The Exeter Advocate, 1921-11-3, Page 4Do You Know "SA AD GREEN TEA 1.12 has a far finer flavour than that' any Japan or China Green Tea? Send for LL's" :sam le and be convinced. Address SaI a a, Toronto. VICTORY LOAN COUPONS We will cash your Victory Loan Coupons or place them to,your credit in our Savings Bank whet' they will draw interest at 3% per annul,;, �t4 THE CA,NADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL - $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND - - $ 15,000,004 EXETER BRANCH, F. A. Chapman, Manager. The flour you "knead" for bread Maple Leaf Milling Co., Limited Toronto, Winnipeg Brandon, Barons The Exeter Advocate Dashwood The Ladies Aid f th E Sanders & Creech, Proprietors o e vangelical church are oiling a Tiaarrksgiving soc- Subscription Price—In advaace, $f 50 nal in the Church Monday night, Nov, ver year in Canada; S2.00 :n the 71th. The Y.P.A. ,will furnish the tl,nited Staten. All subseri,pti,ons of program, after width a light lunch naki in. advance 50c. extra charged. will be mewed by the ;ladies).Admie sion 25ke 'and 15c4. Mr. and Mrst Paul Meisener of Grif- fin Creek, Altai, are visiting relatives here, Mrs. Stacey and Miss Fanny Pre. e - ter, with iVin and Mrst J. Pre•e ter are visiting in Kitchener,. .ARE YOU A TIRED, I Mrs. Geerz ,hats returned from a visa THURSDAY, NOV. 3rd, 1921 Vv JRN-OUT WOMAN ? it in Pi'geon" Mick Every Woman Needs a Tonic and Nervine at Some Period of Her Life Toronto, Ont. —"As a tonic and builrr I can highly recommend Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription oto tired and run- down women. I am the mother of eight children and have frequently had need of such a tonic but did not know what to take until my sis- ter gave me some of the Favorite Prescription,' which she herself had found to be good. It was exactly the tonic my :system required and one bottle did' wonders for me, so I take pleasure in 'tolling others, hoping that they will give the 'Prescription' a trial and be 'benefited just as I have been."—Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor, 261 Ontario St,. ..HEALTH IS MOST VITAL TO YOU Hear What This Woman Says "London, Ont:—"I can highly recom -mend Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip- tion to the expectant panther. I was in a .terribly run-down state. Was very weak and nervous and suffered 'with. nausea. I was miserable until I: began taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, but my strength re turnd very cyttickiy and , y general,, hewas was . t et tfter t t ag it.j ,y, h sah was strong and healthy, too, and Chas never seen a sick day."—Mrs. Harry' Harris, 195 William St. Go to your neighborhood drug store sat once, and obtain this Prescription of Dr i,Pieroe's in tablets or liquid, ar- mend 108 to Dr. Pierce'e Laboratory, in Bridgeburg, Out„ for trial pkg. -tablets and write for free confidential ,rnedicaladvioe.` • �?VIr, IX. S. Chilton, *Ea has been ill w"'it.h pleurisy, ;has n ,rov;ed and was able to,ti t}rrn to. his _home in Ottawa on. Friday:. _ ... Centralia CARD 'iii'. 'THANKS,, Mr. Vtilliarn Luker desires to thank the people of Celnftrtalitae and commun- ity for the !great kindness ,srhown dur- ing the, oilnese . swbsegtuent death sf the. late efr4,YLuker. Jelin 'Midi. McCurdy jn visiting in Buffalo Mr. W. Parsons who hasbeen ill with rpdneemaniia rs anecoveringl. DZr. F to } Brooks *1st in Grimsby on SatuJ,4 y ,laltl ? endng i,the fumeraltof his brother.', Mrs, W. Charters !at Olarhoma City +peat a • few `dayRilist week with Mrs,. G. Anders on...1 c r; .