HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-05-25, Page 6PAG 6—GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1978 Disappointed Dear Editor: This letter is being written to express our disap- pointment at the way a small (in comparison to some very long, long letters to the editor, etc.) article was edited or cut to the point where in our •estimation it barely made sense. We have enclosed the original and the finished product. The Bahai community in Goderich advertises on a very regular -basis in the Signal - Star and rarely submits an article for publication and in view of the paper's request for news items it was very discouraging to see what happened to this one. We read endless articles, editorials etc. on what other groups, religious and otherwise are. doing in this town and some of them are not all that earth -shaking. However, we do feel that what space is given to one should also be accorded another. Mankind's survivaldoes depend on the children of the future being able to think globally, to foster global co- operation, to care enough about the peoples of the world that they will share the resources ofthe globe. The Bahai representatives to the United Nations have played a strong role in developing the material for the "Year of the Child" and it should have been accorded a little more importance. If you have any suggestions on how this could be avoided in the future we would like to hear from you. Yours sincerely, The Spiritual Assembly of the Bahai's of Goderich Open letter Dear Editor: I am enclosing a copy of a letter received from National Health and Welfare which might be of interest to your subscribers. Yours sincerely, DEAR EDITOR R,E. McKinley, M.P. Huron -Middlesex Dear Mr. McKinley: The Canada Health Survey, which has been developed by my department and Statistics Canada, will begin operations in your constituency on June 12, As you may know, the purpose of the Canada Health Survey is to meet demands for better information .on the health of Canadians. This information will cover matters such as functional ability, use of health facilities and various personal characteristics affecting health. The data collected through the survey will be invaluable for planning and assessing ,programs in the health field. Approximately 12,000 households across Canada, or 38,000 people, will he asked to participate in the survey every year. Participants will he asked to answer questions on their health status, to fill out a questionnaire on aspects of their lifestyle and to undergo certain physical measurements which will. •be taken by a registered nurse. The measurements consist of height, weight, skinfold and blood pressure. Some par- ticipants will also be asked to perform a physical fitness test arid to give a blood sample. Of course, all the in= formation obtained' will be held in strictest confidence and will only be used for statistical purposes. Each respondent is free to choose whether or not to participate in the survey. I hope .the information contained in this letter will be useful to you, should any of your constituents have any questions. Yours truly, Monique Begin Minister of National Health and Welfare • Petition near Dear Editor, First of all I should like verify that I am neither a Policeman's wife nor have 1 any relatives employed by the Police Force but merely a citizen concerned about the future and present state of my country. I am referring to an article published in the Kitchener- Waterlo.o Record April 26, 1,978 regarding the Rein- statement of Capital Punish- ment as debated on April 25, 1978 at Eastwood Collegiate, Kitchener, Ontario. The article starts out with a very questionable statement. True there was mention at the meeting of the possibility of a "Stacked Deck" but it needn't have been so. As a committee member I was made aware of this meeting and was asked to attend. From the time I was informed of this meeting I also made others aware and requested their presence to enable them to view their unbiased opinions which in most cases were negative regarding the Reinstatement of Capital Punishment. While at.this meeting I searched the. small crowd. of people for these particular people who were nowhere to, be seen. If these people who now feel the "deck was stacked" had attended perhaps it would have made a more two sided debate. Instead they now sit back and complain after the debate is over: These people are what make up our somewhat sad and apathetic society and I find it somewhat appalling. When asked why they chose not to attend this meeting to which they felt they had so much to offer I was told such answers as "I wasn't in- vited". Well really I don't think anyone there was issued a personal invitation but they were made aware and because they cared they attended. There were a few people there who expressed their negative views and I really wished there had been more time to fully take 'their statements and enlarge upon to them. I thyself would like to F see more debates regarding capital punishment. However, if the attendance at this meeting reflected the apathetic attitude of the public then more meetings would only be a mere waste of time for those who had worked so hard to plan them. I think the effort put forth regarding the future petition displays the seriousness which some people feel regarding their lives and if others value their lives perhaps they should take tinie now to stand up and be counted and get INVOLVED. Don't just, sign your name or refuse to until you are really aware of the topic. After being approached on an adult level I would hope an adult attitude is what these petitioners can expect in return. I think the question raised at the debate regar- ding how much we view a human life was quite ap- propriate. However, I think society today must also view their own lives as well. I am speaking as an in- dividual who used to hold a night job from 11:00 p.m.. to 7:00 a.m. dealing with the public and handling sums of money. I was nota policeman doing my act of duty whom some people feel are being paid to fear their Ifves but a Sales Hostess who also feared for her own life. There were occasions when people would jokingly (I assumed) ask what would I ,do if they were to come in with a gun and ask me to hand over the money. At first I didn't realize the seriousness of -the situationbut when I had time to think things over I found I valued my own life too highly to just stand there and be shot for a few lousy dollars. If I valued my life this much why should the life of my "killer" be greater and allow him the right to do "it" again. After all I didn't want to die so what right does a murderer have to choose that because he didn'•t want me to live therefore I should die? Upon discussing this topic of Capital Punishment with others they try to tell me that they are leery allowing the Reinstatement of Capital Punishment which they feel allows "too much power" to certain people regarding human lives. Can they possibly be so naive not to stop and think how much power they are allowing these so called "killers"? THE RIGHT TO DO IT AGAIN! ! ! If this is the attitude society has chosen to defend then we shall be forced to fear life. Is this really the way God had intended? Premeditated murder is defined as being planned. Therefore is the argument Insanity really substantial. Surely a person who has the mind: to commit this type of crime whereby the act has been planned is fully aware of the action's which he has done and surely we should regard such a plea as a mere excuse. Are excuses to be allowed for the mere non-existence of a human life?? Should ane innocent person be found dead, "JUST BECAUSE"? If society is geared to this type of thinking I fear the murderers why not then the amount of 'justice and people who create jobs which protection we can count upon in fact endanger and in some in order that we may walk our,. -eases kill a human life. streets feeling confident with Perhaps some•might feel that our lives. not this is indeed a murder. I am concerned with a However, I feel that these are in fact accidental killings and in a lot of cases safer safety measures could probably have omitted many of these such killings. How do we enforce safer safety measures fdr the life of a policeman? He is_ the one person who has chosen to protect the innocent. Their main concern being justice and protection to the public: Is it really fair The Kink, played by Yvonne S innett, begs for the return of his hair after & band of gypsies stole the wig in a scene from The White Gypsy, an operetta performed Thursday and Friday evening by the students of St. Joseph's Separate School in Kingsbridge, The Kink was joined by two spies Jackie Van Osch and Cathy Chisholm, in a plot to dethrone the King. (photo by Jeff Seddon) die. When convicted of 1st degree murder a person is given a chance to prove.their innocence. The evidence to convict these people is such that warrants them to be arrested in the first place and surely a carefully selected chosen jury of people are adult enough to take into consideration all evidence before they decide whether this person has actually committed the alleged crime. After all they too are human. And thus, the argument that if we believe in killing lot of statistics which although proved to be im- pressive also were statistics from the past. • Society changes with progress • and todays increasing crimes are committed due - to today's stress and way of living and punishment for such crimes should be based upon today: methods. With the rein- statement of Capital Punish- ment I am not asking that the convicted person be hung. , and just to take away the right to enforce this justice and protection they are trying to provide to make this a better and safe place in which our children will grow up and live in? niore humane. Really when you stop to As you can see I'm not for think about it the people who violence but justicefor a believe in Capital . Punish - crime committed. I don't ment are . only, thinking think it is up to an individual seriously about the future and to decide themselves who has can not help but find that they the right to live and who shall really are concerned about Using today's methods animals are put away with a needle. Perhaps it is not as violent as being killed by brutal force but nonetheless I feel it suits the crime ,and is ANK GUS innocent children and human lives Patricia A. Habel --A Committee member to reinstate Capital Punishment. 812 King St. West, Apt. 309, Kitcl,e,ner, Ont. Editor's Note: ,. The committee of which Ms. Habel is a member, will be circulating a petition in this area. The foregoing letter is to acquaint this community with the facts as the corn- mittee sees them. 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