HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-05-25, Page 28,L. PAGE 10A—GODFRICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1978 Mrs. Chester Feagan of the Victoria Street United Church's U.C.W. was one of the official tea pourers at the Centennial Spring Flowers Tea and Bake Sale held in the church basement last Wednesday afternoon in honor of the church's 100th -anniversary. Mrs. Feagan is w.earing a bonnet and shawl which belonged to her grandmother They are over 100 years old. -(Photo by Joanne Walters) Pfrimmer clinic praised by USA foursorme Four Americans recently completed a three week course to become the 11th class of graduates from the Therese C. Pfrimmer Clinic, Bayfield. With this the graduates have now earned the title of Deep Muscle Therapists (DMT) and upon their graduation will make 32- clinics throughout the United ' States and Canada. Thirty-two individuals are now recognizing that muscles are the cause of many crippling conditions, releasing.these muscles, that have become involved, allows the blood to circulate and heal the body. At the Therese C. Pfrim- mer Clinic No. 1, Mrs. Pfrimmer, the founder and' discoverer of deep muscle therapy is a teacher of this technique that has relieved many people from crippling diseases. Her work is known World wide, especially in • Canada and the USA. Commenting on her work and the deep muscle therapy treatment the graduates made the following com- •ments: • "As a chiropractor, I can sincerely appreciate the very valuable further knowledge of muscles I have acquired under the very exceptional teacher, Therese C. P'frim- mer, Andrew Lewis, DC, RM, DN, DMT of Soddy Tennessee explained. "I have attended many educational classes in Canada and the United States, but nowhere have I received the intensive per- sonal instruction that I have received at this clinic for crippling conditions . and prevention," he noted. al• Claude. Hoff Reg, M, DMT from Souderton, Penn- sylvania coq�m,mented, "I have been a MS'sseur for about seven years and also a Reflexologist for about two years. A great change came when I was asked to read a book, "Muscles ' Your Invisible Bonds" written by my teacher Therese C. Pfrimmer. What I thought I was doing no longer made sense but what I read truly dld." So I wrote her to enroll for the course," he went on, "I did not realize half from the book, but by personal in- struction and guidance she AM & G Hospital Auxiliary Jo . erry re r orts on spnn Mrs. R. McCallum presided for the regular meeting of the Auxiliary to Alexandra Marine and General Hospital on Monday afternoon, May • 15. '4 Results of the Penny Fair draw were announced by Mrs. G.C. White. This was a successful project, and proceeds wil•h be used to purchase equipment for the hospital. A committee of four Auxiliary members - Mrs. N. Jackson, Mrs, B. Thomson, Mrs. C. Worsell and Mrs'. J. Berry, was appointed to in - has taught me a wealth of information no school could match in three weeks. Her way of teaching should be copied by ,other schools. I hope and pray I will be worthy Of carrying on • her work in my area in Penn- sylvania, and with God's help. I'll tackle .any situation, as she has done." Julia Muller, Reg. M, DMT from Campbell Hall, New York remarked, "I came across Therese's hook two years ago when I was suf- fering, from some chronic athletic injuries. It caught my interest because doctors and chiropractors whom I had been to never mentioned muscles as the cause of my hack or hand troubles, nor had they been able to help me." She added, "As a Biologist, the hook made so much sense to me that I wrote to Therese saying I would love to become - a student of hers if I could feel physically up to it. After two 'treatments I felt confident enough to enroll in a massage school and begin the steps which led to this graduation. It will he a dream cone true to return knowing I can help people regain their heaith." The fourth student, Mary Rose Popovich, Reg. M, DMT from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, - also praised the course and the therapy. "While working as a masseuse in Milwaukee, I was introduced to Therse C. Pfrimmer who had come to treat a lateral sclerosis case. He had been treated for about a year at her clinic in Bayfield. Previous to treatment he had been considered hopeless and had only a short time to live, by the medical profession. He was unable to use his arms or lower limbs and his speech was also affected. He was considered a vegetable." Mary Rose Popovich said. "Now he is giving public talks and using his limbs,. This radiant and energetic lady inspired me to learn this technique. The results spoke' for, themselves Y'as it has helped thousands of patients. This remarkable therapy was developed through years of perseverance to prove that the muscles are the cause of crippling conditions and are Your Invisible Bonds.__ - FOR YOUR PROPERTY INSURANCE SEE MALCOLM MATHERS General Insurance Agent 4i WEST ST. GODERICH 524-7878 vestigate and recommend equipment considered most necessary. The Auxiliary appreciates public support of their projects and also special donations which have been, received. The treasurer has applied for an official number for receipts for income tux purposes. These receipts shwld he available soon. Mrs. J. Berry gave an in- teresting account of the District No. 2 Spring Con- ference which she and the president attended in Cambridge on April 24, A total attendance of 228 in- cluded delegates represen- ting 20 of the 21 auxiliaries in District 2. Of special interest during the morning sessidn was a panel on "Volunteens" with Mrs. W,.A. Lewis as moderator. Members of the panel were Mrs. J.R. Cline of Kitchener -Waterloo Hospital and Mrs. Phyllis Dawson, Stratford General Hospital. -Both of these hospital auxiliaries are active in promoting teen-age volunteer The afternoon guest speaker was Dr. Zak I. Sabry, Department of Family Services, University of Guelph. In his address on "Nutrition" Dr. Sabry stated that buying of food is in- fluenced by the way products are packaged and advertised. Today we have our choice of over 10,000 food items. The most nutritious foods are not advertised extensively, and in choosing these we can eat properly with less expense. The pew officers for 1978-79 were installed by Mrs. Nancy Keefe, Provincial President. conference The new Chairman is Mrs. William Lewis of Guelph and Mrs. Catherine Conway is secretary -treasurer. Mrs. R,.Hughes, gducation Convenor for the local 5 knit sets for babies is also available. Several members received yarn to knit ponchos and other articles for the shop. Auxiliary, reported that The gift shop is open af- notices`about the bursary for ternoons and evenings a student enrolled in training Monday through Saturday. related to health care, haye..v Mrs. R.W. Bell, convenor of been posted at the Collegiate. This bursary of $200 is awarded annually by the local auxiliary. Gift shop convenor Mrs. G.C. White, announced that new stock is now on sale in the shop and a supply of hand - personnel, would" be pleased to have volunteers who would he -willing to he in charge of the shop in the evenings. The next auxiliary meeting will be a luncheon in June. CEDAR FOR FENCING! 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