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The Exeter Advocate, 1921-11-10, Page 4
The Exeter Advocate :,ere •& Creeete, Pr'?:a-:eters eeibaa r: eta I' .A':t'. t:. 3,I.a:"'rt,- . $$I 5("11 pert year a C. rr da, in the Leettee, ',s't'etee. A': &ares r,ett:eres. rot ete d .. elve .e flee. ettre eitareel. T1-FteeeteD;ti.Y, NOV. le, eeel. Centralia R. Genttner 17'6, H. Schlundt 160, 1 tawa, had net profit this year only G. ;1lason *20: half that in 1920, Class B, --H, Rinker X00, lel. NEWS. TOPICS OF WEEK A hold-up pian in Toronto was foiled when a workman takes to his heels andsaves pay envelope. FRIDAY. ' Sehluudt 85, M, Bender 80. Attendance 43; average attend- ance 45. P. Tiernan. teacher. Room 11 Sr. 3rd.—G. Guenther 470, 0, H. Hoffman 460. k , Kleinstiver 440, H. Hartleib 370. A. Steinhagen 315, A. i'tiiliert 290, E. Wilds 210. Jr. 3rd, --el. Held 340, C. Bur- meister 420. T. Hayter 380, N. Fas- sold 310, F. Guenther 305, G. Ben- der 300. E. Hartlele .300, E. Ham- acher 2S5, E. Verner 280, M. Grains- per 270. M. 'Verner 245. L Lippert 240. M. White, 220, A. Restameyer 200, C. Pfaff 145. Sr. 2nd. ---G. Burmeister 350. L. Zimmer 325, L. Bender 265, P. Ben- der 260, W. Eveland 255. E. Wit- mer 245, F. Wein 230, S. Genttner 90. R. C', Ednrestou, teacher. Creditor_. jes, Hest and Ars,Godtfried Wear a en P terns, 5tichi•, last week at- n 1:re,he iune:al of their ,i phety, a r,an a! Samuel 1`Iatat, who net, w th. a' ae . d. nt al death while huskeig Loaf; >n perie An. auet „>n sale of the residence : et.: wee the a eeet Weave 171,1 h us •hold eeeetette •t>f the tato; :tint elyete tie t. e z I-cta'1c n ee ' ert h .° ne F:nl.he'ner will b:: betel ,et leeteee tt:,h ,.enols he !next Saeurdey afternoon' viae e..-..er the htaltday at H •r t Klber ;s enipyin; a few dais h h me 'n Hyde Path.. Mint ue Graal Bend, ` 5 Ct4 se •,..: E, 5' :, ai•'s.': 1 to Ler el-. •r;l Nets. jam is of Londo-t v:;- t.•,lai: is Tiered .y, n ,:er )e•n z :.n • l ea's. I.au:s Weal, during the hot - Gee " -tea :er er so nC tenet :eta} s : t5' 4-. j. sen -.la ..s n-,. ,.; .r.,l ,,i s., ..:".all in sstenary aervica;s were } fora• ly i^. Utz Lui er's Itoi-'.- ^ held aa. the Evangelical Claurih last ea ;ti tn- : ,n -' ,am... ne'ai ,o;*- Su .dt:tv Th • report( of the past year . r a tee, :e wede, I wee ; e 'n by 4r. HM. Fa.s.: the Nl ssi grin: tcr.a,urer. The °ff'eers of I the ;t ee int`~ trct,�surer The o-fieers Dc , l wt of.,j 1 "'•w,, P'°‘'‘111-.;'":11. tt;r. t e.c:ed,. W ' z e ;rlehse I to 3r` th t> Mrs. a t R s. Zw;* k r p 1,' .,-,Nmin,,, s ekes e t'a-a greet bet ren n'l from 1'' g")3 he;alt'h, vl,s1t :n Lmnlor.•o II.a�•t taxa 1 cs i.ata ata. n,,, •3S r i Gt.; :is elle .R .1u Prima L1x' ala, �a,l°. lir.. ate, ,...: t t a e , at to :n from their reports ;t QST, u^ �Sr s. 1 I r z l�,r^„.c r o ? feta .31 , ee Wee - ;,ata tie ,,. a Tr . -::•1'i tc> Ileus• her ;01:4. groat a;a,v C <.t';tI �' 1roe r .',a art:, t t lav.i: ,i'z.a'. :ns„ but the Polk :A Jaat ares c>i ©afr trios;(' IAvwP3 went U,i 13 of « •a i,4�r 1. t s. , v *oat to important Events Which Have Oc:urred During the Week, 1'he (Busy World's Happenings Care- fully Compiled and iiit Into Handy and. Attractive Shape for the Readers of Our Paper A Solid Hour's t nloy,went. I 1 Gana t t t +ri•x, q �'„ , 1. a j d a '''•ala o ti.3:n ray, * `fa"•': $ueh as "'Sitannie River,,, "Last •1,{ 7 Iteeet.. y, E. Cita• .tlaa'r s;, n' un' .is' :ell , . u'' Summer," an"1 "'fem.!. S;vaet :i1. , 'ttl.1 Mrs..W. Gr aytiz:t >f 1Vood- l i `fa„ 'i.' \Ir,. 11 rb I;,lb:�- and. .>e .. tee frith •: f c.} _r tla, 13o.rl:iy ipCn: the week end 'n tia- rn: rants, a t . �i,: a i a • tea of See- ares Of Mr. and M. tl-. Hur:rb,. ant Mrs I,ta t,, as, „the nee , r ei : in wale etre. C. Fink- ,y±•,, ,,tt.1 \!r<. G. N:^i:alsa,ra tsar : in lr. Ntr. ,• •' n ':reit ', Wv orn:•.t`.; on Sirulay', th'. „'tt2SiS nt h1tr, and :airs, Ru.la.rf7rtl e.s. ' ;•e: .