i'SIla !'.4 !- Ia .:. ',d °la
A d I' t reef aQeuEtare 7 me:.t• s itst4ri.e(am 31ea le ,-.
theT3K":^' nt:3tarr thni 'tS+te. t:Z t!;, �! t a ' a g�!{`:'e 3' lar. *SE:lt w�',:+{4f I.3x>�> 4'eittSa',h,r'a
' a rc«i-oaa to feel ciis•nn itzt�. 'et1rr.3 S," ,
A4:? 3enr;C of 4Ic;I:.ilio by I1i Tee I; illi- p° ra.a `t as.,,ig 1'rgin4 Pare' I'< l.. t: cans d 1#:iy
.e er .t IT rra''re faS'o- zt.et 'for ti r e,114°'ie,se "Iv Re .seta,, "`:. Tee
.etre ofSae :inns, a. lr4a.z.ny eight t,1 ;':.141145.a r. s, I.a .� le" an jet
y4;ar-a='1 him. was 1ara4alQEe,# liv°tilt;
t rm there tree for a 1Do4m 41`,. tCrnr3 eeT( Aran fw�;n �Q
o 4 s 4esei'aa operation r- The face ii, thei'Q= L;a.'ger wee any mull- tier to 'ai7;S'1 spiv F Si )rt! ,"1p•e' ti - ►
pE £ of z ,ire 1 air ton pe , t . e•
fenrraaed eight your., a"; t to ee rata,•
C'^tt res •twins.; enter• melts i ret urn Only a Tregi aEnEre
.t. i t
;iiSnsleleine tlac other tarn "Tta,1'r E3 *teal= era �eriolav Iar(erE**'.�h1l
t, ' ' i;, Ea,;:riidg' lila in Still .=,t^rf, Ti'E! fTt? #
rlicaE fta„ayvia �; tl:e' trisrr:atia'n> Ar. I.e
atay.n �1€ir 8a$:Ba'ail * at es83 !1"d�:k '•
� -ai ,+i"!13 33:0i tial:, ;h '1. <•t reel
Cre g6,111,.
ging for puree
1t:=4t-'ataeee ea'rl 4 i . tI a r;tive era
ef drilling dthertet the t•eutea. Oaf Vita,
by the Imperial i' O. wen ,rel
frern aye to e, ht Oen, et re •Y'., ..r:1
the Y'(a'.'t Nt neer Gil Co. `e',. t".^5;•
4a4i9� Aa -e4 l 1''rtc' re e,.• tittaaaaasa
thee next yA nee
real .Ito have
r ..
c; s. 4'.e
heltlinge Hay Weer, a fear ,teia.E'.+
olive ite Iia(=°,".'it, r.:S tite neeit '' •
of Greet Sieve I, 4:e, laitye itt:r
intE'aa?:seta ° .ti'.r:., l.e,.e-" -ting
their gtet3:sal t?airing-ate't:e sa,^ en.
There will 1, . e•lW: le rt zY•.'` fisher
eeneerne eel' 'r citta lY end mare te4-
t: nlrle r'sult. ore levee for itnile the
nest twelve lunette;
Ti.eugh :ta...il . e year is not til,e'.y
to •')e wherei lay the a xeite:nent
t'x:t nlari:aa,t lett, it ie
thet it may wittea., ;vitaen1.a,., fee elven e.
tut'nt nv.er tanyt?•itr'v ee t 1':'.3 * ; i' la
el. The public s?:ostitl nr t 1'n .:st erieed
ct t glee at rep; rte ef fahol.,ag
e •i•t : itis, t::r dieter aline e if n,•,4
fol ar :9s ;ire net intneelietely forth.
e e , It's generally tentecelee theta
..°vii vete the meet gratifying . its
e4 al;• e:.;.)iut::t neat of nenneity
ute view. It i-. ;eel welt ti bear in
Im; criai Oii Dis.'overy. %Nell, loe ted mind that a s. :weal :r.lvanee g tare
at a pint on the right bank of the! of silenn men ane snarl nine; out the
Mackenzie River ahi,ut 45 Hailes be -1 secret hiding pluees of other ruinerals
• low Norman. Late last fail a gushier and may he heard fr„ne at; unexpected
.was repi,rted to have been struck here eplaece and times. An urn -et -lying tone
• at a depth of wheat 885 feet. Wile of cartilage in the future of this
great d street 1, eexpreesed by those
whose qualifications fit them to be the
best judge:.
