HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-06-08, Page 13GODERI SIGNAL STAR THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 19 --PAGE 13 DungannonNi1e Char.e Congratulations to Mr. Wm. Berry whose family gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Berry to celebrate his 80th bir- thday on Sunday. Mrs. Joy Vella and Tammy of Seaforth and Miss Debbie Vella called on their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Graham McNee on Saturday. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sproul on the birth of a son, weighing seven pounds, born on Sunday evening, Anniversary held in Ripley Lochalsh June 4 at Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich, a little brother for Matthew and Larissa. W.I. Dungannon Branch of Women's Institute provided a program at Pinecrest Nursing Home in Lucknow on Wed- nesday afternoon. Mrs. Cliff Purdon as chairlady welcomed all to the birthday gathering and each was served with cake and juice. Bagpipe music was provided by,Mrs. Harold Elliottt, also by Mrs. Purdon. A sing -song of old favorites was led by the W.I. group ac- companied by Mrs. Elliott at the piano. Miss Beth McConnell gave two readings and Mrs- • Dungannon doings Mary Bere correspondent Russell Alton sang several numbers, in- cluding "Mocking Bird Hill" accompanied by Mrs. J. Henwood of Goderich. Happy Birthday was 529-7915 sung for two residents, Mrs. Elsie Haney and Mrs. Miller and a gift was presented to each. Their convenor expressed thanks and Mr. Aubrey Higgins also spoke ap- preciatively to the Dungannon ladies. On the same date, the Blossom Tea at Huron - view welcomed W.I. Branch members, their donations to the Bake Table, and also their' visits to theresidents. On Monday, May 29, nine Dungannon mem- bers attended the District Annual meeting at Nile at which about 100 ladies were in attendance. Guest speaker was Mrs. Madeline Edward from Goderich. Mrs. Bessie McNee who, as president, acted as chairlady, is president for another year. 4- DUNGANNON UNITED CHURCH Dungannon -Nile Charge held the annual church picnic at Menesetung Camp on Sunday with a church service at 11 " a.m. followed by lunch and a program of games and races. The Reverend C.G. Westhaver preached on the topic, "A Wise and Understanding Heart". Nancy Errington sang, "How Great Thou Art", accompanied on the piano by Shelley Rivett. The results of the races were as follows: aged four and under - first -Joel Wright, second -Tanya Hodges, third -Billy Curran; six years and under - first -Joey Curran, second -Shannon McNeil, third -Wayne Black; eight years and under - first - Craig McNeil, second - Jimmy Wright, third - Murray Curran; ten years and under - first - Martha Curran, second- O.M.B. hearing to be .held Marion McCharles correspondent, 528-2822 Congratulations to Mr. from this area. and Mrs. Peter Van Visitors with Mr. and Diepanbeek who were Mrs. Oliver McCharles married in Lucknow on were Mr. and Mrs. Don Saturday and whose McCharles and family of reception followed on Chatham. Saturday evening at Congratulations to Lucknow Community Graham Hamilton who Centre. won the Lucknow Also congratulations Community Centre lot - are in order to Lois and Bob Macintosh who_.tery on Wednesday last. celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary at the Lucknow Community Centre where a large crowd attended. Many from this immediate area attended and all wish Lois and Bob many more anniversaries. This was the first of many parties planned for . this new building. CHURCH NEWS Many from this area attended Anniversary Services at Knox Church in Ripley on Sunday last. Guest soloist was Flora Simpson. Ashfield Presbyterian Church cancelled services on Sunday due to this special day in Ripley. Spending the weekend with Mrs. Gordon Finlayson and boys were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Emberlin of Toronto and Mr. and • Mrs. Rod Finlayson and girls •of Sarnia,' Mr. D. A. MacLennan enjoyed a holiday in England and Scotland. Mr. K. L. Mackenzie has returned home from hospital in Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van Diepanbeek en- tertained the. wedding party following rehearsal on Friday evening for Peter. and Barbara's wedding. Barb is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Al Hamilton who were Recent visitors in Ohio with their daughter and her family were Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Webster, Cecil and Jim. Mrs. Frank MacLennan has returned home from Victoria Hospital in London, where she underwent treatment. A Masonic Service was held at Ashfield Presbyterian Church recently. Anniversary Services at Saint Andrew's United Church, in Ripley drew large crowds to hear the Reverend Robt. Rumble. Several from this area attended both morning and evening services. P.A. girls The Port Albert girls' ball team held a bake sale in Christ.„,„Church basement on Sturday. It was quite successful in raising enough money for uniforms. -- The team had a game on June 5 against Dungannon winning by a good margin. Mary - Johnston is spending a few weeks at her cottage here. Sunday service at Christ Church was conducted by the Reverend George Youmatoss. Service is every Sunday at 2 p.m. O.M.B. HEARING An Ontario Municipal Board Hearing of special concern to cottagers and "farmers in the Bogie Beach District, will be held Monday, June 12 in the Township, Hall, Carlow at Ilam. For quite some time now cottagers and far- mers along the lakeshore havebeenconcerned about , development in their district and proposals of any nature are of keen interest and require a complete study of all angles and interests pertaining to both sides: For this reason, cottagers and farmers, are urged to attend the Ontario Municipal Board Hearing „which will be in Colborne Township .Hall, Carlow, on Monday regarding the Bogie Beach Subdivision Proposal. This hearing will discuss urbanization of agriculture land along with many other items that may be brought up, so all those interested in this proposal are urged to make a special effort and plan to attend. It should ° be well worth your while. 4-H NEWS Achievement Day for the 4-H' Project, "Focus on Living," was held at Brookside School, Saturday May 27. Home Economist Bea McCleneghan and Shirley McAllister were in charge and presented a full day of interests for the members. All 4-H members were presented with their certificates and spoons and informed that the next project will be a food project. In the morning, besides reviewing their books, etc., the members watched a demonstration Colborne. corner. Gertrude Kaitting, correspondent, on macrame and also ceramics which afforded keen interest and a splendid educational insight into these crafts. T,he afternoon program, as usual, was by the members and Tiger Dunlop Group No. 1 had an exhibit, "Tips for the Sitter" presented by Glen, Feagan and Rhonda Bean. Groff „No.. 2 also had an exhibit, "Our Favourite Canadian - Guy Lombardo'', presented by Linda Best. Congratulations to the groups and to all who took a special part. 40TH ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ball, Airport Road, celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary on Sunday, May 28 . when their family, relatives and friends, numbering over 50 gathered at their home to extend best wishes and renew acquaintances. The weather was perfect and during the afternoon groups of people were seen inside and outside, talking and meeting old friends and 8 KING STREET, CLINTON 482 7735 Oen: Daily 9 a.m to 4 p.m. Closed Wednesdays 524-2076 extending best wishes to the happy couple on 40 years married life. After this, all enjoyed a delicious luncheon served by the family., Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ball have, two children, a daughter Elaine (Mrs. Jerry Cox) of Clinton and a son Allan of Meneset. The friends of the community ' join in ex- tending best wishes and the hope they will enjoy many more an- niversaries. SCHOOL NEWS There will be no schoop for students on Monday June 12 as it will be Professionalf Activity Day. On Wednesday, June 14, Grades 7 and 8 students are putting on a display of the items they made at Home Economics and Industrial Art classes, at the school at 8 pm. Parents are invited. Tuesday, June.: 27- will be Graduation and Awards night at 8 pm. at the school. SOCIAL NEWS The community is pleased to report Mr. Eric Reaburn, who has been a patient in London Hospital, ,has returned home and is convalescing favourably. Mrs. Pearl Watson has also returned home and is improving in health, as also is Mrs. Toynbee Lamb of Goderich. The sympathy of the community is 'extended to the family of the late Bruce Grigg. Kingsbridge holds special Arbor Day BY JEFF SEDDON Anyone driving past St.' Joseph's School in Kingsbridge would assume that the five trees planted on the school lawn are a recent attempt at landscaping. While the beauty of the trees has not been overlooked their importance is more than a simple landscaping project. The five trees signify five years of donations by Bernardine Kinney, a retired nurse now living in Ashfield township. Each Arbor Day for the past five years Mrs. Kinney has purchased a tree, donated it to the school, and on Arbor Day witnessed its planting and dedicated it to someone she holds dear in her heart. Mrs. Kinney went to school at St. Joseph's and left the tiny rural parish to pursue a nursing career in Detroit. When she retired five years ago she returned to a farm ,north of St. Joseph's and Leisure every year since then she has honored Arbor Day with a tree planting at St. Joseph's School. This year the celebration is belated because of poor weather on Arbor Day but the spirit of Arbor Day was evident Monday af- ternoon when Mrs. Kinney joined kin- dergarten andGrade One students on the school lawn for the tree plan- ting. The dedications are in honor of people that were former members,, of St. Joseph's parish. Two of the trees are in honor of her brothers Norman and Albert O'Loughlin, another honors Joseph and Eleanor Griffin, Mrs.. Kinney's grandparent's' who were former keepers of the Huron Historic Gaol, the fourth honors. Joe McIntyre, former road superintendent for the township and the fifth honors Mr. and Mrs. James Garvey. ////111 41111..,» Kenny Logtenberg, third - Annette Curran; over 12 - first -Shelley Rivett, second -Penny Hodges, third -Arlene Curran. Sack Race - four and under - First -Tracey Curran, Second -Tanya Hodges, third -Billy Curran; six and under - first -Joey Curran, second -Allison Curran, third -Melissa Logten- berg; eight and under - first -Murray Curran, second -Jim Wright, third - Heather Curran; ten and under - first -Kenny Logtenberg, second - Martha Curran, third - Sheri Smyth; 12 and under - first -Carol Ann Smyth, second -Martha Curran, third. -Susan Curran; over 12 - first - Penny Hodges, second - Diane Park, third - Jennifer Drennan and Shelley Rivett (tied). Potato Race - four and under - first -Tanya Hodges, second -Andrew Glenn, third -Billy Curran; six and under - first -Joey Curran, second -Tracey Black, third -Shannon McNeil: eight and under - first - Craig McNeil, second - Heather Curran, third - Laurie Hayden; ,ten and under - first -Martha Curran, second-Teressa Eggleston; 12 and under - first -Martha Curran, second -Susan Curran, third -Annette ••Curran; - first -Arlene second -Diane third Cathy over 12 Curran Park, Curran. Wheelbarrow race - five and under - first - Johnny Wright and Wayne Black; second - Melissa Logetnberg and Alison Curran, third - Dennis Park and Joel Wright; six to . eight first -Joey Curran and Michael Curran, second - Sherry Hodges and Laurie Hayden, third - Craig McNeil and Bradley Black ; nine o twelve - first-Annet Curran and Martha Curran, second -Sheri Smyth and Cathy Snyder, third -Carol Ann Smyth and Marsha Alton; over 12 - first -Donna .Hayden and Lynda McNee, second -Penny Hodges and Cathy Curran, third - Diane Park , and Jan Mabon. Kick the slipper - four and under first jljSilly Curran, segond-Linda Hayden, third -Alison Curran; six and under - first -Joey Curran, second -Tracey Black, third -Johnny Wright; eight and under - first - Tracey Black, second - Bradley Black, third -Jim Wright; ten and under - first-Lavonne Curran, second -Kenny Logten- berg, third -Murray Curran; 12 and under - first -Kenny Logtenberg, second -Jim Wright, third - Murray Curran; over 12 - first -Wayne Snyder, second -Penny Hodges, third -Joan Black. Baseball Throw - four and under - first -Billy Curran, second -Andrew Glenn, third -Joel Wright; six and under - first - Wayne Black, second - Dennis Park, third -Joey Curran; eight and under - first -Murray Curran, second -Craig McNeil, third -Jim Wright; ten and under first -Kenny Logtenberg, second - Murray Curran, third - Martha Curran; 12 and under - first -Annette.. Curran, second -Murray Curran, third-Lavonne Curran; over 12 - first - Donna Hayden, second - Penny Hodges, third - Diane Park. Guess -the number of peanuts in jar - Elsie Irwin; guess the weight of the watermelon - Donna Hayden; and guess what's in the package - Sherry Hodges. GODERICH POWER SQUADRON at the Harbour SUNDAY JUNE 11 at 2 P.M. /uflcociit mall World OFFERS A GOOD SELECTION OF GIFT IDEAS PLASTIC MODELS. BUXTON LEATHER 'PERFECT FATHER'S DAY GIFT' SPECIAL GROUP ,..Wallets .°.Key Cases ...Pass Cases ...Tavel Cases % OAF Regular Leisure World Price I BACKGAMMON SETS 4 3 5 DIFFERENT CARRYING CASE STYLES WITH CHESS SETS 9 FROM AND UP COX SANWA RADI.O CONTROL EQUIPMENT COX 2 CHANNEL UNIT COX 6 CHANNEL UNIT WITH 2 SERVOS WITH SERVOS AND $ Leisure World Special95 BATTERY CHARGER i 1 9.95 YOU SAVE s1 5 OFF REG. PRICE ' 1 14 9 Leisure 4Leisure World Special • OU SAVE •80 OFF REG. PRICE ALSO 3 AND 4 CHANNEL UNITS IN STOCK - SPECIALLY PRICED TOO, Cox unitsare suitable for airplane, marine & car r. /c. kits. GOOD SELECTION Father's Day Cards & Wrap TO COMPLETE THE GIFT Large Selection of LIONEL and COX Rolling Stock & Engines SELECTED '2.98 SELECTED '3.91I LIONEL Rolling Stock . Rolling Stock Locomotive Regular Leisure World $11." 1 1 99 NOW � NOW 2 Price s REDUCED AS MUCH AS % OFF The regular Leiter* World Price Till father's Darr 1