The Exeter Advocate, 1921-12-15, Page 2• BOVRIL. IMPROVES YOUR PIES 44.4../....**,..*....4.441•44.44,4•4•1444444.0.44,4444444 4/41,,41414,4414*"1,4410d4,144M1474,4.1r4.4141444.44.411 444.. '4 44 44 4,-,14141444444r*,•14,41411.4,4144 .41.44404T144... frrdorn o nci By E PHILLIPS OPPEINHEDI. (Cop • . -7 ce;i: Fri441.°46‘ • 1 1`3"...61''' ..."43. :' wee. Th.e.•,...etz no _ • - - • ee ° e' eta env p esis'on. r • . n r "ear t eite."-e :t „, reelar. any re: . , . • te •7e -t eet.e7,". e 'lite-. Eng - se, „ t ,- • tieet 1.Sie eri? S 7;1' • ;,),-F, fee e leee at last eines. ne aim? ,•• ;sere e.) re" e t'ae eeeeee e pe ee,•1 e...„ • 1,1 eeet • e 64 erieet • a " ; • -, '• - c'"eeee :.en, we're na. s Hee- • ,4 . 3a-6 4, !e, nee r 7,11 tiz„-; T.N.7.- • N e:'« ««' P.1.* leeek I f• e." 'CLA5."11, • :AA e ^ - -.re a _eve is Se ..vt-eee. I etnets even ,•• r wee e feree. Nire had to ot' • . •-• tin of r..•-•7 ne trto ,•.r..;1.1 have 1:ent him fr.arn the t-7;•• -1.. ..t..1. •;;Ile.s...; They wantel Teweee er ewe- etelete, however raerei- Zitt-A4 y r, ehiier ee 7 ! ite,e bens frem ▪ •• • • tr, °.44 rc 1 , shere" « ;a • • f'• A h ,ri elz le tee avefet."' ehe faltered "and 7 7 .te e tee ee Let t ieeet • -- 0-eaees A30 a-than:Tel, ZO "... , • 1.. it men et. `'.-ee teeeee. tee-, 1 keret! net have trusted you :" 1,‘ iof thlnk that I tiQU't regret seieetimese • ems' d'szte't treat yots a little L. more eona!de-ely. You are rigItt ti"aout, $4.6 r6:64:5!,y ButI1gi.. w1 you,. tell see eenet tee -Jest!' eWhe eetee yoa so osceieeteiy win 11 FrA 1'4K. tipel•-e O ))or Ceptain' (Ire elleeetesse I eosti.7.te't :agree witit whet: Tholneen replied. '•1 thiak: titat Granc.'e .eeh teeaetiv that fe•daien ants the eAt tieing thee:, co :Id eoseibly have Ireppened for Wall t fo2. all of us." Size el,ivered as she looked at Wen. -Arer't you a Ntt:e ertle?.?" nterare re le 441142 eteeei. at 'h aeeerei her siesnly. gre-;:e,•,' 'eeee tha.• tr.,e-01.!ei. of ray ezntuttry, end th..ea 1 have ne snerey.' By DOROTHY ETHEL WALSH. Artificial Flowers Are API/lied to a P!.r..csto ortcl form a wail decoration, r•a,,,c•pr pietures are muhi ch in ven'te. rurg- i'e band was Plaoed on the !Ind •_ktorated plaques 11re tn"i:114 4111 ..11° franle. The result you me zee in the /43.•es also a:A wan deAloratioflq. eleror r:ornan 1 tenow, boweter. yell", t7.•••• rroblem of an overtna:•:•,:ri d c•ra- tion in a nur,t, orlan.d rrinnnet. The plaqi.:.••:, 44n e in al.? 6110:-.,•r. &be foint-1 a. litt!o more ear:wive :inert eouid affnrd. ad yet they were r -o lovely ttrtt she hated to gl1'4 [he Mee. Lelieee that Ca b•tain is ro '40c'ter arty doulit as Eti$ ceinr.lett, gni:it. As you kraw yeeraeite the eleher letter warreng .er:een seepte1.:::.,m1Prt of the cam - g pwe4t*-:-on.ftit his han:s. He eve eart.e ..e.e to warn you. Ziteee were ether 4.1aeretes egainst him ceell have '';e:en. proved stp to the hilt. Whi'Le tlets steefeet., Ger.21.5.7-ne. l'et with it ab..,,v- taze.y. Oe'y a she.rt time aght ext - &ante 3 hail eseith I gave, him 'on leys• wief.:17izr,,,,, my here that be teS a'ee,tee the only hen- c.r.9=11e, left tt,t P.m.1 tecit. frco, atieng the the tines he wee %este', 1 ehee n:ght. If he Iiveel =CI ;hie seereiree tia•ro Ise% atty FOWC-rOfl The style that mostly intrigued h r was that with an urn in bas re- lief