The Exeter Advocate, 1921-12-15, Page 7•
De Valera anti Two of His "Ministers" Are Opposed . to the
Settlement, While Delegates Who Signed the Pact Are
Supporting the New Covenant.
A despatch from London says: -1 of the Cebinet have
I annonn tie Valera's action in opposing, palette.
the treaty between Great Britain and Arthur Griffith, head o£ the Irish
Ireland was net entirely unexpected,: delegation which negotiated the settle -
the conclusion having been drawn: be-" merit at London, has issued the follow -
cause .a f,` his silence that the terms of ing statement;
the settlement did not meet with his; "I have signed the treaty between
wishes. or in his opinion the aspera -i, Ireland end Great Britain. I believe
thins cf that section of Ireland which: this treaty will lay the foundations
he represents, . : of peace and friendship between the
Several meetings of the Dail Eir-, two nations, What I have signed 1
e t{.n 'cabinet" were held in Dublin; shall stand by, in the belief that the
on . Thursday, and while no official :ens! of the conflict of eenturiesr is at
nt4uteinent was given out, it was early; hand."
llfinted that a division of views had ?ter, de Valera has summoned the
occurred torten,' the Sinn Fein "!tieing Dail Eireann to meet next Wednesday
isters, In his ultlie statement Mr., morning. it is on that day that the
p. • n -
de Valera makes it known that in his Imperial Parliament will be opened has started a naval brigade to train boys for the new South African Naval
opposition to the settlement he has the, in state for the purpose of having the Rorces. The photograph shows sone of them saluting on the arrival o?v an
support of at least two members of ti treaty submitted to it. 1 inspecting officer,
the "'cabinet.," the "Minister of. Home' One development in Irish affair; onl ____
Affairs and the :Minister of Defence,"; Thursday was the liberation of many!
Austin Stack and Charles Burgess.; prisoner[, including several women
On the other hand, Arthur Griffith front Meentjoy Prison, undergoing
founder of the Sinn Fein and " 11iin " sentences for political offences.
n_-rtef cf Fer.ign taiyaieset Michae' Cele; Congratulatory telegrams continued Summerside, P.E.I.---The pelting of pared with 8,273.000 Lusheys. The to- A desp .teh Hearn Landon frays:
line, the "Fir wee Minister' Reltert; to pour into Downing Street. Among silver foxes._ on Prince Edward Islanel tal area estimated as sown in fall , The pen with which the Irish
O. Bat' n. "Minister of Eeonon'ies,", the nile5a: i=,f3 were feel•^' 3tior;a from fox farms is now general. Reports• wheat this yearzer the *Eason oa 1:122„area y= wt s t:,' 'g. ct
„ i•. ,,,t�t, Di.�nt=ti rD.s Fz_t"ai p�-
ant] Gtserge Gar'.e n Daffy and Eamon, the Fren h Premier, M. Briaer t the receive:! indicate that last year's out- is 842.400 eros, as c4aaapared tetra sent�ti �r� }L'ci Vit,, . 4� t 1
J, Duggan, have aleeeet eeedeci their. South :Arrive. premier, Jan C. Smuts Put has keen al*sorhe1 ply the market • ;92,200 ;tepee eown in 1920 for 1'21, Gieenttoo,nd ' nofthe
: , int��,laDt1(�..
sigp deem', to the treaty as plenipoten- and A. J. Balfour, an behalf of the, and prospects are bright for an ex-' Toronto, Ont.,• --Authorized capital. /sYh1re get, /tent__2rr:a'
rw Fc e, 9 ' p. I 4 l ` 3r
ti;nries. The vit'a's of other nac.anber, Br,ti-h deleA°,tion at Washington. N eellent season. 4t the lest census tlr..:. of Rld,-,08,•00 *s rc ,ortErl by co.aa :.:� :-i { , ` lx ��t31�1
value of Prince Edward Island fir' res when e nneaarporaticns were report-zr�e2Z1`tlEld, ik tl Dei .vagi Iii; jte
farms amounted to $3,0113,870, while, ed during the past week, car..ira7n't d , oultdxtti(1n () than ii'i l? t?e3t .
