HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-08-17, Page 2PAGE 2—GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, AUGUST 17; 1978 Tid Bits... Tid Bits... Tid Bits... Tid Bits. BY JOANNE WALTERS The Village of Wellesley, situated on the western edge of Waterloo Region, boasts a population of 850. This figbire swells to over 10,000 on the day pf the Apple Butter and Cheese Festival. Just as the pioneers who established this area celebrated the harvest, the people of Wellesley, on September 30, will celebrate their Third Annual Apple Butter and Cheese Festival. And you are invited to help them celebrate. Beginning at 7 a.m., a pancake and sausage breakfast will be served on .the street mall. Throughout the course of the day, visitors may enjoy delicious locally prepared apple fritters, applie pie, sausage on a bun, cider, and of course apple butter and cheese. • support of Tourism the Bluewater Centre on Ontario, an umbrella Sunday, August 20 from 1 association representing to 5 p.m. It is expected Ontario's ac- that there will be about commodation, • food, 200 purebred and travel and recreation registered dogs of all industries, the program breeds at, the outside is designed to remind not show. only those in the tourist The show is open to and related .,industries, spectators .and anyone but all Ontarians, of the interested in entering vital importance of their dog can register tourism to Ontario. 'The from 10 a.m. on. The $5 billion industry ranks Centre's Volunteer number two in the Association will be economy text to running a refreshment automobile manufac- booth and the Gift Shop in turing. the canteen will be open + + + as well. Some of the Many students seem to Centre's residents are ignore employment helping with the show. prospects when choosing The Bluewater Kennel college programs, ac- Club meets monthly at St. cording to a recent report Mary's Separate School to the Ministry of in Goderich. There ate Colleges and Univer- about 25 members in the sities. The report results Club and one of the from a review of ad- members works at the mission policies, stan- Bluewater Centre. That's dards and selection how the Club..fa.rst..g.at. procedures in Ontario's interested in the Centre various fun days for the residents there with their dogs. Bill Armstrong, public relations director for the Club, says facilities like the Bluewater Centre should be used more by the community. There are two reasons for the sanction match and they are t0 make money for the Kennel Club and to give recognition to the Centre, says Mr. Arm- strong. The match is a first of its kind as a joint effort between the Club and the Centre and, depending on the success, there will be others, says Mr. Armstrong. So pop out to the Centre on Sunday for this in- teresting match. +++ George (Joe) and Evelyn Chambers of &oderich celebrated •-their- 31st wed ding versary.._degree _ _.. _..olxnrryst�rtedil,ll�rs._tt__ �?.c,taliegeaLapRliedaxts_.._. Lhe..m.e.mb?t__►aave__ho!�!...._Aust_14:.._A stela._..citl7r-..ari_...Ar'�rsf Core. also be served. and technology. The There will be tours of a review committee's 38 dairy farm, a beef farm recommendations are and a saw mill. Visitors being considered by the will also get an op- Ontario Council of portunito taste and Regents for Colleges of view the production of Applied Arts and apple cider from the raw Technology, the Ministry to the finished product. and the presidents and There will also be a staff of the 22 community horseshoe tournament, colleges. an arts and crafts Members of the display, an auction sale, a committee note that display of antique farm application statistics machinery and a Far- show that student mers' Market. preferences are highly Sound like fun? Take a biased in favour of journey to Wellesley on programs for which there September 30 to enjoy the is limited employment sights, the sounds and the potential. Enrolment flavour of the 1978 Apple quotas are being strictly Butter and Cheese enforced for these Festival. popular programs while + + + places remain unfilled in A wide range of water- other programs. related environmental The committee's report research projects at 24 suggests that colleges and the Canadian universities . Ministry must will be funded by $1 make their policies and million from the federal requirements' as clear government, Environ- and as public as possible menMinister ' `Len and that more -energy Marchand announced ought to be focussed on recently. exploring career alter - In making the an- natives with applicants nouncement, Mr. Mar ,and on recruiting chand noted that the 54 practices that emphasize research projects werethe reality of program carefully chosen to accessibility, em - reflect regional strength ployment prospects and in water •research at career alternatives. universities across the + + + country. The program is With many teachers designed to encourage being laid off and the the development of in- declared 'surplus across novative ideas by non- the province, the Ontario government scientists Public School Men and to foster closer Teachers' Federation has contact between these moved to establish a scientists and Encareer counselling ser- vice for those who find + + themselves without a job. Don't forget the Solar At the Federation's Energy Society Con- Annual Assembly in Terence at the University Toronto, which began on of Western Ontario from Tuesday and winds up es August 20 to 24. The tomorrow, delegates theme is "Renewable from across the province Alternatives". Cori - resolution been debating a ference speakers will be resolution from the drawn from the most Provincial Executive prominent scientists, that would set up a ser - advisors and policy vice providing legal and makers in the field of employment assistance solar energy in Canada, to surplus teachers. the U.S. and abroad. The five points in the For more information resolution stress that the on the conference contact counselling service would the SESCI office, Anita b ork on a one-to-one Sherin, executive basis with each in -d. secretary (519) 679-3646 schoolal laid off by a or Information Officer school board and would Susan Boyd, (519) 679- offer paid legal aid to any 2320. teacher who needed it. + + + The service would also More than 5,000 Ontario collect and distribute tourist operators and information ,on teacher industry businesses are vacancies across the rovincealready enthusiastically teachers and tryinlgd heto supporting the "We'Treat relocate in another area. You Royally" program, The Federation would announced in June by offer alternative em - Ontario Industry and ployment suggestions Tourism Minister, John R. Rhodes. and would work with the The "We Treat You appropriate agencies to Royally" theme has been assist teachers with re - strongly. endorsed across training programs. the province by more + + + than 90 percent of those contacted, says Mr. The Bluewater Kennel Rhodes. Club is holding an all Initiated with the full breed sanction match at anni gathering . was held in their honor at their home attended by the couple's daughter, Annie Marie. SUSAN FREEMAN Susan Hart Freeman, daughter of Stanley and Marjorie Freeman of Goderich, graduated at the University of Western On Spring "Con- vocafion. Susanreceived' tario's an Honors E ng lish GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATE AVAILABLE TO YIELD 9%% TALK TO US ABOUT OTHER INVESTMENTS c-POVt g(v)(IIi(itQ FINANCIAL AND MANAGMENT CONSULTANTS NI ELGIN AVE: E. sus.: 524-4211 GObERICH REs.: 52441142 After 25 years with Sheaffer Eaton as manager of maintenance and security, Harold Doak, (left) of Goderich retired last week. Making the presentation of retiring gifts which included a color television, on behalf of the employees and management, is William R. Gardner, vice-ptesident and general manager. Mr. Gardner said Mr. Doak looked after the plant over the years as if it were his own and was one of the company's most loyal employees. (Photo by Joanne Walters) ancoc»t Ill'. ll Tid centration in Honors French. She is presently employed as an Inter- pretive Naturalist with Parks Canada. + + + This week's winner of $1,000 in the Goderich and District Community Grandstand Lott'ery is Everett Richardson of Parkhill. Mr. Richardson held lucky ticket number 0614. + + + At the 26th Annual Conference of the Ontario Parks Association held in Cambridge on August 10, 11 and 12, Mrs. Elsa Haydon, Goderich Councillor, was elected an Executive Director of the Association for the 1978-79 term. LISA MOORE Lisa Moore, daughter of Eric and Bernice Moore, RR 4 Goderich graduated from Fan- shawe College recently as an executive secretary, shorthand major .and personnel assistant. Lisa is now employed with Ronald McDonald, Chartered Accountant, Goderich. + + + A story in last Satur- day's Globe and Mail tells how a man named Allan Masson has been ap- pointed by the province its... as a temporary trustee in Georgina Township and "told to go up there and run the place" until a new council can be sworn in. All but two cou,pcil 'members were ousted by York County Judge H.W. Allen because of election polling irregularities in 1976. Goderich historian W.E. Elliott tells us that Allan Morrison Masson is a 'grandson of the late Judge James Masson, County Judge of Huron from 1896 to 1902. His father was Thomas M. Masson of Oakville and his mother was May Allan, daughter of A. McD. Allan of Goderich. Mr. Masson; 64, is the former mayor and reeve of Oakville where he still lives. He was chairman of the newly -formed Halton regional government for .i.ts-.first_.th-ree•years He-i.s- also a defeated Tory ..._candidate.. He sees his latest trustee as that of keeping the day-to-day machinery of government, moving and not of making major decisions, which will need the elected council, which takes over in three months' time. SAILORS AHOY! JUST LOOK AT THESE INCREDIBLE USED BROKERAGE BOAT SAVINGS! SIREN 17' '3.250 SANDPIPER 19' ' •4,995 VENTURE 22', .with troller •'7,900. CHRYSLER 22' '9,900 TANZER 22'...wlth troller '9,950 ANCOM 23' - •5.000 O'DAY TEMPEST 23' PACESHIP 23' MIRAGE 21' Inboard engine _.. . . .. ....:....'12,51.3. 2-C & C 24's.. , from '12,950 BA TUNER SARASOTA 25' '15.800 Ca C 25' '15,995 C 7 C 26' '23,900 '6,900 '10,950 FM Information regarding these boats please toll Dick Peevor at College Sports 8. Marine, 181 King St., London, Ontario. 1-519- 673-0340. Branch 109 Legion .Decoration Day MAITLAND CEMETERY' Sunday, August 27 2:00 p.m. PUBLIC INVITED ruw:Hi,t. The hobby that is easy, fun and economical loo' The hobby you can share with friends Now Available at: BLUEWATER MARKET 119 BAYFIELD RD. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK • 4 AUGUST 17-18-19 Csie‘ OPEN DAILY 9:00 A.M. - 9:00 P.M. CLOSED SUNDAYS n **FREE DRAW** Ing yQMEp1, +OpPPI/qN 4At. For one new 5 piece Kitchen Suite NEW AND USED FURNITURE vii A Huge Selection AND GARGLE BANROLL-ON ANTI-PERSPIRANT DEODORANT (Scented Only) Crest Toothpaste JOHNSON & JOHNSON 9 OZ. Baby Powder GUARDIAN DRUGS NAKAMURA PHARMACY Suncoast Moll, Goderich OPEN WEEKDAYS 10.12, 12:30.6, 6:30.9 524-2195 SATURDAYS 10.6 CLOSED HOLIDAYS AND SUNDAYS FREE COFFEE AND DONUTS FEATURING A.6,000 SQUARE FOOT SHOWROOM Vanastra Home Furnishings - We Feature Lawn Ornaments. LOCATED 2 MILES SOUTH OF CLINTON ON HWY. NO. 4 Open Dolly 9 a.m. - 9 p.m., Closed Sunday WE WILL DELIVER , PHONE 482-7922 "the store with your everyday bargains" NNW 1