HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-08-10, Page 7Dun THE GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR , THURSDAY.„ AUGUST 10„ 1978 -PAGE 7 - annon slow pitch tourney attracts All roads seemed to lead to Dungannon Agricultural Park on the weekend when the Slow Pitch Ball Tournament, sponsored by the Agricultural Society, was held from Friday evening to Sunday evening. Sixteen teams took part —from the surrounding area, including Wingham, Kingsbridge, Kincardine, Lucknow, Auburn, Goderich and Dungannon. The Agricultural Society provided trophies for the A and 13 class. The Bill Park's family of Dungannon donated a trophy for the most valuable player in the tournament which was won by Elmer Lamont of the Kincardine team. Kingsbridge won the trophy for the A class and Kincardine Texaco's won in the. B class. In a final game between the winners, the Kincardine team won by two points. Tickets were sold for a draw on a lawn chair which was won by Jack Caesar. The ladies kept the refreshment booth going providing fast foods and pop for hungry fans. The money raised will be used toward the renovations being made at the hall. The • Agricultural Society greatly appreciates the enthusiastic untiring, efforts of the members and the support of the (community in making this tournament a suc- cess. OBITUARIES Sympathy is ' extended to the family of Mr. Andrew Gaunt who died -in Wingham and District Hospital on August 5, in his 81st year. He is survived by his wife (the former Tillie Sherwood); his son, Murray Gaunt, M.P.P., Wingharn; sister, Mrs. Ward (Lila) Shickluna of, Mississauga; brothers John of Edmonton and • Earle of Goderich; and two grandchildren. Mrs. W. A. Stewart accornpanied Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Stothers off Goderich to attend the funeral of their cousin, Mrs. Bert (Laura) Greer in Paisley recently. Sympathy is extended to the Eedy families on the death of their cousin, 46 • year-old Newton D. -Yundt, Monkton on Saturday July 29. SOCIAL NEWS Mrs. Jos. Marks, Windsor, called on Mr. Mel Jones on Saturday. Three sisters, Mrs. Jack Curran, Mrs. Vernon Hunter of Lucknow and Mrs. Lon Parker of Washington visited their cousin, Mrs. Cecil Blake in Dungannon and Mrs. Louis McHardy in Goderich hospital on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer King of Alger, Michigan spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Pen- tland. The two couples are winter neighbours- in Florida. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Rod Jervis (nee Jean Stothers) on the birth of a baby girl, Dana Kathleen, seven pounds, ten ounces, in Alexandra. Marine and General Hospital, Goderich on August 2. Miss Kathy Stothers of Calgary and Mr. Ken Isard of Calgary are holidaying with Kathy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stothers. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Woolford of -Kincardine and Warren and Craig Bamford of Cambridge spent Sunday with the Stothers family at Cedar ngannon doings Mary Bere correspondent 529-7915 Grove Beach. Mrs. Inez Howe of Tillsonburg, her daughter, Mrs. Judy Williams and grandson Ricky Williaths also of Tillsonburg,-spent a few days last week with Mrs. Howe's father, Mr. Frank Moulton and Mrs. Lil MacDonald. Kingsbridge girl returns Mary Luanne Clare, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clare, who has been on the United Nations Pilgrimage for Youth 15 day educational bus tour sponsored by the Oddfellows and Rebekahs for her winning speech on "The Holy Land," returned to her home on Thursday, August 3 following a remarkable trip. Congratulations to Robert Strap -son; - son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert M.M: Simpson, Kintail and to Mary Ellen Needham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Needham, Ripley who were married in St. Andrew's United Church, Ripley on Saturday, August 5 at 3 p.m. Invited guests from .this surrounding area at- tended their wedding reception held at the Lucknow Community - Complex following their marriage. Sincere, sympathy is extended to Mr. Murray Gaunt, M.P.P. and to the members of the Gaunt families on the death of Mr. Andrew Gaunt. ' A special welcome is given to Mr. and Mrs. Teddy Martin and family of Hamilton who are now making their home at Kingsbridge. • A large crowd attended the M.J. Smith and the Chipman Chemical Pork Barbecue held at M.J. Smith's, Port Albert on Tuesday, August 1 from 4 until 6 p.m. Chipman representatives were there to answer any • .... questions in regardsto their products. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Duffy and her brother John Costello all from Ingersoll visited with friends and relatiVei this area during the past .week. Mr. Fred Courtney, Mrs. Tom Bryan (Rita Courtney) and daughter Vivian of Toronto visited on Sunday, August 6 with their brother, Leo Courtney who ist patient in the Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich and with Mr. and Mrs. John Austin and family; Mr. and Mrs. Con Hogan and with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Courtney and family. Auburn n • from page 6. bride-to-be by Mrs. William Empey Jr. and on her mother, Mrs. Helen Dougherty of Goderich by Mrs. Nor- man Wightman. Mrs. Empey welcomed all and a reading, 'Going To The. Wedding; was given by Mrs. Arnold Cook. Mrs. Norman W Wightman and Mrs. William Empey Jr. had cntests and Mrs. Empey Jr. had a contest, What Do You Know About 'Alice? This was won' by Mrs. Martie Lobb. Other winners were Mrs. Harry • Arthur and Mrs. Allan Craig. Mrs. Empey Jr. ex- pressed'the best wishes a the neighbours and friends and the gifts were presented by Mary Anne Franken. Alice was If you're NEW IN TOWN, and don't know which way to turn, call the cVeraiiiftok, LT: hostess at 524-6654 °r You'll be glad $,-criltd. Tr ta.‘4,J ews• • • • • assisted in opening her gifts by her mother, Mrs. Helen Dougherty and Mrs. Rurrh Koopmans. Alice thanked everyone for their gifts and a delicious Junch was served by Mrs. William Empey, Mrs. William Empey and -Mrs. Norman Wightman. Congratulations to Mr.. and Mrs. Dennis Dalton on the arrival of, their 4tenth grandchild, a son, eight pounds, two ounces, named' Michael Dennis born to Arnold and Frances (Dalton) Mar- s man at the Victoria Hospital in London on Wednesday, August 2. Mr. and Mrs. Percy McClenaghan and family of Clinton are holidaying at a cottage at Kintail BealCh fcir two week -s--. Mit. Dennis. Sinnett and daughters _Lisa and Patty and their friends Barbara Lona, Maureen Atkin -and -MoGanOn Of Detroit, Michigan visited with the former's daughter, Jennifer Sinnett who is holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. "John Austin and family and with Mrs. Jim Sinnett and family. Miss Joanne VanDiepan has returned to her home here follOvving- a . very delightful and enjoyable five day "Polar Bear Tour" to Moose Factory, Ontario. Mrs. Bertha Van der Ven and her daughter. Mrs. Gerda Classen of Holland arrived on Wednesday, July 26 at the Toronto Airport and were met there by Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hendriks and family where they will be spending 23 days holidays. Mrs. Hendriks is another daughter to Mrs,'Van den Van arid ig • happy to have her 78- . yeaf-old- mother- _ with her in Canada for the fourth time. Mrs. Jqseph Cop- perauld of Detroit, Michigan spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Walter Clare, Mr. Clare and Mary Luanne. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Martin and family of Hamilton are holidaying at a cottage at the lake, and visiting with their relatives in this area. • SPORTS The Ashfield Recreational ball teams played their semi-finals series this past week. Teams playing in the "A" division were theKintail Kuties against Port Albert and the Kingsbridge girls against the Dungannon A team. Congratulations to the Kintail Kuties who defeated Port Albert in two games straight in the best two out of three series earning the right to advance to the finals. The Dungannon A team defeated the Kingsbridge girls two games to Kingsbridge's one and will advance to the finals playliig against the Kintail Kuties. They will compete in the best three games out of five for the "Hoedown Stables Championship Trophy". Games will be played in Dungannon under the lights on Monday, August 7 at 7 p.m.; Wednesday, August 9 at 7 p.m.; Thursday, August 10 at 9 p.rn.• and -if necessary -the fourth and fifth games b_e, _played in Dungannon on Monday, ..WECARE...... We have had numerous requests for things whichwe have not stocked. Because we sincerely -want to meet tho needs of our customers, we have found suppliers, and now carry the following items. SWIMMING POOL ACCESSORIES CHARGEX 141/MUSA 84 KINGSTON STREET GODERICH 524-9671 -Filter Sand. Pool Patch Kits. Pool Brushes -Ask to see the samples of Solar Blankets -Most sizes avallableikithin 48 hrs. of the order being received. DEFT - The professional finish for new or antique furniture ; available Inguarts & gallons, WINE -MAKING SUPPLIES -We have some. Come bland tell us what you need for the fall. BULK KEROSENE -Now available as well as Naptha andVarsol MODEL RAILROAD SUPPLIES & MAGAZINES Reserve your copy of The- Model Railroader and Railroad Model Craftsman now. THE OLD-FASHIONED HARDWARE STORE WE CARE Zak•Zaino HARDWARE August 14 at 7-t p.m_ and Thursday, August 17 at 9 p.m. The Thursday games will be double headers with the 13 finalists playing at 7 p.m. Teams playing in the B Series are Dungannon B ' team, North Ash field , Belfast and Kinloss. This series is not yet com- pleted as their game last Wednesday evening was • rained out. Kingsbridge was not so fortunate as to get this ram The Xingsbridge Slow Pitch Bali team took part in playing and winning all four garnes in the ..Enmgannon SiOW.. Pitch, -Tournament held at Dungannon on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, August 4; 5 and 6 to. win the "A" Championship Trophy and $15O for the second year in a row. Coach Kevin Austin was presented with the trophy by Randy Kerr and accepted this trophy on behalf of the team. Players on the team are: Tom Sinnett, Bernie VanOsch, Gary Courtney, DennisQuinhin,.G.r4.ba ri.. Hamilton, Jim VanOsch, Al Dekker, Kevin Berry, Jim Frayne, Peter Frayne, Marty Quinlin, Mike Courtney, Paul Dalton, Paul Adams and t Kevin Austin. Winners of the "B" Championship Trophy and $100 were the Kin- cardine Texacos. Mr_ and Mrs. Bob Ott and family of Kitchener and his parents, Mr_ and Mrs. Ott of Listowel gx.Ad Mrs_ Irvine Eedy Last Wed- nesday. Mr.. and Mrs. Jack Caesar, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stewart and Mr. and Mrs, Jack Alton spent ten days in the West recently. They went by plane to Calgary, where they rented a car and drove to Vancouver and on to Vancouver Island calling on friends and relatives. • Then they, flew home, Mrs. Betty Hamilton of Stratford spent a couple of weeks recently with her parents, Mr. and Mrs_ Wm. Berry, Mrs. Isabel Brennan of London was up for a couple of days during that time and they visited - relatives at Harriston one day before leaving. Mrs, Thos. Webster went in to Wingharn hospital by ambulance on Saturday evening. Weekend visitors with the Reverend C.G. and Mrs. . Westhover , were members of their family, - Mr. and Mrs. Dwaine MacDonald, Anne Marie and Scott of Kingston; Mr. and Mrs. David Mitchell and baby Lisa; and Miss Carol Westhaver of Toronto.. The Westhavers visited their daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lemon of Dundalk on Sunday 6 teams evening. The Bill Park family Mr. Richard Thomson- -held-a-surprise- -birthday