• . Mrs. Fed .:;F,Farukia1l was im Sa'rnia on Monday, " Mr. A. Hasn:cock who has been .tray- ell�ng' 41V,'.'est, during the summa!„.has, r•'eitfunned'•home'to Mr. W. R. Elliott's. Mrs. Woods of Londorn visited with Crediion CAR1) OF THANKS, 1 wish to exprelss my sincere thanks. and gratitude to those who so gen- erously ctxntrbuute4 ,14_ the purse p, e- se•at:.d to me.te few) days ago.–Ernest Guett:nger. A tractor ,is being used to plow up the Athlet:'c Field and the work of rev.I1Lng it well be proc,efeded with at once 'so that every'thlag twill be st goal shape for the ,spring. Iway to• Goderich had the misfogtuia4. to run over the high embankment near ' the. parsonage Saturday about 11 p.m. The ditch is about 15 teet deep. ,The lone occupant escaped uninjured but the car received a bad_ shaking up, The front wheels were m;.ssi:ng also the steering,rod somewhat: bent, and t was near Morning before he govt on his way. The only accountable reason for the accident is that he eel- e::ted a very poor part of the road 'to fall asleep while driving a . ar — Mrs. Eli Bice is spendimg a few ,weeks with relvtives in Luvkmow.—Mr. 'V"m. Til - The fait wheat, wlrit,* has been bury has secured a poeition astrack sawn for some tmm, is turnsag yen- laborer oa the Ailsa; CrCragsection. with law, due to tine work of the 1dess:orb �'Tr. Andrew Lusk.—Mr. Andrew Fat - tan, has pur.ha'sed the Hotel from We regret to state; that Postmaseer Thos. Hennessey, and moved; in last Brown's health is vzry poor at pre;_ week.—'lir. Tilbury bought Mr, Pat-' eat, and he is obliged to remain in ton's place and has rented ,it to Me. the house under the doctor's cam:Wm. Wm. Gibson of Mooresville, who has Barney's many friends hope there will movel in.—The summer roan has been soon be a Change for the better. !laid off the section gang and they are Ezra Oestreicher wasa London on down to winter force again;,,—\ir. John business 4tonday;. 0 V'hite. pore has secuired a posytion, as Mr. and Mrs. Peck of London Vs- • re;ular track laborer 'on thissection,. iterl Nit. and 'Mrs. John Finkbeiner on Fie bad been in 'the employe of E Sunday I Uo. gson for three years,,—Miss \Ir, Jaaob Holtzmann and lira 0,4s- Bred 'Moore of Ingersoll has returned ter Mawhinney returned home on Fri.. home after spending a, week at the day even'ng from Brantford, excel -theme of Mrs. Geo, Lewis,—Mr. Perry soen,&.ng a few days at ^ the Prov_nr ` she has secured a po,s.tion, with Mr. tial Sunday School Convention, as del- Harold Hodgins has moved iota the Agates of the Evan,gelieal Sunday Jones cottage, now owned by 'if'r. seh,ol They gave eheir reports on Clu£f of London, His wife just ar- Sunday^ evening which proved very ,n r"reit from England last Monday. At er:sting end instructiele. ' p: es.nt all the 'vacant dwellings Laathe Harry Trick has return:d home, at- village are occupied, with the excep- ter sailing on the Great Lakes this cion of one,—Mr. Wm. Lewis hers past summer. He reports that quire, purchased the weigh scales formerly a number of the large freighters were owae;l by Ur. Wut, Hodgins now. of t',e,: up all season for lack of •nisi.