HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-11-17, Page 4Christian The Granite 0. H. A. team oa 1921g ',t dccate par=tits` and located on a, term •jus' NEWS TOPICS.MFEK on chi-Japanna. likQIy to modify demands. Lienorth of the village, He: learned the shoemaking; trade froth. E is intact. this saline almost fifty years. He feaportant Events: Which Have British Parliament prorogued till Sanders & Creeeh, Proprietors 5. `;ubscrip,ia'a Price -In athlete . $14 Per year in Canada; $2,00 el the United States. Ali subscriltiitrns not Paid in advance 50o.. extra ha:•;ed. THURSDAY„ NOV. 17, 1921 Exeter Council Exeter, Nev. 14, 1921. • A regular meeting of the Muniel- pal Council. All members present. The minutes of the meeting held Oct. 24th were read and approved. A letter was read from the Pro- vincial ro•yuncial Secretary, Hon. 11. C. Nixon, Toronto, desiring the opinion of the 71unacipal Council as to the eaten- Sion of the municipal franchise. Af- ter discussion the Council expressed itself as being in favor of direct own- ership, or a tenaut, as being the proper qualification for a municipal voter, end would petition the Gu`- erniatent to allow ehe law as it now fists :staled. ext..,. to Mr. C. $, Hooper ► .nddrrsaed the ('tuned soliaiti t,., eid on Behalf of the freest lac lir'teeelety. Per Pen - bale and `tnell that a grant of 5 t• , be givt!'t Carried. Per Elston and Davie that a grant pf $25.0' he given to the Stephen .and lasborrta? Aer. Society. (nailed. Per P.enha1e and Snell that the Salvation Ailey h2 a :arged at the rates of e>.,—,o per 'dela (If meetings contnit'Y? Die NVV, T 1 , 1. Carried. Per E et .n end P ::Fant. that the u."t'ueeil autliorize 7,ee relining of street loot en .1..>a ..., , t between A• Main anti ti. aft: arta r._t v., Carried. d. The following a,.e+unto were read and passed: Bell Tit. Co.. tt IID-' :e ery phone 1,54. Blasttt phone rent C.ea, 3.70: Jame eeateine jet: a : a; to ti a a 17.7a. c'utt■tag tile and making cotta- nes e.4 22.75: Exeter Tithes Print- ing deet la.51.4; P.ter Frayne, rep. waif+; x (1, Seddon- cement & lime. +`•eaatetor amt. a.665; John Parsons, Libor it Il., t'.404; Tho?. Cornish. la- hoar lt.il t+Tn: ll, It erling. termor leiter Lail.. . and c erna5Qa.hlt> 18.,a5; .1 a Snot.. on,tabie, 2.44 04. lt.ie:, Davie. en:eatable. :,tun • Ontario Flax roe. team labor, 11.11 2.'u; T. S. Woode. treas. per 'Memorial Wreath, atth, Passed on illation of F le;Tun and Davis. Carried. Parties having bilis and neequnts against tho nunieipality kindly hand the same in on or before December t st. idi. by Davis. Jos. Senior, Clerk. Crediton The 'Women's Institute will hold a Baxter end Oyster `urp,.r in tlt: :T:tawn Hall on Wednesday, Novem- ber 23 lienar to open at 3 p.m. and sunp °r s rvel from 3 to 8. Adm;;- aan 50- and 25 a enis, The 'Methodist Sunday Beetroot Christ utas Tree tv"ll he held :n Dec- 20th. Last Friday, Armistice Day, was .fittingly observed in ties place,. A, five minutes to eleven the church bell was rung and at eleven all mo- tion ceased for two minutes,. At the school a program of patriotic sel- ections and addresses was given by the pupils. Our barber, Mr. \Venzel, n • eaw s : verai e-teers o; active ser- e in the trenches, gave a very n - t r n:; talk ie, the ch:idrea on his exp r.rit^es. The Penny ,'ti memory oro n` the boas who IWt ae Flanders Fields was much ;n evidenaee. dr•, J. Holtzms:.n had .a d?(splay of poppis in his window showing a cemetery and "the croeses row on row" as a re- minder of the sacrifices made by over sixty thousand ;of ,burr boys in France and Belgium, Thomas Yearley had a narrow es- cape of being seruously hurt a few days ago while out bunting. A. shot- gun in the hands. of a companion; was .accidently discharged ,and the shot Zwale r arid has been in busartese in startad business at first ',n DashwoodJanuary 20. witaa 19 yeses of age, and after a Occurred Dut' n the Weeie. Lloyd George confers to -clay with few sears ma4e:1 to Cred;toniwhe'•e Ulster Cabinet. ae has laved ever sineek 1n 1874 he The Buse %A; oetd's Fiap.penings Gare Washington is preparing for Arm- marresel Charlotte Mor1o: k, daughter tulle Compiled and Put Into ament Conference. British Premier refuses £3,000,000 to help miners' wages. Frank Barrieau hasbeen matched to box "Eddie" Beattie, Bruce Card was found guilty •of. manslaughter at Totonto, South African and Australian cricketers played a tie game. Floral wreaths placed on United States unknown soldier's bier. t Toronto observed Armistice Day by two -minute cessation of activities. "Johnny" Duty defeated "Jack" Sharkey on pointe for the bantam title. License Inspector James Sturdy of Hamilton will retire at the end of year. Dark horse may be nominated in West York to oust present Torry con- teetants. Cabinet proposes to link Northern Legislature wall All -Trish Parliament at Dublin. The leaders of the three parties outline stand on legalized racetrack ganmbling. Two cousin of Iiiug George ar- rive at Montreal; will hunt and fis'' in the West. A Sine of $3,000 was Unposed on woman, °wiser of Actors' Social Club at :Montreal. George Tirnp.^tm i, Italian sto:e> keeper at Niagara Falls, foully mur- tiered on street. Associated Boards of Trade of Ti. miskwing and Northern Ontarie meet at Iroquois Falls, Hanna resents imputation by Pre, weer Drury that National RailwaSa statements are doctored. 1:. S. submarine le -6 caught fire it Los Angeles and six of the crew were so seriously burnbd that they wears removed to a hospital. Independent caudidate eaters field Gold ingots to the value of 24,- ;aitist Mayor Church in North 000,000 gold (narks was found in the teniae, coal of a locomotive on the Danish- A Seandinavian musician dies snti- German frontier near Flensburg. A • at Toronto while cooking man suspeeted of attempting tc realtfast. smuggle it out of Germany was +nsive damage by storm to arrested. elephone lines in eastern Ontario nd Quebec. Driver arrested on charge of drt.ttlteattees after hitting pedestrian with ear on Toronto street. WEDNESDAY. Ulster views unfavorably the Irish proposals. United State's will put guards on mail trains. Dylan was re-elected by a big majority in New York, United States unknown warrior's body reaches America. Manitoba wheat; made a good ad- vance yesterday. Returned men appointed to act as the revisers of voters' lists. University ot Toronto inter- mediates won the group title. Mrs. John Young dies at Green Harbor, N.S., at the age of 103. A woman died in a Toronto hos- pital after being hit by an auto. The public will be kept informed of disarmament conference details. The American Legion Soldier Bonus Bill passed the U. S. Senate. Ald James W. Harrington elected mayor of Chatham for two-year term. Mrs. ilfary Smith, aged 102, dies as the result of an accident in King - Federation for Community Service opens campaign in Toronto for $450,000. Donald R. McIntyre was fatally shot while deer hunting near Dids- bury, Alta. Henry B. Witton, prominent Ham- ilton citizen and scholar, dies at the age of 90 years. De Valera cables Lindsay Craw- ford that he expects the sympathy of Canadian people. Over three million dollars was wagered at the fall meeting of the Thorncliffe race track. Donald Roy Ferguson of Dane, aged about 25, dies some twelve hours after accidentally shooting himself in the arm hunting near Larder Lake. .4r. and Mrs. Mathew Morlock. He eras nestmeatsr for 20 years and in nal .ics was a Liberal!. The funeral sola Pitt .r at the Evangelical Ceme- ery en Wednesday, whath was large- ly attended. All places of busaess closed au: of respect for .deceased dine 'ng the time of interment. The fatter - el sere:te was'theu held in the Evan- g-l_ea? Church. the deceased leases tP mourn his loss, his widow, on son, Larne, at Home and Mrs. Henry Swe=at- cer of Kitchener, three grandchildren, Carl, Earl and Ruth St\ 4 tzer, (four sons and. one daughter predeceased the fair; tour brothers, John of Har c Ston. Mi;:1a., Jacob of Zurcb, Rev. G'or;;e of