HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-12-22, Page 3V.=••••, WHEN. NERVES ARE. NEAR EXHAUSTION A '011ie Should be Taken to En- With the Blood. When . you become so exhausted a-• ter a day's wort that you cannot sleep. or sleep fails to refresh you„ it is time to look after your health, Failure to. • act at once means a steady drain on Sew healtl>; reserve, which can result to but one thing --a nervous brealt :lows, Do not s alt ftzr a breakdown. The treatment is simple enough if you do not let your condition become too far advanced. The treatment is one of nutrition of the nerve cells, requiring au effective tonic. As the nerves have to be nourished by the blood, the vital fiuld must be built up. Dr. Williams Pink Pills act directly on tbe blood, and with proper regulation a the diet have proves/ of. tbe greatest benefit in ueryous troubles. Airs. Mary a eAdana Sydney dines, N.S., is one of the malty who has Proved this tonic treatment. She says; -Laet winter my health con• pletely gave out. I was all run tlewet and my nervous system in a condition that greatly alarmed uie. I often had nervous headaches, and at tames severe pains in the region of my heart. I felt as though I would never be well again. My husbaud got me supply of in' 'Williams* /'Ink Pills and before the second box was linielted. I began to iteprov a and under a further urie of the pane I felt es well as ever. I would advise all weak and nervous wutueu to give ttie medicine a trial." Yuu can get Dr. Williams' fink 1:'I11e through any dealer in medicine, or by malt, post pard, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for sr.GQ from The Dr. Mime' Medicine Co.. Brock vilie. Ont. Canada has over 38,000 miles railway. or a ne talc" for every persime, triinard'a tinitnent for tenitier. The Con mon Things. The colonise tiitn s of life are all SC dear! The waking in the Warm half -gloom. To find again the old familiar room,. The scents: and sights and sounds that never tire,. The crackle of the open tire. The homely work, the int of baby's bliss, The waiting, Bien the footsteps cont- " Ines near, The opening door, the handclasp and the Ides— Is Heaveu not, after all, the now and Imre, The cpinmon things of lite are all so dear" I CHILDRENG�ILAR� ARE HAPPY CHILDREN The well child is always a happy child—it is a baby's nature to be bap - Inn and contented. Mothers, if your flttle ones are eross and peevish and i cry great deal they are not well— they are la need of lnedieine some• thing that will set their bowels and stomach In order, for nine.tenths et all ebiidhood ailments arise front a disordered state of the bowels and stomach, Such a medicine is Baby's Own Tablets. Whey are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels, sweeten the stomach, and thus drive out 4on,stipatiou, colic, indiges- tion; break UP colds and simple fevers and make the baby healthy and happy Concerning them, Mrs. Albert I-laneel, Pierreville, Que., writes: "Baby's Own Tablets are the best medicine I know of for little one;,, They relieved my, little girt from constipatioa when nothing else would and I can strongly recommend them to otber mothers. The Tablets are sold by meuicine deal- ers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wiltiattas' Medicine Co., Brock- vale, rockvllle, Ont. A New Danger Signal. At a bad curve a night' danger sig, nal, successful in attracting the atten- tion of motorists, Is a red retiector so Placed that the lights et approaching automobiles are reflected in it a hun- dred feet before the point of danger is reached. As the lights of the car strike the red mirror the signal flash- es for a few .moments and then, pass- ing out of focus, it fades into the dark- tress, Too Short Natio. Saltlmy's father riot him just a0, he was trying to steal unnoticed into the house after a harrowing experieuce With a mud puddle. "Well, sir," be inquired grimly, "and where have you been?" "I ---I tell in a uudltole," "What! And with your new trous- ers oni" "Yes. air: I didn't have time to take 'en* off'." Not So Catching. ,'I Hear your father is 111." "Yes, quite ill." "Contagious disease?" "I hope not: the doe says