HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-11-17, Page 1THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR, Phone 81a EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY NOV. 17, 1921 Our Corner i1 AIN S'MEET METHODIST CHURCH ANIVIsRSARY. TAM A N ' but wants cranks but little here ta( t that little strong, o Neer Wed Some men ,strive for riches while others merely ;s1t down to: wail for at: old folks to dim The women now have Canada's des- txns:s 5,11 their hands. Over the Dom- inion they outnumber the men by a, oprisiderable number %on the voters" ;.lists.... If sweet woman stays as long in the tt:re, booth as 's1 a does its the tele- h.one booth, mere Asa is going to otic a long and weary time wait'xag get his ballot in the box The .fact that thousands of weekly newseapers have been forced out of texiatence fa the t few years has !brought the suravora to realize that 211 subsertations ,toast bet pad in ad- tl vanee, liaekenz.;•e lin is preaching union of the Liberals attd United Farmers so consisteixtly that they will soonbe- gin to th;,nk the tul,ioon4s a fact. And from all reports ono would thrak that the Liberal CI, F's areonly 11..F. sn name• , ,retion day will show some saart,r:aes, so say par Liberal friend.;. A health expert says that (lan::ri davelops beauty of the limb. judh ng °mim gots.' of the exligb:7ts we have •en in sheat skirts this year Mitchell : s wcni l•Muv: ta. dt), n lot as avocets;; the future.-314teltr1i A<lvo,"ate Nazi s; 'n .heater, old sport, Ind as tions here are Vail thee have been Os mains etli the r vice" alae; we arae aro judge. g-' AND MRS. .;'hat wonc1,n' ttl thoughts a;eorrte un %shot dress; two ablerevot'san> at tar nta ci ;ar, a stews item -what intense Isarnraaa interest these protra}•,. In, the e.'c,un try weekly p,uter they take the (one 142 Plage Oa all items, from, the a. ale visit to relatives, loathe larger nrt tt.:rs of human lite. "Mr, and Mrs." --the great news 'stem of the urs v tae, the bringer of recollections to : man far from home, +vho takes his, old home town paper, and reads :It: items of 1'id, anti :Mrs. and lets his mindwander back to the days when he knew the Mo and Mrs. In knee pants and shall we say*, short s1. etc. It's tate home town paper xli:re the real air, and Mrs. news , ., r ec c s .; r--attd to r c vc, home Vat anion . t.m ae u L the m g., town paper er .week t and week out is m 1, aiior& Furnisher t:? knowthe great happenings of tine. world, the doing of "Sir. and Mrs." WINTER on OARS We are prepared to care for your car. Try us. REPAIR WORT: ON ALL CARS, PILON & FOOTE ,�;t Huron Garage - Exeter ,.,.gla....., - cw.—,1111 FABRIC TIRES ! Owing to a purchase mad: from the Gray Dort Oro tar Company, who are discontinuing Fabric Tires, and equip- ping with Cord Tires, we are in a position to dispose of a number of 31x4 Dominion plain and nobby tread tires at wholesale prices, T. H. NEWELL Gray Dort Garage - Exeter `al DRUM The World Over You Cannot Beat HARVEY'S FLOUR 'Breathes there a man with soul so dead, Wiio never to himself bath aalid, l' "•' This is 'any own, my native lands,'." .lin buying ,goods, manufacatured in your owe ' ;town or oosn1n nii*y ,ylou are helping those who, help ,you,, There is an asnitesrllackj(1g of ilt>Itarests in every community that shauldm't be Last sight of. Co-operation .should be ottr motto. , Tibis beinlg 'true, why should not every give ,paitrou-iize home industry and buy Exeter Flour? It is just as'c'heap, if not 'fcbeaper, thanthe Im- ported article. Buy at and grave this fact., You mai r buy Flour from Montreal, Toronto or any other .ouaside point, but you nannott;beat the Flout 'made in, your !towsrt. We have just mesve!ived another car of those tfene' Wleislterry Oats, test- 46 'lbs. to the bushel which we have recleaned and how offer for sale In addition :to flour Mill Offal we have Corn, Obi Cake, Tankage, Buck- wheat, etva, for sales Harvey Bros. be Anniversary 5�cost theMaStreetMhChurch Sun last were largely attended anti moat suc,;essful in every way. The special Local !trews preacher for the occasion was Rev. J. a.. J,. »sllyarai of Sarnia, son, of a former pastor :,of the church, and his discourses were of an ':aspirin; order. His evening text was taken tram Luke 6. 13; "And tPrLair't was day IJIle.tattled his disciples, ar.'1 o> them he ;ase twelve, whom also he named :mattes." In part the preacher said R-"CItrst bad spent the night in pray - •r. Ile eensidered .:goosing nes disefp- I svery important, His Purpose made t n momentous ea ent. He ordained he twelve to be;: with him, and to be sent forth to preach the Gospel, to l eaI sickness and to cast out dev Is. I'2rtly His purpose was to provide corpan:o:¢sh,p for himself. His hu- man:te ir<d out for it :ndship, He longed ear sympathy and uxn t;;rstand inti, He could see a,; hard way before Ilim and wished not ,lo 'stand aloe, lie slid not cJtoosu them earelessly, as aftea is the ease of choosing friends and companions, a wile or a husband. A season of prayer is well worth, avhn,e, Also for the needs of it's work he chose his disciples, immediate an,I future need. He might have; written a hook. 1tany teen nave,, but Jests, s ,tar as we know, left (L'Ai r wr;,tt n tt"or:l, but be left the liy;.ng men to perpetuate and continua his iron. It war a momentous Ruston then svhonn t e : houlal choose. He therefore took a aa':•ale night in prayer. What k n•I (n` Wren did Ji. e hoose.? At airtit S Int t°.es oak Iika' plain men. eidoul.tad- lv Ise h d tea• b> content tr th thr rn,at- at itatrd He had no alienate t A . ttr the men ;high ;n.the Ian I, and ..s- juatt as well \tu't man neat in cdrttreh life have been a,1 larr Inunnlhk or'eg n, 'EViaatet'zr the a;te,s.les flat..".ed an world prospectsant edits: - '4 71, they were good and true olvn. In,x w rc «t remarkablevariety anal typ .-riot a narrow circ:;•:. The dia er- ect« tcmperma'nts 0t his tallowers in- 4'tatde'el the phlegmatic.•, the choles ie•, the me 1tan,tholy, and the sanguine, The t 'Jtrtinmate areMow, stsasiy a aut;,rt . issued but as ail students are not taking the sante selection of subjects the form is not graded. e. s-oart at.v'e, tla nks mac before '•e :ene::ks, never loses his bead, never gives away to his etnaateons, never crowds ire unless sure of weiteome. nail) and Andrew were of thts type. The choleric, has both tempennent and temper. always on edge, chews at hbn- setf, bat ♦vete, Iris friendsand even his minister. Jams and John were of thin kind. The melancholy are habitually full of doubt and fears, looks on the dark side of things. Ani here wehav,(~ • g , T:tornas as .the outstanding lite Sanguine man, is an optimist, sees dreams and builds castles, has hope, faith and enterprise; you can't keep hint down. A fine fellow, a. most de- lightful chap. But site has his ,gar acterlstic weakness, conceit, little too', mucic eifervesenee, flies of at a tan- gent. In this class aro have Peter. Jesus had all these, types in that day, and they are a11' in the church to -day. He has a,. ague for then all. `(o we can all get in. "Whosoever will let him take of the water of life freely" No one looks to Jesus ,in van. EXETER. . HIGHI SCHOOL REPORT. Names are in order of Sept. -Oct. merit. FORM X. Oscar Harrison, Maud Millar, Dor- othy Snell, Tont Pryde, Ruth Jory and Ruth Andrew, equal; Helen Wethey, Garnet Collingwood, Ella Kuntz, Marguerite Hackney, Fred Ford, Leonard Greb, Elizabeth Ham- ilton and Herman Gower, equal; Charles Campbell, George Beavers, Airier Alexander, Howard Hunter and Marguerite Aldsworth, equal; Harvey Pollen, Herman Hodgson, Mae Abbott, 1John Gilfrllan, Elsie Gardiner, Hazel Kestle, Francis Ab- bott, Olive Wood, Verne Roulston, Wanda Von Wascinski•, Amelia Ache- son, Charles Acheson, Crescent Day- man, Bland Campbell, Charles Glad - man, Aljoe Sanders, Bruce Tuckey, Lillian Ford, Bertram Gardiner and Garfield Thompson, equal; Hazel Hackney, La Belle Kay, Wilfred Al- len, Florence Walter, Clifford Web- ster. FORINT II. Kenneth Stanbury, Marion Woods, Mary Gihfiilan, Nellie Medd, Ruby Creech, Edward Aldsworth, Lilia Snell, Grant Sanders, Lloyd Haist, Ella Fulton, Cecil Hodgson, Flor- ence Harvey a,nd,,,, Truman Mills, equal; Helen Dignan, Fred Hearnan. Lyle 'Statham, Maurice . Neil, Ruth Lamport, Mary Homey and Maurice Farquhar, equal; Bruce • Tuckey, Janie Hogarth, Celia Christie, Pearl Thompson, Irene Stuart, Laura Knight, Hannah Murray, Isobel Mur- ray, aorta Hunter, Percy McFalls, Leonard Hanlon and William Coch- rane, equal; Bertha Russell, Tom Yellow. FORM III. Lulu Moriock, Edna Pfaff, Carl Morlock, Blanche Senior, ' Evelyn Howard, Nellie Petty, Wilfred Turn- bull,' Harry Greb,Harold Wood, Laird Joynt, Margaret! Wethey, Maurice Ford, Carrie Davis, Violette Whitesides, Horace Delbridge, Violet Ratcliffe,. Harry Seldon, Mildred Rowe, Edward Berry, Vivian Ho- garth, Aurelia Anderson, Langford Jones, Margaret Gladivan, Verna. Wacker, Gertrude Francis, Borden Cunningham, .Howard Dignan, Rus- sell Ratcliffe, Mary Elworthy, Kath- leen Hicks, Aylmer Christie. FORM TV.— Reports have been The Exeter Flax Mill will start op erations to -day (Thursday.) Th snow which we hal with us for a w eJ , has nearly ail disappeared. Mr. Adolphus Hooper of the Lake: Road wni move to. Londaa ab re lie'. has purchased a home. Indian summer usually comes n No- c:•mber, it to ba hoped that ' b,e alae exy�erence this year: The directors aot Exeter A ;tae ult ural SQA'ety re,t on Saturday to triad up the matters conn,'ated wig the Fall l:a.as Mrs. Harvey Hll, nee. Hazel Barrett, !this week undrrwavat ; serious oiler a tioa :n the 9tosla,tn at Stetter, Alt..., but (s do zu taZeely. 'Ain and airs. James Itfe:Curdy o: K riston, arnounve the engagement of heir daughter. Beatrice, to '\tr Lex T Barr of 'Motherwell, the marriage to take piaci s tartly. 3h• arale of the. Y,PCA.. held :no5t 4n;oyabte X utnpkin Pte :ova Ice Gr Stn ^roe »zl in the rooms on Fr'day ovetaoss, A tt`oodly number were paes- int A program sa-as rendered. an ant.st, ,:n sports indulged rani Mr Iteatnr Rottcl ice of town se eaves! ward tot:a week' a,.. is et:net :at t'i I\8wr Pc�atatry ohoa. I.4,' It . coronae 1 ,.r. t 2 or. ¢'a• t .- in n, i r•+t and Eris o3:t r}' .nalet .t, 81 rat .4,r , 66,:.Ivr--Z; a Reil 4 s a.: go. S:T:,t :4,r It.*, ia'ati r+: ata Soot for last ;+ t. I t .: tsr n a.,:1i t o 'a'a False r, r r rate t > taa death o, Dr. floater Kae, :mart ca. ssro ;t, at7,it, d dal; he lit al dtol .n iia - hotel ;:t Brum ;tl: eaSa but. sua It was n a. the case, he- haven; died :n the triol, while returning trc,m the day's hunt for deer. The Mactor was :i m 'miner eoa the Presbyterian Clam, h, a prt, n n nt dlason and Shriner, Inds wase au°.yt.cea the funeral was eon - sheeted tin I.Ve.ineiday of last tt•e�sk, ASSUNIliS C lyIiCE. air Wtton Pfaff, who was ree'ena- ty appanttal postmaster her.::oak the: Nth ui (>S: e . Weds eddy ,`,n=i has omm rietel on his dattno. Mr. Platt as a vouag roan of excellent gtual Pica„ or;s and will doubtkeas (14i -charge ( ul 4 the ntti4e tt':h entire ti, action. llEs many Wends o - rttulat: ;Om on the ay+,poin,.ment, dmin roma ILL IN MONTREAL. Mrs. Wes. Snell ream 'rel Morel on Tu » - ay that her husband was fouls- IR n Mon.r:a,1, and to go at once to that city„ Mr. Snell bad b.b.t in >• ugland-.t_tb a shipment of cattle and on returnOne was take 1t ill can the boat o bleat poisoning In his to , Later on Tuesday 1Ir. William Snell, his brother, also received word to accompany firs, Snell, Both left Car Montreal Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Monett of Lon- don were visitors here :and In t:reli- tton on Saturday. Mr. Geo. Kellett of E1,mville who accompanied a shipment of cattle anode by Mr. 