HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-12-1, Page 8Exeter Markets CHANGED EVERY WEDNESDAY Wheat Barley •• ., ., 1.00 ......... ... ... .. `,,. 48 to 55 Outs 34 to 40 afa,n:t;toba's Bast Flour ... ..... 3.90 Family Flour 3.80 Pastry Flour 3,55. Feed Flour 1.80 Shorts 1.40 Brae 1.30 Creamery Butter N. 43 to 47 nears- Butter 38 to 40 Eges, new laid . ..... 75 Eggs, held .40 Lara Hay Per ton $13 to $16i Hags Local Doings EXETER A.1l3TQrATE, TIIIIR DAY, SEG, 15 1E121 TIz.' last day of November was a part:.:ularly bright and pleasant day. The more a' man, aeltipizes womea's skirts the higher they got Which is the reason so aznany men. are eerie:nu. ally criticizing.. Thee Trivitt alemarial Bazaar is to bs held on Des -ember 2, not the 21St as inadvertently stated in, one of the advertisements last week Fora good laugh go and see "airs, Temple's Telegram"-- Opera House, I1,, 8th. Admission 55c. and 37c. 19 Sze bills Lor wast of characters. • 8,25 .ACCOUNTS DUE.— ) Ail accounts payable to the 'Biases Gould levet be paid before Dec. 10th, Patron z the Coun.ry Stare at the or they- will be placed in court for Trivitt Mime -Lai Bazaar, Dee. 2 t?llectian, WANTED --By two gentlemen, two t r awe furnished rooms to Exeter, you wan $1 ni wort;. a tits for 50c., heated. Apply P.. 0, Box 110. A 2:31d :111 d rnta iy help The Citizen's R I c; Camarl..ace 'n : l c'ir excellent G AU: ZTLETS LOST work. And now we are, ionto,the month ,o f December. The world has `too many crank not enough self-star,.terssand Au tion Sale of a decorated Christ- mas Tree at 5 peel at Trivitt elem- oriel Bazaar, Dec. 21st. The new and modern hones erected by Mr. C, B. Snell acid Mr. Jelin Wood ars neari;na ,.onnpletion and are about ready for o cu,aancy, • The Play. "Mfrs, Temples Telegram' \vat be presented on Dna 8th, by a number of Exeter, young people. Do not m a this treat on Det;; 8th. :fir; Tiros, Carl:aig's friends here regret to hear that he is .:onfin.ed to his home le Centralia with ''ditplather- 'A Fortunately the attack zx, of fight nature. The home of Mr, and firs, Chester Rowe, Hay, was saddened on. Tuesday ,,aben their little son, Jack three have vat present Handel's 'Messiah in Mize James Street Church on. Thursday St Friday, December 15th and 16th. See asi ertisement in another columna The 'tax notices are now in the Lends of the ra.tepayers', They are fairly" heavy this ,year, and not nearly so easy to pay. Once more we would. sagg•est that these mums pal "axles should ,be collected twice, azyean —zt would. he. easier to pay and save n'3 town money,. Mrs. Dared Mack and her daughter, irs. McEw n, returned last Thursday ram Toronto, •where the former un- erwent can operation am her jaw, the rssuit of a bad a tooth. The operation was a , ueees. .and Mrs; .Mack is im- o,,ing daily. The 'affliction has been source of Snitch worry and suffer- nng and the operation has ;afforded r.at relief. Cann, to Deere House Dc.', 8th months old, passed away, They: he sympathy of ,the community, The Saztth Huron Choral Si. Remember rase Trev t• . e nn,ar,al Camels Bazaar z the S. S. Hall, Fri- day. day. Dec_ 2nd. at 3 ;p.m. A.laaa:ss;ern tae. including afternoon tea, Eh'SI.LAGE FOR SAI.,%`. The silo at the Canning Factory is teen and ensitage will be sold at $4.50 per ton the pureh.aser paying ter weighing on R. G, Seldoa's scale. Payment for ensilage to be made the first of each .month et the factory, HOUSE FOR SALk. Two storey brick resideatce, all mod- ern conver..ieaces, convera;ierntly sstuat-. ed, large garden. and fruit .trees', Ap- ply at 'Ilea office or to T. H. Newell,. Exeter. if you have anything to sell or you wenn to buy, try The Advocate Want Conran COAL HEATER FOR SAM EA TER AND ply at the idvozate CfE e, HOW IS THE PUMP? New Iron Purees and Fittisags un Stock. Iron or woo:] pumas repaired. Wells pumped out or cleaned, S. J. V. CANN, Phone 11S 1]R. JOHN WARD. Ch:: npraator & Optician, Cin'' -puretic and I leetrical Trzatments for Chronie and Nervous Diseases. Spectacles eienti.fically fit- ted. Hours 10 to R�12; 2 to 4; and by appa•nement. Office—William and Sanders Sts., Phone 43. MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The. Council of the Corporation of the County oz Huron will meet in the Council Chamber, Goderich, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon Wednesday 7th day of 1):cember, 1921. All ac- counts against the County must be in the hands of the Clerk not later than Monday preceding the meeting of the Council. G. W, Holman, County Clerk God:reel, Nov. 18th, 1921. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned ,is offering for sale Haat desirable ,farm in the Township of Sttephen, being Lot 15, Con. 2, knawa as the Leathorn Farm, ,cone taming 100 acres. There is on prem- ixes a commodious two-story frame house and two good bank barns. The farm is well drained and fenced, has a nice orchard, spring creek with a plentiful supply of water the year rattail; fine for ,stock; 15 acres seed- ed down, all fall plowing done, and them are 10 acres fall wheat; Pos- session given April lst, 1922. For particulars apply to L R. CARLING, , Exett€r, Solicitor for the Adminstra- tor. Contracting We wish to call the attention of the public of Exeter and surrounding dis- trict that are are open to accent, or 'tender far contracts for all kinds al building We are experienced work- men and by strict atteant t on. to busi- ness we hope to share in the contract work of this district` WARES & PRYD.E, Exeter. Dray and Baggage Anything you have to, move we move it reasonable Motor Truck and Horse Dray at you: - Services Auto` Livery Horse Livery BAGSHAW & EASTON WhitePisft FOR SALE We have just received a shipment of dressed Whitefish. Lovers of fnsh will find these to their liking. Fresh groceries , for- -the,. Christ- mas trade. - WILSON'S GROCERY Cash and, Carry Phone 5e A pair of leather or buckskin gaunt - les last. Finder will conifer a favor by leaving same at Dr. Hyndman's .of Tl,;: '.Quest way and they easiest way to di pose of some property or sell some small article, find a tenant for your house., or en arthele you have lost or help when. you went let, is to insert tl a small advt. in the "Want Column" d of th •, Advocate, CARTING AND DRAYING—A11 binds of furniture moved and crated. hyo job too small, At your service. Wna. Gardiner, Phone 74j. SHALL PIGS FOR SALE. A number of pigs, 8 ,weeks old, John Ha, kney, London Road, south, Reserve December 15th and 16tin for Handel's messiah in James St, Church. Tickets for sale by the neem- hers of the chorus. • ESTRAY STE1B, .A. two-year old steer strayed onto +law premises of the undersigned, Lot 10, N. B. eleGillivzay. Owner can nave same by proving property and eying expenses,. Cecil Jones, Crediton P. 0. ESTRAY CATTLE, A heifer and a steer about 750 lbs: each strayed onto N1-2 ,Lot; 2S, South Boundary, Hay. Owner Cara have same by proving property and paying exl,enses, Joseph Amy, Cre- diton P. 0, Phone Crediton, STRAY STEERS There strayeed onto, the premises of the undersigned, Lot 6, North Bound- ary, Eiddulph, two 2 -year old steers. Owner can, have same by proving pro- perty and paying expenses, F. A. Dobbs, Centralia 1 STRAY HEIFER There strayed onto . the, premises of the undersigned, Lot 10, Con, 17, Ste-. phen, a two-year old lzeiifer. Owner can have same by praying property and paying expenses, Mathew Sweitzer. SALVATION ARMY SERV ICES Sunday—Puhli a Library,' 11.00 arra—Holiness Meeting 2.30 p•,m.--Sunday• School 7.00 p.m.—Salvation Meeting 3.00 p.m.—North: ,End, Mrs. Green's home Tuesday -8 p.in., Cottage Meeting at home of Mrs. Webster, in North End Thursday and Friday—Hensall, Cen, tralia and Crediton visited. Capt. MacGillivray Lieuv. Parnell Y. P. C. A. lembe shin fee for next year. — Gentiemen 83,00'; Ladies $1.59; Jun- iors, $.1,50. The upper. .floor will be ready as soon as p;ossible{. An "At Home" is proposed for about the: first $leek in January. Trivitt. Memorial Church 11 asn.--"Heavenly," Citizenship." 7 p.m.—Wi!thdjnwn.. a Rev &'A. Trumpet', Rector CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev.. fumes Foote, . B. A., Minister 10 a,m.—Sunday School and Bible classes. 11 alar. -""The ,M:ystery of Iniquity," —The Minister The evening srervisse well be with- drawn on behalf of Jamas Street Or-. gan Of;eaa stag JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J. Wilson, B.A. New Pipe Organ Installation on. Preacher—Rev: J. 'W. Hibbert, Pres- ident London Conferen;ce,. Prof. A. W. Andertorz and the l;boir will be assisted by Miss Cocker of London. , Hat Fowl Supper On Monday, Des.. 5 from 5, to 8 rand, Organ Recital by Prof' A. W Anderton. Soloist, Miss Coeker�il of Laandoni.' Admission- 7 aa adults, 40c,. children. MAIN ST.'METHODIST CHURCH Rev Geo. McAlister, M: A.• ." Phone 21r3„ • 1f:0J a.m.-"`The Choked Wells," 3:00 p.nz.-Bible Sehiaol.; 'All welcome 7.00 p.m.—�fMaiss M, 1et,ar g ,iln{ ,Jamizes St:. Installation' r Of 'Thew, o,rganl, AT BETHANY pr a g A very enjoyable time was a on Friday ,weight at the home of and Mrs;. I. Arzns'troa , when 1tay Armstrong anal Mjss Je, Creech gave a "shower" to tw ladies fan honor of their friend, 'a Merle Gould. The young lady was taken by 'surprise, was the re lent of many beautiful gifts, tog with best wishes. "'The Shepherd of the Hills" ut an lin Dome Theatre Monday nigbt bet dr.;w a large and ap,preeiattve audience, the ball being, packed to capacity. The play was watched with momentary interest, the dramatic and scenic effect, .being strikingly grand, The consic side of the evening was fitting finish and furnished plenty of amusement for the large audience. A. meeting of those, who signed the list for the formation of a. Horticult- ural the Pbli. Library on n Fridwill ay evening at 8 ra',;1ock, The formation of such soelety ng the indi 7dualatprape tlp y annd beautify- ing town in general, and everyone should help it along, by becoming ;t member and taking an, a,:tiia,;e interest in it;, Mrs, Edo Snell Ilea just returned to her home in Sarna. Irons PorantYa! w.itIt her little girl, who has been MI the Hospital for Sick Children, undergo- ing treatment The citizens of Exet- er undertook to defray the ,expenses of the treatment of this little child and all will be ;ptleased to ]earn, that. sae is greatly improved and Ss now able to walk and get around nicely. Her mother is highly, pleased and grat- ified with the results of the treatment, pent Miss este enty lass who vile e titer Word has 'been received here of the death in ,Saskatoon, Hospital of Cornelius Bowerman, brother of Mrs, Richard Hunter, •and son of the late Hicabod Bowerman of Exeter'. The deceased some .forty years ago taught school at No. 5, Usborne Tp., one mile east of Exeter. For same years he practised dentistry in Ontario and 10 years ago he ,moved, to the West. He had been 'an invalid. for two ar three years, His wife predeceased .him. One daughter and two sans survive. The Ladies Aid of Main St. Meth- odist Church furnished a pleasanttme en Friday e\ -ening last to alarge num- ber of people who atfended 