•x.r l;r.>ther, Cru: thin ever teethe rak.ev:n re fend a ; i',i su-'den ,'nm.n , .af win'. er _itas 1t:5s;, ati3r >viset, ; pra.v: i air unwelcome one. \v - trope x.�..r.,J stir Stratford �:siiteal with :11r. entre °s 't levee to ata •. Germany denies arming force in secret. Ohio coal miners are ordered back to work.' Mikado confers decoration on Ad- miral Beatty. December wheat closed at 991,c at Winnipeg. �. British Commons debates emigra- te= to Dominions. Jr, Dents won Thursday's Mulock Cup gauze in T urouto. "Strangler” Lewis, heavyweight wrestler, beat Joe 1'ci•I11. Irish Council may be made basis of Irish reconciliation. Lloyd George to speak at Lord Mayor's banquet in London. University of Toronto Schools beat Hamilton "`Tech' 24 to 0, eicidaster University governors see possible sites at Hamilton. Ambassador Harvey says the 1G. S. won't join Anglo-Nrenen alliane�. Labor will eo-operate with Govern- ment comtni.tee ria uue•nployiu; ut, Three alleged bank bandits eerm- iuitted for trial by Toronto mages trate. A boy in Toronto tumbles Ilene. piece of masonry on sister's Bead eanstug death. Henry W. Bennett, aged 12, Start ford township, dies as a result c: hunting accident. Moutt'eal Climber de Cornterc endorses proposal for neer census l:• city authori.les. Cast'nu nt. J. P.. at Madre. made pollee magistrate for six towle ships in Hastings county. Peter L. attention, foreman, 31 years old, of Niagara Falls, killed by falling joist at Hydro canal, Hower Callahan, aged 14, fataall shot by accident while deer hunting at Astorville, near Noxell Bay. Essex County Automobile Club, with 700 members among 8,000 auto owners, starts campaign for 1,000 more, SATURDAY. .'center Mt•igben opens his Quebec. tour. Preimer tiara of Japan assassi- nated. I,aly buries unknown warrior at Rome, Sir Janes Craig to meet Lloyd George. The P. C. 11. A. series will open on Dec. 5th. United. States railway ,strike tem- porarily off. Saskatoon won the Saskatchewan footfall title. Quebec banks to make $10,000,000 loan to Soissons. Lady Laurier was buried beside her late husband. Hon, Mackenzie King holds a big meeting in London. United States plans propose naval equality with Britain. Canadian and U. S. officials to join to stop rum running. Bread. prices reduced in, several Ontario cities and towns. St. Andrew's College won the Lit- tle Big Four football title, Robt. McKay, K,C., Toronto, is cri- tically ill after an operation. Sterling closed at Toronto eft $4.2ii; at New York ;3.93%, Sarnia has trouble with crude oil stopping supply of natural gas. Keen rivalry was displayed at King and Vaughan ploughing match. Premier Meighen issues Thanks- giving message to ,people of. Canada. Lieut. -Governor Cockshutt lays the corner -stone of memorial hospital at London. A Toronto detective fires revolver to halt fleeing youths suspected of stealing an auto. Thomas Feltas, well-to-do farmer near Owen Sound, takes strychnine with fatal result. Ambulance driver holds severed artery as he takes injured man to a Toronto hospital. TUESDAY. The ex -kaiser successfully .dodges tax bills, Sr. Meds won yesterday's Mulock Cup fixture, Unionist vote of censure beaten in British Commons. Allied war. chiefs get a big recep- tion at ifansas city. Ontario apples score great suceess at English exhibition. Atlantic storm takes big toll on Newfoundland coast. Big confidence majority for Lloyd. George Government. Montreal Tramways Co. cars col- lide; 25 persons hurt. F. V. SamwelL Kingston, found drowned in Collins Bay. Britain thinks Soviet offer to pay pre -wait