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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-08-24, Page 25
CHURCH PAGE How m€'Taningful is our t€ligkin? REV. A. C. YOUNG RETIRED PRESBYTERIAN MINISTER It is both wise and useful for us to examine our faith and to deter- mine whether We are being consistent in our religious conduct. Many years ago, after their first missionary journey, St. Paul proposed to Barnabas that they revisit the churches they -had founded to see if their members, were con- tinuing steadfast in the faith, growing in grace, _. -advancing-in-the-spiritual life...or standing still or falling away (i.e. Acts 15:36 "Let us go again and visit our brethern in every city where we have preached the word of the Lord and see how they do"). Since then, nearly 2,000 , years later, we need to apply this proposal to ourselves. Let us con- sider our ways and apply our hearts unto wisdom and seek to find out how things stand between ourselves and our God. I believe that if ever self- inquiry in religion • was needed, it is needed now. Do we really ever think seriously, about our. souls Couple wed 60 yrs. Mr. and Mrs. John Melvin Martin, 40 Cambria Rd.S. celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on August 2nd. Open House was held in the afternoon at which time many friends and relatives arrived to ex- tend their best wishes. Home for the occasion was the couple's daughter Phyllis Barrett and her husband Dean. from Tacoma Washington; .great- granddaughters Michelle and Cheri Fritts from Pasco, Washington; daughter Eleanor Slywchuk and her husband Bill with grandsons Michael and Stephen all . of London, and 'daughter Maxine Martin of Goderich. Among the out-of-town guests • was Mrs. Margaret Rutledge, Brussels, Ont. who was bridesmaid at their wedding in Clinton in 1918. Several congratulatory messages were received along -with a telegram from Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth; a plaque from Prime Minister Trudeau and a plaque from Premier Davis. Following open house, a dinner was held for the immediate family, during which time Mr. and Mrs. Martin were presented with gifts from friends and relatives in • honor of the occasion. SUPERIOR MEMORIALS ESTABLISHER OVER SO YEARS Ooderlch Area, r1 Rspr.aantoflve ROBERT McCALLUM! 11 Cambria Road Gadorich . 5244345 Clinton-fieiforth Aron RaprOsifIative MICHAEL FALCONER 133 High Street Clinton 452-9441 at all? Many cannot answer this question affirmatively. They seldom, if ever, give .the subject of religion any place in their thoughts. They are absorbed in the pursuit of business, pleasure, politics, money, self-indulgence, etc. while death, judgement, eternity, Heaven and hell and the Resurrection are never seriously con- sidered. Do we ever do anything about our souls? There are multitudes -in Canada who do occasionally think about religion but never get __beyond( the thinking. _, These people are always meaning, purposing and resolving; they say they 'know' what is right -and hope to be found right at the last; but there is no actual separation from the service of the world and sin; no `doing' in their religion. They never put into action...always procrastinating... "alm- ost persuaded but wholly lost!" Are we trying.to satisfy our consciences with mere formality? How many are making shipwreck on this rock!' They are punctual in the observance of the out- ward forms and or- dinances of religion, even the most solemn; yet all the time there is no heart in their Christianity. Of these our Lord's words are true: (Matt. 15:8) "This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me." Have we sought and received the forgiveness of our sins? Forgiveness has been purchased for us by the eternal Son of God, Who became incarnate, lived, died, and rose again as our substitute in our behalf. But this forgiveness isa thine we things of the world ---these each must lay hold on, appropriate and make his own by faith. Jesus is able and willing to save, but man must come to Him in faith; for without believing there is no forgiveness, Do we know anything by experience of con- version? Without con- version there is no salvation. Sense of sin, deep hatred of it, faith in Christ, and love for Him...hungering and thirsting after