HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-07-27, Page 5-^ • ,
Special place
Dear Editor:
After reading several
times your very special
"tribute" to Dr. John
Wallace on Page 1 .of the
current issue of the
Signal -Star, and the
equally special lead
editorial on P-ag‘ '4, and
sharing these items with
other former Goderich
folk, I feel I must express
my thanks to you for
expressing so beautifully
what I and hundreds of
others have in our hearts
and would like to express.
You have done it
These two writings will
have a special place in
my Goderich scrapbook.
Again gratefully,
Eva M. Somerville
Dear Editor:
and thank you for a
most beautiful tribute to
our dear friend (Dr.)
John W. Wallace.
He was a man imbued
with great compassion
and it was a privilege
just to knov, him. We are
ever enriched because he
touched our lives.
made mine richer for my power, without checks or there is 'one God and one
having known him. Bible? following Vaul's
balances by keeping the mediator between God
Reflecting on our Monarch out of Canada. and men, the counsel to Timothy:
man Christ
friendship over the years The deceitful danger of "Study to show thyself
I remembered that in my the Bill is that it main -
library „Jesus; Who gave Himself -anal:Awl unto God a
-,library there was a tains many of the
quotation, its author now Crown's trappings, while
unknown to me, that I had these symbols would in
copied down about the fact stand for altered
time when I became the ideas and a quite dif-
doctor's patient. If I may, ferent institution.
I should like to quote it Equally, it would
here for I think that it is preclude Prince Charles
very fitting, or Prince Andrew from
"This universe was not serving as Governor
conceived in beauty; it General, it would
was conceived in tragedy eliminate reference to the
and travail. It evolved, Queen's Canadian Forces
and continues to be, only and it would abolish the
in the throes of desperate happy status quo
struggle. Pain, and whereby both Queen and
ugliness, and brute force Governor can exercise
rule it. their powers fully, within
"In the midst of that and without Canada.
continuous hurricane of Canadians determined
destruction and death to preserve their in -
there are born from time stitutions should write
to time men who resolve their provincial and
this.disorder. They create federal legislators to
another vision from the protest the , Bill's
fire and dust of disaster. provisions. A detailed
They are physicians, and statement outlining its
poets, and threat to Canadian
humanitarians. That is Constitutional Govern -
their answer to the merit may be obtained by
writing the Monarchist
League of Canada, 2
Wedgewood Cresc.,
Ottawa, Ont. K1B 4B4.
ugliness of the world.
They do not ask to be
understood. They do not
even ask to be liked.
"But without them we
should find the universe
an intolerable habitation.
They lessen its terrors
• Sincerely, and ameliorate the
M. Julia Sully, eternal torture of its
unanswered and unan-
swerable questions. They , No support
re a gallant company.
. To Dr, _John
the editor's dcsk un-
signed, but the rule to
accept only s.igned let-
ters was waived in this
case so that the sen-
timents in the letter could
be published for all to
• For Dr. John Wallace:
Our hearts are sad in our
home today,
For our very dear friend
has passed away.
When trouble came, our
only thought
Was how we needed Dr.
And when we called,
night or day
He would always say,
"Don't worry
I'll be over right away."
We never thought how
tired he was
Or how many calls he'd
had that night.
How safe we felt when he
He'd smile and say
"Everything will be all
I only know that now
we're lost
We cannot call Our Dr.
For 25 years he came to
Always there to lean upon
--Our good and faithful Dr.
I only know when God did
His • answer would be,
"I'll be right along."
-Just one of his patients
Sleets well
a ransom for all, to be
testified in due time."
(1st Timothy 2:5,6)
workman that needeth
not to bq ashamed,
rightly dividing the word
Mr. Warr also quotes of truth." (2 Tim. 2:15)
from John : ..."Hi.. that Sincerely yours
heareth my word and C. F. Barney
believeth on Him that -
sent Me, hath everlasting
life." (5:24) That same
chapter says: "I am Need help
come.. in _my Father's
name and ye receive me Dear Editor,
not; if another shall come • As a means of obtaining
in his own name, him ye funds in order to continue
will receive:" our services to Huron
County, the Town and
Jesus also stated, in Country Homemakers
that same chapter: "I will be collecting Kraft
can of my own• self do labels in all the grocery
nothing; as I hear, I stores in this area.
judge; and my
We have been in con -
judgement is just; tact. with Kraft Foods
because I seek not mine Limited and for each
own will'but the Will of the Kraft label we obtain,
Father which hath- sent they will pay towards our
me." (v. 30) cause, a sum of jnoney.
From what Jesus. The labels we are
Himself said and what collecting are all the
Paul affirmed, Kraft salad dressing
knowledge not only of labels and the Kraft
Jesus Christ is essential Miracle Whip labels also.
to getting life eter-
Boxes will be present at
nal..."And this is life
all the grocery stores in
Huron County for the
eternal, that they might
convenience of all. In this
know thee the only true
sincerely, whom
and Jesus Christ,
sure that as little in -
way, we are able to en-
Yours3', whom thou hast sent."
John.L. Aimers, (John 17:3) convenience as possible
Dominion Chairman At Romans 10:13 Paul is placed upon our sup -
quotes from Joel's porters.
writings (Joel 2:32) Later this year, we also
"...whosoever shall call . intend to organize
on the name of the LORD rummage -sales in
They_ go marchin d Dear Editor, o r shall be delivered..." Clinton, Wingham and . Shawn Bonte'-Gelok.,,...01 Vanastra_ shows some
Exeter, th refor ,
- -r d like -tsa-Sthat. , And who rs t is 'the SOAR .on
the hyhways of tp4e
•11, - A i• ,•``.
,..movra., Ii4 ja.,,,,,fiiwm_of=ttmuls...:atiorn..., ,,,,rir,;,,,r6e,,,::.&1,r2zyol,twokilfg::=9:::ittagAtigt_diftigiiti.aiittiWww---,irtiiih-74rnit-iIuritig--ii-Via".iIi- ta-e&-it theAalke —.7"1 --
their lives comfort us funds for African r.iibdus -6-: 2,3Thke read: for our sale, please call Huron Zone Recreational Association's annual
when they have passed." refugees won't be sup, "Arid God spake unto the, Wingham office at Play Day held in Goderich last Wednesday.
Sleep well, Doctor. Like ported by me because Moses and said unto him, 357-3222 or myself 482- About 600 kids aged six to 13, representing
funds sent to • Zambia
Pahl the Apostle, you
have finished the course, means help for the
you have kept the faithCommunists whom,
and you served us well. ' Zambia's govertiment
A patientsu
131) s:
So far as I am con -
since 1940.
cerned I fully approve of
the Rhodesian govern-
ment's raids on guerrilla
camps in Mozambique,
etc and South Africa's
excursion into Cassinga
in Angola, but am sorry
the security forces in
Rhodesia aren't strong
enough to prevent the
massacres of both black
and whilte people there.
Most of the black
governments in Africa
aren't democracies. They
are black dictatorships
who change heads of
state by coup
Our • Canadian gover-
nment buys chrome from
Russia and boycotts
Rhodesian chrome.
At present the situation
looks like a Marxist
takeover of Rhodesia
assisted by the British
and American govern-
Yours truly,
A. Dorothy Allin
Dear Editor,
The chief focus of ,
media and public at-
tention since the release
of the Government's
Constitutional Amend-
ment Bill has been on the
provisions in regard to
the Supreme Court and
the Senate. However, I
believe that citizens.
should be aware that the
Bill proposes
revolutionary changes in
the Constitutional
ii. Monarchy, changes
which are in many ways
more important to the
average Canadian than
any other of the Bill's
The Bill presents a
monarchial facade;
behind lurks_ a republican
reality which removes
the Quuen from being
part of Parliament and
which concentrates
power in the hands of the
Prime Minister's ap-
pointee, the Governor
General. The Governor
would exercise power in
his own right, giving way
to the Sovereign only
when she was present in
Dear Editor, Not only is this a
When the word came to gratuitous insult to the
me that Dr. Wallace had Queen, whose labours
died a great emptiness .and interest have been
came into my life, for not directed so evidently to
only had I lost a doctor I Canada, but it also would • -many (Matthew 20:28r.
One opinion
Dear Editor:
In his lengthy article
"Jesus Christ: Can we
know him?", Leonard
Warr, in his endeavor to
uphold the "trinity"
makes the statement:
"Jesus said that He, the
eternal second person of
the Trinity, came to our
planet in His
humanity"...to give His
life for a ransom for
had lost a friend as well, a allow for a government to My King James version
friend whose life bad consolidate its owof
n the Bfble says: "For
"Farm Fresh
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I am the Lord; And I 7609.
appeared unto Abraham, Through these efforts,
unto Isaac, and unto the Town-, and Country
Jacob, by the name of Homemakers will remain
God Almighty, but my in existence next year
name Jehovah was I not
known to them."
Also Psalm - 83:18:
"That men may know
that thou, whose name
alone is Jehovah, art ,the
most high over all the
No wonder Paul im-
mediately after quoting
Joel: "For whosoever
shall call upon the name
of the Lord shall be
saved", continues: (14)
"How then shall they call
on :,him in whom they
have not believed?
:Mr, Warr admits:
"Even among reputable
scholars, very few have
seriously considered that
the Bible record may be
This failure of scholars
to accept the Bible's
testimony could be the
fundamental cause of
much of the present
distress in the world. Why
not turn back to the •
and we wish to state now,
that all of the funds ob-
tained through your
assistance will be greatly
appreciated. For this
reason, we sincerely hope
the people of Huron
County will not only
playground programs in Bruce, Grey, Huron,
Perth and "Wellington Counties took part in the
Play Day hosted by the Goderich Recreation
Department. (Photo by Joanne Walters)
support our organization
but assistus in our cause
Yours truly,
Mit. P. C. Gonie-Tak
Development Officer
Have your say
Take an active part in your
hometown weekly
newspaper.Let's hear your
ideas about life in this com-
munity. Write a letter to the
editor today. Everybsody
reads them. They spark
thought; get action.
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