HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-12-1, Page 2The Kingdom o The Blind By E. �tctz� household names. The Premier held* lout his hand' "Good evening, Major Thomson," he began. "Please sit down and join us for a moment." Thomson was a little surprised at the gathering, "You'll forgive my suggesting that this is likely to be e. marked spot to- night," he said, The Premier smiled. "Well, you could scarcely expect us to hide, could you,"Major Thomson?" he remarked. "In any case, there is not one of us who is not prepared to share what the other citizens of Lon- don have to face. The country for the women and cheerer', if you please. We gather, sir, that it is chiefly through you that we are in the for•-� Crenate. position of being prepared to- night." o-night." "It was through my action in a matter which I understand has been subjected to a great deal of criti- cisco," Thomson replied. "I admit it frankly," the statesman by means of a steam pressure sconer,. acknowledged. d. "That particular mateby not so quickly, but still well done. ter, thea maimatter of your censorship of in a steam emitter; lacking these.,` certain letter, has been the subject of a grave and earnest conference at is ciuite possible to can with equipment which is found in every - send for you. We telephoned first of hone- All that i.: needed is a wash-, all to the Chief brat he tell es that holier, a rack, that fits in the bottom you were entirely head of your de- of tate boiler, air -tight jets ;and neva "u!'"";'.an!i reg .onswlt to tl0 'one, elastic ri:labr;r , A Canning rack with Can Your Surplus Meat, There is a tendency in many farm homes to feast on Meat during De- cenber, January and February and to some extent fast, as far as fresh meat is concerned, during the other months of the year, This is not at all neces- sary, if someof the meat is canned when animals are hfl:ed on the farm:' Canning meat is as easy as .canning veget') es and the ,process is the far/trier cold pack method which many housciccepers already use. The work is quickly and easily done here between us all: We deckled to chickens dressed and tut up, as if for frying, then sf'tparate the meat, pack- ing some jars with "drumsticks" alone, other jars with white pleat and still others with dark meat. Later on when wanted, for soupmall that is necessary is to open a jar of peeks,, wings, etc, The white meat can be used for salads, creamed chicken and san 1w iches, The dark meat is baked or used in various other ways. Thus you have just the nart of the thicken needed for the dish you 'are making. Chicken can be packed in pint ar quart jars, depending upon the size of the family, Half -ping jars are a conven- ient size for chicken which is to be used for sandwiches. After packing meat the rubber and lid on jar used is a screw• -t down tightly aril 'loo hack not more than in the jar, place the jar. If the. op jar, screw it iso sen by turning l orcan Fancy Gooc s Co., Ltd het an inch, so SALESMEN -. We pay' weekly and of offer steady ern.- ployment selling our coni' rete and ex- clusive lines of whale -root trash -dug - to -order trees and plant;, Beet stock and service. We teaeb and equip you free, A money -making opportunity. Luke Brothers' Nurserie., Montreal Britain and- Sr'.i••y From X$40 to 1848 i; -Isla nien-of- war captured' 325 slave ;.rips, and re- leased 39,033 slaves, wee were tet at liberty. A grindstone that had no grit in it —how long would it ta.:t to sharpen an ar:? And aifairs til lad no .grit in thein how long wee "ley take to make a man?—Henry :rd Beecher. Christmas heee PRETTY PRE ' ANTS IN PROFUS'ON SEE OUR SAMPLES that th t h t nate o ee r t eau had bee. -forgive me --a • CHAPTER S\\ IV.—e Ce' t'd•. Rut they may have warned hilt,-- brilliant Suecess, end that it was his home-made one made of strips of the jar. from oreal.ar e. If using a ,.. :51::> l personal frier:i mat have :yore intention to interfere in ro possible 7g117,1'1',!=,;4"'4 hewed. wood paired together will » erve nicely.- - `'to? jar with a bail, it not clam• • p iiilEtQLESALE ONLY e re esto*,. • , Yr.ie.,,„. l,, li lt, ht ger isted ""He 13 a man with way with • any* course 6 is �' +«S l'a . . 1 -•..... S t eat! x, 1.i tyou chase to down theflower libel until the jar is • , ,,, ., ,,, . ,,. ,,,with -wrap,= . i.ene',s appal swol..t •wit?e tithe..