the total value of fur farms in all' with $13,8;7'450 the previous ti�'eek, pus sh .1'e i8 iia ci til; er caf�3;c:Sit
other provinces of Canada amounted according, to the Monetary Times.; forgotten. beeau` e Sir Hamar,
to only $�`1,t�13,73ii. This suss its 41 tri':w I es renews: , 1'f?a1i x;ig h e-Anrr7aee.'_';} 1�a'' 1p
Halit u , ? ,S -Thi? Novt7 Scotia Dctrninit'n G1Ott ),t 5if 111, li t1 eh a eldt3'.a. , beer.`; ,,)et .t 1.11 •
with. tl3t= t bi'k'e+i:l'
Power Celt:re ion ha : Comme•ne e4 bla ero0 �atl^a• :tiaritt >i t ',loge; a,(lal•, 171:- 11'4ie3, , k ti (a . hL Ci tt'a�` Kept i•
n f
N operations in the Vicinity cf Still-,ttario $20:a1.000 311 gut"':' 1.3-8•441°.'the bilekg'o,ipe (kia'ing Pit! no.1
ater. The proposition includes the Reg m•p• t''''k:-•'L';pt `1 E ” 4e '5".4', gii ia•titans . Yet in % ei1_infei':ii-
e p construction of six teams emend nee., migrans t , no di I�tiole , nen.. i �:1 h R
1 Lake. h t 0 >, Bardet] I,1 d.,, game, T ar'er'- se real eu cit"eves it is el aina'?-1 /hat ti) ,
not been made
A NAVY 1,000 Mft.sS INLAND
Johannesburg is about one thousand runes inland from the sea, but it
Canada From Coast toC
A despatch., from \i'asiiington meeting will be required to provide it
says:•• -The Japanese delegation to the' with its dramatic .effect before the
Conference on the. Liruitation of world. Picvid:rg the Tokio reply is
Armament stated early Thursday what they assume it will be, these
evening that, so far, no reply hart been, authe'rities eay three things will re -
received from Tokio regarding Japan's suit. These three thirteen have been.
acceptance of the 5-5-3 Yapit ai ship, dealt with in a. rather vague way be -
ratio and the premieres whit:1i are in-. fore, but on 'ihureday were made rear
terlocked with it. The reply may cozae sonably clear. They are:
some time during the night, but, untilp (1) The naval dkarnaareent :will
it arrives, matters relatin , to arnaa-, taste the form of a treaty between Bri-
naerat are at .a standstill. As a result;; tain, United States, ?apea, Fiance and
of this delay mere than the us.nal am-] Italy.
ount of guessing is being one by those! (2) An enteete will 1ze arranged he.
attached to the ceefererze. The cuss-: tween Britain, tl ;ted States,. Japan
topiary wild rumors are having, a and France by an.'riterenange of dip -
merry time. No sooner is one rumor lennatie notes, and hat ie treaty
proved false than another rises to take; (3) A. de .larntion, perhaps !Frown
its place. All day the prcpagand:st,� es the DDecrara iten of W5Fhi:ag:on, will
too, has had his opportun ty, • be published, settirg ft rth all agree -
Persons in e; se teeth with the,• n.ents Heade here f,. : e future of
British authorities state that as soon China, and allett: foe future meet -
as the Tokio reply is received the big lugs to curet tire' a „•e cpnen s into
itstanding work of the conference,eff et as scop as Chi: a etaawn that eine
will he concluded. Or: y "a plenary*; cin play her pats.
Csreenwcod's Fart
in Irish Settlement
The Teaching of Medicine in
the Provinciai University.
Inntery:owed in ire er l to the effect
nivcn the teaaehie t o medi:ine of the
generous gifts of Sir Jaelan and Lady
l•:aton and of the Reekefeller Founda-
ou nda
tion, Sir Rarer. Falconer, President of
the University of Toronto, said,1
"Teta e gifte h ve made poeet'•aie the
a ntie nth:Flat E 1 phi aelnn. and sur-
gt-er:s of est,d4.shed rope% i,. -°'u who
rare ta, devote 3alna:te t all t:.'ir time to
the ol'gan ?atitln { r' 1:n.:3iee, S:ii".ragion'
and. tlia etilnir..' ration of the medical
dep„rtnat'r:ts in the l,en4rel hospital..
