HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-11-24, Page 8Exeter Markets CHANGED EVERY WEDNESDAY Wheat . 00 Barley t.. ' 48 to. 55 Oats 34 to 40 !viant toha's Best Flour 3,90 Family Flour 3.80 Post-); Flour 355 Fe d Flour , 1.80 Shorts 1.40 EXETER AUIVO[ ATE, TRITlial uX, NOV, 24, 1821 Local Doings W. T. Butt on Thursday last was installed as postmaster at Klippen. Patronize the Country Store at the Trivia biemorial Bazaar, De,:, 21stI Now that the nom,'anatians are over wz are on the last tan of the po . t.cal campaign anti no doubt it w1.1 l.: more Bran 1.30 Cr.:amery Butter 43 to 47 Tivz James St, Methodist +lhotir iur- ,fa.ry Buttar 38 to 40 nished the musical program at .lie fowl 'Eggs. •new laid 75 supp.r at Cl 'selht rst lieihod?at' F.g s, held „,..... . ,,, ,..40 Church on :Monday evening. Lend ,... 19 T!'),..- . e rreet way and the; easiest waw Hay per torn $15 to $16. to <I.cpose of some property or sell lie.gs 4'25 .SENSATIONAL BARGAINS IN .' 11LLINERY \ :s:tills-at aassortm,n of 3:nxrt *tt, . .•n Silk Velve, Hats. valued a.: :; ;.;ir $4, $10 .+nd $12, \W: will sell a:2,98 a .t, ,�,; early anti get v.rte .lip:... V7t.t every pur=_base a; n 4.loilar, or ore-. ti " s _ 1 give one .:) + _ hat Fr; .. \\:e x:3>u• i*ave''+ :.1 number of 0 rt :j A Ott tt.t ,ter Ch.:stm.s g., 1• \ . t LJRI ISS. ie . gni er ti r v t Mer' S. �, Hall.1 - +:::c =nd, at 3 p.m. A.ina.s:•.r `z Cal R� • : t rno on, tea, 14.1 �,Ir1;1(i FOR S.U,E, Th,,• silo tt t :As carmine Factory is (glen and ins .ig,* will be sold at $4.30 per ton. ;13 F;.:rcltttser paying tor we�iglting on R. t1. Seldon's scale. Pay:anF°tat for ee,; lag' to be made the zirst of eneh n,«nth at the factory. Fog .LE, all mod.. : onweniently sttuat- l . rg le : and fruit trees. AP - Or tea T. H. Neweltl, 't vQu ta:�+e ,.a:ything to sell or you '1 '1x :guy. try The Advoate Want iiR AND 'WOOD ) \:1;RIti,i SALE. Apply at the o:ate rffs.e. HOW IS THE PUMP! New Iron Pumps an:3 Fittings in Stock Iron or wool pumps repaired. .\'ells taumaaed oat or cleaned. S. 1 V. CANN. Phone 115 t .R. JOHN WARI�a, t"1: ;r,:a:�ract.�r &, t x ti.`ian. Ch.r•,lerattte a^t ➢ ➢ 1 :cal 1 r,atntents for Chro:ta�. .end Nervous 1:4';vises., Spectac.les cientifically fit- t.<d. Hours 10 to 12 ; 2 0 4; and by k.pp ntment. f?raacc-\4 illi ttn and Sanders Sts., Phone 43, MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The C.ounc:l of the Corporation of the County at Huron will meet in the Council Chamber, Goderieh, at 3 o'clock in tit. afternoon Wednesday 7th day of 1),•eember, 1921. All ac- counts against the County must be in the hands of the Clerk not later than Monday pre.tdng the meeting of the Council. G. W. Holman. County Clerk God r_.•l:, Nov. 15th. 1921. FARa1 FOR SALE. The undersigned is offering tor sale that desirable farm in the Township of Sttephen, being Lot 15, Con. 2, known as the Leathorn Farm, .ronl- ta:nirt 100 acres. There is on prem- ises a commodious two-story frame house and two good bank barns. The farm is well drained and fenced, has a nice orchard, spring creek with a Plentiful supply of water the year round; fine far stock; 15 acres seed- ed down, all fall plowing done, and- the- are 10 acres fail wheat, Pos- sess,.un given April lst, 1922. For particulars apply to I. R. CARLING,. ixe.c_r, Solicitor 'for the Adminstra- tor. Contracting We wish to call the attention of the oublkc •ot Exeter and surrounding dis- trict that we are open to accent, or tender for contracts for all kinds . of bu'iding We are experienced wo.rk- men and by strict attest t on to busi- ness we hope to share in the contract work of this district WARES & PRYDB, Exeter. Dray and Baggage Anything you have to move we move it reasonable \rotor Truck and Horse Dray at your Servic'ei Auto Livery Horse Livery BAGSHAW & EASTON FOR YOUR PARTIES When you are giving a House Party or enterta(,a ing your friends in any way, 'remember we are in a position to assist you. Our Ice Cream, Fruits anti Gro- ceries are..always fresh, and just what your friends will like;. WILSON'S y��SL)1+I S �jh/ Ri' YW LJ GJI V'Vl.'1'J lr Cash. and Carry Phpne 5 6. so:m: small article, 'find a tenan.•tnt for your !ions.:, or an article you have lost Z t •t t BUR ;LAKY Partridge shooting ..Nosed 'on Satur- day last. The birth announced to 11r. and Mrs, Lee, Sea�forth, last week should have read a son. Mrs. Whyte, „nurse, is qud,te all at th home of her mother, _Irs, J. \V:stlake, Sanders St. it tate Sal of 'a decorated Christ w free at a pant at Trivitt Meru- or::al Bazaar, Dec. 21sa, FARAI SOLID. 11r. Wm. SSIlery has disposed of his 101 acre farm n Usbarne, Situated on the corner, London Road and Thames Road, to lir. Peter M, Moir of Us - born. t�:an n ten you wan .i, is :o user nu_ z a small advt. :.n the Want Column" On Wednesday night of last weep t_4 i ° Advocate, tlt:.'os made anentrance through a rear window to the store of lir, J, CARTING A\I7 DRAYI" G- ..til W. Powell, and :tarried away a num- kinds of furniture moved and crated, beer of articles to theyalue of several No job too small, At your service, ldollars. Close watch is being kept and IN in. Gardiner, Phone 74:j. ACCOUNTS DUE. All accounts payable to. the Misses du.e and mu J.: 1st, or they .t , d:urt bar collection. telt ,breves will surety be caught one of these Clays. POI.I'FICAL MEETINGS. st .be pared be lir. Thos. li. f111anr Liberal candi7 wzll be placed date. held a meeting in the Town Hall an Wednesday evening of Iast week. 11r, J. C. Eli ott, ex -M. P., also spoke n the interest of the .Candidate. Mr. F W. Gladman was chairman. There was a fair attendance. Keep december 7th open for Citi - zees' Relief Committee play "Mrs. Temple's Telegram." A real treat in store. S!.IALL PIGS FOR SALE. A nunabr of pigs, 8 weeks old, John Ha kn y, London Road, south, WANTED, Young couple want comfortable ria vm and board with private fang: y. Apply ly c,r phone Advocate. Reserve D':eember 15th and lath for Handel's Messiah in Names St. Church. Tickets for sale by the mem- burs of the chorus. COCKERELS FOR SALE. White. Black and Buff Le horn% $1,50 and $2.00 each. Garnett Heywood, Exeter Et TRAY CATTLE. A heifer and a, steer about 'Si vech strayed onto. N 1-2 Lo 28, Soutil Boundary, Hay. Owner can have ;ante by proving property and paling expenses. Joieph Amy, Cre- diton P. O. Phone Crediton. STEER STRAY1.1) There strayed from the grass farm of the unders,gn;ed about Nov lest a 7 -rear old steer about 1000 lbs, de - horned. Finder kindly inform W. R. Elliott, Centralia STRAY STEERS There strayeed onto- the premises of the undersigned, Lot 6, North Bound- ary, Biddulph, two 2 -year old steers. Owner can have same by proving pro- perty and paying expenses. F. A. Dobbs, Centralia 1 STRAY H1.IFER There strayed onto the premises of the undersigned, Lot 10, Con. 17, Ste- phen, a two-year old heifer. Owner can have same by proving property and pitying expenses. ;lfathew Sweitzer. SALVATION ARMY SERV ICI S Sunday -Town Hall. 11.00 a.m.-Holiness \Meeting 2.30 p,m, Sunday School 7.00 p.m, -Salvation, Meeting Open. -.air service at 3 p. m. in, the North End Tuesday -8 p.m., Cottage Meeting at home of Mrs. Webster, in North End Thursday and Friday-Hensall, Cen- tralia and Crediton visited. Capt. MacGillivray Lieut. Parnell Y. P. C. A. Friday night oven to Ladies and gentlemen. The James Street League will give :t program at the Y. on Tuesday nightNaw. 