HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-11-24, Page 7GLAD HE TRIED THE TOW TREATMENT Through Its Use Strength and Vigor. Was. Restored. To be tired after exertion is natural. Rest and food restore the body to nor, mal after such fatigue. But to be tired all the time is a symptom of au anaemic condition that will not be corrected until the blood is built up. Such an anaemic condition is so gradual in its approach and generally so lacking in acute pains that it is often diffleult to leereuade the suffer- er to downething fur ft. But it is not a condition that corrects itself. It the blood is not enriched the trouble will Increase. 'rite :ervcs will be cue dernourished glad neuralgic pains will follow. Digestive disturbance: often result front thiu blood, sleep is disturbed and a general breakdown may occar. Mr. Wilson Jeeilneen, Nineveh, I .S., s=ays: "A few years ago my system was in a badly run €ltswn condition. My nerves seemed Jit:ays on edge. and 1 founts myself tat weak that I could hardly do any ware.. I suffered front headaches mei Crrdtu llalns in the back and under the et oulders, and was of- ten so sleeptees ut night that when morning came I tett as tired as when 1 went to bed. I was taking Medicine all the time. but It was doing die no good. Then 1 reed the testimonial of a man whose catedition had been similar to saline, end who strongly re- commended Dr. Williams' Pink. Pills. 1 decided to give this medicine a fair trial. and when 1 haul taken file boxes 1 felt much better. I maimed tutting the pine= until I lt;tcl taken s1x mere boxes, and I e;att only Gay 1 ani glad 1 did so. as I mu new enjoying tete best of health, and I advice alI men who feel run down to give these pills a good trial." Dr. Willi<in Idol; Pills can be ob- tained from any dealer In medicine, tar by mail at da) e•ente a hoe or slaw l ➢i. ,➢t tc, ayt€tc taQr'., t pe.., ,offs. boxee for Slide frau The ler. Wit- eel feel, for ttat. ila4A1n"c2l liL.' ;l. fiery Ware Medici( e Co.. Brtac"kviilte, Ont. 3'ur:aeee. Eventide, The day is past one the toilette cease, The land grows dizzi 'raid the stead owe gray, And bearts are glad, for the Clark brings peace At the close of day. Each weary toiler, with linering pace, As he homeward turns, with the long day done, Looks to the west, with the light on his face, Of the setting sun. Yet some see not (with their sin -dim- med eyes The pi mise of rest in the fading light, But the is;uds loam dark fn the angry skies. At the fall of night. And some see only a golden sky, Where" the elms their. yvelifrjtail arias stretch wide To the calling rooks, as they home- ward fly At the eventide. It :>pealts of peaee that comes after strife. Of the rest He sends to the. hearts IIe tried, Of the calm that foelows the stormiest lice•-- Gods eventide. ---Lieut.-Col. John McCrae. Why Your Ears Burn. Everybody has' enper enee•t the rctelire tat a burning elr, but few un- derstand haus It occurs. Satdilen frights, excitement, worry, and anxiety are the causes. "flit' sen. e : (tion is due to the liber('..tion of thyroid and other gland substances, which have a tendency to paralyse the muscle( itt the walls trf the elfin.. Tide tem -wary teal -y permits their eltatitic wa:'. to xpan,:l. and a stream of bleed rti; 4*ce.e WO the cheeks ani ears. When yen realize th.t the haat of i t Grated i et et a .1 el pineapple is he. n g t body to i about Daae; inn that tee ;ri . gins Ing trs find favor as an fngre client "Weil. eil. it's a raven," repines" Pat. Fahrenheit. bait" it is plain thrtt a ,taolf3f�n izt etr:ttibet i ftra> Teases c; taS r ad : :ta 1 'aae:i . Phteep101te pie. nave ? tea what die yen Yarear I ala. eFt a Y a al + t,. t w p. 1'i3n9t' _i bird iil:F.^ that fee?' -a a ,„� •�. c.t l.l't C With t . 39. dine paltered, i� eel P; , t a a "%Vi•"! I read ,:.:a v:s.ec,; alar, tether lE', it, n r t �''ja a4L Got His Answer. 81ty t. te.,r ufa7 t t : n°:. E c+1f;,:°E t SAVEDBABY'S E � S tet Mrs Alfred Tranchemontagne, St. Michel cies Saints, Que., writes:— "Mbyte rites:--- '"Baby e Own Tablets are an excellent medicine. They saved my baby's life' anti I can highly recommend them to `. all mothers." Mr Tranchemmntagne's „_.OPPOnloOmnOmOomOrno-a t :>E Era. the marsupials that the teacher quee- tlanetl Johnny about. "What are alar- supiale?" she asked the little fellow. "Animals that have pouches in their stomachs carie the chile % reply. "And for what purpoee do they use, the pouches?" continued the tt •ciwr. ignoritg the dligt.t inaee uraty of the , COULDN'T RAISE HANDS real, "I am sure yon enow bh' t too." E COULD HARDLY. .CLIMB THE STAIRS °- Color Blind, Apparently. `"Yes"m, said Jehnn, prerptly. e experience is that of thousands of " outer mothere who have tested tie Little Isaltvin --Mamma, 1 ghees the •'The i,ouches are fear them is erawi worth of Baby's Own Tablets. The man who matte lay geography was intt> and conceal t.L`- .. F..yee L heo it � � Ta bless axe a sure and safe me::licine COIOI' blind: for little ones and never fail to retu- amnia --•Why do you think so, my 1 to the bowels and stomach, thus re- dear?" Amusnig the Neighbors. lieving ali the minor ills from which Little Edwin--" Cau:ae he's got Johnnie age ale. wee tui sed children suffer. They are sold by Gree:zland patuted yellow:' medleiue dealers or by mail at 25 ABOVE FIEAD tEer sued " _ IltonWoman Declares matte a box from The Dr.Williams' Canned Stuff. Medic:Ma Co., Brockville. Ont. "ala, do cows atel bees _o t t; heaver?" ";legis. clued, what. a que Oldest Gamao in the World, . .?., The &sle t adnz semeet ht the world . "'Cane 11 they neer tee teal a az al his mother one day far .-tmie tint", when he reappeared -he aslieel: '•4Vaaere have YOU beer, slay Fen?" Tanlac Overcame Fier Rheu- matism and Other Troubles. "If others hadn't. allowed their state- nents pus hes in the palaere 1 voitkln't here !mown l a:bc:ut. Tanlao P 'a postman," ' E , would still be suffering, ;Fo new - -� [' • + her the benefit of Q. he .s I watnt to tell +I gave a letter tee all c c oma whet the medieine has done f er me," tend cur et et;t. leteel lett'.. t . "Where on earth aft::. • i:u S`=t ri.e�a�a . z c drel 1;II John 1),„316" GJ (,'"",tl:. .-e 51. I ng ->r fi;Te 1 t:S nit titer at {,' tr c41 a t . jilt , IIsiEn'"41m• ±. They were theta- old (trate i±s e (tar • =about tf:ree airs ego I begat.; to stiffer leen rhetas '.tiem, wheel kept. tis dae,l,t drawer. tied vv iiia fila- getting segwore until I was In almost bee. r.a� tete I u ceeat rtl:l, e.stcarat vein. At Wren my {rats bP• is dice tlar.iwing. :Inmate ey the t".' eat- ,ait1 wee up there In some fern or antathe'r dice have must be eant.ee etutf." existed in every period of history. They are shown on early F geptian ` Saving the Pieces. n:onumenas, and some dug up at , I •lr.•. 1E-'30e-re---••l.atl Ftacr?• i,2 adore,.* Thebes re -se -fitly are exeetly similar to a earerut with the ch➢t aa, ..a- :. Th;it tva3 �- a tl s:se to li.?e to day TIif'y ?re men^ i . 7' r Jemee ated Je an aro tai i : tvr.ttee re my fiuge ' t" ' 69 6 --if I F'ia15.._ t'id'e• g w. imn er ay-- a l',a".l ,t• t-.,,1t:^p.t-ce t,ann':. r. e, a '5';"" the t't fL .e IitSt tit)nf t in laws te�G »t ..5 gam I3• 1(41;1 3 !LUCIA '..ii..' at t L3 u s•lte't t.c. e. _ f . ed In ancient Gree and Pante and Atm, , za4• far' the: e t et:- . ad to s ?'d •. the .,t,.iu--But 1' at ..:Fal.,, ciao meet ether ccatntriee it0 Eatro e', n d IFart3ly gQ ult a Oi 12t tlf 1ceeir., ➢na6'tnt. a➢a G t leave t➢ tlaa:eT.S tel e ro ar• iS ,5aa c +E l ;s14" s1 .. ! ,lri 11.. tb 31 The levet-aim of dice is atttila➢tied' 9 stairs e➢* aecoent oi: the stiffeees in 1e: - end by this cloaca:" is it Sara • ,,e the tnet the slit a 1e:- Palant elf"s, one of the tteroes nho ' :tosses merle by Tey children playing c time so me -olden and veinal! I c iJ dn't • Puzzling the Twins. 9 rei..e toy beetle above my heal, and • lows the tyee were deee•itieft? They n my rn cr .s. I I,*c one so ner;••ttus the sailed against Trey, about the year were peat lean ng v- tnil� v, iA iiia foal- I , r a How It Merited, beet tine leatee treacle sae fra,atice 1244 B.0 but the use of cubes with P !. r : •, „ ctsi'i.d;g n :I.e to t 4 .Lit "t One '��n• "r t e �e muni CtOi1 bides far gambling purpia e:3 � V ne?t we wt'O ni;:LrIlN'a. F..:t a :leo n ae,?1.,,r ae ,1finerJr.'m ;Y 1^,Citi,tanrang E©atFy`tl1MFt.+t*tat,tRinl "w. ••stay v.int> .;te:�1 fl ta.af:e� ala ;.'reit- . 1.:ca lr;a is :t pay ,sat,.:'ae.Idvcia efl#?ti pO t t -ed tutteh eas.it ., e : c l I Gnt :n 8rr . Ea. r"Ie tat E a�,":c:.. t;:,, t' at ° o C ;a ^fs a e Tar 1,;r n gjr*aibeISYL� act l c?.�iC t yveaiir3circ fit."Fn"etltteet pa:cage', in the wog• is of ,t aa1 b +t fi tm t' t,Q . , 1 v4:i e° u -t itig iq:a ➢ a F 3- .tie rte.:r t7 ancient written and numerous retire 211 t1IIe; naajo? tlafngs and -he m all the In her artlas suite+te sI e 114111":.e;l ta;r : toteny r l' �4"e`1' fit} rlte't dos s s �;o, selatatiut:s in marlafe once paintings lninr�r faanes." gas; Platt 1,'g r:tirror. She s�slt '3 Ea troter with the lir: t fews doses and, rhow pottierdice-playingw� "Are boss hac� it sa,rlheJ'?" Black to •e a . . toE;vr tl ai I hay+ Di*1i ltea the a eco^d , pop ti. ",s t t 1 .rt J4 -in tits lEit.a +f IIra. l.taa- -' bcttlta tett~ lash trace oY it is gort+. :ells antosag them. Iaaquin•'d. tfr a „7t1 dainty. ti'ii.zt flu ytzu u11 Qac'rvcusness is t;aries too. and I a¢n ago ..-----e. fir a;cna smiled wanly. ao far," ha I,o:,e Jtti:la sidle to Als oven E weal ay:- • "" ° ion? Ile waved Itis little piano c Tri t 'ty ln'�e'r hrees free frAixt pain I cant fully express it." if? t➢te••CEpi as tt a r4•ut+a es tltle�ciglt cite Pineapple Products, re slit al tart major matte ..> have conte pet sh The lfitae=uple gi'owera of Hawaii, np. as 1, '•Iii fb, Jameai'" F>rbr rg4era1 T.n1aae ie t3oid by Ieading druggists tesssit's: (fit'Y tis:12 it tba.7 hoot bail adat IIa7CliEetU to C!nDt'ont'at"c' nese nse> for s C7SC+n"j'4S�ere, .S"l.dY, teir prt;duet. are tent' ptattieg thea' Meet ISe Proved. a' 1 the ';emus tee take t:, rs e01 tier. twins 'twit up to Cana:. evu �.ae1 or grated, as "Well, Pet,"` tetrad Bridget. •'what i.ittd to tett, sat F. e,r gaits leen' heat Fen : fete his tTiell as relic -tel. of a bird have yen brcngltt home Lawn retina:brant as Li.- brother. ?" •, :t'e * i t tet, t tea G Surnames and Their this YORK Reale! 0rialn—'Jttaiieh. Source ---A leeelatl. The might of Yeti: a fromtet-tee is ant hard to geese. 1.1 come; it -tact the city fn len.;:an L of that name. The felt} of York Is almost portant, eat:.rorieaify at Loudon. awl it is as Old. antedating tory Inn in- vasion. and havleg been founded by 1 'drat!'. the Celtic* Britons long before the Anglo-Saxon si•ttltare made their are prearance. Lintting the names of York and Lon- don brings up an interesting question. 'Why is the name of Loudon virtually never met with as a family name. and that of York rather seldom. while family navies derived from smaller cities, and even towns and villages are quite common? At the period when men's neighbors began to link their given names with the names of the places from which'', they had come, to dletinguislt different' individuals of the same given name. It would have constituted little dire lerentiation to use sunt a name a, Loudon. Lontictn was Fut<lt an impel. - taut place, the seat of the government Inds o many nen came fromLondon. There might t be several Johns from London in a very small community, With York it was much the same. though not to the same degree, York Was still a big and important place, but it wasn't the seat of the Govern- ment. Hence we -find a number of corks in the list of English``family games, but not as many as of Lincolns. OGI LVI E. a•areat"ees -- flesh *, Q°GiIhy,. Gate ' Ceehte ala Geibey. Gilhov. no 44;f..71! -" d. tib$, vi Ateetieen 3 lJ az tl ti::o eaing t'.. teat +l' $''t crib,. etc' 4, t. n v t a t $ Ei.4.4g4,1 te.t hewn n hie lsn'e• 1111r:1,,tre ao* "s t:*, rat Ia'ee3Wnh'd Se9f. Lf ➢cart. t • V.11: ':vi'n rt,..n ,., •..,n.�t Fla.. l -a' I' e".4 e,ttiK3::3 a.xta '.Il£'' E.,aa. », 1 tm , t ::ala n';a l...aa a :e71y111ting 1a u _ with feat oe th .- th .ta."I've tere .1;..,,:" 1"44 , ai'l twat a'•,•;)," .6 a a+ , 1 a 1 Nititlatnutbriarz Racial Qr+jir.'•-Irioia, ';t a ,iti-t "i ,1' e 414't earl if fetej Source --A liven name. ' °''3' Wl t Jt U.2I Iger tt n then t-M..l , in °'+:lettea, d 3:"„, +l 'to,t"f1 I . ret i it' t;...3 fitly t! at lst,evc�" tlzlt t slira eti fit:t^ '1 rt+!•il, t%dst :c'd feriilb?'r 1 - 1.<il Open Child's Bowels With California Fig Syrup n,. tlt;.t ttra"an 11 I:.. leetengh sear gat aerie16y"::' ;itt 1 :;ells• "iii l'o'CG' .e "foidt " vis tt: ,a _; ¢rat•« ri had; 10 ata( .ao d.,.tt til „r, d :1 elate' name, of gr alta 1 tv clidal tsa cheat velem...," "I di let tleatbt It. if cite 'ipat•"d" hilt .tt:. irradiate, fever.. Minarcl'•a I.latirnert But in lrtl Intl there tsar anothersl 1 ,r „ , ,°bile gehtlentan," meld the veteran of iasis, p r full of e`eri'e. A tt.+:�tp eonfttl Yarmouth. le Look Like a Success! Diana aaj td:ogiet fear toli,eg tip re:en tee earth Qeie lit Dee tF.'r :a;.v, „t;ta;e by ,: Ziii '"1 F+ t•,°e;;e• YOUR HEA '•, Just Like Thatl A pretty gee tis talaeing with a heehael There ,^.'::w I",, many .sad hearts when I n ei r ', !.o sail .ai.Spet-u :n , y ..r'- Y6:241ldatar- ry?3"88 e5 talent for Gereet dct Cows. Classified Aem e 4 te-A e rcw1 to °ad, ;,,cion W ,,i is Q.. et „gilts, fcirrq ..t,Adelaide +° 1 ger an« L. ste': e tV ..d Weet -,.4et, To re. in stats tzf nay° Cif to eteditorula Pig erep" ,'wean ' The 01 elan ref title rime'°" Th it le, the tram'' flat ail. -.whet is leen.. y't+tt'!l be ;cello ' newt' ddle ,-t cleanse i cite liver auto I He mala Bilious was the ..tnQe if sant make the t"d�nap:tet- tag edit t1a' rt• If it"`u tilt, cetllaar wiit•t ' bowie In ar• fe•w lazurti Ft�tt c°:,n seta • 3tt ,e1.t.. succie. eek t betting,teed ys r e =. ' etc'.. ar it to 7 .sn 4t•t;t tprices in ' r,ttuiti, Y6 ori !telt[{, aaTla nenr,� son vsi1lt a.eortatftt of dots ever,t,••at l'°eitet:'`r for yt.,tr Of hoe' thoritughly it %etz-L or Stomach is Sad yariaatiout>. 1:1 reality. however, it i,n e• t1ur ltilfa :and odds •c9stc•al food u Cascarete .til tet , Take: not the : tme name at 1111 when you out t•t: the bowels and you have it ORDERS. look at tilts (belt(' f MONEY iZ 1 Wt. Tele 1 l 1 't 'i' 1 Dominion l;.slut, ::z Monsey Ord villi, playful child again. 11 ate t Fig Syrup handy. They !chow a tea. Not Ali Profit. .,peenful teel;ty e:cur's a skit child to - ne o 11e was a s trugglinr Sct,ttish farm- i Ilw 'row, ,;1,1: your ,druggist for i ,y c act was tntlwn as t t0 ' eta Milieus of motht�t 3 keep "t" eliforuta Duel:tie,' anthetarliest ro or&1s :,3lcrty or five (Ware eta,;t three ecuts. that it 1lecaulr' an Independent clan' unit about the year 11011 A.D.. It wee one of these little act -i 1 -fit' a f 1 i to t f 5 , t s rev er. and lata had the good fortune to loin' genuulo t aIEfaatafu Fig }cup WIUC1t hat alts araC+ns vchtlat3 na •> • • f • 1 " i i " d '1 i11 t p mss trace the hand of a widow who pas c;;�ed } 11a.,athreetion, for to , es tui t t t ren back to this elan are not bearing the r .41 , t+f :ill ages printed on bottle. Mother. in her own right tate cum et five tet „ slit'of O in WIt11G':;Cy in,thed. for Yen must say "California" or you may the t9tia>ft:tits who 'saints the Clan ';nti pounds.. 'get an imitation fig syrup. "ta'Gisll•Ilultlhe" wee the hlan of the Shortly before the wedding a frie�ed OOOOOonaoata000a0000 first c'lueftttn of the O'Shaugllnessys. Hiro given name, from which the clan name is derived, had a meaning of "yellow hyalite*" or fair-haired fol- Inwt't•. It is to be noted that the ttmo meaning of these old Irisin given 3 in which this element '• z1 or name g ";sail" appears canot be adequately rendered by any single English word. "Hostage" merely comes the closest ,, "•xe zor "Egli to it. or "servant," oder." The meaning, however, was far from that of "prisoner" or "slave." There wus embodied in it also the thoughts of "loyalty," "honorable service:' "emu- lation of" and the like. Why guess about it— When you can know about it? Suppose a guide said— "This way there's a safe and pleasant road to your destination, with no risks or trdiubles on the way," and— "That way there's a road that a good many have stalled on and turned back from, but you may get through." Which would you take? Postum is a thoroughly agreeable and satisfying • meal -time drink, and you're sure that it's perfectly safe for health. • Tea and coffee contain drug qualities which disturb the health of many. Postum or tea and coffee? Which road? Why guess when you can know? Postum comes in two forms: Instant Postum (in tins) made instantly in the cup by the addition of boiling water. Postum Cereal (in packages of larger bulk, for those who prefer to make the drink while the meal is being prepared) made by boiling for 20 minutes. Sold by all grocers. Postum for. Health "There's . a` Reason" went to eengratulate hint. "We a tine - thine for ye, this Acclaim', Sandy!" lie said. "Aye. it's no' bad," replied the farm- er. "No hail? Why, It's worth live thousand reunite tae ye, isn't it?" "No," sighed Sandy. "less titan that. Ye see 'twill cost me seventeen au' saxpenee for a marriage licence!!" Minard's Liniment for Distemper. Real Friendship. What true friendship consists in de- pends on the temperament of the man who has a friend. It is related that at the funeral of Mr. Scroggs, who died extremely poor, the usually cold- blooded Squire Tightflst was much af- fected. ""You thought a great deal of him, I suppose?" some one asked hien. "Thought a great deal of him? I should think I did. There was a true friend, He never asked me to lend him a ceut, though I knew well enough he was starving to death," Not Long But Wide. The portly Irishman waddled into the shop. "What can I do for you, sir?"- asked the salesman. "Oi want a motor -car," said the Irishman. "A first-class ottymobile." "Is it for yourself, sir?" "Sure, ye're inquisitive, but if ye "Long body, sir?" "Listen to the man!" exclaimed Pat. "Long body? Begone, no! She's built like a barrel, same as me! But phwat's. that got to do wi' it?" must know, 'tis for me woife." Belgian M Car Industry. • Belgian cars are dominating the Belgian market, -American-made cars being the hardest. bit. Belgian cars have increased .45 per cent. French stili hold thein o.wn; with a Menem; of about 40 per cent. The fluctuation in the market seems due to the de- mand for the lighter cars of French and Belgian make. French Chereica1 Industries. French chemical industries. show a remarkable d'eve'lopment in those mar teliais for whleh it, like other coun- tries was dependent on Ge:tnany be- fore the war The same is true of Bri- eleb industries, especially, in the coal - tar products and dyestuffs. `1Faddy Appct tes 0p d When the digestive organs are out of order you need the help of Mother Seigel's Syrup. The herbal medicinal extracts of which the SSyrup is made restore tone and u strength to jaded stomachs, make food yield nourishment and save i from the many ills which indigest- ion nd gest ion brings. Mother Seigel's Syrup p is now sold in 50c. and $1,00 3 bottles at drug stores. e•ort aaor>•co O00 -000000v00.0 •og Ainericaa's 31oneer Dog nomadic* Book on DOG DISEASES and flow to Feed Mailed Free to any Ad- dress by the Author. er. may shover Oo,, /no. 118 Fest 81st Street New York, U.S.A. Got a 10 -cent box now, Furred Tongue. Bad Colds, indigent tion. Sallow Skin and infeetable Head-', aches conte from a torpid liver and clogged bowels, which cause your COARSE SALT LAN D SALT Bulk Carlota TORONTO SALT WORKS C. J. CLIFF - TORONTO stotnac1 to beetome tilled with undi. nested 'Roll. which sears :anis ferments like garbage Itt a barrel. There e the first step to untold mist• y--iudiges• tion, foul gases, saes breath. yellow •L•ia everything that ie sit•kening, A ('ascarct to -night will give ye&nr eon. stipated bowels a. thorough cleaning and atraifiltten yen out by tutu.tieg. They work while you Fieep. Millions of filen and women take a f aseare1 now and then to keels their tstomach, liver and bowels regulated. and never r know a miserable moment. Don't for- get the children—their little in. -ides nee:l a go :d, genIlo cleansing, too. RHEUMATIC ACHES QUICKLY RELIEVED HE raddng, agonizing rheumatic ache is quickly relieved by an ap- plication of Sloan's Liniment. For forty years, folks all over the LETTER FRo world have found Sloan's to be the natural enemy of pains and aches. It penetrates without rubbing. You is y Keep Sloan's handy for neuralgia, sciatica, lame back, stiff joints, sore muscles, strains and sprains. $ At all druggiiset inn C35c,a °c, $14o. Tells Remarkable Story of "� • Sickness and Recovery. 13,it'rgt a tile, THIN, FLAT HAIR GROWS LONG, THICK 5 AND ABUNDANT "p):tnderine" 00 s t e !only 5 cents a bottle. Ane application orals ill dandruff, stops itch- ing and falling hair, tante. in a few moments. you hase doublets the beauty of your hair. It will appear a mass, RI I soft 1115110315, and easy I to d0 up. But what will 1 1 ase e eyou mastt please will after a few weeks' use when you see new hair, a 'ekt"'s —tine and downy at e the really new it growing an t . I eft y ha grog z ., ... scalp. "Danderine" is to the Lair I what fresh showers of rain and sun- shine ulz- shine are to vegetation. It goes right to the roots, invigorates ani strength - , ens them. This delightful. imitiating tonic helps thin, liteles' falai he1r to grow long. thick, heat- ^ a ,a +txra taut. 1 ogu can just tell t Z its healthy, MRS A K E L stimulating odor that it is going to do ou ood. Toronto, Ont. -- "1 suffered greatly from weakness, seemed to be tired all the time, and had no ambition to do any- thing ny-thing or go anyplace. My nerves were in bad shape, I could not sleep at night, and then came a .breakdown. I read of Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound in the newspapers and sev- eral of my friends ,- advised me to use it, an • it se fe y put new life into me. Now I am quite abe to do all my own work, and 1 would strongly advise every suf- fering woman to give Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound e' trial: Mrs. CHARLES WAI;.nLIN, 272 Christie St., Te orinol?to OntofLydia ,. _.: 'Thalcers o . Vegetable Compound have'EthousandsefPb-ikham's such letters as that above—they tell the truth, else they could not have men ob- tained for love or money. This medicine is no .stranger—it has steed the test for more than forty years, If there are any complications you do . not understand write to Lydia E. Pink - ham Medicine Co. (confidential), Lynn, MasseiSSU>" 1+f o, 47--21" Nothing Else is Aspirin—say "Bayer Warning! Unless you see name Aspirin in handy tin boxes of 3.2 tab - , "Bayer" on tablets, you are not get- ting Aspirin at all. Why take chances? Accept only an unbroken "Bayer" package which contains directions worked out by physicians during 21 years and proved safe by millions for Colds, 'Headache, Earache, Toothache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Neuritis, Lum- bago, and Pain; Made in Canada. Alf druggists sell Bayer Tablets of lets, and in bottles of 24 and 100. Aspirin is tee trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture et Monoaeeticacitiester of Salicyiicacid. While it is well known that Aspirin means Bayer manufacture, to assist the public against imitations, the Tab• lets of Bayer Company will be stamp- ed with their general trade mark, the „BC „ ager roSs„