verwork. " MONEY ORDERS. Pay your out•of town accounts by rhinion Express Money Order. Vivo otters costs three ceath, Surnames and Them Origin FiLMORE another source which will he diseueaetl Variations -Filmer, Fullmer. Fulmer. `Ina future article: Racial Origin—English. RYAN Source—A locality. attire :anciently this fatally mune Variations--O'Ryan, Ryne. had the variations ,"1�yltnere" and ;Racist Origin—Irish. "Pamela," but tilde, spoliing.4 ;tit -9 Source—A Given Name. parenily /have illeappeared completely ,dnlesh we include the QM Roman Wally recent generations, t mliy names, which now are virtual. A quite plausible argument, that this, Is, extinct (though they formed the that name is of Celtic origin and it most perfect system of family neaten - was developed from the `cords t, clature of till, the fancily or clan. Italll Ireland t eS citarethe tildes with meaning a hard, and mor; " meaning : , Scotland and great, has been advanced from time to' then ltd and Wales next flute, tile argument neat some ancient , in order, together with the Normans. ancestor of the Ftimorea was a '.fa-' German and Dutcil family names are a mous /lard:' comparatively modern development. The use of clan names as family But the theory tine; not stand up; ilaultv:, together with the laws govern - in the light of re earcit which shows ; ing their use was erystallized in Ire- tllvlt, no evidence of t'eitc origln, and,' land about Jho veer 1000 A. 1). by one second. that there were so niauy "fa' • of the greatest of that country's 3,000- mous" bards among the Celts of plug- t veer lilt© of "High -Kings," Brian land. Wales, Scotland and Ireland 1 i3oru. that it would have meant Little far a And among the elan -families which pian to refer to his ancestry 1ti stit']1 came into being as a separate entity vague terms. ' about this period *ere the 'O'12yens, But in the speech of the Saxons, who held tile territory about idrone, '"illle" meant fertility a applied to the in w1rat is now County Carlow. land and "mere" meant either a lake Bat such form, of the name as or a ntoiet seetian of ground, it is O'Ityan. Ryan and rtyue are but Eng easy to see; therefore, that the cont- fish traditions of the Gaelic, in Which bination of these two words might ianguage the clan name is "O'Iiighin. easily Pave been applied by the Sax, -;,At the time these English spellings ons to many spots in England as local were developed, It is interesting to names, and indeed there are records : note, the English ""y" and "1" had not to be found of .Several places so ° developed the "long" sound, as in named. Quite naturally the surname "like." So Ryan was a pretty close arose as indicating residence at ar 1 -copy of "Righin" when you consider near such a spot. Ithat the "gh" in the latter was but a Fulmer and Fullmer are sometimes sort of aspirate separating the two variations of Filmore, but- also have 1 vowel sounds. What Kind ofa Day Do You Wish. Yourself? • s Suppos& „you could make a wish at ;the breakfast table and finally have the wish -come true. Would you say, "I want this to be a good day,"- or -"I willing for this day to drag along?" -If you keep on wishing your days with the food you eat, finally the wish is likely to come true. m Grape -Nuts helps Your wish fora good day. Nothing miraculous; :just the natural result from right food with the right taste. There is :a charmof flavor and crispness iri Grape -Nuts that is like the smile of a good friend at the breakfast .table— And Grape -Nuts, with cream or milk (fresh `- or tinned is fullynourishin }, g—feeding the tissues and glands, the bone and blood, with just those elements which Nature require' — building• stnength without any "heaviness." Grape -Nuts is the perfectedg oodness of wheat and malted barley, scientifically developed -ready to eat fromthe•package. A Grape -Nuts breakfast or lunch is a practical wish for good luck- T hers s a Reason" Sold by all grocers Wisps of Wisdom. uele is pluck's shadow. Fear pays no dividends. Don't expect applause, Deserve He who sows courtesy reaps friend - hip, Velma in doubt mind your own busi- ees. lncompetonoe springs from indiffer. ecce. Sorrows, like tables, grow