HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-08-24, Page 14PAGE 14--GODERICH SIGNAL, -STAR, THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1978 OWN AND TRY 1. Articles for sale CHILD'S car seat, good condition, $10.00. Phone 524- 7789.-34-35 PONY for sale - wants a good home. Phone 524-2318.-34 CHINA cabinet, good con- dition. Price reasonable. Phone 524-6548.-34 VOLKSWAGEN Dune Buggy blue fiberglas body. Phone Wayne Bell 528-5809.-39-35 TRAILER, tandem wheels, one year old. Suitable for hauling, tractors, etc. Phone 524-8055.-34X -•Ili a7- YAM.A UA= -X8400,- .ex< cellent shape.- Phone 529- 7845.-34 12' ALUMINUM 'boat with 5 h.p. motor, excellent con- dition; tent trailer sleeps six; Silo -King regular. Phone 524-7579.-34 670 BALES of oat straw in the field. Price 75 cents a bale undelivered. On fourth concession of Goderich township, corner of County Road Cut Line. Apply to Lorne Porter 524-8002.--34 'WOODEN two -pedestal desk, best offer. Phone 524- 8631.-34 CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Articles for sale 2. Mobile Homes 3. Articles for rent 4. Articles wanted 5. Cars, -trucks for sale 6. Pets 7. Real estate for sale 8. Real estate wanted, 9. Accommodation to rent 30. Wanted to rent 11. Room and board t2. Help wanted 13. Wanted (general) 14. Employment wanted 15. Tenders 16. Mortgages 17. Auction Sales 18. Services available 19. Notice to creditors 20. Public notices 21. Personal 22. Lost and found 23. Miscellaneous - 24. Business opportunities 25. To give away 26. Births 27. Deaths • 28. Engagements 29. Marriages 30. In memoriam 31. Cards of thanks DEADLINE Classified Ads 12 O'CLOCK SHARP TUESDAY Ads cannot be accepted after 12 o'clock for that week's paper.. CLASSIFIED - 11' per word, minimum 5225 1. Articles for sale RED HAVEN peaches, eating and cooking apples, pears and potatoes. Call Bellview Fruit Farm, 524- 8011.- 34TFAR OVEN ready roasting chickens. Phone 524- U55.-34 SMALL wood burdi, g ok; :. `...::..• stove. Phone 524-2388:'=34X YARD SALE - Friday, A t 25 10t 3 m RED HAVEN peaches, ._plums, eating and cooking apples: Gerald Bell Fruit Farm, RR2 Goderich, phone 524-8008.-34TFAR Basement Sale 130 GIBBONS ST. Saturday, Auig. 26 STARTING 9:30 A.M. ugus a.m. o p Mrs. Mark Chisholm, RR4 Benmiller,-34• _.. ANTIQUE walnut tea wagon. Phone 524- 6514.-34,35 24- 6514: 34,35 USED. Inglis dryer in good. condition. $60. Phone 524- 6545.-34 30" ELECTRIC Tappan range, stainless steel oven. Good condition 524-7681.-34 41URQN SAILING SCHOOL-: Lasers CHOOL- Lasers for sale. 13 -foot sailing dinghies, .only three left. Reasonable, prices. Call Paul Parsons, 524- 7793.-34,35AR NEW MATTRESSES Everyday Prices Lower Than Most Sales 40 DINETTE SU 1 ES-_ of Wood and Chrome C& E Furniture NEW AND USED '/2 mile south on hwy. 21 Goderich 524-7231 We Take Trades MOFFAT 24" electric stove in good condition. Phone 524- 9128.-33-34>t\ FRANKLIN stove, never used. Phone .. 524- 2725.-33TFAR Wilcox Trailer Sales TRAVEL TRAILERS , FIFTH WHEEL MOTOR HOMES TREMOR!) 296-9692 1. Articles for sale 1. Articles .for sale 4. Articles wanted a"tli GOOD USED sleeping SEWING MACHINES - ping bag, Singer, White and other three star, down -filled; good models. Repairs to all524-7789.-34-35 used dehumidifier. Phone makes. All machines` and repairs guaranteed. Morris Draperies, 36 West Street, Goderich 524-2551.-20tfar ANTIQUE OAK DINING SET Buffet with beveled mirror. Six upholstered chairs, high backs. Round pedestal 'table with ex- tensions. Good condition. Phone 524-6684.-2tJ'F PORK' FOR FREEZER - save money, buy direct from farmer. Phone 982- __....3149.-32tf LEADING swimming pool manufacturer must vacate premises, will sacrifice all •1978 pool models 30 per cent - 40 per cent - 50 per cent off, most sizes in stock, priced from $1,322.00. Immediate delivery and one day in- stallation. No monthly payments. till 1979. •Cal.l toll free: I -800-268-1944.-32x,33tf 1972 SUNKAMPER hardtop trailer includes campstove, potporri.. In good shape. Phon'e 524-2237.-33,34 1969 CHRYSLER 300. Also several small' 'outboard motors. Phone 524-6946. Don's Marine. -33,34 REALISTIC Trc-48 CB radio, 23 channels with Sideband, includes Antenna, 10 ft. pole, coax and com- plete ground. Excellent condition. Asking $225. Phone 524-9175 after 5 pm. on weekdays.-31t.f.N.C. MARAUDER Hang Glider tor sale. Phone Teeswater 392-6134.-32,33,34,35 HARDWOOD Firewood, 14" x 4' x 8' long, $20, bought by double order - delivery free. Phone 524-2052.-23tf PICKLING cucumbers for sale. Order early. Albert Schilbe 482-3256.-30-35x. AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner' removes rust, -lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank. Available at Hoffmeyer Plumbing and Heating, Kingston Street, Goderich.-ltfar' ' 2. Mobile Homes 16' FIREBALL Sailboat, fully equipped, in excellent condition, must sell, sacrifice $900. Phone 524- 2422.-33TF FRESH potatoes. Dykstra, phone 6462.-32,33,34 Peter 524 - SINGER - For authorized sales and service, sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, parts and notions, service to all makes, and machine rentals. We also do alterations and install zip- pers. Pratt's Sewing Centre, 73 Hamilton St.,524-8431, Goderich.-8tfar RED 1-IAVEN peaches now ripe at Art Bell's Fruit Farm. Cooking and eating new 524 - apples, plums and oney. Phone 37.-32tfar MUST SELL - two bedroom 1975 Marlette set up at Huron Haven. Any serious offer will be considered on .this beautiful home. Phone 526- 7784,-13tf 1972 HOMETTE mobile home, 12 x 64. In excellent condition. Three bedrooms, 1% baths, stove, fridge, curtains and some fur- nishings'. Located at Meneset Park on Cherokee Drive.- Immediatepossession. Phone Listowel 291-2144.-34 3. Articles for rent SWIMMING pools for lease for home owners, option to buy. Complete with walk- way, deck and fencing. Small deposit required. No monthly payment till 1979. Try before you buy. Call toll free: 1-800-268-1944.-32x, 33tf FORMAL RENTALS for all occasions..; Free style brochure, Rawson's Shop for Men, Goderich.-ltfar we can suit you for every occasion FREEMAN'S FORMAL RENTAL Exclusively at CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS Freecatalogue PHONE MANUFACTURER'S CLEARANCE CENTRE 229 Adelaide Ste North LONDON 1 Block North of Htimiltort Rd. -West Side 433.2227, MOld. THRU FRI. 9-5 SATURDAY 9 - NOON FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS Do it yourself with Deep Steam Extraction. Bluewater Cleaners 524- 6231. WANTED: English saddle. Phone 524-9009.-34 WANTED: Old brick ' buildings for demolition and salvage purposes. Contact Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia, 17TF WE ARE now handling lots or part lots of furniture and appliances. If you have articles to sell privately or by auction, contact Rath - well's Auction Service. Phone 482 3129 ur -52 1336.-1 tfar 5. Cars, trucks for sale 9. Accommodation to rent 1951 MERCURY 1/2 ton runs - well; 1970 GM 1/2 ton in good shape. Call evenings -.524- 7087.-22tfnc 1975 FORD Van. Standard 351 V-8, captains' chairs. .Excellent condition. One owner. 43,000 miles. Cer- tified. Phone 524-9394.-30 t,f. 1974 FORD Pickup F250, as is . $1500.00. Phone 524- 7073.-34X 1964 BELVEDERE Plymouth, mechanically good, clean interior. Economical tra nsgArta i rt,_.. Phone 524-8638.-34 1968 VOLKSWAGEN $350.00 or best offer; 1969 Plymouth 5. Cars, trucks for sale $150.00 or best offer. Phone 529-7917.-34 1968 MUSTANG fastback, Hersch transmission. Best offer. Phone 524-8480.-33,34 1976 FORD PINTO for sale. 34,000 miles, two radial snow tires. Call 524-2372 after 5:30 p.m. or call 524-7374 Ext. 222. Ask for Shiva 8 a.m. to 4;30 p.m. -39X 1977 HONDA Stationwagon rustproofed, radio, six radial tires. Phone 524-4585.-34tf WRECKING 1971 four -door Maverick 200 6 cyl. automatic. All parts for sale. Phone 524-9254.•=34-36X 1972 PLYMOUTH Satellite Sebring, V-8, 36,627 original miles. Excellent condition. $1500 or best .offer. Phone 524-8667 after 5 p.m. -34 1973 HEAVY DUTY, Chev truckin good condition. Phone Dungannon • 529- 7841.-34,35 Selling your car? Need a Safety Inspection? Call 524-2121 Now only $ 1 5.9 5 GODERICH "SPLIT- PERSONALITY SPLITPERSONALITY BACK SEAT!" Standard on Deluxe and 5 speed models. aLc by Mazda M -W MOTORS Volvo -Mazda 184 East St. Goderich 524-7212 IMROWOliwommommmil Reachailof. ONTAR 10 with your special classified ad Through a special arrangement between this newspaper and The Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association we now offer an Ontario -wide classified advertising service.. Cali 5248331 for details SIGNAL -STAR PUBLISHING LTD. tit : P:0: BON 220 Goderich, Ontario n 1972 TOYOTA Celica, new. tires. Certified. Reasonable. Phone 524-7178.-34 1970 CHEVROLET 1/2 TON pick-up truck, 35,138 miles, as is, located at Bluewater Truck Centre, 355 ' Bayfield Rd. Goderich. Send offers to... Public Trustee, 145 Queen St. West Toronto M5H 2N8 Phone 416-362-1331 6. Pets URINE ERASE - Guaran- teed removal urine stains, odors from carpets. Free brochure. Reidell Chemicals Ltd., Box 7500, London, Ont.-34BC DACHSHUND • miniature, registered and tattooed, smooth and long haired black and tan, red and rare .ilver Dapple. Susarene, Kennel, Blyth 523-'. 9652.-34,35 TWO BEDROOM mobile home, approx, two miles north of Goderich, frig., stove, dishwasher. Phone 529-9318.-39,35 FARMHOUSE for rent, reasonable. Located in Auburn area. Phone 526- 7548.-34X SPACIOUS , two bedroom apartment on Bennett Street. $275.00 monthly in- cludes utilities and cable. Phone 524-8417.-34 12. Help wanted 12. Help wanted ATTRACTIVE two bedroom apartment for rent in Dungannon. Fridge and -stove-inc-luded-;-.Ga-r•p•eeted---- throughout. Possession immediate. Ideal for elderly or retired persons. Phone 524-7186 after 6.-ltfar BRICK farmhouse on paved road, 2 miles north of Carlow. Fully insulated, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, oil heat. $260.00 monthly. Available September 2. Phone 524- 8016.-30TF APARTMENTS for rent - small furnished apartments close to Square, heat and hydro included, reasonable. Apply Drawer 64, c -o Signal - Star Publishing Ltd., Box 220, Goderich.-33-34 FURNISHED home - 3 bedroom, central location. Excellent condition, responsible party. W. 1. Hughes Realty Ltd., Rita ' Allen, 524-8480.-33,34 LIGHT housekeeping room near Square; available Augiist 26. Phone 524- 7490 or 524-2725-33tFAR 11. Room and board VACANCIES now available downstairs, all private rooms for retired• people. Three meals served daily, $10.00 per day. Not a nursing home. Mrs. Ceriel Van Damme, Clinton, phone 482- 3685.=7tf- BEAUTIFUL Irish Setter puppies, 8 weeks, $75.00. 12. Helpwanted Phone Brussels 887-9356.-34 TROPICAL fish, canaries. Complete pet supplies. Pat's Pet Shop, 350 Main Street, Exeter, Ontario, Qpen 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily ar,rj Friday evenings.-itfar 9.- Accommodation to rent BENNETT APARTMENTS One and Two bedroom apartments, includes fridge, stove, cable TV and utilities. Call: 524-2071 CARMELA COURT '175 MONTHLY PLUS HYDRO Spacious 3 bedroom townhouses, freshly painted, separate diningroorrd, basement, fridge and stove. Ample parking, nearby recreational facilities, tennis court, indoor swimming pool. For In- spe4tion call 482-9319 or 1-451-7869 MAPLE GROVE SENIOR RESIDENCE LODGE 15 NOW COMPLETELY RENOVATED offering gracious living In private and semi- private rooms. Homo cooked meals, close to downtown and most churches. Monthly rates from '300. and up FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 524-8610 or 524-7324 Maple Grove Senior Residents Lodge PROGRESSIVE Hog Far- ming company has vacan- cies for Grade 13 and graduate trainees interested in modern methods and realistic prospects. Send details to Hay Bay Farm, RR2. Napanee, Ontario K7R 3K7. -34,35X AVON: Dreaming of a "Green" Christmas? As an Avon Representative, you can earn cash to pay those holiday bills. Territories available in Goderich, also a few rural areas. Call Mrs. Milison, London 451-0541 or information at 524-8589.-34- 36AR BABYSITTER in vicinity of Robertson • Public School duringlunch hour and after school until 5 p:m. Phone 432- 8068 London, collect. -34 CARRIERS wanted to establish new routes for K -W Record for in -town delivery. Contact Steve Oliver at 1-291- 4246 collect after 6 p.m. -34-, 36X NEED EXTRA CASH? Watkin's Products can use two adults to service customers possibly around your neighbourhood. Good commission. Also need one distributor. Write: Mr. Barber, 504 Limeridge Court, Hamilton Ont. or call 416-388-2530.-31-36x HelpWanted IN Bakery Kitchen Approalmntoly 7o.n,.-12 noon ,6 days a week Apply CULBERT'S BAKERY PHCiNE 524-7941 Domtar Chemical Group Sift° Salt Division Goderich Mine requiresi MAINTENANCE MECHANIC 'Must have , class A automotive certificate or heavy duty equip- ment llcen'se. Rate to '8.34 per hour plus generous ..benefits. -Phone 524-8351 THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION requires for September 5th, 1978 TEACHERS'S AIDE (Mornings Only) at Queen Elizabeth School, Goderich This position involves the ability to work with Develop- inentally Handicapped students. Written app Tratloni in- dicating experience should be addressed to the principal: Mrs. Joan Graham 135 Gibbons Street Goderich Interviews will be arranged with selected applicants. D. J. Cochrane Director of Education R. J. Elliot Chairman CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF GODERICH Requires an AIRPORT CO-ORDINATOR for SKY HARBOUR AIRPORT Duties to include complete Operation and Main- tenance of Sky Harbour Airport including Fuel sales, summer & winter maintenance. The successful ap- plicant will be under the supervision of the Com- missioner of Works. Applications will be received by the 'undersigned until 12:00 Noon, Monday, Aug. 28th, 1978. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Larry J. McCabe, Clerk -Treasurer, Town of Goderich° 57 West Street, Goderich Ontario. WE ARE HIRING. Phone 524-9077.-29tfAR A NATIONAL COMPANY is looking for three energetic, pleasant applicants to service customers in this area. Full or part time. Opportunity to train for management position. Earn while you learn. Phone 1-296- 4646.31-35 AR MATURE housekeeper to live in to care for invalid lady. Other help kept. 565- 2833.-34,35 15. Tenders REQUIRED assistant stores keeper for General Hospital. Applicant must have Secondary School Diploma and recent experience in inventory control. Applicants contact Mr. William Duckworth, Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich.-34AR EXPERIENCED slaughter house person and butcher. Good wages. Apply in person to Butcher Boy, Kin - ca rdi it e:-34 15. Tenders COUNTY OF HURON TENDERS FOR VEHICLES FOR WINTER CONTROL MAINTENANCE SEALED TENDERS ON FORMS AVAILABLE FROM THE UN- DERSIGNED WILL BE ACCEPTED UNTIL 4:00 O'CLOCK LOCAL TIME ON: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1978 FOR ALL OR ANY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING PIECES OF EQUIPMENT FOR WINTER CONTROL COMMENCING ON OR ABOUT NOVEMBER 20. 1978: (1) ONE 'HEAVY DUTY' TANDEM TRUCK WITH DRIVER AND SNOW PLOW EQUIPMENT FOR SNOW PLOW DUTIES IN THE WROXETER AREA (2) ONE 125 H.P. MOTOR GRADER WITH DRIVER AND SNOW PLOW EQUIPMENT FOR SNOW PLOW DUTIES IN THE AUBURN AREA (3) 28,000 G.V.W. TRUCKS WITHOUT OPERATOR OR BOX FOR INSTALLATION OF COUNTY'S SAND SPREADERS TO SPREAD' SALT AND SAND IN VARIOUS AREAS OF THE COUNTY - 1 TRUCK REQUIRED FOR AUBURN AREA 1 TRUCK REQUIRED FOR ZURICH AREA 2 TRUCKS. REQUIRED FOR WROXETER AREA ,TENDER FORMS MAY BE PICKED UP AT THE OFFICE OF THE UNDERSIGNED. The lowest, or any tender not necessarily accepted. • R. A. DEMPSEY, P. ENG., COUNTY ENGINEER, COURT HOUSE, GODERICH, ONTARIO TELEPHONE 524-7412