HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-12-15, Page 3THE CAUSE OF 81 (KttCtlE Our Great Dominion..
Only rte fire Cases Does Back-
ache Keats Kidney Trouble.
screeds is the body needs
eottetautly a. e :I;ply of rieb, red blood
lir plot'1rtiaia tee the work It does, The
muskies 1:f tire back are • tinder a heavy
t:•a.n :o.tnit hitee last little rest. When
the blood is « ::i tire;: lack nourish-
ment, end the re' lilt is a sensation of
pale r a three tneecie.s. Some people
thiol, • :a?r, i,. sere back means Richey
trouble_ telt tie. beet medical authori-
ties net ee titer: 'ai:ekasps seldom or
never lee; °,erg to do with the kiit-
neys teeeitate disease may
have ,r,;,te> s t to a critical point
el:O let 1e veloping a pain in the back.
7lis being
zee e. se
. pain in the back
should oieeese ::ad the sufferer to look
to the . ,tied zi;n of his blood. It will
be fa:a::r[i iia eiest eases that the use
Of It:, ;.`illlariss' +'lilt Pills to build up
the it:r:irl will .=:;n the sensation of
bete- -u the the swished muscles of
the bawse. How c,tneh better it is to
try Dr. :xdilgt o Pink Pills for the
blood th in t;, glee stay to unreason-
atoe aariit Dile :.rr .;ctr kidneys. If you
sttsrect ; site* ltieatnaw-,i, any doctor cart
tatalt� teete in tee :ninths>s that will
s+>t y'otir €,•'tr,t nt wooer. er tell yon the
worst. But itt any- event to be lrer-
fect:y iie.-t:iti w i p"i Burst keep the blood
in good a>=eedi a,r.. and for this put
posts no (Alper :,. +Iia iia can equal Ar.
Williams' Pink Pile.
You eau a Bees pills through any
dealer its reieleOete, or by mail at 50
eines a box rt `.,it noxea for $2.50 from
Tee Ar. :On:eritto tlediefue Co.,
➢3rockvffle, Oct
•none^, + f Girds.
The durai'sr:,• .s airds" sous greatly
varies. It e, a 17:..r three seconds for
delethei ;rr"1 '.f- Undies, four to five
suer; 14,1 tar ups, but tram two
to eve elirat, the lark.
iitiDiw' a I A: • -'+ fills Matey h
>, enough
to start a r..-¢ . o.e rest eirerigth en tugh''
4aa It 'id h tart ; u -''.
trlinard'e U q
Statiethee ,:bow shipments ot wheat
and fiour from tee Columbia River anti
Puget Sexual district of l3ritia'h Colum-
bia to have been 34 par cent. greater
duringJuly, Auga,st, az:d September
than during the saute i)eriod last year.
Shipments to the eui:ed Kingdom an
C:'.utinental porta from the Pacific in
September alone amounted to 7,843,-
,S43,O(]ii bushels. (.lett great change in the
ealiert grain btteines : is the large;
moeteteint now being evade to the
W. L. Chart:, of the Pacific Stettin- I
It p court arty, at a tweeting of the ,
United, State Shipping .heard, made
the .ta a:r ;srrl that Thirty-eight United �
States , raie.oad lines were conrolled or
hili erecta by (:anada.
It fe ra,1::rted that a number of'
Canadian capitalists have under con-
z, _ t
rca the project of constructing
a large o':evato, at Dobe,, Japan. The
movement of C"anadiae wheat which
cottimeueed this fall to Japan is re-
spol efele. So far 750;000 bushels have
bees: booked to that country.
New buil hugs and hiaproveniente•u
the extent of $325,000 have been cam
pieted at the Brandon Manitoba, Ex-
hibition grounds during tate past year,
according to a, report of the directors,.