• 1 :Inv s;te that he intimate] . If the rash does not have ha:�dles. a drown front the bot.er or the jars :re. p t • p.1,. ll.. , e�tc.tl `. n.tr, , yes: haw fee a to gitrste e.lisa C, e.3• mirth to pie when I Ment lied him- jar lifter gess. ave. time and• possibly will hreMl:. ce�nn"`Eonssimply furious be4ause you, had re burned fingers. t:e rs t i :Cave' stun a r d "Mel'', wIl� el:tail t be bviug* the ' I.�. ,:t r, Captain Gear.- .p �cIf the word. must 1'e done without. a� st. •• e•est se :[-ree,s~ t eras the .e eri?ing straight tel the .rlrl:iralty:'',eo, „eisset ,t sertaun person frena the hat Before begi'mling to can, see that gteim pressure eoc'i(`e flee the jai iettate 'i�e 8 ...s'' whet yeuowe Thomsen argued "'If h4 were a prat- of .1"""`"'ctilaose eone,ponderee is 4rei' It 'll trwttc 1~nrllGnman, do ynn think that t"What•.tlsltiit.°' you. have new rubber rings which 31111 in the wash -boiler or ill a-pail'of hot movements *• Lets a e 'ikf b *,;, See: ln hat can `L do tui• yeti. entle, stretch without breaking and which water en a rack: 'shish holds them up may t.e..,, �t 61:c: ` ass:ct :,,,t, dry otllEr cnnr•e has +ren to him' , , la can be bent back sharply: wvithout from the bottom about one inch, To It wc,n't "ice, Ger'alcilne, I know glare"Hien .' Thoth: on aEkad, reply. "Tars'; ,ere r:.: cctl...a r.l of ai,ttut co:tail, Granet than I am o-•^ Liste?1 to us while «•e put a shatter showing any signs of holes or of $prevent the jars from breaking', have - • , .. ,• ° ir, to tet you at this moment. Shall #v you frog a V0111111011-swnse point of eracicing. Test the rings before troy- the water in the boiler about the same "stet :vet o `eet'�'••iate TI oro-? ,I" " S �' • e "' i- t-ilct'' i€'w, Mr. Gordon zones begged, "You i>ig; and do not attempt to can unless' --„do na 8a�: *,..;•ti:ai, "tart ler ia:t.:.." +. aCt'i-lie Ie tie that ,rilljec#, �:tx.t r@e'tiha we are. V e are allose upon ,temperature" as•the lar, awlt ^. i.:• veil wig ; . ' • •: something to peri.ua<3e your mother , , pia good rings can be bought. The jars: plunge the jar in the wateri but put cit • ,t, q�..;•,cud. �r,�le 'to. ,:eke you a little way from, xolvn°.Kllna� ,1 ►rticier rests tltrefl5 the raids that are used must be elean and tested: •at •in gradually. The water should t l v. t t 2 .. ;. S -,t, rt. , , of ruling, this CPiilll r, i tragi t0 tel! , Year out,.., to .eke Olive, for instarme. "int. The g; n:; ,' et: ri ,c,: 1 :? :.? „»_ to see that ,heti are airits,, cover the jars about .un mill. Put the" . •, hYra, h••: 'W e don't wart a panic, but there is you that we have come to an unapt- y a anll sh-. `°`c , o reps n why yon ar.:,ult;:i t tell an • mous decision, �i e say nothing; about simP:est we. of testing is o put some ii 1 the a . boiler, cr if a pail 1 a ' rcn , �: e•. t e: .n ler ,tae.• . - • • ,. 3 , the moral or the actual guilt of Sir water in the jar (which has a rubber; has been used corer it tightly. ti. .w:i k;. '.t are a emu >•oarsprom-;at your Eric?gds cpu:etly. "Alfred An elman° How far he may ring on it), screw or cramp down the; After the water has reached the ;ale, d 't inters let met We The door was suddenly opened. The have been concerned in platting; With lid tightly, invert the jar and shake.' boilan Dint, begin count.ng the time. ,1.si erear...te.er, 1 ar"l suite' Admiral put his head in. "" lour r countrr'a enemies is a matter If even the least hit of water conies': and sterilize for from three and one-` sets,le, •S rrj, he arolo„t..eal, I Thong ht which we may know in the future,. half to four hours. Sterilize four hours froth around the top, the jar fs nothours: +. ranNt hue t 1l;Eii a . t l bask -1 heard that young thranet was here.'" hut for the present—well, let's ui€tke air -tight. If the int 'which leaks is a weal e His f.i.e for ,:t 'no- .at was One il;ts been and gone. father," a simple platter of it -•--we want him , if the nic-at has been, put in the jar. ales ed Es lips opens:l hut: a eeed,Gera:dine toil hint, ""You'd better see ;eft alone." a lurid ,jar, tighten the bail; if it is rave er has been cool•;ed only long. 1t:::i l .cw °: pke ' T"r.:.rlti ..,a> wit whist ysa can ilo tis°itl: father," she;, „ Qu wi,1l hang to