HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-08-24, Page 22-777 PAGE 4A--,�GODERICH SIGNAL. -STAR, THURSDAY, AUGUST 24,1978 .thtleS mtM PROGRAM SCHEDULE August 24 to August 30 EXCLUSIVE TO SIGNAL -STAR PUBLISHING MORNINGS MONDAY AFTERNOON �O FRIDAY MORNING 6:45 MORNING NEWS 7:80 TODAY SHOW 7:25 MICHIGAN TODAY 7:30 TODAY SHOW 9:00 MARCUS WELBY, 10:00 CARD SHARKS 10:30 HOLLYWOOD SQUARES 11:00 TUE NEW HIGH ROLLERS 11:30 THE, WHEEL OF FORTUNE AFTERNOON 12:00 NEWS 5 AT NOON 12:30 FAMILY AFFAIR 1:00 FOR RICHER. FOR POORER 1:30 DAYS OF OUR LIVES 4:00 SUNDAY SPEC - 2:30 THE DOCTORS TACULAR - "ASSIGN - 3:00 ANOTHER WORLD MENT TO KILL" - Patrick O'Neal, Joan Hackett - An THURSDAY, AUGUST 24 investigator for a large in - AFTERNOON surance firm relies on his 4:00 Movie Five: brain and brawn to survive ...._.�'SlIf.INS.IN.G�_S1IlYIME_R' Raquel Welch, James Stacy volved in a $15 million in - '64...A summer of romance ternational swindle_ and music among a group of young people who start a concert place on a lake. • EVENING 6:30 WILD, WILD WORLD 6:00 NEWS FIVE AT SIX OF ANIMALS "DEADLY 6:30 NBC NIGHTLY NEWS AFRICAN SNAKES" 7:00 I DREAM OF JEANNIE 7:30 MICHIGAN STATE LOTTERY - Live 8:00 CHIPS 9:00 TV5 Movie:"RICH MAN, POOR MAN" Chapter V - Peter Strauss, Nick Nolte, Susan Blakely, Kim Darby, Murray Hamilton, 11:00 NEWS 5 AT ELEVEN Van Johnson...Rudy Jor- 11:30 CINEMA FIVE dache finally marries Julie; "GUNFIGHT AT OK Tom begins a new life in the CORRAL" Burt Lancaster, merchant marines_ Later, Kirk Douglas, Doc Holiday Rudy'and Julie's marriage is joins forces with Wyatt Earp threatened and Tom en- to wipe out the Clinton Gang. counters a dangerous ad- versary. MON.DAY, AUGUST 28 11Of1_� NEWS ..F.IVE. AT _.AFTERNOON. ELEVEN 11:30 THE TONIGHT SHOW 1:00 ALL NIGHT MOVIES: "R.P.M." Anthony Quinn, Ann Margaret; "THE DETECTIVE STORY" Kirk Douglas, Lee Majors; "BALLAD OF ANDY CROCKER" Lee Majors, Jimmy .Dean. 12:30 CHARLIE CHAN THEATRE: "CHARLIE CHAN AT THE OLYMPICS" Warner Oland, Katherine DeMille - Chan solves a murder that almost disrupts the Olympics 2:00 MEET THE PRESS 2:30 SUNDAY AF- TERNOON MOVIE: "CRASH LANDING" Gary Merrill, Nancy David BW - Stern unbending captain of an airliner is forced to ditch his plane over the ocean. From reactions of his passengers, he learns a great deal about mankincl and himself. EVENING 6:00 NEWS 5 AT SIX 7:00 THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF DISNEY "THE THREE LIVES OF THOMASINA" Part II 8:00 PROJECT UFO 9:00 ,HE BIG EVENT - "POLICE S,TORY" "The Broken Badge" FRIDAY, AUGUST 25 AFTERNOON 4:00 MOVIE FIVE: "ONE MILLION YEARS B.C." Raquel Welch, John Richardson - Science -Fiction story of romance .and war among two tribes of cavemen_ EVENING 6:00 NEWS FIVE AT SIX 6:30 NBC NIGHTLY NEWS 7:00 WILD KINGDOM: "ISLANDS OF THE SEA" 7:30 THE MUPPETS" Petula Clark 8:00 CANDID CAMERA 8:30 TIGER BASEBALL: DETROIT VS MILWAUKEE 11:00 NEWS FIVE AT ELEVEN 11:30 THE TONIGHT SHOW 1:00 MIDNIGHT SPECIAL 2:30 A.M. "HARPER" Paul Newman, Lauren Bacall; "THE JOKER IS WILD" Frank Sinatra, Jeanne Crain SATURDAY AUGUST 26 MORNING 7:00 SPACE SENTINELS 7:30 LAND OF THE LOST 8:00 HONG KONG PHOOEY 8:30 GO GO GLOBETROTTERS 10:30 THE THINK PINK PANTHER SHOW 11:00 BAGC Y PANTS & THE NITWITS 11:30 SOUL TRAIN AFTERNOON 12:30 SCIENCE FICTION THEATRE: "THE NAVY VS. THE NIGHT MON- STERS" - Mamie Van Doren, Anthony Eisley 2:15 TIGER BASEBALL: Milwaukee at Detroit 4:30 CANDID CAMERA 5:00 WOLFMAN JACK 5:30 SHA NA NA EVENING 6:00 NEWS 5 AT SIX 6:30 HEE HAW . - Billy Carter, Stuart Hamblen, Randy Gurley 7:30 THE GONG SHOW 8:00 ORAL ROBERTS SPECIAL 9:00 NFL PRE -SEASON FOOTBALL -GAME: Los Angeles at Oakland 12:00 NEWS 5 (delayed) 12:30 MILLION $ MOVIE: "MAJOR DUNDEE" Charlton,,,,. Heston,. , Richard. Harris (Delayed due to NFL football game) SUNDAY, AUGUST 27 MORNING 6:45 DAVEY & GOLIATH 7:00 OPEN CAMERA 7:30 CARTOON CARNIVAL 8:00 REX HUMBARD 9:00 ORAL ROBERTS 9:30 TELEVISED MASS 10:00 ABBOTT • & COSTELLO THEATRE - "ABBOTT & COSTELLO • MEET CAPTAIN KID" Abbott, COstello, Charles Laughton. The boys discover ' Captain Kidd's treasure , map. - 11:30 DAKTARI "DIVINING ROADS" 4:00 MOVIE FIVE: "BENEATH THE PLANET OF THE APES" - James Franciscus, Kim Hunter '70 - - 2,000 years after New York is destroyed by atomic blast, astronaut discovers an underground society of mutated humans. EVENING 6:00 NEWS 5 AT SIX 6:30 NBC NIGHTLY NEWS 7:00 I DREAM OF. JEANNIE 7: 3 0 ADAM- 1 2 "HOLLYWOOD .DIVISION" 8:00 LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE 9:00 NBC MONDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES "DIRTY HARRY" 11:00 NEWS 5 AT ELEVEN 11:30 THE TONIGHT SHOW 1:00 TOMORROW TUESDAY, AUGUST 29 AFTERNOON 4:00 MOVIE FIVE: "MISSION STARDUST" Essy Persson, Lang Jeffries '69 -- Space expedition from Earth is forced by a mysterious power to land in an area not of their choosing. EVENING 6:00 NEWS 5 AT SIX 6:30 NBC NIGHTLY NEWS 7:00 I DREAM OF JEANNIE 7:30 ADAM -12 "NOR- THEAST DIVISION" 8:00 THE BIG EVENT: "MEMORIES OF ELVIS" Ann Margaret, host NBC Three-hour tribute to the King of Rock. 11:00 NEWS FIVE AT ELEVEN 11:30 THE TONIGHT SHOW 1:00 TOMORROW WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30 AFTERNOON 4:00 MOVIE FIVE: "FROM THE EARTH TO THE MOON" Joseph Cotten -- Jules Verne's sci-fi thriller of three men and a woman who rocketed to the moon. EVENING 6:00 NEWS FIVE AT 6 6:30 NBC NIGHTLY NEWS 7=00 1 DREAM OF JEANNIE 7:430 ADAM -12 "IF THE SHOE FITS" . 8:00 NBC WEDNESDAY MOVIE: "THE DAY OF THE DOLPHIN" • 10:00 POLICE 'WOMAN 11:00 NEWS 5 AT ELEVEN 11:30 THE TONIGHT SHOW 1:00 TOMORROW Smile What did billing depar- tments do beforethey could blame goofs on the computer? i -l- There's a theory that if you don't smoke, drink, or overeat, you'll live a lot longer. Trouble is, we won't know for sure until somebody tries it. ++1 , Do patients in an acupuncturist's office wait on pins and needles? Ontario government fitness tester Jeff Stapleton is shown removing a chunk of Signal -Star reporter Jim Hagarty's arm for analysis back in Toronto. Stapleton said afterward he'd never seen a body like it. The fitness van is one of seven trailelling from community to community throughout Ontario, checking people's physical fitness and suggesting programs for improvement. (Photo by Cindy Jones) Fitness tester Jeff Stapleton took one look at Signal - Star reporter Jim Hagarty as he entered Victoria public school's gymnasium last Thursday and . decided he'd better check his blood pressure before fitness test..... sending the reporterthrough the tests. Stapleton had trouble getting a reading, but sent Hagerty on his way anyway. (Photo by Jim Hagarty) • from page 1A mysteriously started to soundlike angels singing, Jeff stopped the test, ripped the wires off my chest and back, and invited me to sit down. I watched the monitor as my heart slowed and Jeff watched the tickertape from the elec- trocardiogram. "Not bad," said the tester. "Your heartbeat is good, both resting and working," Somehow I knew it would be good at resting. It gets a lot of practice. If you don't` mind, I'd rather not talk about the muscle -testing part of the exam. I mean, the only people who go around squeezing hand -grips with special indicators on them are fitness testers, right?Little wonder I had trouble getting the in- dicator to move. And those silly sit-ups. The only practice I ever get at those is the odd time in the middle of the night when I bolt upright in bed after a nightmare about gruelling reporting assignments. No wonder I collapsed after 32 in one minute. The tests complete, I was carried, over to the starting table in a nice canvass stretcher and laid to rest while Jeff called the coroner,- the Guiness World Book of Records, and Dr. Christian Barnard_.. The last part was the easiest. Jeff tallied my scores, comparing them to a "national average" for my size and age and then worked out a program whereby I might be able to recreate a version of the Lazarus miracle, I was handed three pamphlets: How Fit is Your Foodstyle, A Guide to Personal Fitness, Physical Fitness Assessment Rephrt and,' in consultation with Jeff, discovered that I could snake it to retirtnent age if three 'times a week I spent 15 minutes jogging, skating, swimming, cycling, walking or cross- country skiing. Anything, he said, would be better than nothing. He also said that if I wanted to continue to live the way I have been, I would just have to pay the price. All four testers, Jeff, Debbie Barr, ' . Barbara McFarlane and Cindy Jones, waved as I rode away in the ambulance. Thanks for your help, I whispered through the back window: They"11 be back. Maybe in September. And they'll give talks to any service groups and clubs that would like to hear about any fitness area from nutrition to alcohol. I don't know yet what day they're coming back; to Goderich, but I've already told the editor that I haver-, go to a funeral that day. But don't let me discourage you. If the test did nothing else, it gave my conscience a good workout. BURT REYNOLDS LAST NIGHT THURS., ONE SHOWING 8 P.M. "THE EIVD• A comedy for you and Mourner. O,eL In ADMITTANCE to MOO. 1,nMS a ACT CO o,. STARTS FRIDAY, AUG. 24-31 ATTN. KIDS SAT. & SUN. MATINEE STARTS 1:30 SUN.-THURS. ONE SHOWING 8:00 FRI. & SAT. TWO SHOWINGS 7 & 9 RUDYARD KIPLING'S GREAT ADVENTURE n.. mMtM M 4111 Nq Vl41. h1S.,RUnr)N Cr") int e IQ "8eloo" ^8agheara'• "King toule" "Shore Khan" 04, 6y VCO, by Vain, by ynlrr by PHIL HARRIS SEBASTIAN CABOT LOUIS PRIMA GEORGE SANDERS ORIt;INAL SOUNDTPACI AVAR ARI E ON'DISNF 41 ANf ? 1F r r N>F K AND WALT DISNEY'S 'TUE SIGN OF PARK CODERlCki 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 524-7811 AIRCONDITIONEO Program subject to change New playstartlng Two Miles Off, the final play . the Summerof Festival1978 seasonBlyth opened on Wednesday,-, August 23. The play is scheduled to run every night from August 28 to September 2 at 8:30 p.m. Written by a company from Edmonton known as Theatre Network, and directed by Brian Rintoul_ of Mitchell, Two Miles Off is the story of a small town situated two miles off the main highway. This small distance is just enough to keep the train and bus from stopping in_ the `town. But the people of the town are determined to see their community continue to grow and prosper and Staff The 12 Huron County health -unit inspectors and clerical staff have been granted a 10.5 per cent increase in a wage and benefits package covering two years. The Huron County health unit approved the agreement at a meeting which allowed for a four - percent increase retroactive to July 1. A further increase of 6.5 percent is effective January 1. Local 1305 of the Canadian Union of PubI'ic Employees (CUPE), representing the workers, has already ratified -the agreement. Huron County council. has approved any in- crease of up to four percent for this year. But further increase of 6.5 percent will have to be ratified by council at its next meeting. The -four-percent in- crease will mean public health officials will now earn between $13,260 and $16,640 and secretary - stenographers will earn between $7,332 and $9,412. The publi,c__._beal-th• nurses employed by the county health unit aren't members of CUPE and will not be affected by the new contract. face the situation with humour and courage. Two Miles Off is a play 'that will keep the whole .family entranced. Filled with music and laughter, Two Miles Off is a unique experience for everyone young 'or old, 'from the country or from the city. Don't miss your op- portunity to see it. Finishing their run this week are the Huron Tiger (today at 2 p.m. and August 26 at 8:30 p.m.) and Gwendoline (August 24 and 25, 8:30 p.m.). Be sure to see these plays, both favourites with audiences this year. Blyth Summer val is air con- ditioned for your comfort. The Festi SALTFORD VALLEY HALL FOR RENT 524-9366 Now Appearing Mon., Aug. 21 till Sat., Aug. 26 SIGNS Very Enjoyable, versatile band TREAT YOURSELF AND YOUR FRIENDS...FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE OUR HOT BUFFET IS SERVED THURS. &FRI. 12 NOON - 2 P.M. Come as you are We Welcome Luncheon meetings in our Diningroom or private Banquet Room BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCHEON SPECIALS EVERY DAY Visit the Keg Room •Colour TV *Relaxing Atmosphere We are open 11:30 a.m.4111 a.m. Mon. thru Sat., Sun. 11:30 a.m. to10 p.m. Dine every Sunday in the relaxing atmosphere of the Candlelight Dining Room, enhanced by our Piano �O r=background music. -� Candlelight Restaurant &. Tavern Licensed under LC.B.O. BAYFIELD RD.. GODERICH 524-7711 HELD OVER UNTIL AUG. 31` 2ND SMASH WEEK John Travolta Olivia Newton -John • HENRY WINKLER IN HWY, 8 GODERI_CH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 ' PHONE 524.9981 #ST4VO GODERICH ORIVE'IN TUEATRE r