debts not enough. "Joe" Beeitett, l ngllsh heavy- weight, may box In America, Sterling at Toronto is quoted at $4.27; at New York at $3.92%. . University of Toronto basketball team will tour New York state, Richard iljeArdle, sr., well,-kna'wu hotelkeeper of Stratford, is dead. Wouiefi noaarriatedd for first time in Chatham for ruuuicipal honors. Albert W. Partridge, brother-in- law of Premier Drury, dies at Barrie. Four wouieu prisoners In Mountjoy Jail in Dublin escape over boundary wall, Leaders of Progressive party in West cone to On.ario to help Farm- ers here. A held up gang cow Chinese rota submit sign and steal cash from To - ratite laundry. Post-mortem reveals grim struggle preceded the death of the neurdered Toronto taxi driver. 0" ;tntl ?I -s :� -13 ail:, I tlt. tied , n. - n y ,. M! , t. ^ Kellerman of the O.A.C.c, Ih. anent tracal' ot Samuel liiib r Gu:.;ph sunt the holidays with ifs ' 1.7. :Nrch.. will re ;ret to learn of Hee since: • illness. We hope there. parents. soon be a change for the bed - Mr. and firs, Herman E:dt of Forest' t rl were vistters in. town Monday. ter tract Finkbeiner, Mrs. Voelker Mr. H. Hoffman is confined to the'anrl son ot D. ra;t motored here an house through illness, r;.ttirdas and spent a, few days with DASHWOOD SCHOOL REPORT. I ir:'.'ntls in our midst Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Treatee flick The following is the report of ha,•nt Tbanksg:ving .Dov in London, Room 1 of the Dashwood Public Oaf guests .t Mr. and Mrs, • G. H School. The marks are based on tests Broderick. and daily work and attendance. H.—herr Brown ‘of the Standard Jr. 2nd. A.—H. Nadiger 430, A. i genie.Arthur, visited his father and 1 brothers on Sunday. The concert gran Stire 373, E. Kraft 366, E. Rinker Tthe Town317, W. Wein 314, L. Staubus 270, Hall on Monday eveniiia ng by the Kirk - I. Guenther 237, 'ten•Waodkham Concert Company was Jr. 2nd. B.—R. Kleinstiver 530, well rendered, although the attendance S. Held 523, Z. Nadiger 521, M. Wil- wasn't just what the program deaerv- lert 451, B. Edighoffer 419, V. Bur- • ed. The orchestra rendered several moister 393, A. Mason 319, G. White fere sel. ons; The nurnbere by the 250 eu letette and the solo by the bass Sr. Pt. IL—E. Fisher 344, R singer, Mr. Kelk, were much app;ec$- Vincent 317, P. Sehade 307, M. Res-atd. Chas. Paul, as .`orraedan and F';1 -s. P.tu1 as timer, left moth:•ng to tameyer 306, V. Kraft 295, S. Stire b- elesered,. We trust that a ;et•r'rn 273, engagement well be arranged for Jr. Pt. IL—E. Held 361, H. Miller another time, when this concert com- 354, M. Rlumpp 298, A. Morenz 284, pang are assured a better crowd, V. Kraft 266, B. Fries 257, 0. Stau- bus 217, H. Schenk 217. Primer—F. Baker 285, O. Resta- meyer 275, R. Hayter 268, G. Hoff- man 254, G. Burmeister 253, F. White 240, E. Zimmer 225. Class A.—A. Wiilert 210, A. Rin- ker 205, M. fries 203, I. Genttner 195, M. Mason 185, E. Vincent 180, RHEUMATISM? \liss Loretta Holtzmarm and Mrs, ryeniel :11.laaac .gave their reports as delegates; to the Women's Institute in Landon, at the meet ng of the lo.;al bran -eh on Tuesday, An oyster aup- p.e.r as lzp,Ing arranged for same time th:s mereth,, the proe.eeids of ,wh:jch are to, be idon,:ree.d towards the payi- ment of exeen•ies interred by the Ath- leti.. Field Cornm:lttee; N .xt Friday morning eh- 1055 the .:hunch ben _-will ring,for Eve minutes to remtn t us that et ts Art/eatite Day At 11 &clock everyaae is requeleted Ttiealth is the Most Valuable Asse] to else all work for two meriuctielettind You Have. You cannot Afford to off: r up a ,prayer of thanksgeveng that Neglect It the. Greet- War canal, to an end,: and to ask Gods guidance at the D isarm- Crofton, B. C.