29th. Let all members of the Y. try tn, be present. Trivitt Memorial Church 11 a.m.--",The U,plvfted Gaze." 7 pjm.-"`The ;Ends of tie Age." Rev A. A. Trumper, Rectory CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister 10 a.m.—Sunday School and Bible 'Classes. 11 a.m.—"The man who was deter- mined to see. what Jesus was like." 7 p.rh.—Devotional service by the Guild. Mr. F. W. Gladman will speak. Special music, All wel- come. JAMES ST, METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J. Watson, B.A. 11 a.m.--"Life, Black White or Grey" 3 p.m.—Sabbath School and Bible classes. 7 p.m; -"Stolen from Death." Dec. 4th -Opening of New Organ; D?e, 5th -Hoyt FawI Supper. i:'e ep open these dates. MAIN ST. METHODIST CHURCH Rev Geo..McAlister, M. A. Phone 21r3 11.00 a,m. a".Thie Christian's Portion": 3.00 p m. --"-Sabbath School & Bible. Classes" i,GO p.m,—"The C.b of 1'ubb an", Tea ,Meeting, Friday. Tea, 6-.8 nim. AT BETHANY 2,30 -``The- Chrastiatt 1Vlill'nomaire,'' On Tuesday eveneing the United Fanners Political Or;aniz3tjon held a well attended meeting in the Opera House, when addresses were deliver. .gid by the candidate, Wm. Black, lir. Scott and Andrew Hicks, id. P, P, The addresses were interspersed with song and readings. lir. W. G. Medd was chairman. KELLY -CASE. Tot, hams of .Mv. and Mrs. .George E. Case, Toronto, at three o'clock on Saturday afternoon,.Nov. 19th, was the scene of the marriage of their daughter. Margaret Simpson, ''Peggy) to Mr. Robert Hun::ngdon Kelly, son o 1Ir. anal Mrs F. ;S. Kelly', the Rev. Canon James offeiat:st. The bride, who was g'ven in. marriage Jay her rath,,r, wore a brown embroidered travelling suit and brown, hat with burnt or. ng: feathers, an. Isabella fox fur, and. corsag-w bouquet of aphelia roses. Miss Madeline Carling played the wedding march. There were no attendants. Mr. and Mrs, Kelly lett after the ceremony for a. wedding trio across the line. On their return they will reside at 90 Glenholme avenue: Tie bride's many friends in Exeter •w sb her a long and happy wedded life, ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION. On Thursday night of last week a large number of neighbors and friends met at the home of Mr. Adolphus Hooper, prior to their moving to Lon- don and spent an enjoyable evening, during the course of which they were made a presentation and address, lir, :1lllton Russell reading the address. The evening was pleasantly spent in music and games. Following is the address,- To ddress,To Mr. and Mrs; Adolphus Hooper, - We, your friends and neighbors have gathered here thisevening to express in a tangible way our appreciation of your many worthy qualities; as e.iti- z.ns among us, and to voice our sen- timents of regret at your departtm e from our midst, We feel that you will be deeply missed by all from our neighborhood, and we cannot allow, you to take your departure without presenting you with a small token of remembrance in the shape of a clock, flay it ever remind you. of the friends, and neighbors who so much .regret your removal, but extend to you tb,eir most hearty wishes for your further welfare and prosperity. From . your many friends that have gathered here to wish good-bye, liay God -Speed be yours;, Mrs. R.N. Creech and Hugh were n London on Saturday. \I ss Margaret Penrice of Landon, was home for the week end. Mr. G. J. Dow returned Saturday from a trip to Montreal with horses Mrs. Wilbur King ,of the West is here visiting with her mother, Mrs. Whittef ord. Mr. Harry Staltham of Acton vis- ited his brother, W. J. Statham, for a few days. Mr. Thos. Wright of Hanover vis - ted for a few days during the week at Mr. R. Dinn,ey's, Mrs. T. S. Woods left for Detro&t on Saturday to attend the funeral of an aunt;' Mrs. Pavvell, Mrs. Thornton of Windsor visited at the home of her ,,rnather, Mrs. Silas Handford over the 1veek end„ Mr. and Mrs,. 'Adolphus. Hopper of the Lake Road, wlesk_ of town, moved tto London on .Ttuesdal. to reside. Mrs, W, J• Hawksbmaw left an Tues - da} fen Boston to v3sut her ;ester, 111Irs (Dr,) Rihabardson, for a few weeks Mrs. Claxton, after a visit withhes brother, Mr, W. W. Taman, :returnedto her barna to Detroit ,an Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. -Jos. Hawkins return- ed Saturday from Salvador, Sask., where they visited relatives far a few months. Rev. Blatchford and wife of Liss - towel visited over the, week end with the :form,er's brother, and wife, Mr. and AiKs, Frank :!Blatchford. Dr, and M'rs. Lindsay and son, who recently retuned train England, and have been v,:sitaig near St, Thomas returned to Exeter Saturday, • Among those who attended the. funeral of the later Wesley. S,rue11 from a distan e were., Mrs. Windsor of Brawn City, Mich., Mr. Samuel Rowe ou Galt, 4-4, A. Bissett of Brant- ford, Mr, Hoante os .Clinton, 14f.:ssrs, Herb Sout1rcott and 1-Iarp.er Rivers returned home on, Saturday .ev-- eniing from England. They reanained n x . in Montreal pmt al dw.iubcr the few days .�ihaE the late Mr. Wesley Snell, was ill and then tcam•e on w,;th the rem insi, 'Mrs.. Snell and Mrs, Wm.' Snell ;arri,v,. ed here the same day,, $ 3 PHONE 32 JONES & 1VIAY A Complete 'Sho.wip Christmas Coif t 0 \.re would advise an early inspection of our large stock of Goods for the Christmas Trade, which we now have on display: We have a won.- derful assortment of merchandise, suitable for gift purpose's, including - Handker,;hefs, Blouses, Ties, Gloves, I>imonas, Purses, Handbags, Et.',, at very reasonable prices. HANDKERCHIEFS We have hundreds of plain and fancy handkerchiefs for Ladies, • Fen and Children, many lines in individual boxes. flake your selection early. Men's and Ladies' Initialer Handkerrltieis now in Stock, LAD IES CREPt. BLOUSES UP 10 $10.00 VALUES FOR ,41.95. 48 only Ladies' Beautiful SW Cr.pe and Georgettk Bloussts, all popu- lar volors, sizes 36 to 44, Regularly up to $10.00 glues, to .leas at one prig e, only $4.95 each, Ladies' Cape -Skin Gauntlet Gloves, grey and tan, the very latest style in gloves. Price $3.50 pair. LARGE BUNGALOW APRONS AT 85.. 3 dozen only large print Bungalow aprons light an, dark :cors - exceptionally good value at only 850. Cash. - n's Overcoats for $19.50 Our Hen's Overcoats at $19,59 are selling out very fast. \Ve silt have a large, range to select from at this ,price. Get yours ,before they are sold out. Prue only $19.511. LADIES EMPRh.SS SHOES AT .$6.98. REGULARLY $10.t10 30 pair Empress b3ack or brown, high 1a.'. s]toe , regularly $10.00 to Tar at $6.93 pair. LADIES' VELOUR COATS AT $25,00 Don't forget our Sale of Ladies' and Misses' Beautiful \.'Horst Coats still ,;ont nues, 25 Coats to seloetfrotn at $25,00. 3 only Salts' Esquimetie Plush Con is Clearing at 5:9. FURS FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS Furs make excellent Christmas Gifts, We are offering wonderful Bar- gains in Fur Sets, Odd Muffs and N ck Pieces. Many at xtearly half price. JONES & MAY I. R. Darling, B.A. Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public Commissioner, Solicitor for the Mol - sons Bank, Etc. INVEST YOUR FUNDSS' in Victory, Dominioonn of Canada, Pro- vincial and Municipal Bonds, all legal investment ,for Trust Funds At existing prices from 6 tier cent. to ' 7 per cent can be obtained from these bonds. Orders received by me. Money to loan at lowest rates of initerest.. Office -Carling Bk., Main St., Exeter NOTICE BEFORE BUYING YOUR I URN ITUR1. CALL' AND SEE, THE BAR- GAINS W h, ARE ' OFFERING IN ALL LIMB'S,.. R. N. ROPE FUNERAL DIRECTOR RAND TRUNK SYS EM ..1111•,. THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcelled during car service Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor ears on principal day trains. Full information from arty Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horn - tug District Paasenper Agent, Toronto N. J. DORE Agent. Exeter Phone 46w CENTRAL S'TRATFORD.. ONT. The Leading Commercial School of Western Ontario; a school where you can get thorough courses under com- petent instructors in Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy Depart- ments. epartments. Students get individual in- struction and may register at any time,- Graduates are assisted to pos- itions. Get our free catalogue. D. A. McLachlan:, Principal • SOUTHCOTT BROS. PHONE 134 PHONE 134 Ladies' and Misses' Fur Collar Coats • We are ',showing some splestdi 1 styles and have reduced the sprue :on every coat, If you are interested in a coat don't fail to see our ,valulesl • GOOD COATS $1,51,00 to $45.00.., ALL WOOL . JERSEYS For` little chaps lin colors of brown or blue. They are all wool with dome fasteners on shoulder 5.2_,••00 and $2.25. MINER HEAVY RUBBERS You *III need theft this weather, get as hoot that weitll give satssafactory them. Prices 83:50 ..to $6.50. ' HEATHER' HOSE In. new shades and weaves. They are all wool, and are reasonably pric- ed. Per 'Pe pair,. .. � .. 25 p .. .. 1. $ I BOY'S ALL WOOL SUITS Just arrived, an All Wool ,brown tweed suit. Just ,this thing for boys for best, or ,school wear; tall (size)s• AND RUBBER BOOTS In buying this well, -known, brand you (wear. Ask any man who- has worn NEW SPATS In the popular shades, They come • ig in two heights, 10 and 12 bu'tit;orals'' At par paiii' 882,25 and $2.50 Southcott Bros DR. HENRY A, CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Office -.Beakers' Livery Barn, Exeter Calls promptly attended to day or, sight. DR. AL E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon McDonell's Stables, John St., Exeter (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C, H. Sanders at the( Advocate Of- fice. Strictly com;fident;al; no wataetts, Dr, G. F. Roulston, L. D. S., D. D. S DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. Dr. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto Unieefgity Office -over Gladman & Stani5uryti Office, Main Street,,,, Exeter. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER. AND VALUATOR for Counties of Hurls Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Fart Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Central Hotel, Exeter, Ontario FRANK) TAYLOR Licensed Auctibnieer for Counties of Huron and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satiafactio Gearaanteed. Crediton, - Ontario. If you want to ,order a daily Pap'er or magazine, or renew a present stili scription, leave your order at tine Advocate Office. We save you pape>*, enveaope postage stamp and cot of money order .and when clubbing ant" tie ,more besides. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private furids to loan on farm and village .'. property at low rates of interest. GLADMAN'-& 'ST,ANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter