HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-11-17, Page 8EXETER AIWUQATE, THIIRMIAT, NUTT. 17} thal Exeter Markets CHANGED EVERY WEDNESDAY Wheat .F 90 Barley ... e..48 to 55, Oats 34 to 40 Itran.,:toba's Best Flour 3.90 Family . Flour 3.80 Pastry Flour e155 Fe: d Flour ............... 1.80 Shorts 1.40 Bran 1.30 Creamery Bu:tier 43 to 47 tla_ry Butter 38 to 40 Eggs, new laid ... .... 70 Eggs. held ......,.. ` r 40 Hay per ton . tett Her • • ;sir. Fred Brock is confined to his Local Doings bed through illness .Mr Philip Hern has planted 48 silk worm trees con Carling street as a test, ENSILAGE FOR SALE. The silo at the Canning Factory is open and ensilage will be sold at $4.50 per tont, the purchaser paying for weighing on R. G. Seldon's scale. Payment for ensilage to be made the first of each month at the factory. 15 t;a $ia eGOD ANI) THEI.A.N." * 50 Be ,sure to see "Gori and the Man" based on the navel by Robert Be - 'ehanen, 6 reels at Dame Theatre, next' '.fenuay. Nov„ 21st, et 8 P.m, Adults 35a., .:lt'sidren lac. Prices etelude tax. ''THE RUNAWAYS' --A very:unity= ;alae ie Three Acts, to be presented at ,'sit. Cannel Hall, on Friday, Ncv. 25, Afternoon performance at 2.30 and ev- ening at 5.Z5'. This le avers- funny !See—not a -wag picture; --and is be- ar preseete.t by •. specially selected le cel zest Keep Deeentber , t.z open for Citi- zens' Relief Committee play "Mrs. Temple's Vteg,Tena." _t real treat in store. FOUND—A robe. Owner may have. pante by mics. ng ,property and paying expenses Appy Edward Faultier, R. R. 2. Ailsa Craig. ROCKS FOR SALE. Pen of seven pu: ei-bred ;ocks—one year hens, and rooster. Price $ts —A. H. Exeter. .IOU$E FOR SALb.. Partridge unrelated Gambrill, Tayu story brick residence. ell mod- srn coavernea .;s, conveniently sttuat- d, large garden. and fruit ,trees Ap- t i1 at the, o, .,;4 e: car .o T. H. Neweli?. Exeter t you :gave anything to cyan' "o Ii or you a, try The Aelvoaate Want WANT,ED—Lesal re, reseent..tive a; b+ie;: t , . sent -rile O.,d Reli- ,es? .F t n '" N a e: r. sand ("eX er w =Teaseling .tet.y Selene': open, Ines ., tee 3114t Exe1ua a; airs !eery. t-ghe t ea:n eters paid—Stens s We:llin;;ton, Tarento, Ont d:4)AL IIE A tER .'1NI) WOOD HEATER FOR SA E. Apply at the, Advo.ate Off, e. HOW IR THE PIa ilii New Iron Pumps and Fittings in Stock Iron or wood Furans repaired. Wells pumrsed out or cleaned. I V. CANN. Phone 115 DR. JOHN WAIW, having recently passed the exam;nttion of the •On- tario Board of Opltometry, is qualm Pied to test eyes and fit glasses act. entifi. ally, Chiropractic and Electri,. ,:al Treatments for Chronic and Neve ous diseases. Hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 5, and by appointment. Office cor- ner William and Sanders street. APPLE, BUTTe.R AND CIDER. I will be op:n to make Apple But- ter and Cider every Thursday and Friday till further notice. ---S. J. Cann FARM FOR SALh. The undersigned is offering lot sale that desirable farm in the Township of Sttephen, being Lot 15, Con 2, known as the. Leathorn Farm, .con- taining 100 acres. There is en prem- ises a commodious two-story frame house and two good bank barns. The farm is well drained and fenced, has a nice orchard, spring creek with a plentiful supply of water the year ratted; fine for stock; 15 acres seed- ed down. all fall plowing done, and ther: are 10 acres fall wheat, Pos- session given ,April 1st, 1922, For particulars apply to I. R. CARLING, heett-r, Solicitor for the Adminstra- tor. Contracting We wish to call the attention of the public of Exeter and surrounding dis- trict that we are