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The Exeter Advocate, 1921-12-1, Page 7
WOULD n WP 1)L' I f PHV1f�1 Those Cheery Chairs en.. in Closed Garage. V7 I �' cock, the world-famous Brie humorist, of col.. During the approaching winter quite (� {� OWN [,�t� The other evening Mr. Stephen Lea- a'*'� ��''" Montreal,. told Some of his exp n i a good many people will be poisoned to with certain chairmen he had met at' death by exhaust from their own auto- his lectures. 1 mobiles. They will run the engines One of them, In introducing hinta in the garage, with door and wiiadows said those present knew the first: closed, and before they knew it, will series of lectures• was a complete be overcome by the deadly carbon failure, so they were trying a new ex- monoxide, ray baby iscutting his teeth without perimeut—they were seeing what they If accidents of this kind are to be ay trouble whatever. i can highly could do with cheaper talent! avoided motorists should see that the recotnraend the Tablets to other "Here's one that happened in To- garageis well ventilated before per- " eacock. milting an engine to run ,for any mothers, What Mrs, Beesley says ; Tonto, continued Mr. L thousands of other mothers say. The ,"1 was to speak in .Toronto for the , length of time. Tablets are a mild but thorough second time. I was invited to come This advice is urgently offered by the s 'United- States Public Heal Service, laxa- tive which regulate the bowels and practically never happen d tit r s back, That p y sweeten the stomach, thus driving out to me—sometimes they dare me to! which has been making a special study' constipation and indigestion and mak- g come back. I telt awfully elated. But of the subject, with experiments on Dig teething easy. They are sold by 1 was afraid I should say some things human beings, dogs and other animals, pus - medicine dealers or by mail at 2 i he s. cond time I had said the first ' To make the tests as practical as pus- # e cents. a box from The Dr. Williams' time. I mentioned it to the chairman, sibiet a building about the size of an e Out.iota replied: "I don't think , average private garage was erected— Medicine Co., Brockville, but the latter rept e Don't Run Auto Engine Mrs. W. Beesiey, Mille Roche, Ont-, writes: "I have need Baby's Own Tab- lets for the past eight months and would not be without thein, I used them for indigestion and teething and you need be afraid of that, because 10 by 10 by 20 feet ----and the ergine ot Black Rain.. the people who beard you before won't be er 3igrile showers of tiny frogs and even fishes are not unknown, bow many people are aware that at Tari - ons times the old country bas experi- enced such peculiarities as "black rain,,, "blood rain," and "milk rain?" These are caused by such impurities es soot, Plant -pollen, &Hely-divided sul- phur, and sand. In 1903 there was a downfall of "blood rain" in England, Rad this, an examination, was shown to leave been doapregnated with miner- al substances curried b y air -drifts from the Saban.. The fine dust discharged in volcanic eruptions bas been known to remain. in suspension in the air for several Feat's, Such pixenoineaa as ''frog sliowers" and "fish chimera"' are due to strong ascending air eurrents, such as local whirlwinds, which carry these light objects away from the ground and transport thein througb the atmos - phew until the force of gravity brings tbem to earth. e io-night- Mt•. Leacock also mentioned a chair - Smailset inereatse, While Scotland now bas more rest. dents than ever before. the increase be the last ten years was the smallest ever recorded in a similar period. The best were fear the Ludy is quiet the viand. Minard's Liniment ,ta KEEP EALTDY .DRI��. MEI Colds and Diseases May be Avoided if the Blood is Kept Pure. Da not let your blood get thin this ThERE 12 647 >. YOUNG WOMAN WEIGH- WONDERFUL GAIN IN WEIGHT REPORTED ED ONLY 75 POUNDS. Poor Daddy! A tiny maid, held up to hear ber father's voice au the telephone, burst She Now Weghs Over One luta tears. . winter; For people .who have a tee deny towards anaemia or bloodless- "Why aro you crying?" asked, her Hundred an is Improving nese,winter is a trying season Lack mother, Every Day,. of exercise and fresh air, and the "Oh, mamma," sobbed the child, more restricted diet, are among the many things that combine to lower that little bole?'" the tone of the body and