Thle reergani ;aatikn lens desired
ten! preeitanty r 4 is is assi1 e• bus al-'
rt"D 4II1' show;, ie euperierity eve: the
former Fyf4t1'tln aril the e'lnan I•irl
:dee iiiUde ros.,ihie the segreg ai ion.
for better treatment ani 311:1ire care-
foal observation, of ratient2 staffer:ug
from similar dire; tee•. This unifica-
tion and eo of ;;nation of all depart-
ments, medic ne surgery, gylaaomiol y,
etc•., hue naturally ,eouited in a more
erli°ah•nt organization both in the
Faculty of Medielne anti in the Gen-
era! ;Hospital,
"Instead of v.inieaal teaching bciug
pplanted by laboratory experimen-
i:attioet as was forecast by some who
failed to see the advantages of the
nee- evetem, the amount of time actu
al;y :rent by the students in clinical
stn: dy has been greetly increased and:
• i e a e. About 1e tlaa'nn will e,, „< . b C )
c err,) in tu'1er ti'.at their fri,!hte t3dd? Chief elR.t I., for ii t -1a *t(i
�emplayel], and it is exl:erted the it•;,rl. tnants' .- ,
Iwo' be completes1 before the end cc might. he . ahtli,f' I. The first biro! bard- i)(:ic ,dg:; tile. t'r¢tiit (If I' +'* b,:;
`the year. b.ed.--a nevi hen- at !pini-*ipo in the ill1t1a t-1 the 7.'.'.;p* n-h:ni' yt43ts,i
Fredericton, ;v.]1,,. -Leen( quantities', eentr.'al teat of .. at, kaatehew aro, has has ettree to it s lit.,,• ,.. `111 end.
of seed potatoes .are 1a. este shipped to'!teen Mel ""'Ar l;•r. New lead..'.--".-••.-Q--tett., ! ..
farmer in :'Heine. Th:; i=tiers geati_ Others a till' 'lanf'o 1 birds b c t: ;tete:a Five ec�r i an th L ih
a fyinti in view of the fnet that Aroo- vhnt in t1`e f�i• : aa'nt"i.:nr 3 many ire Fpr' �r if IIutip �5liller . ,1^fern . Kent
1 stook County, M:dr,.e, be aal,a.ny :Seen ' the Cen.ti `11 St tent A 1 « w'K 2 , iD H•: tie p '.*:v
calisiderecl the Irsa:ran*r f,'rrke:erg district , i'tlpn3oa E �4 - 111''''';' :....,, ia,:a.Il; .>♦ cie is;a•,cr fa:: is n'''''''''''. ort; °� ,e 3•" i F..,,H ,
¢ v S, ♦ s ; for the ft Bolsa .''3t l e rte a-- Pr 'path &t .S ;•a.• • n n nc
in the New England States. a.n. « #� 1> M ,;i trate e Wien Jt ., ; :11. .d ,.,.� . 3 a .,• 1 :
bei Ha, t. # i't' :nn " '''' i.'. ra'a.' ' .T11 t''' a'as ,,
Montreal', 9ie. Paas>t'irs°['� 1 .:rh'd. `•1oa!'it� <,,,ttri u PIi,rnl``t' p t., .S,„ , F^y . a °. ..a'0, r.' 1`•':'., . ,,p,- %
to a rr ;,
from h ' 1. t'! of haR:.l.^(� . - i), ' w;'n 1' 'e' draNla`•lr't'.i riaalt nt crime? lie �°t ai'�=:i;tamr O a * . f/,...; i+- t .?.4 :,e lei;a' e . „ :etti; :S
the port. of . it . tree! t.aaring' tine , ,
seas t 7 i ]Panni 5 tot 11-.;11 fta, frit.''' .rl l 7'tt' : ? • . Si"' ,en , +e' t -
on o£ 1.)..1 ntannl:ere.i ailaont 106,- , I•�;h area a+ t Fent' ..t �� e d drI; lia,.'�e r 1:-^ ,� �_ : s
3. 0, While this -' gpt'ra ley'/n':° 1: `ine !blare% Qi' flet' :' et'e five years n the vinic •-.I. . • Vii:: ztto t -'hu i 4-•-• •tde 1 n d: 'too,' 't •J`'''"''
1 h .e tl i. numlyer 1� consider- , , p r ] ..;r . 4, t
ably below that of last year, lshieh met 1 ' pant �t nt)t'thel'.V parrs, I'oi't tent laac];ce ;tai' a4+++lat'ry. I' 2'n
----- abnormal many it is :11cPhter- a:, oat t]ae 1lt'ltad 1,f tl;c° - _ ....�_-.-.
u ` the
. SI;�r1Git River, will 1'l re:::'idf'i7 a3f."Unit 5 The ln'3€1 ;`a Prttl is t n; 1"l. ; ., :, :;.1. }t ; 1(' 1...;rd'r:Vd:::4'3".
up ۥL w.taa;t1S .6 as
p to the average. e. C)f tdn, thiol given J.•3nuary t enty-se:-eeth. ecce .t: t! at< cit ht a:E't0 t'f .' . i+)3'.^�.