I`'il#i tr., expreire e that death wasri°Se has 1,y �o 11Ea tai al•e'e ii tt t4.a, and
•. ' , thee in a pe:it:ern tri.. haearti a eawife
not to ila4* severing r?f the enttEtc(;ting
organ. hut to a fatal malady. forecast are a;eediegly eptirt.-'ice.
The (minutiaevt1;iel
'a was R form- The €lana •r b's re.enite i in etnrh`3-
ed -area' n:.tnths a t. -r 1) was n ` sitting two main ft'ttttrt'S' .the nTat•tri.
three t f e birth. vX , { an -,e.4! ,
i' t
the v
t... of ,.I. t:rvt .rr
i. t t Iia the ,• � i . •,�. O h oil
( a�• •f
i .n 'by a ,
er:trenlQ l f,i, ult the lc, an.t f
,` numerous lee. 1 F'r•ae':3 intl3t! 4',)ai:edt- rf'- :ar'4'S, !, Creak- referred ',e, ^T.€#
I in{; tege, one the tea that ergine ee tae 17.2:3t 1:0t:5lat..tie1, more within
t' . a : • , „ the teat'h (!f tli(r niece of nailed eneittal
tate; two itlt',ti.t. went aril,>�tvtniel, the
l;:p:'tie issue oinit:'c .1: liter.; ,f of ei.. eeeir vatt:•;lde 4If ;`,At•i 'itf
.. • t j r � to h ,.ta a
evil, i'°' ;VON, ge-1- 4..:ring 411.4; :a^° asci
One CountryWhere
Effect of Irish Free State t Armaments Race Ends. x `e ' S •
on British Tra'e
On 'T'hureeey, Deetn•teer 15, 1921.
A despatch from London says: ' e ,
the 1►aa (� for Armaments cairn to alt
Lord .Aberccmway, one of the end. The greatest single aids t:f the
most prominent figures in the; Confr;rensc en the neetertiota�, of
British shipbuilding, and coal in.
Armament was reaa•hterl when Balfour
dustrir's, says: !far Great Britain, Hughes for the un -
"The Irish Free State. even ited States are; Kato far the Japanese
with all exceptionally low in- Empire set their names to the text
;Veteran Home Ruier in the Musa of
ani twice Secrce'lary fe Ire.
lard, hili, at the rive' rf ;a l ovoi in
the fiuu.,e of Leri}., the adoption of
• the Irish Peace Treaty. It w:i�
lir; t appeat•atiea' atter sevou yt?_u• sof
come tax, would not offer any at-; of the Three -Power Naval Agreexe at,' •_. ..
traction to British or foreign ; fixing ti's naval ratio al..l the status i � ' $ R e
capital. The British income tax of pre:ent and i'uture fortifications in; THE U O C j U ,Ai S OF C r
U.S, Dollar Below Par
A despatch from Geneva says:
: witzer1and is the only coun-
try in the world .Chteri. the
United States di dial. to -day is LW -
ye -
,law par. They dollar was quoted
at live francs 12 centimes on the
Genova Bourse.
The normal rate before the
war was iR >� francs 15 centimes.
The highest nett? lifter the arm-
istice trash signed was five francs
ninety-nine e, ntinaes.
will sooner or later be lowered, the Pae ifir.
while Southern Ireland will not' There have been eliiftings,conrprom-
be able to get along without a , have been within the iron limitations
pretty high income tax. The ? great Provinces. stories were l ctreu,ated as to thea rtee-
of the �,eeat principles laid' down in merdous vclunie of oil tlneountered.
Irish Free State will not have, the name of the United States by One of Canada's chief needs, in fact ceeupied laic.;i in the several pray- To be brief, as it now stands, this well
any adverse effect upon British Se cretary Hughes on November f These' lists give such insf••rma-i - -... _
.tion as name of owner anal itis ad-, CONS
isee and ,:oncessions but alp these Lists Available of Areas For Sale in Matriti a and Prairie
Alver. .d. !. .lir,.', eonr. r end iron
Ores. A lure number of pr a'!:r t'ers,
atttreet; .E t , tl+c di hitt by t::te itai;-
;:elt tt-.tine; fila{ the d'scwc'r ti'
ail, itis`1 ]ll .fa:,'.; tlt"ntselvee or::tleet to
participate in its alt'v a lorry',. at, '-:.eve
reed t:. tide north, t'::: t and 1veet in
tit"; loll a : alit' ee (daring quit:awe re-
turns A: ea l y seyerial prontt.,iu .1 -
cee.•eriee have h. ten reporter?, end. it-
just peneelee at direetly* or !n,ein: a-
, ly t.1 oil statnpe le may r eealt in the
...peeing. up of nee of the ert•:.teet
rnia;ug algae of the north.. anon!:
the:,., rt•e)::nvet r ala' ,(stili.! :-omth
the: meet e :pt:ni tteee ',sten of the Rion-
i1i}:e nu? ot'lcer fancies liti]s.
Int(rt oaf ecut:�e. foeases ter. the
trade." y As it was set forth on drat day, the her most important requisite, is the ince•°
Queen Mary's Card
Bears Betrothed's Portraits t naval forces will not be mecca cd
5-a 3 ratio stands. For so long as increased use of the unoccupied lands. d • e location " theproperty,4 a ice
ales of
i the world's three great naval Powers now held in private ownership. and terms an *hich it call lee acquired,
Due to absent proprietors, or lack quality of soil and area available for
of information as to the conditions cultivation, distance from railway, ete.
under which the property may be ac- So far as possible the information leas
quired by prospective settlers, the been secured from the owner or the
Ian -d .continues in an unproductive 'con-
dition, sot -withstanding that much of
it is more or less contiguous to rail -
With a view to bringing the ,owners
of land and' enquirers together, the
Natural Resources Intelligence Branch
of the Interior Department is Compil-
ing and publishing lists of swab un -
t keep faith and their pledged word,
(above the fixed tonnages that are set
A despatch from London says:—A t down in the Three -Power Agreement.
Christmas card of rather novel ohar-[ It it more far-reaching than that.
eater was used by the Queen. Instead! japan and Britain, and the United
eaf talking theconventional fora, the States will stop pouring millions into
egad is leaded "The Royal Ronienee." the fortified islands and naval bases
Of buff -colored board,'tit -eonta les per- of the Pacific. Japan will not fortify
prate !of Priueess Mary and Viscount' Formosa against an attack from the
Laseeiles, and below is attached a.! Philippines, The United 'States will
small c'alenrdar hearing Jthe words, i go no further with frowning Corregi-
With good wishes, 1922 dor or at Cavite. `Britain will halt.
agent for the property, with a view to
maximum accuracy.
Lists of unoccupied lands have been
issued: for • Nova Scotia, New Bruns-
wick,;Prince Edward Island, Manitoba,
Saskatchewan and Alberta, and these
lists may be had' on. application, to the
Natural Resources Intelligence Branch,
Department of the Interior, Ottawa.
REC1.AR FEL By Gene Byrnes
\141t -G,. '(Oaf
T�,Rd7 6PPi.F.:.e. Mofr14
tow oLYt.SID -
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rip Mk -MR i-10 -)
411/4JL. -ilia H1$
cf-tote v..,
`(ocn GOT
Tido or Tl -4t \
D1ptatene? po
GRT odic?
TABULARY AND Londonderry, ea tut ing 15 Men and
SINN F 'lN IN F GHT marnin r s ,ec�ia.l cunrtebuiary
b l from
whine rewiring Sperrin Valley,
rnartlting them or. Early Wed/lee-slay
SIx Republicans Killed and came arr-ct�., a body of men with the
1 Twenty Wounded While 'captives. The. police gave battle and
Battling With Police. chased the Republicans inti the moun-
tains, both sides firing as they ran.
A despatch from Belfast 'aye:—Six It was ,atisring this engagement that
Republicans were reported killed and the Republieains suffered their heavy
20 wounded ina battle between Sinn lanes. The captives were releatted
l+einees and ccnata''oulary in the inoun- andd the police captured five Sinn Fein -
tains osf County Tyrone early on Wed- ers daring jam fight.
nerday morning.
A':eg'ed. Republicans Tuesday night
macs a raid -near lMuavady, County
b. t
A kindly feeling is the touter that
never hurts.
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'-{tong. C tOtce f
\cIHICte Dc `(gree
\ I Nr -rriE. La.!
ONe. oe- 14il4e.'