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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-12-8, Page 7NEW PROPOSALS FOR IIUSH SEITMENT
Plan to Create
rely diD
rxii nion, Giving Ulster the OptionOptionof Joining the Dominion _a P arl iaament Boer iary Commis- `
sion to. Make Changes .Alva ntageous Both to North and
South During Se paration Period.
A despatch from London says: -A would be Fd:vantageous both to the
draft of alternative proposals for an North and the South during the period
Irish settlement was given by the they are separated. Such a bound.ivy
commission, it is thought, might get
Gevernmxent on Thursday: to the Sinn rid of some of the difficult problems
Fein, leaders, Mr. Barton left London- in Tyrone and Fermanagh, and if in
Thursday evening with the documents' those counties some of the Sinn Fein
which will be considered by the Sinn population were al;etted to the South,!
Fein Cabinet. If the Sinn Fein indi-1 perhaps in exchange Utster might be,
rates readiness to discuss tbe ' new allotted some territory in County
Feheme, then the Government will sub-' Donegal, which wvou',d ren:Ier the iitinit it to Ulster, it is hoped, by Tues- graphical position of Derry City less'
day, anomalous.
s- The altenettive proposal has al- The Government's undertaking to
ready been de,..ribed in general terms.. submit fresh proposals to Ulster be -
It would create Ireland a Dominiono fore next. Tuesday, the time limit set
Ulster x exercising her option to remain by Premier Sir James Craig this weei..
0 0
out f the Dominion Parliament gid in lair declination to accept the Gev-. ADMIRAL BEAT`''S VISIT TO CANADA
to retain her present powers and Inn -i erne ent"s previous proposal, is wrier, Admiral Beatty xr,nkivag h- sTeec1a while he v.,{s in t11rar, • R
"e. . 13' Aerial representation. but on this ins -P stood to be conditioned upon the n prowllltt;e member of the Boys' Naval B ,<tdS,
portant point Ulster would at esty peept.anec of the new proposals by Sinn _._.
time have the option at her own re- Fein, arta upon the inclusion in such
quest of joining the Domini= Perlia-', pc••ssibas cceptance of an agreement PRINCE FINDS TIME
unapt, The. Sinn x�eir. are to give their!, on the pert of Sinn Fein to swear al- :
alt • t8 f t be ser eti „ lenirseste to the Cron n should this
egxanee w'. ei a aurum o atg r .: h 4 -
u. saT is a harp-"ag'neemennt rot be reached it is tnaa:ler-! �,.1 the Ceremonials Ar.
Part of the new pros o ,N Awa
n�. h xn n•oaai .
,, -Japan
Pohl. ... duct DARING ROBBERY AT
A. «; a l: ;,i -. i, item �'t<:., l^fi g�'t t• °:
A. despatch from Washington b
says: ---Complete abolition of the sub- i
marine as an instrument of warfare,
still is regarded by the British dale-
ga:tion as the most preferable decision ;
to be reached by the armament "eon
ferenve when the question of the sub-'
marines is brought up, '.
While the British delegates realize
that their views as to the axr.=a.t,„l3aiity
4-a the submarine for warfare might
rat prevail in the conference., they
felt certain it would receive much spit - '4.
• pithy in the =rid at large.
in anticipation of aa: lively Gess fls-,
sxii (+Tt this Vtit*,,zt :,ffere the center-,
e nae, one of the highest British auth-
erities to -night ,et Out the Brit sh
attitude as follows:' :
The submarine hastily (lin . be used'
without berg abused; in the East it
certainly was a .gross abuse of every
male -of war; it destroyed the innocent!
«n4 the non -belligerent as well as tl~e
crews of warships: There might ice,.
a iegithriaate use for the sabinarisae ifj
it could be confined to oiler `::can
ag ainSt warships; is cabal s:ot i e need
Gana 'aar. Pro
.against merebant ships without viola-'
tion of the rules of war.
Moreover, the Briti,.h spokesman
said he doubted seriously whether the
submarine was the weapon of the
weaker power against the stronger,
In response to an inquiry es to
whether the sante objeoton made to
the submarine might not with equal
foree apply to the use of poison gas
tar to the dropping of bombs from
airplanes, the British spokesman de -
eared there was a great difference.
