HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-08-24, Page 2PAGE 2—GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY. AUGUST 24, 1978- Tid Bits.:. TkiI its.. Tid Bits... Tid-Bits... Tid Bits... BY JOANNE WALTERS who invents the perfect The Maitland Con- mousetrap couldn't have servation Foundation expected Patent number received its charter on 305, 102- which was issued September, 23, 1975. This September 16, 1884. registered charitable Officially__ titled an organization has been Ornamental R a t established to initiate and Exterminator, it con - continue conservation sisted of a papier mache programs that could not figure of a cat, coated normally be undertaken with fluorescent paint by the Authority because and doused with essence of lack of funds. of peppermint: The cat Authority projects are was supposed to glow in funded partially by an- the dark, scaring the rats nual assessment of that saw it. Peppermint member municipalities, was supposed to be of - based on the land area fensive to little rodent contained within the noses. Henry Ford managed watershed. The Museum provides balance of funds for visitors with a look at conservation programs is many far more practical provided by the _inventions spanning Provincial Government. America's history. The Maitland Valley + + + Conservation Authority is If you don't feet like responsible. for an area travelling all the way to with a low population the U.S. for a look at the density. As, a result, past stay right here in -tn untc i paTf unds-are-very limited compared to the scope of the problems that must be dealt with. Thus, greatly needed projects must be neglected. Through personal donations of money or land, an individual can help to achieve the aims of the Authority's program and aid in the continuation of en- vironmental protection programs now in existence. To find out how you ,can become a sup- porting member of the Maitland Conservation Foundation, inquire at the Maitland Valaley Conservation Authority Headquarters, • Box 5, Wroxeter, Ontario. +++ At the risk of sounding like a travel or tourist brochure, I would like to recommend Greenfield Village and the Henry Ford Museum to people who want to take their children on a vacation that is both fun and educational. Located in Dearborn, Michigan, these two spots offer a unique look at the past. From the public relations office there comes such interesting trivia as this: Thefirst phone Nutt: One hundred years ago, on September 1, 1878, Miss Emma M. Nutt became the first female telephone operator in America. Hired by Edwin T. Holmes for the Telephone Despatch Company of Boston, Miss Nutt replaced a man and started a new trend in phone operations. Visitors to the Com- munications Collection of DENNIS DRENNAN Henry Ford Museum Dennis W. Drennan, have an opportunity to son of Mr. and Mrs. Doug (see a wide range of early Drennan of RR3 phone equipment, in- Goderich, graduated eluding switchboards and from the University of coin-operated early telephpnes.,, Bliss wasn't too happy. Henry H. Bliss had the misfortune to become America's first automobile fatality. Bliss, a real estate broker, was struck by a car driven by Arthpr Smith as he stepped off a streetcar into traffic in. New York City on Sep- tember 13, 1889. Smith was jailed and eventually fined $1,000. Attempts to improve traffic --. con- ditions can be seen while strolling thrdugh the Transportation Collec- tions of Henry Ford Museum. These include the first three -color, four direction traffic lights mends an annual, and eihibits of professional vision automobile horns ander ex amination. Ask lamps. yourself, "Will your Whoever said the world children be' achieving as would beat a path to the they should?" doorway of the person + + + And speaking of back to school, it's that time of the year again when mothers are beginning to wonder about their control over children's lunch-time eating.. Three factors should be kept in mind, says Dr. Reva Frankle, Director of Nutrition for Weight Watchers International. They are adequate nutritional ' content, an awareness of energy needs and allowing the young people to par- ticipate in creating lunch - box or brown bag mebls. One thing to watch for in September, Dr. Frankle says, is, that there are still some very warm days and the use of eggs, mayonnaise -based foods and the like, should be avoided in hot weather because they are the ingredient that has a vital in the auditorium at impact on performance G.D.C.I. Admission. is during the entire school $1.50 per person. The year and a lifetime," Dr. show will feature mime, Frankle concludes. music, and dancing. Kim + + + N. Fritzley (who is featured The -Last fl`eam`arket of in this paper) will be one this season will be held at of the talented -dancers. the Huron Historic Gaol + + + on Sunday afternoon. The Chief Pat King warns jail flea markets which this week That an started on July 1 this American firm offering year, were very suc- duplicating paper for sale cessful and drew crowds has been telephoning far beyond the local businessmen. While organizers' expectations the paper is "okay" and said jail curator Harry the price .is "not bad" Bosnell. Chief King is advising "I didn't know there that businessmen dealing were so many people in with this company use town with nothing to do on caution. Sunday afternoons," he "Subsequently they said. may get a shipment they It is hoped that the flea didn't order," said the markets can be continued chief who recommended next year. They were that for safety sake, started this year in an businessmen deal : with attempt to improve at- the usual reputable sources of bacteria that tendance e crowds £iii-th at busiWn ss ;rug-g4sttn n-and..go-to-the-HuroTr-�ayse-upsetsto�•nactts.--- --- • g-- gg� -g-tha-t__._. end of town. Vendors businessmen iturn a` deaf were charged $2 for a ear," said Chief King. spot in the jail yard to set He described the up their wares and people operation w a s came to buy everything "widespread" and "a bit from junk to treasures. of a racket" in that Then some would take telephone salespersons time out to tour the jail. often use a questionable Mr. Bosnell feels that story to get the order#they the pine flea markets _are after. ... . . ... .... held this year were not + + + Grants totalling $536,664 under the Ontario Home Renewal Program (OHRP) have been allocated to 13 municipalities, including $30,000 to the Township of Goderich, Housing Minister Claude Bennett announced recently. OHRP provides per capita grants to Ontario municipalities to_ ad: _. minister directly as loans to homeowner occupants to repair their houses to an acceptable municipal minimum standard. It is directly oriented to low andmoderate income homeowners with a maximum annual income of $12,500. +-++ A person or persons have been making phone calls in Goderich this week asking for donations for a yearbook project for Legion Branch 109, says Police Chief Pat King. The calls are not legitimate, says the Chief and he would urge anyone getting such a call to check with Legion President Roy Mugford or another County Pioneer Museum. A lot of people who live in -Goder'ich seem to take the museum for granted and forget that it exists. When was the last time you visited the museum here? New (or should I say old) articles are being . added . to it all the time. It's growing right under your nose. So take some time out and visit or revisit this tribute to the past. + + + The Maple Leaf Chapter I.O.D.E. is. sponsoring a fashion show on Sunday and Monday, September 17 and 18 at 3 p.m. at the Benmiller Inn. Tickets are $5 -per person and can be purchased from any Chapter member. Fashions -will be displayed by the Clothes Closet, Captain's Quarters, Bainton's and The Hollow. Support this worthwhile women's organization. Guelph at the Spring Convocation on June 2 with an Honors Bachelor of, Science Degree in Agriculture. A dinner and reception followed the convocation at Bingeman Park in Kitchener. Dennis is a former graduate of G.D.C.I. +++ Did you know that 80 percent of school work depends on vision? Knowing this, it is easy to understand why good vision is. .so...important ..to achievement in school. With those "back to school days" ap- proaching, the Ontario Association 'of Optometrists recom- HURON BUSINESS MACHINES, Our new location: • 50 Albert Street CLINTON 452-7335 OFFICE FURNITURE OFFICE S SCHOOL STATIONERY PORT. TYPEWRITERS POCKET CALCULATORS VAULTS TYPEWRITER RENTALS MAW& TYPEWRITERS CALCULATORS PHOTO COPIERS DICT. EQUIPMENT H - CASH REGISTERS BOND COPIERS CALCULATORS REX,ROTARY: DUPLICATORS SHREDDERS &SAL TYPEWRITERS LATIEM TIME C•L'OCKS MLPHOTO COPIER'S pAY'llhk4'P R T!as r Lr'a She suggests that if parents have . questions about either the com- position of school -served lunches or about ideas for home-made lunches, they should call local. health departments for guidelines. A good source of, information available across Canada is a pamphlet called, \ Shop- ping for Food and Nutrition, available from the Information Direc- torate, Department of National Health ' and Welfare, Ottawa LIA OK9: The 32 -page pam- phlet amphlet has a host of good tips says the doctor. One' other factor that should 'be kept in mind is the color and texture of food, she says. Lunches should be appealing as well as nutritious and the appearance and actual feel of food is an aspect that should not be overlooked. "Training young people to be conscious about eating habits is not easy but it's a job parents, teachers and all of us should keep in mind this school year. Too often, we buy the new clothes, pencils and books but forget about food, an only an asset to the jail but also an asset to the community in that they provided a reason for a social gathering every week. Don't miss the last jail flea market of the season on Sunday ' af- ternoon. - +++ Also at the flea market this Sunday, as an added attraction, hobbyists from Goderich will be displaying their various hobbies in the jail yard. Anyone who wants to may display his or her hobby but they will not be allowed to sell their products. Rather than charge admission, donations may be made' for the jail. Don't forget' • the Variety Show being held by the Goderich Little ,;Theatre Group this, Sunday evening at 8 p.m. ANALOG OR DIGITAL. SEIKO HAS THE QUARTZ WATCH._ TO PLEASE HER. No. YJO48M-5260.00. Yellow top/stainless steel back, gilt colour dial. Also available In white -1,260.00. No. YHOO6M—$325.00. Ladles' LC Digital Quartz. Month, date and seconds at the push of a button .Yellow top/ staMien' St -61'1M M,'greydial" frame. Also available in white -5325.00. 0 She can have a Seiko Multi -Mode® LC Digital with continuous time readout.`br a Seiko Analog Quartz in an elegantly Ultra Thin or sporty model. The Lady Seiko Quartz Collection is designed to please her most discriminating•taste. See our great, selection of models. Seiko Quartz e. ANSTETT JEWELLERS ELLERS :LIMITED 11 ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. 482-3901 SEAFORTH WALKERTON' known Legion member first. If possible those contacted should get as many details as they can to help police trace the origin of such calls. People should always be leery of telephone solicitations, warns the Chief. + Agnes Mugford of Goderich phoned the Signal -Star this week questioning the efficiency of our postal system. It seems that her grandson, who was living in Ottawa, mailed a letter to her on March 4. She received it on Monday of this week. +++ The annual campaign for:funds to carry on 'the fight against arthritis will begin in Goderich Sep- tember 10 and continue until September 16. Bill. Wark is the campaign chairman this year. Bill and his com- mittee ,ask residents to begin thinking about, 'the upcoming canvass and to plan to be generous when the canvasser calls. +++ Gladys Green 'and Kay Prevett of the Volunteer Association at the Bluewater Centre were busy selling pieces of 'homemade pie at the first annual Antique Show and Sale held at the Centre recently Almost 700 people visited the show and between the admission charge of $1 per person and the selling oflunches in the canteen over $1,200 was raised by the Association. (Photo by Joanne Walters) ; 1 1 LIIUAIRA TEED • INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES 1/2043 on 5 year annual interest Rales s,,olect to ,.hange STANDARD TRUST ��. Telephone 881.2150 0 � �SdJ1r11 ER F� ;SINAL.; t THURS., AUG.,24-2 P.M. .Huron Tiger"._.-.._�. %• THURS., AUG. 24-8:30 P.M. I % "Gwendoline" i % THURS., AUG. 25-8:30 P.M. 4;r • "Gwendoline" l I • THURS., AUG. 26-8:30 P.M. j % "Huron Tiger" ) . i FINAL WEEK it MONDAY, AUG. 28 - I SATURDAY, SEPT. 2 8:30 P.M. EACH NIGHT . "Two Miles Off" TICKETS AVAILABLE AT: <,! Campbell's of Goderich • j . OR Al THE BOX OFFICE BOX 291, BLYTH PHONE 523-9300 FOR RESERVATIONS / P, 4.: 5ft. ..<; 0 IS 'V ire Yellow • Terrific Sale rr�c�,Durs are right will tell you just how terrific the Buys "Yellow Tags"They Chisholm TV's low, low Look for the Home and Car Stereo Systems.arison� now on ALL Pioneer these Sale Prices above comp markups in the first place make To qualify Ontario Retail Soles for this reduced rateOn sfec them in it Sar oods and to buy o stereo ou must buy 1978. Tax, y October 8, fax bucks. prior to If you are going i ht a'�, system. you ms well save some g Holds O O/® Down a{ this one? Just - h cosh t will hold your �eal Tn� r 8 taus. - There is now • that's just what you will do. Pioneer If you buy September on the Manufacturer withno price increase scheduled for equipment. This is direct o from course, unless you buy e way to avoid it. Now Y' it's put into effect! o take advantage selection (at Not ,enough That w' scratch together 10%! for 45 days. the SALE price of course) 'Phase into Savrngs Today • • • Please note: we will be CLOSING - FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 ' AT 4:00 P.M. Op•n rapula. hours Saturday rf