65,218 landed in nlontreal from Belt- Calgary, A t:a.--.31Ftter1 wheat has
!eh and continental ports, while 41,092
6 never been graat]ted so high 111'. thin •
sailed from 11Montreatl. passenger lin- yenr, ecet r;�lil:; toe report cf the I�., 1- t
ere made 84 round trips to tiontreal crap Gn„n1 I1;spector's offiee ].eft•. Iii
during the year.
Wenkly Market L
OetG,-ber between 300,000 and dlet,e00
Ottawa, Ont. -According to�aa Gov-bushelsbushes in. petted graded nulniler one `1'nronto. �' 1 t,i 8.1.'3x,, primes, i :t.Cal tna ill.
ernnacnt report, wheat production in hard, as eorrapnreil with --onie :30,0001 n :lici'nttcalaa wheat -allo. 1 l�t,rtlx•rn, liar'.' l a „atm Ga, f:ap. per
the Prairie Pravinees in 1921 amount- 1j.urht l a ti3us grade'1 in date corse:nt)n1Il C'1....1.1,e;,'. Niirilat•rn,1:'1 I.. '•�a, eV , w.3.:"etre • ler :, imp. igr,:•
ed to 308 92ii,000 bushels, ars compared /rag lUtrtath last year. �3, $1 1 a Met .t ever lb., 19 to 22e.
with 234,1:38,300 hnslaelt, in 1920. Oritsi \atneouver, B.C.-dfo date :t1 l0r0 le, o5.14:iil,a, .,u:7:;• ;
Neax.ta fiC«)', 1.
totalled 16 ,185,000 bushels, compared tont; o£wheat have beta booked from •;valVie, ;t:'
A Unique War Memorial with 314,207,000 in 1920; barley, 48,-a �
the Port: of 'Lametuver to the Unite.' .elanitol,a ::ali•lt.v---Noaa.iat,a',
tete elm wap instruction. tt Well for the A view of the 'Meter Memorial Tower 619,000 bushel:;, as agamst 40,710, 500 Kingdom and J.•t s:an for per b r •1 a til rate: >•. .re
R l em .e .snip All the ...), to ,.,,,,.. h.ay Ii'.. ,
need part is in the 1lar.48 of noon on the Western Front oyeaalookiug the bushels; rye, 23 113,000 bushels, cane- January shipnicaat7 Anoriean corn- •X.o. 2 Ca,:e,'.t°, 0, t
i" t', lit t L ., ,,' ne -. h tett. lira ta 1st.
l TeX' :1),,; .,.2's a. tin , 10 to 17e per an.;
eOnt•1 nt a i.: 1¢t;•tae; per doe, $3.7s c
$,-„,-;.,., e .et ---'11'1 rile./.. ",.i'1- t,
'M'�• .,r'1 hem. nt,• itt•a. v..
�4laoce time is largely devotedhos-,e enwat)en lire"'taabt at ',iliie rvaal It -.. .:.� . , ,tits. , r ' 2 2 � 1 ,
, n , to3 :.�D
f, y to 1 _.: «..._ B,ny ports. .,^Sae 2% to e; f3tt:age.. rolls, 2 tt
pltaal wink, Ito adequately finpplernent- was unveiled by Lord Giareon. y CRAFT BOMBS DES- „ " ti tug Ontario x a t : ,:•a(t 'I white, p1t:.'...... I� °,', 3ri ':*.:i!.1:: ity.ttii, :3 3 ,ri:•w 6S'i : 1:
c v' �. ...> .- ..- _ AIRCRAFT A i began to •detea pose. l itedly .. to I {.)iitall`ia) U a•le 3t- -el• t.B?a: 2, 9>r:a`:, C,:'rau::::9.' 1 tS a�S➢. Zit; to. :tree
e d by i:a„ traction given by ;nen whose �� ^/ r TROY
primary i)ittelC3t, are those?, of the New * G'IIt.^GUYTC°%ii+"�r $ 14.d HUG/7 WHALE .;L � attached Qa line to the circ l�8 �2a1 BerleyeeNo. i extra, tett' , de. r ;telt , sal .' :. 3 to .toe.
y� }meq Co.. y i towel it to a paint 1'2 miles outside • better, eta to tele, aaecoredinag to i"ee:t net t"entel meats -Long a to +:. eon. 'i '
geeeral }lraetitiora.r. Indeed, thele is Resigns Plow. CPresidency 1 the bieak't4 at( r. where al 1 =y airpl',tute 1 rl.At_ 1de. ; t:,3 "'0 • a'lt'ar :ea ..: t v a
mor in the Faculty of Medicine more' , , r este .) 11 ”
Shed by Machine Gun, But; dropped two 700 -pound bombe from a t L�1uel.wheat-.-:til). 2. (1S to Tete, 1 1 , p.;-�] tit+. '.« at 1 l to 1•x4, t;
tldi,iaal te:ash"le an there has ever A despatch from Brantford says:- Too Lar atm be Salvaged height of 1000 feat and cli';te1)gt,1 it.i ;byte^. --No. 2. ;tit to 90e. t,ai. , ,1^ t + .l , ;iia, 1.:) to !:avec;
before Leen in the history of the On account of His Honor, Lieutenant- g $ g Manitoba deur-First pate., :i 111• ))rare lits to 1.7••••.�' +x''lor"' vire
provincial university. The sante lab- Governor Barry (1n .k Blatt having to
• .0., .+.:--... y, - ,. , - ,t .1 s e,., , .. E L•.
For Fou se onad pats.. seem. Toronto. " 13e; iuhs,� ' > 11it•; pails. 14t; gtaane.
Ontario flour --90 per rent. netted. rn
oratories which were in operation reside et 'Government house, Toronto,' A despatch from Washington a Fecundityof Flies t >. , :•,t t i ... �,$8,111:
)pill» )v alleall'd, !cartel, 11-.r.aa, 1 dee li ?° s• -ere. r,r, to
gander the old system are now used to during his term of office, he has re- says : -To run around in shallow( �, ' „ 7,I), t:,.._ --1)E> "6 r r fess, : ; a:� ,, *, s°: n:- n.
supplement clinical teaching and to signed as resident of the Cockshutt Proaedh'Pxperii env 1• .itrti.tu 1,t<124, a a` t. ,a. ,, 4..)1PI
make it ill evert; g p water inside the Atlantic entrance to • ,: e, of
� bag:: ii..•lutle t. Dian, per ttri3, a;,.»�f; i,`: , � , ➢ :4), iii ) , !
t=v e. r'a-pect more effete I'Icw Co., Limite3. And vice-presi- the Panama Cereal, to be killed by "" ” Kerte, per ton, $2.1; ,Coil tte:t their, 1,1 ,•e, e,: se; ,1 •I, .:.ta.'.af;'
„ dent George ediake has been elected machine-gun fire, slated for the A despatch from Paris .ayes-- $1.70 to $1.80. beifere. e. , I.,( t,> .;aft. to telette; laufn•Paet
"Without waving that the individual w this mealtime . oecColonel with the abattoir but finally towed out to sea When six female flies were imprisoned Ba'ii hay -Track Tor.:reo. per teen! eoty a•i?c•it x•1.74-1 'a 1•.➢.'t?• tin., sista l ,
teacher or the pia etdtioner in the hos-will still retain his connection with and destroyed by bombs dropped fr:rri on May 1 of this year by Prof. E. fro• ... ti`�.1,a0 to $e32 nrixt•.i, :,F. 83 t1• t: e ner.ti to i critters, $2.2
petal is better, as suck. than his pre- cam'pany as chairman of tlre,Board of aircraft, tivas the fate of ap 125 -ton Roubaud, the first thing they began to Straw--f'aar Iota. per ton, 31'2. to Moe; e titicer :tells, goad, 8 .to ttr
decessor of a generation ago, it is. Directors. Itfayor S3r7 alake, who was, whale. he stop = is told in the Pan- do way to la e :. Tliear were ro ('hearse---ltiew, large, 21 to `22e: $4.50; cite, t t $2.50 to St?; feeeie?'a:.
quite within the truth to say -that the vice- resident and her T o y >en p t;vine '21.11 to ge -e; triplets '2i - :good, etio nee ttr rater e tin, -1,,r.
pgeneral manager,' oma Canal Record, a prosaic little vided with condensed milk for foot!. eel', C, ol;l, large, 25 to 2iat:• tcvin�, $4.i)tl to $5';'e.
�+"a; rr kr cep , pawl, * to 34.x)1?'
general co-operation, the team work, now assumes the dual post of presi- avicel;ly pubiieation which deals in a Their prison was rooms, airy, aha ;;yi; to 2C1ae tri i `y fair, ti` i' �e^ '
is such tinder the new system that bet- dent andgeneral manager. plet_, .t to .7e; Stil- tit.. fair, ,3 to $4, milkers, ,10 to $100;
routine way with canal matters. The kept a • a nice, conrfortal,le temper- tons,new, 25 to fee spr gers. choice, 890 to $110; calveet
ter results are secured both for the whale made 'futile efforts to extricate ature. Btter---Fresh dairy, choice, 3 to choice. $9.50 to $12• do. med., $8 to
patient in the hospital and for the Preferential Measure itself but stuck fast with the. top of At the end of the first week each of 35c; creamery, prints, fresh,' l o. 1, $10; do, CCM,. 'o to�S6; lambs, good,
student under *instruction. Defeated in Jamaica its head and most of its back above the six had averaged 105 eggs, and by 43 to 45e,• Ne. ?, 40 to 41c; cooking, $10.50 to $11.75; de, cont., $5.a0 to $6;"Tn brief, the two magnificent gifts taper. A group of canal employees the end of the month the total pro- 26 to 30e. cheep, choice, tai to $5.25; do,bucks,
good, to
referred to have tirade possible the , Dressed ouitr --S ie e
A despatch from Kingston, Jamaica undertook to salvage the animal for duction was 2,692. By that time, too, 2 p 3' pa'. 1, chickens owl; $ $`i.,:0, do lend and buries, 81 to
a to 33c; reosters, U to 25c; fate, S ;hogs, ed ',end watered, $9.90 to
says: -Fearing retaliation by the Un- food. A launch mounting a machine- several hundred of their direct des- 20 to 28e; ducklings, 30 to Sac; turk- 410.25 do. f,o.b., ,2925 to ;'x.60: dies
;ted States Government, the Legisia- gun was requisitioned and after the cendants were 'busy at the egg -laying ey,,, 45 to 50e; gec e, 22 to 271•. country points, $9 to $9.35.
tive Council stronglyopposed the Gov whale, a female of the species, had Ramer and the professor was even Live poultry -Spring chickens. ?0 Montreal.ernment's tariff bill, under which pre- been killed, it was towed to a pier in busier trying to find out how many to 25e; roosters, 14 to 16c; fowl, 14 to Oats -No. 3 CM., 57 to 571yc.,
Terence would have been given to order that it might be lifted from the flies he would have at the end of the 22e; •ducklings, 22 to 25c; turkeys, 45 FIour, Mari. Spring wheat pats., firsts,
goods manufactured in Great Britain water to a flat car and sent to the season if production kept up at its to 50e; geese, 15 to 20e. $7.50. Ro le•d oats, 90-1b. bag, $2.80 to
anti particularly in the Dominion of abattoir. A 75 -ton railroad 'crane •could normal rate.
Canada. As a result the bill was not even 'budge the huge leviathan. He figured in the end that earth, of
withdrawn, but it will be introduced After many unsuccessful attempts the his six'prisonees would have by Sep -
tater and !provide for a modified form salvage enterprise was abandoned. It tember 30 produced 3,985,969,387,755,-
of preference. was not a sperm whale and the carcass 100 descendants.
inauguration of a highly effective
organization in the Faculty of Medi-
cine `and the result of this is that
those who are ill are receiving better
treatment; while at the same time
more thorough instruction is being
given to the young men and women
whose duty it will be, as physicians
and . surgeons, to improve the health
and save the lives of the sick and.
Injured in this province."
Margarine -23 to 25c. $2.85. Iran, $24.25. Shots, $26.25.
Eggs -No. 1 storage. 52 to 53c•; se- Hay, No. 2, per .ton, ear lets, 827 to
lett, storage, 57 to 58c; new laid $28.
straights, 86 to 88c; new laid. in car- Cheese, finest eves -erns, 18 to 18 fart
tone, 88 to 90e. Butter, choicest Creamery, 42 to -43e;
Beans -Can. handpi'eked, bushel, Potatoes, per bag, •ear lots, $1 to $1.10.
"Ti•tf Ts JOST-r O
.swt.L.r Folz f, 4' (
-trrktra! 'fov TFtPtI`1�G
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P e ouT chi lLl stactice.<
By Gene Byres
11 WAS S01-111lnit
`TO s u4 GAss..
"'Pt) MVC.'
Heevl_ t5<a'Ntve-.
CQ O 1 Atli - I'
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