deplete the "bow ever -can we get daddy out of "Before 1 began taking Tanta I Hts Punishment. only weighed 76 pounds. I now weigh over one hundred i36'.d am gaining everyday," safe Mies LaRue Woe. ay, Davis, As Soon as you notice the tired feel- ""Doctor," said Johnny, hila out of of"Chattanotrga. Tenn. s lug, lack of appetite and sbortness of breath from running, "come up to our atI bought my awestl ltte of me so breath that are warning symptoms of house. quick." m Gas City, Ind.,: aur; ithelped me so thin blood, take a short course of "'Who's sick there?" asked the doe- much that I confider t n, it. I have always been very de"irate era suffer a swan car was set going inside of it, treatanent with Dr Williams' Pink tor, ed a great deal from stomach troub:e Pills, Do net wait until the color has Everybody but nle. I was naughty, It was found that the engine d.. is- f the azul rheumatism. I , a=sly ever lead charged approximately twenty-five any appetite and sir . ay could not re - entirely left your cheeks, until your So Ley wouldn't give rile any o o Who, in cubic feet of exhiiust gas per naivete, lips are white and your eyes dull. It nice mushrooms pa plated, In the man with a very bad memory, , is so much easier to correct thinning woods." introducing him to the audience, said: and that 6 per cent. of it was carbon of the blood in the earlier stages than .—er•---the lecturer— - er-•-of the , The "hemoglobin," et red roloring ev • a, a bas been a . matter of the blood, contains iron, and Out., who says: .,l take great pleasure r household word ,.or years.'" eaves to that metal ifs power to take in letting you know the benefit I have to a. very haughty woman in a crowded up oxygen from the air breathed into ink car. kept sniffling in a most annoying .----�-^ found in the use of Dr. Williams'P. the lungs. There is enough bemoglo "i eau assure Mr.—er—I can assure zmanax#de, later. This is well illustrated in the . F lash anything. I f off until 1 only weighed 70 prunes :ural was so thi:t or Personal Use Only. 1 looked perfectly awful. This is the case of Mrs. E. Williams, Elk Lahke, ' A small boy who was sitting next euane that his nam way until the woman could stand it no • c Pills. 1 was In an anaemic condhtiou, . You're COl:istllaat� bin in the body of alb average man to twitter. and was very weal. anti rue down.. , �„ Take «Cascaret8''' bald thirteen pints of oxygen, But The least exertion would leave iuo -.e Boy, have you goy a handkerchief - • every molecule of earbon monoxide , she demanded, " • for Laver, Btlwels . breathless and It was with dt culty The smell bay leaked at Der for a k headache, b#lousness, coated %'heti into the lungs and absorbed by that I did household work I was ad the blood replaces n molecule of oxy. few seconds and then la a di mated tongue, or sour, gassy stomach -al- gee, vised to try Iar. Zt'tlliains` fink l'ill.g, tone calve the atnswer: g ways trace this to torpid liver and dtr• hemoglobin attracts carbon mon= layed fermenting food in tiie bowels. oxide 300 times as strongly as it does C'asCarets work while you sloe!?. They oxygen. Thea the poison gas, when iiaediately cleanse the stomach, re- lsho tautgases, take the excess bile from eht of the -food. and in a remarkably ".r Experiments matte by the U.S. Pub- lic Health Service showed that three i do this one thing and they do it hell. saltand battery:, parts of the gas In 10,000 of air Pro= They are for this reason an invaluable "Why did you beat that man up?" duced no perceptible effect. Six parts remedy in diseases arising from bad questioned the squire. caused discamfort. Nine parts ill- ` or deficient blood, as rheumatism, "He called me a rhinoceros. salt." vo the sour. undigosted food and m breathed, rapidly crowds the oxygen short time the victim is overcome. the liver and carry out all the const!• patted waste matter and poisons an the bowels. Get a 10 -cent box now and let "Cascarets" straighten you out by The best education in the world is parte that got by struggling to get a l6vint;. It a car. while "warming up," should, What is defeat? Nothing but the give off duly one cubic foot of carbon first step to eometbing better, !Wen deli Phillips. Owed headache and nausea. Fifteen i e o r. more tit an L (lager and after the use of four boxes 1 felt "Yes, I 'ave, but I don't lend it to like a new person. In fact any system strazrgers." seemed filled with new energy and flew lite, 1 strongly recommend this A Related insult, medicine to all who foal weak or run Owe." .. ' Manuel a colored fellow with a re - Tho purpose cat Dr. Williams' fink ' cord previously` clean, was arraigned Pili$ is to build up the blood. Tltey before tbe juetice of the peace for ea - ot death, The weight o£ the h monoxide in a closed room at the size above mentioned. the attuospbero an brain is would become dangerous to life in three minutes, said to double in the first n]re months def life and treble before th end of the third year, Surnames and Their Origin O'DQWD Variations—Dowd, Dowde, O'Dowd Doody. Ractai Origin ---Irish. Source—A given name. The family name of O'Dowd and its i variations are but Auglicized develop.; manta of the Irish clan name of . "A'Dudhda." and eueh names as Heth- erington, Ice 'eauburnais or Situ Rena- setaer 'lave nothing en it" from the viewpoint either of antiquity or im- portance in the dim ages of the past. At: best the use ot these others an LAMB Variations--Lambden, Lamson, Lo kyn, Lambert, Lambertson. Raciai Qrigin--English. Source --A given name. How did such a family name as Lamb come into being? Through the resemblance of a yuan to a cheep? Possibly. in Some in- tltanees. Through the inn or shop sign, as "At the Sign of the Iamb" Yee, in a great number of itestances. But ter by far the most part the family n,unee in this group were form - d d 1 1 sd MotherScir:el 'standard to but about the eleventh centime. neCtit)n, but here based in regular Ask your druggist for genuine When a person is overcool° by car- bon monoxide, don't send for a pul- meter. Get him into the open air. Fresh air and lots of it is what he needs. If he is not too far gone the oxygen he takoe into his lungs will drive out the poison gas in an hour or two. Mother! Move Child's Bowels With. California Fig Syrup Hurry mother! Even a sick child loves the 'fruity" taste of "California Fig Syrup" and it never falls to open the bowels. A teaspoonful today* may prevent a sick child tomorrow. If con. • stipated. bilious, feverish, fretful, has neuralgia, after-effects at the grip or fevers. The pills are guaranteed to be free from opiated or any harmful drug and cannot injure the most de- dicate system, You can procure Dr, Williams' lank Pills through any dealer in medicine, or they will be sent you by !nail at 00 gents a box or six boxes for $2.110 by writing direct to The Dr. Iedieine Co., Brockville, Ont. Silver Burnishing. Slirerwnrs€e can be burnished by a machine invented. by a SW/33 in melt loss than the time required for hand work by expert workers. If a man empties his purse into his head no man can take it from him. An investment in knowledge always pays the best intermits—Franklin. "A rbiecceroa?? When did this "'!Bout three years ago. ledge." "Three years ego! Then why 'olt waft so long to resent it dge, I ain't never seed no r aeeros tin dis niawnin'." • MONY ORDERS. len ordering goods by mall sen orminion Express Money Order. .... _,_lull coanditfon I was :7r. vase,, I began tak- ing Telae. "'Ob. 1 feel s,,• tui: eent now. Even my complexion is mt,reend. ?4y ap- petite is good mid I can hardly get enough to eat. Taniao Is simply grand, find 1 can truthfully say it is the only inedccllle That has ever due me any gaud." 4 a't i epi in dru Tanlac s laud by 1 d g g„ everywbere. .Wv. Building .hint Railroac Brazil and Paraguay are to build a railroad halting tilos tx coun- tries and giving the latter an on let to the Atlantic indepensleut of .Argen- tina. Minard's Liniment for Gsrget in Craws. Foot-sizldrng, which re..ulted. to wo- men having feet so small as tit ire praetic;alir useless has been diseen.- tinued in enlightened China. Clasei#le Unemployment is one of the great -i est factors in bringing about diseases of the mind', MOTHER Ueltfax, N. S. aunard'zh Liniment t'0.