HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-12-15, Page 8RXErER. ADVOCATE, THITHEDAY, 1]EG, is, mai Exeter Markets LOcal Loin sCanada's water -power development sips+w'el'ts all investment of $474.- CHANGED EVERY lIIEDNIwSDAY 0Q(4000 while 'the plower produced . . would otherwise require lS,000,000 ton,ih at . ...n„ ..,1.07 Mr. Thos. Hunkie, returning officer ocoal yearly. Barley „4. 48 to 55 for Soaatit Huron, will make his offfi ill ?its .,,,. 34 to 40 repot to -'clay (Thursday,) Fir Chief Jasazes Wetekes is again It a•aa.totba's Best Flour 4,,..:... 4,157 kin receipt of et otice from the Fire Family Figur 3,90 lir^ lam, Delbridge of Winetelsea Unclertvxitere' Associgntion, giving the Pastry Flew. 33.12 ,s `mit/ten to hes home with e severe usual warning to and sin -Wry that k :1 Fleur ............... 'tier ` ,d a,hiclz seitled on ills 1ta es. tease y . � is great danker of fire dowels *'neer s .,,... a Sea, °a,k Ciandebaye puhlie schoo base O e Christmas season, otoin?�g to care Braaa ,.. I. ..1 melt has been tatted up with tables ss de..oraiing of ismer. and xtores, t r 'anew} Butter 43 to 47 sand a stove for the serving of haat In carr of fixe your ansurance> a ' Lary Butter 38 to 40 <Pnnerc to the pupils• b*carnes t*old of year have not i 5 vises every Care in decorating•, The R �7 a A :� #0 name got Jean, Sincere, who ata- ,....,,,, Egg s. new led I wesheld. :a eel 79 I Md iC per cent, was omitted from Garnet W. Miners is again to, the Hay leer Feet Sri to $lb ne k xeter School Report <*f Ream 4 front with his Yerksh res; He had 1 %^g,y ., ;nee Jr. Il, ':lass, bast week. eifteen on 'exla,abition ae, Guelph, Wine Mr. George Spo.ton, one of the de- ter Fairs and 'v,tir.t as Follows,-ln tine eneed candidates in North• Hiroo, was Reveal class 2nd hoz dressed axe d f fth 11CREl•e`e , BL',LL FOR tiAl.t . ,*azrted on Si.urday at St. Thomas, for atIva .n a, riles, of le; under six 1',aa• e an Ia: as rz �lzed- :a ^,.aa l Catherine Taylor, a former mantles i ' 'von let aril 2nd in a Very e. ll ss nurse , ce Wing -ham. large entry; for three together of tine P r.._say :or sere e, 11 arson: as old, litter he got ;fifth phage; he also won Free?: eeso-aablo. q p, * 4svµper edeert-eme s the cheap- the :prize they are alt after, the Chew- Fra^,Ce-1:2's-r'en'al:.z P tam e n ^.1 o: communication ever estab- p.eesiele G. W, reow evens the ,:barn- 1<.:: H. Con. 3. Usbaa-rt s =al i>* anal. A thousand letters t> onsh p sow of 'that great Fair. He .- - - :' on: cent stamps will easily cost is keeping tep his reputation, as agog. Tisa t Al °Harte s s. Enterta nment 5915 en ^r.rculat., said not ogee envel- breeder Fourteen of ;the animas he ran Domerr .T s e, Wed., Deo. 21 et R c':a very - oav ill lie a?peneda lam: cruse "sold for fancy f*ores, lam. rriy.„ 1 9' . '^ ter `, 'Tee - ": h , stage in an, invitation to:, ' 1.% aIzc t ; Q r," ' +-rat Date ' rate basket. If there was an R 5 e . L, O. L. OFFICERS EI,hCTED ,.:,.Per'.:&. .�+`9s[+CS,�,^?a:e:. eia.?edr!ta �?C t: Ka§ ehneer, rest assured that the ,.,,,,,MI, 'w rest :m mer anta in Ameriea,would n At the 'last regular meeting of the sd Zee letatkber Bust- rag » s z:id ind;n.duall sums ranging L. 0; L, Noe 924, the following off,. err is»a n' tats to halt mielior; dollars and more were elected for the ensuing year:,•- an ss 'lases :�" �,. I',»u, l sok ,,� your � �' e k en:tee acrd to beep good a +; r rn newspaper adverbs azg, W. li., Rev. A. A. Trumpe Johnston.; deputy, and d w see" at the lowest yrriee Test as for yourself- iWm. Leaman; ^..haplaiar, H. puss eie. Fr AN WPM?, Phone 9, --- • re,., -sec';, Here an Pawe, sec .,.^« tti H. A GRoi PI'+;G. 1W. Davis; treas., Jas, Brd,aatteell; die. Velar S ,ar 13.sLI y rtes ds spe~`pl Es,eer Intezrntedd`ate IPe l e}° Te;arn of ,`., WM. Snell; let coon. Dr, 'Ward:; ee e:nt,o a at chi,S ;;rate Ot AO tearlItas Wen given the. following groupsng°aau.s;er tyler, W. I. the, in a tyler \'t'' nut is sem,. e ec;atipuret.t far ,properly l in th, t 1-I A-•-Eeeter Gorier. ,h a Walter Cunningham. These.4ffieera alias; car' e bette res over weeter. L.; Res t k :: re a>: yours. -W. J. SEER. hey ter. W INTF:ia---Good girl to learn e1erking. Apply to C. L. 