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tiacs take over firs
beating ords, Fisher
McGee Pontiacs took
over sole possession of
first place in the Maitland
Division of the Industrial
Softball league last week,
by virtue of two big wMs_
McGees battled Gords
Sports to a 5-3 standstill
last Wednesday night and
on Sunday, handed
Fisher Builders a 10-3
Heading into last
week's play, McGees and
Fishers were tied at the
top of their division, each
team having won 12
games and lost seven_
With Sunday's loss,
Fisher drops to second
with 26 points, trailing the
Aront-runmng McGees by
In Wednesdny's game,
Cords led McGees 3-0
after three innings with
Bob Riehl connecting for
a home run in the second
to open the scoring. R.
Schumaker and W. Watt
crossed the plate in the
third inning to round out
the scoring for Gords.
From then on, the
game belonged to
McGees with Ron
Sowerby hitting a home
run with no one on base in
the fourth inning, and
Deb Shewfelt banging in
another homer in the
sixth to bring Ken
Vanderburg over the
Sowerby and Van-
derburg each scored
again in the fifth inning.
Rick Smenloyonronnothoom,.
winning pitcher striking
out two batters with Des
Courtney taking the loss
for Gords.
Sowerby allowed only
three "hits with McGee
batters connecting for
On Sunday night. Ken
Doer held the Fisher
sluggers to six hits
striking out four batters
on the way to McGees' 10-
3 win. Fishers replaced
Fred Pellow on the
mound in the sixth inning
sending in Barry Block to
finish up the game. The
two pitchers allowed 12
McGees led 2-0 after
four innings of play on a
run by Ken Daer and a
home run with no one on
by Rick Sowerby. The
six runs in the fifth and
finished off their rout
with two more in the
sixth. Sowerby scored
three times on three hits
for four times at bat. Ken
Meriarn also picked up
thiree hits on four.trips to
the plate, scoring once in
the fifth to bring in two
Dennis LeBrun.. con-
nected for three hits on
three times at bat for the
losers knocking in a home
run in the seventh to
score Gerry. turst.
LeBrun also got the other
Fisher run in the fifth.
McGee's win puts them
two points ahead of
Fisher and in the first
round of the playoffs
which begin Aug. 23, is
tentatively scheduled to
meet third-place team
Little Bowl.
Bridge scores
There were .five tables
in play when the
Goderich Duplicate
Bridge Club met on
Tuesday evening.
__,Eita„ place _was cap-
' tured by Mary Donnelly
and Eleanor Erskine with
75 points. Second place
went to Betty and Ray
Fisher at 641/2 points.
Third place winners were
Nuala Conlon and Bob
Dick with 55 points.
'Fourth place went to Bill
Duncan and Joe Martin
with 54% points and fifth
place was won by Jo
Berry and Edna Overholt
with 52.1o'2 points.
Goderich wins 'B' Championship - The Goderich Midget Blue Jays
scored a rum in the' bottom of the ninth to defeat the Huron Park
Midgets 4-3 and win the 'B' championship trophy -at the Listowel
third annual Midget Ball Tournament recently. Members of the
Goderich team are, from left front row - Murk Jones, Larry
Madge, Dave Moore, Dan Maillet, Dennis Donnelly, Steve Arbour;
back row - Ronald McDonald,. coach; Del Mitchelmore, Ted
Doherty, Doug Cruickshank, Rob McDonald, Andy Moore, Bill
Schaefer, manager. (Banner Photo)
Blue Jays bombed by Listowel
bow out of first-round playoff
The Goderich Blue
Jays bowed out of the
WOAA midget boys'
baseball playoffs here
last Wednesday when
they laropped a 6 - 2
verdict to Listowel.
The win for Listowel
gave them a 2 - 0 sweep in
the best -of -three first
round playoff "series.
Listowel 'won the first
game, 15 - 4.
The Jays stayed with
Listowel in a 2 - 2 tie
Wednesday until the
visitors broke the game
open with three runs in
the seventh inning. Home
runs by Bob McMurren in
the seventh and Rod
Sachs in the eighth for
Listowel spelled the
difference in the of-
fensive output of the two
Listowel collected nine
hits off losing pitcher
Fishers wallop Little Bowl
but slip from division lead
Fisher Builders split a
pair of games this week,
losing Sunday night to the
high -flying Pontiacs,
giving up their -hold on
first place in the Maitland
Fisher's 10-3 loss to the
Pontiacs (see story,
Pontiacs take over fjr-
st...) came after the tear()
had wiped out Little Bowl
12-2 in a game played last
Wednesday night.
Winning pitcher Fred
Pellow threw 13 ' strike-
outs against Little Bowl,
allowing only four hits for
the victory. Little Bowl
centre fielder Mike
Wildgen connected in the
first inning for" the only
home run off'Pellow.
Losing pitcher Terry
Powell had a rough
second inning, in watch
Fisher batters Jim Durst
and John Hoy connected
for homers. He also
walked five batters in the
second, four of them in a
row. Fishers scored nine
times in the inning
leading 9-1 after two and
putting the game out of
Dennis Lebrun added a
third home run for
Fishers in the sixth in-
ning to wind up the
• scoring. Lebrun crossed'
the plate twice earlier in
the game. Other Fisher
scorers were Pellow with
one, Gerry. Durst with
two, ken Klose with two,
and John Hakker and
Jack McKinnon with one
Fishers wound up the
week with a win -loss
record of 13 victories and
eight defeats. Little Bowl,
with seven wins and '12
losses, managed to stay
ahead of Green and
Parent by four points and
will end up playing the
first place team if they
hold onto the last playoff
Dennis Donnelly while
Donnelly's' team-mates
got a total of six hits off
the winner, Todd
Morgan. Each team had
three walks and com-
mitted two errors.
