HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-11-10, Page 3HEALTHY CHILDREN ALWAYS SLEEP WELL The healthy child sleeps well and 'during its waking hours is never cross but always happy and laughing. It is only the sickly child that is erose and or • g wider hone rear- beeu undisturbed. » must peace ket for the roduets of Canadian fat- DESIRE TOT WHAT been un expected d. orz st sightbebiles,ethe reduction of unemployment �sl U WANT lost of the fact that the outbreak of the in towns and cities, healthier Indus - War and the progress thereof caused trial conditions everywhere, rising great numbers a newly arrived ; public revenues, and a progressive foreigners to leave the country, Tenseasing of the per capita burden of ea- of thousands joined the colors o the: tional taxation, StOnlaclls Can, be Restored to a allied al'miee. Outer tens of thousands The kind of settlers desired are Healthy CCanClaliltizl, fled to the 'United. States to escape , available in adequate numbers fn peevish. Mothers, if your children do `service, Add Canada's sixty thousand Great Britain, the linited States. Nor- Not to be linn'ted in diet, but to eat not sleep well; if they are cross and dead Overseas and the children that way, Sweden and other approved whatever he pleases is lite dream of cry a great deal give them Baby's .Own should have been theirs, .Altogether ` countries, Wbat is needed is a for- ever y dyspeptic. Noone z o e cal honestly Tablets and they will soon be well and the action of Germany in July and . ward constructive immigration Policy ' promise to restore any stomach to this happy again The Tablets are a mild {August, 191.4, has -robbed Canada of . —a policy which while taking uote of happy condition because 11people ti Il MOM la MEM She Tried to Be Agreeable., Sea Captain (introdueing friend to his old mate) -"Tries ie nay cid friend,Ttnlac Biggest Thing of Kills Bal 1<^.r3s," Ever Seen There, Says sera, all her wit old Big, Wholesaler. tiuntie, and, gathering all her wits, she 25,000 BOTTLES SOLD INNEW YORK ENORMOUS DEMAND IS UNPRECEDE,NT .. z ger; he lives in the- Canary Is - but erha It _ i o'a tutere t' "' g but thorough laxative which regulate p 1?s "'.00O,OOU men, vronten and existing unemployment and safe• cannot eat the sante things rwfth e u•r1 children Otho otherwise would have . guarding the interests of organized 1 the bowels, sweeten. the stomach. children y sattstactory results. But it is pos- banish constipation, colic and indiges- been hers to -day. A labor. will not ouly remove unneces- Bible to so tone up the digestive or - •• •• added: "Then, of course, you stet; " tion and ne onate healthful sleep. They This primarily is what is .wrong ser) obstacles to an intensive land gores that a pleasing diet Iney be are absolutely guaranteed free froth with Canada at the present moment. settlement movement but actively pro- i selected from article of food flat Opiates and may be given to the new. But for the War the Dominion would smote such a movement In keeping' cause no discomfort. . born babe with perfect safety. They have bad more people on the laud and with the needs of the nation. In the When the stomach lacks tone there are cold by neaicine dealers or by consequer,.tly fewer uremeloyed its working out of such a program in- , is no quicker way to restore i� than valuable cooperation mayt snail at «:, eeut> a box from Tito I?r. the towns and cities. Under such con -1 be expect- ; to build up the blood, .Gaud digestion ['4`illi:me medicine Co., Broceene . dittoes the nation would have made ed from the railways, the Provincial ' ;without rich, red WO is impossible, Governments, ('olonizatzen Assoeut- and Dr, Williams' Pim% Pills offer the Ont. some show at keeping trace with the d .,. - overhead charges imposed by two new i Hems and other immigration agencies.. best way to enrich the laced. For trans -continental colliers constructed That way lies the road back to tie- tees reason these pills are especially The deed of Population tional Pres e.,ty and economic sta. , good in stomach treubie. attended ewe, their