bigger by nursing. Triumph is satisfying only it it leads to further victories. The man, who is not afraid of failure seldom bas to face it. Luxuries breed laaiuess and laz9utra breeds failure, The longer you gaze ou an obstacle the bigger it becomes. There's no ill -luck In turning back i you are on the wrong road. To snake a mistake and then wail about it Is to make two mistakes, L"niers you canduet your business in S. way that profits your ebarseter, your other profits won't do you touch goad. Convenient Barns.. When it acmes to building convene ent onven- ent barns- we must take off' our bats to the Hollanders. For instance, they construct their stables so as to have a covered shed with only a new par- tition between immediately behind the'. cow stalls. The manure fa thrown. from the stables into this shed, where it ie. trampled upon by the animal:' runnieg loose. This arrangement not only makes for. cur•"enienee in clean', ing the barns, nut it also preserve:, the manure in the best possible shape and makes it p;,esi11e to rertovc it when desired, Once a Week, Angry Purcbrtser--"Didn't you tell me that you had got as many as twelve eggs in one day from those eight hens you sold me?" Poultry Raiser —"Yes, ma'am." Angry Purchaser --"Then why is It that ,I'm never able to get more than two eggs front them and sometimes not so many: in one day?" Poultry Raiser --- "1 don't know, ma'am, unless it's because you look for eggs too often. Now, if you /calf ! for them ooh• once a week I feel quite positive that you will get just as mane eggs in one day as I did." _ Efficf cy. It ain't a senseless hoardiu' Nor stinting of our need, But efficiency in spendin' That should become our creed. Minard's Liniment for Colds, etc. Barber Business Barometer, Barbers claim that their trade is one of the best barometers of general business ecndrtlons. When times are bad men let their hair gomuch longer without attention. The loss of two consecutive nights' sleep puts a strrjn on thehumanbody front which it takes fifteen days to recover. Dune/ -ells were first used, it is said, in the time of Queen Elizabeth, the earlier forms being. sticks loaded with Iea-d at the ends, these being bellIlike in shape. New York City has 2$1,121 persons ten years old and above unable to write in English or any other lan- gouge. Deputy Fire Marshall, Lewis; of On- tario says "The most prolific cause of preventahile fires in all walks of life is unquestionably the ca're'ess uc•e.r o:f hatches." A net total of $2S,926.50 will he.dis- tributed between tlio r7:)isabled Sol- diers' Ilmj loymeut Association of Montreal arld the Children's s Leagt.le of ,Pari; as the result of co1lertions from the sale of poppies on Arli)l.ti,e Day in the province af'Quebcd A new market for Canadian granite is ,being developed by the Granite Is- land Quarries of ..1ervr Inlet, British Columbia. Sample blocks sent to Aus- tralia and :New 7,ealan•l were, very we11 received, because...of s,plentlrcl coloring and. 'freedom from rust ;;'tains and. from them have come the orders. _ The last ship to 4.rlst5at a carried a com- paratively large consignment, oTsor,. ilitM ROM HERE &T ERE ,W It 'G Quite Right. Teacher—"What is a coat of mail?" Bright Boy --"I knew." Teacher—"Well, tell us, Percival." Bright I3oy—"Ito a knight shirt." infant Curiosity. "I've got to go home and lick my hey." Why, 1: didn't know that was done now "It isn't; but he's taking a course in psyebolcgy and he said he wanted to know bow it felt," His Difficulty. Real Estate Agent—"This tobacco plantation is a bargain, I dont see. vath you hesitate. it'hat are you wor- rying about?"' Purchasers -"I was just wondering whether I should plant cigara or eigarelles," Moth Food. Teacher—"Now, boys, what crow. ture is satisfied with the least amount of nouh'iahnient?" Up shot the band of Johnnie Thorn son, the dunce ot the class. "14 ell, Johnnie," said the toiwher, "and what creature is It?" "The moth. nines." replier/ Johnnie, "bevies It only eats 'ales. " Very ignorant, A little girl eras spending a night away iron home. lichen it was time to go to bed site knelt at the knee of her hostess to say her prayers. ex- pecting the usual prompting. This not coming, site was heard to remark: "Please 'scum) me. I can't Mother! Clean Child's Bowels With California Fig Syrup Even a aide child loves .the "frulty" tttgto ot "California Fig Syrup." It the little tongue is coated ar It your child , is listless, cross, feverish, full ot cold.. ox has colic, give a teaspoonful to cleanse tbe liver and bowels.