open to accent, or tender for contracts for all kinds Of building We are experienced work- men and by strict attent t on to busi- ness we hope to shale in the contract work of this district WARES & PRYDE, Exeter. Dray and Baggage Anything you have to move we move it reasonable Nestor Truck and Horse Dray at your Seirviee). Auto Livery Horse Livery BAGSHAW & EASTON FOR YOUR PARTIES Wlien you are giving a House Party or enterta,'.,h;:uig, your friends in... any way, remember .we are .in a'position to assist you,. Our Ice Cream, Fruits and Gro- ceries are always fresh, and just what your friends will •dike,. WILSON'S GROCER Cash and Carry Phone 56. WANTeD. Young couple want .;onifortable room and board with private fames'. Aredv or phone Advocate. A'. NUA.U. ALERTING Every member toe the Exeter Farm 'rs' Club is requ eked to ,be presen at thter annual meeting, W"ednesda evening, \oar, .23rd at 8 o'c10 k. t Reserve December 1501 and 16th for Handel's Messiah in dames St Church. Tickets for sale by the mem- bers of the chorus. y COCKERELS FOR SALE. White, Black And Buff Leghernss $1,50 and .52.00 peach, Gasraett 1 eyniood, E,retea STEER STRAYJ.D There strayed from the grass farm of the undersigned eboult Nov 1st a 7 -year old steer aboutt 1000 lbs, de horned. Finder kin liv inform W. R. Elliott, Centralia STRAY ST.SERS There stray ee.l onto the premises of t c: undersigned, Lot o, North Bound- ers', B•adluiph, two 2-yeer old steers. Owner masa Iteve same by proving pros petty and paying expenses. F. A. Dobbs. Centralia 1 STRAY 1i1:IFER There strayed ones the pretn3 es of the: undersigned. Lot 10, Coxa. 17, Ste- phen, a two-year old heifer. Owner Wan Is we same by proving property and paying expense,. Mathew Sweitzer. FililiFeRS STRAYED. Ther: strayed from the farm of M. Elford, d, south of Quinton's Swamp, two yearling October heifers, one black, one spotted red and white, with slit 'n bottom of left ear. Anyone know- ing of their whereabouts kindly com- municate with Chas, Johns, Wsbartte, R. R. 3, Exeter; telephone 445, Kirk - ton. ONTARIO HOSPITAL FOR IN- SANE, TORONTO Probationers wanted for above men- tioned tentioned Training School. Three year curia in general and mental nursing A liberal remuneration. (uniform, board and laundry during training. Com- fortable Nurses' Residence. For full pa. oculars apply to eledi vale Super- 'ntenslent, 'Ontario Hospital, 999 Queen St.. W, Toronto. SALVATION ARMY SERV iC1,S Sunday --Town Hall. 11.00 a.m.—Holiness Oleeting 2.30 p.m Sunday School 7.00 p.m Salvation Meeting Open -air service et 3, p. m. in the North End Tuesday -8 p.m., Cottage fleeting at home of Alt's. Webster, in North End Thursday and Friday—Hensall, Cea- traea and Crediton. visited. Cart. .lfacGillivray Lieut. Parn..11 Y. P. Ladies end gentlemen an. Friday night' Nov, 18. A..prograsn of team work is being prepared for nett week. Thanks is extended by the directors to the ladies and young men who helped to make the At Horne a, suc- cess. Trivitt Memorial Church 11 a.m.—Modern Quests,—Thee Christ- •.nan Scientist; 7 p.m.—Christ end the Home. Rev A. A. Trumper, Rectors OAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister 10 a.m.—Sunday School and Bible classes. 11 a.m.—"Expert Aid," • - -The Minister 7 p.m:—"What is the Bible?" —The Minister JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J. Willson, B.A. 11 a.m.--"The heavenly human and the human heavenly." 3 p.m.—Sabbath School and Bible classes. 7 p.m.—"The old-fashioned home." Members joining church received at morning service. Good music. All welcome. MAIN ST. METHODIST CHURCH Rev Geo. McAlister, M. A. Phone 210 Regular services next Sabbath at 11 a.m. and 7p.m. 3.00 p. !n.