with the artifiAally prepared ' !flowers emerging fte.to it and the en- tire tieing placed against an ova:H 7o!..wk wooden plaque trameehireal' iaquer. The arti9clal flowers were Trit.tin the ilmit of her purse, so she pur.,•hased a most .11.,:eozably eolnreek bunetc, and on the sarr.ze shopping tour She seoared a sheat of b1ac4 earl - heard and some white. When at hou...e she secured an ilins- trE:on of un urn of' plelzsing Eines traf..,tl It (utt, tits white card'Xkirel.l. e-rPrt31171:u Zoli.r.Zeaas titesC:t7373:141te:Telicie *hens kthe Stems) as tIi s he eott:41 Onto lite hiacie earAiroara. She then cut o:tt tb white cardneard urn an Owe it in tarn on to the Wee:: mai, ova: the stem/ ot the flowere eaeingl ltiltl,,,teot.,1,1enetei'ir'lentte Was leze the nest pir..•tfttt,irr4.n.4' tirlari,iltl.thet woman is sivto mJustifiee a arti elee it cereea raw- In • W4,INN,,,,,,,,VIRT.ArriermoratormrtrNIAIN '4A e„teee All itt., p.kett-ite4; ti•ni .1 7. w..,••• , .44 c.r, or came :715 ree:150 1 A7.1 3'4-1 .'"AY Vie 1pig the ring " • zt • .••••••••, u trete- eeetraelf tars; ered fit:ger, •••• , 7 41,11 1 ;,T.,71:2142 ee, eesee.: en! heepe . late 0„e., 51.10 "1 , re ea .e' e.:.:".. E-4-,...-:!,,,, 44 fiTZ, A`e''°'''''.4' ' 4 !!!";n:::!t- f1'1.1.'", tel•'. ' 5 '144, 1 12t41 I ''411-iVelt 1. . ''.':' '1 • - „ „ fa. --,,r,•,-,.. -,i-.s..... e.,,,r very 1-,r,:$t tt.••,.P.A ...•,„, :„,,..,..z. ,4 fv...,A??, eAl,:::;1'13, ",er,""6A 1 411'ZIA ;le ,7 ...".,4,,r, V te ea: :a. eieeet * ,:' ti4e, feelittg. • 71,7 -14,1 -'',-At rill 114,7,7., Tht,• .11 ;: ,: . ...• . i,'1,,,1 0,!, 47,o ;,:' 1s.,.141 ,,,,,i 1.n:21; iisn.,irt'sA t<1;er. oit,..2.,-,..! t.T:e• Aratild -:.., fli...re :411n. er.11.• '''riCe,. * .7, . i .-- " ' • r *.,.• ",, T ..,' ', ' A . ' , ,, . r• 1 , . 2 -1 g ...;' n . ' ..f...4--; ,.:' A. :., , s .sN«;«. 1 f,NW Or, lir'''.";:N.N' f::: is, :,:,..y N.VNINtra'aliN., I 7..:,1 .-, n. _ • 6,,,- ..-• le ei.„ I"' ee- e e, ' 'e :7en 7 t ; '''''' ''''' .t '3'1 i,;,,1.41' t ;'s eye '7' ,..` 'a-.14 VI ‘°7•''" o `IT"341,114 • '' ° T; " '" ... '1 ",'''' • 4,''''0%.1, C'.,' 4" n .....1.,4..* O. 1,-0,9„: iloirfi., 1,.t,'..:.....,.„. :**Ii,. ,,-,,.7,,::•, : , „.:,..1,,f,,p-J. ,,,,,,,, .,....,-,, 0,7,17., t,-; 4f,,,r•4:-.. A' .:....•,• !t.e.f. *"•.4.,..1-1. r• " ,• !:',N.' 111, ,,,,I, :' • 1.• , i ,-, , ,., , Ler ,,,,. le en"-, r S,, Al9 .'"a° ,' 4'i •••7%;,....,:t. 4:.•,•, :• In f, , .▪ .:i«,,i1:17:4t. yi: sj r.:qieNt 4 6:: „ 'ANT: .--------------------------------r. ; f',2'; ";„ "no .• t " %%"Sr'-'"' '1 t 554 tv...5:0 ttt oVO etteet. 4, 'v:exest-- • 1:14• • 1 0, Hetet ::?eighten the h ; tft, 6.111 -in »el It bablt$ ,Ar yourg iciiii7.144:5 pay r ittaMi t ther t".er 4;:*.*",44`.. th; 'r 04.4t4IP.es. V.+ O.201,413, til:dt lut.lperA:tutA lit if 'ant t.v4415.4.1 ofte-n be wt•ll 5at•-.1.; itidA.TAA• ti the :little erein 1444,1 thy' ;.• .re Liltk tench. win.t :teaet ee4etet, eetti le•it e ant eta a %tie eseee• leel a le 21 I:even:are ....64Z*44rytf2 s'• h 2" 4 ipr the h ere. -t let tle ro7.1-1. ,To,t ftk.; tetite it:52010.1w; gir Itivor'at "-;Isvioalitt.; lin a f5e1.422e:e 1 'en a 24 we feentuee st %% vet with live, lutteia eee Pte. n 2., s ' A tIZ.r."'' SI 27 hiete,eie iereeh, ,.e eay . „tee t•• leeva kVti ' A • w..!! 1. Iieee 14• . t, : • • i..'