time. Tl1arQ svoyid iravo P "" led lir . For r tbe> tine years 1;+00 to 1914 Carta. been a growing volume of freight and bilk). fur all classes in the cott►n1Iu,lty". "Linin Wel, and in a*:tacks of nervous era t't?aeiviei rabeut 1,Stil,e00r Immigrants pas: enger b¢a tness tivhtch naturally N dyspepsia. Proof et the velnze: or Dr- for all source's, or an average of ' wculd have reduced the heavy detieits . A Book to Read. i! i':sellar Plaits Pills I e• ce. Mei- =eerie a. .s of aw_i ao« erre n year. if this rate katal been on these roads and gone far to place It. is a truth worth repeating that a geed :n L.given by - r Jelin \A , Jcl. n .3. 3Ic- sabittenel the succeeding eleven the wiw1 country- on a sound tlnanclal l tete hest of boobs in an the engulfing !Pothole. Turbot, el" a tiwiao saes; yeera would have brought the Do- basis, tlood or the best Fellers of the day is '.EEere sufferer front 'e '•"i•,;tio ettinion ever 2,:,?i0.000 now citizeita The lesson, is lain, more mule. bat masterpiece. a ee•old Yet ever 0lw l MY e• , , sympathy, ,day, t, tl has P P P P t; l at . 1, h .tztfalt FCttap;i�ht, 'I;,y II was geese trent ottleile• It for donlestte I&a 0115 tion is the cure for (anaea"s tlseal and tele Bible- i myself a bond slave to it. F. atizag at the ,r'i:at°e 1144 ,eonaewhat slackened" the eeonantie ills. The leeway lost during The modern mann, even through the I! all became a trial, :and as tante went rnetrt•e in population from. outside the last seven years Must be recover- trent eco efront 1914 to 1021 would sure»- have e.d. Once the general election is over, excee led 2,000,000. ! tee government of the dity nustilevote Batt the War intervened and the special attention to the task of getting VP 4.1 1ltuzligratioli ceased w flow. Iiu more people on the soil. From 20{ Vile a wilts% (et newmniers fell off to a ? 000,[!00 to 30,000,000 agree of idle tend tseero dribbie, Great Britain and the, along the Western railways must be C'oittinezzt of Europe were practically brought under the plow. There is tellnlinate:d as eources of population! ample rcom for tens of thousands of used the stream of American settlers additional farmers in old Ontario, New dwindled to a lmluinluln. During tete' Ontario, Brlttsh Columbia. and the Whole seven-year petite, we received .Madame Provincea. Closer set -no- way about ,5iz,000 from all sources, : went or the land will mean a growing Surnames Their Origin CHESIIAN. Variation—Chessman, Boole! Origin—English. Source An occupation. This to :moth'r family name of Eng lisp origin. which is tr;u'Pablo to the ancup:ation Of the paerr'01 - who Brit darted its use ;n the hereditary seueo. You might enspeet from its obvious (torntation tlud it baa some reference to the :ancien; game of etas.. lett this; not too. The doubling of the '•s•" 61t ono form of the mune is but a modern development. It you remember that the "eo" so Lofton ()teeming in modern English is a etrictly modern development ot spelling, and that in nearly every vaso it was originally an. "e," and allot the "Feta" seas only rarely met with back In the days when family names were ening formed, you get your clue to the arlgin of the name. The word, "cheese," for Matinee. 'ryas spelled -These'" or "cries" in sone oases. for there wag no universal standard of spelling in those days titch es hien developed since the ,grt1wt11 of the printing industry and :the publication of grammars and die- kionatrii's, This would give ground for the theory that the name origivatiy zseaut ' telleeselnan.°' Aetuui hictorioal weird of the period when the name wss used Ithe d st tl tir sense aleIsoiutely smart:dilates this. The original ('heszuans were dealers Vin. or makers of cheese, and knowing ;sietat we do of the industrial and conte nerciat system of medieval England, the assumption that they were la mesa carates both Is rna.onable. CALHOUN. Varlattons--coiquhoun. Raola l O ri P i n ---S cotttah. Source ---A locality. the This family name. Calhoun being a modern variation of the true form of f'rlquhoun. renes from the nava of one of the clans of the Scottish High- landers. who derived it from the name of the locality in which they estnbliele ed theinrelves, the Barony in West. Kilpatrick tor 3firhgtatrirki, to Dutn- bartonshire. Beyond this. the lasts of the past (:loud the search, for the origin of the place name. By some the name of Colquhoun is supposed la bo derived from the given name of "Coaachin." By others it its expladaed as 'Coigel!