—Sabbath Se;hool & Bible Classes. AT BETHANY Services as usual next Sabbath', •The new organ for the fames Street \fetf?:odist Church has Arrived, and is now being installed. Mfr. A. Hastiegs, who has been under the care of a, nurse for the past few 1 weeks, we are pilea•sed to note, is Ynt- praving .nicely, ( \Ire D W. Cr7'iten:i en of Bly'thtwas njured r cenety by being struck on the left law by a; lever, while at work in the 1-Ilbora '\1U1. lee was UtIOQA- sclousi for somet%znse but has since un- proved. Quite a large crowd attended the Cone era in the Opera House on Sat- urday evening to hear Ali ee 1.)unbar the lady comedian the lfuttro Child-, ren, entertainer; and the. Henderson Juvenile Pipe Band pipers, singers, and dancers; and all were well peas - ed with the affair. On Nov. 28th the Dept, of Agri.. culta;re ere* open!ng in the Weigh= Teta Hall two couts s. for men and women. The young mea's course w tell be in Agxr,,;csflture and the , I,a,dies' Coatree in Domestic Science, Home Nurs*ng, etc; Both eofuses are to run three months. Huron is one of the four counties to have the advantage of these schools this ti ear—Huron, :Middlesex, Peel bind 1Venteserth. "Ott Wednesday afterokoon oaf last s gong to Benmtller, accompanied by his wee and family. Zlfr Etherin;ton, baing a stranger over the road, did not take the precautions necessary go- ing down the Colborne hill, .as he left his Gray Dort in high gear. At such high speed he e:ould not make the turn at the bottom ,of the hill, the result being that cop of the front evheels collapsed nee the bottom of the hill and Mn.Etherington, bind fam- ily went over the bank into the creek below„ Fortunately no one was hurt, but it would be well if all auto drivers would take more precatxti,ost when descending steep hills."—C16n- tea News Record. OFF TO Tut, OLD LAND WITH CATTLi;. 1Ir. Byron Hicks left op. Satuela> with some 90 head of settle for the Brit ez market. Messrs. Hardy and Brack of Lucsn accompanied eine. On W edoesday of this week. g!r. '- item Coates left for the same mar- ket with $5 lead. \'Iessrst L. Woluls and Richard Cornish accompan,eJ bin, DIED IN GUELPH 1Ir. A. Hastings received the sad news on Wasiak' of tate death of his sister-in-law, Mrs. Alex. Hastings, who died in Guelph Hospital Sunday after- noon. She had been in the hospital for several weeks suffering from can- cer in the breasie, and for which she had undergone an operation: Strange to say she a+as taken to the bospiittl at Guelph the same clay as the late Mess Albert Hastings was taken to the London hospital, Besides her hus- band she is survived by two sons and on. daughter., \1iss Lula Hastings left to a ttend the fualeral, which took place to Parkhill .on Wednesday;, 1)EA.T11 OF \IRS, JOHNS, The death occurred in Exeter on. .Nor .9th, of Sarah A Miers, wife of eilas Johns, aged 64 years, 5 months and 19 days. Deceased had been, ill for two years of neurits and creep - Fog paralysis She lived near Elim- villi, in Usborne, practically all her life, until five yealrs ago, when they retired to Exeter to live. They were merriest en 1877, Besides .the hus- band she is survived by three sons and one daughter, William and Ed .of Usborne, Alden of Saskatoon, and Mrs. W. j. Pybus of Tuckersm th. ,:l Ir. John elin,ars of Exeter is a bro- ther. The funeral took place to El- imville cemetery .on Friday afternoo.r, PERILS FROM PETS. Pats mac be a source of danger :n a hours is , e,s they are looked after very carefully. Frequents)- ch::ldrenare allowed to play with, unhealthy or un clean dogs or cats, and their parents wonder why they suffer from colds or other ailments so often. 