* • ' 4.'t`=kv .:. tent esee f•••;r 1t as , :te14.55 511e• ere • en. • t sea th ';e12el ewey. tankn :twn f.r.;1. • it t'r t""t 54 `,.'4-7/414 141"41;1:,4, "1' "I 'ea sae: t•-•ris 5.5.1(51 45 yen hei he'pe hire aree, e.„ • ee ts. r * uo,••.A; 0.14 rs,trot,4„51 tt„...••••• veer, e. 5.0 reel i2 ,,«•' t,"•f • • s • e. • Esti.) • b ; •• stee. t° 5.55545,4:44/.1' "'WV* = r", `''F• tir re— 11. Out of Her Poverty. _ :::44"15"; • 54, 5.4, V' vele e 44 sI t•Litigir 44" the welt.• k .t • " •••;° 1, • .77rs. 1:1%4'Ll al" 1.7, 5.411, •!! int1911'4!.'!.1 5121S . 5. e. '-34 53 5 555 s» the eleaste et' the ',dorm. 11. •4 r -se" :••5 It wee tie* 2 me alten 1' 1,5. :ho5. oe,„ w, „ • `e, • ;a eat*. ;1;4 mar in :".«St;Pli, INUrt• leet tlinnere. and 4.61 3"':!14: 1.0o6 r F:41 AA: 1541411, the s,h sI :•114..r.r, irie were plodding •• ee: •e. • I. .v.e• • ee• ate wee iel 5. 4514 tee?' home, 511 5, 4145„,er te, vie, time 5.4.5415 el• 4, , 0'1 the nteirseel iveine 20 you the Is ewes ,.earerrere Lee work, tr.:: • tisson 4 3. (lee eirl we- leneybee Itesue threuels 2:4.. ser• ': orreer of St. .htaaa'e Street.” the -u 14 afE r hard ties's work. 24he C.V... •• ° "4:!. 514 )1 ”r:‘,°°.4.°• Vre V*V1,) W,15:4 ts delbatte girlpoorly eresseei. 4G4'1, 1 enae. in lictlieloy Street aligsst. and end whetter linable te keep out the ,; -55 he"4 the 144 55 of a Level in Tiue. intervoid. with a thin fall Omsk. eilele," he e„ ••ea,P In there dien't eaplo ie. '-'Is' was evidently very timid and, etef. talte 2 tlni* "• " ' fe:i•av„.**-F. S1 thing al:out young: Gran.' al.e.orhee. rnly teteeeeie- eei retie r 's el "wastA it': He e'eelns 10 15(4 the oriy. A blind man was sitting in Un Alf). away /73, fere.e.e.. Nor Serviee man who seffered at all:" by she pavemes.t. sileetly offering pen-, ▪ 44 4 eafee i'eneeers s'seree syroptithfide. ells 'for sale to the heedless crowd. 1 hire 51ea. it• ea- : oaeleary al!"*.• The wind and sleet beat upon him. He type o' eke, eeerte no; tee It was gitaa-Cee," elle mar -a had Ito overcoat. Ills thin hands 55) hr.s: a ete ill.- e :Lee ., Thee:- zr"'"- eleeped with purple lingers the v. -et, 4`A very exam:sing yotieg officer, sieet-covered pentelia. He looked as if nyee4 wee a little etartied. sh'Y';" 414j51"4. In eont;nuelthe cold had cougealed him. , -Yee eeee ;.;q1 iti,11.4.n54,4-t. "and a ...ery sad death. Brings things The girl IniSfied the num, as clisl the e mut eaured. hon.e to eels evben you remember thate rest of the hurrying crowd. 'When Thomeen wa z. few mitrates !ate far it was only yesterday be was here.' she had walked half a block away she dirmer een the A•beirel fetegave mor fencwr 't tumbled in her pocket, and turned and Geraldine and her mother rose from', walked back. thee eeeet"..: ith tot wzIs 1 Fe1g11 tIlleeeler 0.1 thet 2•14 ht' tt't° eelet- 0 • 9.4 rii415' nt,r.v tt;lrite 5:145' tr* .*". A sere tise .^.. = 1 it t.:4 1:O}Illn. 11 %4.11 4;14: .4'4 '1 "sair . v. ere $1, go. " . W! att° •. 4 r.1,61 ti:6•:13. 1-,.•,10,14,....1,1 114 r eel • 014. IS.it4t-11.2 lit Ong' 4,."3 1 actnt, q in a iit, . 1`.16r 414e44514 the GPIIII:e. in. T{) 1 011177' sinrt slne I...4 hir pier...b. vtnei; e. !lee 1 heti .4 eee'esse thne2.42h', ilc't: b - 9* 11".''' ' 1``I''',4,' 'Ler fe• se re titan 24 et e. Setae of 515 1 "ra 111Gry..,,41 .41114 1 eoret...,.. reery da.s 1. ''3;;.4t ctit.7.0ives Thaws:As," Ile sew, thEr Pem'es a few minutes later. 'lee or a moment „he loo e intently as they made their way into the latter locked up at Thomson as he 1 I at the vender et peucils, and when she dining -room. "What a shock the Chief held open the dor. I saw that he gave no sign, she quietly gave me t1 445 You've kept thirge -You won't be iong, will yours she dropped a ten-eent piece into hie fia- ! gers, andwa e on. . be reed. pretty dark. Irespeetcr of Hospitels,, ga , " YOU Clin take J-im with you, if yoalBut she was evidenly troubled, for indeed!" • Thcmson smiled. like," the Admiral declared, ako ris_i her steps grew slower. : ing to his fee- . r Then she stopped, turned, and walk - "That wee. my excuse,he expleeet- e -ffe doesn't drink ort room.' ed rapidly back to the dar:e alley, and arid the eigarettes are in your ed, "for running backwards and. for- a- - the man half hiding in it. Bending I have to talc,. the Chair at a recrui+- aver him, she said soft y, Are you ing meeting at Jiolleorn in a quarter l - of an hour. The car's waiting now. really blind? The man lifted his head and showed You'll excuse lee, won't you, Thom- her Ins sightless eyes. Then with an s,m?'• "Of course," the latter assented. "it most leave eavIy inyeelf. I have to go hack to the War Office." Geraldine took his arm and led him iSSUE No. 59—'21. indescribable gesture he pointed to his breast. There hung the dull badge of the Grand Army of the Republic. "I beg your pardon, sir," she said humbly. 'Please give me back my into the little morning-roora. ten cents." "You see, 1 am carrying you off in eyes, nm,,am,,, he answered, and the most bare -laced fashion," she be- gan., Motioning him to a seat -by her held out the coin. eShe took out her perse. It wa.s side, really you are such an very thin ote. It contained, but two elusive person, and Only this, morning, doll -ars, one-third of her week's bard he the midst of that awful thunder -of earnings—all she lead. She put one bombs, when we stood on the roof dollar of it into his hand sayieg, an,d looked at London breaking mit "Take this instead and go home now; I into flames, I couldn't help thinking— YOU ought not to sit here in this bitter rememberieg, I mean—hoW short a . time at. is since you and I were face to face with the other horror and'you saved my life. D6 you know, I don't think that I have ever said 'thank you' --mot properly." f thins. the worels may go" he the whole time, When she came hack arseeered, smiling. "It was a horrible and was telling her father about her time while it lasted but it yeas soonl ehe ealee over. The worst part of it' was seeing "Daddy, every night when Jack and thee otters, whom we could not help, Roger say their prayers they ask God drifting by.- ' to' make them good bons." "I should have been with them but -That's quite right," said her father. for you," ehe said quietly. "Don't ":But," .he added significantly, "he " think that, I dern't know it. . Don't basn'A done it. yet,. No Improvement. Pour.year-old Hilda had been ralt- ing her two Cousins, ronaping, boister- ous boys, who had teased her sadly • re!, I fix 1t,..;0 .t.,7;th at, thought; A trilk nutritiozcz. )r $tutterts.v";L1 oativo y. • or naturalszteenods permanently reature natural spegeb, Graduato pupt fa every - 11 where. Freeedrice and literature. THR, ARNQTT NSTTVTg Ilt1WHENEre - CANADA LADNNalle Way! A charming story :le tent of Jenny Lind, the great Se edish sieges', which : shows her noble mutate. Walking with a friend she saw an old woman tottering into the door ot an alms, house. Her pity was 64'.: once exited mai she entered she deer, ostensibly to rest for a Inenter.4, bat really to give something' te the IF:er women. To her eurpraere, the old eatestoe begets at once to talk of Jenny Lind, saYingt "I have lived a Ieug time in the world, and deeirae natielng before I die but to bear Jenny lin" "Woulhl it make yee happy?" in. Jenny. -Aythat it woultl: It such P...as aa I can't go to the 02e -house. and so hall never hear her." "Don't be so sure cf that," saki Jenny. •'b'it down, say friend, aria lie, tea." Phe then Rene, with genuine glee1 one of her best settee. The eld we - man wee wild wins. S'eligist wed won- der. wient she ad -led: "Now you leave Itt,...And Jenny Laze." fdinatere Liniment leeed by Veterinetnea neer teething doubt, hate rat - thing but itlienets, e no or r,ut the beeinees um whe seepeete to 'ell but won't buy. SALESMEN we pay V."5 -'.5y and ste.4tl y ployroent ettr Vi 145 551 iltpAiro 3inei anis 76'.. 5'e -;e't -fifeta:hien. toefier trees' 421 Reef se!9111 toAr.1-3) rqu'AT.4 Ni -41 (Teo. itione-trVar7vn Dan,rtlIa27.1'?” 1.4die erothers' Ventres% 4•44R-414,4*1444414PRI, 41 alitataChAtr. 11,717";7..... tialri A ..na«. MaN.4400104 tirtarklrebi iiNniiiIrAaarApr. gr ii=igefehltilfg 1 7,45 ,„ a - ..... ••°'0*A", Al ,,: ees fee eel; . t,oa.,. 4 :s eer 0 . I r.,.. e, 5155 ..f dew. ..,, ..s.,14 ee,:th..1., „ l....'llcs the: e..• 1,7,3' "IC elat,,r i,,•• ‘ - t : .te ftr 41. • li`ce 4 •,, 1..t.. v - • "hei gar,* '' 1-'', ,r, :73444 6 4.4. artc!,.• ., -...1.;-• . 13 I'' , t9 1.24 i"e' r -(45,....-i, 1.-. 1, .i 44 - .• seat, „te s e 5155(4 .4.'.--------?'' Wn '.: ';•14 vf v l • %etttw,ae :tryttite•ee•e • lent I eI;° I .. 9 s" f•_r,•.,1414144554 • • Parke -is Limited '"; kS Cleaners and Dpi,rs 791 Von''. Toromm ':" ' 1Me2111113111NAMIE1114fleflitrAtMoti 44 445541:' 411:44 ;;A' 4:5511..ly •I i'•471 a.-;isVielotre." to.tri.te„. an-, 1*, -;•3n5510 - , that 1,1:c expe.,.zed :,,Irmethatg 1111::*: ),!.4.:.yrytioy for Common Salt. , "- • • -4 " • Ion 1 ttt bappen to 1;$. It was 41$ 154 tell her that :,o ono twit Iserte!f mt the lino them tu twt, "411!It'1 I544m4114 11" fm" 1r',411- watee for e fee. anneente then re$e 545551 wented her, end that '4'.A they will veetr freeea fast trtaie. tlittge haepened so far wee*. thee° Thrar a little eel! in the hest rinse .nulAlll't tome tl) 445, S1555 4'5;111- b"'3 a' seater and the vetelee eeels %till not laud: the:, 345355.155, r, resew. 1-'3454'0a teltlespoon-'121 of Ilene semieithize with her when I re-. e„riree 3u Litoun ain at called with what harror Ihad heard 1 night jus* before retiring and tin, 8155 aectetut of cannibalise/2 in tny very trap, or drain, will rever freel„„. inrly ehildhood and how surely I had sprinkle a ii-U1o. caw salt on top , s,.:•.1( tried to be eaten. The fact that the hot stove the hold plumes over the child is not easily reassnrel inli- this and they will. cur1 naturally end (*cites no lack tif confidence either in beautifully. If grease gets nn lire on the veracity of the parents or in their care and