It would be impassible, without
great injury ton;'a, v lel life, he saki,
to. incl the mar Mare of chemo a'_
capable rf bei.: turn d into € segs.
gases in time of wear. As to airplanes.
wbicb; are now a ;Valuable means os
transportation in tin:es of peace, it
rnou'o be unman i le, he added to ehecic
the development of these news means
-of conunun ration ;`mile • these air-
planes, capat:e of e rryirg }arae c.:r-
g;aes in times of peace, might carr,
bouton in time of war, he centerdeti_
tete selinoraraes eout' not be turned to
any other useful ful per;: ase than that of
a weapon o* 's-ar.
sass{ -s:-1 L o . eine; t!' cc -'Igi.'r,. a., e«r .4 �� Cheapest A4" #rkf;'
pat e p a ranged by Native States p tae sacra the nelx', a: roves of China
d that got'at:ans whit Sinn
iliac tars ,l great s<}t f tiara in +ap-
fronntiers of Ulster ,arid the South,
acts " eamm:sswn to re -ex armee ,e e a a ,
e and sofrl.a en tee imi:tl:; 4:-'c tionn
Daring the �,�v'eek,
g �,
.. ____.. :... _.. + • _a t h f r de 7 ..req, British #h atoeal 'Castel ISI.t•
+grans:, an: a xae� " qz•
�witit a view to some charetes will::h Fein would then terminate. J
- - - r -.n
• f' «anew rc v pre, s. r*� s3(,iews ,
'Cast as r Foodstuff
Tn:dia, says: -Th Vrinre of ilea rn x, av mar:• the aru:a taaticss of ai
Rouses Vie:
!Meeting of International
na Mobs Court Early Next Year
despatch Geneva says.
� from
.� c.e. � stab
The." -The' League of �at'citans has x:�-
sued a call for the members of were fats. The Psi', f' Ortta .'-1 L $ tali: to , z:glv r;e,,It t'3 Mora 140 the
A despatch from London says: Armed Robbers Secured $44;
� 1 Gernaaaly a her ©en game of
cheap •p1'1:rtl3.htton, •According to
the Mercantile Guardian, after , Ade :Fe1� f,
;going the rounds of the w%iris; + I .. ad,,..
C+ t',
aaiaa-late, hrl er ; 'or thra fit -
-iahhe ill n3aaal2 n .aaith- llt:(l Caatcy „.3.
(li4la aluminum the ('.cheapest, o'e.v>ls. Ye..
s1 S nhildin r
selling at I,
i eGerman , a. _:sw .a-,: wsat�ri:
per pound, while the i a-:-�+ ... t { .
product, tle' pale the deprtciatiohh tlae 3.�"c i 02 a iolte.
of the mirk, a: 2 pence deicer. Tiatt ;tree c . r •st C» r, rrze i'
'n. which .� t. x- ,w.Jr,• "-
The �'€tnaadiaaa preduct. �I,"aA'@h a
often Cs`a led American bee:atlso It c r a�N ,- c ri za tt, to e• :ram Flied 0 ' •.
,, • Now. ie,ri t �r ssei .a: fes. trate serer. its filhijhpt tl from New 5"c�i k. is
�• a • .�. 'y, �. 2 p .,, w, a'�;� they a'c : f : > . ,r':. eit@tl. F,,:aa»'
.,'lid to be of eN e ptilAr it giaa.ltt 97+eTa : !!:'r:‘,.?.; i'.2" . " . G,? with revel -
vers. three a ;t iocto ut;
the epices leer', t1T A- the fo,:rth ego:,
Lord, dela-Gait St epher, w':J o 4a'4''i cin fiat put the ctr,41, ?tet wile: ax C
Naw, Zia, tat il'.1,t4'.�1, il4:t�at�nNi>7av7't'* tdatr.:Yi ;It1,f'+sot ,e,er.",ti':".•�4. a 41 Cas:n-
En da3nri, in I ,•i :t;in 1 �,t sir, 'JAW, yta, ii a3s+ e , is .G, ' N a11rRflJ
erly Pnesiaient of the Built of l►tt�ntre:,l' Cart. (�f tri scan ant : t , ,;t 3 eee.) w=,=r
and first Pre-,ides,t of the eanaiiiara eet,sna eve f•f the e Spee.,:i:en, end the
P.•lkitie Raai6v ay, t"f n�h a la he Was a� :+c fear eFrops.l wgi-r"'aut :a ��inpt bin
of the chief promoters. tiro
In sande things Canada Call heat' 000 While People Looked
ml in his first i)ear ?mint at e,as'lys eF©:la of letter unties. ta,..,.Tg between
nn We•.i. r °pis wwxth tine tt'ruin the two ashen
teen, Fui•h ti eras with i_A•u ne'1`+,1 `r:? , ,�..r.,,v€ t tC"3;, «�,F', ', t i.
a- r: ares eitin:en i.:.'4ai;nag.aZnit'4 tlzs lama-, lawns -,e ori. a eoe laden tt`a'. Jo
A despatch f»om \'es,.n;e ;ely ,, i3°`
:a se a.. ;s;Nen-aeons;blit beta. e hoare a at, . in,_
. e b .r g a, F rr
,t bream ma i';',.. 'llxt :t ., party. g� . „tl ^., S n t•.• nit. j.,sta a 3 u
Crave riots base bt e
centre 4f the eity la' i".a #h.• l'.att;tiS Pf the international Court of Awl- tit'st MI= LT rillin el'Av n I?as h'"-'17ai't
Shanataaar r.i2t''i' ,,' from T`.L est3wi to
a mob. Clue to the atater of h? +�P°t f f # eFC�i fat il�e it N. c r.c a 411'43136 thn'st ees-1 us a, .l iut Sim .I i ee e
$... , on .4 uri•.•,. al c Cil, a1---1 ,1 Tit ai Q"' w A
Ic om
F tho colt of lir::;lam:a"fa.. ,Tanimr4 30. Formant opening at a vita ,not. en^r-ri'•xise.
Ten tl"eres o'1 area etenalsel ,., z:oee tuft lay eathrt i w expected earl; ht
into the eine. serasl , her; res Ft'larataGal.
Rit gstrasse, aratl 1 9th-! 4"1.! 4'.lferl
were atoms 1. I.iate. is tease /!*,'n atae' The 'highest sae: pf aSionn bri•lgee in
fr m the teleet ; :+n: I alit° "a r:l.Si'- 9a .11e werld i?, at F rillaure, Switzer: an .
the strt:a." r+ees etoppe d w°:hive the wsh're" one is thrown over the goY moi'
ceeuFaLo wrve 1'a4a (:rn? ;ratan ti:t""0'uef Gotteron, which is 317 fret above
clothes trapfrom their laasais. the valley.
Canada From Coast to Coast
Halifax, a'aS -Forty-two Sable tion of Ontario is bemusing famous..
1 ural ponies have arrives here an Speaeiaal attention wilt be given to the
the government steamer Lady; Laurier. ?rowing of beans, tobacco, sugar he -'it
A number of these animals am taken ::rad corn. There is five different kinds
from Sable Islaazti every year ani sold of soli on the feriaa.
by the Dominion t ovei'n »el;t, Winnipeg;, 3fan.-Building eontr•tet
St. John, N.B.-Upwards of $0,0110e. Wsuc=i in We:Ttean Canada during Mot"
000 have been allesanted by the a1reao- month of October t:etalied $4,092,200,
Persian Oi!! Company for tbe purpose da tlibute,l as follows; British
of developing developing the oil shale depoiit:; in ambia,. $2,155 100; Alberta, $87t',100;]
New Branswiek. The company int-ena1sSaskatchewan, $4?1,200; Manitoba.
r$580,800. The month's total compares
to creat a 5,000 -ton plant, from which , a
with the cos e. or, n month S
p g
QO • an-
0 Q00 gallons r
' 's G 0
it r e
, ff
nn many be obtained from the tie- very favur;ably, when the tota.1 •am -
n x y , co yaa� 1
posits. The estimate is reale that minted to , ,1,400, and in 1019 when
there is enough .hale in the series to the total was $2,667,300.
supply five plants of 1:100 -ton capa-
city each. for 50 year.
Sackville, N.I3,--A company
Regina, Sask.---Thirty-one head of
horse's, three head of cattle, twenty-
- 1 ,ft ; are
d , t
. le and tsw h - � ext,
,ewer.. n a c t twwo
p .•,
With a va ital of fifty thousand &Bar,;a International
s eot„rabution to the
lies been incur orated to engage ixi Ixxterxaational Lice loch Show at Chi-
and rearir. foe a well cago this year. After the ext+ibition,
as eding,fae can faniox es the hogs will be sinugh ered and sold,
u fur-bearing
sudden ;rut the horses, cattle and sheep will
@ ebete Que.-To meet a go to the agricultural show at Guelph,
dearth in the New York market,` Ontario.
which had been growing for some Edmonton, Alta. Dredging tests
time, 200,000 eels valued at $100,000
were Shipped from Quebee to New
York. They travelled in three sped
earned on -by a trio of Claareshaim,
Alberta, miners in the vicinity of Hud-
son's Hope in the Peace River: coun-
constructed barges so arranged try have proven very -satisfactory, ac -
that water could flow in and out of cording to reports brought from the
the vessels at all times, keeping the ground upon the completion of the;
fish alive. The significance of a ship- testing operations. Dirt running at
meat of this volume may be realized least $1 in gold to the cubic yard was
when it is considered that the annual worked and with the opening of spring
import of eels from Canada has been the syrtlicate intends to-commenee de-
worth about $85,000 •only. velopment upon a large scale.
Toronto, Ont: A. syndicate of To- Victoria, B.C.--The announcement
Tonto, Montreal and Hamilton capital- that the zinc production of the Trail
ists has farmed a. company under Do- Smelter, Canadian Consolidated Min-
minien oharter called the alternation
al Wheel. and Run. Company, Limited,
for the purpose of manufacturing a
double disc steel automobile wheel
under the- Culp and Crehan patents
and the new Culp Demountable Rim.
The coanpany has decided to locate its
faetory in Toronto.
Ridgetown, Ont. -A. 190 -acre :farm
near here has been purchased for $40,-
000 by the Ontario Government from
A. B. Brien, a we'll -known live stock
breeder. Work will be begun imme-
diately to convert it into an experi-
mental farm for the development of
ing and. Smelting Co., this year will
be the largest in the history. of the
plant has been received with much in-
terest in British Columbia mining eir-
cisc... The output is said to be nearly
50 per "cent. above that of last year.
A market has been found in the Ori-
ent, important shipments having been
made to the East recently, thus re-
lieving the surplus stock situation.
Creston, B.C•.=-All records for late-
ness in ripe tomato shipping: were
broken this year, when the season
closed with ;an export of fifteen crates
of the ripe grade from the R. -J. Ling
pemaldzed crops for which this sec- ranch on October 25.
A deseatea to Tl a I•ooneon Tingles .;.
rxn Je uxpatr, sateTawe-ray, says:
••Fcr a 1.:c44 the Prince of Ltx14
arae leaving Iir' ttna,y. Fes heap toms
a°t thrlug?a the native tatatee. It i6
npieceible tai eingger re the snag-
fi t'9a('' of the rteeptio 5 or the
pa the hospitality every-,;
where. The Miele week i:ns been
and pageant of color, movement,
nd music With all the getter -
d cereml.ri cls, the Prince tail!
s:as had time for pa%",'a, hunting, stripe
y:aoticgw: an;1 gonad irtery als < f rest."
estion of Moratorium of
Reparations Agitating
A despatch from Berlin says: -Tire
dollar dropped fifty points on Thurs-
day with the irereasing insurance that
a moratorium in reparations payments Viscount easccttee
of this stiffening of the mark was a Mary has been officially enni.unced.
black day on the Bourse, but the news
has gone far toward ending the strain The Farmer rsity.
under which Germany has been bend -
is going to be made. The first effect Where en„ ag.�mitnt tar U.R,1I. Prini't+�...
s' Univ
ire' to the breaking point If efforts Enquiry at the Extension Oi1h''i+ of',
for a
after so much the University c
f Toronto
• is
hope had been raised, this will make elicits the feat th;xt requestsfor ap-
A -plication forms fer the Short Winter
things infinitely worse than they were
before. Chancellor Wirth would be Course are being received "in bunch -
broken and the nark would in all like- es." This means that, in. a. good many
lihood crash to 500 to the dollar within localities, parties of nen and women,
a week. All eyes are upon Walter young and old, are being organized
Rasthenau, Minister of Reconstruction, by some leading spirit to go in a beady
the Government's unofficial envoy, to the Provincial University for the
now in London. two weeks commencing February 6th.