'GVea, Snell and others to England, returned home. Tuesday n:gb t. Mss Phoebe Easterbrook i, visiting with her sister, a,Irs,. Lee, in Seaforth. Mamie Lee and Velma Quail are vis- iting their grandparents, \ir. and Mrs. Geo. Easterbrook. Mr, Richard Penbale o: Toronto vis- ited with his wife and ,other ,relaives here last week. Mrs. Penbale, who has been visiting her mother, who has been ill, returned to hler home in Toronto yasterdav (Wednesday,) BIRTHS Lee -In Seaforth, on Noa. 13, to Mr. and firs. Frank Lee, nee Velma Eas- ;tterbrook, a daughter, DEATHS Brown -In Crediton, on Nov. 13th, ,Bernhard Brown, Sr,,taged 71 years and 4 -months. Johns-lnn.Exeter, on Nov, 9, Sarah A. ,Miners, behaved wlll6e. of Silas Johns, aged ' 64 years, 54 months, 19 days,. ao:tcluhouxr-In Fullajrt•on:, don, Naw. 6, ;Mary Ann, Strachan, beloved wife of Wm. Colquhoun, aged 66 years 9 months and 10 days. U. F. O. Political Meetings L111rDITON, FRIDAY, NOV. 18 ItXETER OPERA HOUSE TIJ,l,SIDAY, NOV. 22nd GRAND BBND, WEDNESDAY NOVa 23rd. ZURICH, TEIURSDAY, NOV. 24th The meetings will begin,at 8 a'clack °o the evening, Wm, Black, U'.F.O. candidate and other speakers will give addressed. All citizens are invited to attend,, SAINIDERS LOOK MJT TSE RUNAWAYS' ARE COMING A. PLAY OF I.AULITER NOT A dOVING 1'Pe:."I"URta, BUT A REAP. PLAY MOUNT CARMEL HALL PR DAY, NOVEMBER 25th,1921 MATINEE 2.35 ADM i SIC&N ION 50 C1:NTS EVENING x.15 • ,..,•.. ..A.,,., INTER I IPME stors vont better y front Nor. flet tc, • rl Lt, 1922, for $Z.5d. par J,. i . as April lot„ 1922 i;or a24nft YI tM .Jt 3St tib-.., t nyi:! r.. ;t: tP, y 4ait „a # afi t:t ry '(i5a»a't als ut„,: trti,ii,, as.' r3 r 1!. ter ,.' a Taylor Tire and Battery CHRISTMAS iAV1 '4't)L7 STARTED °r t.) PREPA RE b'tolt THE i iOi.U).4., Cranberries e a large ;away Late Haw-, =n stook, a hok you will :incl rerst cuss berries. Why n , ep r, theant neat: You will h. very \ :;n a few weeks. Mince Meat A.s. a*,,►its are 1.914are in' y ^r a e; anvate: youu, to try :oar !r is iia; e. al hulk MixteMeat. z eau, w e Cad it y, ry reasonable in p. ,•e, made of Its bet quality fruits, fresh .p: 'e• , ,:nil so handy, New Fruit Be sure you get new Fruit for your Xans Lake. I'uld n • and Mince -Ideas-Scentless Raisins, Large Sultanaa (with seeds), Pckg, Seeded, Candied Peels, Dates, Figs, Slaeeal Grade Cu want:, I'rarna.s and other New Fruit. Candies, Nuts and Oranges There vvlill be Candies, Nuts and Oranges for all this year. Our prices are very low and we; carry such a stood raul b:r assortment,, It will pay you to see Drat lines be ore you 1.:uv, HARVEY HARVEY VAIN PHONE W2 TWO S TOR ES NORTH PHONE 47 J. A. STEWART Phone 16 " THE BIG STORE WITH THE LITTLE PRICES." The Hoover Sweeper For a Christmas Present We can save you TEN IJOLLARS on a "HOOVER`'. Plane your order now, :and be a ssur.1 of delivery for Christmas The Hoover will preserve the Original beautiful colors, and pro- long the life of your rugs, Because it Beats As it Sweeps As it Cleans STRIPE FL A..N NELETTE Mill endsorf L'a�ank and Blue Stripes, also .Dark Grey Stripes This ids a. good heavy quality, in the regular way worth 30c. per yard, Saye Price 20c, per yard TURNB ULL'S UNDERWEAR We have ai full range of Ladies' Misses' and Chiles -Ansa Underwear, combination and separate ,piecesi. ' Ceetee" Brantd For men. • GROCERY SPECIALS • Laundry Soap, all brands 10 bars for 68c Best. Rolled Oats; 6 lbs for 23c Brooms, 4 strings for 42c '' Special Blend Tea .33c Kellogg's Corn Flakes 5 pkggs Tor 48c $1.00 ias-ge.plug T, & ,8, .Tab-. ac,;a for 75c Also the, famous Pure Lard, 3 1b; pall for ..50c. Bacon, ,piece ,or slicetd, lb. 33c. Special Blend Coffee per lb. 38c Paimolavic Soap, 3 cakes( for 23c, 35c, Fancy Sweet Biscuit 1b. 20c, Canada Corn, Starch, per pk. 9c. SUGAR, BEST GRANULATED 100 lbs. for $7:95 P:J e A. STEWART W Highest Prices paid for 1'oultry.an.d all Produce. 41 4 1 w 4 4 1 •i 4 1 .4 i r d 4