HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-12-22, Page 1THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. - *ittrtrt goob fay a 'tappg- gitristittas nth a 38ri.obt attb ilitasptrous Attu Vtar front EXETER, ONTARIO, TITURSD Y DEC. 22, 192t Official Count I Local News --- SOUTH HURON HANDEL'S MESSIAH. Returning Officer, Thomas Hunkin, on, Thursday last made the aofficini gtount for South Huron, for the rre- eent •election, and the result follows: Black Alclifilla.n Alerner Ooderich Township No. 1 .. . .. 37 No. 2 ....... 38 No3 61 No. 4 ......--- 61 gke Outer 011bl:trate No. 5 07 No. 6 29 Total 289 Phooe 81a TAMAN'S For Men'sad Boys Christmas Presents .4.44/4444111.44,44,4•44..... • T,HE SWELLnST. THING IN TIES. SHIRTS SOCKS, AND ALL KINDS OF MEN'S FURNISHINGS ar here. They're alit new, af course. We never cafry over last year styles The new off.erings are sure enou,gh winners if rich colors, beautiful pat- terns and The materials count for any- thing. Peices are just as all right, too. Drop in and look them "under and over, around and through!' W. W. Taman Tailor & Furnisher Our Corner It ttosts a lot Otf- money ,to keep Exeter going, Be an Exeterite. Help thee:I that help tho town. It is rumored that some eurprieete will be sprung at the town, nomination meeting on. Monday next at ;noon. Both nomination day end election day fall on holidays, Christmas being observed on Dec. Zatle and New Year on Jane Znd. Give your own merchants a chance Lor your Christmas business:, They as stocked upto serve yout Play Lair with them. alany a mun is wondering how bee:a ; going to buy th,e $100 ..worth of 1Christmas presents his wife wants ;with a1one $10 Will the faet that Reeve and Coun- eallors now get paid for their •ser- viees hue the effect of securing the serviees of men who have heretofore declined to be candidates? Among the new aspirants to the Exeter COuncil this year, we have heard the .name.s of Pa ,;‘,1. Francis, W, N. Armstrong, Jos, Hawkins, Caleb Heywood prominently mentioned. The old councillors may ail seek re-election to the emend'. Councillor C. 13: Snell may teke a crack at the reeve - ship, although, we understand that Reeve Beavers may seek re-election "Getting out a high-class family journal," says the 'editor, "is no picnic. If I print jokes, people; say I.am silly. If I don't, they ,Say I am, too serious. If I publish .original matter theysay I lack variety, If I publish things from other papers .they say I am too lazy to. write. If I don't Igo to ehurch, they say I am wheathent If Ido go, lam, a bypneorit, If ' I stay in the office, I ought to be rueftling for news: If I go out, I am not attending to busi- ness ..at the .officei, If I w.ea.r old 'clothes, I am careless. If I wear new clothes. they are not paid for. What is a Door editor to. do, anyway? Like as nat someone will say, I swiped this from an eichange. So I did." • GOOD GLASSES IF YOU NEED THEM. Good 'advise if you don't J. WARD, D.C., Optametr:st, Exeter WINTER WORK on CARS. We are prepared to care for your car, Try us. - Imo • REPAIR WOR,K ON ALL CARS,: PILON & FOOTE, Huron 'Garage' " Exeter Christmas_ Our laacal Sales of Flour and Feed are sh,awing satisfactory increases end we are sincerely -grateful to our numerous custom.ers for their trade, Christmas with All its jays will soon be here. Among the Pleasures of the Yule -tide a.re to; be counted those delicious pastries, doughnuts, plum puddings, .yes, and that wonderful bread that the best woman in the would will provide for us, • , In order to help them, take home a plentiful supply of Harvey's -lour, We believe it has no ahnerior.. Read avhat a customer laid us to• -day, Nov. 28, 1921,-'A few •weeks ago I bought 150 lbsof your Manitoba's Best Flour and now I want 200 Ib more of it. It le the best Flout that ever atame into our home, and. we have used all the best brands sold in Ulla. part of the eauntry": We are in the market to buy Wheat and Peas.. We wish ycni a very Merry Christmas of unalloyed hap,pinesa Harvey 13ros. Stanley No. 1 .. . .. ....„51 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 76 42 • 30 46 46 18 23 169 84 53 20 10 69 93 71 71 71 69 45 393 19 136 39 31, Total-. 822 • 236 258 Vehorno No. 1 161 24 No. 2 133 46 No. 3 .... . 95 24 No. 4 .. ... 123 60 Total 512 154 Stephen 74 60 No. 1 No. 2 No, 3 39 No, 4 105 No. 5 ... 63 No, 6 • 100 No, 7............54 No. 8 75 No. 9 112 44 28 117 29 ° forms were erected on, tither side of 218 the choir spece for the seating of the singers o.nd no. pains were spared 2o make :it a suecese. This high class musical production was sung in James Siteet elethodist Church on Thursday and Friday ev- enings of •last week. under the dir ection of Mr. A. W. Anderton, choir leader and at-nen:se of the ....larch. The producnon waei given. under the auspaces of the South Huron •Choral Sa:ietY. musical organization, enabrag., ing Exeter and the. surrotmding towns and villagee, and that Mr. Andartoat has been instrumental in, forming dur- log the last few months, The chor- uses were sung by an 130 mem- bers of the soelety, and :were very easZngly rendered, reflecting great ereclit on the aociety and the cenainc - tar. The soloists were Miaa Renne soprano, of Zurich; Mrs.. fiashop, con.- ralto, of St. -Marys; Mr. J. Parnell 'Morris 'tenor. and MA EL N. Herding, bass„ of Londott Prof. BiehOn of S. Marys was the organist and Mr. An- dvmerstonnotitt as eeoinadrga u,letorsarit . Titi0ino attteen.lart,cer as deserved. The .urehalter was very disagreeable on• :the seeond evereatg, leeavS' ra:n fa1'311,1 for several hours. The rendering of a alusatal production of this magnitude requires great :are and a lot of hard work. ?DJ tW 42iy fa to be congnatulated int the •excellence of the affair. Large pat 26 63 a 1-L A. SCHEDULE. 8 27 72 70 45 66 54 18 38 Total .... . . 682 397 MeHillop No. 1 43 147. No. 2 118 106 No. 3 .. . .... 116 79 No. 4 137 35 R.••••••••11. Total 414 367 Seafortit No. 1 • 44 212 No. 2 19 111. No. 3 11 .51 No. 4 - 7 22 No. 5 6 103 Total 87 499 Clinton No. 1 27 118 No. 2 goo 21 145 No. 3 24 114 No. 4 .„. ...... 28 70 Total 100 447 lfultett No. 1 90 93 No. 2 102 59 No. 3 11 62 No. 4 ...... 57 83 No. 5 33 20 No. 6 30 77 No. 7 53 62 Total 373 Hay No. 1 51 No. 2 65 No. 3 .• 65 No. 4 • 114 No. 5 107 No. 6 109 No. 7 42 No. 8 . 75 Total • 628. liensall Total 40 197 177 Bayfiead Total • 38 44 168 Exeter No. 1 41 .48 175 No. 2 .55 7•8 160 No. 3 . • 68 •76 • 110 No:- 4 •19 32 47 Total ....... 183 234 492 'Thekersrnith 56 The InZeratediate 'Ontario /lackey 33 Schedule for .this district has been 17 arranged and -it will be natiatel that 80 .,re season at Exeter opens on lawn 3.2 ary Silt anith Mitehell, The Exeter Zurieh Club has 'Sante -twenty-one players rated up, and " they will need to lelay at game io cateli a place on the playang team, 339 All that is now wanting the ace, and the present weather would in- -: dicate that the rink ‘vili he ready. The Schedule Tare 4-Gatletieh at- Clinton Jan, S-ahlitchell at Exeter San 6 -Clinton at St. Marys. Jan. 9-$t. Marys at Exeter Jan. 9-Gtederich at ...Mitchell Jan. Il -St. hfarys at Clinton. jan. 13 -Clinton at Catlett.