HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-06-01, Page 254 DEADLINE FOR BULLETIN BOARD AND FARM SECTION ADS 10 O'CLOCK SHARP TUESDAY HAM AND SALAD SUPPER at Holmesville United Church, Thur- sday, June 8, 1978, 5:30- 7:30 p.m. Adults $3.50, children 10 and under $1.50.-20,22,23 JOIN US for the last session of Women's Day Out on Wednesday, June 27, 9:30 a.m., MacKay Hall. Bring your own picnic lunch and join us for the fun. -22 CLINTON LEGION BINGO, every Thursday 8:00 p.m. first regular card $1.00, restricted to 16 years or over. Fifteen 'regular games -of-$15:00 $5.00 least on split. Many other specials. Jaclkpot $200.00 must go each week.—19tfar DON'T MISS the annual STRAWBERRY FEST - Saturday, June 17 at Benmiller United Church, 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.' Smorgasbord with strawberries for dessert. Advance tickets only. Phone 524-6327. Adults $4.25, five years and under $2.00.-22 MAPLE LEAF CHAP- TER I.O.D.E. will hold their Pot Luck Supper on Tuesday, June 6 at the home of Mrs. N. McHolm, Highway 21 S. Time 6:30 p.m. -22 AN OPEN reception will be held for Mr. and Mrs. Peter Vandiepenbeek (nee Barbara Hamilton) following their marriage on Saturday June 3, 1978, at 9 p.m. in the Lucknow and District Community Centre. Music by Bit- tersweet. —22 CANADIAN FORESTERS 86 and I.190.1-.daac. ,.__$a1_lford on Saturday, June 3. Music by Bluewater Playboys. $4.00 per person. For tickets phone 524- 6331.-22x BINGO every Tuesday evening at the Vanastra Centre, RR 5, Clinton, 8 p.m. First regular card $1.00.- Fifteen r gulag $15.00 games, three share -the -wealth, jackpot $200.00 must go. Admission restricted to sixteen years and over. —tf Bingo In The New Goderich Legion Hall BINGO EVERY SUNDAY 7:30 P.M. SHARP NEW REVISED GAMES 11 Regular Games - 95.00, 4 Specials -'18.00 4 "Share the Wealth" with a chance at the Jackpot. Two door prizes. $120.00 in 56 calls ADMISSION '1.00 DOORS OPEN 6:30 ALL PROCEEDS FOR WELFARE WORK SUMMER DANCE Goderich Community Centre SATURDAY, JUNE 17 'Star Trex' FOOD, REFRESHMENTS '8.00 PER COUPLE Tickets available at Recreation Office 524-8373 DANCING 9 TO 1 SQUARE MEAL SQUARE DEAL TRY -NOW NOW FULLY t1 LICENSED 1 GODERICH RESTAURANT STEAKHOUSE & TAVERN Ltd. LICENSED UNDER THE LIQUOR LICENSE ACT 42 WEST STREET SALTFORD VALLEY HALL FOR RENT 524-9366 R WNI DRIVE-IN THEATRE LTD. BEECH ST. CLINTON FRI .- SAT. - SUN. — JUNE 2-3.4 IT'S THE WORLD'S GREATEST GAME (AND IT SURE AIN'T FOOTBALL.) 1 its 1 ILMI-TOUS= „1 BURT REYNOLDS • ERIS RRIISTOTFERSON. JILL CLAYBUROE JULIE CHRISTIE CARRIES THE . ,,..,.a"DEMON SEED" rear (or ler. JULIE CHRISTIE."DEMON SEED" Fan WEAVER CRAFT AND BAKE SALE organized by the Port Albert Pirettes Girl's Softball Team, Saturday, June 3rd, 2:00 to 5:00 p,m. at Christ Church, Port Albert. Proceeds to go toward team sweaters. -22 ANTIQUE CAR FLEA MARKET Brussels, Ontario June '10 and 11. Antique and model air- craft air show, weather permitting. For in- formation phone 887- 9216.