continue in his a screw-top jar. try a clid'erent pili enough to laxrtvn, and .sterilize three wee-hireriris a Biel :added, turnip""* to Thomson 'present high position?" Thomson said,' truth one he found that will melte the and one-half hours if tate Wheat leas bandies is a great convenience but a enong seam can esc 7 Wellington St. East 746700 TORONTO "x a ,c'.y" :seri tin, "Yat ; h;ace . Wliat"s wising. eh? What's wrong?"slowly,- "a man who is convicted of jar air -tight. Jars for cold paei.. 03n-ibeen partially cooked. g e= e:1 the ti t:tn, I cast see. 1Ye hove What's ATI lug?" the Admiral demand- having; tre;eso nabie eorrespondenee bale,: �i*:e. a.hir. the last few hours,;e,i. with our enemy. to Q wide that very interesting rites "Tale fact is, Sir Seymour;' Thole "We wish hint left alone," Mr. Gor- sage which "taehed your 4p:.le son:e'son explained, "we've had notice• --nett don Jones continued earnestly, "not lift:e time age."exactly notice, but we'''e deeded a for alis own sale but for ours. Vdien t;c relt3ere'3 r:ew'iidern:ent increased. secret dispatch which gives is reason" the time conies, later on, it may be le:octet s ayntost stupvfed s Bence to neiteve that a. Zeppelin raid will be Possible for us to deal with him. To- Frere the meat front bones and roti Bible as soon as taken from the boiler. of dyeing and cleaning. Fabrics tbat seemed `-,t amaze her. "attempted on London during the next' day, no words of mine could explain it in pieces of such size that they. It is possible t:t tighten the lid of a made re shabby, dirty or spotted air "•i; lr_ Iw, whet Oats le a:1 tresis" she . twenty-four hours, 1 eine round to to you Inc exact utility" Ile has a will ^'o inti the "ars easily. The Meat' screw -to jar after it is cool; but this ` made ll is new. we carr restore the �. a ? p j most delicate ;articles, a''sei ••le Captain ;iia Granet in trouble try and induce Geraldine i have you Tenger upon the wealth gr a is of the may .be packed raw in the jars and should not be done, as it breaks tate; seed one article r a parcel ogoods t: o pa e f i, 'seises lie s{ seine here to warn pre ail move away until the thing's aver:' ;naiad. lie Itis wealth, great wealth, have boilingwata-rpoured over it or seal formed by the lid with the. hot bpost or express We will a ear- . sane ,hie 4.? Ile Imo r. ti said a ell: be damned if I dol" the Ad;:rand commands great wealth in every • P pay a it may be boiled, fl sed car roasted, rubber, Jars should trot 'be opened to =age one way, and our (target; are : epi 'rept 1,, hoe itis' 'CO 4;e. titlllre,t:rirat grunted. "What, sneak. off and, city. Frankly, this hall as an open' a . z, Most reasonable. an� ; :. asset g 4..,-1 . }it. leave five or sit million others who;; enemy to -day could hying more harms Poe e( in t}u jar while hot tend h. l e refilt rvatlt hat water or g;t.r ' after "Aah h., ha.' l;n...g.4 :tam to do that;' haven't had the tip, to sec all the fun? /upon us than if any neutral Power you! the hot fat or meat juice which has they are ster1hzed. The pleat 'villi Thomsen. sold, ••htinirsc• he is ane of Not I: If ,what you say is true, Thom -1 could name were to join the Triple' been used in cooking, or hot water keep even though there is an ,air apace :lease lir l t' 't : few wile, have helm son, ---and 1 ant going straight backjAlliance, Remember, too, Major, poure,l over it, The meat is more in the jar, because the nils in the jar °:r. ed the:* ti• nii,ht or to-morrcr,v to the ;�dmir llty,—I shall find my' Thomson, that there may be advan-f easily sterilized if it is not cut too has been steri::zed just as the meat' el:tu'•rirg is •'.