'their Teat After supper a program of merit was gingen, consisting of rgad- ings by Miss Jean Walker of London who is a 'talented , former Exeter lady, and solos by Miss Huston, Miss Edna Fallick and Mee (Rev.) Poeta. All enjoyed the sing -song as well. Mrs. Fowell, made a capable chair- woman. DIED IN WINNIPEG. Word was received here aT the ,deatlz of Will am H, Bissett of Win- nipeg, on, Nov 21str, He. was the son of Richard Bissett, formerly of Dev- or, and was ane of triplet bays born at Devon 42 years ago. Deceased was a victimof cancer of ,the throat and Longue and was a great sufferer. Be- sides his mother, who resides at Snow- flake, he is survived" by one brother, Garnet and two Half - sisters, Mrst Hodgins. of Winnipeg and Mrs, Lan- eelat Herdy.of town.. Mr. J. A. ,Stewart was in Toreato fora few days this Week. Mrs. Frank Leeming afe Brantford is visiting Mrs, T. A. Amos.. Mrs. David Ross, who was vist ting ,n Sarnia, re turned :home last ¶'eek, Mr. George Walrond of London is ,spending a fear days with friends thn town Miss Daisy Hastings of Port Huron is visiting her t ousipn, Miss Lulu Hast- ings. ..Mrs, Lyons of London visited her daughter, rhdiiss Lyons, nurse, with Mr. Hastings this week, Mrs, W. J, Bassett left last week for Paris to spend a few days with her sister, Mrs, J. R. Tnksater, Mr: W. J. Westtlake of Wyoming spent the week end here owing to the illness of his suss 4er; Mrs. Whyte. Dr. Glafster., of Wellesley was here last week ata 'consulltation.. with Dr. Grahiain` regarding Abe iilrueiss of 14Ir. Hastings, Mr. 'an:] Mrs„ W. Bradt off London. and Saar, and Mrs. W. McAlister of Mt. Btydg,es were here over Sunday with: •rF�la P',rne 1 Mr . 'Earns p.m -° F ,Advaitage D!Js- last w advantage," J. Mt: Johan ,Gaibragh and Mr, Wm.' . of Brussels spent Saturday of eek ww,th their old friend, Me A. Derrell, PHONE 32 JONES & MAY PHONE 32 Complete Showing of Christmas Gifts We would advise an early inspection of our the Christmas Trade, which we now have on derful assortment of merchandise, suitable for ,Handker„ lniefs, Blouses, Ties, Gloves, F, imonas, very reasonable prices, large stock of Goods for display. We have a won - gift purposes, including Purses, Handbags, Etc„ at HANDKERCHIEFS We have hundreds of plain and fancy handkerchiefs for Ladies, Men and Children, many lines in individual boxes, Make your selection early. Eden's and Ladies' Initialed Handkerchiefs now 1a Stack. ` LAD [ES CREPE `BLOUSES UP TO 310.00 VALUES FOR $4,95. 48 only Ladies' Beautiful Silk Crepe lar colors, sizes 36 to 44, Regularly ue price, only $4.95 teach; 1 Ladies' Cape -Skin Gauntlet Gloves, style in gloves. Prase $3.50 pair,. and Georgette Blouses, all popa- te $10,00 values, to clear at one grey and tang the very latest LARGE BUNGALOW APRONS AT 85c. 3 dozen only large print Bungalow aprons light an dark •colors exceptionally good value at only 85c, each, t Men's Overcoats for $19.50 Our Men's Overcoats at 519.50 are selling out very fast We. still have a large. range to select from at this pilee. Get yours tbefore they are sold out. Price only $19,50, LA.DIES EMPRESS SHOES AT $6.98, REGULARLY $14.00 30 pair Empress black or brown, bigb lace shoes, regularly $10.00, to elear at 56.98 pair. LADIES' VELOUR COATS AT $25.00 Don't forget our Sale of Ladies' arid :hisses' Beautiful Valore Coats still continues. 25 Coats to selectfram at 525,00, 8 only Salts' Esquimette Plush Coa is Clearing at 529. FURS FOR ,CHRISTMAS GIFTS 4 Furs make excellent Christmas Gifts. We are offering wonderful Bar- gains as Fur Sets, Odd Muffs and Ne,.k Pieces. my at nearly half price. JONES & MAY I. R. Carling, B.A Banister Solicitor, Notary Public Commissioner, Solic*tor for the Mol - sons Bank, Etc. INVEST YOUR FUNDS in Victory, Dominion of Canada, Pro- vincial and Municipal Bonds, all legal investment for Trust Funds. At existing prices from 6 tier cent. to 7 per cent can be obtained from these bonds. Orders received by me. Money to Ioatn at lowest rates of interest Office—Carling Bk., Maiun St„ Exeter NOTICE BEFORE BUYING YOUR FURN- ITURE CALL AND SEE THE BAR- GAINS WE ARE OFFERING IN ALL LINES R. N. ROWE FUNERAL DIRECTOR stews THS DOUBLE TRACK ROUTh Between, MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcelled dining car service Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor cars on principal day trains. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, ar C. E. Hons- lag District Passenger Agent, Toroato N. J. DORE Agent. Exeter Phone 46w. CENTRAL STRATFORD,. ONT. The Leading Commercial School of Western Ontario; a school where you can get thorough courses under com- petent instructors in Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy Depart- ments. Students get individual in- struction and may register at any time. Graduates are assisted to pos- itions. Get our free catalogue. D. A. McLachlan, Principal SOUTHCOTT BROS. PHONE 134 PHONE 134 17 Shopping Days to Xmas. Early Choosing as best in Every Way, and if you wish .your.chajce t e am be held uoa' yor until] Ghmis;tmasl . LADIES' FUR COLLAR COATS BOYS' AND MEN'S OVERCOATS 10 only Fur 'collared Coats to be It, will ,pay you to see aur values; cleared at $20.00, .827.5,0, and $30.00 Our pekes are riglnrtj,; • SWEATER COATS BEAUTIFUL HAND'FS Pure wool Sweater Coats in attrac- A wonderful range of patterns tive paitternsafor men, $8.50. •10c., 15c., 25c. and to 75e.' WOOL MUFFLERS • XMAS, HOSIERY Brushed Wool Mufflers, in best shadesIn Silk. Heather each ..... t he and; Fine Cashmere � $1;.50 a� lower • prices, SILK AND WOOL HOSIERY ' WASHABLE SUEDE GLOVES In many shades,. per pair 85c In (four' shades, NEW NECKWEAR SILK TRICOa, good glace a, $1, ' LETTE WAISTS, Beautiful silks and knitted neckwear A Beautiful Waist at popular prices' x....:.: 75e, 51:00 52,00 Each $5.00 GLOVES . COSY FELT SLIPPERS Ali woo1, suede or cape $1.00, 1.25, 2.50 r For every member mei znfb af• the family„ '`S outhcott Bros. DR'. HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Office—Bakers' Livery Barn, Exeter Calls promptly attended to day of algSt, DR. Al, E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon McDonell's Stables, John St., Exeter (lately occupied by Dr, Vining) Phone Z6w MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUEI9 by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice,_ Strictly confidential; no wite'el r, ' Dr, G. F. Roulston, L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Cjoaed Wednesday afternoons. Dr. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. Honer Graduate Toronto tJniver!ity Office—over Gladman & Stanliury'g Office, • Main Street, Exeter. C. W. ROBINSON - LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth, Middlesex and Oxford.- Muni Stock Sales 'a Specialty, Office at Central Hotel, Exeter, Ontario. FRAN'I -TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer Lor Counties Human and M;ddlieso' Prices Reasonable and SatisIaetiann. Guaranteed. Crediton, - Ontario, If you wantto order a daily pap ar magazine, ar renew a present serrptioa , leave your order at the Advocate Office, We save youer envtlo PSP P� postage stamp and co of Money order .and when clubbing a Zit•' tie more besides, MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private,. funds to loan on' farm and village property at low rates of interest, GLADMAN & STANBURY &srIsters, Solicitors, Baiter"