• In a few hours you can see for yourself how thoroughly It works ail the con- stipation poison, sour bila and waste out of the bowels, andyou bare a well, playful child again. Millions of mothers keep "Catitornia Pig Syrup" handy. They know a tea- spoonful to -day saves a sick child to. morrow. Ask your druggist for genu- ine "California Fig Syrup" which has directions for babies and children of all ageses printed on bottle, Mother! . You must say "California:" or you obey get an incitation fig syrup. PNEUMONIA and other Lung Diseases Claim many victims in Canada and should be guarded against, MINARD'S LINIMENT Is a great preventative, being one of the oldest remedies used, Minard's Liniment has relieved thousands of cases of Grippe, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Asthma and kindred diseases. It is an enemy to Gentle. Thousands of bottles being used every day: For sale by all druggists and general dealers. Minard's Liniment Co.. Ltd. Yarmouth, N.S. COARSE SALT LAND`SALT Bulk Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS C. J. CLIFF • - TORONTO America's Pioneer Dog Remedies Book on DOG DISEASES and How to Feed IVlailed Free to any Ad- dress by the Author. R. Clay Glover Co., Iso. 118 West 31st Street New York, U.S.A. remember my prayer, and I'm staying with a lady tiba.t don't know any." Buttons. Not Needed. There had been a missionary ser-; mon and eoIleetion in the church._. "little girl who had been there seemed, perplexed and thoughtful. When she reached home she asked her mother whether the people of Africa, of whom she heard, wore clothes, ""No," replied the mother. "Then," said the child, "what Its the use of the button that father put In the plate?" An Experienced Child. Mrs. Jones was entertaining some of her son's little friends. "Willie." she said, addressing a six-year-old, who was •enjoying a plate of cold beef, "are you sure you cut your own meat?" The child, wbo was making desperate efforts with his knife and fork, re- plied: "Yes, thanks. I've often had it a$ tough as this at home." A Narrow :Escape. A lady who kept a little curly poodle Jost her pet and called on the police to find It. The next day one of the force came with the dog very wet and dirty. The lady was overjoyed, and asked a. ,umber of silly questions. one being: "Where did you find my darling?" "Why, Ma'am," said the officer, a fellow had Milo on a pole and was washing windows with Mini!" ACHES AND PAiNS— SLUAN'3 GETS 'EM VOID the misery of racking ain, Have a bottle of Sio 's eat � nr meet handy and apply when you first feel the ache or pain. It quickly eases the pain and sends feeling of warmth through the aching part, Skates Lini nen$ penetrates uKthau rid, itsg, Fine, too, for rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica, sprains and strains. std joints, latae backend sore muscles. For forty years pain's enemy. Ask yournelghbor At all druggists -35c, 70c, $1.40. Slade in Caned*. Sloa "Cascarets" 'it o-rig%tt For Liver, Bowels You're bilious!! You are headachy, constipated, your eyes burn, skin is yellow; your stomach is sour, gassy. upset. No wonder you feel miserable. You need a thorough physic with •"Casearets" to -night to cleanse the stomach of some fermenting food and foul gases • take the excess bile from the liver and carry out of the system all the constipated poison in the bowels. Get a 10 -cent box now and let "Casearets" straighten you out by morning. Cuticura Will Help You Look Your Best Make the Cuticura Trio your every- day toilet preparations and watch, your skin, hair and hands improve. The Soap to cleanse and purify, the Ointment to soothe and heal, and the Talcum to powder and perfume. Soap/Se. Oiatment2Sand 50e. Taicem2Sc. Sold throughouttheDominion. CanadianDepot: L mean,, Limited, 344 St. l'aal