HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-11-10, Page 2The Kin The dom o lind By E. PHILLIPS OPPENEEIM. (Ce CHAPTER XXXI.---tCorx .) "More tc.neat.er:es. Major Thomsen remarked. --We t s tat? then. to that night et Market Burch tan Hl:1i, when e Zeppelin was goiit'i to the spot where it Meyvilie Worth wee ex- peritnent t:g on bvh:a1f of tie British sh t,rtACt2'nll:e?-tt, aril drt•pile 1 iieetruetive bombe. A man was shot a:i by the Fide of the fare. That nem was one of e sur . on panions at the Dorm House' Club.' 9 neither spells to hint n nr sow him there. e. t•?C'ta- t a ea , uel visitor,., (theme:: it te•1. Tl :' I ti. he . La .100t," et:' Metol Thom.se1% tolie.i. any woe. there is Cr,•..'tl i :,¢. is:l+ e'1:,lelai't' aga*r: a you .n this heel:. t) warren:: my t ]tin' the Iii" :.set irtereeein your future. As a matter of fart, pea w hate f:t.n t0 Ttas.e . or urelt me ath 1 °., thiseery Mement., but for the y oiri r "1t; a4illi Pre -'. by perjure"i her e:: to save tall. Nes that yon Iitew my of mien f`, you. tlhe til^ -n etr:;22 t, yee te`.11 eritiC'r4t:1:'::} that I eheel .tate' t• r,N; 0i11 - 4n 1., 1 lit. 'e...tte'2* 1• ,0 the stt' .isle C'= L_... a•:?-lir:'iyt.. :•,t:..tl" ntoirttt!Pr. tweet. . a. . 4.ta wee: nicely tw.e e It � 11# 'y- reline ,. 11l "a' 1 a4'" :1 mall revolts. very l t.. , P„.a , .;1 i. • ... .. it tgE cg •a° ti l ?1 e:i I-l:.tf. •1 t 1n 3 a ;1i a ,1. - t• a1,. r lta 'l, e {-er urn tib 1 - �. t-: 1 a: t e. the: t 1. ,t . , 1 mere t A .. T•. ha+ a e n uC + it oral 3 on 21 e It 3 n .t ill y„„44. .tie I Stat d.2ty"'1.t1t'.. I'm ear .'r ;t ; art t f t.l tl. rt= a tt. :h a l 1 r. na2ri•, spaggarmaugamumaratumNaoreese i and boarded' the "Sauey Jane." A boy 1 whom they f oteed on deck took the r beat bark.. .Rowell set hlls sails , slowly but with precision. The mo- , trent he stepped on 'hoard he seenle i to- beecrtne an altered. mien, 1 "Where mighe you be wanting to go?" he ::eked. "you'll need them oil- skins, sure," I. "I want to run out to the Bishop I.i;'hthesu •e•," Granet announced, B Rew.e.l shook his head. Dives there a wanton with soul so ! "It's no sort of a day to face the dead who does not respond' to the Atlantic, sir," he declared. "H'e'll Itry a, spin round St. Mary and White appeal of a nicely kept house?' A ;Island,. if you like." house with floors unmarred and furni- Grran'et fasetened his oilskins and ture unscratched, where dust eollect tstoaped for a 'moment to alter one O. eth not and rave:ings litter not the the sails. B floor? Esge:,ally does the woman for the work done, "`- Teak here,' he said, taking his whose furntule bears the marks of After the finish is ct�nv .ted rem- Jeat at the ]oiler, "this is Amy ve snow. e a az'fare put there by sturdy little ember to always polish With dust Ji Rowrel-. There a fit's pound, gi pp 1 i user in each locality who weal help note for you at the end of the day,; fingers els se it for the day when she cloth d} ed• in liquid wax, Do notis if esu go where I tell you and nee. can have new things, bright, shiny, use oiler} cloths. Oil is the