The Cataadiati system of taxation
was made the subject ot special study
by members of the rifted States
lime of Representatives and Senate
who arrived at Ottawa on November
30th for the pui'pase. The party coo•
sisted of about fifty members of Core
grese which spent three days studying
ander the guidance of the Department
o>' Finauce. The operation of the sates
tax was made the subject of a special
Construction has commenced on the
aCldition to the Northwestern Elevator
Conpany'a plant at Fort William, Ont„
and it is aunounced that the building
will he completed next spring. The
elevator addition will vest approxi-
utatoly $700,000, consisting of 60 con-
eretcw tanks. 22 feet in diameter and
95 feet in height, which will give the
entire plant an aggregate capaeity at
more than 900,000 bushels. Cleaning
machinery, will be installed adapted'
to clean 5,000 bushels of grain an hour.
*violent for Garget In Cowa
Surnames and Their Origin
Racial Or;;;• o—getelish,
Source—An egetiesettlen.
If you wv:►rtt ,-w 'cn:fw just what :,ort
of a po Litton -ho harper held in
medieval time,. '..sit should read the
histomhal reenaeeet of Sir Walter
Seftt dealing we it medieval life In the
Scottish borcieviand.
Persons heating the family name of
Harper may ceE.i t upon it, unless the
name was artt'i.wi1y adopted at some
tatter period hat their ancestors in
the Middle Mr is were bards, traveling
entertainers, veto derived their sus-
tenance from: ti e dentitions of the lia-
bility: mien wee gavelled about from
cattle to castlte. t tt.anting their songs of
history and triaditien.
They were by no means looked
down upon as persons of inferior posi-
tion. They were, in fact, lionized and
respected in nruch the same fashion
that the profesaicnal musician is to-
day, and they lived cu "charity" only
in the sense that authors, physicians
and members of other respected pro-
test -liens did. for in those days it was
out passible to Commercialize art, and
virtually all members of professional
eyed arti tie calling's; had to rely upon
a?le patronage of some member of the
nobility far their support.
The harp was probably a more popu-
lar musical instrument along the Scot-
tish. border and in Wales than in other
sections of England, though tirta harp-
ere travelled the entire island.
Rectal Origin --Scottish.
Source --A place name.
Here is a family name to puzzle you.
From the sound of it you night think
it of East Indian origin. As It stands
there is nothing to indicate its origin.
Fortunately there are records to
prove its origin, though even then it
is a little mare difmcult to grasp the
manner in which the change has come
over the name from its original forst.
The family name of Mowat is a Scot-
tish evolution of a Norman French
place name, It is borne by a certain
branch of the Clan Sutherland.
The original Ncrntan form of the
name was "de manta Alto," and in
some of the old records it is found as
"de Montealta. There is a record of
the grant of lands in Losscraggy and
Cnlpedanchis by King Robert Bruce to
one "Perkins de Monte -alto."
According to history and tradition,
the Norman family was one of the
first to leave the domain of William
the (Ceuqueror and attach itself to the
court of the Scottish monarchs, and
upon receiving the grant of lands in
the: territory dominated by the Clan
Sutherland, the family attached itself
to that clan. Through he centuries
which have followed the name "Mon-
tealto" has been boiled dawn by Gaelic
speaking tongues to Mowat.
Real Rest Depends Largely Upon
the Depth of Your Sleep
,4 warning to "light" or "poor" sleepers
The deeper and sounder you sleep the better
you feel. Five hours sound refreshing sleep does
you more actual good than ten hours restless,
disturbed sleep.
This is because the final conversion of food
into vital tissue and nerve cells goes on more
rapidly when the physical and mental forces are
at rest.
-You can't get sound, refreshing sleep if your
nerves are agitated with tea or coffee. Both these
drinks contain caffeine, which is sometimes very.
irritating to the brain and nervous system.
If you want to know the joy, vigor and
stamina that comes to the person who gets sound,
healthful sleep, why not stop taking tea or coffee
for a while, and drink ' delicious, invigorating
Postum instead.
Thousands of people everywhere have found
that this was the only thing they needed in order
to bringabout these very happy results.
Order Postutn from your grocer today.'
prink this delightful cereal beverage of satisfying
Savor, for a week. • Perhaps, like thousands of
others, you'll never be willing to go back to tea
or coffee.