—"I was troubled for am,ent Conference tr"hich will have its years with inflammatory rheumatism evenaigeseshon in Washington on that and rheumatic lay,. Be. sure to weer the Poppy en, fever. I tried sev- r amembrance of the gallant heroes who, lie in Flanders Fields,. err. and Mrs. Dan. Oestrek cher are Vlsiting. in Kitchener,. Walter Hauch of Waterloo spent the lealelays at ]:anis: Lady Willison was overcome with illness on Toronto street and Was rushed to the hospital. The condition of Lady Laurer, who lies at her home on Laurier avenue suffering' from a severe cold, was to- day reported to be unchanged. Sir Robert Borden. who will repre- sent Canada at the Washington Con- ference on the Limitation of Arma- ment and discussion of Pacific and Far Eastern problems, has arrived in New York, eral ' cures f or rheumatism,, but did not receive any benefit from any of them, I had been in the eeheee` hospital for months, being un- able to walk. A friend advised me to try Dr. Pierce's Anuric Tablets. .After taking the first bottle I began to improve, and after taking six bottles I had no more rheumatism. s the I think Dr. Pierce's Anuric is most wonderful medieine that any. one can tame for rheumatism.. I have recommended these tablets to several of my friends and they, too, have all been benefited by them."--- Melville hem."—Melville Collinson, People are realizing that the kid- neys, just as do the bowels, need to be flushed occasionally. The kid eteys are an eliminative organ and are constantly working, separating the poisons from the blood. Uric acid backs up into the system., caus- ing rheumatism, neuralgia, dropsy and many other serious disturbances. This can be avoided by stimulating the kidneys to increased action, and because of its tonic effect on these organs any one would do well to get air. Pierce's Anuric Tablets which are "to be had nowadays at almost any drug store or send 10c to Dr, Pierce's Laboratory 1n Bridgeburg, Ont., for trial package and write for free, con; :ildential medical. advice. WEDNESDAY. Hungary to proclaim deposition 01 all Hapsburgs. Eleven fishermen drown off the New Jersey coast, British Premier cancels passage tc the United States. Professional boxing is opposed by Ottawa clergymen. The Prince of Wales opened Ital- ta's new Parliament. The Fergus Curling Club held its 87th annual meeting.. Meds., Jrs„ and Forestry won in the Mulock Cup series. Allied chiefs review American Legion at Kansas City. Possibility of Lloyd George resign- ing if Irish conference fails. Charlie Connell, St, Brigid's foot- ball star, is severely injured. Town -planners in convention al Toronto suggest new legislation. M. M. elcBride, M.P.P., is to go on stump for the Meighen Government. One hundred and seventy returned men were dismissed from the To- ronto post office. Harry Dormer, a St. Catharine: fireman. was fined $100 for sending in false alarms.. Two people meet death in automo- bile accidents on the Lake Shore road, near Toronto. Chief P. S. Inspector Clarence B. Edwards, of London, former city clerk, dies at age of 59. University of Toronto school: lengthened their lead in the Inter- scholastic football series. Dr. R. J. Husband, dentist, Burl- ington, collapses while attending a patient and dies in a few hours. Dr. H. A. 'Yeomans, a leading physician of Belleville ,for many years, dies after short illness at age of 56. Dan Sullivan, with a bad record around Chichester, near Ottawa, shot dead by Sheriff 13. J. Sloan, and his son, a deputy. ZION' On Nov.3rd at ilea. ,home of Mrs,. T2. Taylor ih W.el.S. mei and presented, tee 1•I -s,, J. Knox, nee Mess Geei:rude Jacfu: s, a set of sever knives and forks, and a fume oak rocker, and the foilowing addres a Dear• Mrs.