was taken to Goderich hospital on Sunday after he collapsed atchurcji on Sunday morning. Richard and Peter Thomson are visiting their grandfather in England.. Mr. Howard Godfrey • has been in AteXandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich since the middle of the week. Mrs. D.S. Fines of Toronto. is, visiting this week with her sister-in- law, Mrs. Cecil Blake. Mrs. Mary Bere and Jamie returned on Friday evening from a two week trip to PET. with Mrs_ Ruth Austin of Toronto and Miss Joanne •Renaud. of Windsor. They enjoyed a guided tour of Montreal, a day of sight- seeing in Quebec City and five days with friends on the north shore of P.E.1. They attended the plays, "Anne of Green Gables," and "The Legend -of the Durnbells", at the Charlottetown .FestivaB Confederation Centre of the Arts. Mr. and Mrs.. Gus Worthy of Thorndale called on their cousins, Mr. and Mrs.. Graham McNee recently_ Mr., Harvey Cloutier of Toronto, spent the weekend with his daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. AleChisholm and Jack. Mrs_ Alex Chisholm opened her home on August 3 for a bridal shower in honour of Miss Virginia Chisholm, bride- to-be at which her - girl friends had an op- portunity to show their good wishes with ap- propriate gifts. - Mrs. Eleanor MeNeilv- London- and Mrs. Marie Huff hosted a bridal shower on Monday, August 7 for their relatives in honour of two brides-to-be their niece, Miss Annette Hodges who is engaged to Gerry Bere and Miss Susan Koster, fiancee to Watson Huff_ Both ,,orirls received many beautiful and useful gifts_ g-BANA'U'LLAII-The Spirit of Truth "The whole of mankind is gravening. is dying to be led to unity. anti to terminate its age/ores creartyr dom. And yet it stubbornly refuses to embrace the 433 light and acknoveledge the sovereign authority of the one Power that can extricate D from its en- tanglements. and avert the woeful calamity that threatens to engulf For further information write P.O. Box 212. Goderich THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS QUILT BATTS -Stodc up now Reg. $54" (Limit - 3 per person) NOW$3 • 99 BATTERIES , SIZE Reg. 31c ea. 4 M. KLEENEX TISSUE 1001 2ply Reg. 39` box 3/$1 CIGARETTES Popular Brands THURS.,YR1— SAT. ONLY. (1 carton per customer) reg. king $7.47 $7.57 •THERMAL • BLANKETS Heather Weave Reg. *13." SAVE 4.00 (limited quantities) $9 88 1r BOYS* NHL RUNNING SHOES Shot 114 SAVE 50% $1 9 la • THERMOS BOTTLE -Wide Mouth -Ideal for Soups & Stews Reg. *4." $3 6 7 • PLAYING CARDS Reg. elos° 994 THERMOS LUNCH PAIL Reg. "2." SAVE 70` .$2.29 STEDMANS ZEHR'S PLAZA !Riff/T.110. II GOE/UCH for Mrs_ Marie Park on Sunday at which all her family were present including Mr. and Mrs_ Robert Schultz and Terry of Huron Haven; Mr_ and Mrs. Roy Ashton of Goderich_ Mr. and Mrs_ 13111 Park, Todd and Brad took a 1300 mile motor trip to Northern Ontario last week. They saw the lift - locks in the Trent Canal system at Kirktietethe- " largest of that type_ Fully Lkerised Under The 1...L.B.O. FULL COURSE MID -WEEK HOT BUFFET $2 95 • Vonastra Pork Clinton Tues.-Thurs. 12 noon -III pars. Fri. 12-4 pan- , FULL COURSE WEEKEND SMORGASBORD S4•95 Fri. and Sat. 4 p..rn..-10 p.n. Sundays 12 ricsart-8 Banquet Fealties far 400 People Call 482-3644 4 • FINAL MARKDOWN SIZZLING 5UMMER 54/NW CONTINUE AT l 1 iS 11A1 tilJTIP Our parlay is no carry over at the end of each season. We are again reducing to final markdown prices the balance of our summer stock for qi.sick clearance. complete stock of dresses, pants • swim suits now5 0 %to 70••OFF on all our summer fashions G. 70 .74.98 FINAL MARKO4WN Pant Suits $ 1 9 .99TO $299 9 Swim Suits - 2 PRICE $6 99 $ ROG, TO '27 49 'FINiAlrOL MARKDOWN 899 • Skirts Pants $7.99 T$9.99 FINAL MARKDOWN Tender Tootsie Shoes $5." FINAL MARKDOWN Shorts & Tops FINAL MARKDOWN SUPER BARGAINS dwwleor9 LADIES WWI Willie SHOPPERS SOUARE. GOOE RICH rr.