-22 CAR WASH AND BAKE SALE, Saturday, June 1.0th at the Assessment Building parking lot, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Pay as you like. Proceeds to Leisure Buddies for the Mentally Handicapped. -22, 23AR PENNY SALE for .month of June at the Salvation Army Thrift Store, 80 King St., Clinton. —22ar .. HURON OLDE TYNE FESTIVAL See performance, in Fiddle„ Step dancing Square dancing for $1000 in prizes and trophies Fri., Sat., June 2 & 3 Memorial Hall, Blyth 8 p.m. Admission: FrnLn 52..0 Suturda 5.1.01) Both Nights $5.00 children $i.0)) oft Adult Prices., For tickets call :-,23 OPEN HOUSE Thursday, June 15, 2 p.m: at the Salvation Army Camp Glenhuron. Everyone invited to a Country Fair. —22,23ar NEXT Rotary paper pick-up June 17, 10:00 a.m. Please leave papers at curb. Books for up- coming booksale welcome. No magazines. —21,22,23,24ar ****fir******** * Appearing This Week... WEDNESDAY, MAY 31 TO SATURDAY. JUNE 3 BOGEY 11T THE BEDFORD COURT LOUNGE Appearing Next Week... WEDNESDAY,.JUNE 7 TO SATURDAY, JUNE 10 STAIRCASE o Magnifique! TRY OUR DELICIOUS SMORGASBORD TOES. 12-1:30 p.m. '3.50 EACH "WED. 6-1:30 p.m. '5.95 EACH ---- SUN.'S & 7 p.m. °5.95 EACH HURON '78 Ar '/ EXETER LIONS PRESENT GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1978—PAGE 5A September 26 - 30, 1978 HURON COUNTY MAIN STREET FESTIVAL AT THE SOUTH HURON REC. CENTRE, EXETER SAT. & SUN., JUNE 10 & 11 F'. Go� ,or for the Inn e.unr ul inn sunnnu, Inn F.etni bons Ci b no.a nne•J u ,renin 1 R, f duus .,coke d of nnte�ro�n unt for both Boys Whvtnu� ruu ,aatn n, (cern he a+ni ,�t uooulo1 tuo rapp,ng ,�nq oolong song. ro goapul a,nq.nq ut .n boat , u 11 lend it of ,h^a. -A Yrn�>Ma,n Sn ent Fnal,.ol .b rAS L tt —SATURDAY MUSIC NIGHT -9 p.m. -1 a.m. Fecturing The 'MAIN STREET JUG BAND" and "THE LONDON CONNECTION" ADMISSION 5 3.00 per person otel Goderich 124-7337 Af--K-11-ifiiL4< 4 --- H HURON COUNTY Family Planning Project INVITES YOU TO ATTEND BIRTH CONTROL CLINIC ° Every Thursday From 6:30-9 p.m. Huron County Health UnEt Shipley St., Clinton For Information call 482- 3416 Weekdays or Thur- sday evenings. Everyone Welcome REGULAR . HEARING Alb: SERVICE CENTER CAMPBELL'S 168 THE SQUARE GODERICH Thursday, June 8 1-3 p.m. FREE ELECTRONIC HEARING TESTS REPAIRS TO MOST MAKES OF HEARING AIDS J.D. FAIR Hearing Aid Service 145 Ontario St., Stratford 273-2118 Now Playing TWO SHOWINGS FRI. & SAT. 7 & 9 June 1-6 ONE SHOWING SUN.-TUES. 8:00 P.M. A1RUE LOVE STORY_ For everyone who believes in happy endings The continuing true story of Jill Kinmont, a woman with enough courage for ten lifetimes ..'. and a man with enough love to carry hem both. 'THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MOUNTAIN' NTAIN' PART 2 MARILYN HASSETT • TIMOTHY BOTTOMS STARTS WEDNESDAY JUNE 7-10 GODERICH 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 524-7811 AIRCONC1fTIONED Program subject to change SUNDAY BEEF BARBECUE -5 p.m. -7 p.m. (Full Course Beef Denner Dessert Beverage) ADMISSION-ADUL TS 55 00 CHILDREN UNDER 12-'2.50 r GOSPEL SINGING 7:30 p.m. -l0 p.m. IN THE ARENA _ALQAnMlS5lo.LfLJ L VOL! INTARY DEFERINC WUL-8E /10EEP TED— TICKETS AVAILA• BLE IN EXETER AT; Becker's, Gord's Variety, Hop. per.Hockey Furniture Ltd.• Jerry MacLean 8 Son Automotive Ltd.. Livingstone's and any Lion's Club Member 5,, 11. Part of the Clinton Spring Fair... CLINTON TRACTOR PU-LL. (Sanctioned by Western Ontario Tractor Puller's Association at the CLINTON KINSMEN RACEWAY (COMMUNITY PARK) FRIDAY, JUNE 2 starting at 6:00 p.m. ADMISSION: °3.00 (CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE) For the Fans 8 Classes of Pulling. See the Pull from Western Ontario's Newest Covered Grandstand. Come and bring the whole family...Lunch Counter and Refreshments, Midway in operation, trade show In the Arena, and a Special Oc- casion Permit has been issued. For the Pullers CLASSES: 8,000 Ib. stock; 7,000 Ib. truck; 10,000 Ib. stock; 7,000 lb. open; 12,000 lb, stock; 9,000 Ib. open; 16,000 Ib. stock; 18,000 Ib. stock. WEIGH IN: 4:00 p.m. - Fleming's Feed MITI. LOADING: H. Lobb's Farm Machinery, Bayfield Road. ENTRY FEES: '5.00 stock & '10.00 open PRIZES: Open classes - '500.; Stock - '200. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL: Fred Lobb 482-3321 Gary Jewitt 482-3231 FRI., SAT., SUN JUNE 2-3-4 BOX OFFICE OPENS 8:00 SHOWTIME 8:45 Imagine your life hangs by a thread. Imagine your body hangs by a wire. Imagine you're not imagining. BURNTOFFER[NGS 'JailedArtis PEA fIfIAS INC ,1',"8,41 unuvDANCIIRIIS REN BUCK- OLIVER REED "BURNT OFFERINGS ..9.. BURGESS MEREDITH STARTING; JUNE 9-10-11 "AMERICAN GRAFFITI" DOLLY COASTER HWY. 8 GODERICH AT CONCESSION RD, 4 PHONE 524-9981 White Carnation, Holmesville; Catering to weddings, banquets, meetings, private parties. Book your party anytime 524-4133 or banquet hall 482-9228 SUNDAY EVENING BUFFET from 3:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. EVERYONE WELCOME For a Tasty Treat Try CAttlESE fvata Phone 524-2242 Eat in or Take Out HOURS: Mon.-Thurs. 10 a.m.-10 p.m. FrI.-Sat. 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Sun. 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Open Wednesdays Esquire Restaurant The Square Goderich INTRODUCING THE BURGER BAR'S EARLY IN THE WEEK HUNGERBUG JUNE SPECIALS ONDAYS... Junior Burgers • • • . Reg. 755 ... 50 TUESDAYS. •. Family French Fri .. Fri -es .Reg.'1.50. 9 WEDN-ESDAYS... Fish Snak S. . . Reg. '1.40... 994 EAT IN OR TAKE OUT BURGER BAR 37 KINGSTON ST. GODERICH CALL AHEAD HAVE YOUR ORDER READY 524-6752 �wncHEon SPECIaLm°M Pm $'13 614 tLte YOU GET • 2 pieces of entucky Fried Chicken •French Fries •Choice of Salad •Grecian Bread Colonel Sanders' boys and girls make it finger lickin' good. Colsanders ' ilei'. $ Wu* Fried klcken. A CANADIAN C011tt'ANY 94 Elgin Ave. rGYderichg Os*.