-IStratla,roy, The scales are Situated on mess. Ho bought a Ford Sedan ut the G. T. R. yprds at this pn";,ntk—Tlae Whole r and drove it .here on Fri,' farmers of tks vactn,ity have not de - day. I eided to rebuild the elevator .here as Ctrs hwi.ker ,was operated on In yet, rhis large elevator and chopping \ .,•tar -t Hospital, London, on Friday mill was destroyed by fire Sept , llth and is doing its wen as ,'an be expect - of this year. it is a great drawback ea at present. to the farmers of this lo'caliltiy —Mr, The Women's Institute visited the Wes. Revington. and :VIr Carrot of ,literortdale Institute last week and Biddulph have bought out the butcher we -e royally entertained.: The Ladies' shop n Lucan, formerly ownrad ;by ot the local branch. ;ave .the program 'Mr. hardy and Brock. They also pur - Harry F. Either is putting in acts -'chased the Queen's Hotel from Mr tie scliaol and making otl r R. Atkinson and intend to r:mode.l t re, . ssary repairs to the building. • into a meat sales room. \ir. and Mrs. Jas. Hoist and \1r .aaurs 1 nZ,1I S aINIorlosik, have rt - VCi N SALE Irene after a, short visit with, fe IL\ a o a V ;;n:isor and 1)etroi4, t3F FAR\T, FARM STOCK AND eliss Loren,: Sambrook, who is at- ItiiPLE i>:NTS tending tlw Chatham Business College was home for a; few days last week.' Lot 8, Coq,12, Stephn en, o On Fri.lay evening the 'Trustee MONDAY, NO\,'EMBkR 14, 1923. Beard and memb •rs of the Methodist At 1 o'clock sharp, the following: Chun.% Chia:r met at ah hone of Mr florseri—\lar•' 7 year, old, in foal;, and 31rs. Sambrook to bad ,them fare horst, 6 years old; Lard. Gray mare,' well pr % ous to .hili departure for r•s»ng 4, in foal; driving horse, riving' 6; mare 12 year's old, driver. , Cattle—Cow due Mere It 6; cow due March 20; cow dun :May 6; heifer' Aurora where they. will reside in fu- ture, RA". Brook made a brief ad- dress in. which he referred to the val- ttel services rendered by. Mr. and Mr:, rising 3. due may ea; earaew oow, yearling steer, 2 spring ..alvei. Pigs and liens -7 pigs weighing 125 lbs. each, brood sow with litter at foot 100 hens "ambrool, and their family, not .only :n the ; hurch circles, but in the vill- age, and said the departure was much regr, tied. On behalf la the 'Trustee Board Frank Taylor presented them! 12 tons Stay; qua,neity straw to be with a beautiful parlor electric lamp fel on the place, and Vise 'Merle Clark on behalf of the, pr-sented Miss, Lorene with l Implements—McCormick binder, !Ie- Carmiek mower, 2 Massey--Harr•ls seed Idrills, Nixon et;ltivator, disc harrow, Perrin riding plow, set harrows, walk- , ing plow, rol:er, hay rake, pulper, hay fork and rope, new; hay reek, gravel s innate, lir. and ,firs. Sambrook left box, stock rack, set sleighs, 2 wag - far Aurora on. 'Wednesday accompan- 'e1 by the good wishes of ahoat of friends, On Thursday evening Prof. Ander- ton of James St, Methodist Church, Exeter, will organize a, singing class in the Evangelical Church. The idea is to telach all lovers of music losing and this is an oppoolttuntity which should not be turned down. Every- body who loves singing and who is anxious to learn !Of the art is invited to come, a parasol. T.he ra.:!pients spoke br.etly and thanked those pres- ent for their kind remembrances, and sad that they will bring back many -e'tel:ct:ons of their residence to tlria ons, top buggy, 2 Betters, set double 4arness, set single harness, fanning mill, extension ladder, wheelbarrow, forks, shovels, hoes, wh:llletrees, neck yokes, eha ns, and other articles too numerous to mention. There will also be offered for sale at the same time the ,above named. lot, being 100 acres. There are " 9 mires of wheat and 25 acres fall Plowing done, ,palance .in grain rand hay. There is on., the premyses frame house, 2 +barns, 'one on wall; . good well; well fenced and the land is in +► good state of cultivation. Potsscessien HIBBERT. given April lst. Terms—Farm, 10 ,per tent. on day of Oa Friday Mr. Johh Morris of this aaie, balance made knaw,n, on day of township passed away, after a short sale; chattels,—$10 ,and under, cash; illness of appendicitis, at the age of over that amount 12 months' aredyt about 60 years. The late Mr. Morris an furnishing approved joint notes. had been a councillor of the town- 5 per cent, per c,ehnt, ,per annum off ship for a number of years. His wife for cash. d'ed somas years ago, and Me. Moa•ris, Thos. Glavin, Frank Taylor, made his hose with his son}, He is Proprietor Auctioneer also survived by two brothers, Patrick and Thomas Morrie—The very sad news of the death of Mary McCann, wife of lir. James Murray, Cont;3, Hibbert, at London, was received with de :p regret. Bes=des her parents and her husband she leaves seven small children, to mourn their loss. 'iercw:— Farquhar Announcement CENTRALIA GETS NEW GRINDIING MILL Having purchased ad Up-to.-dape Grinding Outfit, and _being located at Centralia, an We building known as Mr. William -.Hyde, ,Mr' and 114rs: t Geo. Coward and fam ly 'visirted Suri day at Mr. T. Humkm's,—Mrs. James Ballantyne of Exeter viseted aver the 'week •end with her Sion, Mie Jas; Ball-, antyne.=Mr. ansI ,Mrs.' N,eiTe `iVIeG,11 and babe visited Sunday at Mr. Wm, - Wrighit's, Cromarty. -111r. :and Mrs. C rl.'uffin ,& Sons Clarence of Staffa, b7r .amid ,Mrs. Wm.. Hodgert and Mise' eLerma of Exeter, the Misses Millie and Reta Pollen, Mr. B. Avery of Mitchell, i and Mr. C. IC•estle of Exeter visited Sunday at Mr. Wm: Pa11an's, Mrs; Fred ,Parsons, Miss Ila. Whyee and Miss Jennie._ Passmore of Exeter vis;. .tel the week 'end at Mr„ T, HunkitlYs Tho'. Hodgert and Mr. William .Berry of Seaforth 'visited Sunday at ?.fir. A. Hadgetrt's.—Don't,: forget the Institute Meeting ,on Tuesday Nov.;'8 SCHOOL REPORT OF St. S. Nei etephen. for October,—Sr. 4., E,Par- he. Handford-Levery,,and Sales Estate an: • the LendOn sad, I wish to an,- nounce to the public that I will be one,.n for business on or about Nov. 1;51th'. I am plating at your disposal one. of thio best Grinding Plants on the *uarke't,.. l wily;1 e V•erY, gliad ttx serve, giiu prom;atly and courteously, guar- anteeing .satiefactdom{, . Capacity of rinill 30 bags ,per howl. A trial respectfully solicited, WM. J, ,SMITH, Proprietor •& Manager. sons 69, G. Knight 66, A.. Pre,szcator 66; Jr'. 4, &1. Jozy 78, M. Willis 69, S. Dearing 68 Sr,. rL E. Dearing -73 ,Jr, he: sister they ries., Wilson, and oth- 11 E.1Chrstae 81„ B, Sanders 76, M. er retaiti:3�st°�lur� the wee P�enlaale •• Ae, G. Pemhale ' 7b ek 74, G. Deairrng 69; Jr I L met slut*ei'fe9M61 it `1VLrsr. Gordon Wil W• Stanlake 67,, B., D • 'T'riebner 6,0. 'Iheestifte abitrs r,4f� ith(q M'saien Ciscle Jory 67; rrlmers,': son last Monday evening, and gave No• an a'oll 21,"2'veragesa49. h-er .a kitchen shower, after which .a Dorothy Kuntz, 'teacher, social evening was spent, f s Js>Qr.. ne, e a tools playa of • 'homes Sroc k ria+ Susndrmdge, Parry Sound, re- e.ently,,egr. Brock -had been till for sone tint e • He was an old resident of Usha ,ne, south of W'mhelsea,, He temp s..,�4gw id three sons, one t avh 'eo- g -, 'lives aft Hgnl;'ai Phu; brothers also survive—john of Centralia William, George and Frank Usho_ne, else one sister, Mrs; John Johu,,. �11, 1 olicc to Pubilo Having taken •over -the HARNESS BUSINESS OF MR,. P. FRAYNE, I desire to 'solicit' the, patronage of .his many old customers, and • also , .any anew � anus.:. HARNESS PAIRII , WILL RE- CE1VE OUR 'BEST AT.,TEN'TION Ia A' Clandeboye a vat for aiisng Mr. A J. Smith Earl Young, l,dward gimps an. and. os se N. tat1 ,1. r t ` i41e home aEt'f "ra l;irtg4itheeant the and West, They ,retoclrt goad craps all knds of work, -.