HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-07-13, Page 28PAGE 12A --THE GODERICH SIG AL -STAR, THURSDAY. JULY la, 1978 CHU • • .4111111011111111110111101111$110111111191 Jesus Christ: Can we know him? BY THE RE V E NY1K-414414'W..-;---1.=4..• a d LEONARD WARR gave the impression of performing miracles to appeal to a nation psychologically con- ditioned for such thoughts and events. One author recently portrayed Jesus as an impostor who deliberately fulfilled Old Testament prophecies to make people think He was the promised Messiah. He says Christ even submitted to crucifixion, expecting His body to be removed before He actually died. Historical novels set forth a variety of naturalistic explanations of Christ'smiracles and of His resurrection. Many of these writers have only a superficial un- derstanding of the New Testament, and proceed on a naive rassumption that anything super- natural cannot be believed.. Even among reputable - scholars, very few have seriously considered that the Bible record may be true. Asserting that the miracles are impossible, Christianity, have spoken and a resurrection from of the need to diSdover the the dead absurd, they' historical Jesus. There brush aside all evidence men emphatically reject which indicates the all Biblical indications of trustworthiness of the Christ's' supernatural New Testament. writings. • power, and look upon They boldly assert that no -such- gdebunts myth s_„„.one_can .really, know the„. fabricated by the early churdh. • Some even say that Jesus accommodated Himself ta prejudice. -the super-- stitious thinking of the Christian scholars have people --thlt He talked been able to devastate about descending from every effort of un- Fleaven, referred to believers to disprove. the A few years ago an outstanding Bible scholar produced a pamphlet entitled "Have You Considered Him?" He pointed out that most people, though they may know a few facts about Jesus Christ, have never seriously reflected upon the, Biblical truths about Him. Since the message concerning Christ in- volves ancient history, multitudes go through life assuming that no one can be certain about the facts. Many also contend that theological discussions about Jesus are quite irrelevant to the needs of the twentieth century man. Nothing could be further from the truth! Let us carefully consider some commonly held misconceptions, and set forth positively three important affirmations: • We _Can Know What Jesus Said and Did - For many years believing scholars, not willing to accept the teaching of the Bible and the doctrines of historical Jesus because the gospel narratives have been obscured by myths and theoldgicaL •,.ailli,_r!r!!Pill•99994...9919991499vasmsspaluss_ • • inist r s study New Testament. How tragic that most people have never read the evidence which establishes the truth- fulness of the gospel story. Many people do not know that competent historical scholarship unequivocally declares that all the books of the New Testament were written during the first century , by con- temporaries of Jesus Christ. , Have you ever con- sidered Why men take a completely different attitude toward the Bible and Jesus Christ than they do to all other historical documents and persons? Most events in history are believed on „the basis of far less evidence than thalwhich' validates -the -Bi -b1 -e: -Why --- The answer is found in a recognition of man's inherent sinfulness, for his pride is offended by the -Biblical picture of himself. Nor does he want to live the kind of life that faith in Jesus requires. The enemies of the gospel • •Olf. IP?" • Charlie Young, 95, and Jenny McGratten, 98, were chosen as, the eldest gentleman and the eldest lady at the 29th annual Octogenarian and Senior ' Citizens' picnic sponsored by the Goderich Kinsmen and Kinette Clubs. Abdut lirseniors from Auburn,Goderich, Huronview and the Goderich nursing homes filled Saltford aljey Hall for the picnic last Wednesday afternoon. (Photo by Joanne Waiter's) W. J. Denomme FLOWER SHOP Phone 524-8132 DAY 9 ,Agarrt for 24 -hr. FILM DEVELOPING n GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATE " AVAILABLE TO YIELD 93/4 % TALK TO US ABOUT OTHER INVESTMENTS Tom (1Wim }to( FINANCIAL AND MANAGMENT CONSULTANTS' 5$ ELGIN AVE. E. ' • GODERICH 1110$4324-4211 11111S.: 524-1742 1 • r . : " ',J....L.,' ..;..4.,.......„.-„4.y.........:...::-.:....!,' "„......1,.:',.....•--.......r..„..„, ' ''... 1 k, r.,•0. . 1.• , senf me,.hath everlasting the most • desperate Minister -of Visitation - into condemnation, but is , have died with song of e S life" (John 5:24). Nursery facilities Soloist: Mrs. Lee McCallum MISSIONARY IN VISION Come and Worship With Us t He also issued solemn sin have found recognize that if they admit the reliability of the New Testament, they will be forced to conclude that Jesus Christ is in- deed the eternal Son of God who came to save them from their sins. Someone has said that sinful map will fight for his own self-made. religion (or lack of it), when it is threatened, as a tigress fighting for her cubs. Friend, do not allow yourself to be swayed by Father but by Me" (John 14:6). • One of the common errors today is em7„ phasizing faith in the Lord Jesus without ac- cepting His deity, His %ubstitutionary death, His virgin' birth and His literal resurrection. It is utterly impossible for a person to have a valid faith in Jesus Christ unless He knows who He is and why He died on the Cross. widespread declarations ,,,, ,..,.., Don't let anyone tell of unbelief, just because a you it isn't important majority of people what you believe •about believe something does Jesiis Christ. Don't not make it right. Man's, believe those who say we sinful nature has warped ' cannot be sure why He his judgment in spiritual died on the cross. Take up matters. your New Testament, We Can Comprehend . study it and you will Huronview Several Huronview residents attended the Open House ' at ARC Industries, Dashwood, on Friday afternoon and were taken on a con- ducted tour of. the facilities. It- was - especially interesting to the grounded upon • "4 •• - eight residents of Huronview who taking part in prtAram. Christ - who He is, and what He did for you. Read the Word of God, therefore; study it, let its truth sink deeply into your life, and submit yoUrself fully to the work. of the Holy Spirit within you. If you are among those who have never received Jesus Christ, I solemnly urge you to consider Him. It was because of your transgressions and mine that Christ died and He was raised again, and exalted at God's right halid because He had paid the price of sin in fuil. His resurrection is proof that the sins of all who place their trust in 1-lim are forgiven. Therefore, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, He will save you. 04)54- 11-041,4,c, it? HURON'in . September 26 His Coming. The New know exactly who Jesus Testament not only Christ is, why He came, t presents -a .reliable Where- He is now, and death, resurrection, and future for those who trust count of our Lord's life, what He will do in the. 1 ascension to heaven, but Him. i also explains the We Can Experience i meaning of these events. True Salvation. Can you Thus it is more than a today have a benuine 1. EG mere record of hap- experience of salvation, 1 • penings; for it tells us assurance that your sins why . these historical events took fidence that you possess • LUTHERAN CHURCH place. everlasting life? Yes you Gibbons St. at Suncoast Drive SUNDAY, JULY 16, 1978 great are forgiven, and con - - 30, 1978 are the (rr Mrs. Shirley Luther of Hensall led the Sunday evening song service at Huronview sponsored by the Christian Women's Club. Mrs. Britton and Mrs. Luther sang a duet number accompanied by Mr. Eric Luther. The Clinton Legion Pipe Band provided the program for Huronview's Family Night. The weather was ideal for the concert and most of the residents were able to enjoy the band on the front lawn and from the west windows. An annual event which is looked forward to with great interest by the Goderich Huronview residents, "The Octogenarian Picnic", was held last Wednesday afternoon. The event is held in the Saltford Valley Hall and is sponsored by the Goderich Kinsmen Club. Following the variety program, lunch was served by the Goderich Kinette Club to 150 HOLINESS BIBLE MISSIONARY CHURCH ,Sunday sehool 9:50 a.m. - - . .,. 9 Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Prayer 6:30-7:00 p.m. Evangelistic Service 7:00 p.m. Wednesday Night Prayer and Praise Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God i 14,•asor,....44-4.-4 Huron St. & Walnut St. Matthew 5:8 Clair Sams- , Pastor 524-2785 . " f L THE BEREA-BY-THE-WATER i , seniors and voluaters. Mrs. Jennie McGratton, who will be 99 in August, was presented with a prize for the eldest -lady and Mr, Charlie Young, 95, was the eldest. gen- tleman. B b ecu c hibachis are intende for outdoor cooking, not as a heating unit for the cottage or -tet on a cool evening, says the Ontario Safety League. Most combustibles emit some degree of lethal carbon monoxide and in a poorly ventilated area it takes but a few minutes for the CO level to reach the danger zone. The only way to ensure your safety from this silent killer is to practice prevention. • 444,499, SUPERIOR MEMORIALS ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEARS 4, Goderich Area Representative ROBERT McCALLUM 11 Cambria Road Goderich 524-7345 Clinton-Seaforth Area Representative MICHAEL FALCONER 153 High Street Clinton 482-9441 Come Eaiiir 1r the 11 A ERG CHRISTIAN MALE CHOIR A 90 voice choir from Holland with a Soprano Soloist returning after a sucessful tour 5 years ago. to be held on JULY 28 at 8:00 p.m. GODERICH at the KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH sn.vg4toiLatirioN • When you read the can! Thousands testify gospels, you will find that . that when they trusted Jesus Christ, they found deliverance from sin, peace of heart, and joy they never thought possible.. This is not more psychological phenomenon, but a deep inner consciousness which abides through all the ups and downs of life. The third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, gives a real, personal, and present salvation to all who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. The Christian who submits to the Spirit of God, finds the answer to his problems, receives forgiveness of sins, and enjoys the -prospects of a Jesus Christ Himself repeatedly said who He was and why He came. On many occasions He declared -His deity (i.e. His eternal divine relationship with God the Father) as, for•example, when He said that He had existed from all eternity: "Before Abraham was, I am" (John 8:58). Jesus said that He, the eternal second person of the Trinity, came to our planet in His humanity" . to give His life a ransom for many (Matthew 20:28). He promised forgiveness and eternal life to all who would m believeon Hiwhen he said, "Verily, verily, I glorious eternity in say unto you, He that Yes, salvation is real! heareth my word and -blievethTff' Miff 1E-0 have livcd.jayously under 9:15 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL 10:30 A.M. WORSHIP SERMON: HELP FROM THE SPIRIT j• Marvin L. Barz, Pastor 524-2235 "Preaching peace by Jesus Christ: He is Lord of all" • Knox Presbyterian Church REV. G. LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A., M. DIV.Minister, . THE REV. RONALD C. McCALLUM, Assistant LORNE H. DOTTERER, Director of Praise SUNDAY, JULY 16, 1978 Summer Services at 10:00 a.m. Sermon: "THE VISIBLE ENTRANCEWAY" (Nursery Facilities) ++ THE SACRAMENTOF INFANT BAPTISM ++ • Piper - Bertram Y. McCreath Lemonade on the Front Lawn after Service 1 Depart to Serve Acts 10:36 Enter to Worship r • Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle • ••••.• .14.1.4 Y. • North Street United Church The Rev. Ralph King, B.A., B.D., Minister.' Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada 1 Pastor: C. Fred Day Mr. Robert Blackwell, A. Mus., M. Mus. Huron and Bruce Co -Unties' Largest Miss Clare McGowan, Visiting Assistant Corner of Elgin and Waterloo Streets Director of Music 1 1." Pentecostal Sunday School i ; Junior Church forages 3 to 11, inclusive, from worship i i BUS ROUTE TO ALL GODERICH r. at 10 a.m. i . i -Call 524-6543 For Transportation ,. i SUNDAY, JULY 16, 1978 -.CHRISTIAN EDUCATION HOUR -10 A.M. i i MORNING WORSHIP - 11 A.M. 4 SUMMER WORSHIP AT MOO A.M. ---------- - iEVENING SERVICE - 7 P.M. i SERMON: "THE HIDDEN GOD" L _ , --,-..-. - 1 .---- ---,,,: - - , - - .-„,-_,,, -- ---, - -- -- — i--„,59eakeE-4.1.1-111-",.-311d OA'Perom E N - f '' " - . . Guest Minister: The Rev. John D. M. Wood Businessman and Part-Time-- life, and shall not come circumstances, artyrs ; Union service wiTh "ViCtoria London Gospel Temple- London, Ont. North Street United Church. Street congregation - at m • - FUNDAMENTAL IN -DOCTRINE passed from death unto praise and prayers upon their lips, and slaves of EVANGELISTIC IN OUTREACH warnings against un- deliverance. belief," . . if ye believe not that I am He, ye shall that abiding assurance die in your sins" (John and joy cannot be 3/ours if ( Rector: The Reverend Robert J. Crocker Organist -Choirmaster: Joseph B. Herdman : 1•••••••••-...•4-,..••••••,..••-••••••-••-•• But always remember I t CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH 8:24), and "I am the way, you base your faith upon Summer Sunday Services . until September 3rd EVANGELISTIC — FUNDAMENTAL REV. the truth and the life, no an emotional experience. R.-BRUBACHER. Pastor man cometh unto the Your faith must be Sunday; July lfith 8:00 p.m. BE SURE TO HEAR Rev. Paul Wyton from New Guinea --MIttlonary of the New Tribes Mission • Plus Special Masic. Evil Prevails when Good Men Do Nothing. Huron Men's Chapel AUBURN 1 10:00 A.M. FAMILY BIBLE' SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE SERMON - "I HAVE CHOSEN YOU" 7:30 P.M. - EVENING SERVICE SOLOIST FR THE DAY MRS. NANCY SWITZER WED. 8'P.M. PRAYER MEETING WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLY CHURCH • 8:30 a.m. iioly Communion. 11:00 a.m: Holy Communion, first and third Sundays, j Men's Breakfast on third Sunday monthly. 1 Morning Prayer on other Sundays. Nursery available. Sermon series on Doctrines'of thCreed: the -Rector. • t • Please note that services will rem in at 8:30 and 11:00 • • a m during the summer months. ' % — You are always welcome at St. George's r4,4".•••-•4-`,••••-44•-••-•••••",-4.1-44.-4,4,,,,•-•• •-•...•••••,..4•-•••••-•......,..-•••••••-• • r,4J THE SALVATION ARMY .. ; i 18WATERLOOST.S. 524-9341 Y. . „ , E. 9:45 a.m. Christian Education for all ages 11:00 a.m. Family Worship (Holiness -Mtg.) i CORNER OF LIGHTHOUSE & WATERLOO . ' ' i i t i — EVERYONE WELCOME — 1 i ' (The hand of God in the Heart of Goderich) Officers Lieutenant & Mrs. Neil Watt 1 i (Summer AssistalTh:Officer-Cadet David McCann) j t . • 1 1 •....••,111.411"...4101.,10,...1101,..., ••.111,.../01.11.1.••........1•,} -4,...•01.1•1.410",../.-....,, All Are Cordially Invited To Join Our Fellowship t 0.:1!ris1izzit 11cfiriiti 0:1!tircli Services held each Sunday at ,Robertson Memorial School 1000 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. 1.15.tento CKNX Radio Sunday at 10:30 a.m. for the "Rack to God Hour" . 7RST BAPTIST CHURCH • f . (Ba fist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) Victoria Street United Church : ; , Montreal Street (near the Square) Organist Mr. Frank Bissett -, 11:00 a.m., MORNING WORSHIP - • Guest Speaker: REV. FRED T. JILLARD Sunrise Baptist Church; London, Ontario Everyone WeltOtYle 111 ,• :11878-1978 4, 1 i Minister: ReV. John D.M. Wood, B.A.B.D. ) L CirgazilSt and Choir Director: Mrs. J. Snider 10:00 A.M. UNION SERVICE IN NORTH STREET li f , 11:15 A.M. BENM1LLER WORSHIP 1 i 0.01•4104,164. WELCOME :"...-...,-..--...*......,..--;.,-....,:-.-----.1, . . - , 41