HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-07-13, Page 5^ A I" ` . ' THE GOIXE RICHSIGNAL-STAR, TffDR8PAY. JIJJA13, 157 5 ,L. 6,00b, -- -- - - 1*DEAR -OR - EDITDR Unity Wilfrid'u message as abOvo, or' have drunk deeply of his spirit of service. They have faith "My young friends, go and hope and optimism out into the world for for a United Canada and service. Make"the they have challenged 1.1,5 thought by service your to "take up the torch". ,inspiration. Problems They make several there big ions including the Tomorrow and the day practice and en - after tomorrow, o'aftmrtoonorrnw. it will be couragement of inter - your turn to grapple with provincial visits, That is them. Serve God and good advice but some, your Country. Be firm in ''vioitu." arise not by the right as God gives you arrangement but by the to see the right. You may exigencies oyWar. not always succeed. You On September 27tb.. may meet reverses but 1918. in an equinoctial the following day stand gale, this writer was and renew the conflict, responsible .for a for Truth and Justice navigational error obulltr|�uzpbintbeood''reck of a (End of quotation from Naval Patrol'obip, C.D. Sir Wilfrid Laurier's 57, on the rocky Gaspe message to the students Coast near Cap des of Toronto University .in Rosiers. The ship was lost 1913.) but with the experienced "A divided Canada aid of the French clearly risks absorption' fishermen all ten crew into the big American members came safe melting • pot. It is ashore. We were well axiomatic that the unity cared for, we learned of a country is intimately their language, we at - linked to its identity, and t\iobedtoituideobt8und tended their Church and inougo, in other lands. now for 60 years, we have Acts of good will between loved and respected all French and English can the worthy people of our only lead to un- neighbour province. derstanding, respect and Cicopbao Perry, at 88, frieudmhip"(End of the only surviving quotation from a letter member of that rescue prepared joiotly by party, lives now in Messrs. Rodman & Montreal. In 1377 it was Lemieux and published this writer's privilege to recently in 950 English visit him and his wife and and French Language fuoui(y, and once again Weekly Newspapers in express thanks for Canada)-. risking his life in the The message from M. heavy undertow on that .F.-}� Vdbhun -arid 'B: �l�'--}ateyvlni-�tsolo`��g�-' Lemieux represents a Old sailors - never die.; If combined English- shipmates Bob McKin- French viewpoint from non, Percy 7w4. Fred foreign |uodh. looking Welbourne, B. Monery, hack at their beloved A. No\000, T. Troy, M. Home Land after some McVickers, D. BYuck|iu, yeara of^ service - aver- and relatives of Gordon seas. W. Stokes should read These two young men this we shall have a re - either' listened to Sir union at Cleophas Perry's l���_� ��v 0������~ ��. Dear Readers...... ~ from page 4 must get behind tb off. But jt appears hospital administration inevitable. and staff, lending support fff for its programs and What ofthe future? procedures and helping It is to be hoped now, Wherever possible to that all persons involved stretch hospital funds with hospital business .... over the greates.t amount including the citizens of of service. this community .- will And the Signal -Star will recognize the need for try again and again to open lines of com- .keep the community Board members must progress. at the hospital:— endeavor to maintain To do this,* Signal -Star contact with every fa9et reporters will need ac - of hospital business. c'ofboopiu,lbuxioese. They cess to hospital board cannot allow themselves meetings as soon as the luxury of com- possible. They will need placency. the cooperation Hospital -staff must pull assistance of the ''ad - together as a toumn, now ministration, medical more than ever before. staff, nurses and other They. must know what's workers to keeGoderich. goingon in their hospital, and area people in' horuor than ever uu aee fairs- and aware oy that things' are running hospital binona. smoothly and efficiently. Goderich Alexandra Doctors must un- Marine and General ' derstand the prb1ems at the hospital, and make a concentrated effort to cooperate with staffers who are under new regulations an restrictions as the hospitaUtruggleSuoriQht itself financially. Citizens and patients Hospital provides vital, life-giving i in this community. People here, are proud of the hospital. They want to see it performing at top ef- ficiency, a lasting credit to its ...fine heritage. Together we can do it. Let's give it our best.shot _FELL o���� HIP ~m��� �� CHAPEL BIBLE (HANK GULAG - "Men, what must I do to be scamd"? Acts 16:24 Believe In the Lord "Jesus. and you will be saved, - Acts 16:36 For you knot,/ that it was not with perishable -gold that you were redeemed from thes am. rsty way 04 114. l*od�d dawn to you from year but with tins; preexaus bleed of - Christ, a iamb without blemish tor defact. IP` .3:11140 JULY 16 11 e.m. Family Bible Hour and Sunday School. Honk Gelling MIN p.m. Good News Drive In Servk.. 3 mil,, west of Clinton on Hwy.. No. IL Hank Gelling mum Br: JoYwex=� Rupert af▪ ter In No Ashismmles Chewy. home inMontreal soon after our friend Rene Levesque has decided that no referendum is neodod, that this good land is stronger when united, 'uud.heaouapuaan invitation to enter Mr. Trudeau's Cabinet as, "Minister by Good Will for interprovincial tourism and trade." There is historic precedent for our Prime Minister to bring a st t into the Federal Cabinet. In late 1867, Joseph Howe led a stern Maritime movement to take Nova Scotia out of the new Union, The thret was real but the redoubtable Sir Sohn A. journeyed tHalifaxuod persuaded Howe to enter the Federal Cabinet at Ottawa. Is it possible that there are students in Canada who do not yet know that Sir John A. Macdonald was Canada's first Prime Minister and leader of our "Fathers of Confederation"? The high destiny of this Great Land is assu'red if we know our History. We shout to change the. . ^Ac,t andnnomtofuu .could not write'tcn of its terms, or even two! The B.N.A. Act is a Sound basis of "gorernment. Added to that .is OUT Conodtution, broadening out ''from precedent to precedent", under Freedom and an able Judiciary since July 1, l907_- ~ , ___ 0ur thanks to Messrs. Rodman and Lemieux for inspired leadership from their view -point in the Swiss Alps - or some place of high v-i.sion. "Our loved Dom inion 8|ema, With Peace and Hap- piness From shore to shore. may our 'people be United, Loyal, Free, True t -h-''-. For ever oonro.^ May God Bless our Home Land and Her Majesty, Elizabeth D. Queen of Canada.. W. F. Orchard, • School Master 1920-1965 Parkhill could ask Mr. lames, Skipper r» reply"why were you not sounding yfog Dear Editor: signal?" question � wou��bbo to respond would be rhetorical. Mr. to Mr.L'Samo James' James had obviously °"AU *" yg decided that being bnuid.a HMCS SAGUENAY's- the harbour an,d 10 feet entry into Goderich without using fog signals which appeared in your June 29 issue. In the first case SAGUENAY's approach to the unfamiliar port of Goderich was made with extreme caution and at an extremely | d as befitted the prevailing conditions. Without personal experience, Mr. James may have been a little presumptuous. --in assuming inefficiency in the operation of SAGUENAY's surface warning and navigation radars. In the virtually calm conditions that existed on the lake that day, alt objects including buoya, small boats and even flotsam showed clearly at considerable range. In yuot.• having Iaunched the ship's small boat earlier in the day to sail into Goderich, radwas used to close fromar off the- broubneter, continuous sounding of the fog signals was un- necessary in his o'ncocayoryiobie case. He used common sense and 1 only ask that it be ac- cepted that l am per- mitted the same privilege. Accepted or not, Rules 35 and 36 of the Canadian. .Great Lakes Regulations specifically provides for departure from the regulations in special circumstances. • The special cir- cumstances in SAGUENAY's case was the fact that we were entering Goderich under "blind" ono. In essence this means that during poor visibility a continuous flow of navigational and "anti - collision" information is passed to the Command on the Pilotage from radar scopes and plots com- munication \wotz The over five miles away to - al track within 25 feet of the boat anship's '- '"-ti- to verbalposition radar----coare ll continuously udated to the crew in thick fog. with u bih d "" of A team of Radar Operators are on duty 24 accuracy.Corresponding, �� conni orders are hours a day at sea plot - passed by microphoneto ting and reporting- -all the Wheelhouse fou£ surface and air contacts. decks below. As the ships Had Mr. James oireno urr fitted juvt t�mo�-him-uonoorn-vvkU* ' ~ -a��It 'the � S&GD�y«AY was in-~ '� tinuous soundingf fog Goderich / would have •�oul» ou�n ofy�-vita| been happy to b him information flow at the position of his. boat °n cegu|urinterVu\o. our plot that afternoon. Every precaution was In Opefl water this is not taken to avoid any close a problem as the ship enoounter- with other may be conned from the vessels. Bridge below the Pilotage With regard to sound out of direct line with the signals, Mr. Jamey yicons, but in confinedindicated that small waters where the im- boats keep a sounding mediate danger of device ~roady'" - but collision with a jetty or nothing in the Great grounding in shoalwater Lakes Rule of the Road cxiuty, it is essential that supports his use of t6'e the ship be controlled term "ready"Rule 18 from the Pilotage and the demands that all vessels blasts of the sirens would including sailing vessels seriously impair this and sma boats make an function. appropriate sound signal . Navigational safety in reduced visibility. [ required the precaution of- stopping fog signals during -the final approach and entry into Goderich. It is necessary that a naval vessel be fully capable.pf entering and harbours safely „ in all weather conditions. Contant .prucdco and training is applied to ensure that this capability is maintained at a very high standard. I would like • to re- assure Mr. James and alt your readers that every safety precaution was taken durIng our... entry into Goderich. The decilsion not to sound fog signals was made ad- visedly and in the special circumstances that eoioted, was perfectly legitimate being based both on a sound Great Lakes Regulations and on over 2� years- nf ' ~-�--�.- qualificationprof000iooa1u _�roiuin�' �A-� BIRTHDAYIRTHDAY and service - ' at sea. In ldxaok all the citizens of /Gudodcb for the won- derful welcome we received op our arrival and express on behalf of my ship's company our great pleasure and ap- preciation for the warm hospitality we received during- ouc stay in your beautiful port. We will. carry many fond memories of Goderich with us oil our future voyages. Yours truly, T.C. Milne, Commander The little port has logged another year, Throughout the stormy ,,winter she kept her signal clear; Now in the warmth of mummer she basks on Huron's shore, God of the \�9vca.protect her For many good years more. The little town of Goderich is beautiful to see - Green -velvet |awno, streets bright with ~ w.~~ ^.~.~^~. . And n�unyuleafy �ee. Her friendly�folk sin- cerely in' cpce|yo@ecu welcoming Commanding hand. kn )cdge of the curpwnt--' x»mm»�x�n�0D5«*c -'God bless this qouindy, lovely town In a clean ubdn}eaeunt land! '' 0, little towns like Gmerich, salt of the earth are -you, You warm the hearts, renew the faith of strangers passing through; We'll not forget you, Godorioh, and as we say good-bye, May Heavenly Hands still chart your course And keep you sailing high! -Passers-by" Write a letter to the editor today *IP WISEWAY WISEWAY HOME & BUILDING CENTRE YourFloorCoveringCentre ' . IN -STOCK CARPET We have 45 rolls to choose from... 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