Morgan struck out six
while Donnelly whiffed
three Listowel batters.
Dan Maillet had two of
the Goderich hits. Andy
Moore, Rob McDonald,
Doug Cruickshank and
Dennis Donnelly each
had single safeties for the
The Blue Jays had a
record of seven wins,
three losses and a tie in
regular season play,
including a split of two
games with Listowel in
the schedule.
The members of the
Blue Jays .would like to
thank their coach and
manager, Bill Schaefer
and Ron McDonald and
the merchants andh
businessmen who helped
sponsor the team this
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Ron Sowerby of McGee Pontiacs scrambles back to
first base under the watchful eye of umpire Gerry
Pitre in a game against Gords Sports. McGees won
• -
• h
• 't '400,
The game Shl and are an floss place In the Maitland
Division_ tote by Dave Sykes)
Goderich Bantams
minor soccer tro
The Goderich Bantam
Soccer team, coached by
Merv- W4t-ter, --won-•-thc
Sarnia and District in-
cluding -St. Clair Shores
Minor Soccer trophy. The
team was three points
ahead of St. Clair Shores
who were the runners-up.
The Goderich Bantams
are nov,v in the play-offs
for a cup. They have won
their first play-off game.
but lost the second game
on Saturday in Sarnia
against Huron Cable. The
score in that game was 3 -.
2. Goal scorer for
Goderich ( was Mike
Hodges with two goals.
The coach states that
his team was completely
out -played by.Sarnia who
used his 'game plan
against his team. His
game plan w,as short
passes that he has been
using all " season. For
some unknown reason the
Goderich team resorted
to long passes which were
not effective. The win-
ning goal for the Sarnia
was a defender's goal.
The Goderich goalie, in
an attempt to push a —
corner kick out, pushed it'
in the back of his own net
about three minutes
The Goderich team
pressed . hard for a tie
game but were not able to
capitalize on their op-
Randy Stoddart, Mike
Hodges and Mike
Wedlock, the forwards,
tried desperately for a
win. Again Gilbert Van
Den Heuvel played an
excellent game as full
back with help from John
Sheardown who at times
tended to play a little too
mud' towards the centre
. and had to beremineledat
times by the C,Q,ach..
Marty Middel and Kevin
Wood also Played an
excellent game_
Mike Wedlock got in-
jured in last Saturday's
game with a bad bruise to
his right ankle and now
wears a cast which will
be nri for six weeks..
Steven Graham, who was
injured in tone o the
team's games. now has
bis Cast off.. The coach
and Warn wishes them
both a speedy recovery..
The •coaclestates he is
pleased and happy for
winning the trophy and
that simian towns are
tratraketrhatmone etre
(cities in sports,
The minion soeicer
executives extend
oongrataillattions tto die
nitalirni team and wishes
thenn the play-
id et
grab series wi
The • no -hit pitching of
Denise Mitchelmore led
the Goderich Midget
Girls softball team to an
easy 13-2 win over Dor-
chester last Wednesday
night, clinthing the
PWSA quarter -final
series for the girls in two
games straight.
The win followed the
_team's' 8-3 drubbing of
Dorchester two weeks
ago, and moves the girls
into the semi-final round
against the winners of the
Eastern 'Ontario division
playoffs. That series is
yet 'to be decided.
Mitchelmore struck out
12 Dorchester sluggers on
the way to the no-hitter,
walking only two batters.
The two Dorchester runs
came on errors in the
Goderich outfield..
Sandy Rowe led the
Goderich •offence. with
four hits for five times at
bat. Rowe scored three
runs and knocked in
another two.
Dorchester led IA after
the first inning and
trailed 'only 341 anntill the
sixth inning when
Goderich exploded for
seven runs to put the
game ,otut •of reaclh _
Goderich added thtnee
runs in the last inning
with the losers scoring
once late in the game.
Jenny More got the
only borne tram of the
game, knocking in the
Goderich batters_ She
brought in one other ram
late in the ganne after
being waBted to first and
making ,il borne ovi
Derchesten errors.
Mittchellinore snored
twice (MD MC9 hits for !live
times at bat.. Kathy
MrDonalld had ttw(o) hits
for three times alt ibe
plate_ kimor_kiw, ina one ram
and sewing twice herself_
Other Goderich rams
went to Karen Melladv.,
ATIM1 McDonald arid Tracy
, .
Lynn Penh and Nancy
Allblas sowed for Dnr-
chestter., with pitcher
ohnerrada Shimmers taking
The loss,
The Gnderich Girls won
the elpt971111/4g rolphad of the
PWSA playoffs beating,
Kiriktosa tin three games.
Thew went on no eliminate
Wood.stocrin two straight
games, swamping them
112-3 and 113--th
Andy Moore of the Goderich Blue Jays bangs out a
hit in a playoff game against Listowel last week.
Listowel won the game 6-2 and won the best -of -three
playoff series in two straight games. They won the
first me l5-4. (photo by Dave Sykes)