Tav sto.:k and Christian. of Bay Port, a1 h; and three sisters, Mrs Rev. Witt_cll of Morriston, Mrs. ]`shit Fara; ori Bey Port, Mich., and Mrs. Lydia Hoffman of Toronto. We extend to the bereaved fannily our rtfeet sympathy Yi 'ths their hour . trial and beeeacemeat. Numerous b'atrrtc; ut floral tributes wsre re- ., ,r<;d from the Wholesale Houses \t.t+3nl tiro iiaaaayd jal bts ^m4s , tae i 1'tiaS of Varsity ;students ,n Toronto, %stash the son Lorne attended :are} !3:r: from members of the Qamily; Centralia \lr. and airs. John Wilson returned tl =let, a: ter ;t two Weeks' est; with eh 'r daughter in Stra.laray„ Andersen. lett for St. Thom- .itg ' > r• her .r 1,. haence Mr. R M%Fills of London .s ts°t \v th MiZ War- ne r. illi ,. leers. Brooks u Crediton and Rev_ n a:.r exchanged pulp•t- Sundae s*ernorr,o. \:r aroalna address was ctireeted to Stanley Sahotsl ere : r. ani \ti 7s retell aapeeeaated. We are eweng a bit ts: tete wea- ther assn new, Hop it may Iasi. We ;,:21:: noel o:. some tine weather (o amp;.t'c> the outside work, .of the at eaurs ,n Mount Carmel Ian,:la tools pdaee at ►Jerre': on v\ °.nestl.ay , Nott 9th or Mss Mar - :wet Regan:, She bad been 'n poor t4e:altlt . or several weeks. Miss Regan survival by two brothers, \lathew; and Corte oa Mt Gil xray Township, three .sisters, Mrs. Burke, St. Thomas, Mrs. J. W. Doyle, Parkhill, Mliss Joan of Detroit, The funeral took place from the home of her brother Corte on Friday at 10 tent -Mr. T. Collins rseeired the news on Saturday of the death of his brother-in-law, Barnard Mulligan of Dubjth,-Mr, and Mrs, M. O'Rourke and Mr, and Mrs. Collins attanled the funeral of Mr. Mulligan at Dublin on 'Tuesday, -A. Play will be put on here at the Krell on Friday, ,,vening, Nov. 251h, entitled "The Runaway". -airs, Farmer of Centralia a elsain; her sinter, Mr;x. LO'Brien Farquhar air. ]int and Miss Jessie Hodgelrt visited Sunday at Mr, Milton Hodgert's -este and Mrs. Chas. Borland and family and Mr. Naison Hunkin tasked Sunday at leIr. Rob"rt Duncan.':(. -Mr and Mrs. Ed. Coward and son Garnet c=sited Sunday at Mitt A. Smale's, - M ss Reta Pollen after spending the past week at her home here returned to. Ml.tcheil on Sunday.. -Mir,. and Mrs. Win. Wrightt of Cromarty visited on Sunday at the home of the litter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. tile- Curdy. Lucan Mr ,and Mee. Alex. McFalls c ele- brated the 510th a,rtne'vle{rsary of their auarrisige, at their hoeme; here .on Nov. l,Oth4 After their marriage they re- sided in:.Osbarrue Tpl for four years, and the -en train ne 46 years they spent in Lucan ' Mr, M.:Fa1ls was in the ba_ !edged en the calif of the leg. Some tel bus nells ,For many years, but es thirty shot r were e,mdved. new in the livery bus°nuess) Mr: and lir. A. E. , e e r of Clinton will Ntrs. \'IcF allyay tweheirre xtchildhardsen a amnediy othreer occupy the pulpit in the Evangelical membered ` 4 relatives, Church next Sunday evening and will give an address on the work of the 1:roral and Social Reform cotnenittee in the County this past year. ` ,TO CORRESPONDENTS Very littie is being heard in this lacai:ty about the election, but no doubt as the election day approaches our tongues will begin to wag,. The U. F. 0. w411 held a meeting in the Town Hall on Friday night of this week The 'residence of the late Matthew Finkbeiner was ,said by auction. last Saturday to Edward Fahner for $1.150. Mr. and Mrs. Johan Fast of Kilman- agh, ,Miele, are visiting relatives in aur midst for a few weeks, Dr. Orme made a business trip ;to Windsor Saturday. Wait. Watson has been; haveng some splendid luck shooting lately. He sel- dom comes home without several ducks, The ,singing class which is receiving ,t'nstruation under Prof. An.dertoin of IExe er es .making rapid progress and judging ,from the interest being tak- en, we may rex»eetsplendid diesu'as from the training. As yet there es ulenty of room far thiole who wall to "avail themselves of this splendid opportunity to receive singing lessons„ Death of, Bernard Browiai.