Postum comes in two forms: Instant Postum (in tins)
made instantly in the cop by the addition of .boiling water.
;Pt./stunt Cereal (in packages of larger bulk for those who
prefer ,to make the drink while the meal is being prepared)
made by boiling for 20 minutes.
Posturn for Health
"There's a Reason"
More than two hundred exhibits or
grain, grasses, clovers and alfalfa from
Alberta, from seed grown froin the In-
ternational boundary as far north as
the Peace River country, are being
scut to the International Grain and
Hay Show at Chioago. 41/411 of the seed
has been grown by farmers and the
collection is considered unsurpass-
The estahiislunont of a finienin ' sta-
tion in Iielgittm, holland or France for
fiied:zng Canadian cattle prior to,:teem
hoinei slaughtered anti delivered as
fresh beef to London and other Bri-
tish centres is prone:led by the Alberta
Minister of Agriculture. In these
countries a shortage of livestock and
surplus of pasture le said to exist, and
these cattle could be brought to the
pink of dendition after undergoing talo
long voyage. Canadian grain would
a•.; , se,•
be :,, ed overseas cur thin parpose.
nP p 'I
.Alberta's exhibits et the internatien•
al Lite Stock Show at Chicago include
two Clydestiate mares and a colt; two.
Pereheren flutes mut a colt, and a
Shorthorn heifer. All these are pro-
vincial prize winning stock and Alber-
ta is confider t of repeating her suc-
cesses of last year. The animals are
travelling, to Chicago in a sp eIal car..
"Cascarets" if Sick,.
Bilious, Headachy
from the Bowe':s
IOnce a mother has used Baby's Ovrn
Tablets for her little ones she would
not be without them. The Tablets are
i a perfect home remedy. They regu-
j late the bowels atni stomneh, drive
out constipation tied iudigeetioni
break un cold
Get a 10 -cent box now,
You men and women who can't get
feeling eight—who have headache,
coated tongue, bad taste and foul
breath, dizziness, can't sleep, aro bill-
ows, nervous and upset, bothered with
a sick, gassy, disordered stomach, or
have a badcold. Are you keeping
your bowels clean with Cascarets, or
merely forcing a passageway every
few days with salts, cathartic pills or
castor oil? Cascarets work while you
sleep; cleanse the stomach. of sour,
fermenting food and foul gases; take
the excess bile from livor and carry
out of the system all the constipated
poison in the bow.eln. A Cascaret
physic to -night will straighten you out
by morning,
Protecting Warriors of the
Present Day.
When body armor "came back"
during the late war, the United. States
authorities sought Hints from the great
collection of medieval armor at the
Metropolitan Museum 01 Art in New
York City, and consulted specialists
in that branch of archeology, says a
Philadelphia despatch.
So will'able was the craftsmanship
of the old-time armorers that improve-
ment on their work was obviously out
of the question, But the modern war
experts were quick to see that they
had at their command two very note-
worthy advantages. One of these was
steal made extraordinarily hard with
alloys of tungsten, nickel or vanadium.
The other was machinery.
An old-fashioned suit of armor may
have required the labor of a year or
more for a altilled hand in its produc-
tion. Modern•'machinery can chop out
the requisite parts from sheets of
steel by thousands at small cast. It
is net required that the metal clothing
shall be decorative; but merely that it
shall be bullet-proof.
In the war good alloy steel hardly
thicker than ordinary blotting paper
proved an effective protection against
pistol bullets; the light weight of mo-
dern armor being one of its most
nctzble advantage.:, as compared with
the old style. French hospital records
proved that 70 to 80 per cent of the
wounded were injured by missiles or
shell fragments which steel of this
small thickness would have stopped.
Steelalloyed with manganese was
found best adapted for helmets- of
Which 7,000,009 were ordered and 2,-
700,000 delivered for the American
troops before the war's end. To pre-
vent -the helmets from reflecting sight,
they were painted, and while the paint
was wet a coat of sawdust was bestow-
ed upon them with a blower.
A Pocket Movie.
