HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-11-24, Page 4TheExeter , Advocate' = Whalen
Sanders et Creeel , ProprietorsTh.' regular monthly meeting of .he
Gubs4ri, :inn Pxire-In alsanc�, $150" W. ii S swill be held in the: base;
min* of the church Thursday afte•r-
per year is Canada; S? 0a! n the neon. Nov 24, at 2 nitro, -sir. and 'Airs.
Unite -1 States, All subacriptems. not Taos. Gunning se -n. \Iomlay and
aced in adv ante 50e. etre •charged. Tu'sday ;et London -Several is th's
t l
°it} er_• suffering from grippe -
• _ 11r, and Mrs. Robt, Kerslake of Exeter
THt RSF AV.:�OV. 24th. 192i snare a few daa.ys with their laugh-
lr•�r, Mrs, melt_lle 1-ierie last eseel:,-
Mrs. Frank- Morley of Exeter spent
the week -end with her son, Gordon..-
err, and airs, Geo. Squire, Jr„ were
Dashwood Viz: :l'uck.rsrsth \Monday, vis eng the
Mas aiargaret Jenresett of Grazed
Rani eseseat the week, end with Laura
Mae Read
Messrs. Resta,neyer and Klenstixr
are wiring the Lutheran chugeh and
persenege for hydro.
:sir. A T Cooper of Ceram ad-
dressed tiae Evengeleal Sunday Scheel
Sunda, meez~„t,;,
sirs Pelee o3 afensalfl ,s vis4ting
Nits Ela tt a*t Flees ef. Stared.: es via-
atine wee, r eeev s Se tow];
Mr. G -.,A ScSehreeeder and Cattily left
Thursday for lana]::r, N. Dakota,
where acus wee maks their fueons
Kesee,whe T22.; tDetrz nellener
Car Reel, L d. g o ^ r .1 Son. returned
t e. - 'goat a 1l eelesoa ore Saturday,
\$a.: G e. : `« n a _ e neteeetee
w seem a ere ea,c,l t..:<l7.41
i7; louse.
]C.L :° a �. ��� °c• a Greet _t Rena
WI -Ye P. A. aft Fri•-
d;i ti!s '�:ar.
Me Fret elese hes •etwn0.e3 :rine
131: : o. , 1,.... wiesee ?.- has ...roil
tilt ° past .,s: na en last
ea h Went', 1 ,e •.
wanr, sass. r.
.:eras i t
Zees_ J Brsela n l 1 -d- tt
. me: -t = seta ,ern
reen.:r1 n:. V; e-te wh7esilS 1
lE ... l t _.Rt*. . t alp''
is $ *7 l a:t a • wIto it ,S l> e• . et
tat.' Wee a tees euttlareer : ni Sail
, put on the nee
. tl.. Ve
Farquhar a rant^t roil°as9 ;n h;;, unslert4}exig
]attar's . rnother.-Little \tisa Violet
iqu'rs was suffering from a severe at -
o. appendicitis The latter end of
last w•:.ek, but :s now doing nisch• -.
:i •rb - L.ani; t was •sn London • on
\Y.dnesda} ,-
efiss Emma Orme .and aEas T_nzaey
c. Buualo art- visiting Dr. and :sirs.
Ser A. E. Cooper, steereta.ry of the
S a' R,form Associeteon of the
Gaeta2ey spoke n the Evangelicel
t _''tr.: h on •'State; y es,—en—'nag.. He tllu-
.s:r.tt d S discourse cartoons and
NI:- ants Mrs R. S alailsen..and ,:i 4 -
dr: n ptera the week end n Len:lone
(elite a number aa? our potit s ana
soere .i 1-L:as:11)1 tint Tuesday ettendin
N e,tr nation: The U. F. 0, tiandelate
tie Book, had a nr:sting n elle Hall
te.re nlest l r eley evening, He was as-
stcd by ate Andrew Mete, Ste 1e:
F :.Jay a':t.mcion of tine week
,pm. the Conserve:ive *andidate,
a.r Mails •, will have Ms nle'et'n ;, He
Wel b. assisted by Mr. Heroes, :Omer
gr , u:tree unier :he
1i r government, \o daub: tale
"leli_ra'. .sni:date;, Mr elelialan will
a: a later <la.e, s°a 'that
a ".s' ta?t;i.2 aeug,ht to az te'cl« ,Dost -
a rh: mol't..t1 'site.; o. the day
a:: angle:',,, 1 i 1.
