HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-08-10, Page 13• T'k1E QWEA,. 1 oNAL4TAR nano Ay, AU+ tT$T 10: 10?8- Arg 1 �J.�efltlerS en-ders. I* Public Works Travaux publics Canada Canada INVITATION TO TENDER SEALED TENDERS for the projects or services listed below;addressed to the Head, menders, Contracts and 'Administrative Services, Public Works Canada, Ontario Region, 457 Richmond St., P.Q. Box 668. LONDON, On- --tarso, N6A 4Y4 and endorsed with the prolectName and Number will be received until 15:00 hours on the specified closing date. Tender documents can be seen or obtained through the Tendering Office, 457 Rich- mond Street, London, Ontario. . PROJECTS, . No.: 617002014003 - PAVING & DRAINAGE, POST OFFICE, KINCARDINE, ONTARIO. CLOSING DATE: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23. 1978 Enquiries: 519-679-4323 The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ESTATE AUCTION SALE of.taw* farms, feed., selfpropelled combine. tractors, machinery. car, etc., to be held at Part Lot 5 and 6, con- cession 3. Colborne Township for the Estate of Bert Mc- Cabe. 3 mileswest of Benmlller or 1 mile north of Goderich on Hwy. 21- Highway to -Airport road. turn right and go 214 miles. SATURDAY, AUGUST 26th at 10:30 A.M. NOTE: FARMS TO BE OFFERED AT 1:00 P.M. FARM NO. 1: Known as part Lot 5 and 6. Concession 3 Colborne Town- ship property consists of 60 acres, more or less with ap- proximately22 acres under cultivation with the.balan- ceseeded to hay and pasture. Buildings consist of main bairn 48 x 50 with attached barn 20 x 30 concrete silo. - approximately 14 x 30, cemented -and fenced barn yard. _ Drivingghed is 27 x 54 with addition 21 x 24. all buildings pre in good sound condition. Also there is a drilled well and year round water hole for cattle. Located just 3% miles from Goderich this is an ideal farm to build a new house for the horse, hobby, and livestock farmer. FARM NO. 2: fCoow`n "as `,part Cot`s and- 6, Concession 4, Colborne ' Township property consists.of 47 Y2 acres more or less of good grassland, on which there is a good year round water hole, shade trees and good fences. Located just -4 miles from Goderich, this is a good investment proper- ty foranyone to own. 17. Auction sales PAT1iNVEL�.'S e 111sif1aial AUCTIONEERS LIQUIDATORS APPRAISERS Specializing In all types of auction sales * Business * Farm * Estates Free Verbal Appraisals ._.. ... .. Professional Sales Assistance PHONE 4823120 or 527-1336 16 tfn 18, Services available 18. Services available 18. Services available 22. Lost and found 26. Births. BAHA'I Community offers the following services to schools -churches -clubs - individuals -books - brochures -speakers- in- formal chats- Learn 'about Baba's. Box 212, Goderich, 524-6779.-12tfar WILL B-ABYSIT-one to two pre-school children in my own home on Quebec Street. Call 524-7819.--32,33,34. GRASS CUTTING, RAKING. Phone 524- 9654.-32 - "-DOG-"CLIPPING_-_by..ap_- .pointm-ent, any type of . breed, Nancy MacDonald, phone 524-2632.-16tfar 18. Services available TERMS ON PROPERTY: 10% down day of sale, balance in 30 days, being offered subject _to a..,very .-reasonable.-< reserve bid. For further information or viewing of property phone: 524-7639 on 524-7920 and ask,for Wignifred:or Bert Squire Or Phone: Richard Lobb 482-7898 TERMS CASH ON CHATTLES LUNCH BOOTH TERMS- CASH DAY OF SALE Richard Lobb Auctioneer Clinton, Ont. 482-7898 Owner or Auctioneer not responsible for accidents day of sale. ' FARMERS & DEALERS . Reserve This Dat . SAT., AUG. 14, 1978: - 10:00 a.m. SHARP FOR OUR ANNUAL HARVEST GIGANTIC AUCTION OF NEW & USED EQUIPMENT -TRACTORS — Over 50 tractors to choose from. Some with loaders and cabs, to over 100 h.p. . — TILLAGE EQUIPMENT — Over 40 plows, discs, cultivators, corn planters, chain harrows, 'land' packers, seed drills, fertilizer spreaders and wedd sprayers of most makes. HAYING EQUIPMENT — - Over 30 balers, throwers, stookers, haybines, self-propelled mothers, hay conditioners, mowers, rakes; elevators, hay wagons, crop choppers and zero grazing boxes. — HARVESTERS - • Over 15 harvesters including New Holland self-propelled and several forage blowers and forage boxes. — SPREADE-S 15 excellent spreaders of various sizes, both single and tandem axle, some with hydraulic end gates. — COMBINES — 18 self-propelled and pull type combines ... some with corn heads. 