HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-12-22, Page 8Exeter Markets CHANGED EVERY WEDNESDAY Whia t .„ 1.07 Barley*,48 to 55 Oats 1i., es nitobas Best Flour 'non. .. 3.. t4.15r Fasniy Flour one. e.90 Posen Flour 3.65 F:e.1" Fieer •2.0.0 Shorts ,....... . 1.50 Bran 1.40 Cr.amery Butter 43 to. 47 mire Butter 38 to 40 Eggs new la.:d....... 75 Eggs held 40 Lard ,,,,..........18 Hay per teat $15 to $16 ar-- E T AII� aCATF�, TEL iSJA.T, ISBG. 3n, 1.821 Local Doings'Yest'erday the shortest clay of • the year. Now vi at eh the days grow. School closesan Tliurs Be loyal to .your home town, NI9n0 day of this t sp, t}t• ie Exeter will come back to week, to re -open on January 3rd, You. ;firs, Henry :Reynolds was pa., nilly Bereft'} -hint, nen.; injured , s e nfined to her bed. in n a spall near the east offs eiId-het-al Goaernment are Roman Cate_ op Monday lass gel result. ;she 1 erg`s. At the trourses Sit the swine and ._s at tiie C3Julin¢ Fa'^tory I # S Miss Fern Short completed her dut- ;,a 'ar. ass judging held at Toronto last urday: as book-keeper, week under the ausnfe.es of the Carl, s The a staliation of ,pffi: ers of Leb- iii=an SwineBreeders' Asee:iation, :mon Forest Maseru; Lodge will take Alvin St Sate.phen. was among the ala`` on Tuesday ht next +a as at st,.e ssful judges, he having taken277 When you loot; air what some woe points out of 300 teen married you k of th 10:[?0 Sineere sympathy is felt for ...Ile j. 1' theps than love joule] have persuaded J. Sterner of Seaforth;. 13eeees los- re to da it.. Zero em_mature xa night :r i:l de. .:cl:dly cot on Thursday. Un Saturday and Sunday this dis- en experienced a heavy ra,^ii, follow- ed by a severe winds Erna. On Wed - e eslay we had tar a time h ]teary snow storm. Col Wel: , ;r, J. B r ere Lia ve si �y, L tli: Hash School ereises in ,he Qk January 13..h, weh, A.:halarsla'1A will .rhe •n. of the West r w l snneak at en4`eaCe n 1r1 ae, at Friar dekomas, ind ssn ed FII FACE CUT :qr. 1 H, .:vets:: on 'I Atesciati7 -n tang gee a misty ':ut on. his face. ftvas ,.r.. kei ,a tiar when the .crank BlippL:c ed ou.ad a sl: edge hit him on :he ..heti:., emistrig e. wound that required e c :rple stitches to close.. The regular meeting of the Exe- ter U.F.O. wit be .bead ]n Senior's ball, Thursday evening, Dee. 29, i/1 - stead. ot Weduesdayy evening. 45. good attendance is requested to hear the annual report. A large assorte z et fresh eau - dies, nut • : r l Pi faits dor Christmas at Wilson's tfrssery. dig tris, E FOR SALE. New atenstorey house, -all modern t rn r t:e.n -es, for sale. Ceritrt, v 3 ed .'.'d3 Exe:er. Inunediate pozsesziO. C, B. SNELL. Exeter e•REF)RJ BELL FOR SALE. P rdi ree .:an be Gusten Hari -;a good on :-ready for serve:,, 11 rnosa'hs oltl. Priee reasonable. ,• Frank Coa.es. Ceatrel^:a P.O Lot 11, tort. 3, Usborm Having Sitir.ha.sed :ire Butcher Bust* n:ss from Mr. 4. Paul. I solicit your pa"rariav* I intend to keep good meat and will sell at the lowest tgrice trassihl>z. FRANK 'WOOD, Phone -9, Your Storage Battery needs spe.rial attention at this time of :the ,year, set :h: ele.,t era, he had a heavy- lossa A eottpl;t ;of .scuffing boys went by tire, his znather °sae -Saar was buried through one of the large end panes of on elector day, and li's daughter lass li u„ er had g �n r. Saxon Fieton's y4wnlary her le; bol.en cn Torort:to Ali this store on Saturday night last, nn ton ,o_2.r4.1 the decline In values of At; the annual meeting of Toronto Pur •.: $ o. k, and flax products, Huron Old Boys A.ssociat;,on last week real. hM, trials sere aHe is .a ssluan n Toronto, Sere and firs 1�' B G lr rank er •z uoj ti s w d s „nary trek -gds trust that 24- so far bt d k d 0 . a. nis. R. S. Crocker were as is possible condtiaons may . soon i o e Exlecutive ComtrtJlMteew righ themselves ,„gain. Mrs. . George Iawden of Lu*an, who Tr w:,ndmill at Mit, I. R. Carlings has been ' orrf ,ned to the hosp5tal do I anion for several weeks ha hoot whish has wehsteod,the sterns. . `x been and blase oe :thou[ forts years, gut r' „roved to her home, but we are sox- • r t having beers Merit over. With n'u`Ia unpr4v4t. .. group had be.,ome soft pee the Christmas present .te your sort or seer. ttertb d o ttte storstn of Saturday night } Q stat. that: her eondttion, has not :he • hheart'( rains preceding the blow You emtrtot beat The Advocates .s a p 4 ori wlt...h th? frame of thle rit11 •daughter, or friend,, who has trend, rested teunte completely out of the war ,from the neighborhood: They end. Lw idly the evi.nd was sent will appre..zz to it every wee: in the m the east for had it been the, Val., and you wPtnt4 to „baud your gift windmill would ,have fallen on the apgarea:nt`ed. bak part of the house, and would hat: done considerable damage„ DIED AT ST. 'tiARl S, 7I,. death o.:curred at St. Marys on December .13th of Violet billing. wife of it j. Franklin, Martin, :aged Z8 years. Death ,was due to illness following confinement, the child live rag. D:.eased was the eldest daugh- t of Ir. HarryI:411ag of R`egiva, »sk,.:formerly of Exeter, and she was born just north of Exeter. Ile - std her husband she is survived by four children. The funeral look place Q. Thursday at St, Marys. Mr. 1 a - v d Russell of town, anti 4r. and Mrs; iVm, Frayne of Usboraae attended the ncial, A'+OT1.1E.R BURGLARY. Bally Saturday marling burglars en" taced the store of Messrs. Jones & Gley and stole numerous articles, zunt?naa them being two rJainooaats, two ladies' hand bags, quite a number of shirts, socks, and ties, some shoe lazes, light jewellr•, aed a small =noun: ot cash and stamps[ Ties,. .•jets and other articles were thrown about, the store promiscuously. En- trance was made by breaking a rear window and squeezing between, the bars. and exit was made by opening =ha ba.k door:. The stolen articles e valued at about $150. There is o clew as 10 who the guilty pa'rt.ites, are tire, Vhztesides is on the job,, We have spade equ,pment for properly far -taking ear." of batteries aver winter, .n I.c us take are of yours. --W. BE R. Exeter. WANTED --By two gentlemen, two or throe furnished rooms in Exeter, heated. Apply P. O. Box 110. The zorrect way and the easiest way to digpase of some property or sell some small article, find a tannant for your, Nous;•, or an ariiele you have lost or help when you want j,`t, is to insert a small :,dvt, in they "Want Column"� of the ArIvoeate. COAL HEATER AND WOOD. HEATER FOR SALE. Apply at the :Advocate Office. HOW IS THE PUMP New Iran Pumps and Fittings in Stock. Ion or wood pumas repaired. Wells pumeed out or cleaned: S. j, V. CANN, Phone 115 DR. JOHN WARD, Chiropractor & O*ttician. Chnopractic .and Electrical Treatments for Chronic: and. Nervous Diseases, Spectacles scientifically fit- ted. Hours 10 to 12; 2 to 4; and by app&atmint Office -William and Sanders Sts., Phone 43. FARM FOR SAL[. The undersigned is ,offering for age chat desirable ,farm in the Township of Sttep.hen, being Lot 15, :Con, 2, known as the Leathorn Farm, .cont. tainin 100 acres. There is on prem ices a commodious two-story frame house and two good bank barns. The farni is well drained and fenced, has a nice orchard, spring creek with a Plentiful supply ,of water the year round; fine for stock; 15 acres seed- ed dawn, all fall plowing done, and there are 10 acres fall wheat; Pos- session given ,April lst, 1922. For parti.:ulars apply to L R. CARLING, i xetts-r, Solicitor for the Adminstra- tor. :Contracting • We wish to call the attention of the public ot Exeter and surrounding dis- trict that we are open to accent, or leader for contracts for alt kinds of building We are experienced wo.rk- men and bystrict attests- a on to busi- ness ushness we hope to share in the contract work of this .district W ARES & PRYIm,, Exeter. pransissarmema,wrter.... ,._. Dray and Baggage Anything you have to move we move it reasonable Motor Truck and Horse Dray at your. Service. Auto Lavery Horse Livery BAGSHAW & EASTON Special for Saturday Only -Mixed Nuts 20e. a lb. at C. L. Wilson's. SALVATION ARMY SERV ICES Sunday -Public Library, 11,00 aim. -Holiness ta'ITeeting 2,30 p.m. --Sunday School 7.00 p.m -Salvation, Meeting 3.00 P.M. -North End, Mrs. Green's home Tuesday -8 p,m„ Cottage Meeting at home of Mrs, Webster, in North End Thursday and Friday-Hensall, Cen- tralia and Crediton visited, Caet. 113aeGillivray Lieut. Partial Y. P. Co A. eptzing bfSlthe 'business how,nonden, England. Some firms ,were success- fel in selling pm whole ,of their out - pot for two kr three yeah$ ta' came; The exteet of the, purchasing has left man; people almost breathless with astonishmaent, The Winnipeg Free Press contains an irv1eresting write-up .of The West- ern Packing eompany's first 4ispla�' of Christmas 'meet, featuring "Man e tabs," :n which a former w ell-ittovvn Exeter Old Boy, Wt J. .Brooks, fig - res prominently. It says; --"Anyone who takes the trouble to visit their ' seers w°i1. be surprised and delighted' at. the rows on rows pf spring lanib runnhtg from 50 to 60 pounds, whit% bays been fed by W. J. Brooks, Crys- al chinkao mlt or would nbe ot possible fect lamb carcasses,'' TWIN DIED,^ Kathleen, the little twin. daugh`tier of lir, and :etre Cecil. Skinnier, deur on Saturday 'evening, at their home on the 3rd concession, of Usborue, atthe ago of 7 months and 25 days] The little one lied bee i;11,for only a. few bours of knotting of the bowel. Sin - core sympathy is telt for the parents in their bereavement, The funeral took place to the Exeter .cemetery on Tuesday afternoon, DEC. 26 WILL B HOLIDAY. Christmas this year ,:omen on Sun- day, The next day, .lfonslay, will be a i ublic holiday, ?though it is not spec-'. fically enumerated in the, list of such festivals. It has -been stated that no riroalamat'son would be issued on the' subject, but the interpretation, Act prasaribes that notes and bills of ex- change. shall not be payable an the lioaday when Christmas is the day before. It Is therefore a Bank bolliday and by custom has been oh - served as a general holiday. This will be the cast this year. U. F. 0. AT TORONTO, Plans for an (extensive educational campaign on ,economic, social and Sim- ilar questions and also with .a view to bringing the young .men and women )Iembersh;p roust: the in jan, -j too the front of the U: F,, O. movement, to enjoy the seems. were outlined vat a meeting of the "Mondry, Dec. .26th, open to all. lie F. O. ".:ounty directors Friday of membersloon , n by Laaices and Gentlemen., ` rr Te tnd eve . M at the Lobos Women en o oronto. The Ontario diet-5 ed Frere also present at the: meeting, following a short: meeting ;of their own. 5. Morrison was re-e1e: ted Secretary - Treasurer, and .among a number of other appointments, Mr. W. D. San- ders af Exeter was named ,on the Ed- ucattienal and the Good Roads cam-. mittees. S. A.. ENTERTAINMENT. The Salvation Army Xmas Enter- tainment and .Santa Claus in. the Tiowti Hall i