thing' for; item, introduce it. Write him to -day wl'a else" ,and never dusty, varnished furniture, but for 3,�axeti$ for toll pawtic'ulara. Also rile him to The nta.r, .:eyed him Sullenly. A few> Mcst of uis iu11 sigh i�l veli f::r the..firzs or futimiture nothing but wax explain how you "can get the geuey, x and without gXp0rler3Ge or money ntir.utes later they were lashing aur new but tilers is no reason zyhy all of may be use:], t ' of tt' harbor- • `` Blake ;250 u $500 per month, "It's a poor join,. sailing a pleasure) urs can not have the unmarred after uAfter the furniture is waxed the; e at," he mattered. "Not many of use the children get by the climbing^ stage question of new _eats for the cl::xse turned ander, and the whole fas:ene+1 wouldn't eel', his soul for fire and have b'en taught that oil .its are 4rtsea. For elle femur fancily una'ourtat-Ion with upho}sterers' tacks, pound,." E made to be set epee, and not as step sully real leather seats are more sat-, ., They rezc1' d St. Agnes before they 'ladders. Rc : +i.aing old furniture is icfactc3ry. There is a temptat'(l to' Minard's Liniment Used by Veterinaries ante round on the forst talk, Then,? nota task e. Melt calls fcr much clever- • the beauty roving zvcme-'•n. to ehooee t the tapestries or velours which are s9 i Hemlocks are supposed to have re - lovely in show wir.''kowe, but unless ceived their name from the feet that the ;lien of the family can be trainer] the i tires of I31t4tiil used the hark to charge their work clothes to Sun -,,of the Ilameek-tree for nets In weal 4.. clay ]test before every meal, the result: to sleep. wit: he fatal to the e'h,aire. Leather'is,. eesi:y !'leaned. Spots Cann be wiped When in Tt:re3nt0 visa off with a ch meals wrung oat of warm et)ap F-.°:1414, Lind the lealter must }.`e '•,; ° r li,lhd with a vtaxet} linear ,.a.ttt } t cloth, If you are eltirlful with fi:res:i:•s, alto a hammerer, the uohtalste'ring can be d.ene at home. 1' eisbing array be pur- ehased ele tiny furniture stare for the bottt.ni, ane e1:el: iter will do f 'r the f' 6 A Weeding to Cover Hite ;'ut "Are yi3d2 anatl:k•l'* 0:' 'ta121 ?' i'.?. al"1 021. 7 ° "' i +1 :vett-este F.s,^ 3', a Of a , . .,, Ihw Renewing Old Furniture. NEW IMP BORNS 94%A.R Beats Electric or Gas A new ell lamp that gives an amus" ingly brilliant, soft, white light, even the centre se that four thicknesses of better than gas or electricity, has been s=oth will cants between it and the tested by the II, S. Government and 35 wood, twist the corner* together, and leading universities and found to b$ It holding the wax like a ball in the hand superior wi to dor, smoke oil or noise , rub the. wax into the wood. This will no pumping up, is simple, clean, safe.. take time and p:atienee, but the result Burnt3 94% air and G% common kern is satisfactory er°ough to repay you eerie (coal -oil). The inventor, S. T. Johnson, ::4e Craig St. W., 1iontreal, is offering to send a lamp on 10 days' FREE trial, or even to give one FREE to the first with the spray beating in their faces,' nes nor for much strength. Its de - :hey