• twin," a personal name. meaning "wart dog," and virtually the sante as the name of thatr a iT e t Iri51t warrior at antiquity, •`Clnteltulin." The spelling does not look alike but remember that the gutterale of the Gaelic are rather dieleu.lt to indicate, and that the Gae- lic speech itself has undergone changes from°1ts ancient form, just as English, French and German have done. The Clan C'olaluhoutt, however, dates only from about the year 12 0 or so' It was organized and founded by one Humphrey de Kilpatrick, who, though not himself a Gael. had received a grant of land in ti:at section from the Earl of Lennox In the rerga of King AIexzzn:ler 1I. of Scotland. Why should you follow a crooked path ? Often a cowpath has been allowed to become a village street, and as the village expanded, tradition has made the winding way an expres- sion of a cow's will. Habit is always forging chains to enslave us, so that what has been found bearable by the fathers is accepted by the sons. As children, we were not permitted to drink tea or coffee, because it would stunt our growth or tnake us nervous and irritable. When older, however, we craved a hot drink with meals, and custom gave us our tea or coffee. Finally upon the instructions of the doctor, Mother gave up her tea and coffee. But that meant nothing in our young lives. Our vitality was then strong enough to throw off any ill effects. But our time carne, and we learned by ex- perience that we could not drink tea or coffee. When we had it for breakfast it put our nerves on edge. When we drank it at the evening meal, we tossed about in wakefulness most of the night. And then we found Postum, a pure cereal beverage, free from the harmful drug, caffeine, in tea and coffee. We liked the rich, satisfying flavor of Postunn—and also the better health which re- sulted. And, too, we were surprised to find how many of our neighbors had made the same dia.; covery— had learned the value of "health first." Postum comes in two forms: Instant' Post= (in tins) made instantly in the cup bythe addition of boiling water. Postum Cereal (in packagee of larger bulk, for those who prefer tomake the drink while the meal is being. prepared) made by boiling for 20 minutes. Sold by all grocers. Postum for Health '"There's a Reason" cloak of sometimes archaic forme, 414011 1 -mute a mere slur etora of 7'c •t .• my uta.t,t tette d think I wile speei:li, is surprised to discover the i former golf. I took all sorts of re. ma'am. and 4. --„cull For the d4 144r." modernity ot the text for bine If he i commended zaedtetnes, doctors' and is Capable ot learning from an object l advertised, but to no avail. Then a That Sr,rf. Not Forehanded "How did you order ycur steak, sir?" the waiter returned to ask after hays= ing been gone what ses•nzed like a week to the hungry diner. Like a fool, I del at lac. .hely," bellowed tee patron. "If I Led any sense I'd have cantered try .trail" a neer: til in adv once" Rad Symptom. Iia t • \ c°' Ttzr'..', wlaea ;yet iiey:iz4 yell can to 11 r rzr nr,L,t ler fair me tint yen are tete hest t Eet-ha ed boy et talkie I ever met." Tenande _•-Tatiek eon, E et alta, licit I'd ratite's cwt,"' ilestF :s• •-1ltther stet! Alai why, pray',. lesson of experience, lee will find it relezld said totry Dr. IA ililams link Two Two men were alisett4. ing who w 1n this unfolding of human nature so ri Pills. I got a box and I thought be ;ti rates •_ t• e• .pr rejig • (1 1 t ,s t mala::t1al este: . sini;tllarly consi;�teuk and persistent fore:they were done I could feel a • 1 a:y 1.luyd Geurti� tsl'• `Itrough the centuries. The grt:;at elmege. Then 1 got six boxes more. .•ye:-,•' was than reply. :.loot; wind vri ece have paid tribute to the .n. a and by the tante they were used I was have to get up early tt* tatje ensu fluence of the text in shaping their!, eating trey meals with regularity and dome, own style, quite apart from any- in. enJeyalert. Ma' general health is now, "Aye' said the tlrst streaker. • '#n fiat The fact that 623,000 bottles of Tanlac have been sold in the state of Nese York since its introduction there less than one year ago, is a big business item ibat will attractunuz`ua1 atten. Lien throughout the entire East, for nothing like it has ever happened be. fore. It breaks an records. Mr. George B. Evans, manage: of the Gibson- caw Company, the weltlore wn wt.to enele eruga ;st' with lhi3..i*3t'cte AAI, da Butf t o,. d' eite5•. ter and Pa-meise. ril°�'ntie en:',deet that tele l:repa: t', a wee e ws sell=.:g n in teetrade t ,rritoris- aluzze at the to ..M>xt•;za,:G late of apprise inaate y "if lite ere- -'t t rate centin+. en alae Jr F.1:=:. tat, i.(+.:- elven-wile pr'b, r1:y require eet .1 ler::t'+l - over e e,a,OLt0 Ize,tlde,. a year. This is � a triemend'AIS ligzsr¢•, lint 1 . au r"C ally e ;1se,'v stive in Marie :g a-.:: statem nt." w Taelec dd by 3eacl;ng drugili8ts • everywhere. Adv. ag The hest way to Ile when Beeping is on the right side. d The King o: Strain swill s;,v<n be tbei t fire?. 11Unarrh to own a private plene, nh'sc•h is now en its way to d Jiaairid. once upon trio conduct of life. 'Were good, and it is no wonder that I am an ; when yen gest up early, you woulei And the Bible a chronicle o1' the doings of ; enthusiastic advocate or Dr. Williams' sae had been tap all night wailing for good then only, fnspirattan itself eaulel i Pink Pills„ . wczu " of save it frons, tedium. But if ore l You can procure Dr Williams' Pink a . thrill to the deeds of vitlalals a Pitts through any dealer lin medicine . Far Too parte, —eoll10 ea the went o teen are its tele or they will be sent you by snail at 5'0. best of books.Two II cezat a box oz six ta€txt�, f(�r ;±«.',0 Igy .!. Ir. slttner, were being sten ".0 reader need look, far to laud that writing direct to The Dr. \%idliatns' round a c(illiery torr the first tl mirror held up to his own nature, It �:tiedit•int' Co., Hroellviile. tint. \ttzen they 'u a ih0 cin:31 mining Is a drama of the human race withoat r the Priest front the s, parallel' It Is a book to be read, nut j to his Cotrrp:l121012 On International fMet. "Sure, I'd like to see- the teen w Two T�lmtn turned lata those great lumps of despunsters `vent p coal ir, t ac./� �a into a ristaut,�nt over can the eastern sltfps! They must be tore -hie strong CstSC1rC'LS if Sick trona anis Raid to trait waiter: ""\4 o " "dlou't be silly!" Bald his friend I'1 Bilious, Headachy want Turkey with Greece" p "'Mtn it's that dark down there tae From the Bowels The waiter replied: "Sorry, sirs, but we can't Servie." "Well, then, get the Bosphorus." The baso came in and heard their order and then said: "I don't want to Russia. but you can't Rumania." So the two Tommies went away Hungary. wn • nee. ala, ed hos rte. .1111 merely revered, Get a ifecent bas now. Fou amen and women who can't get feeling right ---•who have headache. coated tongue, bad taste and foul breath, dizziness, can't sleep, are bilious, nervous and upset, bothered with a nick, gassy, disordered stomach,' or have a bead cold. Are you keeping your bowels clean with Cascarets, or merely forcing a passageway every raw days with salts, cathartic pills or castor ell? Cascarets work while you sleep; cleanse tate stomach of sour; fermenting foots and foul gases; take the excess bile from liver and carry out of the system alt the constipated poison in the bowels, A Caseuret physic tonight will straighten you out by morning. Christian. Name. In a certain primary class the teach- copper had been cal ear in by his Got er bad been at great paths to explain ernment, the distiuetion between surnuzuess and Christian names. Then she called up- on the children to give examples of h kind. from their own. names and ' ; , IT IS those of ether members of their fami- lieseac, When C Charles was asked to tell in . ITRE one statement the surname and the 9 Christian name at his father, he ro- � spondetl, after some hesitation, "My re - There cr re raze gunrientou-d, tuonnan- ' excelled, boot Dr, Tefft's can't see what tley're lifting! "" Minard'e Li▪ n• iment for Garget in Cows. Australia etas raised 850,000.000 for he ;assistan a of her e4- o:Jiers, I'n the ex-KG1iser's Berlin palace were found 10,000 copper cor,kfnn tonsils, aaiter Itis flight, although all Wonderful to Behold, fathers surname is Tompkins, and his Christian name is a Methodist," Phelps --•"That is a sunset my dame]. ter painted. She studied pailitiug abroad, you know." Noblesse—"AM that explains it. never saw a sunset like that in th country:" MONEY ORDERS. Thesafe sway to send money by avail Classified Advertisements. Famous Goitre Treatrnent l r iRAININ(r St`1lin 1°Q1,1, 14t'1LSJ*1 98 iregisterul) offers u.•(+meds to eaua' -e s in nursing, with allowance and main- tenance; post -graduate course also given; further information upon re,tui'st. Post - Graduate ,I1ospitai, 84o,4 S. Dearborn st., Chicago, Illinois. VCTANTED IXO ME WORICEn.0, s by Dominion Express Money Order. v!' either sex, good pay for honest ;, work, easily berm 1, part or full till for the children can help. Send 3 rent stamp Let Eggs Time "Themselves. worparticulars, r 7 i ! s wort Address, dA e., 1Torr,ntu,F out Since very ancient time san,tglasses PLAYER PIANO FOR SALE' have been used for taming the boiling of eggs. Even nowadays they are In 1)ELL PLAYER PIANO IN GOOD common use for this purpose in hotels condition, with a large number of and restaurants, music rolls, for sale at a bargain. s A new twist is given to the idea by Toronto. L. Costello, 73 West Adelaide Street, William A. Corbett, of Winnipeg. He makes the eggs time themselves, and, BELTING FOR SALE vrhen they are cooked, lift themselves ALL KIND$ of N)$W AND USED out of the boiling water with the help belting, pulleys, saws, cable,hose,paeking, Of a Me Belliditleation of the sandglass eto°, sliipped subject to a prover atlowest idea. 115cTOII aSTRET° TORONTO. BEL NGCO:, The device for the purpose is a tube containing a number of lead balls. It � . $12 Vane fora a5' stall. is attached by a little bracket to the t 6Siccantia" 'Write for full and are Information direct to >r. Toft'a Laboratory 1101.. Grace St., Toront Minard's Liniment ('a.. Limited. Siva, ---I Lave used Your klinard•a Liniment for the faeat 23 scare ; r:^I swh eat 1 leave se e,a ( early uael ether hiker: is I train fafet ,say that 1 have never to-t•2i try tag equal yours. If rubbed between the hands and inhales frete:ent!y. it will newer Mail to relieve mold in the head in 24 beur3.. 11 i ,also tee beet for bralsee, pralus, ete. lour truly, J. Q. Leslie. erlca's ieneer Dog Romaine's Iaao1 cin DOG DISEASES and iinw to Feed Mailed Pres to any Ad- dress by the Author. > • CtaY Glover Co., aa,o.. 115 Fest gest Street stew York, COARSE SALT LAND SALT Bulk Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS FF C. J. CLIFF 1 TORONTO Mother, Quick! Give California Fig Syrup For Child's Bowels o - Even a sick child loves' the "frz.ty •" tante of "California Fig Syrup." If tic:! little tongue is coated, or if your i.lt:.1 is listless, cross, feverish, full i,f cold, s or has colic, a teaspoonful will never fail to open the bowels. In a fe'lel hours , you can see for yourself how 'ast agh- ' ly it works all the consti;uat zt sour bile and waste trout t..e tazu!di. little bowels and gives you a fire :i playful child again. Millions of mothers i:r..vn •Caii`o -}t; Fig Syrup" handy. They k:tew a tau - spoonful to -day saves a sick child to- morrow. Ask your druggist for genuine "California Fig Syrup" which has directions for babies and children, of all ages printed on bottle. 111other' You must eay "California" or yeti may get an imitation fig syrup. Why Employ a Lawyer edge of a saucepan, and from the end When you can get+.cp�•w.1i Advice P$Ets for 2 years ($4), "t+anadian Business So Law," New Edition ($5), and "Stualuess 1ltrethodro monthly, 1 year ($3), or "Maul/Ilani'armer" weekly. 2 years ($3), all for $5. Regular price $12. You save $7 and, possibly, hundreds of dollars in lawyers' tees. Write for details: Send no money, but name this paper Direot Bales Bervice (Dept. W. L.), Toronto, past.'. of it is suspended a wire basket to hold the eggs in the boiling water. A branch of the, tube contains a sandglass, in such a position that the. upper bulb of the latter keeps the lead balls in place. But this upper bulb is made of rubber and, when the sand has run out of it, it collaps.eey allowing the balls to run down into, the hollow handle of the tube, The transfer of their weight to the handle causes the end ot the tube to rise and, lift the -egg - containing basket out of thewater. s World's Deepest Gold Mine. Australia is said to possess leo deepest gold mine in, the world. It is situated at Bendigo, Victoria, and is known as the New Chum Railway Mine, The miners who work in -it are obliged to travel down a shaft nearly three-quarters of a mile deep. The heat tn- the urine is terrific, the temperature of 108 degresn being so: weakening that it is necessary to Spray the bodies of the miners con- „tinually with cold water from above Warning! Unless you see name ground. "Bayer" cm tablets, you are not get- Away from the spray: the men could ting Aspirin at 'all. Why take chances? act stance, and it is as much as they t "'Accept only an unbroken "Bayer„ can ,do to work moderately under the package which contains directions spray. t'ev wild •begrudge these wale worked out by physicians during 21 -the money they earn. 'cars- and proved safe by millions for ('olds,, Headache, earache, Toothache; Red ate bine are the l.wt cr.'.crs €.)r r _malgia, fthemnatis n,Neuritis,Lure- t aringg birds. ba go, and Pin, • Meade in Canada, Minard's' Liniment for Distemper. All druggists sell Bayer Tablets of ACHES AND PAS M. SLOA'S GETS mig VOID the misery of racking pain. Have a bottle of Sloan's Linin ment handy and apply when you first feel the ache or pain. It quickly eases the pain and sends a feeling of warmth through the aching part. Sloan's ,Liniment penetrates without rubbing. Fine, too, for rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica, sprains and strains, stiff joints, lame back and sore muscles. For forty years pain's enemy. Ask your neighbor. At all druggists -35c, 70c, $1.40. Made in Canada. oa iniment 4 0 • s:airin Nothing Else': is Aspirin --say "Bayer" Aspiriu M handy tib boxes of 12 tab- lets, and in bottles of 24 and 100. Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Menoa:ceticacidester of Salicylicat~id. While it is well known that Aseiriu means Bayer manufacture, to assist the public against imitations, the Tab- lets of Bayer Company will be stamp- ed with their general trade mark, the "Bayer Cross." THIS WOMAN'S MISERY Ended by Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Composed. Re- markable Recovery of Mrs. Church. . Smiths Falls, Ont.—" suffered with falling of my organs, around my heart and in bowels and down my legs, neuralgia my face and head, and that terrible slug feeling. I felt that could not ire and would fix my house in order every night so there would be no trouble if 1. dropped off 3n the night. My husband went to the druggist to get the best remedy he had and he gave him Lydia E. Pinkham'sVegetable Com- pound. I took six bottles and felt a lot better,. I will always recommend the Vegetable Compound, and you can use these facts as a testimonlai."- Mrs. .7. 0. Cauncs, 130s 845, Smiths Falls, Ont. The success of Lydia E. Pinkham°s} Vegetable Compound,_ made from roots and herbs, is unparalleled. It may be used with perfect confidence by women who suffer from nervous prostration, dsplacemen+s1 inflammation, ulcera. tion, irregularities, periodic pains, back- ache, bearing -down feeling, flatulency, indigestion and dizziness; Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is the standard remedy for female ills. If there are any cotnplicatione about which you need advice write in con. faience to tone, E. Pinkham lidedicine Co., Lynn, Mass. ISSUE No. 45-•x'21,