% h Jan, I3 -Exeter At iMitehell 183 Jan. '216 -Clinton at Exeter 92 Jan. '/9-Slitehell at Clinton. 49 Jan. 20-Ex.eter nt St. :Marys 72 Jan 24-C1inton at Mitehell 125' jan..24-Goalerieh at St. hfarys. . jail. 27 -.7 -Exeter at ,Goderich Jen, 27 -Si. Marys at Mitehell jan, SO -Exeter at Clinton - jam 31 -SL Marys at Goderielt Feb. 2-Mitehe1l at St Marys Feb. 2-Goderiath at Exeter 18 47 37 62 -- 164 5.21 112 170 131 122 535 SAD DEATH, Ile, Louie; daughter of 'Mrs. James Whyte, passed away at the home of her grandmother, hits. Westlake, Sen- ders street. on Sunday last, eat the youthful age of 11' years. 4 months, 22 and 26 days. The eircumstances sur - 37 rourtabing her a:loath are indeed .end. 38 She had been attending school a4. us - 39 ual until Wednesday of las t avteek 32 when a little bay playfully pushed her 21 and she fell on, the sidewalk, with the 40 result that she sustained internal in.- jurios which developed .into paralysis -- af the bowels, From this and /ter in, 456 229 juries she suffered intensely until the end came. She was a, particularly 11 .liriaghtand lovable little girl and a fay - 25 orate with all her schoolmates and as - 28 13 societies, all of whom are grief strick- 129 81 en ether sudden and untimely end. To, 86 41 add nation to the sad eircumstancea 29 12 of the caae, her mother, as now and 13 a nervous break.down, with whieh she 14 25 Dr. Hyndman.'s hospital suffering from: 41 has for some. timinjaeen zonfined to has .been afflicted for some tim.e. 73 427 All the /Dublin school, teachers and 237 scholars, attended the funeral in body, and they .also sent a, beantiful floral $,,al*IrvPRS CF .71-1 Keys -In Hay Tan, on, Den 44, ige 'Alia.,Speneer-In. Morris, Y., OA pee. 14, and Mrs. Albert' Keys, a son, Mr'. Elizabeth %Spencer, aged 75t years. Erieson-At Aberdeen S.D., "ec i'MarCn-in. St. Marys, on. Dee. 1.3tin 17th to. .air. and ?Mrs. A. A. Erie- , V.iolet Dialing, wife of J. Franklin son, nne Loraine Hooper, a son.: al 4; Ito faseia of Exeter, aged r - Barton Edgar. 28 years. Baker -In Stephen, on Dec. 11, to hfr„:‘,Veekes-At Dr. HYAdman's alospitale, and .Mrs. Alvin Baker, a daughteny Exeter, on Dan, 19, Robert Weekes, Culbert -In Usbarne, on Dee. Zist, to aged 66 years. htr. and Mrs. Richard Culbert, a soni,, DEATHS IN MEMORIAM tra..1.4e memory of Thomas Geoege Winner -In Uenorne on. pea, • / Hadgans, who (lied two years ago, Kaihleen, twin daughter of Mr. .1.4t1, Dec. ;4, 1919. Mrs. Ceell Skinner, aged '1 menalts en.. 2 days. Wityle-In Exeter, ant Dee. lo, 11.e. Louise, . deughter of Mrs„. James Whyte. aged 11 yearn 4 mentlis ard 26 days. . • Twog years have passed sence that and day , ead called the one we loved away; Forget him, no, IVA. never wia A, ran- roll on we love him stain -Father, ?,father, Brother. Slater. To My Patrons 1 THANK YOU ALL FOR '0 UR PATRONAGE DURING THE PAST YEAR, AND WISH YOU AI L A MERRY XMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR. Year 1922 WILL OPEN WITH A FULL I LNE OF TI AND BATThRY, AND WILL ALSO HAVE A FIRSTsCLASS GAR MAN FOR CAR WORK. THANK • YOU ALL. Taylor Tire Batte CHRISTMAS Shopping Guide • "GOOD PRICES FOR HARD TIMES." We are nonfialeat you • will find it a pleasure to deal at our Sanit- ary Ste-rea, You wat find our stoek eampIette. pr,....es right and servaie nrempt, Do not west.; your preeinu,. tirna trying to beat our pre. BOX ClIOCOI.A.TES ZS agenaa to We have a large range of Xman. Boxes wialt most artistie an- ap-. propriate *covers, all new stock and baok t* Pre -War Prices. Neilson's "The Chocolates that are I:efferent" MINED NUTS 25 eents per lb. See our mixed nuts on d t splay, five different ki , and selling et a price that can't be. beat. XMAS, CANDY, Ilalt lb, 12 4t.S. Olia• steady is in a class by itself, over thirty pails of the best selling lines, from the best factories, at rock bottom prizes. Our retail prieethis Xmas is less than the wholeaale peee of last year, FRUIT Our Oranges, Grapes, Bananas, Grape Frul, Cluster Raisins, Lemma.. Figs, Prunes and Aprieots are all cholee, New Fruit WHEN SIIOPPING-Remember, "The Difference in Price is a Diff- erenee in Quality." • HARVEY & HARVEY MAIN PPIONE 102 TWO STORES NORTH PHONE 47 • J. A. STEWART Phone 16 "THE BIG STORE 'WITH THE LITTLE PRICES." No. 1, 53 ,.. 82 . 78 • • • No. 2. 53 •89 63 No, 3 99 44 •. 17 ,N07 4• 73 81 27 No . 5 75 63, 32 No. 6. 73 73 15 — --- --- Total • 426 432 • 232 RECAPITULATION Black McMillan Merner 87 499 •521 100 , 447 535 • 376 456 229 628 427 237 289 169 39'1 322 • 236 258 512 • 154 218 682 397 339 414 367 164 • 40 197 177 • 38 44 168 183 234 492 426 432 232 Seaforth Clinton Hullett Hay Ooderieh Tp. Stanley Usborne Stephen McKilloq Hensall Bayfied Exeter Tuckersmith Total •4097 •4059 •3963 Majority for Black over McMillan 38 Majority for Meek over Merner 134 Maj. for McMillan crrer 'Werner 96 DEATH OF ROBT..WELKES.. There passed Away at Dr, Hynd- aaan's Hospital, ;hare on Monday .ev- ening lasi Robert Weekes of Usborne at. the:age of 66 years{ The deceased was a native: of Englandanbut came to Canada a number ,of years ago, and lids been engaged wath •different.farm- ers in Usborne Tat. For some little tinaehe has -worked for Ma. Hy: Del- bridge.- 'Not being in very good health he alegaided „to come to the hospiitai here on. Thanaday last, and his con- dition soon became serious, pneumonia having eat in, and he passed away at the tiane above stated The remain,s were taken ad. 12,. N. Rewe's under- taking rooms and on Tuesday morn; 2.11v -were shipped t,o Strathray for burial, theadeceased's brother. George, accompanying them. ADDITIONAL LOCALS PAGE 4 A RECOUNT IN SOUTH HURON Application has been granted by 1-l3a Honor Judge L, H. Diokson athat racaunt of the ballotscastin thp re- ent election. ri South Huron be made, and su•ch recount will commenc.e in-Goderich at 930 o'clock on Friday, the 23rd, day of December...Returning Offieer; '.'Thos. .1Iun1ciin, and Election Clerk, C. H. Sanders have been sum- moned ao nappe,ar Goderich At that time with 'the necessary parcels tof ballots, etcto commence the recount. BIRTHS Hibbert, .on Dee. S, to Me. and Mrs. W. Daninin, andaughtnr- Laura Gre,te, Once again we extend to you the Season's Greetings. We thank you cordially for past business, a,ndlope to merit your confidence for even bigger business in the future. Wishing you and yours a Merry OhristmaS and a Happy New Year. J. A. STEWART Highest Prices paid for. Po ultry and all Produce, • 140%.00%saftroWeiolualasoasemamolaroomosaexasosaams"a104tessagoe.. 4 " 4 +I 4 4 4 4