-Once mare we are obliged to mentionthe corning of the grinsreamer oto our midst. Our highly resepcted Post- master and business man, Mr, Dere- hard Brown; Se, passed away q;u',ite t •suddenly on: Sunday morning, at the t ;age of ,71 years and t4 monelea He Jtad b -en ailing for„, some. time, butt managed to attend' to his bukeinesa eine t't1 about two weeke ago, .when hes was HON:. Ei\iUN ;BRISTOL, P .C., M.P. obliged torem snahes honeThe Who .spoke ,in .theain,terest off Nit J d..o-as,ed was born inMoT:-1 t'.an cin ea - ,July 3, 18,5,0, . and when still a, ch:t` d J. V1ere,an thie, (APeaHouse, re - nee •d to "the neighborhood with has centlyr zsfi Write en one aide cif the papas only. Check off this list, 3t .na0r anis* you :to, remember an ianporatnt item Avoid all items reflecting on per- sonal character, but std ALL THE NEWS, Handy and Attractive Shape for the headers of Our Paper A Solid Flour's Enjoyment. TUESDAY. Freneh delegates arrive at Wash- ington. China to prove chief problem at conference. German Industrialists offer to aid Government. Piston intermediates are the O. B. A. A. title-holders. Sir James Craig calls the Ulster Cabinet to London. Hamilton Tigers beat University of Toronto seniors, 4 to 3. Winnipeg will play Edmonton for the western football title. James. Grand, prominent stationer. dies at his Torouto residence. Toronto returned Hien organize to put candidates in Iwo ridings. Canadian and United States offi- cials to stamp out ruin -running. Eight teams will play in the On- tario Ladies' Basketball League. Albert Smoke of Peterboro' won the Hamilton Herald road race. Hold-up and many burglaries are reported to the Toronto police. Parkdale Canoe Club won the O. R. F. U. senior cltauipionehip. Brig, -Gen. Archibald Hayes ?►lac- donell, C.ai.G., la„3.0., appointed to Senate. Dr. P. F. Kinsman, dentist, Sar- nia. drr,ppe'd dead in a hotel at Bruce 'Mines. Alfred Scott, West Nissouri, shoots himself dead itt his barn. No reason known. Partly successful attempt*at jail- breealting at Guelph; one' prisoner is THURSDAY. . "Jess” Willard is not likely to box Dempsey. Jugo-Slav army advances on Al- banian capital. Hockey tourists, have been balked by the C. A. H. A. China is doubtful of good results of disarmament parleys. Ulster's reply on Irish conference proposals is discouraging. British Premier still aims to at- tend Washington Conference. Two lads are drowned at Hafford, Sask., crossing ice on a slough. ."Curly" Wilshur knocked out "Lefty" Thomas at Jamestown. Baifour's' party passed through Albany en route to Washington. Veterans called to meet in conven- tion to select election candidates. Methodists plan important Dom- inion -wide evangelistic campaign. Foreigners': alleged to be slaughter- ing pheasants near St. Catharines. Cloak and suit workers and ladies' garment Norkers in Montreal strike. Joseph O. Brulotle, Port Arthur, brakeman, killed by train at Atiko- kan. Five persons are dead and a child badly'burued at.Kearney,'near North Bay. Arbitrators' award in C. N. Rys. dispute recommends graduated re- ductions. Lloyd George say's at Guildhall. banquet that the Irish settlement is hopeful, " George Callaway, negro, despon- dent because out of work, kills him- self in Montreal.- a , John Watt dropped dead on the. street in Montreal after a drink of "moonshine" whiskey. A Boston terrier at Toronto rouses his master and saves the family from fire that destroys.home. FRIDAY.. Strikeriots occur in the capital of Italy.. Victory bonds are advancing in Price. " • Read This If You Have A "LAME" B --...CK Mrs, Roger, of Brookliu, Ont. writ s:— " My husband tried Gin Pillsa year ago, after having had a lame back for months, The first dose relieved him and before taking two boxes he was made entirely well." Gin Pills can relieve you, tool TRY THEM FREE WRITE TO -DAY FOR SAMPLE. National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada Limited, Toronto, Ontario 428 SATURDAY. Greek offer ' to