HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-12-8, Page 8EXETER ALIVOrATE', THURSDAY. JIEG.8� 1921 Exeter Markets Local Doings �h Mr, Frank Wood es 'confined to his • me through illness, CHANGED EVERY WEDNESDAY • Wheat • Barley Oats 4in'.;,`toha''s Best Family Flour Past -y Fleur .. Fe el Fleur Sj arts • Bran Creamery Butter .,....... falx~ Butter Eg as. near leid LerHayi„ held per ton Hags ! ;11rs. Thos, Fitton is 400 The Election of Officers takes placeiel'nf:n.d to her home. to S5 :n fire efasonie Lodge an Monday evo James Connor of 'tale had the rrzis- 34 to 40 .rat next: and installation on the t fortune to sped 2z his ankle when Flour ....... 3.90 .27 playing on Wednesday of last week. piteillaxed 350" Thr .final election meet:nom r „ In the 3,55p nt rest sof 1, Ir. J. J. Merrier was held 1.80 n the Opera House on Fricla. even 1.4t? ing last L30 A br lLant array of tali nt, with a 43 to 47 i chorus of 170 voices, conducted by 38 to 40 Mr A. W. Anderson, presents Han - 75 Sea's Messiah here roe Dec. 15 and 16 • 19 barba d r E. Jan Churchill. is lea Burke, $ia t a 4I6 t. angel and the shop has aga;,n been :Ikea as er by 112. N. A. Ghbson. So -far he 'cut lariccs' still prevail" Hatjag r u� . as ,d t, Ba,t h,:: Buil- �r^'er Lodge officers of ' the lees'. :rt A. Peel I solae'. your g f Oddfeliows were on ase -ens ,r 1 'ttend to keep good l u `daY H=ate: of last creek re-ele: ted In 'a. an.l a� sell ac the lowest pri.e " '?r' next term of six months. Asa r ;a=ble. FRAJIa. wool). Phone 4. Penhale is the Noble Grand, and Louis s our S ,., ,e Battery nctds spee'a1 : t. .iBook at t'le;,s tree o: she year, We have sweets equ,.pnaen: for properly e3ls.rr . ar t batteries over wetter' 1.. to t- k y +'are o V ou=rs. -'tri . J. BEER. heater. WANTED- Goed. girl to learn e1erking. Apel to C. L. Wilson. The South Heron Choral Society° w':1 present Handel's Messiah in the Jams Street Church on Thursday & l�rday, i? ccenber 15th and 16th. See edvertise:nen: a another t olumn. WANTED -Sy era gentlemen, two ee :urn -e.1 rooms ire Exeter, heated, Apply P. O. Box 110. GAUNTLETS LOST. A pair t r tithe Or buckskin gaunt- lets Lost F.nler will confer a favor by 1 :av'ne same a: Dr. Uyndman's of - nee. l'* _ 7t way and the easiest wa fi. ;ser= ~ prop.rty o sell < small ':r;:.,.1e, _std :: teens's:st for yeer hottse or ea ertole eau have lost wh ..'n you e1;.:,t ',t, is co insert e smell :.1:: :in the Wee', Column a` t5" A41VO rge, CARTING AND DRAY ING-;t}} 1dnds of Parnituse atoned and r;'ratetl, :ro job too :small- At your service. Wm. Gardiner, Phone 74j. H0L'SE FOR aAL1:. Two storey brick res;de ee, all mod- : -n server :te=es, .conveniently sttuat- cd, large garden. .an, :ru=t trees. .&.. at the. <,.f ce or to T. el Newels~, Exeter. COAL. IIEATER AND W00D. HEATER FOR SALE. Apply at the Advozate Office. HOW IS THE PUMP? New Iron Pumps and Fittings in Stock Iron or wood pumps repaired. Wells pumped out or cleaned. S. 1. V. CANN, Phone 115 ammieliMMINIMINNISIUmme DR, JOHN WARD, Chiropractor & Optician. Chiropractic and Electrical Treatments fhr Chronic and Nervous Diseasee. Spectacles scientifically fit- ted. Hours 10 to 12; 2 to 4; and by appointment. Office -William and Sanders Sts., Phone 43. FAR1I FOR SALE. The undersigned is offering for sale that desirable farm in the ' Township of Sttephen. being Lot 15, Con. 2, known as the Leathern Farm, .cont- tainin; 100 acres. There is en prem- ises a commodioustwo-story frame house and two good bank barns. The farm is well drained and fenced, has a nice orchard, spring creek with a plentilu: supply of water the year round; fine for stock; 15 acres seed- ed down, all fall plowing done, dad then are 10 acres fall wheat. Pos- session givcn ,April lst, 1922,. For particulars aptly to I, R. CAR.LING, Exetter, Solicitor for the Adminstra- tor. Contracting We wish to call the attention of the public of Exeter and surrounding dis- trict that wa are open to accept, or tender for contracts for all kinds bf building We are experienced wo.rk men and by strict attent i on to busi- ness we hope to share In the contract work of this distriictt. WARES & PRYDE, Exeter. Dray and Baggage Anything you have to move we move it reasonable Motor Truck and Horse Dray at your Service). Auto- Livery Horse Livery BAGSHAW & EASTON Y/hite Fish FOR SALE eeesfir We have just received a shipment of dressed Whitefish. Lovers of fish will find these to their liking. Fresh groceries for the Christ - meas trade. WILSON'S GROCERY Cash and Carry Phone 5 6, Dag, jr.„ :he. Vice Grand. A mos. successful Bazaar was held tea Frdae las; by the Ladies' Guild of, Trivia 'Memorial Church. The grainy. ; weather placed it under a handicap,. bun in sex t of that the proeeeds tot-' ailed near.y $100. A de.orated Christ Inas tree was sold by auction, and the buyer donated it ,to. the citizens' re- l' committee. \Ir A, Paul, who has ,been e anduct. • • ng the butehiershnn her., dor some ( m. has disposed of the business to I qtr Frank \Vo od, who bas had e harge t of .= business sin=e Mr, Paul has, Ibeen a onducting the shop, We are pleased :o knew that the ,bus mess has 'all:a Oa such capable hands, and Mr. ;1 Woods having condu.^ d a,� auteaes bu ;n ° ss Lere for so maay }gars the g Puei:,c can depend or getting the very E b•'st ot setteee. Word was received here an Monday that e. Williaiu Cotates .had landed safely in he Old. Land with his cattle: Tho cablegram said "All we11." eft W. H. Kay, who has been, re- siding over Dr. Browning's Drug Store, last Thursday moved into the dwelling owned by 1fr. WmiF Reid' north of the manse. ' The Christmas issue of Rod and Gun in Canada published by W, Taylor of Woodsto.,k, is particularly attractive, and is eeplete with many stories which will apPeail to the heart of the true sportsman, Trout hunt- ing, shooting and trappimg stories are well told in this issue An accident occurred on Friday morning at the •.corner of James and \lain Streets, Where the automobile of efessrs Bagshaw & Easton, standing at .1r. Taylor's air station, and set in :reverse, after being cranked, sud- denly started • backward, and struck Wein of Stephen,, knockingthe horse and buggy of Mr. Gotfried the horse. and buggy over and throwing Olt'. • Vein out onto the pavement. 'Leek- ly- neither man .nor horse vas hurt, but the buggy was considerably dam- aged. The Advocate has many small Ac- counts outstanding,• for sctbseriptions advertising and job work -and sone arger Recounts too. These accounts: ehuge a lot of trouble and worry in oak -keeping. You do snot want et o waste time bung. y 2u wow, twice or thrice. We know you intend to pay. Why delay? Why not pay these charges at the time, or soon after. You know that yoek or the society you represent owe these amounts. • Why no clean up on these things. Noth- ing brings osn old age faster than needless worry, and we do not want to grow old. MARRIED IN LONDON. A quiet wedding took place, in Lon - clan on. Thursday of last week, ;when Mies Merle Gould became the pride st. ;Ir. Wesley Lamport, both of Ex - der. They have taken up their res- v_°race on Andrew Street, aand have 'he best wishes of their many friends Owing to the rush for seats for `Mrs. Temple's Telegram," Dec. Sth, :ate plan be`rg,practically sold out the first day, it has been decided to re- -a: it the following, night, Friday, I"Lee 9th. Do not miss this laughable . emedy ;n aid of Me .Citizens' &blief ummittee.. Rush seats both nights i trots, To those in need, of an engine 1. 1.-Z to 10 horse power, new or se. orrd hand; grinders from 7 int plates to 18 in. plates, rollers, crushers, pulpers small srraw cutters, call on us. e have them. One 10 in':h second hand grinder, one 3 h.p; gas engine, bath an good repair. Chatbam, In- ' ernationaI and Woodstock Wagon r'i'g. Co's sleighs. 2 WARD & MORGAN. wpm. maZowo: ESTRAY STEER:. A two-year old steer strayed' onto the premises of the undersigned, Lot 10, N. B. McGillivray. Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses, Ceci=l Jones, Crediton P. O. ESTRAY CATTLE. A heifer and a steer about 756 lbs? eacb strayed onto N 1-2 Lot 28, South Boundary, Hay. Owner can have same by proving property and paying, expenses. Joseph Amy, Cre- diton P. O, Phone Crediton. SALVATION ARMY SERV ICES Sunday -Public Library. 11.00 a;m.-Holiness \Meeting 2.30 ,p.m. -Sunday School 7.00 p.m. -Salvation Meeting 3.00 p.m. -North End. Mrs. Green's home Tuesday -8 p.m., Cottage Meeting at home of Mrs. Webster, to North End Thursday and Friday-Hensall, Cen- tralia and Crediton visited, Capt. MacGillivray Lieur. Parnell Y. P.C.A Get your membership in for next year. Gentlemen $300, Ladies and juniors $1;50. An "At Home" et the beginning of the year. Trivitt Memorial Church 11 a.m.-T,he :Program of Redeanption. 7 p.m. -The `.Advent of Ankh -Christ. Rev A. A. Trumper, Rectos OAV.1N• PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister 10 a.m.-Sunday School and Bible classes. The regular services as usuel next Sabbath. Young People's Guild Friday eve- ning at 8 o'ciotgk.Progrem . Dicken's characters. JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J. Wilson, B.A. Anniversary 'Services.' 11 atm. -Rev. H. j. Uren pf Mitchel. 3 p.m: -Sabbath School 7 pan -Rev. H. J. Uren. • - Special selection by the Chair, as- sisted ssis Led b Mr. Grouch of Stratford. Prof. Bishop' of S. Marys will preside at the organ,, MAIN ST. METHODIST CHURCH. Rev Geo; . McAlister, M, , A. ,..Phone 21r3 11.00 a.m.="Walking with God." -3 p.sn,-Bible &shoal Classes for Ev- eaybody,• 7.00 p.m. -Reel; ;P• E. 'Ja,tn,es,M, A.B,D AT BETHANY Rev': P. E. James, M A., ..B, D. s 11•11111•111.1..1.i.1��. HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY ORGANIZED IN EXETER. On Friday ,ever reg last a meeting of many of those interested in the for - mat}on of a Horticultural Society was held In the Publec Library, and the following, offi..ers were elected, -Pres., j. S. Harvey; lst Viee., G. S. Howard; Znd Vice., ;Mrs. Amos; Sec'y-Treas., G. Stanbury; Directors, Mrs, Mc- .t•,i, .lfiss Murray, Mrs„ Yeo, Miss Kinsman, B. W. F. Beavers, S. J. Ho ;- arts, J. H. Grieve\ Dr. Hyndman, W. G. Medd, J. \r Southcott. The or- ganazation has a membership of sixty one, and 'the :ampaiggn for more ,mem- bers eontinuest HOCKEY CLUB RE -ORGANIZED. The Exeter-Zurieh hockey club was re -organized far ,the. coming winter at a largely attended 'meeting held on ;Thursday night last in Exeter'. .Sev- eral o£ the Zurieh boys were present. It was decided. to enter an inter- mediate team in 'the. O„ H. A. and .a senior team ;in the N. ,H, L. Alt of the last year's team are stilt here and several other good prospects are available and will be given. a try -out Exeter -Zurich made a good showing last year and should do better this season. We are looking forward to soma fine hockey. The bays are get- ting don. to hard training and by the time the weather man gives usild lee the boys wbe jn first -`.class ..ondition. Clayton Hoffman was ap- painted manager. With the, hockey exper:,enc.e he has had he ,will soon round 'the ,players mato shape,. The el- ection of officers resulted as follows -Hon. Pres., 3.-Preeter, Zuri.,h; Han Vice -Pres.„ Fritz, Zurich; Pres.,. 1,V J. Heaman, Exeter; Vice;-Pres.,T L. Wurm, Zuei h; Seo-Treas., T. R. Fergusan, Exeter; Manager, Clayton Hoffman, Zurich; Executive, Messrs. W. J. Beaman, T. L. Wurm, Dr. A. R. Kinsmen, Goldie Cochrane, Lee Hoffman, F. 'i. Boyle, T. R. Fer- guson_. Mr. Marvin Vincent spent a few days in London, during the past week, Miss Mildred Wood visited with friends in London over the week end, Mr. Wm. Sennas of Toronto visited with his brother,, M4 Jos, Senior, this week. Mrs Jas. Lutton and Mrs. Grieves of London visited Mrs. George Hee- key an Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Fly ui of To- ronto spent a few days with the form- er's parents during the week. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Wilson - of -1-Iensalt spent a few days during the week with relatives .n -town Mr 5. A. Stewart left on Monday night for Brooklyn, N.Y., to attend the funeral of his sister, Mrs. Robin- son. Miss Lyons, nurse with Mr. ,A.. Has- tings, retwraned ,to hex an. home le Lo don Monday. Mr. Hastitngs is iniprot ing' somewhat, Mrs. T O. Siouthcott left for Lige- onto on Thursday, awing to the ill-- ness .from pneumonias {af her mother, Mrs. (Rev.) Hobbs, Mr. and Mrs;. Ed. Harwood and daughter of_ Toronto spent a few days with Mr. Harwood's ,mother, Mrs. Jas. Pickard, this wr elf. Miss Almena' and Ida, Patrick o,f Il,_ dertan and Mrs'. Fred Calyert of Et- trick spent the weiek end with their cousin, Mrs. Victor Snell,. Mrs. Norman ` Middleton, and ' young daughter of Lang, Sash., are visiting among relwt;aes and friends •.itis, Us- borne.- Mrs, Middleton .was formerly. Miss Heywood. kir Milton Sleman,, who has been in the West with his wife, for.sev eral months, returned .out Friday eve entns:g and intends remaining, ng,. } is wife will remain with, her'siste,r, Mrs:. Cal1- fas, fora time. Mr. and Mrs;. Wank. Jones of Regina, Sash,', who have been: residents in theWest for the past twelve years, re- turned here Monday morning to spein!cl the winter among relatives and,Jri�ends in and around •Exletee: They intend returning in, the spring. • PHONE 32 JONES- - MAY PHONE 3Z Many Useful Christmas Gift Suggestions We have an ,enormous stock of holiday goods ready ;for the Christmas Trade, comprising ninny p.ovelties. Below -we offer al few suggesi,ons,--. LADIES' KDIONAS We hare just reeezved a shipment of beautiful quality -Ladies ' tom: ones, in Eiderdowns, Crepes, Eta. These quake very prat th al Christmas Gins, Prices from $.33'5 to $8.00. "JULIAN SALE" HAND BAG SAND PURSES; We have ready for your inspection a beautiful range of the .,elebrat- ed "Julien Sale" make of Hand Bags Purses, Etc.„ comprising Staple and Novelty Effeets, Aai» 'encs in sold leather. These are well. worth the Seeing. , FURS- AS CHRISTMAS GIFTS The great reductions wg have made in prices of Furs comes at an opportune time -for those wishing to sele..t furs for Christmas Gitts!, dMuffs have a large stock of popular Furs an sets also separate Scarfs. a n . uff at real Barga;pn Prices. LADIES' AND 11il55SES' COATS AT REAL BARGAIN PRICES We 'have a few beautiful winter Coats lei t, °.many selling at less than ,cost price, These watt.} make very useful Christmas Gifts.. HIandkerebi of s, Sweaters, Hand Bags, Eta. Lines Initialed Gaiters' Slippers, Sweaters, SUGGESTIONS FOR Camisoles Gloves, Eta :rs,. SUGGESTIONS FOR Handkerchiefs, Suits, 'Umbrellas Etc. LADIES' AND GIRLS Blouses, '*Hair Ribbons, Parasols, Rte. MEN AND 13 Ties, Overcoats, Belts Etc. Fancy Combs, Purses, Fancy '.rowels , Etc Brae es, Pyjamas, Mufflers, Etc. A CORSET BARQAIN 24 pairs ,only D! & A. Brand Corrie ts, value up to $3,00 a par; to clear this week at $1,69 pair. COSY SLIPPERS, SPATS, FELT SHOES No mora suitable Gift for Christmas then a poiir of .Slippers, Felt Shoes, or Spats. We, have a ,arge assortment to .:hoose fromi, OVERCOATS AND SUITS, • Special Bargains in Young Men's Overcoats at $1900: Also some at $10 to $15, Boys' Suits .all sizes at $7.40 'and $8.50. JONES & MAY T. R. Carling, B.A Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public Commissioner, Solicitor for the Mol - sons Banif, Ettc, INVEST YOUR FUNDS in Victory, Dominion of Canada, Pro- vincial and Municipal Bonds, all legal investment for Trust Funds, At existing prices from 6 per cent, to 7 ver cent can be obtained from these boards. - Orders received by me. Money to loan at Lowest rates of interest - Office -Carling Bk., Main St, Exeter NOTICE BEFORE BUYING YOUR FURN- ITURE CALL AND SEE THE BAR- GAINS W ARE OFFERING IN ALL LINES. R. N. ROVE FUNERAL DIRECTOR RANO TRUNK SYS EM sores THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcelled dining car service. Sleeping cars on might trains and Parlor caws on principal day trains. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Hots.. lag; District Passenger Agent, Toronto �J. j. DORE - Agent. Exeter Phoma 46w. CENTRAL STRATFORD.. ONT. The Leading Commercial School of Wester Ontario; a school where you can get thorough courses under com- petent instructors in Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy Depart- ments. epartments. Students get individual in- struction and may register at - any timet. Graduates are assisted to pos- itions. Get our free catalogue. D. A. McLachlan, Principal SO UTHCOTT PHONE 134 BROS. PHONE 134 - 17 Shopping Days to Xmas. Early Olsaosing is best in Every Way, and if you wishyour choice Lan be held fore yor until Chrisstmast LADIES' FUR COLLAR COATS • BOYS' AND MEN'S OVERCOATS 10 'only Fur coltlared Coats to be Ili will ,pay you to see our values; cleared at ,$20.00, $27.5.0, and $30,00 Our pirik;es are right SWEATER COATS BEAUTIFUL HAND'FS - Pure wool Sweater Coats in attracr A wonderfulrange of patterns tive patterns for men $8.50 10c„ • 15e., 25c., and to 75c. WOOL MUFFLERS XMAS. HOSIERY Brushed Wool '-VLu,fflers in best shades. In Silk. Heather and Fine Cashmere: each ,$1.50' at lower '•pnik;es: SILK AND WOOL .HOSIERY WASHABLE SUEDE. GLOVES In many shades, per pair ' 85c, In dour shades, a good glace at $4 NEW NECKWEAR SILK Tl2ICOLETTE WAISTS Beautiful silks and knitted neckwear A Beautiful Waist at popular prices 75c,' 81.00. $2.00 Each $5,00 GLOVESCOSY FELT SLIPPERS All wool,- suede or cape $1.00;-1.25,2'.50 ` 1 -or ..every mesnber of the fa'_ ms1Y,. Southcott Bros DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Office -Bakers' Livery Barn, Exeter Calls promptly attended to day of night. DR. At. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon - McDonell's Stables, John St., Exeter (lately occupied by Dr. Viniung) - Phone 26w - MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- flee. Strictly confidential; no wit*)L, Dr G. F. Roujstos, L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST. Office over Carlirig's Law Officer Closed Wednesday afternoons. Dr. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D.D.S. Honor Graduate Toronto Uaiv_ergity - Office -over Gladman & Stanliury,'si Office, Main Street, Exeter. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER • AND VALUATOR for Counties of Hurbu Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Farm; Stock Sales -a Specialty. Office at Central Hotel, Exeter, Ontario. FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer ,for .Counties of Hunan and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satrufattioo G,uaaanteeed. - Crediton, - Om'tario.: If you want to ,order a daily paper• or `magazine, or renew a present sub= scriptiotn, leave your order at the' Advocate Office. We save you paper envelope postage stamp and cast of money order.and when clubbing a la'f tae ,more besides. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and villagte property at bow rates of in=terest. GLADMAN & STAN•BURY f Banisters, Solicitors, Exeter