righteousness, detach- ment from love of the are some of the signs of true conversion. These and many other questions must be an- swered with conviction in the affirmative if we would see our God_ Are we looking'forward to the second corning of our Lord? The Bible em- phatically declares this ,glorious fact, that He shall return with power and great glory to raise the dead, to judge the souls of men and to set up a kingdom where sin and death shall have no place. How meaningful is your (my) religion? -Goderich couple mark. 50 years. of marriage Pete ,. and Bud Zim- merman, 133 Cameron Street, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary during the weekend. The couple were married August 22, 1928 in Petrolia, at the Methodist Church Parsonage by the .Rev. Andrew Lane. The couple have one daughter, Mrs. Bob (Carol Ann) Fisher, London. Open house was held at the Zimmerman's home Saturday, with their daughter, son-in-law and three grandchildren Pat, Brad and Steve as hosts. Also helping with the arrangements and ' ser- ving the many friends, neighbors and relatives who arrived to congratulate the couple were Linda Berg, Mrs. Shirley Carr, Mrs. Bernice Lowe and Mrs. Fay Devine, all of Lon- don, and Mrs. Barbara Hawkins of Goderich. GOD KH SIGNAL„ STAR„ DAYit,i UGiUST 4, 7 July weddirt cer14a ` ,` itny St. George's Anglican Chum in Goderich was decorated with daisies and carnations for the slimmer wedding of Andrea Jeanette Deter of Stratford and Kevin John Buurs of Londeshero on July 15. The bride is the daughter of Alvin and Janet Dae of Goderich and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mai;_ John Buurs of Londesboro_ The Reverend Robert Crocker officiated at the double ring ceremony. The bride was given in marriage by her father_ She wore a white satin floor length dress and aToai•-tlaered floor length veil_ She carried white mtems, carnations and yellow roses_ Maid of honor was Cheryl Marrisson of Goderich_ She wore a blue peasant styled floor length dress and white daisies in her hair_ She carried a bouquet of white, yellow, pink and blue sumnmerli®were Bridesmaids were Donna Dowhanind of C ralerich and Dianna Sala7Chttck also of Goderich. They wore yellow and pink peasant styled floor length dresses and daisies in their hair_ Theycarried bontpts similar to the maid of homes_ Groomsman was Harry Thompson of - Ushers were Steven Rey of Clinton and y McCool Winkham The groom and his attendants all wore light blue tuxedos_ Following the. wededssinthamn , i __ was held at Candlelight R .. _. The bride's mother greeted guests in a pale yellow Boor length dress with a corsage of pink roses_ The groiom"s mother -chose a bite: chiffon floor length drys. with a white gardenia corsage_ For a wedding trip to Rice Lake and New York State, the bride rho :g' -':r= to a milli-Coh3red peasant styled dress wills a white carnation corsage_ Mr. and Mrs_ Buanrs will reside at 319 !tome Street, Apartment 4 in Stratford_ Prior to the wedding. ' e bride was honored at a siii-uweir held y Di Sawrimunck_ MR. AND MRS. KEVIN JOHN BUURS HOLINESS,BIBLE MISSIONARY CHURCH N Sunday school 9:50 Classes for all ages Worship Service 11:09 a_mn. Prayer 6:30.7:9D p_ . Evangelistic Service 7:00 p_m_ Wednesday Night Prayer and Praise Blessed are the pure in heart for They shall see God q i Huron 54. 8 Walnut 5t. Matthecuv 5:3 i i G. Clair Sams , Pastor 524-'27118`5 �A i•--- ...�.�_.--..�.------ -- _ a THE REV THE LO Branch 109 Legion n ®y MAMANi NERVI - Sund y Ai(r;fjii est 27 2 ;,mem BLIC BEREA-BY-THE-WATER LUTHERAN CHURCH a 1 Gibbons St. at Sirncoast Drive a 1 %� N� X11 SUNDAY, AUGUST 27, 1978 9:15 AAA_ SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL 10:30 A.M. WORSHIP GUEST SPEAKER Marvin L. Barr, Pastor 524-22235 "Preaching peace by esus Christ_ He is Lord of all" Act' 11:1 S Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada Corner of Elgin and Waterloo Streets Pastor: C. Fred Day N i 1 SUNDAY SCHOOL — 10 A.M. N "it's Better to Build Than Mend" WORSHIP HOUR -11 A.M "Rev. Alvin Winsor" Peta:rboro Bible College Professor EVENING SERVICE - 7 P.M. SPECIAL MUSICAL NUMBERS MESSAGE BY PASTOR DAY "We Invite You To Come and Bring The Whole Family" Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Martin celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary with an open house at their home on Cambria Road South. Shown stanang in the photo with the Martins is their bridesmaid of 60 years ago, Mrs. Margaret Rutelidge of Brussels. (Photo by Jim Hagarty) s404°N:a tit* ?,0 0111, P0ASQCMOS`G,Q�Ge� ta4 PASTOR: ` ®�y�°� WAYNE GOOD 19N10 PHONE 523-9652 EVIL PREVAILS WHEN GOOD MEN D a NOTHING. K Established 1876 McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE: 10 MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT , Mrs. Margaret Sharp. Sec. Treas.. Ph. 527-0400. FULL COVERAGE Farm and Urban Properties Fire, Windstorm, Liabilitg, Theft Various Floater Coverages ' Homeowner's,Tenan't's Package, Composite Dwelling Directors and Adjusters Ken Carnochan, R.R.k4, Seaforth Lavern Godkin, R.R.41, Walton Ross Leonhardt, R.R.41, Bornholm John McEwing, A.R.41. Blyth Stanley Mcllwain, R.R.42. Goderich Donald McKercher. R.R.41. Dublin John A. Taylor, R.R.H1, Brucefield J.N.TrewarihaF Box 661, Clinton Stuart Wilson, R.R.41, Brucefield AGENTS James Keys, R.R.41, Seaforth Wm. Leiper: R.R.41, Londe5boro Steve J. Murray, R:R.MS, Seaforth 527-1545 '527-1877 345-2234 523-9390 524-7051 527-1837 482-7527 482-7593 527-0687 527-0467 5 3-4257 345-2172 CALL 'AN AGENT OR THE OFFICE 1 i N 1 CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFIEL.D ROAD AT BLAKE STREET EVANGELISTIC — FUNDAMENTAL REV. R. BRUBACHER Pastor 10:00 A.M. FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL 11:00 A_M_ MORNING WORSHIP 7I THE PASTOR PREACHES 7:30 P.M. EVENING SERVICE THE CHOIR SINGS AT BOTH SERVICES WED. 8 PM_ PRAYER MEETING WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLY CHURCH sY Lliristialt 3 t`fnrnictt L11IrTt-l1 Services held each Sunday at Robertson Memorial School 10:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. of 10:30 a.m. for the Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Listen to CKNX Radio Sunday "Back to God Hour" FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) Montreal Street (near the Square)` Organist Mr. Frank Bissett 11:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP Guest Speaker Mr. Larry Parke Oil Springs Everyone Welcome N N 1 % % N ( N 1 ( M ex Presbyterian Church G_ LOCKHART ROYAL„ B_t'A_, ft& 01V_Mantster N REV_ RONALD,C_ McCALLUM„ Assistant RINE ti_ DOTTERER„ Director of Praise N SUNDAY. AUGUST 27, 1978 Srrminer Services at 1©:0At0 a_tta_ SERMON: "LIFE THROUGH BELIEVING" ((Nursery FacilitiesD Piper - Bertram Y. McCreath Lemonade en the Front Lon atter Service Enter to Worship Depart to Serve North Street United Church The Rev_ Ralph King, :s _A., B_D_, Minister Miss Clare McGowan,, Visiting Assistant Mr_ Robert Blackwell. A_ Miss_, M Mfrs_ Director of Music Junior Church for ages 3 to 11, inclusive, trona worship at 10 amt. SUNDAY, AUGUST 27, 1978 SUMMER WORSHIP AT 10:00 A.M. SERMON: "GOD IS LOVE" Preacher: The Rev_ Ralph E King Special Music: Mr_ Peter Postill - Tenor Soloist C 1 1' % N Union service with Victoria Street ar.d Benmilter Congregations at Victoria Street United Church_ Nursery facilities Cone and Worship With Us ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH . N Rector: The Reverend Robert J. Crocker Organist -Choirmaster: Joseph B_ Herdman Summer Sunday Services until September 3rd 8:30 a_m_ Holy Communion. Men's Breakfast on third Sunday monthly_ 11:00 a_m_ Holy Communion, first and third Sundays, - Morning Prayer on other Sundays_ Nursery available_' Sermon series on Doctrines of the Creed: the Rector. Please note that services will remain at 8:30 and 11:00 j a.m. during the summer months_ — You are always welcome at St. George's — 11 11 THE SALVATION ARMY 18 WATERLOO ST. 5_ 524-9341 9:45 a_m_ (Sunday School) Christian Education for all ages 11:00 a.m_- Family Worship (Holiness Mtg.) 6:00 p.m_ EVENINGSERVICE- (SALVATION MTG.) (The hand of God in the Heart of Goderich) Officers Lieutenant 8 Mrs_ Neil Watt All Are Cordially InvitedTo Jorn Our Fellowship Victoria Street United Church 187801978 Minister: Rev. John D.M. Wood. B.A.B.D. Organist and Choir Director: -Mrs. J. Snider 10:00 a.m. UNION SERVICE IN VICTORIA 'ST. Benrniller, North St. and Victoria St. Guest Minister: Rev. Ralph King Nursery and Pre-school Facilities WELCOME 1 • 1 1 for