HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-11-10, Page 8EXETER AUVQJI,ATE, T$.ITBOJIAY, Nair, Da 19:21 Exeter Markets CHANGED EVERY WEDNESDAY 90 Barley ,,.,.,... ..4:. 48 to 55 Oats.... , 34 to 40 t tenatoba's Best Flour 3.90 ,..., 3.50 55 1,80 1.4e 1.30 to 45 Wheat Falsely Flour past`)' Flour • Feed .Flour. Shorts. .Bran .:ream:+re. Butter Dairy Butter 36 to 34 Eggs. nee lord • eases, held .. Lard ..... clA 4e 20 Hay per tort SI5 to $I6 Iic:>s ....,..,. S.6A, 11- .TSt�s. Maxw.11, who resides, with s seat in -taw, elr. •Victor Snell, as LARD OF Tki .NIKs. : u .t •r:.ag from a severe. attack a�T The hx , tnS.ve q€ the Exeter ares el oI et coning r :Nes right hand. qtr.; branch ee the Ontario 1':ci:.s- k •:npy Day was r.lzb,atszd elondav nen': As..'it .lesir4 se eeore.,s t?tc,.r eel tied eitie.ens responder; gezaerouely eepeseeftien. tit) tl: "ad;cs of tine E' - enel :is a result a good sum was real, efer C.F.O. area fee very -'t9 ct:l : i a:'i ao: OWsttffelre,rs ,*k NOcthe;at r" ._t W:1;111 Anew supplied els F ran.. Local Doings Partridge shooting commenced en Setuiday and closes On Nov, leeh. We had the first; real snow £alis on Frda>. and Saturday mornings last-- a few i:neh s ,enly. The 192' London Conf:'renee of the elethod:st Church will be held in L aeoat in June next, no. in L at afar M'ss Ethel Bissett, who has been undergetag treatnnere ar.d eonsiae:l to In keel, ie. able to be out around, tga :tit, Rev. . 'S n I1:w , returned puss-onery, ereee: w4 •w: intereetengly 'I1. C'aw'en e .u.,.:'n on Sunday aright on Central • :'res i:m itis' » y seg nrateha? , - 1'1' Busy Bee Sunday S:.hool Class cny ethers. w .ho ".1.:::1111M to make ,he j2,11“,.., Stat: Methodist Cher. h. rTtoe ire g metes a. sue eesa. at an, er t nirig and -profitable et:eniaz et eve home of their teacher, if Yee have anyrntng to sell or . ,c, Wit:,>s Horton Friday evening. went to buy, t -v Tbc Advo,.ate Wens tCeep December ?th open for Citi - Column. tees' Relief Committee play "Jlrs. 1EiFERS STRAYED. Temple's Telegram." A real treat in stere. _e stra e.i « .:,m the farm of 4. ElgO td. south 4 * Qu'ntole's Swamp, two° REceeelON--:lira, J. Hubert Jones xea \.ane Oett'a : he:itis, ode bla4k, tit„1 r•eeele for the first time since +*r ;ne otted as earal white, with sl:tpi, r wee”- on Thursday, November ia bottom of kit :^r. Anyone know-, let, teem 4 to 6 won. ere of their whereabouts kindly Coin- teatr Bate ww Wit^ Chas. Johns, leeborne, R. R. 3, Exe:-r;; telephorne 445, KT -re: - ton Good frame house and lot situated on. Stealoet street for sale. Good well water. ;stable, frust treses, ett;rs, the g m,s,,A For parts ulars apply to jujus Sokoloff., lune: dealer, Exeter. HOVE AND LOT FOR SALE. BOO: LOS T -delle w• boobetween tau ee ,Stere t end Os T. le, station. lender kieel'y i.ave at Advocate effete \,VAN .ED --Lea; represeentativa at Ere; a to represeat "The Old Reli- ..b;e Fereese. \ furs ries:' and corer ee r e ^ eg territory Splendid open - VW z t Iran Exclusive ter- ^' $iQT.3 p. i€1 -Stone: .w: We:: 2, To,onte. (hut LOAI. HEATER AND "WOOD HEATER Ft re SALE. Apply et the 4dvat:ate S Fi III A.Y S'TE3 .R 'reef.: stray.? a tree a : gareazs StEa tae ru dersigned. Sodom saw canal. on er but $.spt Wtn e arlsng steer. Oweer can have same by reeving property and :fawn , -xpenses. Sas Stun:eke, Hay P.Q. HOW IS THE PUMP New Iran Pumps ail Fittings. in Stock I; an or wool pumps repaired. Weill ,pumped out or cleaned. 5 I. V. CANN. Phone 115 DR. JOHN WARD, having recently ,rteeetl ib eiCanettation of the Oa- tario Board of Op'eometry, is quali- fied to test eyed and fit glasses sci- antifiaally. Chiropractic and Electra- tial Treatments for Chronic and Nerv- ous d :.-eases. Hours, le to 12 and 2 to 5, and by appontmene Office cor- ner William and Sanders street. APPLE BUTThR AND CIDER. I will be apart to melee Apble Bute ter and Cider every Thursday and Friday till further notice. --S. J. Cann HOUSE FOR SALE. Two storey brick residence, all mode rn, conveniences, conveaently sntuata eel, large Carden, argil thet't trees. Ap- pt1 at thea anf ze Or to T. Ff. Newel?, FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned is offering for sale that desirable farm in the Township I of Sttepben, being Lot 15, Con. 2, known as the Leathorn Farm, .con- teener; ore+-taupe. ; 1011 acres. There is on prem i es a commodious two-story frame house and two good bank barns. Thel, ;arm is well d:'ahted and fenced, has a nice orchard, spring creek with a pler'tiiul supply of water the year round; fine for stock; 15 acres seed- ed down. alI fall plowing done, and then are 10 acres fall wheat; P.os-: se *.nn given April 1st, 1922. For part .:wars apply to I. R. CARLING,. exe.ter. Solicitor for the Ad n nstra- tor. - Contracting We wish to rail the attention of the public of Exeter and surrounding dis- trict that we are open to accept; or tender for contracts for all kinds bf bulding We are experienced work- men and by strict attent t on to busi- ness we hope to share in the contract work of this district. WARES & PRYDE, Exeter. Dray and Baggage Anything you have to move we move it reasonable ESTRAY teTEER, Tw ee-yeerseeti, red :Ind vh;te de- etes ed steer, strayed from Lie 4 con. 5, L'shorne. Feeler wv 31 eenr- le le ineormatIon. at this offees, wweth awwra^.s.-'41 rate Welsh. 'Nietor Truck and Horse Dray at your Service, Auto Livery Horse Livery i3AGSHAW & EASTONk BROOMS �-t� A place where four -string brooms can be. bought for 45c. These brooms will be sold at this 'erica for one month only, beginning October 27th. We are offering special bargains each week. WILSON'S; GROCERY Cash and Carry Phone 5 6. ROCKS FOR S~'3LE. earn of seven pureebred rocks -one year hen,, and oosters Pace $15.-A, e''. Rev. R. J. Bowles, 1 , A, secretary of the Bible Society, preached in elle Trivtt Memorial Church on Sunday mo ieng mad n 'Mein Street Meebodist Church fee the levelling, in behalf of the work ot the seeeetyi, F rVING AN XSAT 1-10s1E". About 70(► _nw,'l..ai?.otos have ben "sued by. Exeter Lodge of Oddfel- :vo to en "At Home' to b giteen zt the Opera House op, Wgdeesday et :n; ot next weele A program of musee .. and addresses by Past Grand 1 ta.,ters Coupland of St. .\fart's and Pon'testo :, of Blyth, and Grand War. Ie;n Bartram of London, well =on..- 'nenc. at 8 n'C1oek, with ltrn.:a ;tt 10, and Eueh.re at 10.30. Trr i., SHOOTING MATCH. A ah:ire mate!: vete given by Mr Thos Routley oa his farm, London Road south, ose Monday. A te3,ee -owt1 was r :sent and elery'th tg was eve off sat siactorily by 'ter. Fred liurieen refereed. Sides were .:hossen by Ms. John, Malkin,. and Thos. Rout-- ley, out-ley, Vac former w .nn ng by five. birds. Fo1Ioweng ars the scores :- John i•Iu ltie 8, 'Fred Kerr 10, L. Johns 5 A, Hackney 7„J. Stanlake 4, R. Hodgson 3, J. Shenk 4: Total 41 hes Routley 6, :A, Steele 9, Wil- frid Johns 2, Jackson Woods 3, T. Heywood 5, sG, Flynn 5, C. Weer 6: Total 36. EXETER QI..ri BOY T1ROWNED, The British Whig of Kingston, Ont. of Now. 1st gives the following a,:•• count of the dreywwneng of n former Exeter boy,- Fraii), V. Barnwell, one of Kingston's wieCY knowan. Yettag bttelaesa ruen, met deatb by accidental droweing on, MK day afternoon while fishing off the t;yn•ii,:ate wharf about ,one mile west of the }allege of COMU. Bay. The body wwaa discovered floating about twenty feet out from the wharf at. 3.30 yt.m. It was a, .,asei of accidental drowning. 11r. Barnwell ,wwas alone f ehing oft the 'Ailed, and appat*zPit•- ty tell or stumbled. off into ehe water and be;ng unable'to swam, and en:,um- • ber4 wan the we:;ht of 141 %floati;,ug end rain. +:oat, sands. wwiltheut be:xn able to call for help+ \fa:, amwv-e-U had been malting trieee to Col tele Bay on an average ot twi.:e a .k 311 season. This day he took a end Capt. Gbublett with- bine but e letter stopped et the home of ::pt. !Sam ie= while Samwell want to After waiting sometime Capt, (."mblett teemed of the dreemiu g at. the village. The body was bound by'. Paatt edge 1V;tlaint Grass, who noticed the ttnrelated `4o on file wharf, and the empty auto standin near. 1Sr. Sarnwell's watch Gambril, was. found to hare stopp;d at Mel. On drispe.tion being 5nade it was found that the wharf was, en bad concretion, mucin of the timber rottten, making it dangerous -for wont not familiar with the grouncit A torn sole eh Mr, Samuel's shoe would ;,ndi,:ate, that be had stumbled on the wharf and fallen into- the water. Meet:Greeter deemed an inquest elutes:et:eery, The late hlr, Santwell was thiriy- five years of age, He was for some Years :an business ,an, Kingston,- dealing Tee S a;.on's Greatest Atttra,:tion' will take paste at the Opera House, November 12th, when a Grand Arm+- .stize Concert will be held. Featur- ed on the program well be such well krrawrn artists as, Alice Dunbar, Lady Comedian, Sam Munro, Juvenile Harry i eu.le-; .Mary Bishop, Champion wood en sett+:; dant'er, Dorothy Munro, cIev- er dead entertainer, and the Fatuous lien:1erson Juvenile Pipe Band. All in. hardware under the name of Dom- of these artists are well 'mown. in in en Supply Company, He is surviv- Exeter and the public is assured of a. ed by his wife and.three smallch'1drea good time and a hearty laugh. FOT. ND -A robe. Owner niay have same by pro\sang property and paying expenses. A,pply Edward Faulder, R, R. 2, Ailsa Craig. SHAWL LOST. -In Usborne, on the road leading to Exeter, on Tues- day afternoon, a grey plaid shawl Finder will confer d favor by leaving at the Advocate Offfcei SAL`VATIO.N ARMY SERV ICES Sunday --Town Hall. 11.00 a.m.-Holiness \Meeting 130 p.m. -Sunday School 7.00 p.m. -Salvation Meeting Open -air service at 3, p. m. in the North End also has mother, !etre, Ti J. Lockhart, It half-sister, Miss Kathleen, Lockhart ot; 1' 'nn'ston, end one sister, Mrs, A. Elmer, ontreal" . The late 1fr, Samwieli was born in Exeter, and was a grandrson of the late George Sterevell iof Exeter. 'Mr. Will Davis spent tine week end in Ingersoll. Ness Jessie alain,son of Loader' was home for the .holiday;. \1r, John Dining of the West is vis- iting here with relareves,. ira21 Shepton and Akwm Pym have returned from the waste . \ir. Harry Fuke. was home from Toronto for Thanksgiving, Mr. Reg. Pebble and family of II- derton were holiday visitors here. Tuesday -8 p.m., Cottage Meeting at lir. Wm. Ames of Strafford spent the week end wi.tb Mrs. T. A. Amos. Mr. Frank Sweet of Sarnia ,spent a day or two with his pax'ents here. Mr. and Mrs. Johan Taylor, Jr., spent a 'day QT two in Toronto this weekt home of errs. Webster, in North End Thursday and Friday-Hensall, Cen- tralia and Crediton visited,. Cart. MacGillivray Lieut', Parnell Y. P. C. A DON'T MISS IT. A..`Pumpkin Pee end, Ice Cream Soc- ial Friday, iv'ovt, *11, at 8 p,. m, Program of 20 minutes. Competition in: sports. A charge of 25c, to cover expenses only. Open to all who wish to come. T rivitt Memorial Church 11 pagan. -Modern Quests-Spir-ieualiem 7 p.m. The Qualification for Discip- leskhip. •' .,.Rev A. A. , Trumpet, Rectom OAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister 10 a.m.—Sunday School and . Bible classes. The morning service will be with- drawn in favor of Main Street Annie versary. ' 7 p.m. -"The Smallest Amounts." JAMES ,ST: METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J. Willson, B,A, 11 a.ml-The Minister. 3 p.m. --Sunday School & Bible Class 7 P.m. -Wet hdra;a'n for Main. Street Anniversary. t MAIN ST. METHODIST CHURCH. Rev Geo. McAlister, 'M. A. Phone 21r3 Our church anniversary Nev. 13- Rev. J. E. J. Mi11yarxl,Sarna, preacher,. 3.00 p nee -Sabbath School .& Bible Glasses: AT BETHANY Mr. Arcle Dav_s of Toronto spent the week end with his parents here Miss Hazel P:reszeator has returned from a. visit with relatives in Detroit Ness .Stella Gregory of Brantford event the . wsek 'end with her motther here. Min T. R.Fetrgurs,on +of the Molsonls Bank spent the week end in, Trees- water. Mrs, Jos. Davits ,of Merien is visit- ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William :Fisher. , Messrs, Alex. Stewart and Ernest Flynn, were up from London-. Coe Thanksgi:v ng day.. .. Mr, Scott Barr and family pf Mirt chell were visitors over the holidays at Mrs Hamil'ton,'s,.. Mr Peter Case returned home last weak from el trip to the West, ex- tending over several weeks,. _hiss Annie L. Sanders has accepted .a position en Watterloo+' and will leave for' that- plane to -day ("T,hursday.) 'Mx. Win. Newell of 'Stnatford vis- ited with .relatives here Monday. Mrs, Newell spent several days in. tolvae. Mr, and Mrd. Wm. Verity and daugh- ter of Brantford spent, the week eaid. with Mrs, Rich. Pickard and laughter. Mr. and Mrs J. C. Bower end five children, .of Landon, aryl Mr, and Mrs. H. T. Bower and' two ;children of In - soli and W,: J. Berry of Ingersoll'pient the week end with Mr,. and Mrs.. R. G. Seldon lir. June Sokoloff, ' junk dealer, es here spearling:.1 short time for the purpose of disposing of his household trroperty and- ^nhattnfst 1 -Ie has been Toronto fon some time axed in- tends returning 'rO that city. Dr an1c1 Mrs. Lindsay, who have been, ire England for several months, *here tire: doctoi took a,post graduate ca>zrse medicine, have returned to Canada and' are at ,present vseting .are. 4a;t•- eer's family home here, with ?+Lr. and. r' 12 :u s D ow, PHONE 32 JONES & MAY Our r Responsibility does not end when you have bought a Goss, you tnusi be satisfied, If it does not give you style to make you happy; if it does not give you comfort beyond price; if it does not give youas weartug serrzee that Front Lacing - alone justifies its cost, return it. There's not a corsetiere in our corset department but will take a personal pride in your satisfaction. We have a Large Stock of Gossard, Nemo, LaGrace and D. & A. Brand of Corsets to select from. JONES & MAY I. R. Carling, B,A Barrister Solicitor; Notary Public Commissioner, Solicitor for the Mol - sons Bank, Etc. INVEST YOUR. FUNDS in Victory, Dominion of Canada, Pro- vincial and Municipal Bonds, all legal investment for Trust Funds, At existing prices from 6 per cent. to 7 per cent. can be obtained from these bonds. Orders received by me. Money to loan at lowest rates of initerest . Office -Carling Bk., Main St, Exeter R. N. ROWE FURNITURE DEALER FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER Embalmers' License No. 210 VamolsmIl THS DOUBLE TRACK ROUTils Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and" CHICAGO Unexcelled dining car Rervice Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor cars on principal day trains. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horn- ing District Passenger Agent, Toronto J. DORE Phone 46w. Agent, Exeter CENTRAL STRATFORD,. ONT. The Leading Commercial School of Western Ontario; a school where you can get thgrough courses under com- petent instructors itt Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy Depart- ments. Students get individual in- struction and may register at any time. Graduates are assisted to pos- itions. Get our free catalogue. D. A. McLachlan.,, Principal SOUTHCOTT BROS. PHONE 134. PHONE 134 Ladies' and Misses' Coats Another 'shipment arrived on, Monday. These coats -.all have fur col - lees ;and are full, lined,- Popular peices are $35 to $45.00 We are offering a, few specials at $15.00. YOUTHS' AND MEN'S OVERCOATS Wee are showing some, very smart styles in Boys' and Men's Over- coats, vercoats, The prices ',thee we are quoting should interest you. NEW DRESSES AND ODD SKIRTS $ STANFIELD'S UNDERWEAR This week wee have ,on display 'a full range of odd skirts elnid dresses. They aree at very popular prices. We invi-be you to see tiveni DOMINION RUBBER BOOTS Once worn you will need no other, It wears well, watshies" well, and the price, this season Pts' ;eery Joy'. Red label - each, $2t00 BLEACHED LINliN TOWFLLIING Every ' pair itis guaranteed to girve. "Tire. seeeial, values in bleached satesfaction. They are now selling at table linen in very neat pOtterns at tee old price, $$5.00. pe,r•.,yard,.,, 65c;, $1.25, . $2,25. Southcott Bros. DR. HENRY A. CORS'AUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Office -Balers' Livery Barn, Exetef Calls promptly attended to day or night. DR. At E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon McDonell's Stables, John St., Exeter (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witae5t Dr. G. F. Roulston, L. D. S., D. D. S, DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Clo;;ed Wednesday' afternoons. °Dr. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Office -over Gladmazn & Stantiury,'d Office, Main Street, Exeter. C, W. ROBINSON LICENSED ' AUCTIONEER 'AND VALUATOR for Counties of -Huron Perth, Middlesex and 'Oxford. Fermi Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at -. Central, Hotel, Exeter, Ontario. FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Huron and Middlesex Prices Reasonable. aed Satisfaction Guaranteed. Crediton, - Ontario. If you'want to order a daily papa or maga'zine, or renew a present sub'- scription, leave your order at tb1"1�1t►. Advocate Office, We save you paper, envelope postage stamp and cows' of money os-der".and when clubbing alit' tie more besides. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to .]loan on farm and . village property at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & STANBURY, • Barriisters, Solicitors, Exeter