—Miss Grlettta Bice has retfi,rrned Herne eta- spend- Mg a couple of months' iin, I).'e,trceee- '12r. Gordon FlYnne has accepted apo- : ;iron ori Landon, where he left Mon- day to commence..;;—A m.otarist on h•is, 1, SSy New Harness and Acceasoa es al �'w�uay/�s •on lawn '� TRUNKS, SUITCASES, CLUB BAGS RUGS, MITS SAND GLOVES .r� E. M. Quance A call solicited,. A Retunied Soldier's Gratitude Dovercourt, Alta.. ct T atm a returned soldier; and like many othershave had Kidney Trouble. Since taking Gin Pills, 1 have had no further trouble, and out of gratitude for what they have done for me I am sending this letter." (Signed) D. W. ADA•MsoN, OUR MIONEY BACK GUARANTEE. Anyone suffering from backache, headaches, rheumatism sciatica or any other sign of kidney or bladder derangement should take Gin Pills. Every box carries our guarantee of money back if they fait to give you relief. Sold everywhere soe. a box, 42a NAvomkr. Dat?ri & C1RI>'.atiCAI, Co. oz+ CA,IIADA, LIMZ' P, TORONTO Incorporated in 1855 ;CAPITAL RESERVE $9,000.000 Over 130 Branches THE MOLSONS A11T'K Buy Canadian Goods --and help to keep Canadian, workmen. busy, it will help you. Buy wisely and save as much as possible and deposit your savings in The Maisons Batik. Courteous Service to all. EXETER: BRANCH T. S. WOODS Manager, Centralia Branch open for business ,rally. Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Branch. THAMES ROAD SCHOOL Ri - PORT, S. S. No, 2,, Usborne, for the month of October, based on the week- ly examinations Sr. 4—C. I-lodg:rt. Jr. 4—R. Cottle, R. Turnbull, E. Cana7a- bell, A. Rhode. Sr. 3—C. Stewart, E. Allen Jr. 3—A, Cottle, S. CampbeL, R. Cottle: Sr. 2-1. Stewart, Jr, 2— T". Allen. Al'. Rohde, First—Lida Stewart. Sr, Prim: r—H. Johns, P. Mc., Nicol W. Stewart Jr. Printer, Rohde 1. Chdley.—F. A. Marquis, teacher. The Man of the Hour In this hour of Canada's most acute national crisis, the country's greatest need is leader- ship—not class leadership, not sectional leadership, but NATIONAL leadership. A pilot must be chosen possessing the neces- sary courage, foresight, breadth of vision and determination to lead the nation safely, out of the existing economic uncertainty. And one man stands out head and shoulders above all others as pre-eminently fitted for the task. Bort "on a farm near St. Mary's, Ontario, Arthur. Meighen is a true son of the people, a toiler who has fought his way to eminence by sheer ability, Arid force of intellect. Entered Parlament in 1808; appointed Solicitor -General in 1914; Min inter of the Interior in 1917, and Prime Minister, in 1920. At the Imperial ciAgiehie he 'was "acclaimed by the Press of Great Britain as a great statesman, as, a strong, virile, vigorous personality—alert in mind, keen and far-seeing in judgment, and with a fearless determination to stand for the right. Professor A. D. Skelton, of Queen's University, and biographer of Sir Wilfrid Laurier, wrote of the present Prime Minister c —"He has already given proof of high administrative capacity. His personal integrity is beyond question." Of himself, Arti i,Meighen said tocon hi ti s s tuents the other day "You know where I stood on, this issue in 1908, in 1911,and in as 1911 � stand to -day." A Real Force A Real Leader J141'4°3 alliMilMOONNOMMIMSMINENIMI The National Liberal and: Conservative Party Publicity Committee ta