HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-12-29, Page 1THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY .DEC. 29, 1921 070404..we«.4 t itij *inure Curb iz%rg for ti lopp4 max a 'irilght ants itirosperius laRitt Meer from Phone 81a TAMAN'S For Men's arl Boys' Wear }TIiE SWELLnST THING IN` TIES. SHIRTS SOCKS, AND ALL KINDS OF MEN'S FURNISHINGS ar here. They're al11 new, of course.. We never Larry :over last year's styles Tlie new offerings are sure enough winners if rich colors, beautiful pat- terns and ;fine materials count forany- thing. Prices are just as all right, too. Drop in. and look them "'under and over, around and through." W. W. Taman Tailor& Furnisher Our Coaxer Returns of the ()needle Department of Mines show that the Province .s eikely to have a gold output of four- teen millions, This would exceed the production of Calefarnt:Kns 4Ve here had 'beautir'uj weather fo• hrletmes. The sleighing •is good n wn, but the wheeling is better both town .4Pri country, and the tem. :mature 1aas been pleasantly sharp, The Outlook, of Outlook, Sask., says —"On account of ensees not having been paid, a number of schools ht the province will close for an indefsn tee period after the first ,of the year; for leek of'fund:z, Several coesolidtttel sebools ars; enclueled in, the number. Women will not be granted ensue !pulpit rights with the. men in the 'Methodist dist Church of Canada. as suffi- cient returns ert the nom°rsioaheswittie g pTebescite on the question, have been received by the general conference headquarters in Toronto to make ties statement absolutely anther/ti.:, "We care ipror pied this week to plana on our subscription list the name o the Huron County Home, tMnkieg that some 'or the i u nates might appreciate . The Times, We rn-neon this thinking that it other sn, pers in the v+ottrety would , do the carne, it might add as rattle .peeasure to the life of theemanate-1." --Exeter' .ter Times. We nta.y, state that Tire Advoeate has been going to the Her- on County Home free of ebaa ge ever sine: the Home espe built, a score or more years no. POSTAL RATES ADVANCE. Cards of invitation and attotisets of meetings, in which the norm ,of the person invited, the object and place of gathering are indi,:ated in manu- s.ript or typewriting, :Ind the ad- vices of the despatch of goods,wher"e- in the date of despatch 4s Indicated in manuscript, at !present classified as third -.:lass matter, liable to the post- age rate of one cent per two ounces or erection thereof, will, an and after January ist, 1922, ba liable ta;first- class rate of postage --letter or poet- .ard rate as the case may bet, GOOD GLASSES IF YOU NEED THEM. Good advisif„if you don't J. WARD, D.C., Optometrist, Exeter. WINTER WORK on OARS. We are prepared to care for your car. Try us. REPAIR 'OR< ON ALL CARS. PILON & FOOTE Huron Garage - Exeter Local News I Nominations and Rev, and '_4rs. Fear visited ,with I and Mgrs, W. S. Flowey, Miss Olive Preazcator of London was home for Chres txnasi Mr. Fred Gould of Strathroy was BIRTHS tAlarr-.-E,a.ber—At Depot oa pen.. xS • ,�,,,,.,, .. f miss Ile, R Eilleer, daughter of W.... ' Falkenburg—la Hay, en Dec. 21, to hir datonsed Mrs. Charles Ft, E•dber of Cret �1fr. Electio s.. and Afrs. J. Falken•burg, adanglivert Jeers., to :�zr,, J. G. �4farr a1 Ealta mar., M'tfd. Cbr stntas visitor In towns Mr. and Mrs. Earl Browreng of Tor- onto spent Christmas here. Mr Gerald Fitton of Toronto sp h= holiday with hes parents here, 1lttssee Cara and Stella Sanders of Toronto were home for Chr.'stmaa. Mr. and firs. Fred McAlister of Lon don were t :sitors e,t late Street par- sonage. 'fir, and :sirs Ernestt Flynn of Lon- don were holiday vesetors with the former's parents,, ;t#r, Harley Sanders and family of 'Windsor are spending a few, days an town with reletiv,-ess, Miss 1?r aces Davis of Toronto spent the breeder with her parents, tier. and 'firs Daniel Davis, . ,lir, Wm Manson of Toronto acrd se:ss Je ere Manson, of London speer the holiday with their trarentst Dr. Davis, Senior House Surgeon,, St, Michael's Hospital, Toronto, s visiting with ,Dr. end tiles. Graham. _Mr. and sins. Russell Smith and finally of London spent Christmas at the home of Mr. vne Mrs. P. Frayre - Nurse Crosby of London, has return- el borne, after being in tattendaret upon Mr. et7m, leelbridge, who is now improving eat Mrand firs, Esti Heywood aper;_ Christmas in Loedon, Mr. Heywood' returning on Monday, while Mrs. 1'1ee wore l wen: to Strathroy- to resit her sister, Mrs. W J. Niedrtrls. . Tare London, Huroza, & Bru,. a +raer, no hbound, on Friday morning, ,.rash • s"d into a motor truck at Jldcrtoa anal injured the occupants, W. D. Yelf and two daughters of A.tlsa Craig. Mr. Ye1f suffered cuts about the face, and ell thr e were considerably bruised, Tee Exeter correspondent to the London Free Press says, of ,one of our old residents,—"Mr. John liawksdiaw, who. used to drive, the. stage between Exester and London, stel resides here. thon:h n his 89th year. The old een-1 tleman talks most entertaeresly of his many anti varied experi.en es, and has the !:rend record that he never once forgot a single errand or parcel en- trusted 'to him, although he never con matted anytInnes to writing. DIEL? IN HAY TP, James Bates Rosa, a prominent:,fax- mer of this township, aged 65, years, was Sound d: ail, presumably of heart failure, in Ms 'stable on Thnrsday'last Dec. 22nd. At an, early hour of the day the complained of being ,ills and he asked Ms wife for some.meditcine. Lat- er he .felt able to tgo out to feedles stock. I-Iis wife following him_ a short time afterwards, found him lying dead apparently having been overcome by a heart attack while at work. eNSTALLATION, . On Tuesday evening the newly e1- acted officers .of Lebanon Forest Lodge, A. F. 8.c A. eel., were duly installed- and invested by V. Vier. Bro. 4i. Easerett, assisted by other Past masters., as .follows,—R. W. Fuke, W. M.; J. M. South.ott, Sr, ;War.; F. A, Chapman, Jr. War.; C. H. (Sanders, Treas.; R. N. Creech, Seery.; G. M,. Chidley, Chaplain; H. Bagshaw, Sr, D.; J. G. Slenbury, Jr. D.; J. Routledge, I. G.; S. Sweet, Tyler; H. Walter, Sr S.; T. Pryde, Jr. S.; N. W Taman, Director of Cerernonlies: LITTLE CHANGE., The recount is 'proceeding in God- erich with about half the ballots count ed. Little change has bean; made ,in the standing so far. lin. Black still leads by about 42, a g ain of four votes on the count, although several of the dieallow.ed ballots have been al- lowed Mr, McMillian and Lawyers Hays and Dauncey are watching the proceedings, as" are also Ir, Black and two supporters, and Mr. vIerner. Hurakita and Mr. Sanders were iih,omn for Sunday and Monday, re- turnng Tuesday morning. They hope to, finish about Friday,. MRS. WRITE DEAo. tlh Z rt B of a h fe ab the H De Ci^ tea of fo p>r ti vx dal couple took the ]lhoraiang train for a abort; honeymoon trip, after which they: A Happy New Year to All. Local Sales of Flour and Feed are showing satisfactory increases and we are sinnerely grateful to our numerous customers for their trade. • Read what a customer told us to -day, Nov, 28; 1921,--"'A, few weeks" ago I bought 150 lbs. of your Manitoba's Best Flour and. now I want .200 Ills, more of .in It is the":best Flour that ever Lame into our'home, and .we have' used all the best brands sold in this part of the 'country". We are in the market to buy Wheat and Peas.' arvey Bros. The death occurred ion Dec,. 21st at ,e residence of her niece, Mrs. 1, Crediton, Crediton, ,of ,a farmer well-known silent of Exeter, ip the person of. i•s. Martha White, lin, her 89th year. ora in Old Landon; within, the sound Bow Bets, sh came to Canada as child and sett' in,Creditor>r, After he husband's death, which occurred a w years after her marriage, she owed to Exeter, wihere she lived far ;nany years, and well. and favor - Iv known. She leaves no family. The funeral was held cis Thursday to e Exeter. cemetery. . AAS—F ORI). • A gu;et but pretty wedding vras aletnn.zed early Wednesday morning, 'o. 28th, at the home, „of Mr., and rs,. Alb rt I( lard, When their' only l Ought r, ss Gladys .Alberta, ber- me the, bride ;off fMr. Elniier. J. Haas Buffalo. Theveremony- vias per ormed by Rey,„ityf, J,,W eeesse .,nti; .Itbe esenc,e of 'only. the immediate reiIa es. The young' couple, were :unat n ect, Af tar :. we,ngratulai,tiotns and a my wie d duij breakfast the young well reside isn Buffalo The Advocate ;o;ns the many !friends in congratula- tions' and best vwj hic4 for their future happiness LARGE NUMBER ATTBND THE `• N.OMINATIONk MEETING, The Nonnaiion, pro,:eedings in. Ex- eter on ilianday a,ttraxted, many teare z,-r)ple time usual, and a. large num- ber of goad men, were noxninaated for the 'carious offices—six for thereevre- sli p ,fourteen for councillors, three for the ratilitites :,ommission and :lb; Eq the Board of Education. At the ,expiation of the -hour a motion was carded that the public mceting for the hearing. of addresses be held :on Tuesday eveneeg'at eight &Clock,. The following, is al i:;st of those onerneed. FOR REEVE C, 13. SPELL,, proposed by T. Kex- nick and S. M. Sanders. B. W. F BEAV1 RS,'proposed by \V, G. Medd and 0. Harvey. W. H. PENHA.LE, proposed. by C. J. Luker . tuul G. Mantle. FRED ELLERINGTON, proposed by G. Cochrane and T. 3, Nelson, V. G. I41FDE, Proposed by J. 5. Har- vey and 13. W. F. Beavers. WM, WARD, proposed by 5, Powell and R. Terry, COUNCILLOR C. F. HOOPER, proposed by S. M. Sanders and R, N. Rowe. W. H. PBNRALE, proposed by 5. M. Sanders and R. N. Rowe. 11. 1T, FRANCIS, proposed by E. M. Hignan and R. N. Rowe, JOHN MORGAN proposed by R. N. Rowe and. E. Id. Dignan, JOS. DAVIS, proposed by E. M. Dignan and J. M. Soutitcott. JESSE ELSTON, proposed by H. E. Huston and W. J. Statham, FRED ELL1RINGTON, proposed by Louis Day and Win. Leaman.. CALEB HEYWOQD, Proems!. by W. Andrew and R. N. Creech. W. J. BEER proposed by J. W. Hera and J. C. Snell, W. CUNNINGHAM, proposed by T. J. Nelson and J. G. Cocbrana, L. J. PENHALE, proposed by 3. G. Cochrane and H. Bagshaw, W. S. COLE, proposed by yes S. Hare vay and It. N. Rowe. C. 13. SNELL, proposed by W. J. Statham and J. J. Lawson, GEO. MANTLE, proposed by C. T, Luker and W. H, Penhale. BOARD' OP EDUCATION W. P. ABBOTT proposed by R. G. Terry and W. H. Dearing, P. W. GLA1)11AN, proposed. by J. M. Soutlhcott and W. J. Statham. W. W. TAMeeN, proposed by W. 3. Statham and O. J. Luker. J. S. HARVEY, proposed by R. N. Rowe and C. 3. Luker. J. H. GREIVE, proposed by W. 3. Statham and W. G. Medd. A. A. SPENCER proposed by C. H. Sanders and Wm. Andrew ',rum UTILITIES COMMISSION H. E, HUSTON, proposed by W. 11. Penhale and R. Hunter. L. J. I'ENHALE, proposed by C. H. Sanders and J. W. Hern. S. J. LAWSON, proposed by J. G. Cochrane and T. J Nelson, At the expiration of the time for the filing sof queeifira.tioax papers it was found that the following had qual- ified, and as the numbers ,are greater than those required to f:11 the var- ious offices, there veil be an. election for Reeve, Councillors, and Board of Educe eon. Mr. H. E.'Hustton was the. only one who qualified for the Pubn tc Utilities Commission, ,and ,he is elected for two years ,by aeclaniatecol • On the ballots will be found the fol- lowing naives,— For Reeve, — B. W. F. Beavers C. B. ,Snell For Councillors, -- Four to ,be tele,ctedt Jos. Davis Fred Ellengtoia Jesse Elston _ B. Al. Francis r C F. Hooper Wm. Penhale For Board of Edu.ation- Three' to be ;elected. W. 3?• /Abbait . F. W. Gladman J H. Grieve J.. S. Harvey It trill be noticed, that Councillor C. B. Snell is c,ontesting the reeveshio with Reeve Beaver% The other three councillors are seeking re electi,otnend • there are three other aspirants 'Messrs Ellerington, Frances and Hooper. For !taw. Board of Edueat on thereis but one new aspi,ra,nt—Dir. Abbott, A. public infecting wras,,teld on Tues- day evening when reports Were given by the ,old 'me'nitb'ersl ,In the absence of Clerk Senior, MA Thos: Harvey was elected chairman[. Seated with sun on the platfaini were the mem- bers of the siouncils Reeve Beavers summaaized his work on .the Countiy Councie, discussing among other !natters the Children's Shelter in'God ei,i4li ',the. County Home witl its 84 EJnmaaies, 'the a -boa. Roads, and the e32,000 bridge at.:-Gx'ajid .Bend. He also intimated the movenverit - on, foot to unite c.ouaties far the subpart 0,E one Tae. for several counties, - and closed with an elope* .to the ,electors;; Councillors Penbale, Snell Davie-and Elston followed with brief addresses and aaipptalls' for 'support'. MS. Elston, j Highest Prices paid for 'Po ultry and all Product. Contaxt,aved or Page 4. Frayna--Its Usborne on Dee 22 toes and Mrs. Clayton, Frays, a sort. j sltllis--In Stephen, on Dew,. 23, to .Mr I and Mrs. John N. Willis, twin lough- l DEATHS tees, MARRIAGES Hans—Ford—A.1 th? ',home of the br:d_'s parents, ,in, Exeter, on Dec. 28th, Elmer J. Haas o, Buffalo, to Giadvs A. '�h�" deu°r rr ,lir find Mrs Albert K. ,Ford, of Exeter. rcLelee-^Ovens—Irl Mcvill4rty, ^;t Dee, Zlst. Donald J. McLellan of E. Williams, to; Muriel Irene-, eldest dau hter of John Ot'e a of T,awn- o_ McGillivray, +Daupe—In Kirk"on, oa Dec. 2lst Jaeo2m Drupe, aged 62 years. .Rot's --.In Hay, on. Der. ZZ ,James Bates • Ross, ag. cI 65 years. Y:u-.ig—la Parlth"'li, on Dee. 20, Eliza - be et Burgess, beloved wife of Wile i'hs, nrn Y`20oundays,. .aged 71 years, 10 mo- i llr b. t'.-ln Creditors, on Dec.20th, Mrs Mirth \Vh t •, in her 89th year. McEwen --In CP-nton, 'on Dec.- 19 Mary Innes, wife of Ihrnean.MeEwes eene'R thw�_ll -In eC Clinton. Ion Dee. 20tb, Edward Rothwell, aged 81 years. To My Patrons I THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR PATRONAGE DURING THE PAST YEAR, AND WISH YOU ALL A HAPPY NEW YEAR. Year 1922 WILL OPEN 11'ITH A FULL LINE OF TIRE, AND BATThRY, AND WILL ALSO HAVE A FIRST-CLASS GARAGF MAN FOR CAR WORK. THANK YOU ALL, Taylor Tire & Battery We Hope to Serve You Often in 1922 During Lb:4 omiia Yea: n e span epnt'nu our policy that has prov- ed so sueeessful to In, of prove/inn ;tri very highest gr tie groceries and provisions at lowest priests. Whenever there's a chance for improvement in service vti<eshell make.:[, Every xneans vv.:bin our power will be gem n1oy ad to make our stores the most satisfactory trading places in this v t..nt:ty. We have kept right up with thn ac1vanee in mer..hand?sing ,ani shall continua to do. so, If you d;sire to trade where stock Zs complete, where groceries are handled by the most sanitary methods, where you'll Snvariably re.:.eive prompt ...ourtcous attention, where your mon.y will be ,:heerfuily re,- fundedu if goods purchased are not satisfactory; our stores will appealto you, 'With Best New Year Greetings, HARVEY & HARVEY MAIN PHONE 102 TWO STORES NORTH PHONE 47 J. Ali STEWART Phone 16 " THE BIG STORE WITH THE LITTLE PRICES." Once again we extend to you the Season's Greetings. We thank you cordially for past business, and hope to merit your confidence for even bigger business in the. future. Wishing you and yours a Happy New Year. J. A. STEWA T. .,