A remarkable instrument has been
invented by two Italians. It is a cine-
matograph camera and projector cone
bined, so snail it size that it will slip
easily into the pocket.
In appearance it resembles an or-
dinary` folding film camera. On one
side of the magazine is a spool- con•
taining a roll of film 40 ft. in length,
which is sufficient for more than 600
piotures. The end of the film is at-
tached to another spool, which is
driven by a small clockwork motor.
To take a "movie" you simply wind
up the works, -point the camera in the
right direction, and press the button.
The little motor draws the film across,
and at the same time opens and closed
the shutter atthe rate of 900 times a
minute•. The camera is used also to thrown
the picture on to the screen. The files
is wound round a 'spool, the back of
the camera is removed, and a lantern
attacltmentis fixed on, Then the mo•
for is wound up, thel:uttan is pressed,
and there you are!
Such an instrument will' enable
amateur photegrapliels to keep mo-
tion records of friends. relations, and
Shelter -Belts and Soil Fertility.
A:blanket ,of four or,five inches of.
snow over a prairie farm during win-
ter and until early spring means a
largo eniouut 01 •rnois'Lure for thew soil.
The problem is to keep it there and
riot have it blown ..may by high
winds. This is where shelter -belts on
the farm prove their value by prevent-
ing. drifting a,11 Ghee retaining. me-
Le-ta-to aiiiY fertility. •
s ants strnple fever and
malt* baby healthy and happy. Con-
corning them, Mrs. Noble A. Pye,
Ecom Secim, I.S., writes: --"I have
found Baby's Own Tablets of great
benefit for my children and I would
not be without them:' The, Tablet:
are 'sol:il by medicine dealers or by
mail at 2a sours ;r bni> from the Dr-
WIUie.uls' 7iedieine Co., Brockville,
j Oevastatino.
Talkirg cf scixt.ol aziswera, a rather
devastating .one was given a member
of a certain edueatien committee. tutee
thought it well to visit the seher.,ls n"•
cesianal.ly alai ask questions in the
Once he spoke about Mr. Lloyd
George,'who, he said. west e. statesman.
"Now, can yen tell nm what a states•
man is?" he finished up by asking.
Up shot one hand.
"Please, sir, a st ttesinan ie a man
who makes speeches"
"Well, hardly that. 1 sometimes
matte speeches, but I am not states-
Inan. "
The little hand went up ag&L:i,
"1 /maw. sir, it statesman le, a man
who makes good speeches."
Remit by dominion Express Motley
Order. If lost or stolen you get your
stoney back.
Equn! to the Occasion.
"Waiter, if this 1e spring giltlel en
where is the wieIihoi'e"'"
"it wFaa too emote; to wish, sir."
Minard's Liniment for Distemper.
Cabbages in Cuba grow to such a
size that a head often weighs 20 lbs.
Sea Scout ---"Well, what 4 o you
tbi:ik about the ocean?"
Laind. Secut -"It's too deep for ms."
His Sole Attraction.
Ancient «t.dorer' "I could sacrifice
all my wealth far your love."
Yctang Adored ----If you did anything
s.) :ool'sb T 5ltoa(1(1 never love yen."
That's A11.
A six-year-old girl submitted the fc.-
lowvirg compaaitior on "People" to her
-People are composed of girls aitd
' boys, also men and women.
"lli.yi are no goad ;et all until they
brow up and get married.
'Mee who don't get married are ru.'
;.x: e:ther.
"let ys :,re an awlui basher. They
wale. evetythtai; they set' except soup.
"Aly roe in a woman, and my pa is a
man. A ova.mart ig ;t grown-up 'girl with
":i;- Ila !s $ui ii t elle;- nen that I
think he meet have been a girl wheu
he Wile, a hay.. '
I-I'is Hearing Restored.
The invisible ear drum invented by
A. O. Leonard, which is a miniature ,
megaphone, fitting inside the ear en-
tirely out of sight, is restoring the
hearing of hundreds of people in New '
York City. Mr, Leonard invented this
drum to relieve himself of deafness
and head noises, and i' does this so
successfully that no ono could tell he
is a deaf man. It is effective when
deafness is caused by catarrh or by
perforated, or wholly destroyed natur-
al drums. A request for information
to .A, O. Leonard, Suite 437, 70 Fifth
Avenue, New York City, will be given
a prompt reply. • advt.
The Original and Only Genuine
A Denbious Outlook.
The wealthy young tete wix i •was
trying fa learn. to week had fallen in
love with the daughter tit his emptier.
er. but h=> found that •eft path war: by
no means clear of ob t:,vies.
-Yeti tell me that y aur father tilt-
jeete to your marryi::i: me" ht seel.
In a crestfallen way. "Is it becrsaxme I
aux in hi; employ? 1 eau leave it t'x;d
go back to a die of idieeete If hi' Kee
"OIs. me tinier ewe what i.e eaves,'.
said the fair tam "l I+• nays :1 way
rrtarry you lit at F.,, et yan y,.velii-
able enough tra li,ivice your sli'ml'y
Mother! Clean
Child's Bowel•s With
Caitfaarfilia Fig Syrup
Emelt a Melt child laves the "fruity"
taste of ••C 1 aernia Fig Snap." If
the little tongue IR t xatr3, or if your
Child is ➢fntoes r=w,.4s, fewerielr, null
of cold, or his (leek. g've a tettepae afar.
to efeatare the .fuer and bowels. In a
taw hr:urs yeti tie tee for yours eft
how thoroughle it" wort:s ;tri the ecu-
stipa'ion l:o:.et. sour bila and waste
out of the b teeie. mint you have .a
well, playful child &gain.
Millions of metheri keep -California
It'ig Sy'rtrp" hailcfy. Tney knew a tea-
spoonful today saves' a sick child to-
morrow. Ask your druggist for genu-
' ins "California Fig Syrup" whi.ah has
directions for babies and diiidren of
all ages printed o., lxtrzt'e. Motheri
You must say "Califox uta" or you may
get an incitation fig syrup.
America's Pioneer Dog B,omodiev
Book on
anti Mows• to reed
Moiled Free to any Ad-
dress by the Author.
Fi. Clay (}covet Co., Ino.
118 west Sist Street
New York 'U.S.A.
Bulk Carrots
fr' oviiiihriiihEWalih'I,rift+W lM1ltYwitratUu'wuvi
When your head is
• dull and heavy
your tongue furred, your bowels
costive; when you have no appe-
tite for food, no strength for work
and no interest in life; your
stomach is at fault. You need Er..
Mother Seigel's Syrup, which con-
• tains medicinal extracts of more
• than ten different roots, barks h
and leaves, which arewonaierfully
beneficial upon the digestive or- V.
gans. Sold in 50c. and $1.00
.. bottles at drug stores. 7.921
USE sLoAms To
Troubles Gone, He Eats Any-
thing and Feels Fine All
the Time Now.
"1 :am putting in full time at nu rk
since Tanlac has got me In sueia foie
shape." saki William Page, 23 Tiatni;.'
ton St.. Tomato, Ont ..
"My troubles bad been pullirg n:a
down for six years and during ail that
t • , w
• r ..y
I ha,'uly knew Vital it was t+>
ever feel good. My stomaaela wee all
our of order anil taxa regular ars I are
anyth;ug I had to pay for it in eilffel •
kg. There was a-burnidg like fire its
my stcu•aea. ►. would bloat all tot ,alit
gee that near.y cut oil. my breath a:tat
at Oaks I had r;sir-1t smutheriag pees
that I thought each breath waztid Tee
my !a: t. 1 hail frequent attai.ks et
rheumatism in b;,:,1h knees and ankles
anti etruetlines these spells eeeriy
laid me out eltuget er. My nerve%
were all unstring, I was restless ,etc
right i•Jng and could sleep but little.
end when morning oame I never felt
lit fur work.
"Alit Tarlo• straightened inc out
and to -day I am feeling fine and la ala.
: osurely sound health. I Lave a twrit-
rg geed appetite and can eat ally.
„meg sat before ante and digest it at
geed as I eve. eoal+l. My nerve:: era
strong as ste•+1 and the rheuirratieta
has just about completely gone. 1
sleep 1ik<r e ton and get up mereir,',.
ready far a lig day's work..,
'luxus• ie sited by leildlag dripg`T;.-ii
everewhet e. A iv,
Modern "Mummies" Now:
That lie has retP.scovered t1;: . n-
cie:i.t Egypttian pre ess Inc rnitaraai fy-
ing hunter h i'i.=� the shite v: a
Paris talc; site 1-:n,
you can't do your best when
your back- and every muscle
aches with. fatigue.
Apply SIoan's Liniment freely, with.
out tabbing, and enjoy a penetrative
glow of warmth and comfort.
Good for rheumatism, neuralgia,
sprains and strains, aches and pains,
sciatica, sore muscles, stiff joints and
the after effects of weather exposure.
For forty years pain's enemy. Ask
your neighbor. Keep Sloan's handy.
At all druggists -35c, 70c, $1.40.
made In Canada.
Colds Headache Rheumatism.
Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis
Earache l.,uinbago Pain, Pain
i• : -
Never say "Aspirin''' without saying'"Bayer." :
WARNING! Unless you see name "Bayer" on table
you are not .getting Aspirin at all. Why take chance
Accept only. an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets
Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out
physicians during 21 years and proved safe by millions for
Kandy tin boxes of.12 tablets --Bottles of 24 and 100 -All Druggists.
Aspirin is tho trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture ot Mono-
anotIceoidoster of. Salicylleaeid. While it is well known that :.spirin means Bayer
manufacture, to assist thypubile against imitations, the ?tt,b1ete of Haver Coinpany
will be stampod With their general trade iriaiik, the "Bayer Cross."
.i ati t ':,;sic sewing at horst ',a: to or
goon wayi war Eat „nr•
de�e.,a.s:6:•ttarsaes 3>atiet, Sena :.sn..a, :or
;5,,. i,. t.tit e. :*.4titlnr,+ :him.t LktiUng
.rant: eat.
• PLAYBit PIANO 1 g (1001)
• condition, with a large r....-.1414,ao
musico rolls, for sale at a bargain.
L. Costello, 73 West Ade:....;,i z :eec,
AI.I, RINDS oft '-'IE,1e AND is seep
belting pulleys. saws. cable ho.•. r'.b.:king.
etc., shipped seibiec a to a prosat a t lowest
Stops Hair Corning Out;
Thickens, Beautifies.
35 -cents buys a bottle of •'i)anderine"
at any drug store. After one applica-
tion you can not fine: a particle tet
dandruff or a failing hair. Besides,
every hair shoal rot- i;l,,. visor,
brightness. nlc.; a
Removed by Lydia •E.. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound.
Meaford, Ont.—"1 took Lydia' E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for
backache, and I also
had a female weak-
ness. I felt dizzy
and nervous, and
was without energy.
I had to force myself
to do my' work, and
was always tired.
Saw a Pinkham ad-
vertisement which
induced me to take
the Vegetable Corn-
ompound, and my back
gradually stopper
aching ai , I .felt lighter in spirits. I
am recommencing the Veegetable Com-
pound with pleasure to all 1 meet who
• complain as i did, 1VZzz D11RIE IttgoK,:
i Mea eyd, Ont. 93
Wor;ttana's Precious Gift
The one which she should most zeal-
ously guard is her health; butshe often
neglects to do so in season until some
ailment peculiar to her sex has fastened
itself upon her. Whet so afeeted.
women may rely itpon Lydia E. Pint;.- i,
ham's' Vegetable Compound, a remedy
that has been wonderfully successful in
restoring health to suffering vt onmezx.
If you have the slightest doubt that
Lydia E. 1'inkhar.n's Vegetable Com-
pound will .help you, write to Lydia E.
Pinkham Medicine Co. (confidential),
Lynn, Masa, for advice. Your letter
ill be opened. read and answered by a
nnan and held in strict confidence.
ISSUE No. 50—'21.