swung arour } and made far they mint} is for time and infinite patience. hilted) opening between the two islands, ForR 4)f course, by this time you here e rt..n who had tnaeke,l him down, ' time the busine_a of sailing kept'. learned for }ourself the felly of Buse •we. he h:.nestly believed. to some ex- them bath aceup}ell. In two hours g ala e he thoughts time they were standing out towards] ing varnished, bright, shin] furniture. c t ett e ae us_ . T3 g Bishop Lighthouse. e. Jcl+ Rowsell took! The only (tanto -'.i thMn::divt:a q ':c..ly in his .s is �'^ c t P coir for the busy woman rair.1, With tin teeing eves he walked' a iorg breath end felled a pipe with with children is the dull, waxed finish. 1 trhaeton Bewa, l;:oking ut.' re hien-? } to pet en alto is nice} act'^•� Tr aflil�ttr Square and ramie his ,,, r 1 Th'IS i'± not t::a1't `" ay to 1i . t1, in P<11 nal. Herts he Sea'[ new. easier to keep l,' 1 erg Dive. Its heart,- . eaut, 'w 1t few lines to 1e:Ibel Worth, 1!' "I'll bring her rolls the pointe ieme- „se* hitt, its :.gt', Lt:'e fregac•at 1 e a t iie't"t., ' he scat}, "Sl well come up the': 1 , g „ geetting that he was c 1D1e:1 nut of waxing and relishing, deepening the tt wn on .nilita,'y business for farcy ']],Mine] maid home by Huber." I . eiteht biotite. Afterwards he took et ""'Doli do nothing of the Fart."i t'lell tt nes f'f the fir.Ish• taxi and (tailed at hie rooms, walker. Gr:aret 01%:;.red. Deep her head cut: Perilaes you b.ught cane sa etet.i ' 'sly up and down while Jal'vi ; for the peen sea till I tell you tot dinarn-reem e,1' ir. a1:1 t11;a seat= live threw ll I'e'RPC1Jthes into a hill.., tah:lnte.. Swing, round," long sine tlegliire¢1 :a `a}", er. Ferh tt'•S apparel lore] or a rough tweed Ronsc•ld baked at his paesenger1 given tip the strug;le a tagcther. You .1 111„ two 2 F p. f I ,3tit.:atrf} drove to Paddington. few ]tilt]] troi]hlei fact'. I want a dining-rcisn sluice that leeks! 1 g iohmtee .'ter lee towel hie Z3l(ee ''°"t 11'ii' a • Fie tl a of Ili)*t fl .1t'St htifi.. Iru tit } f the t,f t1 ,t ..t .t x tin . a r.a P 1a15.1 abruptly., i int' Ont'fi 1111111."-1. e1a.a'n to tare: lain tato] er leather, „P :" t ' d,bt'i l lges 1n 1 evlho I :Call " answered, "I'm en a jell I'm going to drt;d and nit <tt-tin', which till' 'wore+ CHAPTER XXXII. sec' through. If a fiver isn't enough' um p i turn , so u:lariug1e in their Gra-et emerete,ifreen the Tl'egarten for you, melte it a tenter, but keep advortieemente. only t tuff Eget Hotel tat St. .Mary's on the following her going where I put her." u you t l i;o, probably, ie to went- y..11'. :.12)11 :lalf-palet eight, and Rontell obeyed] but his fare grew, ek1 ere Ta -en .t neer hke, it :1e, anti:: •.�..i'. S '1" r 'ill^ .21rr,3w `:::r!'• of tl: rifer. 