'Wilson. W AN Mee -By two gentlemen, #n teeoe turtle ;,z Exeter, ,teat' 1. Ap ly P. O. Boat 11Q. teAliNr 1,.OST. A .r a her or lnuckelen eaazr}t- et, F .der well bobber a feecta a.,., et -n4 _gree is D. Hyr.lirass o,_ t i cut¢ a, jlit>;h:alt atnct t,+ 1IarI,•s. Thais 'w 11 b: 5ztstallcd ors J,'an,. 6. 1922, s a mucin more satisfactory grouping n last year, and, ene Joel;. tei 4ae the ELECTION OF OFFICfe.RS.. eter-Zmech bo•}•s clean ep ctrz these a e:re t wey and the eat est Ivey * •*poi:. prap,rty car SCR .sd a leeek nt for Fees seer S , or en ereicleneee leave lost r leer/ When Feu went et, ts 'r.? ,itswrt Si qT.; .- ;^ ek :n t::.:"Melte ei tee - Aelvee et:. CARTING A\,n I'al.,e Ieeee-.aril kin& of t'atrtntur" raeeved mad ertated. No yob scan. emali. At your eervibe, Wm. Gardiner, I'hc tw HOUSE FOR S A.Lh. Twee store' g beick resideace, all mod- ern eanven e .coir, con e:tiently srtuat- ed, large garden and fruit trees. Are 'Ply at tbie office or to T. H. Newel@, Beeter COAL HEATER AND WOOD HEATER FOR SALE. Aptly et the :Advocate Office. HOW IS THE PUMP? New Iran Pumps and Fittings in Stock. Iran or wood pumas repaired, Wells ,pumaed out or cleaned. S. J, V. CANN. Phone 115 DR. JOHN WARD, Chiropractor & Optician. ChWopractic and Electrical Treatments `er Chrome and Nervous Diseases. Seectacles scientifically* fit- ted, Hours 10 to 12; 2 to 4; and by appointment, Office -William and Sanders Sta.. Phone 43. FARM FOR SALT. The undersigned is offering ear sale that desirable farm in the Township of Sttephen, being Lot 15, Con. 2, known as the Leatiiorn Farm, Peon, ta.niit 10e acres. There is on prem res a commodious .we story frame. house and two good bank barns. The farm ee ;veil drained and fenced, has a nice orchard, spring creek with a ae,ntlfu: supply of water the year round; fine for ,stock; 15 acres seed- ed down. ail fall plowing don:, and then • are 10 acres fall wheat; Pos- session gee n ,April lst, 1922. For partieula s apely to.I. R. CARLING, Lxett-r, Solicitor for the Adm'•.nstra tor. Tenders Wanted Separate tenders will be received rep to December 15th, 1921, at 8 o'clock p.Om stack hiy itrade, hase of store 8 including shop and bench tools, used by the late B. Brown in the boot and shoe business. Lew- es- or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted For more particulars apply to 1. H Hoitzmann, Harry Sweitzer, or to Mrs Charlotte Brown, Executors, Ceelitan, Ont. Contracting We wish to call the attention of the public of Exeter and surrounding dis- trict that we are open to accent, or tender for contracts far all kinds of building We are experienced work- men and by strict affect t on to bush nese we Iroise to share in the contract work of this district W ARES & PRYDii, Exeter. Dray nd :agga4 e Anything you have to ,move we move it reasonable Mater Truok and Horse Dray at your Service, Auto Livery Horse Lavery BAGSF,IAW & EASTON bs. The ,Fames Street Sunday School ;a;ae. Tree and entertainment. Wed. vening, Dee. 21: programa by the eholars followed by. Xmas. Tree. almission 25e. HerCSE FOR SALE. New ` wo-storey .house, ell modern *etnr F en:es,. for sale. Central -13' le- ated Le Exeter.. immediate pos ess:oa C. B. s NELL, Eye: lar h3L TTERMAK;;ER WANThD. u na, man tiwereed to learn butter n ;elle. Apply tT \ir G. Medd, lire Creamery Cot, Lea ted. To those in seed of en engine 1 1-Z est yah horsepower, new or second hand; f,rirnd:ra from 7 in; plates to 18 en, ;elates, rollers, brushers, punters or Ft,aali Siraw Cutters. call on us. We have them. One 10 uncle second band grinder, one 3 h.p, gas engine, beth in good repair. Chatham, In- ternational nternat onal and Woodstock Wagon 111"g. Co's sleighs. 