• °°ma" 5'1F icd for the way on to one of the air stations my- cages to us in this waiting attitude.. thick. Gravy may be made of the, has been and can not contain any Zeppelin .aril tri: Londe!) of which we self, and the women 'eon stay a hone Since your warning, his letters can! Pit before it is poured over the meats bacteria lvhich still cause the prat to have heard se much. Oh: to knows ;arid get ready to be useful," Abe admitted to censorship. You heave' -" ;,lariat it and bis un:"le. ar 1 a i;reatI Geraldine passed her hand t•:trough the control of a great staff M military; but the ,neat should never be Sifted spoil. : eint of r1t• euests thaw 1=ave gathers' her father's arm. !detectives; the resources of Scotland iwith or rolled in flour before It is Ilam, sausage, pork Chops, pork Ilan Ti:•e.,v'13 tdi be safe enough "'That's the sort of peolt'e we are;' • Yard, too, are at your service, Have cooked, as the hour may form a coat- tenderloin, port: roast, beefsteak, meat, .': !tc :;ate-: t none, Capteie Granet, she laughed, turning; to Thomson. "All, him watched day and night, his lot- ing that will prevent the thorough for beef stew, veal or thicken, ground( Toronto squirrel,. lamb chops, or lamb for stew 9x f'o 0 are call possibilities for meat canning and will prove a boon to the house- keeper on her busiest days, when in— expected company comes or when meat isneededfor day's the d y, meals and a tripcan not be made to town. shall report myself at your office at , Thomson groped up his hat. ! appeal to you, all of us here to -night. ---1-"r.--------- —• ,-- ° ' -,' -,. _ .,__....-. ••-------.._ ning do not need to be sterilized, but:! When removing; the jars from the should be filled with warm water and; hoiler be careful not to place then in Tans guaranteed be.'.e?a tonic costs con noosing, the beus pay for it in eggs, It supplies Nature's egg -making elements. Pratts Poultry Regulator A1iVLC FREE. Let us heap yon ratt Food Co. of. Canada, Ltd. Toronto. E emptied just before being used, sod a draft, Clamp dawn the bail on the " that they will not break when they are. glass -top jars or tighten the lid \e1n' OL will be astonished at the re. filled. o the screw-top jars as tightly as pos- sults we get Iry our modern system ip'..:,1? r,•i.t• )till to al rbo.,t it?" ;the cal'ite, Hugh, it was aery nice of teas opened, his a:ery movement fol- sterilization of the meet. One tea- meat for sanahl.ehes or hash, rabbit, , Grew . drew himself up. He look- you to route; she added. ""I couldn't lowed, but don't. provoke him to open spoonful of salt should. be added to t.t rvery r.,•h a <,daler, thief, curiously see us scuttling; away into the c°untry',enmity. We don't want. hint in the each quart of meat, unless the meat e :=° ugh, he ,'1 e?'i.•�1 ir, Lis lie:vine: ,roll you know. I shall go round and per Tower, The seandal and shock of it is cooked with sufficient snit before et+:it ' , to Le reepe etin•r the higher suede dive to stay with me. I am would do us enormous harm apart tart: b; vir•,t.,. ,5' which 'f1ie,teson had expecting; to return to Boulogne el - from the terrible financial panic which it is put into the jar, Celery leaved, Whets you think. of eleesu- ing and dyeing, think. of PARKER'S. Parker's Dye Warks Limited Cleaners and Dyers' 791 Yane St. t 1 .b Y r tnot at once, to the hospital there, to would ensue, We will see to it that onion, pepper or other seasoning:; may "To s -.are, l you have reminded bring some more wounded back I he does no further mischief than he be added at this time if desired.. ree, i� my rt-.: t11 alae, sir," he said. "I may get a little practice here." ;may already have done. We make lin When canning chicken have the rice til* G +.uprise, Hiss Conyers!, "Si ell," he said quietly, "I cannot Be guided entirely by us in this mats ' ' I hops that clan t:2 ugh I have failed, complain of your decision. After all,' ter. You have rendered the country Inventors u Fool- i.00fre. Major Thou? o" rimy eersuaale you to it is exactly what I expected." great service by your discovery, Ren- Railway- . i'u ,re teem mind." ) He glade his adieux and departed der it a greater one, Major Thomson. Strange triclts as inventors have lit. left the room. Gerid3ir a was so, The Admiral sniffed as he glanced; by keeping that discovery secret:" amaze': that . ^e made no movement after him. "I will not make conditions with played in the past, surely there was f `"ra, i IInginc the hell. S.110 turned f "Very good chap. Thomson," he re- ,! you," Thomson replied gravely, ""I never one more remarkable than that :.,ste ,, c '•- as '-, Tlion""t•n. 'marked, "but he doesn't quite under-! will say at once that I ant perfectly perpetuated by an Australian. But al - "What titres it mese? You must stand. I bet you that fine young fel-:willing to yield to your judgment in though it seems like a trick, it fs real - tel" sne:' -lie; - , `.t. 1, I talo not a low Granet would never have suggest-, this matter. In return r ask some- lir a great invention. Alai.- i ed our running away like frightened thing. I have more serious charges For a long time Mr. Angus bas been -Jr. nul,.ias that v: hat I have told'; sheep! Come along, my dear, we'll vita ail along is the truth;' Thomson,' go and dine:' rt a:lied earns tib•. "You thought, Ger-i sl,hire, that I was narrow and suspi-, CHAPTER XXX'. sinus I had powers and an office and I About three o'elock the next maorn- resn nc•bilit=e , too, which ;you knew' pian wile has l ing Thomson was awakened by a light nothing of. That young He sprang just left the room is in the pay of touch upon his shbuider. Germany. So is his mete,"up from the oouch upon which he had stand- -Whet. Alfred Anselman?" she thrown himself, Ambrose was stand- pxclaeniel. "'Are you mad, Hugh" , ing over him. He was still in his "Not in the least," he assured her.1 r°am at the War Office; and fully "•There are bald farts " i dressed: "Rut Sir.Alfred Anselman! He has' "Mx. Gordon Jones has rung up Fiore such wonderful things for the from Downing Street, sir,"he an- Coal has been found in every Aus- country. They all say that he ought flounced. eThey vante is ltoknow fthe ay uimeould South Wales anin- tralian state, d Queenslanddeposits ofbein to have 'tee•, in the Cabinet. Hugh, , ,, g you can't be serious!" saep�across. the largest and best. "I am co far serious," Thomson de- 111 go at, once,"Thomson agreed,— nd have a _ dared grimly. "that an hour ago we Liutish sponge gh Not ng elseafresh, Am- Mlnard's Liniment .for Colds, etc. succeeded in decoding a message from erose?" (Holland to Sir Alfred Anselnan, ad- "Nothing at all, sir," the young r vising him to Ieave London to -day. man replied. "All the newspapers in This world haz menny heros—he We are guesting what that means. London have rung up but of course who duz all he kin, in the best manner wrong.We We shbe at seeht r I come td we o beg we have not answered any of them. possible, iz a hero; I don't kare whe- y0u to leave the city for twenty-four You'll becareful outs;de, please? ther he Maks yore boots, runs a loco - hours. 1 final Granet on the sante There isnot, a single light •anywhere, motive, or leads a forlorn hope into errand." and the streets ere bke .pitch. A man battle.—Josh Billings, tried to use an electric, torch on the other side of the way just now, and they shot him. There's . a double line of sentries all round. from Whitehall corner." "No flares this time, eh?" Thomson muttered, "All right, Ambrose, I think I can feel my way there." He descended ` into the st'eet but for a few moments he found himself hopelessly at sea. So far as re could see there was no light nor a:' •1 glim- mer of one. ' He reached the corner of the street like a blind many by �� . tapping the kerbstone with his cane. }t_. `,.."�i:�'.Gzz;' Arrived here, he stood for :a ]moment in the, middle of the road, :bareheaded; There 'vas not a breath of wind •any- where: He made his way carefully down towards Downing Street, meet- ing few •people, , and; still obligedto grope rather than walk. Along Down- ing Street he made his way by the railings • and rang the hell at last at the Pre/pier's house. He was shown at once into the council room. The. Ifour or five /nen who were seated around a table, and,' 1io looked up at his entr -;.ie, bore every ene of thein, The Father of Shipping. From a London coffee-house keeper, Lloyd's, the headquarters of the world's .shipping insurance, derive. its name. Towards the end of the seventeenth century those interested in shipping matters were accustomed to meet at a small coffee-house in Tower Street. still to bring against Sir Alfred's experimenting with steam engines, This was kept by a pian named Edward nephew. Will you heave the matter of and at last he has succeeded in pro- Lloyd, who subsequently removed to dealing with this young man in my dueing the "fool -proof" railway. AI- the corner of Abeburch Lane end Lom- bard Street. In 1695 Lloyd started a newspaper, which gave a list of ships arrivals and sailings. Tlie newspaper, which he called "Lloyd's List," succeeded until matically when another engine is on its founder published an article ques- tioning same line Collisions