1— ANTIQUE CARS — 3 to choose from including a 1926 Model T Touring good running condition. — TRUCKS 75-0odge Half Ton Pickup - '67 Chev Half Ton Pickup '67 Mercury dump truck '66 International tractor with float '73 Ford 700 cattle truck with loading chutes. — MISCELLANEOUS — Gravity boxes, grain chopper. post hole diggers, scraper blades, sno blowers, wagons,• grain augers, stone picker, forks, snowmobiles, law and garden equipment, mini bikes, etc. - List subject to additions and deletions due -to normal business. Owner o auctioneer not responsible for accidents day of sale. Selling by # only. Lunch booth on grounds. Terms: Cash or cheque day of sale. Auctioneer: Cliff Gllbert, R.R.14, Warton Ph. 514-0808 Open Mon. -to sat. $ 00 a,m..'til 6:00 St3.FA WAYh1E V1/ARD FARM EQUIPMENT ( r' ' .'h,I/ A/1,IIrv,. Thr OIllr'rrdn; r,. Ph. 534.2980 HWY 6......._,.WMARTON......Ph 534 1638 ie A AP AP AP AP AP AP 40" WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY Now is the time TO 800K '78-'79 WEDDINGS FRED, H. BISSET PHOTOGRAPHY GODERICH, ONTARIO 524-7223 EVENINGS BRICK laying, repairs and new work. Point Clark, 395- 5718.--23tf SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment, Two trucks to serve you. Phone H.T. Dale, Clinton 482-3320 and Seaforth 527-0284. FOR INSTRUCTION. - on accordion, piano, organ or guitar, phone 524-2711. (Instruments sup- plied),.-ltfar BURLEY'S ' FURNITURE REFINISHING - we strip and re -finish furniture to new condition, also caning, wicker, and reed work done. Phone 524-2725 between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. - residence 524-2071.-26tiar-- DRESSMAKER -- ex- perienced in -a11 phases , Of sewing. Prefer doing summer clothes right now. Still accepting wedding - parties. Phone ,524- 9902.-31,32 WILL do light delivery, junk -re> nn Qtcal; ,clean up�._ phone - 524-8553=18tfar 17. Auction sales CLEARING UCTIO.N SALE of Large Modern 4 wheel drive tractors, 2 -self propelled combines, trucks, corn dryer and a full line of cash crop equipment, shop tools, etc., to be held for D & S Farming at Lot 34, Bayfield Concession, Goderich Township, 4 miles west of Clinton on the Bayfield Road, or 2 miles north of Bayfield on No. 21 iDtiwiyYto_Gojf;f ouirse,turn_right-and_go.6_miles.____ ._ ., SAT. AUGUST 12 at 11:00 a.m. TRACTORS: 2 900 Versatile 4 -wheel drive tractors with air conditioned cabs, 3PT Hitch, both run 735 hours; Massey Ferguson 1135 diesel tractor air con- ditioned cab, radio, fully equipped, adjustable rear wheels, set of 20.8 x 38 T Bar Duals,run 835 hours; Massey Ferguson 285 diesel tractor with multi power adjustable rear wheels run 195 hours; HD 20 Allis Chalmers Bull Dozer with 15,yard Latereau scraper. COMBINES: 2 - Massey Ferguson 760 self-propelled V- 8 diesel combines with air conditioned cabs, heaters, hydro , static drive, high inertia cylinders, straw choppers, corn' and grain screens, 6 row 30" conn - heads, 13 ft. pick up heads, 24 ft. straight cutter bar heads, set of 18.4 x 38 step down T bar duals, set of 24.5 x 32T Bar Duals. Four wheel drive kit new this year, fits 750 or 760 Massey Ferguson combines. TRUCKS: 1974 Chev C 65 tandem drive with 427 motor, 5 x 4 transmission, air brakes, 20 ft. Teal manufactured platform; racksitarp:anii"20."