HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-06-08, Page 35Round `n'About,
About June 18 Her smack them for it.
Majesty's Canadian Ship They've spoiled my whole
"SAGUENAY" docks at line of thought! Anyway,
I thought some talk on the
Nipigon might be in-
teresting for comparison
when the Saguenay was
visited. .
Now, perhaps someone
who knows these ships
might send us a few
words about them and
that could help us out.
The year 1967 was a
year to' remember -
especially for those teens
to the fifties. Below that
age, they weren't in-
teres'ted and over that 60
year age we kept them
busy picking their brains
about the last 100 years.
The couple of years,
1966 and '67, were full of
interest and excitement
and could only be outdone
by our executive for the
Jubilee III year of 1977.
Canada and Goderich, to
us, have a wonderful
past, present and future.
We love it all.
Looking back over the
year '67 brought back a
few smiles, especially
when I came across the
Centennial Birthday
Cake lighted with 100
candles in Courthouse
Park. The cake and its
design had been my baby
and I chased down
the Port of Goderich - the
first large destroyer
since the Nipigon in 1967.
I don't know much
about the Saguenay, but
the Nipigon fascinated
me. To begin with, it was
the introduction as the
"helicopter destroyer"
which hit me. Right away
I thought, "why do they
need such a large ship to
destroy helicopters?"
Well, not really, but
that is the first nutty
thing to enter a nutty
The Nipigon, the
second ship to bear this
name in the Royal
Canadian Navy, in-
corporated a hangar and
a flight deck in her initial
construction and was also
equipped with Canadian
designed two -jet engines
and carried •homing
torpedoes as well as
sophisticated submarine.
detection equipment.
The helicopter "Sea
King" went along in an
anti-submarine role. It
had a detection and
destruction capability
which multiplied the
radius of effectiveness of
helicopter destroyers
against the most modern
submarines. enough hard centres from
This all-weather rugs to be cut up for the
'copter - over nine tons in "candles" and the rest
weight, had a crew of was up to the carpenters
four. and electricians.
Well! I don't know who This "cake" created a
was proofreading and lot of noise but it looked
who the paste up girls pretty good when it was
were in 1967 at the Signal . lighted for the New
but some very important Year's festivities in 1967%
info' was deleted in the At one point about
write-up and I could January '67 some
screwball wrote that,
"Harry Rumo, a °sailor
missing for three days
from his rooming house
in the Harbour district,
was found in the Cen-
tennial Bitthday Cake in
the Town's Courthouse
Park. When asked, Mr.
Rumo said he did not
know how he got inside
Martha Rathburn ap-
pears weekly in The
Signal -Star
the cake. He was released
by passersby who heard
him thumping on the
inside. He also said he
kept warm by wrapping
himself in the Centennial
You probably recall all
the talk that was flying
about and the people who
tried to look inside the
cake. I for one walked
around it twice to make
sure it was not true.
The Stratford Beacon
Herald struck a sour note
by saying they had asked
one of our police
regarding the
whereabouts of Harry
"It's just a 'rumor,
some idiot at the paper
wrote it as a joke."
Sorority Queens. Two ladies were crowned at the Beta Sigma Phi May Ball
held in Holmesville May 27. Pat Spence was crowned queen of the Xi Delta
Epsilon chapter and Joan Smith was queen of the Beta Theta Chapter.
So ciety name officers
At a recent meeting of
the Goderich Branch of
Canadian Cancer Society,
held in the Board. Room
at the Alexandra Marine
and General Hospital, the
slate of officers for the
coming year was
presented by Claude
Kalbfleisch, retiring
chairman of Planning,
Development and
The executive of the
Huron -Middlesex N.D.P.
met May 30 at a mem-
ber's home in Huron
Several members will
attend a one day seminar,
concerning organizing,
and compaigning, in
Guelph on June 24.
Delegate Stuart Craine
will be, attending the
Provincial Council
meeting at the University
of Windsor on June 17 and
I't was unanimously
agreed that a letter
condemning the role of
the Ontario Provincial
Police at the Fleck strike
and the use of the riot
squad against the women
picketers, be sent to
Premier William Davis
-and Solicitor -General
George Kerr.
The Huron -Middlesex
N.D.P. executive will
meet on Wednesday,
June 28 in Clinton.
Mel Farnsworth will
succeed Fordyce Clark as
president and Iva Wood
and Harold Chase were
named as first and
second vice-presidents
respectively. Marjorie
Brown will continue as
secretary and Milton
Raynor and Eugene
Bender will continue as
treasurer and vice -
Other officers are as
follows: delegate to
district council, Mel
Farnsworth; campaign
chairman, Lens Pitblado;
vice-chairman, Claude
Kalbfleisch, com-
memoration funds, Zella
Crawford; education,
Dorothy Smith; vice-
chairman, John
McKibbon; medical
advisor, Dr. R. B.
Thomson; planning,
development and
nominations, Jean Ginn;
publicity, Marion Shaw;
service to patients, Edna
Stephens; vice -
chairperson, Chris
Gautreau; transportation
convener, Harold
Knisley; and vice con-
vener transportation,
Fordyce Clark.
School Year 1978-1979
JUNE 16. 1978
The Day Nursery
15 Caledonia Crescent
Time: 10:30 A.M.•2:00 P.M.
Pre -registration fee 62.°0
The facetiously -
intended conjecture that
a man lived in the cake
was taken as gospel truth
by many.