evacuate Smyrna, Great ovation given ex -President Wilson, Ulster Cabinet rejects proposal, for peace. Viscount Grey writes on old diplomacy. Armistice Day was celebrated in Britain and. Europe. Unknown U. S. soldier buried in Arlington Cemetery. Two men drink wood alcohol al Montreal; both ars dead. The Toronto Hockey League has organized for the season. A juryman at Toronto is bored be lengthy speeches of lawyers. The A. A, U. of 0, annual meeting will be held December 9 and 10. Armistice Day celebrated in var- ious fitting ways all over Canada. Community Service drive at To• ionto fails to attain its objective... Engineers of Hydro Commission too optimistic, says Premier Drury. Days are too short for officials al Osgoode Hall, decides W. D, Gregory. Body of unidentified man found in Detroit river, off Ford, with skull crushed. New Federated Alumni Association is launched at the University of Toronto. Walter Cayman, Vineland, instant- ly killed by train, while driving cat across track. Walter Whitehead of Bridgeburg dies shortly after drinking Buffalc "moonshine." Canadian National Newspapers and Periodicals in convention at Toronto elect officers. Dan Hunt, farmer, killed by train while driving team over crossing at Bradwell, Sask. Moses Masuret,, retired London. merchant, dies day after 65th wed- ding anniversary. C. N. R. gateman is held guiltless at Toronto by a jury of death of teamster killed by train. J. Caswell Hopkins, Toronto, has been made a Fellow of the Royal So- ciety of Literature, London, England. MONDAY. Regina beat Winnipeg, 8 to 1. Argonauts beat Ottawa, 28 to 5. Queen's University won from Mc- Gill, 6 to 3. Letter carriers have books of. stamps for •sale. Eight Sinn Feiners escape from Mountjoy Prison. - Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King opens his Western tour. Japan and United States are sure to agree, says Kato. „ Sterling at Toronto $4.33%; at New York, $3:93%. Graham Spry chosen Manitoba Rhodes scholar for 1922. Mrs, Jay Gould dies 'on her golf course at Lakewood, N.Y. Excavation begun by O. A. C. stu- dents at Guelph for MemorialHall. Hon. • T. A. Crerar addresses two large ,meetings in Western Ontario The Toronto police have been busy and successful over the week -end. Thugs attack a Hamilton men in store on a busy street. Both were caught. Seven men picked for stock -judg- ing team from O. A. C. to compete at Chicago. Searching' for a missing girl, To ronto police find illicit still in full operation. Davis arrives back in Toronto to be tried on chargb'' of murdering Goldberg boy. Two : young men lost their lives when they attempted cross railway tracks at Detroit. An inmate of the House of Indus- try, Toronto, 'dies following' fall. An-, other inmate implicated. Baron Korekiyo Takaliashi,'Minis- ter of Finance, has ottieially'assumect the Premiership of Japan. Frieda Nemeyer,;26, pretty and re- fined, lies in hospital at Detroit in a critical condition as, a result of hav- ing taken enough bichloride of iner• cury to kill two men, TO THE FARMER aSmall amounts savea regularly s oon largetotal. Deposit each weekpart Ulf ere` -4 money you get from your cream, butter aft eggs and Watch your Savings balance gra., WE WELCOME SMALL Acomgclgpa THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Capital Paid up $15,000,000 Reserve Entad $15,000,000 Both, F. A. Citapntatt, Manager CreExeterditonranBranch, R. S, Wil&on, Manager Dashwood Branch, } l Incorporated in 1855 (CAPITAL RESERVE $9,(i(10.((l0 Over 130 Brancbee THE MOLSONS BANK There is no safer or surer w av of safeguarding your sur - pais money than placing it in a savings account with The Mlo:sons Bank, Why not begin to -day EXETER: BRA1VSJ,11 T. S. WOODS Manager, Centralia Branch open for business Jelly. Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Brsnt.h. M. E. GARDINER Furniture Stock Up-to-date General Funeral Director & Embalmer, License No. 447 Auto Hearse and Horse Epuipment Phone 74j and 74w Opera House Block, Exeter Clandeboye Gordon McDonald has bought a 100 acre farm on the BcddulpihealeGilli- vralr townline, near Adair, from Mr, Stteeje, for $9,500. Geo. Cunningham of the 2nd con. of McGt1liivray has rented the far hear Mooresville, va- cated by Mr. atelaonald.-W. Maguire of Con. 2, eMcGillnvra,y has ranted the farm of Thasl• Laughlin, on the same 'concession, and intends turning his own ifaxm into a pasture farm, Air; Laughlin is living in Detliolit.-J. R. ;►funds, ` & Sosts !of McGillivray, have bought the farm of.l4irst Neil, widow of it1 elate AL Neil, and coral.., .\fcGi11 ivray for ,$11,000, ,Mrs,: Neil. intends moving to Londont.-John Gilmore 'as moving tfrcim the farm. back to •his`pld home in lefooresvitllet He intends to work at wagon and implement re- pairing. Lumley (Intended for last week.) i,fr. and Mrs. P. Bartlett and fam- ady of Thami'eaford visited with the McQueen family this • week, -Glen Broadfoot of the Sterling Bank staff Shedden, spent Thanksgiving at has home here, -Miss Jewel Norris • of Mit- chell spent the week end with frien,ds lit Lumley, -Master Gerald. Gienm. as balida`ying m Exeter,. -Mr. Jas. Hor- ton visited friends in Forest last week, -Mr. Arthur Icing •and• Mr. Wm,. Hor- ton of Stratford spent the holiday with the former's .parents.-_Vir. and Mrs. T. Oliver of Farest are. visiting friends on the Boundary tails week. McGillivray Council Counc:tl met .an, the• Town, Hall, Ate- ;Gailivray, on Oct' 31e All members` preseatt Minutes of last meeting were read and signed. On.mot'votn oe Ma- guire and Tiickles aecounts.amowtt'!ne, to $1,789 were or dered to be paid The Council adjoujrnlecl to meet, again, on Novi. 28, at 1.ta^clock _rai,4rn J. ' Drummond, Clerk. Stephen Council The Councdl e:om;rened ea the Town' Hall, Crediton, 'ton' ,Monday, the 711 day of November at 1 p.mi. All mem- bers present except Councillor Pen: hale. Previous minutes approved. The bond of Frederick 'Wulerth, tax col- lector, was accepted and tiled with the clerk. . The following orders .were pa:ssed- A,. Neeb, eel. jurors 4,00; J Guinan, ditto, 4.00; H. Bather, ditto, 4.00; Judge Dickson, fees re Ore appeal. 13.00; Peter kesenbach, Heutn;tzman & Isaac's bridges 997.jliie :D. Oestreicher, tile, 21.60; Wm. Kestle, corns 8.50; Wil- fred LaFond, coan, 11,70; Thos. Wein and others, com. and grading 19..00 ; Exeter Times, printing 2.40; James Ziler, grading and gravelling, 13.00; Brat el a4.00; Feist Brost„ ac. 1.65; F. W, Farncombe, Walker's award, 824; A. Weaver, gravel, '$27.251; P. Shenk, corn., x.70; H. Lkik anal Disjardine, grinding,_ $16,5;0; N. Shenk, contrae:t. S66; J. Kedge, com., $7.50; M. Sweit zer ..contra.et, $135,95, and cow tag in- aptetor £12; ,Ewd. Disjardine, cont., $7.50; J. ICestle, come., $12.50; John Klumpp, disking and rolling, $2.25; H. :Clark. grading, ,a12; J. A. Willteittt, bal. contract, $42,50; e S. G. Lamport, C0.111., $7.50; M. Ryan, tile,; $18.75; J. Willis, contract, $29.40; 3. Jacobs; com., 57; J. Willis, drawming tile, $5; H. Clark, gravel, $.11.25; J. Barna work on culvert, $,22.751,; G. Penhale, da., $7.50; , H. Hiaa;lton, gravel, 1525"; h. Fahner, contrae;ts, $339.80; Thos. ;Chambers, com., ,$,5i • The Council adjourned to meet a- gain in, the 'T,awgn Hall,. Crediitorn, on Monday, Dec. 5th, itt 1 p.m, Henry• i Iber, Clerk. ROLLING STORES, LIMITED. A. complete cash and, carry grocery store on wheels,. Own over of these :n your territory. iVteeting wlitth, sen- senenal success wherever enaugurated, Two hundred fifty dollarsnet week- ly eacor(•'p,. Ea,s'y. terms. 'Principal payment of complete store to ,be made an monthly installments from profits l2.reved from business;. No competi- tion, onvp.eti!tion, no, ;stoneexpense. , Exclusive s•err i n{ 'es • being;'&ll,attad- rapidly. If you with to enter a most preefitable business and ta ensure; exclusive rights in yiotir territory commanaate with the undersigned immediately. -Eleeen hun!red twenty five dollars +required; RRollipg Stones, Limited 404 Exchange Bldg., eve—valor, Ontario.