1)ogs and cats suffer from colds and .influenza which can be eoromunicated to human beings,. Their long coats provide an ideal resting place for the germs of various diseases, .unless they are kept scrupulously dean, Never allow a dog to lick you, or your child, fob• the dog is one of ,the dirtiest, feeders in the world. Birds are unusually (in- fested with pairasites, by which eases may be passed to other crea- tures, or even to human beings. • Nov - er keen• a, pet that is not pepfectly healthy, and see;thee it ,is always ab- solutely clean. ;12iss Ross, teacher, spent Saturday ten " Landon. 4 Mrs, S Fitton is visiting in Toronto and Kingston. Mrs (Dr,) Graham left an Thursday to visit in Becher. Mrs, Geo. Crawley :visited with friends 9u town last work. Wes Else Harese i,s: in St .Cathar— ines. visiting bliss Amy Johns. Nurse Johnston has gaze west to visit her sss•ter for a few .,weeks. Miss Stella „Gullltes is visiting ee r. and Mrs, Bert Gisliles in Hamilitoni, Mas. R ,N. 'Graikram, of London, was al vislitor,wiith Iserst, T. Armt(trong last gveek, Mr, Fred Dager, an employe of Mr, J, G. Cochrane, is spending a week or two in kytchienee, Mrs. Frame Squire end sono of Whal- en spent las t week at ,the. home of her mother, Mrs, N. Ogden. Mrs. W. H. Kay returned hist week ,from a visit with her sister, .Mrs, Robert Sweet, at Portage la Preis*, ;Man. hers' Scott, who has been visiting ber sister Mrs. 'tunas; has gone to Hamilton' to visa her sister, 'Mrs. I. Smith, Before returning to 'her home in Philadelphia. Mrs. Joshua Heywood of town and Mrs, Percy Web'bie,r 'DE Centralia left last Thursday far a visit wee the Setter's !sister, Miss Charlortte. ..Deer- ing and other friends in ;Detroit, r 1 PHONE .3Z MEN'S 'OVERCOATS $19.50 IF YOU SHOULD •f1AVh A W OVURCOAT, GET IT NOW. RIGHT AT THh START OF "TH;it. SEASON; NO NEED OF WAITING TILL WINTER IS HALF OVER TO 'GET THESE `BAR-. GAINS. We O. 'e only 35 of these Young bait's Coats, so come early and get the cbosg.e. Also we have just placed lo stock a numb -r of higher' grade eco ots. beautiful eloths, lto sell at ,,$25 .and $Z$. 8038' C:vrc..oati SCQRbS OF COATS IN STOCK FOR. THU BOYS, FROM THE SMALL FANCY COATS FOR THt BABY TO nib LARGEST BOYS S1Zl~S, We can ,give yoµ a fine selection of colors ,and the prices at U.00 to .115.00. Boys' Suits at $9.90 THIRTY NICis SUITS FOR 130Y S IN SIZIsS 25, to 35, good cloths and patterns, any size, right up to the largest. clearing at $9.90. Rubbers, Felt Shoes, Slippers Full <sto k all kinds of Rubbers. Rubb:r Boots, Heavy Rublecrs, Feit elsoes, Cosy Slippers, Ladies' and c dldr Wes Slots, Overshoes of ev<ry Rind. A BARGAIN IN L:AD.DlhS' SHOES. 30 p it 1;atapr ss dzigh lase Beet bar Brown Silo. s, the sees a iraest quality. Regular Price $10.00; all tia.s at $0.98. Ladies' Velour Coats at $25 25 Ladies.; beautiful quality Velour and Dnvetyrt Cloth Coats—the very newest styles and colors, regular value up to 540.00. Sale price ,:onuuencin„ th^s week only' $Z5.. We have also cheaper .toes is . FURS FURS every Fur Set must go regardless of cost. We offer many lines at nearly half price. Don't miss these bargains . BLA.UTIFUL SERGh DRESSES 40 dresses to be cleared out this month at greatly reduced prices. JONES ES & MAY L R. Carling, B.A. Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public Solicitor for the Mol - sons Bank, Etc. INVEST YOUR FUNDS in Victory, Dominion of Canada, Pro- vincial and Municipal Bands, all legal investment for Trust Funds. At existing prices from 6 per cent. to 7 Der cent can be obtained from these bonds. Orders received by me. Money to loan at lowest rates of initerest Office—Carling Bk., Main St, Exeter NOTICE BEFORE BUYING YOUR FURN- ITURE CALL AND SEE. THE BAR- GAINS .We ARE OFFERING IN ALL LINJ,SS . R N. ROWE FUNERAL DIRECTOR. THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUT.h Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Unmcc;ejied dining car lervice Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor casts on principal day train* Full information £atom any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, . or C. E. Horn- ing onging District Passenger Agent, Toronto 4. J. DORE Agent, Exeter CENTRAL STRATFORD.. ONT. The Leading Commercial School of Western Ontario; a school where you can get thorough courses under com- petent instructors in Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy Depart- ments. epartmints, Students get individual leer stxuction and may register at any time. •Graduates are assisted to pos- itions. Get our free catalogue. D. A. McLachlan, Principal •• Immo a, ir NE mono= We SOUTHCOTT BRCS. PHONE 134 PHONE 134 Ladies' and Misses' Fur Collar Coats. We are showing sante splendid styles pad have reduced the ,price bin every cone If you are interested in a coat don't fail to see „our valulest GOOD COATS $1;51.00 to $45.00. ALL• WOOL JERSEYS 130Y'5 ALL WOOL SUITS For little Chaps en callers of iorown Jest axrivjed, ,an All Woolbrawn or blue. They are all, wool with tweed suit, Just else thing for bays donne Iastetsers on shoulder ......... ........ for best, or ,schoiol /wear; all (sizets 12,00 aatd 52;25, Extra value 59.75; •MINER • HEAVY RUBBERS AND RUBBER BOOTS You will, need them this wepthert. In buyJiug dams well-knawn, brand you, get a< boot that well give satas'factarX lewea,r, Ask ;any tnarn aha has worn i thlem. Prices 835.0 to 146:50. HEATHER . ;HOSE NEW SPATS In ,anew shades and weaves'. They In ths popular . shades, They come are all wool,, and are yeasonlably prac- ui two heights, 10 and 12 bu'tltonist ed Per Osla ,.. $1.25 At per Doer ......... $2.:25 and .$2i50 Southcott Bros. DR. HENRY A, CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Oface-Bal ers" Livery Barn, Exeter Calls promptly attended to day of night, DR. A; E. TENNAN'T' Veterinary Surgeon McDon,ell's Stables, John St., Exeter (lately occupied by Dr, Vining) Phone 26w LICENSES ISSED' by C.R11. Sanders at th,e Advocate eOf- fice. Strictly confidential; no witlieft Dr. G. F. Rouiston„ L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Cioeed Wednesday afternoons. Dr. A. R 'KINSMAN, L. D, S., D. D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Office --over Gladman & Stantiury,'e Office, Main Street, Exeter. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER 'AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Faint Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Central Hotel, Exeter, Ontario. FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer Loa. Counties of Hutrorn and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satiafactioe Guaranteed. Crediton, Ontario. ' If you want to ofrder a daily pie* d.: or magazine, or renew a present sub= scriptioan, leave your . order at the Advocate Office, We save you paper, envelope, postage stamp and coat of money order .and when clubbing aiist tle more besides. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and villagie property at low rates of intertest. GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter