HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-07-27, Page 18.The .`e i :A: Polic• 'i '"; MJ Q'.{ 9, e: at frnp live been made of persens riding trail ettatercycles along the railway trankn and the railway 0.S way ateijanentt to these tracks_ Sech ams erten' ptoteettiaA hazards for beth a etch 'kists and railiwzieremplayeen. The Catueciiiaanu Na tti;eeal Railway Police and the Goderich 1 eliice Fame are advisiatg aLl users cmff such machines aed the reets•erf those se gaersonsusasimg sena machines on the railway tracts re right ixf wenn that this is net only hat al winless etl., The Rey t of a' saada :lam attnem as per nInec if Faso =for.a persop cen basun autthodly,, enteerses auxin the trailtney y .or tr.ac .. The -same Act prey r bes up to a ROO Mme dor artyozie cltcitio, without authors '„ suers annul :Lir tri n any z ,, .,,„:4 Yard or trade in anntae ,a vehicle_ ispute real co • heat ga y' 11 remains the sae tam years in a roue 'Reetttn ng teachers„ vesuallli at the higltii e.rnd of the grid* leave their posts and are reglleei l by honer pond„ inexperienced teacAeers fresh /.ant exf sal- That sallairy difference is a saving tattle hoard bet because elf the. Sick leave gratuity clause u>m the teacher cazittra¢t the, saving is molt. reams until two years after the rettiirre roe The gratuity its a cash setttlei?aernt the board malates with teachers who have accuarranteten slick leave time ion their years of expetiert The setttIlennemtt can amount to as much as lualf a teacher's salary and that storm tacked as to the viz; off the new teacher makes the total ex - pease for teachers the same in both yew The next year, when tine gratuity does mot have to be pail the salary spread is an inn mediate cast saving to the board - Fl 1 elt t simply applied the salary* increase to e present wage costs the hoard faces to arrive at the 9,115 percent_ lams argues that the statement its unfair because time salary grief changes 1 in I u' nit attrition and that as teachers reach nine end of ttheireareers time board saves money on salaries_ IRONICAL CLAIMS The bantam bine foam= the ttax ayFer is tlmat the aarbitttrattn r's derision tee in real verages wail exist him more ranaaey_ Rhos' exercise can he used itm make a saving apparent hent to the nedividnral tt sa eing wnl]ll compute to less than £i e dollars_ The average. tax bill for 1975-79 entail not show any reduction cttiomn im homeowner caste due to� ve es toot U/$: N:1l during the teacher Ste Lke•_ nil ;It41 A The nerd:c al. thing is that :tea -Chem 130.:nt'e, during aria after the strike said that Lqualte education rosin more Shirley Weary, aikny mega/via-tor for the teachers -during the strike, said "bettet'eeducaticat is:one-oftheii.,j� r of mare rate» ryhenaskedtocotnrneut°l athe arbitrator's s :decision,_ That theory makes it innaosnailetodatermine the cost of the stroke_ During the 31 days the teachers -were-on st ikestudents were :ranatdetto benefit from their abilities and the :loess 'Ed htmmart potential mainettedetermined. Some students may tract make it to post- graduate work that may have earned them • fro! ,prage 7; therefore firearms won't be sold to neoetle serspetted oaf being mentally illi_ The I n, av: as fission .decided to remind the ptnr erty committee to Fneet and discass the project of a new ladlie station zTatr tuned over to this committee at a -Town • ComerComerg meeting wand trofbing else has Meir heard. Judge 1~ _G _ Carter, chairmancfthe (rrQITAiIrtn is ion expressed hisworry ' that "These things have a tendency to die. "• - The acconrruts • for April, ' ;3I1191 t lasy (323;643_57) and "J (2,47) were aap- p owed for payment by the .corimnissinn he arnonmrnt was up from April to lefty due -no the purchase of a new police cruiser and up .again to prosecute ell, Fleck, p.lic BY DAVE.. SN IVES The ilDnitted Auto Workers Unniioat has wan per-tnmiissiom to prosecute Hunan-Middl LSP Jack Riddell, Fleck Isom acturimg Company„ ,file vr-ic'e-president of the f-irnn and an cio;,:ntts arising; from the strike by Fleek em- Last week tine Ontario Labor Relattioms: Beard ruled that nen e anion would a> u• a; on charges violation of the Ontario, Labors: Relations Act The Mord rideentflnere was a prima facie case for tine ciiuurt s to consider- and that the evidence mink!! be viewed by the ei Lenient mart as establishitng a deln[nerate and concerted at - tenant by the earn parry arms hs vine -president, Grant Turner, to destroy nine mina_ board was also crrrrrncermed that OPP cennsTtable Bill Manny ,ze may have exceeded his authority in ler I 1 nl iive Fleck employees. in the plant before the shrike bei The board railed he may neve ii nteiaf with the• rights of employees, The boarell also trialed there was a case against Liberal MCPP for Huron -Middlesex, Jack Rieldell, echo was acccrmsed by the maim of in- tierfeCning with the rights of Fleck employees through statements he nnade oat de the legislature.. lilt was stated that Riddelll's comments claimed the unnnionn real obtained certificativa by fraud_ The hoartitnaid that Riddell's statements could. "arguably. he viewed .fey the court mime' of threats to the job sernrity of the employees on lhehaallf oldie evnnnp,atav" _ The stake at Fleck is now ism its fourth month and arose from nine group's gireest for a first collective agreement with the company_ Mast ulf the strikers are women and their fournme nt t effort has been tmnarked by police charges DEHUMIDIFIER 4 h where yo - ,`Ra4xat) atilt QpRI,W4MSctgal710,itg t train ' 41tii EPardiciaig ,aat*Wi iT ist2A,t ncoung tan athilmethem whatii e.i#i e rW r tt4aSe lbws., tate seen, thence as weeprnsibilitY it, annum than dice raitaidlilfaS allEe tterfx caperinteil aim grlersnrit5 gralyaltly w iifuit m uitttaetiitg gta rniiseinn. t;fnitiie came tuff tr illw y gnmewanysuet/ pernikaihmweatittlin tt tiitgi:tam. thousentis add:dams iinLa rtzs rrnsylimatethenpednataffsitheelanclilimmingissett deal nil temaiitget weer. ethens mew th thatiten /liter Ohms din aninterslay (ex as tither them/ Leh af talelrasrdines/mum time . S tine ttavgainner n aired theme ce il#1 the Millions ad dieters ad qpm, mm a/ att d thn students tiveruine udf annatens tin thirfmeaner eilm 7iItga Ameentia ie strike . • Mt anumnentet that .a datatitling arm JL L meatier tt0 thernuildet lI carte uff the 031111t / ibtglily tniabbms, rrniwattilitett dieweinp lbe>im» the tteadher wan *milt lin the •:clam onrm.at tine giraiper mare . drain Men ex: Zane clue tto SOW genial putt iin .nve/ttime nom*. (Wartime pew its natadii1e lin sure .and Blezeterribee teen hinted Quiet leiirg; wain a *mTethnlriTn}�im��u�moavettimije piny afar* he mammon= tiffthers. TlAhwn dietik liCentny McCabe emprotedit(hgt the 1P issiaitr was ell unifier ins anneal] eitudget dor the igt *north gieriiaiti sand testanamil that they anal pirtihrtribr the Lunde- leu• MOM tie 11Th 1DO an the tent , tff the near. Eine wail] the veva:ring• thiainthi Wsat i its Aar the caum•- :mintieiti. TT'rtAe •a3aitrrrrrli iaTr1 dietiiileii oto trey Starr ewe pe Bile to .a laden andattinne ` enihnar- tt y nine . snmia *tenet* Mtunitinallhiee nf(l it.ta.ciiottobethe ilintronte Sigettenther Int against U:AW members., unass pitiketirg rby .a her "UAW local menthers.annd nisi/snisi/shin Waren is politiral personalities incelnainnnlInanneenerEd Broadbent and Provincial mil' leader- Miehael Cassidy • employees meantinn is payingstrikehenefitsto • abo nt 94, mile _about 40 employees roue te work_ The union is 7insigtittg *that rill - nn a bargaining trait s"h:orildthe s"ntlriiz itp y .•u bon r -mss likit the compony tensed tomeet the fid_ - att ngr-s -made by The Ilqinigtry -ase labor to settle the dispnee ha a lei The recent'rlerhican by he l eitorib'oar,ciccame after lengthy 3iearings i> the airiiuTis aflegaii and the Bent tep;is to oak e$xecrases ,, to cot which U W lawyer, Ramie White, said would be done a5 quiekljaspossible. The Labor. Relations $natal said thatt :in :its fmnetian to must be sufficient tevitlenee rto support . Thrt even • r. - • cfietboard ruled that :the UAW could-takethefri teethe collet, the board 'eTnirarRtSi7eif tfwt !ix 'was *not -making any -lira} .decisions on tie , vrhi.h is the job •a fthe.cour. . - In the case against Riddell the board Wised With his plea door parIiamentarn privilegeclaiming, the statements were smile o i'side the i:cg :I e and that the Steternems in no way related to his duties.as.an. bi addition to the renew made loon It2i#i ll acct re.. no/don-of -fraud in nanainicie neer- ttirficat ion, the board Said he spike to piliketais at the req* of Mr. Turner and asked t>e employees i'f they wanted the plant to slut down_ . The board said there assevidence ing .i`hat Riddell told he employees that I e &new Mr_ Fleck well and that Mr "Ply owned three aa, one in lira= Parka:, cine in T011soriburig and one in Eastern ureas and that Fleck was in tie the tarot &harassment 3nthe_ . Legislature bewould shut -the plantt"hnvlm. • However, the board elahtnied :itleas ixirit um - common for politicians to talite stropg petitions . on labor relations Tiny and inilustrinl `ba doing so it '.15 not n incntnmirur tele thein to take sides and to-do -so with do dam. Eft would be unrealistic arnd indeed annieSisable to expect proms in Tioflitical life in adopt an apolitical attitude to.rahl indiZatin`1Sdii!ptiteblor always display the nispanniunine tace eff the mediator • - "But as with employees., enntionern arid indeed all citizens, the freedom ,n jinn enjoyed by members exf the Tegi future+amide the lionise is sena altsointe. "It is mere lavwfui for a intliter ,cti putaic afft ' ce, albeit out df a -sleepily lett seurxx+eern dor this coixstitueitcy, to :convey • CM lhie pa'c't ,tif an tern- pleye r, statements timathrentmeintimitheteattal earthily influence' s t leant nr rr jjeb security and the rdby ;rain Temp nonneinting their rights under the ant, than zit is firm ai member •nF the Legislature, canter the %tiiser& free speech and out ,n equal 'nunnevn din due constituents, o incite ,employees getrithaigntle in an milawfal strike agahttheir ik aer: _ ca nneeticret with Riddelns statements con the picket line the board moiled 'there was prima facie case that the. ,aue,iiltrx, thEttl in- terfered Atli the exercise Of the en flt yne rights in violation off the Labor AM_ They snit! further that the arriihrrition by he twdion was nottttafrrvaatloius liter, e beard said that the lido. t arff labor relations ratite provintie :wettid bent i, t,,; aa,., ,clatiMention tfy the (court cuithe i ant tloivvchii fh e plti a .. are dram interfinFenne with then- diel is tuffaaroi lot iruc h iiia tie foirCiOnt,stanCes rang to Vii. 13 anti itits 1 .7. Ir ananniittenittettingplaineare dice tuandilki$ allmays gcresontt anc4 t#t tee i title miltint 11=44 tw Ludlam& enaglingtsecet Melt Me amen:ass nommen* thee golince Yet Make anthem agjahan au geneans ffem& (Zps it - ' % 1itl± aunt lira ct ;l anjtalff tie t l . htb3 ttt whiter„, t$iaseanrke Bili i ' i4141it & qm t1 rxft t iU bilk t mr undimanatie tune, 11 gaiirtt coat that/ flume =it fes'gild aneea 1 iBe where theme arazailiirces maty lingalln tie on; . Sfluggimin gid arab on sxdlt/aail greipentiieslira tame ate• gelneaps* ' eke off laldiaaaliadi,ream i (amtnamt train hilites me lie that, ,ern 4 nxat& nota tlse operated. Vkleiw. goamnss owitiitg fictliia or - (wen ¢mutt* amass ante adieu. banning such] chane nee utdirg t r rgrrientee t n: "Finsgltief akaanse aff the net/nixie:eftareas flan tannin apeirattinn qff theme maaititleas, non mites the ° ( i.i , mamas aardl dieilr gattents ane advusedi tn4 atiactik thethricencenuniimem(tgn•a#1in viirgahildtx m trocusenmatheanneranniSenenenn.. nnather gnuliihim lin tawni. sans the one. . is, tint nii#iiop off mora kss am sl id .1ihis. is not (m,, dim fen extuaw g opie Butz lin sante aliexr- Meninges andiadhltesa weal .11-cen. 'Mr I/Rey:die EIWILasw (Must on T, off 1974 ) setas mitt dice affiennes negandiaw nidiim hi uncles can v'ul4 andi at gailkin.enrc.ThetnwtriSlIrraffur Elinellavw Siguitlilee that a hitendil an- Crux!-• math wtitasdl gffententhern Alliaancesitnthrteten mzzmutt the agaratecti am the sidewalk. This gxmmitss dice e tire' tuts andl gam° gliii#iamtr too tinge "tail+la " czm tete iiitwcazilik. says; Cilie 11siiTg. "Wine iitaata:, flannm tat 4n. tient lAene• dee aa-- ctidienss tb t weein cnnaliets mdi pedestrians hut; t lime}] i ailty, *ant, e oiadl} • ata c - : " s PEirg whir warms that ate' }Ilk - UAW' w «fffitmr aril the gothic will] he enfinotiirg t liter-tlowsimtnee sameilial.'iinthe attune 035allatte man thug*, lie she. lin- not lewiirg their mitliiini s etnewrn amdhwall Lt atinee aihnitt taw sane dime tan gngge.tiicerrr3Qtiiire• agonise thew:ell,the erns AvlSun ,Malta' satewztut- hike i . (line Mien itazzandi wham n; ifiizg as iii icycle qm an Cittenalkt lis air mai iritai,seainxrn. her• pints aut. -Mite mattmiat stn[#giitg atlr, tanning at the MI- tanseortiOrn iii trot( cementing aa hiitgcclle ala+ mine nitaiirnaffatateeittkavallhintintiiecarrlierrnatin Thi than tlagnanadi Le fhw times lin tib fraste For- tunate*, oatctun t l t, wait:run lit at liffa an- eteen sstaiatus iiij;}r tinea t 6iiiaff. ,..:._.::: .. Innthe ilinnalletlec-Ilaw nergendinn*lettnidiizgare iii a y attaratr•y, p hw orr anatrw .._ inrt o .t om air tliraaMiF WrzhwaY houlintarek, 4404 l : oir'ather' pts sez agatt mar oxsmiut w embellishment. or for g ilt *chair within. the %n otOottlexich. Anoint tom' of these oterices, is liar tQi: a Bine not ensceeding and casts for each aerate stud lir default thereof to a to of not manTtllamirnprisonnuolt ChrefIrmg says parents, catatelLfhy ensuring that their children obey the Ktrety rulees and alare b , ensuring that the bicycles are a.ditmted tusui t<t:lieElitenEtheirchiia3nen. •Ap111 tom often we see- children: taring to 'Uri -ane, at bicycle. tar- too lame tier them to• haedii '' he says "Ln, the interest of safety and yauu Ethit . the Gaderich Police urge your co- ogenatiairu" ..s tar rth man, Goderieh j h. n . j 3nvyear-old Seaforttr man was- seriously injured qm Sunday evening, about & p.m_ when he✓ffell oft: the motorcycle be was riding down a *sane embankment behind the old Goderich thump ttutire>rt Charles. Mennen of &3A Main Street in Se -aft -nth,. was- 'rushed from Alexandra Marine and; li nspi <?.inGodiirichtoUitiyTersity Eihneital h Corydon with undisclosed injuries ate- being brought up from the bottom of the till: with the assistance of the Goderich police a rd: f3 re -departments Mennel. had been riding his 1973 machine on a motorcycle trail behind the olthtump when he headed no ettianuetdiaw.n the mudembainkment anchfidl:off striking hisheadon the ground_ lir another mishap, two men from Goderich were adm-ittel to -South aurae hospital in Exeter* early. Wednesday norn;ng following a single- att accident on highway near Kirkton. Dennis fffenry P well, Z2, of 219•Regent Street and rohrr2.2_ of 304 Mary Street,. were treated for minor injuries after the car in which they were riding left the road and struck aabydrropole. Ayr.. Exeter OPP: spokesman said Wednesday dtat damage to the 1969- Oldsmobile in which the -two • men- were riding has- been estimated at Mani. The accident occurred at 4:55 am_ 1101,100401014040*************************************** 410•••.•.5. ® 9 9 +P_ 9 41153/ 9 IL tan au AtIa.Trrm' — I 3mm 9941 9 1 39m4 ,.•. Alia: it: ‘4,4 6.1 r-.. y. r GRADE elute • • • • 0 3 c et NQ1. r. GRADESswai_i: • •• 451.cgr- 99c:TOES tt.�sta.rea�-irC�n;u� PQM Mtn 5119i i, CORN PAPER zt • KED • TINS •990 ® swAsMocawn ®mss • k e §, • wy,,FEi.ctarzz.aat ®taws • at a.aOz tTINS 0 unne 4. VASEETENE1) 9 ® l` j-CHICKE 39t 3g° r9ter._erz. 59, • Mg" ri(2s amttj*nan e1mWi.412Z. • IMEDIE 4 40 9 era OtiliARTBIS lig t eeeace ,w,rt stXTACeaELT) truansammectiecartneacat WIENERS SIDE BA alerrflaRIEZE =NM. 4 c%iiitrDt+Het9 irT iip Frei n :_.AGS 4 9 rt+nt woofs FIRIVERSSOks 94 REITROSS HARRWHORNES '' SUS c 691.- 41k • 694: •• . • $'66.49J rets EartG $2 99: SORilETZStIOZ GR> t'Ntfrr COFFEE WitffENER MOWS PI 1 q. Y.r1M,YUM-tIitL S3NEETTNIIXElt MR Et Q MEM TrfL OZ_ 32 ez._ $1.99 zaia..a. t?liitr1/M11/ick,. CHOW IYt9C11ifc7151`S11.134214S"a 110 W6AILIERIS. rteZ:fN COFFEE THAIS 9,49-1 *********40404140414104140040404440 SUMMER STORE HOURS It OPEN EVERT SUNDAE s. 4 040** -;*****!0414 COM 012 .T INUIL i tit tlt9. Inanntancinnicantinstaterneentenena 1iRIIlo:141EL 11Mtli4,. t