Signal Editor Bob
Kearns had to put a
damper on the fun since it
could be a slur against his
staff and too since the
policeman had not been
identified by the Strat-
ford reporter, it might be
a slur to them also. So,
the fun was stopped
abruptly, but the Harry
Rumo stories were top
entertainment over the
coffee cups for quite a
long time.
As far back as 1967 in a
January Signal editorial
it says: Engineer. -Editor
Tom Weissman of
Canadian Controls and
Instrumentation, likes
dollars better than
pounds, shillings -and
pence, litres better than
gallons, kilometres better
than miles. He says at
least once a year, over
many, many years, , at
most major Engineering
Conferences, the subject
of converting the inch to
the metric system comes
up 1,,for discussion. As
things stand, North
America may soon be
isolated, surrounded by a
world attuned to the
metric system.
To the U.S. this is not
too difficult a problem,
-because of the size of its
domestic market. For
Canada, with its in-
creasing dependence
upon business outside the
country, ..the ability to
move in the "metric
world" as well as in the
inch system, will assume
vital importance
especially since both
Britain and the U.S.
remain vital customers.
The major task ahead for
Canada is to make a
move - soon - doing more
than just indicating an
interest in converting to
the metric system. A
gradual adoption of this
system should • be laun-
ched - it could be done in
10 years.
Well, I hope it is
finalized soon, one way or
the other. They have had
their ten years.
On Saturday, June 3 at
Port Albert Christ
Church is the Craft ,and
Newly appointed
Grant Gould has been
appointed the Summer
Assistant Agricultural
Representative for Huron
Grant, a native of
Kitchener, Ontario is a
past graduate of Cen-
tralia College of
Agricultural Technology
and is currently at-
tending the University_of
Wisconsin, Madison,
Grant 'is looking for-
ward with .great interest
to working with the
farmers in Huron County.
Jack Duffy signed
to portray Felix
James Murphy,
Artistic Director for the
Huron Country
Playhouse announced
recently that television
performer Jack Duffy;
has been signed to star as
Felix in the Playhouse
production of The Odd
Couple. Opposite Mr.
Duffy will be ACTRA
award winner, Les
Carlson, in the role of
Oscar.::.,_ ..
The two Canadian
actors team up in Neil
Simon's comedy which
opens July 4 for a two
week engagement. Both
actors are being brought
in through the courtesy of
a . special grant from
Conklin Lumber Ltd.
Les Carlson? won --has....
ACTRA award for Best
Supporting Actor in the
television show Raku
Fire as Steve, opposite
Eileen Atkins. Last fall
he was a regular on the
CBC show Custard Pie.
He is currently involved
in the filming of a new
movie called Lost' and
Found starring George
Segal and Glenda
Jack Duffy (Mr.
Television) besides
regular, appearances on
Party Game for the past
seven years, has been
seen as the principal
performer on the Billy
O'Conno,r Show,
Showtime, The Barris
Beat, In the Mood, Wayne
and Shuster, Upside
Town, Frankie Howard
Show, George Kirby
Show, Hudson Brothers,
Razzle Dazzle, Bobby
Vinton Show, Perry Como
Kraft Music Hall and his
own series Here's Duffy; '
The Playhouse per-
formance schedule is
Tuesday, July 4 through
July 8 and July 11 through
July 15 in the evenings at
Q:30 p.m. and with
Wednesday matinees at
2:30 p.m. Information
and tickets may be ob-
tained by phoning (519)
...with Martha
Bake Sale for the Girls
Rall Team sweaters. On
June 8 is supper at
Holmesville United
Church. On June 3 is the
Foresters Dance at
Saltford. On June 10 is the
antique cars, flea market
and air show at Brussels.
On June 10 also is the car
wash at the Assessment
Building parking lot. On
June 17 is the Strawberry
Fest at Benmiller United
Church Smorgasbord.
Phone 4-6327 for tickets.
The Salvation Army
have open house at their
Glenhuron Camp - come
to their "Country Fair"
on June 15. •
June 17 is Rotary Club
paper pickup ... not a
paper pickup but a
PAPER pickup!
Love, Martha.
162 MARY ST. GODERICH 524-9089
Attention Community Groups and OIaniza1ions
k howCanadaW�rks
Rescue unit formed by Canada Works project.
ew jobs. And a better place to live.
Canada Works, a Federal Government
job creation program, has done it before and
Canada Works can do it again.
Get your group to agree on a project
you can all support. Most importantly, it must
make use of and improve the skills of
unemployed people in your area, create at
least 3 new jobs, and make for commu-
nity benefits thatlast.
Complete your'application carefully
and on time.
If your idea is 'good enough, Canada
Works maybe able to contribute to the
Ql1T Children Off. trail
necessary funding.
To apply, just go to your closest
Of nature- Canada Manpower Centre/Canada
Employment Centre or job
Creation Branch Office. Pick up
Public Information the application form and
Meetings the "Guide to
Huronat County
Canada Canada
Manpower Centres Works is
Goderich - 35 East Street for your com-
Monday, June 12th
3:00 p.m.
munity. Your
Exeter - Main Street province.Your
Tuesday, June 13th country. For all of us. So let's get
3:30 p.m. working on some new ideas.
Future loolisgood in
M X'
Job training lass,
14P Employment and
Immigration Canada
Bud Cullen, Minister
Emploi et
Immigration Canada
Bud Cullen, Ministre
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With the first hot weather, thoughts turn to
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This season, dazzle the beach set with a swim-
suit from our great collection. Very good colour
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$24. up
Opoa Monday fo Saturday
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rrldays 11119 p.m.