• Ltd„ tentlenten 4 hart) used illnard's I.Intment met hart, round it a good rem edy• ,titter the explosion I was pretty, well shaken up, liming quite a number or bruises and i•utH.. but thanks to Arad cold, colic, or if stomach is sour, tongue : argils Liniment 1 ntn my old self agstn. • coated, breath bad, remember a good It healed the .ores and brui8'' and gaffe n its ante 'cleansing of the little bowels is ()flee zno much relief,. It is true t u A tfrst uc+ticett t1 as the, liIug or 1'afn. for it stopped the hereditary family names eau go back ed with no idea of any roulogica;l con- all drat is arece5SarY• pilin Montreal at unt SYRUP is excellent for fndi restlon because it assists stomach and liber to do their work natarslly and efficiently. With the organa In:perfect working order—indigestion is Impossible. Try It today INDIGESTION' OR aSsru?tsBola "('ale- to invest einle, hiii)I ani nut, in loo. end 51.00 bottles. before thin the fashion givend inthe forma Fig Syrup" which has directions sorry, but can sui• with truth that 1 am. ctl to u, and a my cuts mu, t inure!, an, ef`vtra r t ttwt 'rirflPri erne printed on bottle, tt a tiylied culeVi r I )e a ,t . ,u high in the Councils of the Irish Wags n "California"an I+ossf]II. find, That f t my �'i,)w 'wf and 10ga•laings• lambert was this name. It was the say (a' or yon may get all it and I think you will agree with mit 1 It was about the year 650 A.D. that name borne by the patron saint of imitation fig syrup, too. lours Very truly, f�i ped) ALFRED BLAIN. 3$4 Agricola ;'t., I a 'ux. r.3. Five hundred years ae as .on nllran a name, n thankful for tt huci)ig dung rt11 it r1Q.im- chieftain of the Clan O'Dowd stood first cams were significant of parent- for babies and children of all ages b tri Mother! you must to I I • 1 it at • d t e tl aniration of the clan took place Liege and was brought into England "-" ` g f of ie org • under the leadership of the chieftain from Flanders, for all through the "Dahlia," whose given name had tt 1ldddle Ages trade and communication meaning not dissimilar to "Donald.' between these countries was close. That is, it meant "dark complexioned." Though to -day Lambert is more fre- The O'Dowds were one of the num- quentiy met with as a family name erous clans which were in the first than a given name, and in many in- place stints or divisions of the still stances it is given to children to -day more ancient clan of the O'Connors, because It is a surname borne by some Carnegie's First Million. Hero is a story that has never been told In print. It tells how Andrew Car• negie made his first million dollars. He was the first' ironfuaster to biro a chemist, We all know how much chemistry has tad to do with the de-; velopment of steels, but at that period, COARSE SALT LAND -SALT Bulk Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS C. J. CLIFF - TORONTO which together with the O'Noilis flu•- branch of the family, rt rs truly a when the shrewd Scotehman was nislied a very large number of the sue- given name. It is Teutonic, but not young, possibilities in that direction cession of "High -Icings" who ruled the of the pre -Christian era, for its mean - had not begun to be realized. ancient Irish civilization from about ing is "lamb•bright" or "fair lamb," In Europe that© was Introduced the chosen by the war loving pagan Teu-so-called "Thomas basic process," tons. 1700 13.C. until. it finally went to pieces under the terrific and persistent on- slaughts of the Anglo -Normans. clearly not the type The Block Signals Are Working -- in some respects, human experience is like railroading. Every moment of the business and social day the block signals are giving right of way to keenness and alertness —while the slow and the heavy must wait on dr.: sidetrack for their chance to move forward. The ability to "gothrough" and to "get there" depends much on the poise of body, brain and nerves that comes with correct diet and proper nourishment. That's why so many choose Grape - Nuts for breakfast and, Minch. Served with cream or milk it is completely nourishing, partlyre-digested , and it supplies the vital mineral: 'salts so necessary to full nutrition. • Grape -Nuts ' has a rich, delightful flavor, is. ready to serve on the instant —and is .distinctly the food for mental and physical ' alertness and speed. At all, grocers. "There's- a Reason" uta far Grape -Nuts N which made possible the use of high phosphorus iron. Previously iron that contained much phosphorus was not available for making steeltbecause the product was brittle., The process in question overcame the difficulty. Carnegie, through his chemist, got news of it, and he lost no time in securing. exclusive rights to its use in the United States. At that time deposits .of ,tire Lake Superior region had not been discov- ered and the States was getting most of its iron ores front Pallet:ivania and New Jersey. Carnegie saw that the new process would make available the iron beds of the Appalachians, where the ores are high "iii phosphorus, and he secured options on all the best of them. • Soon afterwards he sold these • options at a clear profit of $1,000,000. It was simply a matter of being one juinp ahead of everybody else, and Carnegie was able to accomplish this through Isis wisdom. inhiring a chehn.ist. America's Pioneer Dog Benzoate, Book on DOG DISEASES and How to reed Mailed k'ree to any Ad- dress by the Author. Ix. Clay Glover Co., aro. 115 SVest 31st Street New York, U.S.A. • Oyster is Strong. The p•yster ranks as one of the ten strongest things to be found on. earth. When this dainty .'hell-f1sh is in its Prime a £ores of nine hundred tunes its own weight is necessary to force open its shell. Electric Tannery. Using' electric:' tanning ma.chi:nes, what is claimed to be the largest and moat rip -to -date tannery In South America, li.as been rout in operation in Brazil.. Ages of Birds; \Arline a goose may live thirty years, a sparrow 'twenty-five, and a crow as )many as .one 'lilindred., ducks, poultry and turkeys die of old age at twelve years YOUR SLEEP? ITIS pain and torture of rheu- matism can be quickly relieved by an application of Sloan's Liniment. It brings warmth,, ease and comfort and lets you sleep soundly. Always have a bottle handy and apply when you feel the first twinge.. It Penetrates without rubbing. It's splendid to take the pain out of tired, aching muscles, sprains and strains, stiff joints, and lame backs. For forty years pain's enemy. .Ask your neighbor. At all druggists -35c, 7Oc, $1.40. bade in tiannda. Liniment 1 delver P PLAYER I'IA#1 IN GOOD ondition, with a large number of ueic rolls, for sale at a bargain, L. Costello, 3 West Adelaide St;eet, Toronto. en TIN FOR SA ALt. 1 INDS Cay` Nell Al D CSEI7 belting, pu1]eyta. saws cabie,hose.packtng. etc` , shipped subject to approval at lowest: prices Canada. YORK Qts,1G]Ot1 ERENO HEi.' 1VANTf0. anus 1vA: Th:D--TO DO PLAIN' ,J and light sewlna at home. whole or spare time; gond pay; work sent any distance: charges u.ttd. Bend shunt. for Particulars. National 3ianufucturinr" Co. \inntreal. DANE Q RINE Stops Hair Coming Out; Thickens, Beautifies. 35 -cents buys a bottle of 'laanderine" at any drug store, After one appliea- tion you can not find a particle of I dandruff or a falling hair. Besides, 1 every hair shows new Ole, vigor, brightness, more Color and abundance. -+ ;WOMEN OF MIDDLE Never say "Aspirin" without saying t Bayer." WARNING! , Unless you see naive "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting. Aspirin at all. Why take chances? Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Saye); Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians sicians during 21 years and proved safe by millions- for Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache . . Lumbago Pain, Pain Tiailtlit - tin boas of 12 tablets—Beatles of 24 100—n.11 l7 i,ggists. Asifrin is the trade 'marc frrgistered ,n Canada) out :Bayer Uauuta.ett,re ef Alone- .eeeiiea.el'deeter of 55'aticyIleactd. • while It Is well lcrrmn that Aspirin means Itayer manufacture, to assistt the prtblto affable 'itnitations, Che Tablets of ria er Court any will be, latalnped with their ienerel trade mark, the "Layer Cross.' May Pass the Critical Period Safely and Comfortably by Taking Lydia E. Pinkhain's Vegetable Compound. Regina. Sisk•—`Iwas going through Change of Life and suffered for two yearswith headache, 11111111111 nervousness, sleep- less nights and gen. x'' A' eralweakness. Some days I felt tired and unfit to do my work. t gave Lydia E. Pinkham's V e ge- table Compound a trial and found good results, and I also find it a very helpful Spring tonic and use - fel for constipation from which t suffer much. I have ree- o.nnhended Vegetable Compound to sev- eral friends, aiid am willing you should( publish this."—Mrs. MART1 A. W. lest!-' sine 810 Robinson St., Regina, Sask. If you have warning symptoms such as a sense of suffocation, hot flashes, headaches, backache, dread of impend, ing evil: timidity, sounds in the eats,. palpitation of the heart, sparks before the eyes, irregularities, constipationv variable appetite, weakness, inquiet - tide, and dizziness, get a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and begin taking the medicine at once. We know it will help` you as it did Mrs. , Lindsay. IssUE No, 4?—'21, .;r