HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-08-24, Page 30-• • - ..1.saspiasisaiscasississivssissisiiiipow FARM CLASSIFIED SECTION A. For sale MASSEY FERGUSON No. 7, nine foot pull type swather in good con- dition. Phone 529- 7320.-34 B. Custom work BULLDOZING, Allis- Chalmers No. 650, with six way hydraulic blade. Bill Robinson, RR 2, Auburn, 529-7857. —16tf daSF4L PtC41/41t HURON 78 0 CLAY - Silo Unloaders Feeders Cleaners Stabling Leg Elevators Liquid Manure Equipment Hog Equipment BUTLER - Silo Unloaders Feeders Conveyors FARMATIC - Mills Augers. etc. ACORN - Cleaners Heated Waterers ESTEEL-ROSCO Granaries 11 & L - Hog Panelling LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS RR 1, Kincardine. Ont. Phone 395-5286 WATER WELL DRILLING 76 YEARS EXPERIENCE" • FARM • SUBURBAN • INDUSTRIAL • MUNICIPAL • • FREE ESTIMATES - - • • GUARANTEED WELLS • FAST MODERN EQUIPMENT • 4 ROTARY 8. PERCUSSION DRILLS "OUR EXPERIENCE ASSURES LOWER COST WATER WELLS" DAVIDSON WELL DRILLING LIMITED 4 Rotary and Percussion Drills PHONE 357-1960 WINGHAM _Collect galls Accopnod. "ONTARIO'S FINEST WATER WELLS SINCE 1900" A PAGIE42A-GODERICHSIGNMeSTAR, ITIURSDAY., 'AUGUST 24, IV; .2:d -dee _ Three men from Canada returned ithio month from an en- ' citing hut exhaustarg trip to the People's Rglle of China They came hack reefing from what they had learned were poked tto a' ..hs 4What-ehirsa -wants of-Cariattlianscould be a gileatshotoin - the arm for agricultural maninfactuners in general t; three firms na particular. The men represented McKee Bros_ Ltd. of Elmira., Massey -Ferguson arid hatteroattional Harvester_ -They treated us rainally and were very open.- says El- wood Groh. a vice-pinedentt with McKee hadastries. manu- facturers of farm machinery, esperially hang oquiptinent. and msdwailowers_ -•They took us to the Peking Internal Combustion Engine' Factory and told us, without liedittattion, that they had a wor- king staff of Mo9Bs3 people and were only Forbid:rig (ORO En- gines a year_ Natnrally. the Gang of Four were blamed EEC holding Chion hack for 15 years. The delegation was invited by the Chinese Agricultural Itnchinery Society off Peking to come to the republic_ The invitatioa. cogiched in general terms_ was not ic_ Not Entiil Abe& lono day in China were they told the reason for isse invitation, --They ook ate ns for a proposal to bring their agriculltoral methods op Ito datte.."--id Mr_ Groh_ -Tines are aware tient their methods are hopeitely outdated_ They wanted padspo- sails on how they can manufacture Canadian products under licence in (7 lima.- Ru__;_a_. of course_ is no longer wanted iim China and tire USA _ does not have complete diplomatic arrangements_ Thew like Canada_ They have 2 ne. billion acres off lland under caltivation_ They have an a000tional 2 billion hectares of grassland kr beef and dairy herds to he developed.. They have inedreient. caudiersome machnierr. probably of Ras- dian dedgat but maybe 2i or M pears old The hi st tractor made in China has a rating of perhaps 4l bah They manufacture a deisel engine which has to be started Huron match upcoming With an amoiliarngasallinie IMAM" but the gas -powered motor s a pull-starterl in..: They grow wheat and corm and cotton in the west and esegetiables marl fruit an tricein the east_ New barley se,ed praised by farmers Seed barley fields of the new variety, Bruce. are being harvested across Ontario and growers are unanimous in their praise. Yields of 90 bushels per acre have been reported often and quality is very high. • Bruce Barley is cer-. tairely living up to its advanced billing. Developed by the Ontarits Cereal Project Group at the University of Guelph, this exciting new cultivar has exhibited higher yield and better resistance to HOminthosporium disease than any presently recommended barley variety in Ontario. Bruce is also resistant to 'prevadent races of mildew and stem smut and tolerant to loose smut. ---31r2-Groin belienesotheirolack of- ktiontroltow-stems-firithitr ---Major—advantages to their lack of knowledge in metal stampings, materials hand- this promising variety Ring ..:;so mettaltharKr . are high yield of mid-size I'm:Areas off thousands off acres of hay is oaroesreo by kernels on a six -row h‘,,,,,,t: cut mined_ o oo- moil stored,. vi-jo hi hand tools. The spike; an excellent treads are c 'to --o wiloi hand -drawn rtehieres and especially quality, strong, mid bicycles. A worker with a pull-caut will haul a ton of goods length straw which as far as 30 miles a ,k; .., ,. harnessed to the cart. minimizes lodging; and Can you hinsoogoe the ant-ery in this province? We can't even get people to he' pi harvest our fruit and vegetable crops. The Canadians flew over the terrible Gobi Desert to a Car- 0ntown of Untuncsil .:00; were the first Canadians ever to set foot fin thE town_ People Pined up along the roads to catch a gflimer.-je nff i ern_ The town is about 1180 miles from Mongo- lia and a ffewiliturdred monies from the Russian border. The Canadians arrived July 23 and left Peking Aug 6. --CM the road from the airnont to Peking - we were taken the 2i1 mars in separate lininusines - we menet perhaps four other cam along the route,- said Mr. Groh_ :Even-ybody travels hy lint or by bicycle and those bicycles cost the worker about five months pay! Their. guides. and interpreters freer*" admitted . the back and stressed ke immediate need for high-speed. hiom;y-efficiennt combines and seeding equip- ment and for tractors of 100 to 150 hp_ as well as for me- chanized having equipment. They are eager to draw on Wes- teno ttechnolomr and &snot rather than leaning towards other Communist countries of kie world_ --I came away impressed wilio the people and the country but opt with the system.- said Mr. Groh. The visit_ -oould the Peoples Republic decide to accept the proposals_ could mean a lot to Canadians County Match in McKillop Huron County is not only the host of the International Phiwimg Match this fall, but on September 1 and 2 the annual Huron County Plowing Match will be held_ Although there seems to be some , confusion between the two matches, which is which and when they will be held, the Huron match has been an annual _ event for the county over the past 50 years. Meanwhile, the International Match to be featured just east of Wingham this year, is a much larger match, the largest outdoor agricultural event in the world_ While the International Match which will be held at the Armstrong Farms_ in Morris Township on September 26 to 30 may draw daily crowds of over 50,000, the Huron Match will deal more on a local level_ It is hoped however that the county match which will be held on the Ken. Campbell farm, lot 15 concession 6 McKillop Township will prepare Huron for the big match two weeks Later_ Price support for l.977-78corn crop The Farm Income Stabilization Commission of Ontario has announced a support price of $2.38 per bushel for corn sold in the crop year September 1, 1977, to August 31, 1978. The Ontario support price is based on 95 percent 'of the average market prices for the previous five years, plus an adjustment for cash production costs. Establishment of the Ontario price follows a recent announcement by the federal government of a $2.26 per bushel support level under the federal plan. The average market price for the 1977 crop year will not be deter- mined until the middle of September_ If that- price is less than $2.26, however, producers enrolled in the Ontario plan can expect a net payment of at least eight cents per bushel. The Ontario plan is funded one-third by producers and two-thirds by the Ontario govern- ment. The producer's share will be deducted from the payment. More than 11,500 corn producers enrolled in the 1977 Ontario corn plan. Claims forms for the 1977 crop year will be mailed to participating producers. Forms must be filled out and returned with receipts attached for payment to be made. • For the Huron match, the coaching for the plow boys and girls will begin at 9:30 a.m. on Sep- tember 1. The chief judge for the Ontario Plowman's Association and his assistant, will be on hand to give advice about plowing to the young people who are just learning_ As well as the morning coaching, the junior match will be held in the afternoon. The Huron Plowman's Association are spon- soring two Sod Busters 4- H Clubs, one in the north with John Clark and W.J. Leeming as leaders and Allan Walper and Allan Turnbull as the leaders in the south_ On Saturday, Sep- tember 2 the match events will be held, starting at 9:30 a.m. with 10 classes in competition including the Queers ofthe Furrow contest. Prizes in money, goods and trophies will amount to $3,500. Along with the plowing events other special contests will include: a horse shoe pitching Contest, one class for Huron. players and a second for 'all comers; nail driving class, a class for la 'es and one for men; log sawing contest, with two classes using cross cut saws, one class with entries using their own saw and a class using the same saw. The Huron match will act as a lead in for the International Match at the end of September. The International match in turn will cover over 1,000 acres of land in Morris Township. genetic resistance to Helminthosporium. In addition, Bruce has rough awns which help create and maintain fluffy swaths for rapid dry - down and easier har- vesting. Bruce is well adapted to virtually all barley growing areas of Ontario. Genetic resistance to.. HeInninthosperiUm in a Poor weed control? How did your her- ' bicides work this year? If you are like most Huron County farmers, some fields have excellent weed control while other fields are so-so. Part of poor weed control is d related to weather but too ' often it is a result a choosing the wrong herbicide or not knowing the weed problem. Good weed control must match the herbicide to the weed pi-a:dem. Right now is the easiest time to identify weeds since most are fully grown. Once you know your weeds, then you can choose the right herbicide. There is no substitute for walking all fields now and making a list of the weeds that are present This winter you can choose your her- bicides to fit specific needs. Olsows Gravel Pit DUNGANNON, ONT. 529-7942 _IMF ANSI r AB' AM" 0' In! AI AIM,/ ." Af• PRICES ARE PER TON SANDY FILL B-2 GRAVEL B-1 GRAVEL DUST OR SAND 4" UNDER STONE ROAD GRAVEL CEMENT GRAVEL 5/8" 3/4 STONE 300 100 Load bans twin Prices .30c .40c .50c .40c .44c .50c .54c .60c .64c ` 1.00 1.20 1.24 1.20 1.30 1.34 1.35 1.39 1.80 1.90 1.94 OUR DELIVERY CHARGE IS LESS Dozer and scraper available for a good leveling job eed Wheat For Sale Certified Canada No. 1 Buyers of Timothy and Trefoil Seed ,POPP I PP.osposi.a.pp IP PPIPI ...... PAP/ /4p ip Anderson Flax Products LUCKNOW 5283203 high -yielding barley is a major breakthrough in Ontario's cereal program. Resistance to most other major diseases which attack barley is an added bonus in Bruce. The Helmin- thosporium organism causes barley plants to break at', the top node before - maturity..Low yield and poorly filled kernels result. The disease is widespread in Ontario. Breeder and select seed were released by the university to seed companies who are members of the SeCan Association_ The increase program undertaken by the 20 Ontario members of " the association, coupled with _the out- standing- yield and quality which is being harvested, should enshre sufficient.*.kelkned,:dd-f: year, the first that Bruce will be available for commercial production. However, because bf the very high grower interest in this new variety, it would be wise for farmers to order their requirements early for 1979. The disease resistance and out- standing yield of Bruce will once again make barley production a profitable agricultural enterprise. John Anderson of Hensall is one of the many seed barley growers in Ontario impressed with the performance of the new variety, Bruce. He harvested 75 acres of the new cultivar and says most of his fields approached 80 bushels per acre. JOHNSTON BROS. New rairBothwellr 'Prices CASH & CARRY EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY FILL STONEDUST SAND CRUSHED GRAVEL CEMENT GRAVEL DRAINAGE STONE. OVERSIZE STONE PIT RUN 15' 95e 90c 95' 95c '1.75 95c 40' OPEN MONDAY TaFRIDAY DUNGANNON PITS ONLY 524-7947 'NU/ A H /AR AN EXTRA.... ONE MILLION DOLLARS 44,'030.0: '.;• 6, 0 • * 6 :4 $.P.01,000001,00 100 BONUS PRIZES OF $10000 EACH 0 4000000.6000000000***0 0 0 0 0 Wintario tickets for the Aug 31 draw have two sets of numbers O Regular five -digit Wintario ticket number with series mimber. For five chances at S100,000 and more ' than 90,000 Other tax-free prizes ()Eight -digit BonuS Draw number. If the bonus number on your ticket cdrres- ponds exactly with one of 100 special bonus numbers drown. you win S10,000 tax-free. A BUOC,ANDYOU'RE IN FOR BO1H. 'Based on 9fi series of tickets 04'. .000440010000 0 1 0 0 11 1 GET YOUR TICKET NOW. For this special Bonus Draw, ticketsales will stop at 600 p m , Thursday, August 31. 1978, to accommodate the advance bonus drawing. - Tickets are going fast, so don't wait Get yours now And don't miss the special one-hour Wintario show live on TV from the Monmouth Township Arena, Wilberforce, bt 9 00 P m -p One year claiming period No subsidiary prizes eV) ri IS% 0 0 0 0 0 WE ALLWN A " • • comrsrAT e • Z00 ' ' • 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0000