2 WARD Sc MORGAN. ESTRAY STE R A two-year old steer strayed onto the premises of tate undersigned, Lot 10, N. B. McGillivray. Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses. Cecil Jones, Crediton P. O. ESTRAY CATTLE. A heifer and a steer about 750 Iles; each strayed onto N 1-2'Lot 28,. South Boundary, Hay. Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses. Joseph Amy, Cre- diton P. O. Phone Crediton. SALVATION ARMY SERV ICiS Glorious Times-Lieu4. H. P Wood, eminent trombonist .of Toronto, and Lieut. I). J. 'efaoGilli;vray of Stratford in Public: Library, Sunday, Dec. 18th at 11, 2.30 and 7; asserted by the 1ooa1 (effacers, • Kanas. Entertainment and Santa Claus Monday, Deo 191 at 8 pan, 'n the; Town Hale Adr ssien by ticket 25 ; Children IOc. cash. Don't an?ss this treat. Y, P. C. A. The ,op floor as ready for basket- ball to -night, Wednesday night, the Ladies' night. Membership should be in by 'the New Year. Help ,thie Committee by getting in at once. Trivitt Memorial Church 11 a.m.--"Fore Gleams of the Day." 7 p.m. -"The Translation of the Church." Rev A. A. Trumpet, Rector, CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, B. A,, Minister 10 aim.—Sunday School and 13ible classes. 11 a.m.--"The Greatness of Faith" The Minister 7 pan. --"The Egyptian Dead on the Sea Shore." The Minister JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J. Willson, B.A. 11 atm. --"The ,New Orgian and the Ciiunah." 3 p.m. -Sabbath Sehool, .Bible Study. 7 p.m. -"God's Corsegannent Man." Helpful ramie. A e»earty welcotiiew. COME... MAIN ST. METHODIST CHURCH RevGeo. McAlister, M. A. Phone 21r3 11,00 a,.m.,-"Thea` Sward, and Trowel',' 3 pen. --Bible & hool Classes for Eve eryb ody. 7;00 ptm.-"A. Scene.yin elle Land of Meal)," AT BETHANY 2,30 p iii,-. "Isaac the Welllegger' , On Monday: night the e10 tion, o f officers of L'ebano i, Forest Lodge, No, 133, A. F. t& A. �4., took plate, with the following result :--L P; M., E. M. Diemen: W. ,1t. R. W. Fuleef S. W J. M. Southeott; J. W , ,F. A. Chap- man; Chap., Rev; G. 1l. Ch!tdley; Treas., C. H. Sanders; Seey, R. N, Cree.la; Tyler, S. Sweet; Auditors, tr., S. Woods and R. G. Seldon; Board of Eeaaniners, W. J. Hemmen, W. W. Taman, R. N. Creech., The officers f sill b ins :a led on Tuesday even*, December 27th. MOTHER DEAD. Mrs. J J. INferner .received om Dec. 4, the sad news of the death :In Cleve- land of the death of her mother, Mrs, Edward Graham, a former resident of red:mels. The late, Mrs. Graham was born in Fermanagh, Ireland, eighty years ego, and came to ,Canada when 15 years of age. The family settled in Hamilton, later moving to .Ashfield and Goderl:h, where she lived for 50 years, Her husband, the late Edward Graham, died 14 years ago. About sawn years ago. Mrst Graham moved to CleFeland, where site made her horse with her daughter, Miss Ida Graham, who with four sisters and one brother, Thomas of Goderieh, survive,. The sisters ;are, are, J. J. Werner, S ea forth ; Mrs. Minkie, Cleveland; Mrs. Chas, Lindenfield, Parkinill, formerly of Exeter; /s.trs. Preston and Mss Ida Graham, Cleveland, The funeral "teak place in Goderielr. DEATH OF MRS. DIGNAN. The death occurred in Exeter on Sunday morning, Dec. llth, at an early hour, of a highly respe,;ted resident, Elmira Van Valkenburg, beloved wife of James Dignan, aged 74 years, The late Mrs. Dignan 'bad been in failing health for two or three years, and had been seriously 41l1 for several monttr+s from Bright's disease. Born at Nor- wich, Ont, she was there married to Mr. Ditnan, and they, came to Exeter to reside forty-nine years ago last' September, living ,here ever snoefi Deceased wes a most faithful and de - 'voted were and mother, always think - wet of the comfort and welfare tof those around her, and she will be greatly missed.. She was a rnenaber,of Main Street Methodist church, and active and faithful in. the work of the church. B antes be- husband she is sirv'ry d by three sons, Wee:ern of Lucan, P. B„ of Toroneo, and E. of Exeter, also one. sister, Mrs, Lons- desburg of Hamilton, The funeral, which was of a private nature, took place. to the Exeter cemetery Tues- day afternoon. MRS. TEMPLE'S ThLEGRAM. The Exeter Opera House was well filled both Thursday and Friday even- ings last, when a, local cast of char- aetars, under -the durectiion, of Mrs, N, J. Dore, presented "Mrs. Ternple's I ITURL+ Telegram', a three -act Comedy, an a most capable manner. The several particularly so, and the ability shown GAINS parts were well taken, same of them reflects credit both on the persateel and the diirectress'. A great deal of study and work es necessary to arrive at the, state of perfection 'shown, in this play. The comedy has many very amusing and laughable features, and the interest was well sustained throughout. The solos by Mies Senier were well rendered, while Mess Mar- garet Gladman presidedvery capably bit the plana. The audiences were well "a! l 1 r wee -ween PHONE 32 JONES & MAY any • Useful Christmas Gift Suggestions PRONE 32 ' We have an enormous stock of hal iday goods ready (for the . Christmas Trade, comprising many novelties. Below we offer si few suggestions,-- LADIES' KIMONAS We have just received a shipment 01 beautiful quality Ladies' Kira: ones, in Eiderdowns, Crepes, Ete. These makevery practical Christmas Gifts. Prices from ,.43:75 to :$8,00, "JULIAN SALE" HAND BAG SAND PURSES We have ready for your inspection a beautiful range of the celebrat- ed "Julian Sale" makes of Hand Bags Purses, Et'.:,, comprising Stapleand Novelty Effects, many lines in soled lea'tber. These are well worth the Feeing; FURS AS CHRISTMAS GIFTS The great redu,ations wee have made in prices- of Furs costes at an opportune time for those wishing to sele.:t furs for Christmas Gifts„ Wt bare a large stock of popular Purr in nets also separate ea and. Midis at 'teal Bargain Prices, par S, .,cis LADIES' AND 'MISSES' COATS AT UAL BARGAIN PRICES We have a_few beautiful winter Coats la t, .many selling, at less than cost ,price. These would make very useful Christmas Gifts„ SUGGESTIONS FOR, LADIES' AND GIRLS , Iandkerchiefs, Camisales Beelines, Fancy Combs, Sweaters, Gloves, Hair Ribbons,Purses, Hand Bags, Slippers, Parasols, Fancy Towels Etc, Ete Etc, . Etc SUGGESTIONS FOR „SEEN AND BOYS-. Handkerchiefs, Ties, Braces, Suits, Overcoats, Pyjamas, 'Unthrellgs Belts elufflers, Etc. Etc, Etc, A CORSET BARGAIN Lines Initiale Gaiters' S1 ipg.rs, Sweaters, 24 ;pairs only I3; & A. Brand Corsets, value .;hear this week; at $1,69 pair, COSY SLIPPERS, SPATS, FELT SHOES No more suitable Gift for Christmas than a pair of Slippers, Felt Shoes, or Spats. We have a :arge assortment to choose front OVERCOATS AND SUITS. • SpecialBargainsin Young .den's Overcoats at $19450. Also some at $10 to $151. Boys' Suits all sizes at $7.50 'and $8.50. t> te. $3.00 a ,pates'; to Will be open Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights of next week. JONES & MAY I. R. Carling, B.A Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public Commissioner, Solicitor for the Mol - sons Bank, Dtc. INVEST YOUR FUNDS in Victory, Dominion of Canada, Pro- vincial and Municipal Bonds, all legal investment ;For Trust Funds, At existing prices from 6 ler cent to 7 ser vest can be obtain$ from these boards. Orders received by me, Money to loan at lowest rates of iaalterest Office -Carling Bk., Mann St, Exeter NOTICE BJ FORE BUYING pleased with the ienterta ler en,t, and will always be glad to attend plays presented by our local people. Those taking pert were Mrs. N„ J. Dore, Mrs. J. H. Jones, Miss Blanche Senior, Miss Stella Southcott, Messrs, R., W. Puke. J, C. Rankin, H. M', „Mollier, J. H. Jones and H J Wenboa^n. The ,entertain - merits were given, u sclier LIie annspeces of the Citizens' Relief CommGtte,e and the gro,se receipts were $286.03. Mr. and