HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-12-1, Page 1THIRTY-FIFTH .YEAR. Phone On For Men's and Chrisinias Presents. EXETER, XETER, OTA O, THURSDAY DE . 1, 1921 Our Corner Local News ; Hoekey Meet rig is to be held 3.�t I IEEE SOUTH H HL:RO t IIOR A�1. T Boyle's Barber Shop ahs i7aursday, SOCIETY. it- Attpar ntly the real permanent Weave " Y�"" f, _- 7' 30 o°.loch t is tltz .;r#me wave, Th chief fault in the complexions ;yeti sae :s that they ,ire too good to '' be true C 7'r,n. .r?.4A.'1, • e only ,light reading that en.:our- 'ages serious thought .s- the electric 0 light bill,,. oysCone lin th :t every mother's bay as peree.;t, wvliere dQ all these scala- wags novae frame We ii don't IneIleve a ay men a ten the world .ready* feels as important as head waiter leol*s There are ,people who. scorn wealth 'a Chert there are people who tell about at er you learn tit e art of gess e r lit isn't ne,;essary tee buy a< car in a der tie .rug down; your neighbors. You have doubtless noted tl�a people never rebuke a e aa1del peddler until they get alt the part eulars. L dies should be more .:areful in drawing the solar lien. and not e the blush on one .heel; higher than an. theother. issT iiitNG l\ TIES. SHIRTS SOCKS. AND ALL. KINDS 01."BEN'S FURNISHINGS ar here. They're: a111 new, of a•oua se We never curry over hsa year'. stela. Th'. new fettering, a."Q sure enough winners of eel; colors, beautiful pat, terns and fine material:,•oust forany thing. Patties are boa as all right, too. Drop in and look theta "'under end over, around ant .!trough." w w Inn: re so a many • c. s 1 iter got prop a Aman n Q�,,, ray addressed During thio Christ- 1'aailor& Furnisher mass season be Careful to address your malt matter sufficiently and correctly. Ian an .article concerning Voters for the corning Federal elections Toronto - (bate says ;—"ht rural zW1I ng sttbsetiv sio a and in toWv A Jena or less any person entitled ,n seitteete- name does not app.ar on ;lee list rause, ln^ given a b^a of (nit r ali+ng day (niton tal;ua oath Chat he sheis duly qualified." Whenever delay ten, or misdelivery ;t letter o.curs, the sender or the addr:seee is prone to. adversely .rit4 ze the Post Office, Frequently, however, the delay or misdelivery* S- titt,' to i tt tae aTe ,. ,. le,G.S n of the u e b 1 p tt failing to properly address the snail platter in. question. I)ttring three days this month, 128,300 places of incor- rectly and insufficiently addressed nta^1 meat^er were handled at 55 of the late;<r post offices, 'ids gees tosbow :hat there is a.lot of waste. effort . t ..n talc most (? afflf:es when n , `WINTER WORK on OARS We are prepared to care for your car. Try us. REPAIR WORK ON ALL CARS, PILON & FOOTE Huron Garage Exeter FABRIC TIRES! ' Owing to a purchase made from the Gray Dort Mo- tor Company, who are discontinuing Fabric Tires, and equip- ping with Cord Tires, we age ,in a position to dispose of a number of 31x4 Dominion plain and nobby tread (tires at wholesale prices„ T. H. NEWELL Gray Dort Garage - Exeter Christmas greetings Our Local Sacs of Flour and Feel are showing satisfactory increases and we are sincerely grateful to our numerous customers .for their trade-. Christmas with call ,its 'joys will soon ba here, Among 'the pleasures of the Yule -tie, etre. to be couatted those delicious pastries, , . doughnuts, plum puddings, yes, and 'that wonderful bread that the, best woman in the would will provide for us. In artier eo help. them; take home a plentiful supply of. Harvey's ;dour, ,We beeieve t hats no superior. Read what a :customer told sus to -day, Nov, . 28, 1921,—"`.A. few weeks age 1 bought 15,0 lbs; of your Manitoba's Best .Flour and iiaw I want 200 UV, mare of lilt. It is the beast Flour that 'ever Lame into our home, and We Epee used all the best brands sold in this .part of the ;country". We are in the market to buy Wheat and Peas; We wish you a very Merry Christmas of unalloyed happiteessi, Harvey Bros - ,u,c .. 1 .... .'.. x..,,, lus-, ±�t,:tieatnk :�SSr r6 1=t i$ Qat election clam—and then get their 1Wusbsnsls an the ten --cent stores. mad about. it. A. brilliant array o: talent, with • a .:horns of 170 vo'eee, conducted by i?r q. 'tf'. Andoeo:t, presents Ilan- of tb e Young People's Goad., deln Messiah here nn Dei. 15 and 14 era. it ends here of Sire. Geo:ge 3.Erl?.rnl�W alershal, :7t ee:o. of t'WW tans Luian, well. learn wall reere[ whi, s end mea ure,:, dial udde.sah :hat et aW a> n:,.esear} to remove h.;r a a inetm Can 1.o -a 1sn;i Sunday/. fie Sn ju r1'a'z Hospital, London, ' w n- reels knewa hroughoet «esteem t inn t'a serious; glaze's. Clncr4f;:o. Ruth Sbosenburg, data ;titer of 'et:. and Va. W. H. Sltosenburg of Losr,- don, and' grand daughter of 11rs. Zinn. Irlawleshave of Ex -ter, was married is London on November Z6eh_ In Caren Chun .% on Sunday even - g :Ur. G. S .Hon arca and r F. W. ladman gave addresses at a meet:n, The Proms aar;tl Secretary fiias sent out letters to all the Min citral Coua 'els in the. Province, eek nig sheat C+At no% /learn dee proposal to extend gee. right to vote at mutele pal elect - ,;one to %ewe send eneglaters at own.-,. ens o: prapert-'. Ir, Parkinson and lamely a4 . ; K11.i. » BY AN AUTO DRIVEN I#'y efarye moved into the hoose. recently': Ifls BROTHER. from Mrs.Elston an. Ilurazt ; Street. Before leaving St. Vary on) • twenty-five ladies gathered ,G ertl, Nov. aaturday even' 4h.r home and made airs.. Parkinson 13, .sobrtouodJaim5 esLelMldarl1c3a)whes,laigceeeha 1. recipient of a beettt?larl bronze 'Mamie Dairy, Crolboroe Totenehi,p, who eirdireere and adise \label of a love iVale bis $ ,t r, Was eraseittg :he Street ty uooi n tea4.tray and a lettkr of ;he to the square, i'i front of • ii ,asap', gra: that the rsnU) strias them the r:staur.+nt to ;attend the p e-ture show . ommun;ty, We i elcon:e them t(a was struck and, fatally- injured by a Exeter. driven by his brother, Wilmer. It a ra.n;n; at 'the time and ;wither 'her taw the other. Both Lunn - .« .. (and I,s sieter were knocked down "rah: new lieease automobile marl:era a rz,ou;ly hurt. theear wheele pas will .tarry black numerals on ;t WW1 :e ,stag over the brother. He was ,1141 Arthur of Mat eatee TIME NEW MARKER. lea. l. -ground, Tb plates and geenno; ., I to the heat/ a3, and at first-si an will be pree t call' the Name os r1'a: 41#1,11W3, l t,3 ba fatally raetrt, tall, s Liars, taut the L s:],Arta,- o_ the , wo and on tI1. head prove,] fetal,, raWart"in ra i5 vot > re l ten let two..teed 1 , d..a.a anatte nng Standee ;arte.nea.,rai lav'.he ta,rtlay the feet that the figures ire'm ton•'t1«.:(est .oa alta bra:re fell be for a ehes Jt height, leste 3 tai etboua three magesas on that tear ar1er1, r . 1 ¢ w: rice ted taa:it the. ;ft - tea vain of tdlow tag rne,l;nfl ate a a:oath' a WW h nh ee seenre the new licenses ` wit be followed this ctiar. DIUI) IN TORONTO. Mr. C. W. Robinson was tautly shoe k:<1 at the news of the unexpect- ed and sudden death of .his son Milton Roy Robinson, ILA., who diad :n Tor- onto on Saturday last. He had been u: f ernn (ram wa., e1f and bad se - mined at the home of his sister Poria ou i1 • days. Saturday morning he got up from his bed as usual, making no complaint whatever of feeling unwell, H4 sat down by a grate to warn,. iameelf and as he. at in the eeha.r be suddenly expired. Deceased had serv- ed overseas from nearly the emit, m_ne etnen; of the Great. War to the n, being e 1 of the e.arIy voluteer4. Th. <1eoeased studied law and con - tanned a practice in that city, and bad ha lived bis abilities indicated a bright futtur:, He was aged 26 years. Ilia father left Saturday evening for To- ratlto to attend the funeral, which took plate at Sts, Marys on Wednes- day. AGED LADY DIED. Tit: death took plat,"e: on Saturday, November 26th, at the hone of her sou -in-law, Mr, C. Penn, Lot 25, Con. 5 Uebarne, of Ana Wakelin, relle:t of t he late E. Williams, aged 93 years, 1 month and 17 days. Mrs. William; was born in Cambridgeshire, England . . in. 1828, tante to. Canada in 1838, tak- Political Meetings 9ng mneme weeks to make the voyage in a sailinC1 boat. For some time she lived in Darlington Tp. She was mar- ried in 1848 to William Henley, and ~e� they moved to the Township of Us - borne. Three; ' hildren were born to t his union, Charles. Henry 13orney of E.:; ter, llrs. Mary Herdman of Elim- v^elle and Mrs. Sarah Ferguson, of Chatham. Mr. Harney was •t,, cident- ly killed in 1853.1n, 1854 ..tiers, Homey was married to John Harris. Of this union, two children were born, Mrs; Harriet Pym of Usborne, and the late Mrs. Elizabeth Blatchford. Mr. Harris died in 1894. Mrs, Harris was mar- ried in 1901. to Eleazer Williams who predeceased her in August of 1914, since which time Mrs. Williams has resided with her son and daughter+. The funeral took place on Monday af- ternoon .from the residence of Mr, Pym to the Exeter .em,etery. Deceased leaves twelve grand chalet - ren and twenty-two great grand child- ren, BIRTHS liranrwent,9aw'a.—A2 Windsor shop eat, enat t►a Nov 28, te Mr, anti Mr,, jos lsrokenetare, Knee: Lu.y ;,3►enz'i Lannon, a sant King -an Si ^Dhen, on Nowt 28, to ;(Ir and Mae Frank lin;, a daughter. jory—It% Stephen, on. Non, 29, to air and titre, Samna Tory, a.deught,er. 5. 1 a tar—in i�. etcr ort oti 2 tit to i l .� , Walter, �Ir .tn it , Herbertb:rt . a San. Ferguson—In Teeswater (in N;ov. 27, to lir. and Mrs. T. R. Ferguson of Exeter, a daughter. Masan—In Dashwood, Nov. 26, to alr and. Mre. Milford i+ietiaee, .t sone :,4a1• MARRIAGES )awning—Wilke*:—At the parsonage, 'mean, by Real-. G4 C. Gilford, Mr. William H. Downing to Miss •Lutl1. ,:e.4 daughter of tho late Henry H. Wilisie of Avon. DEATHS Rowe—In Hay To., on Nov. 29, Jaek son of lar. and Mrs. Chaster Rowe, a..t1 3 months and 2J days. �1'illiartts,—In Usborne, on Nov. 26th, .Ann Wakelin, relict of the late E. Williams, aged 93 years, 1 month and 17 days, Mr and Mrs.. Allen S.:eli, who have been residing here for somet,ene, left town last week for London. Mrs: Esli Heywood hasbeen culling during the past week in London with her sister, Mrs. fW. J. .Mallett. Min) Verdi Row:.liffe, who has been en London for sometime, re- turned Thursday to the home .of her parents, 11 ?r, and Mrsi E. Rowcliffe, in Exetfer, and is confined to the house through illness, NATIONAL LIBERAL AND CON- SERVATIVE MEETING .0 the Opera House, Exeter, on FRIDAY, DECEMBER, 2n9, 1931 At 8 o'clock HON. EDMUND BRISTOL, M, P. and J. J. MERNER, M. P. will address the meeting Tenders Wanted Sealed tenders will be received: up to December 15,th, 1921, at 8 .o'clock damn. .for the purchase of store 82%x 0 sta:.k intade including ng shop and bentih tools, used by the late B. Brown in the boat and shoe business. Low- est or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted For more particulars apply to j, H. Hoitzmann, Harry Sweitzer, or to. Mfrs Chatrlotte :Brown, :Executors, Crediton, Dark. OPENING of NEW ORGAN By Prof. Anderton And A HOT FO lirla SUPPER in James Street Methodist Church on Sunday, Dec. 4 Monday, & Dec. Preacher --Rev. J. W. Hibbert ORGAN DEDICATED .AT THE MORNING SERVICE T,he Supper on Monday night ,siervisd froan ;5 to 8 o'clock,. Followed by an Organ Recital, by Prof. Apdertotr4 Soloist. -- ,Miss Coc1i,eril of Lomotil Admissitop— 75;c, and 40c. Ir A N D F L'S 3,V1l.i. BE LNG 1iN .acnes Street Methodist Church EXER Eat Thur day, December the 15th And r day, December the 16th :i lira+•i -n — Thur,dley b `I °l,.t only. Shea; and fda.Fa:4faaa Vann .z..1 a t, ra�S^nt.. Sate, Tael:.te en Saar: for fifth Peeformane•s by Memb^.r..s of the Chorue. QUI ..t 8 oarlock SOLOISTS "'earano" Mae P ran er,... ...... Centrelto lire. • • Zur e:h The;r, Mr. J. P 1? °+4a::r:s: it. 1lary s B ss,, \Ir. F. et 1i ar(I: tg aende t (*genet, el... W. Basher. F R,( 11 :A,..R. C. al: a C. �l: f .in'let. fur, MR A \i' Ant."ERI'teN •- ^..,"""" 4-Il4Aii4"*eala 17te Vat t:S Prue'. An•l<..'rtoet ., f;ivnag en Orf -tall 1e a �1 meet Sura,(lay evening from 6.30 .e r ocloee. CHRISTMAS weer XMAS STOCKINGS,— See our supply of Christmas stmas vat, k:n.s for +he Kiddies, in two sleet; 10 and 25 eenin Th s i, som i'a ug 'Wit sur: to plea.ee—just eaektA with > S Z ► and n sup hat neat. They Layne b.:e,•1 ,.rt he market for years. We ta;teet a large demand iter thee;. Stock els and would advise you :o ,hey tarty and net d'sap_point the,'hihteen On display new. p BOX CHOLOCATES. l:v rybsxly likes good t'ho o1a;e :huh Neilson's, "TIIE CHOCO- LATES THAT ARE: ItIFlr1 RI \T Would youlike to sire away astaie, box of Cheeotates for a Christmas Gilt? No. certainly not. That's why w invite you to see our attra., •y. and appropriate assortment. Ez- ery box guaran.eetl to be stri tly ar :ih. You can't make a mistake, the v'er'y best e'.hocolates with most ern glee ' aver,, at rock bottom prices, 60c. to $5.00. BREAD If you like a change, try Clinton Breed et our North Store, It ,n giving splendid sanisfactiime We have al.soe arranged to have a Frelae Assortment of Cakes, Pies and Cookies from the Clinton. Bakery s, .W Saturday morning, They will be sold from both store;, and any spade! orders for any particular kh.d or quality 'will ee. e! % our mast careful attentit>n. e . HARVEY & HARVEY real: PHONE 102 TWO STORES NORTH PHONE 47 J. A. STEWART Phone 16 " THE BIG STORE WITH THE LITTLE PRICES." A Full Range for the Christmas Buyers to Select From, Our Stoe;k of Fancy Goads :for Christmas is '.omplete, We are stowing .a Swell Range of Ladies' Fancy Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Itimanas, Blouses and Hand Bags. Also a full line of "'Indian Ci'cchhet," FANCY CHINA, Swell Odd Cups. and Saucers, • Ben Bons, Spoon Trays, Cake Plates, Cream and . Sugars, 30 nice patterns in D,im,ner Sets Full. 97 'pieces in a, fine Semi -Porcelain China, with fine China Cups and Saucers. 1 XMAS. GROCERY SPECIALS:, New Lemon Peel peer. lb ...36.,. Best Rolled Oats, kite for 25.., Choi,:'e Seedless Rans,lne ib 24c New Citron Peel per lb 56e. Canada Corn Starch a,pkg. 9c Palmolive Soap 3 cakes for. 23c ' Kellogg's Corn Flakes 5 pkg. foe 48a New Orange Peel per lb, 36c Seeded Raisins, 15;az..pk, 24c 35c, Fancy Sweet Biscuits per .11). 20c A1]. Laundry Soap .10 bars 68c 7 cakes Pure. Cas'ti,le Soap 25c:, SUGAR, BEST GRANULATED 100 lbs. for • ;$7.9S J. A. STEWART Highest Prices paid for Poultry and all Produces . }