proteetion; know, because I tol; of the stove throw salt on it, T1134 wi I put out the blase instantly. Fisl remember distinctly thinking thatmthe old hot-wate bottle with hot salt people didn't believe cannibals woulydd, and use for pain' of any kind insteod get me and that they wouli surely of hot water—it holds the heat lon er protect me if they could, ht•=1- 1 was and nifty, be heated in the over ns' on horribly afraid the savages would sur- radiator. prise them some day and maybe eat Use equal parte of salt and vinegar us all. A child has no comprehension to clean brass. and copper. Place of distance and when he knows a cracked ice and salt in the rubber thing happens anywhere, why. not on water bottle and use in ease of heasi- nsantma's Iawn er in her ? ache or fever when a cold compress My own little girl's fear of German is desired. Sprinkle etaiese salt on invaders took rather anan‘lsitigshut y a „ y' when the asparagus bed and along crackvers eement or brick walks. This will had company. A friend and neighbor, kill every weed it touches, also it is who had spent several years in the goe.d for the asparagus. Beautiful beads and ornaments are made of salt and cornstarch in certain proportions. Trees for New Zealand. Mare than 11,000,000 trees from the picious. The elimax ca.me when he told 'United States, Australia and Europe her he had a great many more little have been planted in New Zealand to girls in his school room every day. replace native kinds that grow too How she screame.di She elung to me slowly to be profitable. weet, was home with his blide. Be- ing a teacher and very much hs de- mand, he began tea,ching here soon after his return. He wanted to make friends with her but she was very sus - with all her might and was so evident- Iy terrified that I didn't dare refuse to The artificial flower industry in cuddle her. I had to take her to an- other room and it was almost impos- sible to leave the baby to bid them good-bye.. She screamed every time she saw that man, and the terribly England employs more than, 10,000 persons, An elephant's skin, when tanned, is over an inch thick. , frightened look in her eyes warned me Minard's Liniment for Colds, ete. e•r•-• • THE WONDER TOY OF • THE YEAR 35c PC•Stpaid • DEALERS: Write f o r prices, Mar. - 'Mous Sell- er year round. The Great Canadian. Toy Dirigible Balloon lust like the big ones! Size -26" long by 8" deep. Interesting anti itstractive for both children and- grown-ups. Seed for one to -day! Those of a mechanical and eenitructive turn o' mind have great pleasure in assembling it THE CANADIAN TOY -AIRSHIP CO. 247A ST. RAUL ST. Vri. MONTREAL' 47en't likei11 PETR 0 LE U M jELLY .An lent cf. cline" 1.'t 11 it..iy brings grateful relief whet.; applied to eta e hurtle, chafed skin, etc. C111.4.FJR01:1,3 MANT_Tilf COM,V•IN sas(4L•6:16y ChabOt eve., •lelereceet• In tuhes .nd jars at all a'rug- COR S Lift Off with Fingers Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop a little "Preezoxie" on an aching corn, atantly that corn stops hurting, then shortly you 51551 155 right off with fingers. Truly! . Your druggist sena a tiny bottle of "Freezone" for a few cents, sufficient to remoye every hard cern, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the cal - hues, without soretiess or e•ritatloa.