•Isra x,—We, the members of Z'on „Auxiliary W,,Vft. S., .eavl. in- vet..d you to meet with us to -day -that we might express our s ncere appre- cea ton of the valued ass:sitancn that you have rendered -while you have b ',sea one olour members,.Y0411 have always been a fahhful worker, willing at all Lela tz ;lo „your sha;r.et. We regret that by your removal we lose yeti as a .member, but trust that you will continue yo'.'r good work in this l-,urti•cular department of the church. wi ,he you will now attend,. Now, as a in'ans of shaft rue, our good will to- via"+i you„ w 9 Task that yots accept this ,gift. Wishing you all auccessiin the fueuce and every l ap,p:riress during your mare d nee: Si•,nwtl on lethal!' of the W. af, by Yrs Herman Kyle, Presj., ;arl' Mra ;.Milton Brock, Sec, IMPROVE YOUR HERD Our policy is to assist farmers in creasing their live stock holding and to secure a Better Grade of Stock Call and talk the matter over. la THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Capital Paid up $15,000,000 Reserve Fund $15,000,000 Exeter Branch, - F. A. Chapman, Manager Crediton Branch, Dashwood! Branch, 1 R. S. Wilson, Manager THURSDAY. St. Thomas has only 160 idle men at present. Looking to ulster now for Irish concessions. Admiral Beatty visits Great Lakes Training Station. Twenty-five thousand miners in In- diana are on strike. Orlando Office, Chippewa, has fatal fall from gravel chute. Toronto and York voters' lists may reach total of 350,000. Price of bread was reduced in To- ronto to •8c a small loaf. , Royal 141ili'iary College intermed- iates beat McGill, 14 to 7. Sr. Meds won Wednesday's Mulock Cup game from Sr. School. Hamilton Tiger O,H.A.' hockey stars have returned from Boston. '(University of Toronto intermed- iates defeaed St. Michael's, 19 to 5. Raney refuses plea of municipali- ties for return of police court fines. Burglars gets $5,000 worth of loot in a woman's apartment at Montreal. Chief of Police Goodman of Port Stanley dies suddenly at St. Thomas. Hon. A. J. Balfour sails for the United States to head Britisb dele- gation. Canadian Bankers' Association of- fers $5,000 reward for the capture of'- bandits. Chatham estib1 sla.es•. safety, zones around seI ooes,rmaking. janitors traf- fic constables. Producers, packers and'• Govern- CL1NTON—A queet wedeln -1g was ment experts confer at Ottawa on solemeetzed et 'St. Pawl's- chu,rckh; Serart- hog production: feed, wihen. Miss Ros{ettat May Bentley Would-be robber invades Toronto ot Ci, i on became' the .bride of Mn store and ties up occupant, but dogs ern gen A.gneetteelso, of Cl'initonz frighten him away Central Canada Exhibition, Ot- Incorporated in 1855 [CAPITAL RESERVE S9,t'OO.000 Over 1501ira Lichee N BANK THE MOLSONS cost of living is fallin g, also the price of food stuff. This necessitates increased p reduction, Produce more and deposit your surplus in The be ready for any call and ye eletsons Bank, where it will t be earning interest. EXETER; BRANCH T. 5, WOODS Manager, Centralia Branch open for business daily. Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Branch. Whalen AUCTION SALE Mr. and \Irs, Frank Parkinson .spent FaRai Thanksgiving with the latter's ;aster Mrs, S. Blight of Thorndale. Mr. and 'Mrs. Thos. Gunning anent last week with friends :a Tororeet-•\irs. DavidJohnson is in London, the guest of her sister, Mre. J. Ashtlon,—The :Miss an Band held. their tnon;tlily meteting at the church on. Saturday afternoon, al- so packing their balek,—firs. John Wh&tetard is ;very ill at .present with the flu.—'1Ir. and 'Mrs. Wm. Tookey of Lucan spent Sunday weth the lat- ter's parents, L\It. and airs. A. Gunn- ing, -fir Phill;lr Brooks still con- tinues in very poor health,—Mr. and Urs. Garnet Harness of Sit tifarys spent Friday with \Ir' and airs, Jas, Shipley. Killed by Chum. NORTH BAY, Ont., Nov. 7.—Five hours after he was shot by Raoul M. Giroux, 20 years old, at Astorville, 12 miles east of here on the C.N.R., Homer Callahan, 14 years of age, son of the section foreman there, died from hemorrhage and shock. On his way to the village Thursday morning the boy saw two deer, and returned to bring Giroux, who had a gun. The latter, on sighting the animals, beeame excited, and was raising his gun to take aim, when the weapon prematurely discharged, Callahan receiving the shot in the thigh. Coroner Dr. Runny and Crown Attorney McKee, went from. here and conducted the inquest, at which a verdict of accidental death was returned. . STOCK AND I\TP•LEelENT,S, On Lae 11, Coo; 3, Tuc e THUReDAY, N OVE\IB " 1. e17,ir«th, At 1 o'clock shay • the following: 1?' 1921 :n ii sex --Gelding 6 ; •.ry. old; ej yrs. old; brood 2 geld- eat suppos.d to be in foal; driving leers e 4 years old, quiet and relaible sucking colt 5 months old. nG1—Cot 4 year old, to calve tta , , May; cots 5 years ,old to calve en a ; cow 4 years old, suppolsed to b:: :n Lalf, 4 steers, 2: years old; ; 5 Inteleuyents--Deering, biaadcr, 6 -ft, cut; Adams wagon, nearly new; set harrows, Iiidd-Cockshutt 2 -furrow Plow; Cockshutt walking plow, nearly new; set bobsleigh,,; 10 -inch plana ,Fleury grinder; top braggy, n;eerlY n'tt ; hay rack OBITUARY OP THE LATE , cutter gravel b DENTS FARMER ha7nes�, set double h In the death of Denis Farmer, passed away at his home on the town other articles; line between McGillivray and Ste- cash; Terms—All ltbattma amoufniG Z4 and under phen on October 24, Middlesex has t r- it on furnishing approved naantlis lost one of its oldest and most es- node,• ,5 per Cent joint per annum off for teemed residents. Mr. Farmer was resit on credit amounts;, C. W. ROBINSON, Auct, 'GVM, FAIRBee IRN, Prep. G:ngl ' »X, set who tvi ffle'torees, neckyokes, forks and sa lot born in 1844 on the farm on which he died, Until two years ago he was very active. Since that time he had been confined to the house, but was always very cheerful and interested in everything. Many there are who will long remember his sunshiny smile, and ever -ready helping hand. The name of Denis Farmer may well be associated with kind remem- brances. He was honest„ generous and affable man and knew not what it was to have an enemy. In religion the deceased was a Roman Catholic and in politics, Conservative. He leaves behind his wife, formerly Kat- herine Glavin, and three sons, Joseph the oldest boy having died six years ago, Frank and Bert at home and Leon of Winnipeg, also two brothers Richard and John, of London and one sister, Reverend Sr. Delphina, of Mt. Hope, London. The funeral took place on Thursday, Oct. 27, and was well attended by friends and acquain- tances from all parts. After the funeral mass at St. James church the remains wore laid in the parish bury- ing ground. In their hour of sorrow we extend to Mrs. Farmer and her sons our deepest sympathy and maw they recall that "Over our hearts, and into our lives Shadows will sometimes fall, Yet the sunshine never is wholly dead And Heaven is shadowless overhead And God is over all. Organizer Ii leg ged. MOBILE, Ala., Nov. 7.