St., W., Montreal. AW-Cuticura Soap shares without mug. MRS, i%IARY WILREL14I. Pittsburg, Pa. `'`o matter what I should say about Tanlae, it wouldn't be halt good enougb," said Mrs. Mary Wilhelm, 71:6 Mint Way, South Side, Pittsburg, Pa. "I never dreamed it ps aihle foe a medicine to restore one to the splendid Health I now enjoy. In fact. I had almost resigned myself to beiug an invalid, as I could see I was losing weight and strength every day, and no relief was in sight. For three years stomach trouble, headaches and nerv. oneness made my life miserable. "The first bottle ot Tanlac acted at - moot like magic and it wasn't long un- til I was so well and strong that I could hardly realize 1 had ever knewa a. sick day. I am like a different per- son in every* way now, eating, steel:. Mg, feeling and idol:Jug better thae ie years."' Taniac is sold by leading dinate -';: everywhere. ,ht r, Class1111:ed Advertisement;. PLAYER I'IA?;o FOR SAL/.. eseet4L PLAYER PIANO IN t3UJD ses condition, with a large mintier of musie rollss, for sale at a bargain. L. Costello, 73 West Adelaide St:eet:, Toronto. BELTING FOR SALE ALL KINDS OP NEW AND t: SED belting. pulleys, saws, cable,hose,ractcing, etc., shipped subieot to approval at lowest prices aLTR.7 15 YORK Canada. CO �,wr,..vw.• V `u.w.✓,.n.... nvb.a.,...e,M•.•,u•.p• .. • ..n.•1. 3 THIN, FLAT HAIR GROWS LONG, THICK AND ABUNDANT T•�.n,nP.�•bnA�Yna . L , .#4.0‘11.4 ,,,,, 11.104.1 ,,, ••„n ,. „ "Danderine" costs only 311 'tents at bottle. One appilcation ends all dandruff, stops itching and falling hair, and, in a few moments, you have doubled the beauty of your hair. It will appear a mass, so soft, lustrous, and easy to do up. But what enettee will please you most will he after a few weep use, when you see tee new hair—fine and; downy 'at first—yes— but really new hair growing all over the scalp. "Dander- ine" is to the . hair what fresh showers, of rain and sunshine are to vegetation. It goes right to the roots, invigorates and strengthens them. This delightful, stimulating tonic helps thin; lifeless, faded hair to grow long,'thick heavy and luxuriant. 1 SUFFERED FIVE TEARS Finally Was Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkhal;a's Vegetable Compound. Paris, Ont.—"For five years I suf- fered from pains caused by displace- ment of my organs and in my back. All of this time I was unfit for work and: was taking different medicines that I thought were good., I saw the advertise Ment: in the palters of Lydia .E. moil.- ham's Vegetable. Compound and .tool, it faithfully, I am now inperfect health and do a , my own work. I recotnmeniat it to others, and give you permission to publish this letter in your little books and in the newspapers as a testimonial:" —Mrs. D. CASSADY, Box 461, Paris, Ont. Why women will continue to suffer so long is more than we can understand, when they can find health' in Lydia E. 1'inkham's Vegetable Compound/ For forty years it has been the stand- ard remedy for female ills, and has re stored the health o-Cthousands of women, whit have been troubled *Rh such ail= inents as displacements, inflammation, ulceration, irregularities, etc. If yeti want special advice write to Lydia E. Pinkharn Medicine Co. (coni- detttial), Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened,' read and answered by a woman andheld in strict confidence. Never say "Aspirin" without saying. "Bayer." - WARNINGG!- Unlessyou see Hanle "Bayer" on tableis ,. you are not getting Aspirin at all. Whytake chances? � a Accept only an; "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," Which contains ,directions and dose worked out by physicians during 2'1 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatisih Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets• --Bottles of a4,and 100—All f).traggiste Aspirin is, the trado marls (registered in Canada): of GaSer Manu faettia'e o> .Mollm acetioacidester or Salicylleecid. While. 15 Is -well 1cnown that Aspirin /leans..:Bayer• --;nanufacturt, to'a�ssist the liixblic aialnst irritations, the `t'ablets of'5ay;er• Cou,paey Nits be stamped with their sener:tl trade rliar'!c, th "t5ga".er Cress." ISSUE N. 51—',et