HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-05-25, Page 27Victoria Street United Church in Goderich is 100 years old this year'so the U.C.W. held a Centennial Spring Flowers Tea and Bake Sale in the church basement last Wednesday afternoon in honor of the occasion. Here, Velma Linfield of the U.C.W. serves guest, Bernice Stanbury a cup of tea. (Photo by Joanne Walters) 10, Mrs. Mabel Price of R.R. 2 Clinton (left) and Mrs. Victor Boyce of Goderich enjoy a cup of tea at Victoria Street U.C.W.'s Centennial Spring Flowers Tea and Bake Sale held in the church basement last Wednesday afternoon. The tea was held in honor of .the church's 100th anniversary and Mrs. Price, a member of Victoria Street U.C.W. before moving to Clinton, wears a 100 year old dress and bonnet in recognition of the occasion. (Photo by Joanne Walters) W. J. Denomme FLOWER SHOP Phone ,st�t.GRAp 524-8132 DAY OR NIGHT Agent for 24 -hr. FILM DEVELOPING Instant Friendship .0";71:" The warm greeting of your Welcome Wagon hostess with "The Most Famous Basket in the World" will introduce you to our community and start you on the way toward new and lasting friendships. If you are new in town, call CITekOMAYSO LTD 524-6654 and 524-9676 Phone L Nommumemismind $oUUu+t vn,lr . luta. %, +u/13 b u. In honor of Victoria Street United Church's 100 anniversary in Goderich, the U.C.W. held a Centennial Spring Flowers Tea and Bake Sale last Wednesday afternoon in the church basement. Here, Mrs. Elizabeth Hoy of the U.C.W. serves guest Elsie Moore. (Photo by Joanne Walters) IJ ODERICH SIGNAL -STAR. THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1978—PAGE 9A Judy Savoy at Playhouse WI learns about micro oven Mrs. A. Schram, President of the Goderich Branch of the Women's Institute, opened the May meeting with the Ode and the Collect. Mrs. F. Hawkins presided at the piano. Roll call, .What new product have you tried recently and liked, was an- swered by 18 members and four visitors. Minutes, treasurer's report and communications weregiven by Mrs. D. Riehl. Communications included an invitation to the Open House of the Group Home for Mentally Handicapped Adults on Wednesday, May 17; an invttation'to Ethel'W.I.'s 75th anniversary on May 31; and an invitation to the 'Huron - view Blossom Tea on May 31. The District Annual Rally will be held at Nile on Mon- day, May 29. Delegates will be Mrs. A. Schram, Mrs. A. Holmes, Mrs. N. Clairmont and Mrs. D. Riehl. Mrs. A. Schram gave a most informative report on the convention held in Waterloo in May at which she was a delegate. Mrs. M. MacKenzie gave a report on plays to be held in PUBLIC MEETING MONDAY, MAY 29, 1978 sa 7:00 P.M. AT MacKAY HALL GUEST SPEAKER: MR. HARRY WORSELL (CHAIRMAN, GODERICH PUBLIC UTILITIES) TOPIC SQUARE LIGHTING PROJECT PLAN TO ATTEND AND HEAR THE FACTS ABOUT THE SQUARE LIGHTING PROJECT Sponsored by: THE GODERICH RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION Blyth this coming season. Then the national anthem and W.I. Grace were sung to close the meeting. Mrs. J. Blake, program convener, introduced Mrs. E. Rivett, who gave a very in- teresting demonstration on cooking with micro -wave ovens. Mrs. A. Wilkins thanked Mrs. Rivett and presented her with 'a gift. Mrs. J. Ryan and hostesses served lunch. James Murphy, Artistic Director for the Huron Country Playhouse, an- nounced recently that CFPL's Judy Savoy has accepted an invitation to appear in. the Playhouse production, Parlor, Bedroom and Bath. Miss Savoy will appear in the part of a gossip columnist who, while getting the scoop, gets entangled in a hilarious menage a trials. Miss Savoy appeared on stage in a number of productions before becoming involved in radio and TV. Parlor, Bedroom and Bath is the twenties entry of the Playhouse 1978 Festival of Summer Theatre which salutes six decades. Co- authored by Charles Bell, a prominent Hamilton lawyer, the play became a smash hit on Brodaway and later became a Hollywood film starring Buster Keaton. Remaining a favorite throughout the twenties, the play then fell into, obscurity. The Playhouse will give the famous old play its first showing in perhaps 40 or 50 years. The production, the second of the Playhouse season, opens for a one week run beginning July 18. Anstett Jewellers LIMITED 11 ALBERT ST., CLINTON OPEN WEDNESDAYS For Your Convenience HOURS: Monday throught Saturday. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.; Friday nights 'til 9 p.m. 482-3901 GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATE AVAILABLE TO YIELD 9% % TALK TO US ABOUT OTHER INVESTMENTS - n11 ,}t( fll FINANCIAL AND MANAGMENT CONSULTANTS 58 ELGIN AVE. E. BUS.: 524-4211 GODERICH RES.: 524-8742 •••• WELCOME The Employees of F.M. Custodial Services Ltd. (Sarnia) To Extended Health Care and Dental Plan7 These employees now have the added/ bene- fits of extra health protection for themselves and their families: the Blue Cross Extended Health Care,Plan plus Dental Plan 7. E -IC provides protection against health ser- vices not covered by the' basic government health plan, coverage for such items as pre- scription drugs, private nursing and private room accommodation in hospital. Dental Plan 7 provides basic preventive dental treatment to group subscribers including such services as examinations, fillings and x-rays. 3249 ®NTAIPICI "As your Ontario Blue Cross representative I am pleased to add my personal welcome, and look forward to serving you along with the many others in this region already enjoying the protection of a variety of Blue Cross Plans." Phil deBarros 227 Queens Avenue London Ontario N6A 1J8 (519) 439-4431 • BLUE CRDBS A DIVISION OF THE ONTARIO HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION