HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-08-24, Page 114
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The,Sunset golf club hosted its annual men's invitational golf tournament with a 67. Smith eventually captured the Sunset crown after- winning a of his gatne. Tibbutt shota one -over -par -35 on -the first nine holes of play, not
last Wednesday afternoon with over 160 entries. Overall Winner of the day playoff round on the second hole against Rick Fifield of St. Marys. Pictured quite good enough to catch the front runners. (Photo by Jim Hagarty)
_ was Jim Smith of Mount Clements-, Miehigan who finished -the 18 -hole course above, Greg Tibbutt of Illinois makes his approach to the green near the end
Goderich athletes jjv
Sportsfest 78 medals
People from Goderich
and area brought home
medals from the third
annual Sportsfest held in
Port Elgin Aug. 11 - 13.
The three-day amateur
games, designed to
promote participation,
fun, and friendly com-
petition, drew between
2,000 and 2,500 people
from centres as far away
as Toronto.
The games were
organized by the Lake
Huron Zone Recreation
Association, a group of
recreation professionals
from the counties of
Grey, Bruce, Huron,
Perth, and " North
Wellington. They were
staged in co-operation
with the Ontario
government's ministry of
culture and recreation.
Held in Kincardine last
year, Sportsfest- saw 15
tournaments taking place
at the same time in the
following sports: ar-
chery, soccer, women's
softball, gymnastics,
tennis, table tennis,
euchre for seniors,
shuffleboard for seniors,
men's slo-pitch ball,
karate, swimming,
horseshoe pitching,
marathon fun run, tee
ball and girl's softball.
John Lentz from
Lucknow and Courtland
Kerr from Goderich
teamed up to win a silver
medal in the senior men's
doubles horseshoe
In karate;men's white
to orange belt divIsion,
Chris Graham from
Goderich won the silver
Goderich swimmers place well
at Lake Huron Zone semi-final
The Lake Huron Zone
Recreation Association
held its semi-final swim
meet in Mount Forest and
Exeter this past Satur-
In Mount Forest, teams
participated from
communities in Tara,
Southampton, Kincardine
and Goderich.
The Goderich
Laketown Racers came
out on top by a large
margin with a total of 427
pts., followed by Kin-
cardine with 307 pts.
The meet showed the
depth of the Laketown
Racers squad. The
Goderich team
dominated all categories
as all swimmers. turned
in a strong performance.
Individual standouts
were: 8 and under boys;
Tares Gracey, 1st in
freestyle, backcrawl and over: Margaret Conlon, breaststroke. Girls 13 and
breastrroke. 8 and under 1st in freestyle and 14: Judy Gallow , 2nd in
girls: Susan COok, 2nd in butterfly. Evie Roberts, 'freestyle and 2nd in back
breaststroke and but- 1st in .breaststroke and
terfly, 5th in freestyle. backcrawl.
9 and 10 boys: Peter Additional standout
Conlon, 1st in freestyle performances were
breaststroke, and but- recorded by the following
terfly. 9 and 10 girs: swimmers: Boys 8 and
Joanne Campbell, 1st in under: Richard Robarts,
breaststroke, 2nd in 2nd in butterflY, 3rd in
freestyle and 5th in breaststroke and 4th in
breaststroke. freestyle. Girls 8 and
11 and 12 boys: Andrew under: Cathy Sowerby,
Telford, 2nd in freestyle 3rd in butterfly, 4th in
backcrawl, 5th in but- freestyle. Petri Schultz,
terfly. Girls 11 and 12: 3rd in breaststroke 4th in
Katie Gracey, 1st in butterfly and 6th in
freestyle, 2nd in hut- freestyle. 9 and 10. boys:
terfly, 3rd in backcrawl. Kevin Telford, 2nd in
Boys 13. and 14: Tim backcrawl and breast -
Goddard 1st in butterfly stroke and 5th in
and 2nd in freestyle. Girls freestyle, 11 and 12 boys:
13 and 14, : Barbara Grant Garrow, 3rd in
Conlon 1st in 'Individual breaststroke, 4th in
Medley and butterfly and freestyle. Girls 11 and 12:
5th in freestyle. Helen Conlon, 2nd in
Boys 15 and over: backcrawl, 3rd in but -
Ronan Conlon, 1st in terfly, 5th in freestyle.
freestyle., 2nd in but- Terrilyn Fisher, 2nd in
terfly. John Clements, 1st freestyle and 4th in
in butterfly and . 2nd in. butterfly. Boys,13
freestyle. Girls 15 and Mike Worsell 3rd in
crawl.Trish Roberts, lst
in breaststroke and 3rd in
Individual Medley. Girls
15 and over: Claudette
Richard, 1st in breast-
stroke arid 3rd in
Individual Medley.
Again the results
reflected the expertise of
the Goderich swim team.
Coach Sam James said
the Goderich Laketown
Racers hope to do as well
in the finals on the 26th of
Since only the first six
qualifiers from Mount
Forest and' Exeter can
compete, competition
will be very keen.
Spectators will be
welcomed at the final
meet Which will com-
mence at 1 p.m., Plan to
attend this fine swim
meet; it is not the
Commonwealth ga m es
but it will be the best
competitive swimming
that will be seen this year
in Goderich.
medal and Paul Pringle,
also" orGoderich brought
home the bronze.
Ron Tyndall of
Goderich won the silver
medal in the green to
brown belt men's karate
In women's karate,
Kata match, Goderich's
Jane Netzke took first
place and was awarded a
gold medal.
Miss Netzke also took
the silver medal in the
women's sparring match.
In men's sparring,
white to yellow belt, Chris
Graham won the bronze
medal. Ron Tyndall won
the gold in men's
sparring from blue to
brown belt. •
The Goderich
Elevators of the Huron
Central Ladies Softball
League carie in fourth
out of 16 teams if the
Women's softball com-
Goderich tennis
players gave Goderich its
best showing in the meet,
placing as follows: Jim
Costello, gold, .men's
singles; Tom Fincher,
silver, boy's singles;
Margaret Conlon, gold,
girl's singles; Margaret
Conlon and Bob Dick,
gold, mixed doubles;
Lucy Turcotte and Anne
Marie Murphy, bronze,
ladies' doubles; Bob Dick
and Pat Conlon, bronze,
men's doubles.
Besides the medals
presented to winners in
the three-day event,
participation crests were
given to everyone who
took part.
Recreation board
employee Jane Netzke
said on Tuesday that
Goderich is planning on
making an application to
host the Sportsfest games
in 1979.
Michigan golfer wins
Sunset men's tourney
Despite the wind and
ever present threat of
rain, the Men's Invitation
on August 16 was quite a
With over 160 men
participating in this
year's tournament, the
overall winner for the day
was Jim Smith of Mount
Clements, Michigan.
Smith eventually won
the tournament after a
sudden death playoff
round against Rick
Fifield of St. Marys. Both
men turned in scores of 67
after 18 holes of golf.
Smith went on to win the
tournament in the playoff
round on the second hole.
Other winners for the
day included: Harold
Keane of Kincardine who
was low net winner; first
flight, low gross was Rick
Fifield of St. Marys; low
net was Leroy Bedour of
the Sunset; second flight,
low gross was Bill
Skelding; and low net
was Don Arscoth of
Kincardine; third flight,
low gross was Don Fuller
of the Sunset and low net
was Walter Sheardown
also of the Sunset; and
fourth flight, low gross
was Mark Lassaline and
low net was Pat Healy.
Prize winners who are
Sunset members in-
cluded: Dave Bedour;
Bob Greer; Stan Con-
nelly; Brian Reeve; Tim
O'Brien; Larry Daer;
Steve Doak; Rob
Mac Npnald; Randy
Miller; Brian Stewart;
Randy Hugill; Stan
Telford; Ed Harrison;
Cliff Kennedy; Harold
MacPherson; Jim Mero;
Ron Bushell and Greg
The Sunset would like
to thank all of our
sponsors and members
who,, helped to make this
event so successful..
Special thanks goes out to
Leroy and his staff for
having the course in such
fine shape.
Low gross winner. for
Men's Night on August 15
was Dave Graf and low -
net was Bob Boak. First
flight winners were Brian
Stewart, Stan Telford,
Brian Reeve and Randy
Second flight winners
included Greg Beacom,
Ray Cook, Vic Powell,'
Marty Buchanan, Art
Mountford, Mike
Russelo, Kerry Willows
and -Karl Sartori. Third
flight winners were Mel
Bogie, Jim Hayter,
George Williains and
Harry Williams.
August 17 was Ladies'
Night this past week. In
first flight, low gross was
Gerry Mountford and low
net winners were Verna
Kane and Adele Drennan.
Second flight, low gross
was Joyce Bolton and low
net was Connie Falkiner.
Low gross in the third
flight was Anne Miller'
and low net was.Mariette
Chisholm. No card
winner for the evening
was Joy Hicks.
A food night has been
planned for Ladies' Night
instead of next Thursday
night. Following golf,
beef on a bun and salads
will be served.
A two ball was held this
past Sunday August 20.
First place winners were
Paul Baechler and Gerry
Mountford.- In second
place there was a tie
between Stan Telford and
Eleanor Parent and
Brian Reeve and Marg
Smith. Third place
winners were Andy Smith
and Chris Madill and Stan
Connelly and Harold
MacPherson. The next
two ball -will be Sep-
tember 3 at 4 p.m. There
will, be a barbecue
following golf. Members
are asked to bring their
own meat. Potatoes and
salads will be provided.
The Ladies' Invitation
Tournament is the next
big event on the agenda
at the Sunset. Ladies are
asked to please book their
tee off times by calling
the Clubhouse. This event
is open to all clubs and
everyone is welcome.
The date of the tour-
nament is August 30,
which is this coming
Promoter has high hope
for ringette in Goderich
Ringette, the game for
girls that resembles
hockey, is catching on all
over Canada.
With any luck,
Goderich may have a full-
' fledged ringette league
this winter, according to
John Nichols,
representative for the
Ontario Ringette
Association for player
Mr. Nichols, of
Stratford, has a team of
players that he takes to
games all across Canada
in an effort to promote
the game.- The girls
recently , played
exhibition games in
Last weekend a special
two-day camp for
ringette player
development was held at
the Dufferin Arena in
Stratford. Eighteen girls One of the difficulties
from Ayr, Guelph, St. Nichols encounters in his
Clements and Michigan job of promoting ringette
took part in the camp. is the lack of enthusiasm
Special guest at the on the part of many girls'
Stratford camp was mothers. Boys'play
Boston Bruins star Gary' minor hockey a'nCl are
Doak, a resident of supported because their
Goderich. At the camp's fathers once played
conclusion, Doak hockey themselves, he
presented each of the said,4but ringette is a new
girls with the certificates sport and most girls'
they :had earned for . mothers have never
having taken in the played the game.
training. But Nichols is hopeful
Last winter, Nichols" that when mothers see
team of girls travelled to the game being played,
Goderich fOr two they will become mare
exhibition games, and
that was enough to spark
the interest in many of
the girls from town.
Nichols was disappointed
that no Goderich girls
took part in the Stratford
camp last weekend, but
explained that a
registration hasn't yet
been held for the fall
So far, two hours have
been booked at the
Goderich arena for
ringette this fall. Nichols
said that he's hoping for
at least three teams, or 45
girls this winter, and said
that an ideal houseleague
would have two divisions
of three teams each.
program. Mike Dymond, Del
The Sport is most Mitchelmore and Ken
popular with girls bet- Boyce are looking after
ween the ages of eight Goderich's entry into the
and twelve years, but sport this year, said
Nichols says that older Nichols, and would be the
teenage girls play as people to contact for
well. information.
Nichols said he's A 'typical ringette
certain ringette will take game, played on stan-
off in Goderich if there dard hockey rink ice
are enough girls willing surface, lasts for two 20
to put the time 'and effort minute periods with a
into seeing it through its five minute rest in bet -
infancy. ween. The girls wear
boys' tubular skates and
battle over a hollow
rubber ring instead' of a
hard hockey puck.
Standard hockey sticks
are used, but the blades
are removed.
Nichols feels one ad-
vantage to the game is its
cost, and estimates total
outlay including
registration to be about
$50 per girl. Equipment
needed includes a helmet
with a face mask, some
kind of 'gloves, elbow
pads, shin .pads or knee
pads, and the skates.