HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-08-24, Page 20PAGE 2,A—GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1978' Goderich council endorses Waterloo resolution Refillable containers still best Sorting'bottles at the Red and White Food store o• n Victoria Street is a big job for Wayne Dam. Max Cutt, owner .of the store, estimates the store takes in between 1,200 and 1,500 bottles a week. And that's only big bottles and the 1.5 litre size. The store doesn't accept the small bottles. Cutt did indicate the service is a nuisance ... but a necessary nuisance: (staff photo) BY For environmental and SHIRLEY J. KELLER conservation reasons The bai'fle—between - a+off. at least one "refillable softrink Goderich businessman is ...-.71lig to continue taking refillable containers. Dale McDonald, manager of Zehr's supermarket where soft drink bottles are ac- cepted by the basketful, said he believes non- refillable containers are more . of a problem , to 'society than the problem caused in his store by taking in the refillable containers. "Sorting takes a lot of time and we spend hours on the whole thing, but it is worth it," McDonald says. He admits that it would be "less trouble" if ttie "store didn't accept empty pop bottles, but claims the service is one he and his staff are happy to live with. Consumers can hardly afford not to return refillable containers these days. The small bottles bring 10 cents; the big bottles, 20- cents; and the 1.5 litre bottles are worth 30 cents • . The Ontario Solid Waste Task Force in 1974 estimated that a 100 per cent refillable system would yield over $7.7 million in extra pur- ,• chasing power ' to con- sumers. • refillable ones continues. But Council of the Regional • Municipality. of Waterloo has recently circulated a resolution with regard to soft drink containers that has the endorsement of Goderich Town Council and the whole -hearted approval of the Energy Con- servation Centre in Goderich. The resolution is short but conclusive. It states that experiences and research indicate that refillable glass con- tainers are markedly preferable to non- refillable metal and glass containers for soft drink distribution. It lists five distinct reasons. The resolution claims that a refillable system results in a net increase in jobs; it is a significant energy and materials conservation measure; solid wastes and litter are reduced.; consumers and taxpayers are saved money; and a refillable system would produce net benefits for the Ontario economy. Also pointed out is the fact that a refundable, mandatory deposit ap- plied to all soft drink containers would result in a substantial increase in _ the use of these mudi .. preferrred refillables. The resolution asks that the ' province of Ontario make all haste to provide the legal authority forindividual. municipalities to establish such mandatory deposits establish a province -wide man- datory deposit system. ENVIRONMENTAL ' BOON Environment Minister George McCague said recently that the refillable bottle "is acknowledged as the .most environmentally acceptable container for soft drinks." Make• your own Microscope..... All ,you need are the following: a nail, a piece of thin wire and a glass of water. Form a small loop by wrapping the wire around the nail. Dip 'the loop in the water so that a film of water sticks to it. Look through your water "microscope", Captain Comet reminds you to send in your August bir- thdays! Contest en- ds next week. 111!' My name is Shawn Christopher Thomson and I will be two years old Aug. 23. 1 have a big sister Steffi - she's six years old. My mom and dad are Stew and Freida. 114 Suncoast Dr., Goderich. Dear Captain Cornet, My name is Gregg DeWinter and I will be 7 on August 30. I live at 140 keays Street, Goderich. R.K. PECK APPLIANCES "In The Heart of Down Town Varna" a Vacuum Cleaners - Sales and Service of most -makes CB Radios and Accessories Speed Queen Appliances a Moffat Appliances • Smoke Sensors Insect Lights and Fly Killing Units o Handcrafted Gifts Varna, Ono. rr simommonniewommimmi Phone 482.7103 TOO MUCH HASSLE Many business... places throughout Ontario, however, refuse to accept refillable containers and con- sumers tend to dodge the hassle a_and buy .non- refillable bottles and cans which can be tossed into the garbage along with the potato peelings. That costs money. According to the Ontario Waste Management Advisory Board, an estimated 170,000 tons of waste_ was generated in `1975 because of soft drink packaging alone.. A totally refillable system would have saved over $1:3 million in collection and disposal costs to municipalities in 1976, it has been suggested. An added tax on non- refillable containers had been previously proposed as well as an outright ban of such packaging. But these measures were seen as ineffective and - or costly. The Waterloo resolution gives the consumers freedom of choice and since cans and throwaway bottles will still be sold, retains the jobs in the non -refillable container manufacturing industries. Incidentally, one of the arguments against refillable containers was that their use would result in an overall loss of jobs. But the Waste Management Advisory Board in 1977 calculated that there would be a net increase of over 1,100 jobs within the first year after the establishment of a mandatory deposit system-. throughout Ontario. In the State of Vermont r -,ROSS ACADEMY_ The Practical Step to Your Future Now - today - is the time to set your sights of a rewarding, interesting and satisfying career with ROSS ACADEMY. Take the practical step to an. exciting future. We offer six, month day courses (5 days a week) beginning March & September. . r,1 DENTAL OFFICE ASSISTING 0 SECRETARIAL SCIENCES i MEDICAL OFFICE ASSISTING 7 BANKING CAREER [ ; TRAVEL COUNSELLING & TOURISM it MOTEL•HOTEL'MANAGEMENT p RADIO/TV BROADCAST TRAINING ENROLL FOR SEPTEMBER CLASSES LIMITED REGISTRATION FOR SOME CLASSES ACT NOW! School situated In London, Ontario Placement Assistance Offered Financial Assistance Available if Eligible ROSS ACADEMY 297 Adelaide Street, South Londbir, O11ta'rt rN5Z 3K7. or phone: (519) 686-5233 I Name Address r 6ity Postal Code 1CHECK COURSE PREFERENCE AND SEND AO 20 ROSS ACADEMY s-1 t where deposit regulations are in effect, the Vermont Retail Grocers' Association feared that they would suffer because---ofcontainer returns. Now, after the system is well in place, the Association's members are very supportive of the legislation. The Waterloo resolution states: , "The refundable, mandatory deposit system is not perfect. No system- is. Those problems that do result must be minimized wherever possible. The fact remains, it would produce major benefits for most of the people in Ontario. Complete i4tomltive Machine Shop and Radiator Repair Service Let US do the work.... COMPANY LIMITED 145 HURON ROAD, GODERICH 524=8389 Read about the amazing di es between Luxaclad, the siding system you can apply, and other types of siding. This is a job you will only do once so why not do it _ right? Here's why Luxaclad is the logical choice. Luxaclad* siding features the exclusive joint mould. Unlike other types of siding, aluminum, vinyl or wood, Luxaclad siding sections lock together with a "snap'; thanks to the unique Luxaclad joifit,mould. There's no need for special tools or complicated fitting tec hnique's to ac hieve a perte'c t tit everytinle. Luxaclad* comes with a wide range of problem solving accessories. • The Luxaclad system is a complete one. Whether you need accessories for around windows and doors, starter strips, inside and outside lineal corner trines, joint moulds, window trims.. .You reanee it and Luxaclad has the part..And every- accessory is available in the colour of the Luxaclad horizontal siding you Nho.ose. Some other sidings haVe trine made of a different material making an exact colour Match virtually impossible. . 11,0101,0;-, Luxaclad* always looks like it was installed by a pro. Because Luxac lad siding was designed especially for the do-it-yourselfer, it allows a wide margin for'error and still looks like a million. No nails showing, il's always straight and perfectly aligned thanks to the interlocking feature, it cuts neatly with the simplest tools and the joints are hidden by our exclusive joint mould. Luxaclad* siding comes with a bonded backerboard. Luxac lad siding is easier to handle and work with because iL.teatures a rigid bonded hacker - hoard. It is muc h lighter -than hardboard, much easier to handle than unhacked aluminum si(ling.lt cuts with a handsaw, (believe it or not) resists denting, and of c °Ursa the bac kerhoard adds valuable insulation to your hone. Specially Priced! - HORIZONTAL ... IN PLAIN WHITE Complete With BONDED Backerboard Easy to handle 9" by. 12' lengths that virtually end the need to paint. Bundle covers approx. 88 sq. ft. MATCHING PLAIN WHITE SOFFIT An easy to install system that solves are 1 unYe problems. 9.99 Soffit panels are 16" wide by 12'6" long. Each - PLAIN WHITE FASCIA 6" wide by 1 t3' long. 74 99 Bundle 5.29 Prices In Effect Till August 31/78 All Prices Shown are Cash & Carry Luxaclad* The siding system Anyone Can' apply. SPRING & SUMMER STORE HOURS MATTHEWS KITCHENER KINCARDINE WINDSOR EAST WINDSOR WEST MON.-THURS. 8 AM -6 P.M. •FRIDAY 8 A.M.-9 P.M. SATURDAYS till 5:30 P.M. MONDAY thru FRIDAY 8-A.M -530 P.M. FRIDAY till 9 P.M. SATURDAY till 5:30 P.M ALL OTHER BRANCHES: Monday thru Friday 8 A.M. - 5:30 P.M.; Saturday till 4 P.M. +rte 1 KITCHENER reinlos Pao Melt A ceJ Of Femmy lean Lots of Free Parking OWEN SOUND \* r`.,. Noy 21 /..7 II 1 5119 Fairway Road South near the Hwy. 21 North opposite the Sutton On Highway 21 at Sprin®mount Mall. 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