_ton"hoist; 27;000 -original miles, selling certified, like new; 1967 Ford truck with 500 bushel V Box with bottom unloading auger; 1966 Mercury truck with 500 bushel V box with bottom unloading auger; 1976 Ram Gooseneck 10 ton triaxle 8th wheel float with 24 ft. bed, 12 volt hydraulic hoist, ..steel beaver tail ramp and hitch attachment complete; . ' 1977 Dodge club cab 34 ton 4 -wheel -claire truck with air, automatic, camper special, 440 motor seiling certified. PLANTING AND TILLAGE EQUIPMENT: John Deere. No. 7000 maximerge, 12 row corn and bean planter with dry and liquid fertilizer attachments, planting monitor, insecticide boxes, etc., complete with transport hitch; 3 Massey Ferguson No. 33 17 run seed drills, 2 years old; International -No: -45 38 ft. vibra shank wing cultivator with mid west harrows; Krause 30 ft. wing wheel disc with anhydrous ap- plicator attachment selling seperate; Massey Ferguson 18 ft. chisel plow with hydraulic wing lift; Versatile 56 ft. hydraulic 16 section flexible diamond harrow; Tractor mount sprayer complete with 2 - 300 gallon saddle tanks, hydraulic motor driven cen- trifugal pump and 36 ft. of hose with nozzles; 2 - In- ternational No. 720 semi mount on land hitch, T furrow plows with 8th furrow added, 18" bottoms with spring trip reseLand._spring_tr.ip•-coulters,---Lilliston six row crop rolling cultivator. .. GRAIN DR:(SA. WAGO,-NS.. TGA _ eflien.._ Iilo._9 continuous grain dryer with top mount Fielding bin and roof, driven with 30 hp. and 40 hp., 3 phase 550 volt electric motors; 7 Lucknow 400 bushel bottom unloading gravity bins mounted on 10 ton double reach - wagons; 2 Lucknow 350 bushel gravity bins on 10 ton wagons; Flat Rack on 7"ton wagon; tanks for liquid fertilizer and water, 2 -4000 gallon, 1 - 5000 gal., 1 - 2000 gallon; Massey Ferguson 7 ft. 3 PTH hitch blade; Massey Ferguson post hole auger; 12 ft. fertilizer auger; 12 volt fuel pump; 2 -portable gas engine water pumps. SHOP EQUIPMENT: Miller 225 amp portable electric welder, nearly new with 110 volt outlet; John Deere pressure washer; drill press with inoTor; disc grinder; new bench grinder with 3/4 HP electric- motor; acetylene torch gapges and tips; bolt chest; plus a good offering of parts, hand tools and misc. items. AUCTIONEER NOTE: "this equipment has been purchased new in the last two years and is in like new condition: For more information phone: Mr. Ed Szusz, Phone No. 519-482-7214, Clinton, Ont. Terms cash day of. sale Personal cheques accepted with proper identification LUNCH BOOTH Richard Lobb , Clinton, Ont. 482-7898 Owner or Auctioneer not responsible for accidents day Of Salle. Auctioneer insulspray FO, MED -IN-PLACE INSULATION • Saves heating. cooling costs! • Stops drafts and cold walls! • Lowers noise level! • Easy. fast ap- plication — NEW . NEW HOMES. OLDER HOMES, COMMERCIAL STRUCTURES For free estimate, colt BLUEWATER INSULATION LTD. 565-2633 Insulepray is a registered trademark otBorden. Inc. ART'S Landscaping -Nursery and Garden Centre 116 Bennett, Goderich FERTILIZERS SEEDING -SODDING TREES -SHRUBS Complete line of Everything needed for INDOOR & OUTDOOR GARDENING ------- PROFESSIONAL CARPET CLEANING WITH r. "STEAM" • Steam gets the dirt other methods don't reach • Removes old shampoo • Carpet dries quickly • Steam Machine Ren- tals, '10.00 per day. CARPET CARE 216 Wellington Street S. ,Goderich 524-2440 BERE BROS. CONSTRUCTION Homes, Additions, Cottages, Form Buildings, Renovations DUNGANNON PHONE 529-7894, 529-7915 17. Auction sales Auction Sale of valuable household fur- nishings, antiques and ap- pliances from . two old established Wingham residences, being sold on behalf of the owners through the facilities of Wingham Auction Centre 20 Water St., Wingham' Saturday, August 12 11':OO a.m. • ""-F"eatered-i r -two -sets-twin--- beds, vintage ' bedroom suites, Victorian platform rocker, side chairs and arm chair traditionally styled, upholstered love seat, mohair Fry and Blackhall chesterfield suite (excellent condition), vintage stocking bookcases, pine bonnet bureau, jelly cupboard, flat to the wall cupboard, pine wash stand with side bars, pine blanket boxes, living room accessory furnishings of .merit, dressers and com- modes, eiccellent dining table, odd chairs of various' periods, Boston rocker, magnificently framed oil paintings and water colours, small vases In variety, glass anal china of interest, elec- tric range, refrigerator - freezer, small spin washer, variety of fine bedding and hand made linen. A worthy , offering which con better be 'appreciated during preview Friday afternoon and evening; August 11, and Saturday before tale time. Auctioneer • Jack Aleirander )Phone 331'tOl1 BACKHOE SERVICE' BASEMENT EXCAVATIONS DUMP TRUCK BULLDOZING SEWERS Septic Tank Installations Government Licenced FREE ESTIMATES Sid Bruinsma Goderich 524-8668 Paper Hanging AND Painting Reasonable Rates Neat. clean work CALL 524-7961 AFTER 5 P.M. HOFFMEYER Plumbing & Heating Ltd. APPLIANCES 55 KINGSTON ST. ELECTRIC Inglis washers, dryers, refrigerators, dishwashers, ranges. . - GAS Ranges barbecues, lights.,_. ranges. .._. FOR YOUR Carpet and _.. Upholstery Cleaning Needs Superior Maintenance Now Offers STEAM or DRY SHAMPOO For F..ree„Estimate Call .. 524-8892 257 Warren St., Goderich Backhoe -Bulldozing Public and private sewn e systems. Goverment Licensed Excavations of all types Free Estimates Gaetan Jacques Construction RR 2 GODERICH 524-7104 Big or small we do them all MATHERS LANDSCAPING LAWN MAINTENANCE • SODDING ' 0'SEEDING - • ROLLING • AERIFVING • GRADING • TOPSOIL • FERTILIZING • PATIOS • TREES AND SHRUBS • VERTICUTTING Phone 524-2401 Or 524-7044 Pine Furniture Repr. of Early Canadian and Handcrafted from. aged pine. We also do stripping, refinishing, repairs and chaircaning. - HURON PINE FURNITURE S2 West St., 524-4446' GODERiCH CONCRETE FLOORS Laying and finishing concrete floors for basements, garages, patios, driveways, and '( foundation coating. Call George Barralclough. Phone 524-8158 c••4., or 262_5341 0 1•• j 20. Public notices WHEELCHAIRS -- WALKERS The Humanitarian, Service Committee of the Goderich Oddfellow and Rebekah Lodges have equipment for loan. Contact -. Amos Ojbaldeston. • 524-9623 or Fred Fritzley, 524-7217..2 eowar LOST: Springer Spaniel puppy, 'brown and - white, female. Reward. Lost on Hwy. 21 South near Cut line. Phone 524-8061..--32 LOST: One child's folding stroller, green floral pattern, in vicinity of Square. Urgently needed. Phone 524- 2450.-..-32 CINE PAIR GREEN WOODEN WATER SKIIS, lost at Goderich river mouth, Sunday, August 6. Finder please call collect 836-5246 after -5:30-” week- days, Reward offered. -32 24. Business opportunities COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Cement biock multi pur- pose building 22 x 52 on Hwy. 86 Lucknow. Ideal food or retail outlet. Financing available. For information and viewing contact P. Hux- table 519-271-5650. Dealer for- — — - OLYMPIC Neat Circulating Fireplaces Wanted in Goderich area, training of in- stallation available. For more information call Custom Design Centre 1-451-3304, LONDON 25. To give away TWO KITTENS, five months old, need home. House trained. Phone 524- 2555.-32NC TO GIVE AWAY—four year old Turnpike Whippet to good home. Phone 524- 4690.-32 26. Births BETTG-E-R-.. To Peter and Gail Bettaer, Goderich, Ontario on July 29, 1978, at Alexandra Hospital. Goderich, Ont. a daughter, ' Barbra Louise, weighing 9 lbs. 111/2 ozs. First- grand- child for Mr. and Mrs. Charles Palmer, Belleville, and fourth grandchild for Mr. and Mrs.. Harold Bet- tger, Goderich. Very special thanks to Dr. Thomson and nursing staff on second east. -31 BEACH: David and Sally Beach, RR6 Goderich are pleased to announce the arrival of their baby boy, David Alvin, 7 lbs. 7,oz. born July 31, 1978. at Alexandra Marine . and General Hospital, Goderich, Ontario. The proud grandparents are David and Helen Beach, Clinton and Alvin and Myrtle Kerr Goderich,-32 . JERVIS: Rod and Jean Jervis, - 225 Cambria Rd. North, Goderich, are happy to announce the birth of their baby daughter, Dana Kathleen, born August 2, 1978 weighing 7 lbs. 101/2 oz. at Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, Ontario.-32NC 27. Deaths INDER: Dorothy Marie (nee Fenton) in St. Thomas Hospital, London, England, July 26th, 1978. A Memorial and Thanksgiving Service will be held at St. Mark's Anglican Church, Wilton' Ave., London on Saturday, August 12th at 3 p.m. Celebrant, The Rt. Rev. Geoffrey Parke -Taylor, assisted by the Rector of St. Mark's, The Rev. Alan Tilford and The Rev. Charles ander. No flowers please, Donations to the Canadian Cancer Society will be ap- preciated.--•32nc - LIVESEY: Richard and Deborah of 163 Rich. St., Goderich, are pleased to announce the safe arrival of their baby daughter, Karen Ann, weighing 7 lbs. 11/2 oz. born August 6, 1978. at Alexandra Hospital.-32NC RINTOUL: At the Wingham& District Hospital, on July 24, 1978, a new brother Stuart William;• for Steven and Scott. Proud parents are Neil and Helen Rintoul.-32nc 28. Eigageoiierits . BLANCHARD—WARDROP - Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wardrop of Beamsville are happy to announce the forth- coming marriage of their youngest daughter Nancy Alice to Mr. Maurice Joseph Blanchard son of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Blanchard of Ottawa. The wedding will take place Friday August 25, 1978.-32 O'KEEFE-ANSTETT: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O'Keefe, RR3'Goderrch are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage' of their daughter, Nancy Philomene, to David Charles Anstett, son' of Mr. John Anstett and the late Mrs. Irene Anstett of Clinton the Wedding will take place, Friday, September 8, 1978 at 7:00 pm in St. Joseph's Church Kingsbridge Ontario. -32x 30. In memoriam GOOD: In lowing memory of Vera Good who passed away. August 18th,.1977„ _�_-_,... You bid no one a last farewell. You did not say good bye: You were gone before we .knew it and only God knows why. Gone but not forgotten by Sisters Mabel Gibbs and Myrtle Good. -32x _31. Card of thanks " THE DUNGANNON AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY wishes to express sincere thanks to those responsible for .organizing the very successful' ball tournament, to the umpires, play by play announcers, cooks and waitresses and all who helped make the event a success. The enthusiasm of the spectators, the . co- operation and sport- smanship of all teams were appreciated. Congratulations are ex- tended to the winners. -32 THE BARBECUE COM- MITTEE.... of Benmiller United Church would like to thank all those who helped by donating food, time etc. A special thanks to the girls who waited on tables. All • was greatly ap- preciated. -32x DOAK: We would sincerely like to thank everyone in- volved in making our -night a complete success. Thanks to everyone who attended and helped make the night a happy and memorable one. Gary and Judy Doak. -32 GOOD: I would like to take this opportunity of thanking all my friends„ relatives and neighbours for all the lovely cards, gifts, and visits while I was in Victoria Hospital, London. Also thanks to all the nurses and Dr. Willis and Dr. Sherritt on 8th floor Centre. Also ambulance drivers, nurses and doctors orGozler'rclr. It will always be very much ap- p'reciated.—Gladys Good -32x GOOD: A sincere thank you for all the cards, gifts, flowers and friends who visited Jeffrey and I while in the Goderich Hospital. A special thank you to Dr. Lambert, Dr. 'Walker, and the nurses and staff 'of second east. Wendy and Jeffrey Good. -32 McGRAW: I would like to express my sincere thanks to all who remembered me with cards, gifts and flowers while a patient in the Alexandra Hospital,to Rev. L. Royal, Lieut. Neil Watt and Cadet McCann who were so faithful in their visitation also special thanks to Drs. C.ieslar, Watt; and Flowers and to my good friends in London who visited me at University Hospital. To the Drs. and nurses on eighth floor and a special thanks to Dr. Passi. - John McGraw. -32 31. Card of thanks -MA Nr, I wish to thank my relatives, friends, and wonderful neighbours for cards, flowers and visits while in Goderich Hospital. Special thanks to the nurses in ICW and also Dr. Cauchi and Dr. Conway and nurses on ' 2nd floor. This was very much appreciated.—Elva Manning. -32 -SAMPSON: I would like to express my thanks to relatives, friends,neighbours and union brothers for the cards, gifts,visits and flower arrangements I received during my s[ay a[ Victoria Hospital. A special thanks to Dr. Hollingworth, Dr. Shepherd and the nursing staff on 3E for the excellent care I received.—Pa,ul Sampson. -32 SAMPSON: Eric Gordon would like to thank relatives, friends and neighbours for the cards gifts, and flower arrangements he received while in hospital. A special thanks• -to Dr. Lambert, Dr. Verbeeten D1,.,. Thompson, Dr. Cauchi`'' and Dr. Hollingworth Tor ensuring his safe arrival. Also a special thanks to the nurses on 2E for the excellent care he received. -32 STINSON: I would like to thank all my wonderful neighbours ,and friends who were so kind to the girls and I while my brother was in hospital. To the friends who drive us to hospital so many times to those who did the_. shopping for me and also while Jack was. in University Hospital London. A special thanks to Lieut. and Mrs. Watt who were so kind in going to London. I shall -nevet-forget-all-the-kin dness- which was shown to us. Thanks one and •all.—Mary Stinton.-32 TOWNSHEND: We would like to thank our family friends and neighbours for their cards, gifts and visits on the occasion of. our 60th wedding anniversary. Ernest and Irene Town- shend.-32NC McNEIL: We would Like -to express ,our sincere ap- preciation to all those who attended the open wedding reception in our honour. Your . thoughtfulness . and generosity, will always be remembered. Glen and Vanda McNeil. -32 Real Estate Ltd. -- Clinton-..-_ Phone: 482.9371 NEW LISTING - Huron St. Clinton, 1 floor newly sided 8 room, 5 bedrooms, home, newly decorated and car- peted. 11/2 storey, aluminum sided home on Whitehead St. Clinton, nicely decorated new garage, paved drive. In Londesboro, 3 bedroom, newly painted and decorated 1 storey brick home, full basement, attached garage 50 acres, 43 workable, no buildings, near Goderich 2800 new apple trees, drilled well and new hydro service. Modern 1 floor brick bungalow on Maple St., Clinton 11/2 storey frame home in Clinton, paved drive, at- tached garage, 3 bedroom. Farrowing operation near Brussels, 200 acres, all good buildings, bought with less acreage and as 'going concern. 200 acre highway farm near Auburn, with good buildings -- suitable for cattle or hogs. 175 acre general purpose farm near Walton, good buildings 133 acre dairy farm near ' Walton, good 1"1/2 storey brick home, barn fully equipped. Investment - 4-plex newly built apartment building in Blyth. , 11/2 storey home in Clinton, 8 rooms, 3 bedrooms, newly decorated. Year round cottage at Sunset Beach, 2'tiedrooms, carport, double lot, road open year round. Main Street Blyth - 2 storey, 3 unit brick apartment. building, could be converted for commercial use. KINBURN 1 floor, 3 bedrooms, new siding, kitchen, /2 acre lot. Low down payment. 2 acres no^i r llyth, hydro service, S®.,, - water. no buildings. FOOD FOR THOUGHT There are - two kinds of people: those who get up early and those who sleep late. Motels put them in alternate rooms. '