—John E. Winstanley, local organizer for the American Federation o1 Labor, is in a hospital at Marianna, Florida, suffering from injuries received when he was tied to a tree and flog- ged at Sherman, Florida, according to word received here. Winstanley was en route from Mo- bile to Panama City, Florida, where he intended to assist„ in settlement of some labor: trouble. He was met by six men at Sherman, taken from the train and tied to a tree and whipped. He was picked up uucon-.' scious and sent to a hospital at Marianna. Shot While Bunting, NIAGARA FALLS, Ont., Nov. 7. —Henry Watson Bennett, 12 years old, son of lea. and Mrs. John Ben- nett, of Stamford _ Township, died Thursday morning at the. General Hospital, as the result of'being ac- cictentally shot. through the . head oz, Tuesday, while hunting 'rabbits,, New Zealand Tiles Preference... LONDON, Nov: '1--Reuter's cot respondent at Wellington reports that a new tariff has been introduced in the New Zealand House of Repre sentatives, giving a large measure cf preference, to the British Dominions. AUCTION SALE EN1:CUTURS� AUCTION SALE of REAL ESTATE AND IiOUSF- ,HOLD EFFECTS At CREDITON, on SATURDAY, NOV, 12th, 1921 at 1.30 o'clock, the following,-- Cook stove, 2, bafsieburners, kit- chen table, extension table, dresser, washstand, 3 beds, 5 pyece parlor suite, 10 kitchen chairs, mahogany table, lounge, glass cupboard, corner china rack, small table, small book- case, 2 arm chairs, rocking chair, large feeding clothes rack, 3 mattresa- es, 2 tubs, ve•all'ah bench, meat barrel hogshead, 60 gal.; 2 floor linoleums parlor rug 10x12, quantity rag carpet quantity stove pipes; 5 cords single wood ready for stone; 2 tons cites - nut coal, one caldron. Also, house and lot, good 1.11e2 'story brick •' aus:e with good cellar, and a first class well of hard wafter„ Large stable on the premises;. AProv- ince of essBritis Ir Columbia,ome real estate, Dit. strie ct .of Victoria, Lot 5 in Black 5 parts of Se.;tioan 77, Fi;fteei. ete, 14, 80. Terms—Ch attels, Bash; real estate 10 per cent. dawn; balance in 30 days. All claims against the estate of the late Catherine Finkbeiner must be re- ported to the executors in itemized account, not later than Nov. 20eh„ 1921. OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITUR.h &C. On the premises of the undersigned one doer south of the .elettrotpialtetan Hotel, xeGer, an SA' I"RDAY NQ VENiBJ✓R 26, 1921 At 1 o'clock sharp the following: Coal heater, range, coal oil shave coal of beater, 3 bedirotam suites, 3 beds, bureau, carpets, leather rocker, 4 b;,g chairs, eewen1 mac'hirne, talicev Williams; extenfseonr, table, drop leaf table kit:hen .table, couch, 4 stands, a whole set of doper's 'Gaol,, corn. - plate; barrel ,staves, verandah past bpo`k case, linoleum, pictures,cue- tains, lamps, 4 'empty basals, ,'lawn mower, refigiera:tor, quasati;ty of wood, grindstone, ladder, wheelbarrow, forks,• shovels„ 3 mattretaies and spar:Ings; sideboard, kitchen ula'nse's, ' rockers, vice, hammers, bucksaw, crass cut .saw; bind, saw, round saw, quanti•ly dishes, ;15: window bl nds, empty sealers, flow- er bots, stove p°pes, 15 8 -inch pipes,, Copper boiler, wa;shi,ng machine, gal- vanized tub ..wringer and other articles too numerous is ine¢tltaon• :Terms' Cash. Misses Gould, Frank Taylor, Owners Aud_t;mveet; Henry Eilb.r and Frederick Wuerth, Executors far: the hlstate of the late Mathew Finkbeiner, "elec'eased. Samuel J. F:nkbeikn,er, 'Es1s Heywood, Executors far the EisNaite of the late Catherine Finkbeiner, eleeeased., Frank Taylor, auctioneer. Aithouncement CENTRA.LIA GETS NEW GRINDIING '.12ILL I•iavi.n,g purchased an. UR -to -date Grinding Outfit, and being lacatted at Centralia; in the building known es the Handford Livery and Sales Estate 'on the Laudon. Raad, • I wish to a -az-. guanine to the public that I will be crew for business oin or about Noy. 1,5ith'. - I am piecing' et your disposal ane of the best Grinding Plants an the mar'ket,. Ibw,iill be very geed to serve Yon promptly' and courteously, guar- anteeing a atisfact,3out. Capacity of mill 30 bage per lour! A trial respyectful1y eoiucite4 WM.' J. SMITH, Prarnrletor & Ianag,'r.