HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-08-24, Page 19• skesvt Inside: ptain Comet St— SiT;EteViihele eat the trehtes of For flaworthe weelkite tie tegetettes ai rather intrigteling alumnae ie suttee, run eseteriemee in the &nese t w Mae •teif ttlittegi trirallee@ wvtta illaaaraRtege iq VW65.111at' t the mere wink mann air Mieneeerneassiem for heatealish i s �, ex situate th the atattetAltintit WraIS amble. tame able first f Bun slime the thee th et spate was etteenvet flateaaSitwell-Star Me write a rust hunt a*�,�y�,n,,�tt of the11"'•414 t1"� ,, may. tri7i inns v ete hileow 11 Ia.:ut trelehtnntitt agreed tt(j @Meer tans tote flee i, ra;t ;eareeses Fitt as IIS tweeild iii este nt.. II wanshnetted ottli rte Cisme Rettentatow Mr as tem, week sriiimt :1510y4t Y4.t end hatlitedinfeit theengegenQent. Klatt the lett that II was ariginally #331raliagd tm trihalefected t0 the seri oIFeigenhaS Eft aokall> snwr as tilt bike a date 'ata the drive-in„ iitiekedi ' mind into thoughts aebautt aa>iy trPAOq,t�• EL S There fame newer leen aare read teeming doubts afnnt tarsi—eat lentaltahongh my, ph}ysieaII stature is ' sll . c - the . s side e• cw petiteas II peer to Lette ' tet h. B 0 :: q0 at ttie situate:Itt .. :aYYit*:. 044 „ Irma clow fright' Nat then it bathers me a great deal. tehOugs1 �'..avi Il frrrde'believe�}�that m hla kame h 00: tp.. nkeep in shape easter than Qherrs whrn are tkii boned,. seenaxe hate Rut Lust like the consci tious d tterrs,. wtxx will tare any scheme inn an efffart to shed a few ainuwanted pounds,11 would desperately love to add a few inches is the weistlinet belga, hest or just about anywhere they --wear6e wilting to attad..themae ves toz ny brzdt v En fast orae of mfr favorite fantasies is entitled bazrae from: work„ relaxing in a reclining position in front of the ' televielo to set quaffing a few cans of brew: and emitting the occasional thunderous belch while my stomach ripples rii a ace accordion over my belt. Right now Il am hard pressed •ta find a ripe_ Hones I can easily find, but'Etino , &nue people cannot eat, drink or evert inhale anything without out adding on a few extra pounds. My situation is the extreme_ Il can drink till I'm dizzy, eat fattening desserts and gorge myself on five meats a day. Nothing. Maybe a ha,1'f pound if Ilio lucky. Now ally situation is jut.: as distressing as others what are COM - mined to a life of dieting. Wait., till you're 'older, friends caution, then you wig really pack an the old pounds. While being skinny may have its advantages; there are definite disadvantages that can be easily overlooked by the dieter. For instance. an school burly boys of a pugilistic . nature took a fancy to beating on nay bones just because I was skinny. And in high school it was such fun getting met med into lockers, just f a ' , or 'old standard of getting satiiiled in your face at the beach. Itt never happened but I like to keep a -watchful eye on passing feet when in a prone position at the beach. Just in case. Oh Well. I think I'll go home and stuff myself. Dog Show P. ''d i,4 3A .®®mPa,aa:47A P P 9A Tev:. . Anniversaries ......... Gardening . . . Kim ey ..... a .. . . Farm news .. Fitness t BY JIM HAGARTY The last ' titre 1 took a fitness test was 27 years ago when a kindly doctor slapped me on the bare bottom and declared above niy first-ever screams, "It's alivel" T.a-Qt Thursday, I ula- derwent my second physical fitness examination courtesy of the ministry sof culture and recreation's- fitness van and the diagnosis of the tester was the same as- ray est one: 'It's alive," gasped Jeff Stapleton as he motioned for the other testers to come have a peek at what he obviously thought was one sof the wvontt3Jr of the Now I w tzliet mealy say ran out of Daae,, but II am the (telly persoanII 1 onv who .gam wvi ndet eetimie suppeet And smelly there are y t0 -.0.01e aWiratI�i9, have less st1 - n r' iia len thee' arm Muscles them 11 have, bat Chow tmene have tremble 1o1 3.,71n inn their teeth " m the tuaraing without shifts—hg the h three or fear times beim tbear left hand flo their fright and hack agaamt`) I tried to get eint of eras. assiitgmaament, II meetly did Bet may pll- _ oinn a with the editor ahnmtt n y danger 0 o6.1! •+ Weak heart fell on extretnely un - 0 - STA IFIEAR-3341 IIIIIRSDA.Y, AUGUST 24, 1978, SECOND SECTION symapattbretir mus mei .Thattsheyeratioat.11_` off tto the Vt a Ch1 /trena Skate dressed imm minty and denim tenteafee A bre flittness test to a chtonin p the ileac tete )flee tri n yf;^::01 min bateautt as does the sight off brats tot a&lietit11hein;d hearth Maybe tib t"s why the flit gel fir atmil shape l mem se_ Aikawww, le ere II was. . ,tta+a face With a smite yanteng Greek and three goddesses wales go at ,gam itt iis tto tell teed - the tenth mitt the rte sttatte of ter health. ntni^ •;-tort; IIt wvoxniIldim" t home leen a there weren't m'tt Tomes tat fiiidll oat and sante enough>, they were t etre_, 11 chteklh' ever as stemmenet II was •:et t.01 too sib.. Wet iia anal faun n c+ t fare testers a It ethellestm e®set ttm drag me bank tette time gym after rail tri the part admit waiting aalld Dinh eel 1151 t„, et as ttrE persamell iieejuame qtr dent n teething i ntem the tit.. ""lateattba!!," II yelled.. mean II"dd ,arm ameett anetit foe a SIERTlfkmt cQluYaikie d wont. Stagradetc,nma tried to teasett with home_ He said t oat he three oik nrtac.oi It0)01:: hill in :• 01:00 11 Fitness tester Jeff Stapleton, flea, can't bear to watch as Signal -Star reporter Jim Hagarht tears his abdominal muscles trying to break the sil-np record. Hagerty is blurred linethe pbnto because et the speed with which he comp eied 32 sit-ups in one minatte. The exeveise was part et a t g mess testing prograwk, sponsored by the stataisttry tad mature and rte set up Thursday in . Viii public schooL Tbe fitness van will reliant to next most& ((Photo by Cindy Jia female testers work out off II.o im><m.: taala;ioirg their ttaitmne s awn --omnia - -COM- mestrity tztr Cron +e ntamentity' offering: f er a SDS free" as cotmmpllete a fitness examination as it is possible to give out of a vaun.. Their vat is just one o sew!En that Finave been touring Onttarii@, since early siasommer in ane of t: t to) 0 , 0 0 discover then- fitness ieved anel for take se me steppe for iimm- >v So that was it. They jiutst warned treTh vane-. Where we II heard tibat before? lies: Every Craiter:on experieni;e• Fee ewer had, was in- thoduteed wiitih, the trrrrmtnmisse that 11 was shout for he helped hElow be Il help yeut 7" quteestiirriiured the testers.. No way.. They "t meed any- help they t esti& Dot—WITS, ttberaapaiists ami hospital orderlies teener din They did say 1 could helign by dli;lndniing deem off the gy ccasunitnm roof, however„ and .,...itethete ae»esnt ori insanity, II obiduged.. To Jeff"s command,. 11 trugalmed off my shirt and my shoes and had my a anal statistics mmeasuarerd.. Height, mete t" waisitlinie and legs. Alli recmrded an per.. Si far,. sol Then the apparently sante young= loam grabbed a half -pound of flesh from my midriff, gtnnlllledf it straight out iwn fnnat of me wait itt was so thin 11 could see mmy feet them et the zin, and stuck a pair et smelly llee king "callipers - en int_ it was late benne dntunmg by the stemmechh inn a clothes dnnne with a wox Fenn0 1.. "Joist checking year batty fat„" said Jeff. Wen. t atlitntnutt my body fat? IIs itt healthy body at or tmmt? 2Atmyw Et075C can a d . 0) n 0. met weakling have Body fiat? ""We pnnst,wannt to Brow .1.1 011111 0145 0"I 116 0 0 05 Q L of you” re carrying more flat theaa you need to„" he expila,rtae-d[ . . - Then it was off to the a.ereithe capacity booth. where 1?1 was handed a cardboard cylinder and tot& to blow my brains . out_ Deep breath, cylinder to' n2ouila. empty the lungs and pass out.. The whole operation was recorded on a little computer screen that enteindly gave away:. my secret. -Do you smoke?" asked Jeff. Ramming my- nicotine - 'stetted fingertips into, the pockets of my shorts, I squeaked. " A little bit. a . Actually.. a ' buddy passed name taaT---first cigarette when 11 was fifteen and before 1 even finished it, 1 took off to the corner service station to buy myself an eight - pack carton. Eve -r since then, it's been smoke a pack, try to sunt, smoke a pack, try to quit_ ell your lung~"`Wcapacity seems pretty geed,- said Jeff. The test would have showim any serious blockages in my' lungs. and windpipe, but apparently I scored pretty well on that one_ All systems go on the lungs,. the our testers carried nee over to the bteart-testing area. L was wired for sound into an electro -cardiogram machine and for DO minutes 1 marched up and down this flight of three stairs -steps in tine to music they must have taken from a Winnie the Pooh record_ Trouble is, the darned tape recorder was ob- viously running too fast. A glance at the heart - monitoring tided; sereen indicated that both my heart, and the screen were about to explode. Just when the music Turn to page 4A • The four testers from the Ontario government's fitness van which set up shop last Thursday in Victoria public school, were utterly amazed at the stamina, strength and stunning physique of Signal -Star reporter Jim Hagerty. 1lipley's.Believe It.Or.Not wassailed in after Hagarty's heartbeat disappeared altogether following his 10 -minute march up and down the flight of stairs pictured above. The van will return to Goderich sometime next month, but the four London testers have already requested that some other reporter cover the event, complaining about damage to their sensitive testing machinery. (Photo by 'Cindy Jones) lr It's that time of the week again_ Time to park the frame in front of the eft writer and come up with something Tor this space so tenuity saved for me_ The trouble is I 0 nit have anything to fill) this space with. I had a couple of Snappy ideas but when it actually clime down to writing about them 1 discovered they weren't as snappy as 1 thought they were_ predicament made e wonder what me I'm doing writing a column anyway. I nonan when the average guy sits down to read- a colnarnn in his favorite journal, magazine or newspaper he really doesn't give array thought to what effort went into preparing the piece. He just wants his favorite writer to come up whim, a subject thatt is controversial or at least interesting and provide some insight into the matter in a humorous and entertaining fashion. You just want to read the column and then pretend all the wnattex-iall im itt is year when the sailleet crones at armee brew lk_ ttty hard tta believe_ For' some pude itt may be very easy tuna silt dowel and pound mut a calamine ort semmettfinmmg (valeta bragging itcan say that thne odd one rve written has lutea a piece of cake) bat eavem the belt writers can came nap day_ So what Fw e decided to /n to It3i 1:"t. readers play columnist foe a ono, y, t lege t the news, watch your Vis,.. see if the Familymuttroan=0. ; Ina; Ie;niieng ffnumay, tread one' paper's and ooy attentive to all yemaver—dere around; he mead hopefully wall get that fresh i +,tea your readers are no confident you'll come with. That's s the reel strep. Okay now yarn"ve gent am idea that you tlaii-nak is unusual anad interesting collect thoughts sera the subject and telt tem on paper. Emind Ienat yea have tto etaterttain your ffriends, Fannie, and u'00 ffellnw workers sm you"we gat to try te include senrinethitmg for everybody_ AHD right you"ve gat the subject and some ideas on he to present lit_ Let"s gets lit written, we've get a deadilline to mmeett_ New that should have taken you about MT minutes_ Get a coffee and find a comfortable place tea sat because we ate: ve to edit the work_ As your check it over keep in mind that despite what ynsn think not every, one has the same mpiumirrnas an the subject as you. There are people out „n ere who are going to seaff at your work passing you e t i as an t®iitmf'or,sne•ad *flint_ Others are goiinng to think itt was funny which is ,just fine if you i;anttended on tin be fumy.. Others are going to Bre shacked which' isn't so bad gxa°n r ded yearn"vie donne a good ,job and tth ey"re shocked because your"ve cast same new liitr -It en the subject that has caused them to take a second look at it_ Now yen figure you've govt it all Y together and it's ready for the public. You can't try it out en your. family because it really won't matter what yeu've written they'll tell you it's great. The people at work will either be polite and de the same thing or razz you artd give you the impression they're root being honest when they tell you it's good. Type it up in a neat fashion and take it to a restaurant where morning coffee people wild pick it up and read it. Once they've finished it casually ask them what they thought without letting on ttBnat you wrote fit. If they liked it sit down and write three more, you may be an undiscovered columnist. If they thought it was trash don't be too hard on yeersetf, it is hard to do and keep that in mind the next titre you pass a writer off as an idiot because you didn't Bike his work. jefr ddon m e 4