21C' 1e:lnerl tt3sarde hie Polo The a soya in the, .resew of retri- Ftrtalt. t a Y 1. r P T1 fret step T ,•toten %toll] het the village ere tnv:ttlr ' i.. cal til t! ori the t..,t :°la.; err at't. ''i : '2.r;e of ]alta;;+n:en •.'eleenee.1 "��t1«.:: s your grime' he teenurai'd;;, .,,. ne 3' , e t P 3 1 :r?ely, '•Thema'- some t'3- them fin 'She: a ere- eau:Oils w 121 cf %lo}n? t 11'... t t ee t tela . Ural , . r ti, e`.e ., t::1rtl e, ..:> , , , Ol1t. 1. to ,c -,Py :t til: h ,`•, the !eland ti blies n2ta by the threat if j " -Yee. I wart a n' t:' 1`o nelmi::.,,1 they t'l:l'ET knew ire thing, I eoul>i tell • (tunt: 1 W:••Qr :1T".1 :ast4•r t f3 v". -:"P•1 ',t' tt+ nO "i 1).11 of eniator till, ciliate your ga2inl' here. eh? is is well i'..a:]hel up. s:"tit' i x'11 with : to tithes wee. here area had la .'arta :l atm tale. trc, . t" 'ceoan "; i,truc11 HIl'd:ll }' a"I. ?,; l;,ems 1 I:-aw e;. .Teale itt3weel,.? •"I am not* lae'an:Ct' ne ei1. "or I' $1l f pus rev. A le teen 4:a!i,' car of writ arMvttr to that mutat, s",t.Il,in% 1..::41. 'drew X4'89 til bI'hl*, 1. ,.L;'to ho vtaorta.}3 veneerer, epee; it with 3. * a Z , : 2 -'e a'" Yea S:'11. I :.L''trw all t ]writ you Jo%; S ItrA �„ ' e.- , k e: n e 'w'a�.i1I ttttn.r-ltd•, , e2ga. 9' t,e:e'r• tat 1.1W twee ° !Ink his 110 '1. Rost a"eh. -Stra Ore .,,ling S'ery ne;1 and s c n •. ;. ..+_. <; I 'p.stt. � ,.lilt t,t'2:e I• r rl aha, tla yor- e, t•9"' t • e ... ° • :ail'11 r'reever 1' i.- •!!,•ate- 'W t1d "a r••'ta t t..1aa : i it e. illi t�.,nt�ale, . n y o t 't.,i ,t: i°®, :41:9:1 ' 1::11”! e rltft elite .`lit '1':;o,Y t t re , 2 2. ft "a r:i''t t --et 11 1-. % '^FI i a ,, 1 wilco ett'• 11 ." ' ' ,;< - +lc rinmG s 11tl�thew Noe«h 9 a? ► yhu In ft .. 2 .t !in d , .rr by met h r ::7'a'E'l 'hod title -is till. Ire t .ear- Now P Joe aI t'th •rin't' ite et be s Bette- et -tete -het a the Fr, a 2 c` 1'4 1111101 1 n'° t man real role: to Isle It3 gt .itp ore 1as t the alt a „1 t 1: ? aft, e -1 in4,3 greet, 1 a tee r = `) ti11d4 61 : '-'1 " �. "`, 2)-,10 ,t 1 t It Pt .t ill:. at title 5,1 224:;^nt 12:-" eise. eat.Y, :t t Se' • 1322:1 t , -a , a, a: t' . •"r - 10 -:".%:1;.".:-, is 1 T Illi :;21 C f t".3 0. I n � 2 It A d a o .n re.. T .:%' l an a `•'; Ili ere t a e e i 'e t o peetee IYr"t=ea a n a I` '. eav et,P''',''':.,"11"'2 i ret' i le t ail':• , 2 CI' trt•2n II{rn .,'t Y - 2 , d.::, n a a 1 fie n ♦ P, sin tett 'e 1 b:. *•t, P tete 3.2 ln:tt n a I't , le , t > t b,k" tall: t'i this t.h:lll Ilewe'1;'11 l3eftel't 1 -r" o- I . 1 i nh 14021 1 eel tt a$ '' t eei re on ee al er er 1 heeled h et1, .1602 'IA,' 2, .1 !at , 1•. a. "Ate 1 :' t,'1 etlar.2. -the 2.' *`r, le tel *:: 22 `rt' . it . .t >R , i tttliIl,12 ye ,tl' Y1tn d12t :2 t`t' ¢ ` el- St . ii„ .,t '>aee l! o , et,u f::, 1," . teener L , a a ttret:ft answer.. I. et 3 .C.. a "1 t +ler ate,- "'A "` ,nihil ea ;,.l, The e., •e .4 ._,,. ,l "1 n 1.,te+a nt, r t'. a3,. en 211,1 1beet' tilt'.' Drill i; v,lt".i telt . :x121 Ph}ii; tl,''. t. 1'¢.nl ''t;,lt (otic '1"''''', r t. 14 at; i .v, t .. 4 t' r 1., 11..el, Tht' L ti It he etme23t Io :k+r:.} at 01't' li' l" ,,, - 1 The 2 t. elite n 11 t 2 }r,1. 1 4 ? veint C.• t t^: . . t,+;.e 1110 Iia erns; .1 tl little -away.. chi r',.'.:,hal tin ti'•ultet a 114 '1'i" „tett• 1' i 112 like, ( 1.c' :.loll ea -.e. i.#.ti:. II ste, er. late feet. Twee. t'1. "No -l. =at Rowet.d, will he 2212 1' thoughla' .2":, i ,:Ia ":. 221. 1: e toWit2 2. efts] i 1311.' e, his ;a; 11..t.t 'At;t r ?tl-,n? Ilett 1 eea:lt is g..3 e1ut ".\:,'i� f t02t to met' Thomsen ell "•tl- t 1:i,4 tsr- 2 0 ]Irate _tf"1. Crawl. ,,11 31:T 1Itrn t.?il,t fr.�an • from :claims V moved his pipe South :Ireton nn t R cul*P,°re fol f +t t tenet eight holies, to ,.t'C221 li e't,Urt-222i *ial k• ia!,;:; 1 t11'.tiz;htft:liy', . there. There ie t nae ore msec] t thing "I -]aloha whether ycu ll get ,Jeri you an ,.a. Yee know o: tither that 1:. Rote t est t.) shift before mid-Atty. I ,.1 I`11 have yeti e` 31a::;o I. if you are '71,311v ti3 Sin, hell ga, scut at all with willing into a line regiment with vtlinr - t- 1'w -wetter bl aw in'g, , present ran]:. Your a2 ee )mel -:F 'I have "What's the matter with hien?" a hint. It will he t .2 .Duty e neat :Gravest sited. "Is he lazy?„ the filet Ge man ' you can find.:Ta' neap who as- yet had scarcely If you are ol:t. nt with that, Ili ;Ir- . p..1:cn wun ; round en his heel, range it for yet:. I: net---" "Hes no lazy, sir," he said. "`That's Major ih„mera pawed. There was ;het the right worn. But he'e come a queer, twisted smile .t: the, eur::'•t• - into launey .orae way or other, Joh of his :les. - -Roweeli has. There's none of u. • "If net," he to' t ;leis, "there -1one knows l t,c3 tml it ' in't 673. lnl:tnle€ , nlea'e little rote l , arid. in this : rte, but he i,4 n al. meet of his time 124 and the ae aunt will he 6111. you the pl;:t 1e-ltouoe and he -term to have know now the Terme. C telta:n C; scat, taker. a fancy for night tailing alone, beer it 1 e I2 1, :blue : t8,nl 1'08 l 1 1, •. "hut tee!" tai ,Cut `',`-tn';,xeel. eli'aw- "1a? grain :'i i1 ing his reve•Ivee fr -1 2 his pocket t4 tt e:•,711121 11aa (117:l17n `' 7°.:.27 ! :, '"Y cu run t'lt. l 'tt Lai it:, 1 yf3lnr own' n t.•' r! • Atter the St,2.21, C.e leet: 1.3u; -incl, 1ii¢3., 1}. 1'in lee out here label. This "•243„].1 h4 in l222.!t•i421h`l. to the fooled, with. . My (led!" Almost it. tlae:1' side the perieeelit• of a , t,olr2,erine hall suddenly appear- e`L Slowly it rote to the stu°feee. An officer in German naval uniform struggled up and ealled out. Granct • spoke to him rapidly in German. Job, Rowsell stared at them both, then he drew a flask from his pocket and tock a long pull. The submarine gr.•;: , nearer and Granet toseell a shall roll of paper across the t.hasm of waters. All that passel between the two men was to Job Rowsell unintelligible. The last few words. however, the German repeated in English. (To be continued./ t w heels to nl, mind. and there are tet,._-_., an whish you can go, t°a t; Fran.. i v will give you ten 91:1ys to cora-Aden . others of us a'. say the sante, ain't Dyed Child's Coat "If I aceeat an offer like th s •" pane tot healthy an oeen.pation. And Granet protested, "I shall be plead.e o that's all there is to he said of Job and Her Old Skirt talked." ! Its a goon deal, too," Granet re- Bay "Diamond Dyes" and follow the "If it weren't for the f act, " ew marked thoughtfully. "`V2 here does he simple directions in every package. Thomson him told listernly, -that pea live'?'' • Don't wonder whether you can dye or have warn his :Mae ty:'s uniform, that "Fourth house on the left in yonder, tint successfully, because perfect home you ere a soldier, and that the horror street" Matthew Nieho'ls replied,dyeing is guaranteed with Diamond of it woul'l bring pain to every man pointing with his pipe, ''Maybe he'll Dyes even if you have never dyed be - who has sealed with you that ,II'. come if you sella for him, maybe he fore. Worn, faded dresses, skirts, lege. I have quite enough evidence 1 won't' ' waists, coats, sweaters, stockin s here to bring tour career to a des- I must try to keep any word to my, g , graceful end. I give you your chance, ; friend," Granet decided, "If I don't, draperies, hangings, everything, be - net for your own sake, but fol' theme find him, I'll come back and look for come like new again. Just tell your honor of the Army. What do you you fellows again." ' druggist whether the material you sty?" r' Ile turned back to the little wricing- wish to dye is wool or silk, or whether Czt:aner pieked up his hat. 'room, scribbled a note and sent It 11 is linen, cotton, or mixed goods. "1'11 think it over" he muttered. 'down by the boots. In about half an ( Diamond Dyes never streak, spot, fade, He walked out of 'the room without :hour he was called once more out into: or run. sew attempt at farewell, pushed leis 1 the garden. A huge, loose-jointed man'• - way along the coeriders, down the was standing there, unshaven, un-' steps and out into Whitehall. His tidily dressed, and with the look in Wind Shield f01' Motorcycle. face was distorted by a new expres- ibis eyes of a mean who has been drink-' 'A wind -screen for motorcycles, cion., A sudden hate -el Thomsen ed of Thoson ling heavily: Iight and easily detachable, is a newly had blazed up in him. He was at bay, ! '"Are you Job Romrsell ?" Granet in- i patented invention„ It consists of two ; driven there by a relentless enemy,; quired'2 metal frames hinged together hors - I That's niy name,,� the man ad- zontaliy,.so that the upper part may. , slatted. , "I:, there anything wrong be folded back if desired and filled t ,with it,' • "Not that I know of." Granet re- With transparent sheet celluloid, a ,, I plied. "I want you to take erne out. steel tube fixed across the handlebars i sailing. Is your shoat ready?" supports it, and it is further held in , The m.an glanced up at the sky. position by a strut extending upward "I don't know as I want to go?' he from the front of the handlebars and Ig'rumbled. "There's dirty Veather attached by a flexible joint to tho raid - about." ole of the top part, of the lower frame': guilty to all the r+b'l:,bisih you hare. Rawsell. as I knows aft" l&SJiv No. 457'21. To aeply. fold ,t yal:1 equate of (lease clot 11 twice to make 19 smelter , see ,l.', Blit a generous t:di1i' pat,n of wax in I think you'd better," Gram ung- of the windshield, The upper portion. : of the strut enters telescopically the lower portion, which contains a colied spring, so that the .strut in effect is capable of a certain amount of exten- i sion or contraction, the spring acting as a buffer to absorb vibration and ' road shocks, In use, the screen is ad- justed at such a height and eagle that the rider Is just able to aee comfort- : ably oevr its top edge, along which. there is : no frame. - The lower end of the strut is provided with notches,' so that it may be raised or lowered to alter the angle of the windshield: ed. "I'm not a bad payer. ant'. I can help with the boat. Let's ea and. look at her, any way," They Walked together down to the harbor. Granet said very llttle, his companion nothing at all. They stood on the jetty and gazed acroses' to where the sailing ]]elate were anchored. "That's the 'Saucy Jane,' " Job Rowsell indieeatt'ed, stretching out a forefinger. • Granet scrambled down Into a small dinghy which was tied to the sidle of the stone wall' "We'd better be getting on board," he suggested. Rowse]] stared at him for a moment Minard'. Liniment for .Co'Iils, etc. j but acquiesced. They pulled aer'oss e For Sale ELECTRIC WATER PUMPING OUTFIT • Complete Water Pumping Outfit In good condition, for .sale at a bargain.. 1eeh.p. Wagner electric motor, single phase, 25 cycle, 100 -115 volts, with Luitweiler deep well pump, Real Estates Corporation, 73 West Adelaide Street Toronto. Lots, of 9': rl.le 0' fit:deity t1. ',r Irl;2 Id.'4 5+a ttl8 32 Ie ,3..r, I roteetila . " a didela. t. .. iurt'.. 1Rra'£9S Ped'la`rTe itItt>il'tIetTcn.t Beep et "l'raet .1I itater& shti1^.S way to prate end 1.2..2 4 a12. \elute - nay3-%`i'i 1 !tai CO. ae .}• tt•.t, 3a 4 CNristmas Cheer PRETTY PRESENTS IN PROFUSION SEE OUR SAMPLES Torcan Fancy Goods Co., Ltd. 7 Wellington St. East 16700 TORONTO WHOLESALE ONLY Royal Ontario luaeulala 243 1v2eor' Sc. West, near Aveatio ise[tal C-e•3`n" toot t a'xtiat+,rie a: Un t :iEtalthdt, 1 r •la:..':.1. gy.rtes Ea 3; , Mlneral0ge P'd atuntvlog , Z"o102y. Open daiII,r 1t• atter. 10 b 2'lata. itunday. 2 to r Ilett lent. 18212 ;3232 and -trcnuit 120 ..3e�. leanin ga.ttrna:n and expo_ tmau ,ai l lug i'arkaer..t2rvitte right to your t'. V.'.e ply a ar iwl',.Ye fl2' e" sad'. Whets;t•r 2,'o11 ,-..::'t wl:ellu r it b ht,i:ha"l iisrmnr1.»: or tett: al:r,t .Iela- vate 3cllarW'. tien$9 1<_• S.l:ettld t:. •idr7i==l to their0Yi i2I:la ,6.•' "1d10�ti. V.tl 'a (kink of intoning er tlyeittt; tititik a>f PARKER'S. Parker's Dye Wori Limited cicianors and Dye:'a 7')1 Youge St. Toronto. •2i. \4` 1.11)411't 1mitt a bit: strop a silo f'rcftsun e" a:a in at .11th corn. no tantly that core .trip- hurting. then 2 hlIrtly you lift it right ell with lingers. Truly! Your drutgi t sellae .t 'tiny bottle of "•Ereezolle-." for a few tent, $latllt•ifltt to remove every hard torn, 2Oft corn„ or corn betwc 021 tt L tecP, and the tial 1115e5, without sor,nei4T2. or irritation. F you are out ail day in the cold, keep warm by wearing STANFIELD'S "Red Label" Underwear it is heavy 'wool underwearr - thick enough to protect you against the piercing cold -easy and comfortable because 30 carefully made. We make all weights suitable for men, women and children. Sana' for free sample book. STANFIELD'S LIMITED Truro. N. S. i