veers" ers" esti. 2S revised by ;he
R e-s:rars are neW po tel tip ler ;q-
tree et the Post (meet, It i. the
lst'y t> versperaon %t.e•i,s ensiled
1Se rate s 4:Nani.TVO, the lit teed arts'
'AO list' name .s e^e*..reie .hereon,
tl la
is as seven el than• t1ie'. should ;;o to
either (sal the reer s.r.J,rs, Mr. .Trc;vtith
'aIl-_ 1't noel eve flava; tour
n adds 1,
jetseet Kee malk'n ; preparations
nes :sleet a bteldene on he srentews
° star a tulle an -zeta plant unci °toB:s
everyth.ng ','t shape :o .tart
l t a'tt the spring ru,,)t We aya h
aaaaear ll 1, heal .n the I' ar-
qte ,«.. 11511 ie3t'1. r t' .:alt r, 'i
Wontr tet:
Farquhar=n s 11:r.t t,..: on l�ri-
d: t $1a,' 4th.. G;eod ler"?gr1:u. At1-
tft 4 en adult.. 15..." wlaildr •rm ik tin r 12,
f: e,
At er.; 1.1f. tt:eet:ng the Woman's In
.stt, tat d.a �.le l zo hold a bazaar on
the IJt at 1),:cembeer, :he proved. to^'o tee ttr War alentor'. tl lide,pr al for
lehesir.'n of ' ietern tot,-ics, ' be
but in London ea on c,: the out-
stand'ang trnd:rtakin s o We,:ern
antar:>. It to lopes] and we fe.l that
ev:ry member will contribute gener-
owls to til:s worthy : au;;':• -Miss N.
\::telteil spent Sunday at
h I,.)ane ltar� 11„.:, Lula Fulton
v sit.d Sandy with \lis; A. Nankin.
-- :1r. and 'Ire. Rob::rt UJun.•an
ferns. eunday tt Mrt. T. lilnrtlen's.--
t3::s., i! .:-i has been obliged to,tay
a l
11: Seen nor a few days .it's week on
exeunt o an 1t.eek o! the eripee.
I!t•• f'yeter steeper ;•vain ,n rthe
Tt>svn Hall on Wednesday n'ght ure-
al "r the aasspiees of the Women's In-
St"tui oras a de.-idel nuc+cess The
soap + was a treat and our lade; sus-
ta'n.tl their repucct',oa o: putting up
a selendttl meal. Several booths were
else Iaeea*::i :n the hall were :onsider-
t uff was disposed of. The pro. Beds
et tt{t•r supper go towards defraying
the eepenses incurred with the Ath-
lete: Field.
They, Yearley, who was allot in the
tl'heen out httnt:ne a few days ago
. ale. to be around with the aid of
ru,cli's'. He has suffered cons'der-
abi • ;i•i n. but' is do_ng nig ely,
~metal anniversary services of the
til thed'st Church were held in Ailsa
Craee last Sunday, Rev. Brook took
▪ dirt V Zc th • serve and as a resole
n'> evelena serve :n the
Grand Bend t t r' 14 1
: tnur•h 11 -e,
Mr awl Mrs. Eli Law•sen v ;:tad
eteeris an Exeter en Sunday.
eIr as 1 Mrs Pau el.setter oz
vin Creel: :Stuit 'b t, see It a few days
last w:ek with',he farmer's ester, Mr
H 'nry 3iotz.
�1 ,s P;arl Mete lett last week for
L ulo : wh :re she his a,•eepted a
r)r s t:a,n.
Mr and :sirs. Isaac Sims and family
of Exeter spent Sunday want Mr. and
Mrs. Job. Sims.
Mrs. Wilson Andiron and :first
Frani: Taylor have returned, aifteie
noel ding ..a',few days teeth Mr. and
Mrs. \rerv'n Brokensh..re et Fergus.
til ani Mrs Cap. Howard•>1. Lucan
ss znt Sunday with Mr, and Mrsl Frank
Stephen Tp. The happy couple will Taylor.
reside on the groom's farm near Grand
Mr P. Bak was taken to ]..cotton
ile.:,.1.;' \see 12et•;or a.aam nt. --
Mrs 'Wart Patterson who vas Been in
'eeetere. Hospital cam: home Saidr-
day. \Ira. Paga who. has b'tca ill 1,
imprtrt r: tifrs S'm Dewey entertain
ed eer 'ad frasnea to a quilt-
ine Thu- r. --M, Chas. Ti:deman of
7tqrs. 't c ,..ed his parent, last week
His daughters Eva and Violet }vent
beet with h:ne.
A a f t wedding was solemrn .e:i at
th.Poobsateeian manse here, cn Nov.
9th w 1 �t Rte Carr:ere united in mar-
e:ere, nos Lydia Dell .% eldest slaugh-
ter of :.ir and Mrs, Samuel De:.tz, of
Zuresii, to Mr. Emery Stebbins of
Red Blood, Vim, Vigor, Vitality Fol-
low This Advice
Niagara Falls, Ont, -"As my par-
ents have used Dr. Pierce's remedies
with such won- _
derful and quick'
results I take great
pleasure in send-
ing a good word
to boost the cause
of 'Freedom from
Illness: I have
aeseee, used the Golden
Medical Discovery
at times for the
past three years.
f - / Ama pressman
by occupation and the labor is quite
.fatiguing and injurious to the system.
But today business has no drawback
for me. Three cheers for Dr. Pierce's
Discovery!"-• William 11. Dempsey,
Jr., 32 Bridge St.
As soon as you begin to take this
"Discovery" you begin to feel its
bracing,appetizing effect. Buy of
your neighborhood drug store in tab-
lets and liquid, or send l0c to Dr.
Pierce's Laboratory in Bridgeburg,
Ont„ for trial pkg. tablets and write
for free medical advice.
Colds, Fevers or a Rundown
Condition, Take This Advice
Pleasantville, N. S. -"Four years
ag& I was a very sick woman, The •
doctor `. said it was pneumonia. It
kept me in bed for five• weeks and
lett me so weak that I could hardly
get" about. 'A dear friend advised ma
to try. Dr. Pierces remedies and I
did so. ; After taking a bottle of the
Golden leledicia Discovery . and one
of the Favorite Prescription. I found
3 kgs getting so mueh stronger that
le 'continued using them, together
with Dr, Pierce's Pleasant Pellets,;
until I Cully recovers$' my strength,"'
-Mrs. Agnes Brunell.
Mr and Mrs}, Ira Stebb7ns ,visited
her sister, airs. Frank Tuener, last
week, -Mrs.' J, Sherritt of Grantonand
Mrs. J. L..-A•nses of Brinsley visited
friend:, here last week. -Miss Dev_mra
Mason, who has been in London, has
returned home. -We extend congratu-
lations to e'er,. and Mrs,, Ross Battram
(nee Miss Dorothy Johnson), who were
married last Wednesday and wish them
a long and happy Wedded life, -Mrs;.
Hudson and Miss LF Finkbeitner vis-
,tted -.Mr.: acid Mrsi John Hudson on
Sunday. -On Saturday last at the
Garbett parsonage Rev-. D. A. Will-
ialms, . B. A:, joined .ion holy wedlock
Mess 'Gladys Mason, youn,geat daug.h
ter ofMr. and Mrs, Edward Mason and
Mr. Robt, Eagleson. After a. honey-
moon spent ;gut ••D:etroi,tl and Sarnia the
happy young couple will. reside .on the
grooms .farm west of Greenway; A
large circle of friends wirsh them ev-
ery happ';ness and prcaperiity.
This much talked•,te movie will be
'out on in. Dots 'Theatre, Monday,
Nov. 28, with special music. Harold
Bell Wright's navel `has made a great
striking photopiay, to the, lovers of the
book. This is snot •surprising, The
story is filled with dramatic sifuations
and seh ically the Magniltudei of God's
ownhandiwork is ever before us. The
wcocl- and the hills always appeal to
a r,.al man or woman, Land in this play,
the real great 'ch_n,g.s at. life are
brought to our understan:d'ztng., as creat
as water from the mountain, springs
yvih'icih are ever befo-et our eyes,. This
production' which has been a year .'in
tire making has played :all the large
theatres -n Amerese. By all odds She
nh.atoplay event of the season. Thi's
s the same company that -presented
the "B.rth of a Na l.,on, ' `hearts of
th V�T,anld with music. ,
Sii?c al " atinee at 4, after the
schools; night 8.15.
"Ted" Lewis beat Boy McCortuxek
in the 14th round.
French predict Far East Entente
will have five members.
Chinese proposals central point of
interest at \S'ashingtell.
Great Britain t'ocontrol foreign: re-
lations of k eisal's Kingdom.
ulster will not enter conference to
discuss Central Parliament..
Harry Brown, Brandon's city clerk,
drops dead on his way home.
Canada will always need militia
forces, says Inspector -General.