are render- Lords. a decision in the House of ed. impossible, and, in the event of any- Lords• thing happening to the driver, the only effect is a temporary cessation of traffic. A few simple coils attached to the engine two inches above the rail do the trick. All you see on the track is a wire joining the rails at this junc- tion. A small box of electrical fittings is outside the boiler, and a compact. magnet under the hand of the driver. Electrical sympathy between engine and rail prevents the brakes from go- ing on and steam being shut off. Di- rectly that sympathy is broken'' the brakes are applied automatically and steam , is shut off. This , sympathy must be broken if another engine is on the. same: section of line or if the. line is broken in any way. The system has been installed in Sweden and is to come into active use in Great Britain almost immediately., bands?" though the -liability to error Is not "With "t pleasure." the " h Premier avoided, error is rendered completely agreed. I think; gentleman, he add- ed, looking around the table, "that we harmless. need not detain Major Thomson any Electricity is the secret of this in - longer? We others have still a little vention. The engine is stopped auto. business to finish:' (To be continued.) Coal in Australia. eo, 43—•21. Entries Close :NNovei<nber Z6th for the TWELFTH ANNUAL TORONTO FAT STOCK SHOW chivies for Singles, Lots of Three and Carloads of Cattle; Lots o1 Tlgree, (in and Ten and Carload* el Lambs; Lots of Three, Five and Tea Raga, JUDGING Thursday, December Sth GIG AUCTION BALE Friday, December 9th Premium Lists on Application to C. P. TOPPING, 8ecretaery coo Union Stock Yards, West Toronto, Ont, World's Wonder Clock. For twelve years :a Frenchman has been at work on a crock which is one of the most marvellous pieces of me- chanism in the world. In this clock the quarter-hour chimes are struck by figures representing the four ages of Life, while the figure of Death strikes each hou. Each day, on a 'small chariot, appears a divinity` symbolizing , the particular day to which it is consecrated. Another feature 0f the clock is a model of the earth, wineli may be seen revolving round the sun. It marks the months and the signs of the Zodiac: Minard's liniment Used by Veterinaries Edward Lloyd was censured and his paper was suppressed. It was not un- til thirty years later that he was al- lowed to re-establish it. Since then "Lloyd's List" has appeared regular- ly. The frequenters of Lloyd's n to cof!ee- hou a were not permitted s enjoy their monopoly of marine insurance for long, and in 1720 Parliament al- lowed two other companies to be es- tablished in (London. Aboutone hundred years later there was a Parliamentary inquiry into the monopoly enjoyed by LIoyd's and these.teio companies: The House of Commons decided that Lloyd's liad rendered• such great service to the country by supplying the Government with information regarding maritime matters that it should retain its pr•ivi- leges, Ten years later, however, an' Ant was passed by which marine insur- ance was thrown open, and since that date many other Companies have been established. All candidates for membership at Lloyd's have to deposit such security for their liabilities as may be requires(. This security- at the present time amounts to over $20,000,000. There it; a Lloyd's agent at 'every port in the world; who .ti•ans.mitsnews of all ships that pass. At Lloyd's a "Captains' Register" is maintained, which gives the record of every. Bri- tish master•-tnarieer, and there is also -an Inquiry Office. • s 1 �n Trade Mark PETROLEUM .JELLY An application of "Vas- eline" VGA hitt Jclly brings grateful relief 'when applied to cuts, burns, chafed skin, etc. CHESERROUGH MAN•I/FAC'rOR?NG COMPANY icoarutrdacedA 1830 Chabot Ave.. Montreal., ht tuber -::d jars at all• drug- gists. CORNS Lift Off with Fingers Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop a little, "Freezone" of an aching coir, in- stantly that coin stopshurting, tilon shortiy you lift it right off with 'fingers. Truly! Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of "Freezone" for a few ,gents, zufficient to.rernove every hard corn, soft coat, cr corn between the toes, and the cal Ilrsas; '.'rigout soreness or tirftatioiz.