Mrs. F. A.' Chapman, and Forbes spent several days in London: Mrs. Jas. Davis ,DE 'Merlin is visite- ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willflani 7+i'sh,.r, Mrs: Newman of Kin; stop is visit- ing her parents, Mn. and .Mrs. R, G. Sadao , Mrs. E. Christde and Mr, Daviel Tait left Saturday to spend sometime an Detroit, Mrs.Moffa'tt of Paris, tivho has been visiting; Mrs•. Amus an Mrs. Stewart returned to her home on Monday. Mrs. T. H. Newell and son Davt,d are. spending, a fe•w days ,n London, at the h,arne of the, farmer's sister, Mrs.. S!osenb e rg, YOUR • P URN CALL AND SEE THE BAR - We. ARE OF\'ERING IN ALL .LINL+SS R N. ROWS FUNERAL DIRECTOR. RAND TRUNK SYs EM THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTh Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcelled dining car ,service. Sleeping cars on night trams and Parlor cars on principal day trains. Full irriformatian from . any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horn- ing District Passenger Agent, Toronto N. J. DORE Agent. Exeter Phrase 44w. CENTRAL %ri S'TRATFORD, ONT. The Leading Commercial School of Western Ontario; a school where you can get thorough courses under com- petent 'instructors in Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy Depart- ments. Students get individual in- struction and may register at any t}mel, Graduates are assisted to pos- itions. Get our free catalogue. b. A. McLachlan, Principal SOUTHCOTT BROS. PHONE 134 PHONE 134 17 Shopping Days to Xmas. Early Choosing es best in, Every Way, and if you wish your cboi.ce can be held for yor untie Christman LADIES' FUR COLLAR COATS BOYS',AND MEN'S 'OVERCOATS 10 only Fur 'collared Coats to be Iti will pay you to see our values; cleared at ,$20,00, 527.50, and $30.00 Our prices are right. SWEATER COATS BEAUTIFUL 1 AND'FS. Pure wool • Sweater Costs in attrac- A wonderful range of patterns tive patterns for men $.8.50 10e., 15c., 25c. and to 75c. WOOL MUFFLERS XMAS, HOSIERY .. Brushed Wool Mufflers in best aha,ddea In Sid1e, Heather and Fine Cashmere each, ........:. $1.50 at lower prices. SIL.- AND WOOL HOSIERY, ' WASHABLE SUEDh GLOVES In many shades, per paiir 85c In four shades, a goad glace at $1 NEW NECKWe,AR SILK TRICOLETTE WAISTS Beautiful silks and knitted 'neckwear A Beautiful Waist at popular prices 75c. 51.00 $2.00 Each ,$5,00 GLOVES COSY FELT SLIPPERS" e All wool, suede or cape $1.00, 1.25, 2,50 Far every member of the, family. Southeott Bros DR. HENRY A, CORBAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Office --Bakers' Livery Barn, Exeter Calls promptly attended to day ox nigh, t DR. AL E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon McDoneli's Stables, John St,, Exeter (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w MARRIAGE LICENSES 1$SUE15^ by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witaeltr, Dr. G. F. Roulston, L. D. S., D. D. S DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Cloyed Wednesday afternoons. Dr. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D, S. Honor Graduate Toronto Univ.esity Office -oyer Gladman & StenlitnrV Office, Main Street, Exeter. C. W. -ROBINSON ::LICENSED. AUCTIONEi,R AND VALUATOR for 'Counties of Huron Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Fa►tm Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Central Hotel, Exeter, Ontario. FRAN'1i TAYLOR Licensed Auctilonleer for Counties of! Huron and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satinafaction Guaranteed. Crediton, - • 'On'ta'rio. If you want to ander a daily papeg or magazine, or renew a present sub sicrrpticn, leave your order at the Advocate .Office, We save you paper, envelope postage -stamp and cost dI. money order .azid • ween clubbing elite tie more besides. MONEY TO LOAN We Mee a large amount ofriva funds to. Loan on farm and village property at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Banisters, Solicitous, Exeter;