HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-11-24, Page 1T.fR,TY-FIFTH YEAR. P.horee .81a TAMJ:.N': For All Kinds„ of Men's We ns# Our Corner EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY NOV 24, 1921 After all the best remedy for a bald head es to keep it 'covered, The undertaker is the mart who ,fol - tows the medical profession. It is proposed by the Ontario Gov- ernment to tax motorists a cent a gallon on gasoline. Some married men are foolish enough ,tea believe they should be allowed to spend part of thew money they earn,, Doing business' without eadverising its like winking at e, girl in.. the dark. You know what yon are doirrg. but „nobody else dews. A report gays that giraffes are found only n Central end South :Africa. We are positive there WAS one in front of us at the movie show the other night. No woman believes her husband would do the terrible things she her-:; about other men de ng, but neverthe Ines ,eine feels It is eater to keep h' r ie' on hm. A I3 areford man was t'n cl ilei (eh dao for shooting ducks beture a un : ^ Any main who will icier; a cora rtabe. bed before sunrise to shove Clucks ought to be fined. BORROWERS, I31s'WARE. A men Witt, wa,a taco `:oonteeell.'i subscribe for the ee::kle peter pub - heal 'set the dietriet, sent bis little r to borrow the cops taken by he. .; iron In the ite see kite boy ran, awn- a $4.0e stand te' bees and `at ten linemen Inokedt taker to warty sappier etas ::c. JJi. Sather ran to his aa ist- nen and failing toy notiere a ixu Fred w,r fence, rate ;into that, cutting a handful of flesh from hies anatomy anal ruining a $4 pair of ;cants. They old ow took advaetage advantageof the gap in the tat end got etto the corn field :rebel killed heraetf eating green corn. Hear- ing a racket the wife ran out, upset a four -gallon .burn of rich cream into a basket of little chickens, drowning he entire batch. In her haste she dropped a $25 set 'of false teeth. The baby having been, left alone, crawled through the spelled .:ream into the parlor, ruining a brand new $50 carpet. Tamanfleeing the ese�iternent the oldest ( daughter ran away with t]te hired man, s 1Elfin” rnaII h. do broke s ■ � 11 { W 1 i g up Si scttint; bene end the .aloes got out andchewed the Tailor& Furnisher tails off four fine shirts on the clothes line. (Now is the time to sub;.:ribee 1 WINTER WORK on CARS. We are prepared to care for your car. Try us. REPAIR WORT` ON ALL CARS, PILON & FOOTE Huron Garage - Exeter seesiormemoommorromanol FABRIC TIRES ! Owing to a purchase trade from the Gray Dort elo- tor Company, who are discontinuing Fabric Tires, and equip- ping with • Cord Tires, we are in a position to dispose of u number of 31x4 Dominion plain and nobby tread tires et wholesale prices T. Ii. NEWELL Gray Dort Garage - Exeter DRUM The World Over You Cannot Beat HARVEY'S FLOUR "(Breathes there a man with soul so deed, Who: never to himself hath paid, e elhis is' inly awing my, r,attive ' In buying goods maamnfacrtured in your own ,town or oom,mt;nety you ,re helping those wdho help you„ •There is en duatteekockilnjgl of ineereets jn tkeery vommumd.ty thele shouldn't be lost sight of. Co-opera;tiont sth,ouId be Our motto. i Thus being true,' why should n,p .not eeeiy one atron ve home industry ' gid buy Exeter �Fbawr7 It. is Just as •u,heap, if :not 'cheaper, than the im- nom: ported article. Buy it and prove this fact You maty buy* Flour from 11Iontreel, Taronto ;or• Any other ioutttside point, but you 'cannot) beat the Flout made in your itowin. We have just irecnived another oar of those thine Wiet tern, Oat,, test - et; '46 !lbs. to the bushl which we ,have recleaned and lnow offer for sale Itt ditioin .to. Baur heel Offal we have Corn, Odie Cake, Tankage, Beek- +tvlieet, ems,, 'for 'eget Harvey Bros SANDERS GA«4Cei Local News was ,, Iran of signet qualities, hon- Do est and upright in all his deelizags. His .@ I l to ,has been a, busy and an eventful one B s :les farming h e bouget tend BADLY SCALDED. sold eattle and ;;rotes for man} yea. Iv.t Danes, the fifteen months' al daughter et ear. end \Irs, John Pay of town was badly scalded. on tion tae Th i .:+e ,tot :et some way g hold of a kettle of hot water wh its pottier was a tendl n:, to so household duti0es and up,eteng k tie a quartet); of the water ce vn on th . .rade, o her dress, w. ter result .t she ase, bade c••' cal wltpu. i'e body aryl one leg. She .1:; az; as wall as can. be expected; ran a threshing outlet. for aver 20 d years, conducted a blacksmith busi- ne toss en town, and a..ted for a number Nereid of . years as an ?;a.lement agent He of was i•ou� times to -s marred, his fist nn•i.fe' b •-n l~^.i Steele, by w°bom one son me e sunev cs MIr. That Jones of town; ,' s , airel wee was Jennie Paraoen nth thethird l:lirabe.h Rook, and to this aid uteri two sins :tad two dau le era 7 were hero, George and John of l,`s L t U. E. AT HOME. 'I'.he- fiftieth anniversary of 04dtel- Gce vshiyz n Exets.r was t tangly obaerv- .•al on tt edaresdey even:ng of last week, when Exeter Lodge, No. 47 Herne fat an At ':a the Opera flow tt their members and waves and is t'r:ends, resident OEtdfellows, one 4e tan other prospective members, Th •:utertainmeni consisted of address* solos, orchestra music, a aumptu .supper, and progressive eu,:hre. T hal was needy daetorated for the ah a number of the Oddtellon wives tl.,reetecl the prepa axion ettt r vete, ;,i the supper, and nee brie: zose present, over two hundred, the seanglre)' t njoye l then-thews- Past heir,;Civ e . Past le.I?. G.\l. M'c>. J. G.Ste bury. occupied the c�h.air anti gave interesting a. eoun' ai t3�ddiellt tic ah :n Exacter. Past Grand haste:, Bre. se bcnrna, trs. Melton Slemun, and etre Fel Calfasc, of Huronv el a Salk. Ris fourth wile was \Ire. Webber, by Iwhont h• is survived He alae, leaven, 1 two brothere and on sister, Mr. J 1G •.Janes, nierehent of town, \lr. \r m f loner •o Exec :+t and Mrs. John. Vested• 4o town. Th: funeral, which was pri- vet; took place eo. the Exeter cemv_ dye hers' on Wednesday, r_`f e ATTENDED MOT1lhR'S FUNERALFUNERAL ous Mr. W. H. Johnston attandeii the he funeral of his other, Mrs. Henry Joe-Astonatl.arow, last week. tier rs' husband was buried twenty-one year, nl previously to Z_ne 4Iay, l'hei• mere ce married in Torantte n 1855 end max 'ved to '1sheed Township in 1801. the ts eitimi.4 to recede u13 ,he ,arm P tt! t3ar r Years ago, sew whet `un: an tie: resided with her daughter, ter :p W P. Reel of Lueknow, arum whine; r 's aeeee the tuneral took glare'• P %mleatone of Exeter foci e. now a r•;lent oa Blyth, gave a very . ter ,t. me ant! instructive -arlervis e til • prmaiples of Odd1eiloevsh p, . r. tec wort, being ;accompli -heal by th Orl r :n (3nter;,sn, anal aargee.l Ilse o nt,ition ce• a Rebekah Lodge !n is a ter Rev A. A. Trutriper aleck av a shert achiness. Vers plena ran 4,agn n• 'I'Iv weather has been rather ee:1 warm for .a few doers. but n , ,v b o nen ; .aider again. E •1 41 Kghriul "shower" was tender- 4 M"sa Merril Gould by Zoer e ly- r glib en Feeley evening, at the home we're gnat by Mesa h4Ine Follt 1. on Mfr. Roland 1\'itwer.:and the O,,.'hee. tire aerie Were:d thernsely ca e,; •th t1a numb -r, var:e:ty and eat ellen}: u their cele=tons. Attar the progra upp r ;vas seratel, and this wa'. tel lowed by an hour of .eu:hre, the prize being wen by eine R. N. (`ree, h ten Mr. rhea Weper. Although requ r am z great deal of work and .are the evening ng "passed oft' most pleasantly. and the thanks of the Lodge are due those who tock pert. in the program and the: ladies whir were so painstaking with regard to °the supper. Hass Wail Arm.trong, d IJt' r:wt9 t lratescuotn 111 pr»r e Cyesnt•a at^k rata (!eve' p;ien; . J'aullrnan ..and par- : lar . aaz re also ordered tobe m;cut. DEATH OF WESLEY SELL, This eonmunity was shocked onFri day to hear of the death in Montreal General Hosneal that morning of \Sr. Wesley Snell, although it was known ior two or thre days that he was seriously ill from blond poisoning. \1r. Snail had been in England with .rattle and before leaving on his return be had