Last February there was a good deal
Father Knew. 'of friendly rivalry as to which county
-Who is the wisest man mentioned had the largest amber of students
in the Scriptures?" asked a teacher of present. York, Sienese, Halton and
one of her Sunday -school class. Peel, on account of their proximity,
"Paul," exliaimed the little fellow, were, of course, ahead in numbers, but
Huron, Oxford, Ontario, and Welling-
ton had each a large representation_
Of the thirty-three counties and, dis-
tricts from which students came Iast
session Essex, Renfrew, Rainy River,
Haiiburton, and Muskoka were the
most distant. Last February, too, the
men in attendance greatly outnumber-
ed the women and this wilI probably
be the ease again even though house-
hold science has been added to the
list of subjects. The Executive Board
of the 'United Fanners of Ontario is
anxious to see the attendance -doubled
this year and the authorities of the
provincial university are making all
arrangements to provide two weeks
of profit and pleasure for all who
"Oh, na, Johnnie; Paul was a very
good man, but Solomon is mentioned
as the wisest man,
"Weil, my father says Paul was
the wisest man, because he never mar-
ried, and I think my father ought to
know," replied the boy, emphatically.
Manitoba's oldest women, Nakasta-
kon, a member of the Swampy Cree
tribe of Indians, is dead at :the age
of 114 years. Nakastakon, whose
name in English, means "dancing girl,"
was born at Moose Factory, on the
Hudson Bay, and was among the first
Indians to. welcome Anglican Mission-
aries to the province. She died Tues-
day at the Birch River Reserve in
the Northland. During the last few
years she was totally blind and un- No one ever advances who constant -
able to walk. ly waitsfor directions.
RER FELLERS-- By Gene. Byrnes
VCM &tv4ome. or
12l6:r.- (i (ao7-
0IVE. QaL:t,t.c .S 11.1
t'i.•t... DStzNV• l 1r our
l 4' t '1'lA )i & I'LL'
9,01 CRAP Por s
.ttk 1't'
� a •
rle 10174
:gars Falls. N.
Prs secure'�l tont
.u1 lisp of t i'ei
:.:rti H':>s here c":a
•.v .Elgar r -L
wo$pro ari..
ard dri.v
Weekly Market Repor
Manitoba wwheat -No. 1 Northern.
$128; No. 2 Northern, Sh.2 i; No.
Manitoba outs -No. '2 CW, 5,2i4s;
No. 3 C\V, e"e. ream
a0? e; No. 1 feed, 40•.e; No. 2 ATI,46 .
Manitoba barley --Nominal.
All the above, track. Bay ports.
American corn -No. 2 ye::aw, tatty,
Bay ports.
Ontario oats No. 2 white, x omitu 1,
Ontario wheat -=Nominal.
Barley -No3 extra, test 47 lbs. or
better, 57 to 60e, ;wording to freights
Buckwheat -No.:.', 08 to 70e.
Re -e -No. 2, 84 to `etc.
Manitoba flour---1First puts., $7.40;
second pats., $6,00, Torsnto,
Ontario flaure---90 per cent. patent,
bulk seaboard, per barrel. $4.60.
Millfeed-Del. Montreal freight,
bags included: Baan, per ton, $23 to
$24; shorts, per tan, $24 to $25; good
feed flour, $1.70 to $1.80.
Baled imy-'frac',,, Toronto. per
ton, No.2, $21.50 to $22; mixed, $18.
Straw -Car lots, per tun, $12.
Cheese --New, large, 21 to 22e;
twins, 2111 to 22%e; triplets, 221a to
283:.e. Old, large, 25 to 26c; gins,.
25% to 26?%c; triplets, 26 to 27c;
Stiltons, new, .ti to 26c..
Butter -Fresh dairy, choice, 33 to
35e; creamery prints, fresh, No. 1,
43 to 47c; No. 2, 40 to 41c; cooking..
22 to 24c.
Dressed poultry -Spring chickens,
30 to 35c; roosters, 20 to 25c; fowl.
28c; ducklings,. 30 to 35c; turkeys, 45
to 50c; geese, 22 to 27e.
Live poultry -Spring chickens, 20
to 25c roosters, 20 to 25e 5..1Nfi3 hg
to 25c; roosters, 14 to 16e; fowl, 14 to
22e; ducklings, 22 to 25c; turkeys, 45
to 50e; .geese, 15 to 20e.
Margarine -23 to 25e.
Eggs -No. 1 storage. 48 to 50e;
select stoxaige,` 55 to 57c; new laid
straights, 86 to 88c; new laid, in car-
tons, 88 to 90c.
Beans-Oan. hand-picked, bushel,
$4 td $4.25; primes, $3.50 to $3.76.
Maple products -Syrup, per imp.
gel., 82.41 f 'n' ,t :n:p. g tis., $2.3;7..
Mapt' rite art io)., W to 22e.
Homy -60 -80 -lb. 80 -ib tips, alta to 1(ic
per b.; r ,xa-ib tsars, 16 to 17e per
lb.; Ontario. %' n h honey, per dor, 83.7
to 84 50.
amokaa n f:nts 1lan;s n'.e:l., 25 it
27e; a any 95 • 1 27e; cottage rol,=,
`37 to ,let; breakfast basun, tai to u"te,•;
spa .,1 brar.,l intakfast bacon, 38 to
;nae; back, •, 3 to 40^.
Corea meats• ---Lung clear haev:a, 18
to 20c; clear bellies, 19' a to 201:e.
x , 14 to
4 e
to ..,s
Pore f. _ ,
5;15 3,
tubs, 'i to 1.•
to 1.3, sus,
l'1._ pails,
print..1M, to 17s. Shorieninfe tie yes,
13c; tubs, i8L e, perils, 1ir; prints,
Choice heavy steers, $ti to $7.755;
butrhtr steers, choice, $6 to $6.550: do,
good, 85 to $1l; ata, meal., $4 to $4.30;
do. ccxn., $as,t! to $3.50; bat:bei°
heifers, ehoit e. $3.50 to $6; brtcher
cows,. choice,. $-1 to $4.50; do. mel., $$
to $4; eanrers and eaters, $1.50 to
$2.50; butcher Cools. good, $3.50 :o $4;
do, cotm., $2.50 to $3.50; feeders, gnood,
900 1'i::., $ r t, $7.'1; do, fair, $4."0 to
85; stockers, geed. $4 to $4.50; do,
fair, $3 to 84; rn 1 iers, $60 to $80:
springers, $70 to $90; calves, ehoiee.
$10 to $11; do, med., $8 to $10; do,
corn., $3 to $6; lambs, goad, $9.50 to
$10; do. coin., $5.50 to 86; sheep.
choice, $150 to $4; de,. good, $3 to
$3.50; do, heave;; and bucks, $1 to $2;
hogs, fed and watered, $9.50 to $9.65;
do, f.o.b. $8.85 to $9; do, country
points', $8.75 to $8.85.
Oats --Can. West. No. 2, 57 to';
do. No. 3, 56 to 561,11e, Flour -Man.
spring wheat, firsts, $7.50. Rolled;
oats• -Bad', 90 lbs., • $2.80 to $2.85.
Bran, $23.25. .Shorts, $25.25. Hay -
No. 2, per ton, eauiots, $27 ito $28.
Ohee:•:e--Finest eastern's, 18 to"
181iae. Butter -Choicest creamery,
401 to 40- e. Eggs -Selected, 52e.,
Potatoes, per bag, eariota $1 to.
Gannets and -cutters, $1.50 to $2.50 ;
light heifers, $2.50 to -$3; hulls, $2.25,
to $3; calves, grassers, $3; med. veal,
$8 to $10; Iambs, $8 •to $825; good -
sheep, $4; hogs, $10.
4a_ ► �', tis,