Mrs, Carl Abrens, Kitchener, acci-
dentally drowned. in Grand river.
Wnl. Randolph Hearst will bring
party to study Canada's sales tax.
Qgtario Associated Board& of
Trade are in convention at Brantford.
Returned soldiers may nominate
Col. A. T. Hunter in West Toronto. Mr. R, T. Ruyeroft has been nursing
Patrick Costello, C.N.R. signal- a ore ankle. -air. Geo. Betts ha; mov-
wan, found dead: beside track in ed into the residence he recently pur-,
Toroute. ,:Based. -;lir. S. D. I-iodgi,ns has mov-.
Lloyd George Government wins .d Pito the Haskett residence he pur-
vote of confidence at a Uutonist ehasedet rs, Ab. Simpaan, who
recent -
meeting. iy underwent an operation at St. Jos -
Engineer: Gilber C" l eNab, Fort ep es Hospital. London, is doing Tiee-
wiltiam, killed when locomotive boil- 1.y.- M.ss Isabel Stewardson, who re-
er explodes. :4nt1y underwent an. operas„ ort at Vic -
Hamilton otdcials consider pool tors Hospital, is abl: to be our again.
rooves worse breeding places of crime
than garages.
New Provost of Trinity College in- N a Creditors
stalled at brilliant function ill Con-'�.
vocation Hall.
Hospital doctors in Toronto admit In the n tier- of the. Estate of Bern
they do not tell police of eases aril-' hard 'Brown, late of thee. Village of
Ing front cringe.' Cr (t:tor,, ;n the County of Huron,
Splendid showing et the opening B?o: d+ Shoo \Icivhsnt, de'.eased.
of the Royal Canadian Academy Ex -1 \O1ICE $s hereby given, Pursuant,
Mishkin, Toronto. :to .: mgrs 50 of she Trustees Act, R.
1'. S. railways and shipping cam- .? O. 1914, Chan. 1.1,1, that all ,,red-'
panics disagree on the question of tt•ors and ethers having . l'aitna or de -
tree Panama tails. I manis nga'ast the sesia,te of the said
The t,rut°iteeiatl exeeutbvc- of the Ndao: talb:surih: tet 1143r:¢1wcnai wooNodvi,endl?an
cr, 19131r,tionel Council of Women urges
mcstic relations courts, lat the Village of Gredilon, are requ_r
GGovernor John \ieNab dies at ed, :,n ar 'before the 15,th day of De -
Guelph front beating by county jail e2tuber. 1921, to send by post prepa_d
convicts Thanksgiving Day. or .1 l c%..r to Jacob H Holtamann,
er:d:ion P. O:, one o: the azo. u ors
SATF18PAL of Ow last Will and Tesaament of the
Ulster dN1i ,a es will meeit Lloyd said decease. 1. their Christian names
thetree at gin. - lane surnam s. addresse,i and de.crip-
Britain orders stoppage of navy tions, the lull pari, Mars, Fu wrat^n;.
construction. of thetr claims, a statement of their
French Premier opposes limitation lacca>unts, anal the nature of the se=
of submatrines.await\', t any, h:1d by them,
.Tufted States Senate puts ban on 1
And tak. naet;ae that atter such last
medicinal beer. m:ntia,aed date the executors will
Canada applauded for attitude on ' prop:. ed to d•=trilbu.e the essets of
arms limitationsaid deceased nus ng the parties en.
An auto ran wild in, Weston and title:] thereto, having regard only to
did considerable damage. such eiaime of which notice shall have
Edmonton wit play in the Dom- , be=liven as above required, and the
i.ltion football Searles anal.
Sa-i xe.utors will not be 1'a-
Luiversity of Toronto Schools beat
Hamilton Technical, 19 to 3.
St. Boniface, Man., chief of police
arrestedon perjury charges.
Thursday breaks November re-
cords for high temperatures.
The Royal Canadian. Academy
elects academician and associates.
Sir Douglas Hazen to investigate
claims for losses due to illegal war-
far:E e".
unter Itilieti by gunshot while
equipment from boat tot AUCTION SALE
Mrs. Elizabeth Lawrence dies at OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURI. &C.
Montreal, supposedly poisoned by
hair -dye. On, the premises of the undersigned
Galician woman, booked to Ma- one door south of the \fetroplol;.'tan
gara Falls, Ont., paid e2,000 to comet Hotel, Exeter, on
to Canada. SATURDAY, tiOVEMB.eR 26, 1921
Mrs. Louise Leslie arrives at To- At 1 o'clock sharp the following:
ronto to face charge of murdering Coal heater, range, coal oil st,ocae
Eileen Lyons. coal oil heater, 3 bedroom suites, 3
Two men steppedfrom the curb bids, bureau, carpets, leather rocker,
at Toronto In front of an auto, and 4 big chairs, sewing inac'hin,e, f,�ti'igw
were injured. Williams; extension table, drop leaf
The Central Technical School, To- table, kit.hen table, couch, 4 stands,
ronto, dedicated an organ to the a whole set of slaver's tools, corn -
memory of students who fell in the elete; barrel staves, verandah peat
great war, book ease, linoleum, pictures, cur-
An adroit thief, wearing the uni- tains, lamps, et 'empty basaleis, 'lawn
form of the postal service, obtained a mower, refigerator, quantity of wood,
package from a Toronto oflrcial and grindstone, ladder, wheelbarrow, forks,
got away. The package is said to shovels„ 3 mattresses and sparusgs,
contain $2,000. sideboard, .kitchen utensils, rockers,
MONDAY. vice, hammers, bucksaw, cross cut sate,
hand saw, round saw, qua>nitity dishes,
Going ahead with Imperial radio 15 window blinds, 'empty sealers, flow -
chain. er Dots, stove ;pipes, 15 8 -inch pipes,
Hamilton Thistles won the Specta- ,;onp;er bailer, washing machine, gal -
tor Cup, van_zed tub ,wringer and other articles
Premier Briand to speak on land too numerous to men}tion
armaments to -day. Coal heater, base burner; wood or
Petrolea intermediates defeated con' heater; set double light driving
Sarnia on the round. harness -nearly new.
\The N. 0. H. A. has voted to admit
the American Soo team.
An auto jumps curb et Toronto
and injures pedestrians.
Riverdale roller rink, Toronto, was
totally destroyed by fire.
Delegates of powers in Washington
agree to China's integrity. FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS
Assurances are given Ulster that on Lot 28, Con 6, Usborne Tawnship'
no coercion to be allowed. North side of Lumley School, on
The infant daughter of Wm. Hines,
Essex, was burned to death. TUItSDAY, NOV. 29th,, 1921
Walter Newton won the Toronto at 12.30 sharp, the fallowing.
amateur middleweight title. Horses -Blare, 7 years cad; reeding
A;igonauts beat University of To- years nffd; ]filly 3 years; horse 12
ronto in the C. F. U. semi-final. years odd, drive or work.
United States is reported to be. Cattle -Cow due Feb. 155 cow due
sending a cruiser to Asia Minor port. Mardi 18; heifer due 1leb., 24; ,::ow
Gen. G. Sterling Ryerson, of To= renewed about 2`m:ornths; !farrow cow,
ronto, is reported to be seriously ill. 3 heifers 1 year old; steer 1 year cold
Labor Representation Committee 4 spring calves, :calf 2 months old; 1
issues manifesto in election cam- pure bred shorthorn 'built
paign. 60 hens and pullets, paitr guineas,
Richmond, Que., man fatally hurt Implements -McCormick binder,
when struck by train at St. Hya- mower 6 ft. cut, 'und rake, 10 ft wide.;
cinthe. cultivator; 13 -hoe„ Massey -Harris seed
Walkerville motorist killed in col- drill, Clinton fanning milt, scuff1er,
lision with horse and buggy; horse turnip sower, land roller, root palter,
also killed. block and tackle, wagon, nearly new;
The body of George Scott, grain truck wagon, top buggy, .cutter, set
shoveler, of Welland, was found in sloop sleighs, 2 walking plows, islaple
the hold of steamer. Leaf Plow, wagon box,; stock rack,
Mrs. John Sinclair, of Tillsonbprg, nay rack, gravel box,' 4 horse gasp.-
fell down a flight of 24 steps and line engine, cutting box, grain crush,-
was seriously injured. er, circular saw, some belting, New
Nine-year-old Chinese boy in Ot hamburg threshing machine with clo-
tawa stabs one of his schoolmates, ver attachment, 2000 lb. scales, wire
who had been teasing him. atretcher, 4 -section harrows, 32 foot
A young girl was attacked on In- extension ladder, step ladder, De Laval
dian Grove, on the outskirts of To- cream separator, Ford r, 2 .set, don-
route, but her cries'brought help and bet harness, lean,
2set single harness, about
the robber Sed. 30 cedar posts, some lumber, 2515 3--
Canadian authors"�'dek opened in inch stile, 2 sugar kettles, grass seed
Toronto, and `sower, grain ,bags, 'some timothy seed,
one feature was the
neckyokes, chains, and
presentation of a play in verse,
Woad Carver's Wife," by Marjorie other articles; about 400 bush. oats,
L. C. Pickthall, the Canadian poetess, quantity hay, some corn stalks, some
straw to be fed an place; about 400w
ble ,for said assets, or any part there-
of, to any person or person of whose
claim 'or claims notice shall not have
b:en reeeh.ed by it at alta thue os
such distribution.
Mrs, Charlotte Brown
Jacob 1-i. Boltzmann
Henry .Swe tzer
Datr:d et Crediton Not.. 21, 1921
Terms Cash,
Misses Gould, Frank Taylor,
Owners Aucttic¢neer
Aged Woman Falls Ten Stories bush is turnips and mangolds,.
: TahR,IS-All sums of $.10 anti .under
DFrcPRQ•ITT, IPovl 21,—Mrs. ;'Eliza.. '.ash ii,*er that amount t
10 ;;tnonhs
beth Winch; 71• years old., a resident"cr,d:t on approved joint notes, or a
of the Pasadena Apartments, East 'discount of .4 per cent. for cash on
Jefferson avenue, was -killed ,when crier.: amounts. Hay and straw, cash
she tell ten stories' from her apart- JOHN .COLE, ,Proprietor
ment window' to the pavement below C. W. Rob'nsan, Auc•t.
Frank Coates, Clerk,
Bonds, policies policies axed other vat-
uable documents should not be kept at
home where they are likely to be lost
or mislaid.
The Safety Deposit Boxes of this Bank
provide 4 a moderate cost an excellent
mean of beeping valuable papers.
Capital Paid up $15,000,000
Reserve Fund $15,000,000
',Exeter Branch, • F. A. Chapman, Manager
Crediton BBnch, R. S. Wilson, Manager
Dashwood ranch,
Incorporated in 1855
I,OA.1 1T.AL RESERVE, $9000.000
Over 1311 Blanches;
The .'1lolsons Bank wants exert• farmer to feel
that he has a real friend inthe manager, that be
will receive a hearty welcome and can safely discuss
with him his money needs,
T. S, WOODS Manager.
Centralia Branchopen for business .]ally.
Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Bran:
Furniture Stock Up-to-date
General Funeral Director & Embalnner,
License No. 447
Auto Hearse and Horse Epuipment
Phone 74j and 74w
Opera House Block, Exeter
on Lot 13, Cori. 1, ,Landon Rd
2 miles south of Exeter, on
TUESDAY, DEC, 13th, 1921
Prop. Auer.
George Charlton, a lifelong r esideaat
of :%.eGiilisray, died suddenly at his
ho.m , on Sunday. ;sirs. Charlton was
r Sarnia wlwre she had been attend-
' n., the graduation of her daughter
I Ec:, wile with her mother and one
brother st,rvivis. 'i'he funeral was held
s\l, Wednesday.
Sixty years of leadership -of giving good value, heaping satisfaction
and real service! That's why the Gilson name wins respect and
confidence from coast to coast. That's why we are proud to sell
this dependable farm equipment.
Ail Sizes
Costa You
The famous Gilson "Goes Like Sixty" En-
gine—any size for any purpose—can be pur-
chased on tbeieasy payment plan. Let it
pay for itself. Its economy and depend-
ability have .made it the biggest selling en-
gine in Canada. Let us demonstrate on
your farm.
11 111111
'' 1111 111141
The Nylo Sylo insurea
sweet, fresh, succulent en-
silage down to the last
forkful. It is built to last
indefinitely. Exelusive
patented features of de-
sign and construction
explain why the Hylo is
chosen by the disenmin-
ating farmer. Pays for
itself in the first season.
Then year after year, pays
100 per cent. profit on
your investment. Can
you beat it?
"The Wonderful Gilson" stands supreme.
More Gilson Silo Fillers were sold in Canada
last year than any other make. It is guar-
anteed to be the lightest running blower -
cutter made.
Be independent—get a Gilson Silo Filler and
fill your own silo—with your own engine,
4 h.p. or larger—at the proper time. when
your corn has the greatest feeding value.
Manure is the best fertilizer. You have it.
Use it! The best Manure Spreader made is
the Gilson. Why? It has a wide spread.
It is low down. It has light draft. It will
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gears and all complicated parts.
Call and see our nearest dealer, name below. He will save and make you money on
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