o. erasing to pare an, ingrowing tier pie. As a result blood poisoning set m end he became very ill on the sh°p, and when they arrived at Montreal he was immediately taken to the hos- pital where every attention. was given, but too late, us the doctors ab,erved tthet there Nees no. hope as the poison had gone all 'through his system Mrs Snell and \ir, Wnu. Snell hastened to bis bedside and Mrssrs„ Herb. St uth- eott and Harper River;, who returned with Mr. Snell from England, remain- ed wee hien in Montreal, until he pas- sed away on Friday morning. The re- mains ware brought to Exeter on Sat- urday evening and the funeral took peace. on 1londay afternoon to the Exeter cemetery, ihe Oddfeilows, of wheel Order be was a member, tak- ing part in the reremuny, T:te late 'Jr,lSnell was well. known throughout Western Ontario, having at various 't ni s been in, the ample» meat business, the automobile business and the cattle business for many years, During these years he had his ups and downs, it was not always smooth. sail- ing, but he alwayfs came up smiling As an implement dealer and cattle buyer he was a great friend of the farmer. After Canadian cattle were barred from the United States Mr. Snell this summer organized a great shipment oi' .cattle to the Old Coun- try, and it woe en Jnis second trip that be died. The shipment direct of so many i:atitie had an imanediate eficct on values ,of cattle still in the hands of farmers, the. ,net remit being that those who sold et home realizeda much better price than otherwise Would have been .possible. After his first shipment many others i.n Canada cid 'likewise. It was a great venture end bad tar reaching results,. It was due to Mr, Snell',s �eantterpir se that tea co-operative exporting of cattle. to Britain had its begi,nrdng,,. Donald Munro, the :mean wee handled his bus- iness says,—"I aou aider that the far- mers of Ontario generally owe bit m°rnore ,ta debt of grataaide which they cannot ,pray as his sudden and un- ttimely death prevents leis reaping the nein aril: whish was well earned„" Deceased was 56 years of rage.. He married Grace Rowe, and she survives. Flee brothers and, a sister also sur- viee, Sidney, William, Frank of Exeter Rev.- James, and Warren of e.'Toron.to,. and' Mrs, Al Bsti;sett • of. Branibord, 'DEATH OP HENRY. JONh S.. lhere ',,assed away at hie 'laoane, on Landon Road Seuth, another of the oldest and best • known:. residtemtte of the aornuttiey.inr the person of Mr Henry 'Jones, he baying died • on • SW): clay., morning. Mr. Jon:=s had beentiin tether feeble health for a•uum.ber • of years, but he was up. ante around as usual till -the. wlast,, While sitting in his home he stook' a. slight spell • Of cnug.b ng wbi�ela developed. into a hem- orrhage, end the end 'came sudderee. The late. gr.. Imes was born near ]Dundas.. The family moved to Us- born end' sett led ors Lot 11, Con;. 2, where the dee-eased was about ten years of age and has. ,Whole life bas been spetrt�t in the neighibiotrhood. FI'e MEANER, r�, R J•i:, ! , J I..i, AND BLACK 1'lU CANDIDATES The Nonination for the Smelt Rid- ing of Huron wee held in Ilensall on. Tuesday afternoon last. The 'town Hall, in which the meeting was held, was packed to overflowing and at least ora thirl of the people were un- able to- gain admittance, people from all parts at the riding being in attend- ance, .showing the deep interest taken in the, polio al issues. before the elec- torate. The nominations took plece.between. 13 and (war o'clot:k, the following be- ing the eandidaates :—J. J. :garner of Seatorth, National Liberal Conserva- tive; onserva- t v e ; Thntnas \Iceelillan of Hullett, Liberal, and William Black of Tucker - smith, U. F. 0.. The candidates named as their Fin- aneial Agents: Berner—J. F. Siena - don of Seaforth; etc:Millan—J. 11. Hin- chley of • Seafortb ; B1aek, Frank Coe tes of Usborne. At the conclusion of the nomina- tions Mr. Chas. Middleton, of Clinton. was moved to the chair and the pol- itical issues bearing on, this campaign were discussed with considerable vig- or and enthusiasm for over two hours by the candidates, \Ir,. A. R. Hazzard of Toronto, in behalf of Mr. Merrier and .Mr. Scott in, behalf of Mr, Black, whole innMcelillan championed his own cause. During the addresses of the Con- servative and Reform m teh heckling and rowdyism prevailed that did any- thing but reflect credit on the -clement causing the disturbances. With the usual cheers for 'he dif- ferent leaders and candidates the meeting broke up about five o'clock. BIRTH'S Jaques—In Usborne, . on Nov. 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jaques, a daugh- ter. MARRIAGES Kal1y—Case—In Toronto, on Nov. 19 Robert Huntingdon els.elly of Tor- cnto,e to Margaret Simpson (Peggy) daugehter of Mr. and Mrst Geo. E. Case, :formuerly. of Exeter. DEATHS Jones—In, Usborne, an. Nov. 20, Henry Jones, aged 78 years, 5 months and 21 days. Flodghis—In Lucatn, an Nov*, 19, Susan Jane, eldest daughter of the late John Hodgins, aged 71 years. Snell—In Montreal, on Nov. 18, Wesley Snell of Exeter, aged 56 years. a NATIONAL LIBERAL - CONSERVATIVl Political Meetings GRAND BEND, NOV, 24, et 8 p. nae PETER WHITE,, Toronto CREDITON, NOV, 25th AT, 2 p. m: HON G. S. HENRY Ex-?vI:nister of Agri.;: ZURICH NOVEMBER. 25 kilt 8 .p.m, HON. G, S. HENRY r CLINTON. NOVEMBER 28-ilt 8 nem, SIR GEO. E. FOSTER The Candidate, VIr. J, J. MERNER will also address ,these meetings. Theatre, Exeter, Mon. Nov, SPECIAL MATINEit AT 4 AF TEIt THE SCHOOLS NIGHT AT 8J5 HAROLD BELL. WRIGHlee MASTERPIECE WORLD'S Gltl A `t Eel 1 HOTOi'I.A.Y "The Shepherd re:reel- trove ':.s•s;y ball, 1'uron:e, 28 Set elleetiON • met; ateat therr, ;n ri;aten^.e `J'Ed'1.' L tieI «fiat'. . Pre ee — .t1 Sats 50 .rents. lY aria of ilei: Were! CHRISTMAS LOTS OF WORK AHEAD OF YOU. HAVE YOU YOUR. PIANS ALJ,. READY ? DOE` YOUR CRANBERRY SAl.'CIt 'OR M1tiCE MEAT CONK; THIS WEEK ? mpiortant I)o no: be satisfied wish ,°omp risen o+ prees when doing y-t,nr Xmas. Shopping. We invite yeti to 4x:.nz.ni the quality at our goods :and we are satisfied you will find the ,1t fere.n. a in price e difference in quality. Mince Meat 1 1-2 ]be. Beef, 11 2 lbs Pere lereleretin, 4 lbs. Apples ;chopped fine), 2 lbs Bruwn Sugar, 1-2 lb. Citron I'.n], 1-2 lb. Lemon Peel, 1-2 1b Raisins. 1-2 lb. Currants, 1-2 lb. Sul 1 oat. ,Cider or Fruit JuiLe, 1-4 cup Salt, 1 Nut Meg, 3. Tablespoon Ground ("lanes, 1 tablespoon Absentee; 1 tablespoon Cinnamon.. Citron Peel Lemon Pea; Orange Peel Raisins (blue Sultana Seedless) Raisins (White .Sultana Seedless Raisins (Vetere:la with seeds) Currants (Special Grade) . Dates Mince Meat (pekg. and bulk) Prunes tlar„e) Shelled ' 'Walnuts Shelled Almonds ('sraway Candies Neentargreen Berries Candid Cherries (Franbe) Cranberries Figs Apples (Spies) HARVEY & HARVEY MAIN PHONE 102 TWO STORES NORTH PHONE 47 J. A. STEWAR Phone 16 " THE BIG STORE WITH THE LITTLE PRICES." The Hoover Sweeper For a Christmas Present We can save you TEN DOLLARS on a "HOOVER'; Place your order now, and be assured al delivery for Christmas The Hoover will preserve the Original beautiful colors, and pro- long the life of your rugs, Because it Beats • As it Sweeps As it Cleans STRIPE FLANNELETTE Bell enols ,of Pink and Blue Stripes, also Dark Grey Stripes This is a good heavy (melee, in the regular way worth 30c. per yard, Sale Price 204. per yard TURNBULL'S UNDERWEAR We thave a'. full range of L adieu' Misses' and Children's Underwear, combination, and separate ,pieoes'. Also the, famous 1.s Ceetee" Brand for mens. GROCERY SPECIALS Laundry Soap, all' -bran;rs 10 bars Or • 68c Best Rolled. Oats',` 6 lbs for 23c Brooms, '4 stings 'Ice ......,42c Special Blend Tea ..33e. (Kellogg's Corn Flakes 5 pkgs for • 48c 81..00 large plug T.; & B, !rob- . nee for ...... 75c Pure Lard, 3 1U; pail for ,..50o. Bacon, piece ,or „sliced, ib. 33c. Special Blend Coffee per lb, 38c Palmolive Soap, 3 cakes( for 23e. 35c. Fancy Sweet Biscuit lb. 20c. Canada Corn Starch, per pk. 9c. SUGAR,' BEST GRANULATED 100 lbs. for $7.95 Jr. A.., TE ART Highest Prices paid 1 or 1'o ultry and all Produce. 1: